How long until alien life reaches us? If an extraterrestrial life form was travelling to the solar system, how long would it take for it to reach us?
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Thirty years after the discovery of the first exoplanet, astronomers have detected more than 7,000 of them in our galaxy. But there are still billions more to be discovered. At the same time, exoplanetologists have begun to take an interest in their characteristics, with the aim of finding life elsewhere in the universe. This is the background to the discovery of super-Earth HD 20,794D by an international team including the University of Geneva (UNIGE) and the NCCR PlanetS.
The new planet lies in an eccentric orbit, so that it oscillates in and out of its star’s habitable zone. This discovery is the fruit of 20 years of observations using the best telescopes in the world. The results are published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.
The OS axiom posits that reality operates like a computational construct. Think of it as an evolving cosmic master algorithm—a fractal code that is both our origin and our ultimate destiny. This axiom doesn’t diminish the beauty or mystery of existence; on the contrary, it elevates it. When we think of the universe as a computation, we realize that the laws of physics, the flow of time, and even the emergence of consciousness are not random accidents but inevitable outcomes of this higher-order system.
This concept naturally leads us to the Omega Singularity, a term I use to describe the ultimate point of universal complexity and consciousness. Inspired by Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s Omega Point, this cosmological singularity is where all timelines of evolution, computation, and consciousness converge into a state of absolute unity—a state where the boundaries between the observer and the observed dissolve entirely. In The Omega Singularity, I elaborate on how this transcendent endpoint represents not just the culmination of physical reality but the quintessence of the “Universal Mind” capable of creating infinite simulations, much like we create virtual worlds today.
But let’s take a step back. How does this all relate to the OS axiom? If the universe is computational, it means that all processes—be they physical, biological, or cognitive—are governed by fundamental rules, much like a computer program. From the fractal geometry of snowflakes to the self-organizing principles of life and intelligence, we see the OS postulate at work everywhere. The question then becomes: Who or what wrote the code? Here, we enter the realm of metaphysics and theology, as explored in Theogenesis and The Syntellect Hypothesis. Could it be that we, as conscious agents, are co-authors of this universal script, operating within the nested layers of the Omega-God itself?
A new interview with Dr. Abraham “Avi” Loeb from Harvard and update on the subject of Oumuamua, the Fermi Paradox, interstellar objects. Life around red dwarf stars, solar flares, and the search for intelligent alien civilizations. This is part two of a two part interview with Dr. Loeb. Have Aliens Found Us? A Harvard Astronomer on the Mysterious Interstellar Object ‘Oumuamua :… Strange Facts about the Interstellar Visitor Oumuamua: “COULD SOLAR RADIATION PRESSURE EXPLAIN ‘OUMUAMUA’S PECULIAR ACCELERATION?”, Bialy and Loeb, 2018 Is Oumuamua A Light Saul? Featuring Dr. Avi Loeb: • Is ‘Oumuamua a Light Sail? Featuring… Why The Universe May Be Full Of Alien Civilizations Featuring Dr. Avi Loeb: • Why The Universe May Be Full Of Alien… Website: You can now support us on Patreon! / eventhorizonshow Follow us on Twitter! / jmgeventhorizon Follow us on Instagram! / jmgeventhorizon.
We often speculate that the reason we can’t hear aliens civilizations is because our SETI efforts (the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) relies on radio and telescopes to weak to hear them. But how plausible is that? and what would it tell us about our own future?
The Zoo Hypothesis is a Fermi Paradox solution that assumes extraterrestrial civilizations can’t be detected by our SETI efforts because they keep our whole world in an Alien Zoo.
Does humanity face a bright future? What will it be like? We ask these questions in a discussion with Isaac Arthur host of Science and Futurism with Isaac Arthur. Other topics include, uplifting of intelligent species like Dolphins, Chimpanzees, and locked in water world aliens on exoplanets. As well as blackhole farming and if alien civilizations will decide to come together when the lights go out.
Envisioning Our Future with Isaac Arthur: • Envisioning Our Future with Isaac Arthur.
Science and Futurism with Isaac Arthur channel: / @isaacarthursfia.
You can now support us on Patreon! / eventhorizonshow.
In the scientific realism vs instrumentalism debate, realism is the position that the elements of a scientific theory represent reality. So when general relativity talks about space warping, space really is warping. Instrumentalism, or anti-realism, is the stance that scientific theories are just prediction mechanisms, with no guarantee that they represent reality. Under instrumentalism, general relativity accurately predicts our observations as though space were warping, but whether it actually does or not can’t be determined.
Scientists, by and large, tend to be realists. It’s hard to find motivation to do the often boring and sometimes dangerous work involved in gathering scientific data, to dedicate years of your life to it, unless you see yourself in pursuit of truth. But as I noted in our last discussion on this, scientists tend to be realist about some theories and instrumentalist about others (although which is which depends on the scientist).
The argument in favor of instrumentalism is theory change. Many historical theories have been successful at making predictions, but eventually end up being replaced by a better theory, often with a radically different view of reality. The example I usually cite is Ptolemy’s model of the universe. For centuries it more or less accurately predicted naked eye astronomical observations, but we now know its model of a stationary Earth, with everything else in the universe revolving around it, is wrong. It eventually gave way to a Newtonian view of the universe, which in turn later had to give way to an Einsteinian view.