- The Next Breakthrough in Computer Control: Plant-Fondling
- The U.S. Spy Hub in the Heart of Australia
- Beginning on September 26 Photo
- How to Hack a Face: From Facial Recognition to Facial Recreation
- Institute for Soldier Nanotechnologies
- Finally, a Real-Life Memory-Erasing Technique for Humans
- NSA Whistleblower — Karen Melton-Stewart
- Half Rabbit Half Chicken Chimera. Another Advance Is The Existence
- Mass Surveillance: 1 in 2 Americans Are Already In A Government Facial Recognition Database
- Multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome and porphyria. A note of caution and concern
- Havana Syndrome, Part 2: How a dog’s brain may help solve the mystery of Canadian diplomats’ Cuban nightmare
- Echoless light could help send signals through walls and skin
- MIT Creates Lasers That Whisper in Your Ear
- Yhtomit Teluob to Punk Rock Libertarians
- The MKULTRA subproject on “Human Telecontrol” “Techniques for Activating the Human Organism by Remote Electronic Means
- “The microwave auditory effect, also known as the microwave hearing effect or the Frey effect, consists of the human perception of audible clicks, or even speech, induced by pulsed or modulated radio frequencies.” “What if something came in through the window? Hmm.” “You mean, like, a directed energy attack? Like what hit our embassy in Cuba and in China.” “Well, the symptoms fit.” “At first they thought it was a sonic attack.” “Now they’re thinking it was microwaves” Yes, the microwave weapon is eventually seen
- Pete Ramon added a new photo
- A technique called Hybrid 3D Printing
- POSGlobal.com: Panasonic JS970WP0118OS3
- Cell-Site Simulators/IMSI Catchers
- The Most Important Video You Will Ever Watch!!! ~ SHARE! ~ Silence is NO LONGER AN OPTION
- Electronic Harassment Must Stop
- A huge asteroid flew very close to Earth last week. How did we miss it?
- The past Porton Down can’t hide
- Panic Attacks and Anxiety Episodes Linked to Vitamin Deficiencies in Groundbreaking Study
- Man with brain implant on Musk’s Neuralink: “I would play video games”
- TEMPEST: To prescribe policies, procedures, and responsibilities for the Department of the Army (DA) to evaluate and control compromising emanations (TEMPEST)
- Electronic Harassment Must Stop
- Team efficient microchip
- New Remote Charging Tech Could Start Powering Up Your Phone as Soon as You Walk Into a Room
- Deciphering the Mystery of Vile Vortices
- Scientists Bring A Severed Brain Back To Life, Sparking Ethical Debate
- In genetics and developmental biology
- Richard Christophr Saragoza Photo 2
- Human bioacoustic biology: Acoustically anomalous vocal patterns used to detect biometric expressions relating to structural integrity and states of health
- Zooming on the Orion Nebula
- New Sims Simulations
- Researching Human Enhancement: Life of Cyborgs
- The Physicist Page
- This scan of a normal human subject was acquired using a first-of-its-kind MRI scanner that’s 10 times higher in speed and resolution than conventional systems
- Non-Linear Junction Detectors (NLJDs)
- EX VIVO LUNG: Transplant surgeons at Toronto General Hospital make medical history
- HITACHI GLOBAL : News Release : Hitachi Develops a New RFID with Embedded Antenna MU-Chip
- These LED smart lights are tracking your moves
- How Bacteria Could Generate Radio waves
- When I see “Storm area 51” I see this
- Ex Vivo Optogenetic Dissection of Fear Circuits in Brain Slices
- Blurring the Lines Between In Vivo Anatomical and Molecular Imaging
- This experimental machine keeps lungs alive outside of the body
- Quantum Dot-Based Designed Nanoprobe for Imaging Lipid Droplet
- H.R.2977 — Space Preservation Act of 2001 Goes on to explain what they cannot do in space pertaining to space wars
- Welcome to Experiments that Time has Forgotten!
- The biological computer is an implantable device that is mainly used for tasks like monitoring the body’s activities or inducing therapeutic effects
- Brain-eating amoeba found in Louisiana drinking water again
- Allen Brain Explorer
- Effect of the Energy of Consciousness (The Trivedi Effect®) on Withania somnifera Root Extract Using Gas Chromatography – Mass Spectrometry and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy
- Release of the Second Neuro-Functionalized Computational Anatomical Model
- Robert Edward Grant Photo
- Vital-Radio: Smart Homes that Monitor Breathing and Heart Rate
- Novel sensor enables remote biometric-data acquisition
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Laser Interferometry and Gravitational Wave Astronomy
- If you can pick up an electromagnetic phone call, if you can get an EEG, you can apply the same science to all electromagnetic waves, EVERY ELECTRON IN THE UNIVERSE THAT’S IN MOTION CREATES AN ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVE
- How quantum brain biology can rescue conscious free will
- Neuroimaging Of Brain Shows Who Spoke To A Person And What Was Said
- By turning molecular structures into sounds, researchers gain insight into protein structures and create new variations
- Mapping the mind with nanotechnology
- Scientists create “artificial life” — synthetic DNA that can self-replicate
- Balanced single-pixel camera with noiselet sampling
- During the series of tests at the High Energy Laser System Test Facility at White Sands Missile Range
- Syringe-Injectable Electronics with a Plug-and-Play Input/Output Interface
- Home: Innovating an extraordinary future
- NIST Reveals 26 Algorithms Advancing to the Post-Quantum Crypto ‘Semifinals’
- 11 Terms Used by Spies
- The Rise of a New Generation of AI Avatars
- Air Force Wants Neuroweapons to Overwhelm Enemy Minds
- Matt Landman Photo
- Photo 8
- RFID killer
- Turn your RFID credit card into an RFID ring!
- Drug maker halts production of antibiotic Levaquin with reported side effects but risk remains
- Meet the new 6-legged cause of infection, allergy, and life-threatening disease
- Cymascope, Cymatics, Apps, Music, Art
- In traditional Chinese culture Photo
- Body-Dust.pdf
- Microchips at Wisconsin firm part of growing augmented reality trend
- The Baron Trump 3 In 1 Collection: The Last President (Or 1900), Travels And Adventures Of Little Baron Trump, Baron Trumps Marvellous Underground Journey
- Liquid body armor tested in Poland
- How to make a Stable Plasmoid ( Ball Lightning ) with the GMR ( Graphite Microwave Resonator )
- Would you like to be able to shoot laser beams out of your eyeballs like Superman?
- Nano-Tech in Mcdonald’s Fake So-Called All White Meat Chicken Nuggets
- The NSA Is Building An Artificial Intelligence System That Can Read Minds
- Freedom From Mental Slavery Photo
- Environmental_Impact_Analysis_HAARP.pdf
- Conscious Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans Using Non-Invasive Technologies
- ‘Mind-Reading’ AI Turns Thoughts Into Spoken Words
- Helaman Ferguson, Sculptor
- 22 thoughts on “Sonoluminescence”
- First-ever noninvasive mind-controlled robotic arm
- Going Nuclear Over the Pacific
- Systems Chemistry: Steps Towards De-Novo Life | Projects | H2020
- FOIA ord search: Psychotronic
- Microbes Help Produce Serotonin in Gut
- Navy Patents Sound Weapon
- AMI 750
- Spinach power for solar cells
- Conjugating Carboxylic Acid Functionalized Gold Nanoparticles
- Man vs. Machine: IBM’s Supercomputer Wins Debate Against Humans
- Extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields cause DNA strand breaks in normal cells
- DNA: nanopore sequencing
- Biometric Identifiers
- Map your genome at home with a cell-phone sized human DNA sequencer
- Genetic Brain-Mapping of Autism Photo
- DNA as an Electromagnetic Fractal Cavity Resonator: Its Universal Sensing and Fractal Antenna Behavior
- Bioinformation Within the Biofield: Beyond Bioelectromagnetics
- Introducing Bio Well Camera GDV Camera GDV BIO Well Camera GDV
- Biofield Science: Current Physics Perspectives
- Science fiction and folk medicine inspire novel wound dressings
- Optics / Photonics Information
- Control of Life: Pictures From a Medical Revolution, 1965
- The Mad Gasser of Mattoon, Illinois
- Wireless devices go battery-free with new communication technique
- Artificial Wombs: What’s Really Needed
- Technology Platform
- All fields of the standard model and gravity are unified as an E8 principal bundle connection
- High Resolution SLA and SLS 3D Printers for Professionals
- Telomerase Inhibitor IX | CAS 368449−04−1
- Software Is Called Capable of Copying Any Human Voice
- IceCube Neutrino Observatory
- The Micius satellite traces a green line across the sky as it communicates via laser with a ground station in north China in this long-exposure photo
- 18mml011_dna-barcode-illustration-horizontal-2mb.jpg
- Forensic Database Biology Table
- Top NIST Images of 2018
- NIST Builds Statistical Foundation for Next-Generation Forensic DNA Profiling
- Communicating Via the Microwave Auditory Effect
- Demo abstract: A radio tomographic system for real-time multiple people tracking
- This directory contains the Dec. 2013 (GRCh38/hg38) assembly of the human genome (hg38, GRCh38 Genome Reference Consortium Human Reference 38 (GCA_000001405.2)), as well as repeat annotations and GenBank sequences
- The Emerging World of Touchless Biosensors
- Human Cell Atlas
- This directory contains the Sierra Leone 2014 (G3683/KM034562.1/eboVir3)
- KickSat: Our goal is to dramatically lower the cost of spaceflight, making it easy enough and affordable enough for anyone to explore space
- Artificial life (often abbreviated ALife or A-Life) is a field of study wherein researchers examine systems related to natural life
- Mirror-image enzyme copies looking-glass DNA
- Richard Christophr Saragoza Photo
- Berkeley lab builds world record tabletop-size particle accelerator
- Particle accelerator on a microchip
- Photonic Sentry
- Breakthrough photonic processor promises quantum computing leap
- Linking Chips With Light
- Fault-tolerant detection of a quantum error
- The Quatron Transistor
- Carbon nanotubes found in children’s lungs for the first time