

Archive for the ‘education’ category: Page 153

Feb 25, 2018

Parents are buying these gadgets to protect their kids from school shooters

Posted by in category: education

Parents have been stocking up on bulletproof backpacks, tracking devices and doorstops… to give children a fighting chance at surviving a gunman’s attack at school,” the N.Y. Post reports:

“BulletBlocker, a company that sells bulletproof backpacks ranging in price from $199 for a girly pink one to $490, has seen sales jump 300 percent since the Florida shooting.”

A $95 metal device called “JustinKase,” which is placed under a door and latches to the door’s jamb to prevent entry, was invented by a 17-year-old Wisconsin high school student, Justin Rivard.

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Feb 21, 2018

Know the Signs Programs

Posted by in categories: education, transportation

Research-based programs and practices to help protect children from gun violence in your homes, schools and communities.”

“People who are at-risk of hurting themselves or others often show signs and signals before an act of violence takes place. When you don’t know what to look for, it can be easy to miss signs, or dismiss them as unimportant, sometimes with tragic consequences.”

“It’s important to know that one warning sign on its own does not mean a person is planning an act of violence. But when many connected or cumulative signs are observed over a period of time, it could mean that the person is heading down a pathway towards violence or self-harm. By knowing the signs, you have the power to intervene and get help for that person. Your actions can save lives.”

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Feb 18, 2018

New Report Explores The Forces Affecting The Future Of Work — By Adi Gaskell | Forbes

Posted by in categories: economics, education, futurism, governance, robotics/AI

“The last few years have seen a wide range of reports from governments, think tanks, consultancies and academics exploring how the future of work might look. Many of these have revolved around the impact technology, and especially AI, might have on how (and indeed whether) we work.

The latest effort, from Bain’s Macro Trends Group, takes a slightly broader view and examines not just the technological landscape but also demographic and economic forces.”

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Feb 18, 2018

Landmark College students create virtual reality game for statistics — By Jeremy House | Education Dive

Posted by in categories: education, virtual reality

“Five Landmark students, including Hansen, spent a year developing the game-based learning experience that does away with specialized terms, symbols, and formulas of a typical statistics course and replaces it with a Pokemon-like first-person adventure that exercises statistical thinking.”

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Feb 16, 2018

Forever Young: The Documentary — BBC News

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, life extension

Is ageing a disease? One that can be ‘cured’? BBC’s Gabriela Torres meets the self-experimenters and scientists who are trying to dramatically extend our lives.

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Feb 15, 2018

Bill and Melinda Gates: This is why we give our billions away

Posted by in category: education

“There are two reasons to do something like this,” the letter says, referring to the $4 billion a year the foundation spends in developing countries trying to end child mortality, distribute vaccinations and improve access to education, plus another $500 million it shells out in the United States.

The billionaire philanthropists are committed to doing the best they can for the world with what they have.

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Feb 12, 2018

How Technology Is Leading Us Into the Imagination Age

Posted by in categories: economics, education, employment, robotics/AI, virtual reality

In many ways, the future is unpredictable. A report by the World Economic Forum reveals that almost 65 percent of the jobs elementary school students will be doing in the future do not even exist yet. Combined with technological automation and the disappearance of traditional jobs, this leaves us with a critical question: how can we survive such a world?

The answer may be imagination.

Initially coined by Rita J. King, the imagination age is a theoretical period beyond the information age where creativity and imagination will become the primary creators of economic value. This is driven by technological trends like virtual reality and the rise of digital platforms like YouTube, all of which increase demand for user-generated content and creativity. It is also driven by automation, which will take away a lot of monotonous and routine jobs, leaving more higher-ordered and creative jobs.

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Feb 10, 2018

Is Anti-Aging Technology Creating A Life Worth Living?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, life extension, philosophy

Eliminating disease is an admirable ambition but it seems it’s the lack of education, environment and lifestyle that is really holding people back and causing them to lose interest in life.

Is anti-aging technology and increasing the human mortality rates helping to create a more fulfilled, life worth living. Let’s look at this question…

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Feb 9, 2018

Putin calls to create powerful international research centers in Russia

Posted by in categories: economics, education

Russian President Vladimir Putin has called for expanding scientific cooperation with other countries and establishing powerful international research centers in Russia.

“Of course, we were actively involved in preparations to set up these [international scientific] centers. We are currently working there, and working successfully,” he said at a meeting of the Council for Science and Education. “However, we need to establish such centers of our own.”

The president recalled the proposal to establish one of such centers in Novosibirsk. “I believe that’s the right idea,” he stressed. “We will be sure to think about this and implement this project.”

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Feb 5, 2018

50 Ideas to Change the World

Posted by in categories: education, futurism

The FT has enlisted the help of readers, researchers and entrepreneurs to find 50 new ideas that will shape the world in the future.

The first 30 ideas have addressed the challenges of a growing world population, resource scarcity and looked at new ways to handle information and education. The next tranche of ideas, on healthcare, will be published on 5 March 2018.

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