

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 422

Dec 15, 2018

Meet the People Trying to Live Long Enough to Live Forever

Posted by in categories: life extension, media & arts

For the most serious devotees, immortality-seeking is a full-time commitment to keeping abreast of the latest innovations—they speak of these “modalities” with the same reverence a Christian would of a blessing. A $250 billion industry of antiaging products and services is there for the collection—and many of their offerings are for sale at RAADfest.

Ivan Apers, center, surrounded by participants in the RAAD Challenge, a yearlong health and fitness regimen culminating at RAADfest. Members showed off their results with a choreographed workout set to music.

This story appears in VICE Magazine’s Burnout and Escapism Issue. Click HERE to subscribe.

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Dec 14, 2018

An Anti-Aging Vaccine?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Researchers from the Rutgers New Jersey Medical School are attempting to defy and reverse the biological aging process by developing a therapeutic vaccine that would bolster the essential repair and regeneration processes of cells.

This is potentially important research since the current life expectancy at birth is around 78.8 years in the USA.

In the United States, about 46 million people are above the age of 65. This number is expected to double by 2060, therefore increasing age-related health issues, reports

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Dec 14, 2018

Association of Assisted Reproductive Technologies With Arterial Hypertension During Adolescence

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension, sex

There’s a positive correlation of assisted reproductive technologies with arterial hypertension. Epigenetics and hormone treatments with IVF are probable causes.

Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have been shown to induce premature vascular aging in apparently healthy children. In mice, ART-induced premature vascular aging evolves into arterial hypertension. Given the young age of the human ART group, long-term sequelae of ART-induced alterations of the cardiovascular phenotype are unknown.

This study hypothesized that vascular alterations persist in adolescents and young adults conceived by ART and that arterial hypertension possibly represents the first detectable clinically relevant endpoint in this group.

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Dec 14, 2018

Silicon Valley’s quest for immortality – and its worrying sacrifices

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, computing, life extension, neuroscience

Whether we will ever find a way to overcome the physiological trade offs that hold back immortality, or whether we will really be able to replicate human consciousness in a computer are questions too difficult for us yet to answer. But are those leading the charge against death at least inspiring us to lead healthy lives, or are they simply rallying against an inevitable fate?

Long read: How nature is fighting our attempts to use biohacking to live forever.

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Dec 13, 2018

Aubrey de Grey – Clinical Trials in Five Years

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cryonics, government, life extension

In November, Dr. Aubrey de Grey, a graduate of the University of Cambridge, was in Spain to attend the Longevity World Forum in the city of Valencia, and he gave a press conference organized by his friend, MIT engineer José Luis Cordeiro.

Dr. Aubrey de Grey is the scientific director (CSO) and founder of the SENS Research Foundation. In Madrid and Valencia, Dr. de Grey reaffirmed for Tendencias21 one of his most striking statements of 2018: “In the future, there will be many different medicines to reverse aging. In five years, we will have many of them working in early clinical trials.”

The Longevity World Forum is a congress on longevity and genomics in Europe. It is heir to the first congress in Spain, the International Longevity and Cryopreservation Summit, which was held at the CSIC headquarters in Madrid in May 2017, and Dr. de Grey also participated in that event. In Valencia, his presentation was recieved with interest, and Dr. de Grey explained to this select audience that aging will be treated as a medical problem in the near future. Rather than treating its symptoms using the infectious disease model, the root causes of aging will themselves be treated.

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Dec 12, 2018

How would you like a vaccine against the effects of aging?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

How would you like to take one injection that has multiple genes that improve cellular repair and regeneration, keeping your cells younger and healthier longer? Today, BioViva and Rutgers University are embarking on an ambitious research project to do just that; we are tackling humanities greatest foe — suffering and death due to aging.

Read the press release here:

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Dec 12, 2018

An Interview with Reason – Near-Term Life Extension Therapies

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

Today, we present an interview with Reason, the editor of Fight Aging! and co-founder of Repair Biotechnologies. We asked him about the state of rejuvenative therapies, some of which may be available in the near future.

Fight Aging! was the first blog that tackled the science of aging in a serious fashion. Many people still treat it as the go-to site for high-quality information and opinion on the rapidly growing field of biogerontology.

Reason (he goes by only his first name), the brain behind the Fight Aging! blog, has been involved in one way or another with anti-aging science for almost two decades as a writer, researcher, and investor. His new company, Repair Biotechnologies, is focused mainly on halting thymic atrophy and atherosclerosis, which causes about 20 percent of all human deaths.

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Dec 12, 2018

Happy to announce Dr. Manuel Serrano from the Institute for Research in Biomedicine (IRB) in Barcelona as a speaker for the 2019 Undoing Aging Conference

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

“Manuel has been a world-leading researcher in cell senescence for decades, and participated in various of our conferences starting many years ago. His latest breakthrough, which he will discuss in Berlin, is one of those head-slappingly brilliant concepts that I encounter at most once per year, combining a couple of long-established ideas in a completely novel way that potentially delivers far more than the sum of the parts. I won’t spoil the surprise here!” says Aubrey de Grey.…aging-2019

#undoingaging #sens #foreverhealthy

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Dec 11, 2018

Understanding Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is an intermediate stage between the expected cognitive decline of normal aging and the more-serious decline of dementia. It can involve problems with memory, language, thinking, and judgment that are greater than normal age-related changes.

If you have mild cognitive impairment, you may be aware that your memory or mental function has “slipped.” Your family and close friends also may notice a change. But generally these changes aren’t severe enough to significantly interfere with your day-to-day life and usual activities.

Mild cognitive impairment may increase your risk of later progressing to dementia, caused by Alzheimer’s disease or other neurological conditions. But some people with mild cognitive impairment never get worse, and a few eventually get better.

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Dec 11, 2018

The Top 8 Things to Know About Anti-Aging Research Right Now

Posted by in category: life extension

“The prospect of intervening in a profound way in human aging is still not seen as credible by the vast majority of thoughtful people around the world,”

Here’s the Inside Scoop from an Icon in the Longevity Field.

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