Along with academic research departments around the world, private sector medical technology companies are getting in on the action, seeking ways to increase longevity and health span.
Category: life extension
Ending Aging
Posted in biotech/medical, life extension
Scientists who study the biology of Aging agreed that we would someday be able to slow down the aging process substantially.
Dr. Aubrey de Grey, Chief Science Officer at SENS Research Foundation and VP of New Technology Discovery at AgeX Therapeutics believes that the critical biomedical technology required to eliminate aging derived debilitation and death is now within reach.
In his book “Ending Aging” he and his research assistant Michael Rae described the details of this biotechnology. They explained that the Aging of the human body, just like the Aging of manmade machines, results from an accumulation of various types of damage. As with manmade machines, this damage can periodically be repaired, leading to the indefinite extension of the machines fully functional lifetime just as is routinely done with classic cars.
Dreams of human immortality may remain so, but extending our lives beyond 100, even 150 years, can soon become a reality. ‘The Future is Now’ explores ground-breaking technology that might help us to slow down the ageing process and overcome our physical limitations.
3D-printing of brand new human organs, controlling bionic prosthetics with your mind, or invading your body with disease-fighting microrobots. Hosts Kate and Talish bring you the latest developments in biomedical engineering.
Learn what artificial organs have to do with gravity, or see how the world appears to blind people who have had their vision restored with bionic eyes and a chip. Hear from researchers and futurists about their predictions and warnings regarding the future of science.
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Research indicates that fasting could reset our internal clock and help protect against aging related illness.
Today, we are going to take a look at the companies working on resetting cellular aging through a reprogramming approach that directly targets a core reason we age.
Reversing aging with gene therapy:
Check out — Insider Stories with Top Leaders and Entrepreneurs on with Dr. Jeremy Weisz.
Other Entrepreneurs featured on InspiredInsider include founders of P90 X — Tony Horton, Einstein Bagels, Atari, and Baby Einstein and many more.
The five main string-theory candidates may all just be pieces of a larger, cohesive whole — and M-theory could bring them together.
We will be issuing ticket refunds to attendees, who cannot attend the new date.
Berlin / Mountain View, March 12, 2020.
Forever Healthy Foundation and SENS Research Foundation have decided to reschedule Undoing Aging 2020 to October, 21–23. Following the WHO’s declaration of COVID-19 as a pandemic, we will do our share to prevent it from spreading further. We will be issuing ticket refunds to attendees, who cannot attend the new date.
The Undoing Aging Conference in October will be focused on the cellular and molecular repair of age-related damage as the basis of therapies to bring aging under full medical control and will bring together scientists and startups from around the globe, all pioneers in their respective fields, who are leading the charge in maintaining and restoring full health in old age.
Nicola Bagalà is one of the best advocates of rejuvenation therapies that I know. I follow him since he did a blog called “Rejuvenaction” some years ago. In this video, he discusses in a profound way a very important question. I ask everybody of the rejuvenation community: don’t miss this video, let’s spread it on YouTube, Facebook and social media, and let’s give this video the audience it needs and deserves. It’s not everyday we have such opportunity.
Does biological aging qualify as a disease? Does this affect the development of therapies that treat and prevent age-related diseases? Here’s Nicola’s take on the subject.
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J Gen Psychol. 2009 Jan;136:21–39. doi: 10.3200/GENP.136.1.21–40.
The authors examined the role of cognitive operations in discriminations between externally and internally generated events (e.g., reality monitoring) in healthy and pathological aging. The authors used 2 reality-monitoring distinctions to manipulate the quantity and quality of necessary cognitive operations: discriminating between I performed versus I imagined performing and between I watched another perform versus I imagined another performing. Older adults had more difficulty than did younger adults when discriminating between memories in both versions of the task. In addition, older adults with Alzheimer’s-type dementia showed marked difficulties when attributing a source to imagined actions. The authors interpret these findings in terms of an age difficulty or the failure to use cognitive operations as useful cues during source monitoring.