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In a new study from Skoltech and the University of Kentucky, researchers found a new connection between quantum information and quantum field theory. This work attests to the growing role of quantum information theory across various areas of physics. The paper was published in the journal Physical Review Letters.

Quantum information plays an increasingly important role as an organizing principle connecting various branches of physics. In particular, the theory of quantum error correction, which describes how to protect and recover information in quantum computers and other complex interacting systems, has become one of the building blocks of the modern understanding of quantum gravity.

“Normally, information stored in physical systems is localized. Say, a computer file occupies a particular small area of the hard drive. By “error” we mean any unforeseen or undesired interaction which scrambles information over an extended area. In our example, pieces of the computer file would be scattered over different areas of the hard drive. Error correcting codes are mathematical protocols that allow collecting these pieces together to recover the original information. They are in heavy use in data storage and communication systems. Quantum error correcting codes play a similar role in cases when the quantum nature of the physical system is important,” Anatoly Dymarsky, Associate Professor at the Skoltech Center for Energy Science and Technology (CEST), explains.

Electrons in two-dimensional hexagonal materials have an extra degree of freedom, the valley pseudospin, that can be used to encode and process quantum information. Valley-selective excitations, governed by the circularly polarized light resonant with the material’s bandgap, are the foundation of valleytronics. It is often assumed that achieving valley selective excitation in pristine graphene with all-optical means is not possible due to the inversion symmetry of the system. Here, we demonstrate that both valley-selective excitation and valley-selective high-harmonic generation can be achieved in pristine graphene by using a combination of two counter-rotating circularly polarized fields, the fundamental and its second harmonic. Controlling the relative phase between the two colors allows us to select the valleys where the electron–hole pairs and higher-order harmonics are generated. We also describe an all-optical method for measuring valley polarization in graphene with a weak probe pulse. This work offers a robust recipe to write and read valley-selective electron excitations in materials with zero bandgap and zero Berry curvature.

Quantum physics is directly linked to consciousness: Observations not just change what is measured, they create it… Here’s the next episode of my new documentary Consciousness: Evolution of the Mind (2021), Part II: CONSCIOUSNESS & INFORMATION

*Subscribe to our YT channel to watch the rest of documentary (to be released in parts):

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***Join Consciousness: Evolution of the Mind public forum for news and discussions (Facebook group of 6K+ members):

THEOGENESIS: Transdimensional Propagation & Universal Expansion ― a new book on quantum cosmology, computational physics and posthumanism by evolutionary cyberneticist Alex M. Vikoulov ― comes with a trailer you might find more than just interesting:
Release Date: October, 1 2021; Written by Alex M. Vikoulov; Publisher: Ecstadelic Media Group, Burlingame, California, USA; Format: Kindle eBook; Print Length: 211 pages; ISBN: 9781733426183; Discounted Pre-Order Price: $7.99.
*Pre-order eBook now with just 1 click and get your copy auto-delivered to your device on October 1 2021:
#THEOGENESIS #QuantumCosmology #ComputationalPhysics #CyberneticTheoryofMind #posthumanism #cybernetics #theosophy #futurism

“Having invented the gods, perhaps we can turn into them.”
–Alan Harrington, The Immortalist.

Whereas the level of our posthuman syntelligence may be trillions upon trillions of times more powerful than it is today, nothing will prevent it to expand both in outer space and inner space. Isn’t it the nature of intelligence to acquire the ultimate knowledge — everything that can be known? A number of prominent physicists argue that the Technological Singularity is inevitable and the destiny of our Syntellect is to live forever, expand universally and finally reach the networked mind of universal proportions, living conscious universal superbeing.

By harnessing quantum phenomena, quantum devices have the potential to outperform their classical counterparts. Here, we examine using wave function symmetry as a resource to enhance the performance of a quantum Otto engine. Previous work has shown that a bosonic working medium can yield better performance than a fermionic medium. We expand upon this work by incorporating a singular interaction that allows the effective symmetry to be tuned between the bosonic and fermionic limits. In this framework, the particles can be treated as anyons subject to Haldane’s generalized exclusion statistics. Solving the dynamics analytically using the framework of “statistical anyons”, we explore the interplay between interparticle interactions and wave function symmetry on engine performance.

Circa 2008

A theoretical study proposes that magnetic monopoles may appear not as elementary but as emergent particles in complex, strongly-correlated magnetic systems such as spin ice, in analogy to fractional electric charges in quantum Hall systems. This theory explains a mysterious phase transition in spin ice that has been observed experimentally.

THEOGENESIS: Transdimensional Propagation & Universal Expansion ― my new book on quantum cosmology, computational physics and posthumanism ― is about to be released by Ecstadelic Media Group on October 1 2021!

Here’s the Table of Contents:
1. Our Post-Singularity Future: Are We Destined to Become Cybergods?
2. Transcension: Exponential Miniaturization.
3. Computational Physics: Reinterpreting Relativity.
4. Transcendental Cybernetics: The Ultimate Code of Reality.
5. Universality of Computation.
6. Quantum Gravity: Quest for the Final Theory of Everything.
7. The Shadow Multiverse: Parallel Space-Times, Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
8. Ontological Holism: All is One, One is All.
9. Why Materialism is a Flatlander Philosophy.
10. Seeking the Ultimate Truth: The Battle of Ideologies.
11. Quantum Cosmology: From the Holographic Principle to the Fractal Multiverse.
12. The Omega Singularity: Your Cosmic Self.
13. The Axioms of Divinity: Cybertheistic Foundation.
14. Experiential Matrix: A Playground of Subjectivity.
15. Transcendent Realm: Redefining God.
16. God of Spinoza: The Conscious Universe.
17. A New Kind of Pantheism: The Cybertheism Argument.
18. Are We Alone in the Universe?
19. The Chrysalis Conjecture: Our Second Womb.
Appendix A. Tenets of The Cybernetic Theory of Mind: The Five Foundational Axioms.
Glossary of Terms.
About the Author.

A subatomic particle has been found to switch between matter and antimatter, according to Oxford physicists analyzing data from the Large Hadron Collider. It turns out that an unfathomably tiny weight difference between two particles could have saved the universe from annihilation soon after it began.

Antimatter is kind of the “evil twin” of normal matter, but it’s surprisingly similar – in fact, the only real difference is that antimatter has the opposite charge. That means that if ever a matter and antimatter particle come into contact, they will annihilate each other in a burst of energy.

To complicate things, some particles, such as photons, are actually their own antiparticles. Others have even been seen to exist as a weird mixture of both states at the same time, thanks to the quantum quirk of superposition (illustrated most famously through the thought experiment of Schrödinger’s cat.) That means that these particles actually oscillate between being matter and antimatter.