

Archive for the ‘genetics’ category: Page 196

Mar 19, 2022

Two new species of see-through frog named in Ecuador

Posted by in category: genetics

The amphibians, which live only 13 miles apart, look completely alike but are genetically diverse—a surprise to scientists.

Mar 19, 2022

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Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, cyborgs, genetics, nanotechnology, robotics/AI, singularity, transhumanism, virtual reality

R/IntelligenceSupernova — dedicated to techno-optimists, singularitarians, transhumanist thinkers, cosmists, futurists, AI researchers, cyberneticists, crypto enthusiasts, VR creators, artists, philosophers of mind. Accelerating now towards the Cybernetic Singularity with unprecedented advances in AI & Cybernetics, VR, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Bionics, Genetic Engineering, Optogenetics, Neuroengineering, Robotics, and other IT fields.

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Mar 19, 2022

Switching off Specific Brain Cells Protects Against Stress

Posted by in categories: genetics, neuroscience

Summary: Using chemogenetic technology to deactivate a small group of neurons in the claustrum made mice more resilient against chronic stress and reduced anxiety behaviors.

Source: Osaka University.

It is well known that long-term exposure to stress can lead to serious psychiatric problems. However, the precise mechanisms underpinning the stress response have remained elusive.

Mar 18, 2022

Future evolution: from looks to brains and personality, how will humans change in the next 10,000 years?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, food, genetics, information science, mobile phones, neuroscience

And going forward, we’ll do this with far more knowledge of what we’re doing, and more control over the genes of our progeny. We can already screen ourselves and embryos for genetic diseases. We could potentially choose embryos for desirable genes, as we do with crops. Direct editing of the DNA of a human embryo has been proven to be possible — but seems morally abhorrent, effectively turning children into subjects of medical experimentation. And yet, if such technologies were proven safe, I could imagine a future where you’d be a bad parent not to give your children the best genes possible.

Computers also provide an entirely new selective pressure. As more and more matches are made on smartphones, we are delegating decisions about what the next generation looks like to computer algorithms, who recommend our potential matches. Digital code now helps choose what genetic code passed on to future generations, just like it shapes what you stream or buy online. This might sound like dark science fiction, but it’s already happening. Our genes are being curated by computer, just like our playlists. It’s hard to know where this leads, but I wonder if it’s entirely wise to turn over the future of our species to iPhones, the internet and the companies behind them.

Discussions of human evolution are usually backward looking, as if the greatest triumphs and challenges were in the distant past. But as technology and culture enter a period of accelerating change, our genes will too. Arguably, the most interesting parts of evolution aren’t life’s origins, dinosaurs, or Neanderthals, but what’s happening right now, our present – and our future.

Mar 18, 2022

Scientists make leap forward for genetic sequencing

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

In a paper published today in Sciences Advances, researchers in the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Physics & Astronomy at the University of California, Irvine revealed new details about a key enzyme that makes DNA sequencing possible. The finding is a leap forward into the era of personalized medicine when doctors will be able to design treatments based on the genomes of individual patients.

Mar 17, 2022

Can We Resurrect Extinct Species? Scientists Put Jurassic Park to the Test

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, education, existential risks, genetics

De-extinction grabbed our imagination in the 90s with Jurassic Park. Scientists have since asked: how possible is it?

According to a new study, nearly impossible. But wait—it’s not all bad news. While bringing back a faithful copy of an extinct species may be impossible, we could bring back a hybrid species that’s a genetic mix between an extinct species and its modern descendant.

Published in Current Biology, the study eschews the grandiose mammoth, instead focusing on a tiny test case: the Christmas Island rat. Hefty in size and loudly vocal when invading docked ships and their cargo, the rodents were last seen in the 1900s. With a stroke of luck, the team recovered DNA from two well-preserved museum samples and compared them against a close relative: the Norway brown rat, a popular lab model for genetic studies today.

Mar 15, 2022

The conserved mitochondrial gene distribution in relatives of Turritopsis nutricula, an immortal jellyfish

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Immortal jellyfish could actually be the key to immortality and regeneration. This article talks more in depth of its importance in the search of immortality.

Turritopsis nutricula (T. nutricula) is the one of the known reported organisms that can revert its life cycle to the polyp stage even after becoming sexually mature, defining itself as the only immortal organism in the animal kingdom. Therefore, the animal is having prime importance in basic biological, aging, and biomedical researches. However, till date, the genome of this organism has not been sequenced and even there is no molecular phylogenetic study to reveal its close relatives. Here, using phylogenetic analysis based on available 16s rRNA gene and protein sequences of Cytochrome oxidase subunit-I (COI or COX1) of T. nutricula, we have predicted the closest relatives of the organism. While we found Nemopsis bachei could be closest organism based on COX1 gene sequence; T. dohrnii may be designated as the closest taxon to T. nutricula based on rRNA. Moreover, we have figured out four species that showed similar root distance based on COX1 protein sequence.

Keywords: Turritopsis nutricula, immortal jellyfish, trans-differentiation, phylogeny, relativeness.

Continue reading “The conserved mitochondrial gene distribution in relatives of Turritopsis nutricula, an immortal jellyfish” »

Mar 15, 2022

New DNA Modification System Discovered in Animals — “It’s Almost Unbelievable”

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

Marine Biological Laboratory finds gene captured from bacteria more than 60 million years ago.

Your DNA holds the blueprint to build your body, but it’s a living document: Adjustments to the design can be made by epigenetic marks. Cataloguing these marks and how they work is important for understanding biology and genetics—and coming up with therapies to address diseases and disorders.

In humans and our fellow eukaryotes, two principal epigenetic marks are known. But a team from the University of Chicago-affiliated Marine Biological Laboratory has discovered a third, novel epigenetic mark—one formerly known only in bacteria—in small freshwater animals called bdelloid rotifers.

Mar 14, 2022

Identification of New Rare Genetic Mutation Provides Answers for Families

Posted by in category: genetics

Summary: Histone H4 mutations in the spool cause intellectual disabilities and developmental delays, a new study reports.

Source: University of Otago.

University of Otago-led research has identified a new rare genetic mutation which will finally give families around the world answers as to what is affecting their loved one.

Mar 12, 2022

Stanford University uses AI computing to cut DNA sequencing down to five hours

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, robotics/AI

A Stanford University-led research team has set a new Guinness World Record for the fastest DNA sequencing technique using AI computing to accelerate workflow speed.

The research, led by Dr Euan Ashley, professor of medicine, genetics and biomedical data science at Stanford School of Medicine, in collaboration with Nvidia, Oxford Nanopore Technologies, Google, Baylor College of Medicine, and the University of California, achieved sequencing in just five hours and two minutes.

The study, published in The New England Journal of Medicine, involved speeding up every step of genome sequencing workflow by relying on new technology. This included using nanopore sequencing on Oxford Nanopore’s PromethION Flow Cells to generate more than 100 gigabases of data per hour, and Nvidia GPUs on Google Cloud to speed up the base calling and variant calling processes.