

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 511

Jul 14, 2017

Cell Functional Age Shows How Old You Really Are

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

A new aging biomarker system has been published and it looks pretty robust.

Chronological age is now generally accepted by academics as being a poor means to identify how a person is aging. Far more useful is a person’s biological age in evaluating how fast someone is aging.

Biological age is assessed using indicators known as aging biomarkers, and as rejuvenation biotechnology draws ever nearer, there is an urgent need for more effective biomarkers. As well as finding effective biomarkers, another challenge in the field of aging research is seeking consensus among academics as to which biomarkers are the best ones to use.

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Jul 14, 2017

Rejuvenation is good for society

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience, quantum physics

The benefits of rejuvenation biotechnologies would extend to the whole human society. #aging

Rejuvenation isn’t good just for individuals and the people close to them. It is good for society as a whole, for a number of reasons. These reasons—which I will now proceed to discuss—should be enough make rejuvenation research a top priority for humanity in its entirety.

Ever heard anyone lamenting that the great minds of history are no longer with us? That we could certainly do with all the Einsteins, Montalcinis, Fermis, Curies, etc, living longer? And have you ever felt saddened when a great mind of our time died? You probably did, or at the very least know someone who did.

Just imagine how much faster would science and progress march if our greatest physicists, doctors, engineers, philantrophists, etc, could live an indefinitely long life. Remember that we’re not talking about a longer life spent in decrepitude and sickness: We’re talking about a 200-year-old Einstein with the experience of two centuries but the physical and mental agility of a 25-year-old. If he was still alive, maybe he could’ve figured out how to unify general relativity with quantum mechanics—something that has been eluding all efforts for decades. Every time a great person (or any person, for that matter) dies, their particular experience is lost forever. Never mind that there are other experts, or that similar knowledge is found in books; it’s not even remotely the same. Rejuvenation would allow us to benefit from the knowledge and wisdom of the best among us for centuries on end.

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Jul 9, 2017

Using Macrophages to Reverse Atherosclerosis

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Increasing the level of autophagy might be the key to effective treatment of heart disease.

Today we will be looking at a new study that is attempting to treat atherosclerosis, one of the biggest age-related killers globally. As we age, our risk of developing atherosclerosis rises along with related conditions, such as hypertension.

We will be taking a look at new research that has reversed atherosclerosis in mice and is on the road to clinical trials in the future. Before we do that, let’s talk a little bit about how the disease develops and how macrophages work.

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Jul 6, 2017

DNA from sharks that can live up to 400 years could hold secret to a longer life

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

Scientists have been examining Greenland sharks — some of which were born in the 1750s.

By John von Radowitz

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Jul 5, 2017

Scientists are questioning the idea that the human lifespan has a limit

Posted by in category: life extension

(Al Bello/Getty Images)

Jeanne Calment, the French woman who holds the record for the longest verified lifespan, died in 1997 at 122 years old.

Few people, of course, ever become supercentenarians — 110 years old or older — and even fewer hit 115.

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Jul 5, 2017

Rejuvenation is good for your loved ones

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

An article discussing the benefits of rejuvenation for your friends and family.

Rejuvenation biotechnologies would bring significant benefits to individuals, but these benefits would indirectly extend to their families and friends too. The ways they can benefit from the rejuvenation of others might be not so obvious, so let’s have a look at them together.

Nearly everyone knows how terrible it is to lose people dear to you. Maybe your grandparents died when you were a child, and that might have been your first encounter with death, at an age when you still couldn’t properly comprehend it. Maybe it happened suddenly, or maybe your grandparents have suffered for long before passing away. Eventually, the moment comes when you start thinking that the same fate awaits your parents, your siblings, your friends. Rejuvenation would spare you seeing your elderly relatives and friends wilt away, suffer and die, because none of that would happen to them. Of course, rejuvenation would spare this pain to your friends and relatives too. Your children and grandchildren would never have to see you become sicker and sicker as you age, and would never—in principle—have to bury you. Today, being 80 means you often have to attend the funeral of a dear friend who passed away. People who have been important parts of your life just keep dying.

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Jul 5, 2017

Synergy Between Torah and Science: How Far is TOO Far?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, robotics/AI, science, transhumanism

This is one of the first articles I’ve seen specifically on #Judiasm and #transhumaism, with input by rabbis. Naturally the article is cautious, but interesting too.

Transhumanism, an intellectual and cultural movement supporting the use of science and technology to improve human mental and physical characteristics and capacities, a concept once limited to the realm of science-fiction, is now becoming more of a reality than ever before. The once outlier philosophy is quickly becoming mainstream, an accepted part of the social conscience that is the new religion for the anti-religious, including its own Messianic vision.

There are many aspects to the transhumanism philosophy, often abbreviated as H+ or h+, including physical longevity through medical breakthroughs and/or merging mankind with machines. Many transhumanists advocate transferring the sum total of a person’s knowledge and experiences into a computer and recreating the individual as a form of artificial intelligence ( AI ) in order to extend an individual’s life.

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Jul 5, 2017

Revita Life Sciences Continues to Advance Multi-Modality Protocol in Attempt to Revive Brain Dead Subjects

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, cryonics, futurism, genetics, health, life extension, neuroscience, posthumanism

Revita Life Sciences, ( a biotechnology company focused on translational regenerative therapeutic applications, has announced that it is continuing to advance their novel, multi-modality clinical intervention in the state of brain death in humans.

“We have proactively continued to advance our multi-modality protocol, as an extended treatment before extubation, in an attempt to reverse the state of brain death” said Mr.Pranjal Agrawal, CEO Revita Life Sciences. “This treatment approach has yielded some very encouraging initial outcome signs, ranging from minor observations on blood pressure changes with response to painful stimuli, to eye opening and finger movements, with corresponding transient to permanent reversal changes in EEG patterns.”

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Jul 4, 2017

Journal Club June 2017 Video Available

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

The June Journal Club video is now available for your viewing pleasure. Dr. Oliver Medvedik talks about telomeres and cellular reprogramming in this latest edition of our new live streamed monthly show.

It has been a busy few months since we launched our Lifespan Heroes campaign on the aim of which is to help us expand the scale and scope of our activities.

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Jul 3, 2017

BioViva at Journey to 100

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, evolution, life extension, sustainability

Gearing up for clinical trials.

Liz discusses how we can overcome the limits on human health and lifespan; elaborating on BioViva’s role as a translational engine to provide access to cutting-edge therapies for those most in need. | Journey to 100 is a world-exclusive conference exploring ideas for a new and sustainable approach to lifelong health. The day kick starts a 10-year project that aims to make Guernsey the first community in the world to break through the 100-year life expectancy barrier.

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