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Companies that are creating rejuvenation biotechnology interventions must develop their products to target individual diseases in order to be approved by the FDA. While that is still the case, this particular FOA is intended to promote broader research that does not necessarily target individual diseases as endpoints.

The National Institutes of Aging in the United States, a component of the National Institutes of Health, is funding clinical trials for interventions that directly affect the root causes of age-related diseases.

Direct funding for trials against aging

Probably the most important and interesting part of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is that the NIA specifically mentions “multiple chronic conditions” caused by the processes of aging along with more conventional trials that are targeted directly at specific downstream effects of aging.

This is the FIRST part of the interview with Rodolfo Goya.

In this video Professor Goya talks about his role in the original experiment and the progress in his current study to reproduce the results with young blood plasma.

Professor Rodolfo Goya is Senior Scientist at The National Scientific and Technical Research Council in Argentina where he is a biochemist and researcher.

The gut microbiome is an integral component of the body, but its importance in the human aging process is unclear. ISB researchers and their collaborators have identified distinct signatures in the gut microbiome that are associated with either healthy or unhealthy aging trajectories, which in turn predict survival in a population of older individuals. The work is set to be published in the journal Nature Metabolism.

Excellent hand and hand conversation between David Sinclair and Bracken Darrell. David is an expert in longevity and life extension, and Bracken is an experienced successful businessman, CEO of multinational Logitech.

The encounter took place on February 92021, during an online scientific symposium organized by the American Federation of Aging Research (AFAR).

The Symposium was launched under the following theme: “The Future is Now: Innovations in AI and Big Data for Healthspan and Longevity and it was a tribute to global geroscience visionary Sami Sagol.

If you’re familiar with the longevity field very likely you know who David Sinclair is, but for those who haven’t heard of Bracken Darrell before, he is an experienced and successful businessman, CEO of the Multinational Logitech.

Julian Huxley was part of the intellectual dynasty started by TH Huxley, and is more influenced by Buddhist ideas than Judeo-Christian. “T. H. Huxley was a paleontologist with a medical background who gained great prominence in the nineteenth century as one of the foremost defenders of Darwin’s evolutionary theory. Victorians were often inclined to see him as “the living embodiment of science militant,”(8) for Huxley actually clashed with contemporary defenders of Biblical supernaturalism in the name of science.(9) A very late product of his intellectual career, Evolution and Ethics (1893) shows him in a mellowed, reflective mood. The radical disjunction between the ethical and the cosmic processes such as is frequently highlighted here hardly squares with “orthodox” Darwinism; in fact Irvine has called Huxley’s effort in this context a “somewhat puzzling manoeuvre” that is “full of talk about Indian mysticism and of protest about the cruelties of evolution.”(10) Yet his overall treatment of his theme is not a matter that need concern us now.(11) What must be noted, on the other hand, is that in the course of his professed endeavor to inquire into the origin and the basis of ethical values from an evolutionary standpoint, Huxley indeed undertook a brief survey of the leading philosophies that had helped to form mankind’s conceptions of such values. He emphasized in this connection that India had engendered a distinctive outlook on life, and some of the ideas central to that outlook (as, for example, karman) actually made a notable impression on him. But it is upon a particular religion of Indian origin, namely Buddhism, that he chose to dwell at length and, I think, in a way that merits close attention.” Buddhism is” system which knows no God in the Western sense; which denies a soul to man; which counts the belief in immortality a blunder and hope of it a sin; which refuses any efficacy to prayer and sacrifice; which bids men look to nothing but their own efforts for salvation; which in its original purity, knew nothing of vows of obedience, abhorred intolerance, and never sought the aid of the secular arm; yet spread over a considerable moiety of the Old World with marvellous rapidity, and is still, with whatever base admixure of foreign superstitions, the dominant creed of a large fraction of mankind.”

A note on a Victorian evaluation and its “comparativist dimension” By Vijitha Rajapakse Philosophy East and West Volume 35, no. 3 (July 1985)

©by the University of Hawaii Press

British perceptions of Buddhism tended to be surprisingly vague during the early part of the nineteenth century. Even so reputed an “authority” on India at the time as James Mill, for example, does not appear to have known anything definite on the subject; his famous The History of British India (1818) incorporates some lengthy commentaries on India’s cultural and intellectual achievements, but save for a bare reference, Buddhism, significantly, escaped his consideration. Evidently, James Mill, to all intents and purposes, viewed India as home to a single indigenous religion, Hinduism.(1) These perceptions, however, changed in due course, thanks to the advance of Oriental scholarship, especially Western research on Buddhist textual sources.

57:03 “A tool that would be used for millenia.”

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