

Archive for the ‘life extension’ category: Page 379

Jun 11, 2019

Telomerase Inhibitor IX | CAS 368449−04−1

Posted by in category: life extension

Buy Telomerase Inhibitor IX (CAS 368449−04−1), a potent, reversible inhibitor of telomerase activity, from Santa Cruz. Purity: ≥95%, MF: C20H16N2O6.

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Jun 11, 2019

Apple Stem Cells Offer Hope for Aging and Damaged Skin

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

As we age, the reduced turnover of our cells means we can lose control over how our skin ages. Epidermal stem cells needed to create healthy new skin are significantly reduced and function less efficiently. A discovery based on promising plant stem cell research may allow you to regain control.

Scientists have found that a novel extract derived from the stem cells of a rare apple tree cultivated for its extraordinary longevity shows tremendous ability to rejuvenate aging skin. By stimulating aging skin stem cells, this plant extract has been shown to lessen the appearance of unsightly wrinkles. Clinical trials show that this unique formulation increases the longevity of skin cells, resulting in skin that has a more youthful and radiant appearance.

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Jun 11, 2019

NAD+ and Cellular Senescence Pathways Interact

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

A new publication highlights how the complex interaction of NAD+ and cellular senescence pathways may complicate proposed anti-aging therapies that boost NAD+ using precursors.

What are epigenetic alterations?

One of the proposed reasons we age is the changes to gene expression that our cells experience as we get older; these are commonly called epigenetic alterations. These alterations harm the fundamental functions of our cells and can increase the risk of cancer and other age-related diseases.

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Jun 10, 2019

Immortality is mathematically impossible, new research finds

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, information science, life extension, mathematics

A mathematical equation has proven that controlling one of the two major changes in a cell—decay or cancerous growth—enhances the other, causing inevitable death.


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Jun 10, 2019

Rejuvenation biotechnology: why age may soon cease to mean aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

De Grey on aging… Respect AEWR.

Aubrey de grey, chief science officer, SENS research foundation.

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Jun 10, 2019

Transplanting Gut Microbes from Young to Old Mice Reverses Immune Decline

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

The gut microbiome appears to be increasingly responsible for at least some of the decline of the immune system during aging, and a new mouse study shows that it is reversible.

The gut microbiome

The microbiome describes a varied community of bacteria, archaea, eukarya, and viruses that inhabit our guts. The four bacterial phyla of Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria, and Actinobacteria comprise 98% of the intestinal microbiome.

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Jun 9, 2019

Long-lived bats could hold secrets to mammal longevity

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension

University of Maryland researchers analyzed an evolutionary tree reconstructed from the DNA of a majority of known bat species and found four bat lineages that exhibit extreme longevity. They also identified, for the first time, two life history features that predict extended life spans in bats.

Their work is described in a research paper, published in the April 10, 2019 issue of the journal Biology Letters, which concluded that horseshoe bats, long-eared bats, the common vampire bat and at least one lineage of mouse-eared bats all live at least four times longer than other, similarly sized mammals. The researchers also found that a high-latitude home range and larger males than females can be used to predict a given bat species’ life span.

“Scientists are very interested in finding closely related species in which one is long lived and one is short lived, because it implies that there has been some recent change to allow one species to live longer,” said Gerald Wilkinson, a biology professor at UMD and lead author of the paper. “This study provides multiple cases of closely related species with varying longevity, which gives us many opportunities to make comparisons and look for some underlying mechanism that would allow some species to live so long.”

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Jun 9, 2019

The surprising way some people are fighting aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, life extension

Dr. Alan Green’s patients travel from around the country to his tiny practice in Queens, N.Y., lured by the prospect of longer lives.

Over the past two years, more than 200 patients have flocked to see Green after learning that two drugs he prescribes could possibly stave off aging. One 95-year-old was so intent on keeping her appointment that she asked her son to drive her from Maryland after a snowstorm had closed the schools.

Green is among a small but growing number of doctors who prescribe drugs “off-label” for their possible anti-aging effects. Metformin is typically prescribed for diabetes, and rapamycin prevents organ rejection after a transplant, but doctors can prescribe drugs off-label for other purposes — in this case, for “aging.”

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Jun 8, 2019

Regenerative medicine breakthrough: Can a small chip ‘heal’ entire organs?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, life extension

A groundbreaking new cell reprogramming device can turn existing cells into any other type of cell, repairing tissue and organs in mice.

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Jun 7, 2019

How old are your organs? To scientists’ surprise, organs are a mix of young and old cells

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

LA JOLLA—(June 6, 2019) Scientists once thought that neurons, or possibly heart cells, were the oldest cells in the body. Now, Salk Institute researchers have discovered that the mouse brain, liver and pancreas contain populations of cells and proteins with extremely long lifespans—some as old as neurons. The findings, demonstrating “age mosaicism,” were published in Cell Metabolism on June 6, 2019. The team’s methods could be applied to nearly any tissue in the body to provide valuable information about lifelong function of non-dividing cells and how cells lose control over the quality and integrity of proteins and important cell structures during aging.

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