

Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 448

Nov 18, 2020

What is AMD’s new RDNA 2 feature Infinity Cache, and what does it do?

Posted by in category: computing

AMD’s new RDNA 2 architecture packs something called Infinity Cache, which is a superpower in its fight against the Ampere GPUs.

Nov 17, 2020

Alternative tech makes gains in quantum computer race

Posted by in categories: business, computing, health, quantum physics

A technology for building quantum computers that has long been sidelined by major companies is gaining momentum. As quantum computing has transformed from academic exercise to big business over the past decade, the spotlight has mostly been on one approach — the tiny superconducting loops embraced by technology giants such as IBM and Intel. Superconductors enabled Google last year to claim it had achieved ‘quantum advantage’ with a quantum machine that for the first time performed a particular calculation that is beyond the practical capabilities of the best classical computer. But a separate approach, using ions trapped in electric fields, is gaining traction in the quest to make a commercial quantum computer.

Nov 16, 2020

China’s silicon rush: A reality check

Posted by in categories: chemistry, computing

China faces an additional geopolitical challenge in chip fabrication and assembly. Just a handful of Japanese companies dominate the global market in silicon wafers, photoresists, and essential packaging chemicals. These companies are well-regarded for their high-quality production capabilities and their products are not easily replaceable even by a manufacturing heavyweight such as China. In a changing world where strategic concerns are guiding technology flows, China’s chip ambitions can be foiled not just by the US but also by Japan and Taiwan.

China’s state-backed funds may well spur private investment, even producing a few champions, but are unlikely to result in a self-sufficient Chinese chip industry any time soon.

Nov 16, 2020

AMD Announces the Instinct MI100 GPU, CDNA Breaks 10 TFLOPS Barrier

Posted by in category: computing

AMD announces its Instinct MI100 data center GPUs that boast record-breaking FP64 throughput.

Nov 15, 2020

Get started on the new Advantage quantum computer. Try it for free

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, quantum physics

Sign up for Leap™ and get a free minute of direct QC access time, which is enough to run between 400 and 4000 problems. Alternatively, get 20 minutes of free access to Leap’s quantum-classical hybrid solvers, which exploit the complementary strengths of both best-in-class classical algorithms and quantum resources.

Nov 15, 2020

The First Quantum Computer You Own Could Be Powered by a Time Crystal

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Now that researchers have created time crystals, the next step is to understand more about this bizarre material.

Nov 14, 2020

Scientists create single-atom devices to supercharge computers

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, quantum physics

Researchers devise groundbreaking new methods to create and duplicate single-atom transistors for quantum computers.

Nov 14, 2020

Microchip produces laser light of different colours

Posted by in categories: computing, materials

Nonlinear material exploits third-order optical parametric oscillation.

Years of research and development work have made compact, high-performance lasers ubiquitous for the.

Nov 13, 2020

Graphene for quantum computing

Posted by in categories: computing, encryption, quantum physics

Quantum computing is a new paradigm in computing that utilizes the benefits of quantum mechanics to enhance the computing experience. Quantum computers will no longer rely on binary digits (0 and 1 states), that computers have relied on since the early beginnings, but will instead use quantum bits, which can be in a superposition of states. Quantum bits, or qubits, have the advantage of being in many states at once, offering parallel computing advantages. For example, they have long been regarded as far superior to classical computers for applications in data encryption.

Although the concept of quantum computers has been known for several decades, practical realizations are still lacking. The main limiting factor has been the critical influence of the environment on a qubit. Most physical systems need to be in perfectly controlled conditions in order to remain in the superposition state, whereas any interaction (mechanical, thermal, or other) with the environment perturbs this state and ruins the qubit. Such perturbation is termed “decoherence” that has plagued many potential qubit systems.

Graphene, having spurred research into numerous novel directions, is naturally also considered as a candidate material host for qubits. For example, back in 2013, a team of researchers from MIT found that graphene can be made into a topological insulator – meaning that electrons with one spin direction move around the graphene edges clockwise, whereas those that have the opposite spin move counterclockwise. They made this happen by applying two magnetic fields: one perpendicular to the graphene sheet, to make the electrons flow at sheet edges only, and another parallel to the sheet, that separates the two spin contributions. Electron spin has long been considered a candidate qubit, because it is inherently a quantum system that is in a superposition of states. In graphene, the spins move along the sheet edges robustly, without much decoherence. Furthermore, the same research showed switching the spin selection on and off, an important feature of q-bit transistors.

Nov 13, 2020

CCNY team in quantum algorithm breakthrough

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, particle physics, quantum physics

Researchers led by City College of New York physicist Pouyan Ghaemi report the development of a quantum algorithm with the potential to study a class of many-electron quantums system using quantum computers. Their paper, entitled “Creating and Manipulating a Laughlin-Type ν=1/3 Fractional Quantum Hall State on a Quantum Computer with Linear Depth Circuits,” appears in the December issue of PRX Quantum, a journal of the American Physical Society.

“Quantum physics is the fundamental theory of nature which leads to formation of molecules and the resulting matter around us,” said Ghaemi, assistant professor in CCNY’s Division of Science. “It is already known that when we have a macroscopic number of quantum particles, such as electrons in the metal, which interact with each other, novel phenomena such as superconductivity emerge.”

However, until now, according to Ghaemi, tools to study systems with large numbers of interacting quantum particles and their novel properties have been extremely limited.