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The Methuselah Foundation is a non-profit medical charity focused on extending the healthy human lifespan by making 90 the new 50 by 2030. Our goal is to accelerate results in the longevity field, as well as the biotechnology, regenerative medicine, life sciences sectors. We incubate and sponsor mission-relevant ventures, fund research, and support projects and prizes.

University of Chicago scientists have discovered a new wrinkle in our understanding of how our genes work. The team, led by Chuan He, the UChicago John T. Wilson Distinguished Service Professor of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, shed light on a longstanding puzzle involved in a common way our genes are modified that is known as RNA methylation.

Published Jan. 27 in Science, the finding could have implications for for disease, as well as our picture of gene expression, development, and evolution.

For more than a decade, Chuan He’s laboratory has been focused on trying to unravel the puzzle of a phenomenon called RNA methylation, which we are increasingly understanding plays a key role in our bodies and lives—everything from cancer to PTSD to aging.

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So please for Tech news and views from the perspective of building a humane and sustainable economic system, check them all out!
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Episode 24 discusses:
Ben Zion and Dr. Hale discuss the two most exceptional 21st century projects (beyond those to do with building a humane and sustainable economic system, which should have rightly been achieved in the 20th century) namely Universal Superlongevity and Human-Centered-Artificial-Superintelligence, and the noble work of Ageless Partners in the life extension arena.(continued in ep. 25)

Prof. Ian Hale, the autism author and broadcaster, is a member of the World Academy of Medical Science and Director of Research for Ageless Partners’ radical new rejuvenation project.

He’s an associate of both the Moscow Institute of Science & Technology & the Russian Academy of Science.

These are the molecular machines inside your body that make cell division possible. Animation by Drew Berry at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research.

Special thanks to Patreon supporters:
Joshua Abenir, Tony Fadell, Donal Botkin, Jeff Straathof, Zach Mueller, Ron Neal, Nathan Hansen.

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Every day in an adult human roughly 50–70 billion of your cells die. They may be damaged, stressed, or just plain old — this is normal, in fact it’s called programmed cell death.

This has been the news lately. This is a good breakdown of info and apparently Katcher wishes to do dog trials.

In this video we provide a quick update on activities at Yuvan Research. It is very exciting to see that Sima, the last remaining rat in the E5 trial is still alive and has surpassed the age of the previous record for lifespan of a Sprague Dawley rat.

Dr Katcher’s Interview: _

From creator Brad Wright, who honed his expertise writing on three Stargate shows for 14 years, Travelers is a departure from traditional sci-fi tropes. It’s the kind of modern, grounded sci-fi that funnels its wriggling ball of time travel strands through the lenses of empathetic, endearing characters.

This team of time-traveling agents, called “travelers,” inhabit the bodies of people who are close to death. With the help of GPS coordinates, historical records and social media, the consciousnesses of the future travelers are inserted into the bodies of 21st century civilians. It’s the cleanest way for the travelers to go back in time and complete their mission, utilizing the lives of those who were going to die anyway.