

Archive for the ‘science’ category

Jul 16, 2024

Why Humanity Needs Science, not Religion | Carl Sagan

Posted by in categories: cosmology, science

Discover Sagan’s unique blend of scientific curiosity and philosophical introspection, as he seamlessly navigates the realms of cosmology and the human condition.

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Jul 11, 2024

$457M from National Science Foundation to help establish new computing center at UT focused on AI

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, science, supercomputing

Tons of money have been set aside to build a new AI supercomputer lab here.

Jul 9, 2024

One of the greatest mysteries of science could be one step closer to being solved

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics, quantum physics, science

Around 80% of the universe’s matter is dark, meaning it is invisible. Despite being imperceptible, dark matter constantly streams through us at a rate of trillions of particles per second. We know it exists due to its gravitational effects, yet direct detection has remained elusive.

Researchers from Lancaster University, the University of Oxford, and Royal Holloway, University of London, are leveraging cutting-edge quantum technologies to build the most sensitive dark matter detectors to date. Their project, titled “A Quantum View of the Invisible Universe,” is featured at the Royal Society’s Summer Science Exhibition. Related research is also published in the Journal of Low Temperature Physics

The team includes Dr. Michael Thompson, Professor Edward Laird, Dr. Dmitry Zmeev, and Dr. Samuli Autti from Lancaster, Professor Jocelyn Monroe from Oxford, and Professor Andrew Casey from RHUL.

Jul 9, 2024

How AI Revolutionized Protein Science, but Didn’t End It

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, science

Three years ago, Google’s AlphaFold pulled off the biggest artificial intelligence breakthrough in science to date, accelerating molecular research and kindling deep questions about why we do science.

Jul 6, 2024

Sound Science: How Phononic Crystals are Shaping Quantum Computing

Posted by in categories: computing, genetics, information science, mobile phones, nanotechnology, quantum physics, science

Researchers have developed a genetic algorithm for designing phononic crystal nanostructures, significantly advancing quantum computing and communications.

The new method, validated through experiments, allows precise control of acoustic wave propagation, promising improvements in devices like smartphones and quantum computers.

Quantum Computing Revolution

Jul 5, 2024

Researchers pioneer new methods in ultrafast science for sharper molecular movies

Posted by in categories: chemistry, science

Imagine being able to watch the inner workings of a chemical reaction or a material as it changes and reacts to its environment—that’s the sort of thing researchers can do with a high-speed “electron camera” called the Megaelectronvolt Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (MeV-UED) instrument at the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) at the U.S. Department of Energy’s SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

Now, in two new studies, researchers from SLAC, Stanford and other institutions have figured out how to capture those tiny, ultrafast details with more accuracy and efficiency.

In the first study, recently published in Structural Dynamics, one team invented a technique to improve for the electron camera.

Jul 5, 2024

Exploring AI, Cognitive Science, and Ethics | Deep Interview with Jay Friedenberg

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, ethics, finance, robotics/AI, science, singularity

In this thought-provoking lecture, Prof. Jay Friedenberg from Manhattan College delves into the intricate interplay between cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and ethics. With nearly 30 years of teaching experience, Prof. Friedenberg discusses how visual perception research informs AI design, the implications of brain-machine interfaces, the role of creativity in both humans and AI, and the necessity for ethical considerations as technology evolves. He emphasizes the importance of human agency in shaping our technological future and explores the concept of universal values that could guide the development of AGI for the betterment of society.

00:00 Introduction to Jay Friedenberg.
01:02 Connecting Cognitive Science and AI
02:36 Human Augmentation and Technology.
03:50 Brain-Machine Interfaces.
05:43 Balancing Optimism and Caution in AI
07:52 Free Will vs Determinism.
12:34 Creativity in Humans and Machines.
16:45 Ethics and Value Alignment in AI
20:09 Conclusion and Future Work.

Continue reading “Exploring AI, Cognitive Science, and Ethics | Deep Interview with Jay Friedenberg” »

Jul 4, 2024

Vivid snake species with blue lips and yellow eyes is new to science

Posted by in category: science

A grass-green snake from Vietnam with yellow eyes, blue lips and a brick-red tail has been identified as a distinct species.

By Penny Sarchet

Jul 2, 2024

Nanotechnology: Understanding the Tiny Science Shaping Our Future

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, nanotechnology, science

Discover the fascinating world of nanotechnology and its impact on our lives. Learn about the science on a tiny scale and how it revolutionizes medicine, electronics, and everyday products.

Jun 29, 2024

Free ride without raising a thumb: A citizen science project reveals the pattern of active ant hitchhiking on vehicles and its ecological implications

Posted by in categories: science, transportation

Second, ants need to climb or hold onto the vehicle after locating it. The metallic paint on the vehicle surface is slippery and may potentially select for species with good climbing/gripping abilities. The climbing and moving performance of ants is determined by the morphological characteristics of leg segments (Beutel et al., 2020). Arboreal ants have hooked pretarsal claws, well-developed adhesive pads and fine tarsal hairs, allowing them to walk on smooth vertical substrates. Ground-dwelling ants, on the contrary, are less capable of moving on smooth surfaces such as vehicle paint because of their straight pretarsal claws and the lack of adhesive pads and tarsal hairs (Orivel et al., 2001).

Third, the temperature on the surface and in the interior of the vehicle can increase dramatically when exposed to sunlight, especially in the summer, indicating the thermal tolerance of hitchhiking species may play an important role in determining their colonisation success (Nixon et al., 2019). Arboreal ants are generally more heat-and drought-tolerant than ground-dwelling ants are (Hood & Tschinkel, 1990 ; Leahy et al., 2022), which could potentially translate into a higher probability of successful establishment at the destination due to better survival chance with high temperatures on or in the vehicle.

It is likely that ant hitchhiking events would be much more common than what has been reported through our Facebook group. We suspect that whether vehicle owners are aware of the Facebook group and/or vehicle owners are willing to report their observations to our Facebook group would play a critical role in the number of incidents we received for this citizen science project. Nonetheless, we were able to record at least 52 hitchhiking cases with complete information over a 7-year period. Despite a relatively small dataset, the estimated sampling completeness was appropriate (Figure S3). To our knowledge, this is the first report profiling active ant hitchhiking on vehicles via citizen science efforts, highlighting the importance of establishing a predictive framework for forecasting future hitchhikers based on behavioural, morphological, physiological and ecological traits of ant species. Such a framework will help facilitate the development of effective management strategies for mitigating ant invasions via active hitchhiking on vehicles.

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