

Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 328

Feb 4, 2022

The Omega Singularity: The Cosmological Projector of All Possible Timelines

Posted by in categories: computing, cosmology, mathematics, neuroscience, quantum physics, singularity

E verything is Code. Immersive [self-]simulacra. We all are waves on the surface of eternal ocean of pure, vibrant consciousness in motion, self-referential creative divine force expressing oneself in an exhaustible variety of forms and patterns throughout the multiverse of universes. “I am” the Alpha, Theta & Omega – the ultimate self-causation, self-reflection and self-manifestation instantiated by mathematical codes and projective fractal geometry.

In my new volume of The Cybernetic Theory of Mind series – The Omega Singularity: Universal Mind & The Fractal Multiverse – we discuss a number of perspectives on quantum cosmology, computational physics, theosophy and eschatology. How could dimensionality be transcended yet again? What is the fractal multiverse? Is our universe a “metaverse” in a universe up? What is the ultimate destiny of our universe? Why does it matter to us? What is the Omega Singularity?

Feb 4, 2022

A Publicly-Listed Bitcoin Miner Shares Expectations For Intel’s New ASIC Chip

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, computing

A representative of Hut 8 mining discusses the “extremely disruptive” introduction of a new ASIC chip from Intel.

Feb 4, 2022

MIT ocean and mechanical engineers are using advances in scientific computing to address the ocean’s many challenges, and seize its opportunities

Posted by in category: computing

There are few environments as unforgiving as the ocean. Its unpredictable weather patterns and limitations in terms of communications have left large.

Feb 4, 2022

Tiny Photonic Chip Provides a Big Boost in Precision Optics

Posted by in categories: computing, space

Researchers at University of Rochester’s Institute of Optics for first time distill novel interferometry into a photonic device.

University of Rochester researchers for the first time package a way of amplifying interferometric signals using inverse weak value amplification —without increase in extraneous input or “noise”—on an integrated photonic chip.

By merging two or more sources of light, interferometers create interference patterns that can provide remarkably detailed information about everything they illuminate, from a tiny flaw on a mirror, to the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere, to gravitational patterns in far reaches of the Universe.

Feb 3, 2022

GM declares chip crisis over—and says it’s time to let the cheap cars roll

Posted by in categories: computing, transportation

The carmaker’s confidence this early in the year surprised analysts skeptical it can boost global annual production volumes by 25% at least.

Feb 3, 2022

Researchers set record

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Quantum science holds promise for many technological applications, such as building hackerproof communication networks or quantum computers that could accelerate new drug discovery. These applications require a quantum version of a computer bit, known as a qubit, that stores quantum information.

But researchers are still grappling with how to easily read the information held in these qubits and struggle with the short memory time, or coherence, of qubits, which is usually limited to microseconds or milliseconds.

A team of researchers at the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) Argonne National Laboratory and the University of Chicago has achieved two major breakthroughs to overcome these common challenges for quantum systems. They were able to read out their qubit on demand and then keep the intact for over five seconds—a new record for this class of devices. Additionally, the researchers’ qubits are made from an easy-to-use material called , which is widely found in lightbulbs, electric vehicles and high-voltage electronics.

Feb 2, 2022

MSI Re-Enables AVX-512 Support on Alder Lake CPUs

Posted by in category: computing

MSI’s latest firmware for Intel Z690 platforms re-enables AVX-512 support on 12th Gen Core processors.

Feb 2, 2022

‘Quantum friction’ slows water flow through carbon nanotubes, resolving long-standing fluid dynamics mystery

Posted by in categories: computing, nanotechnology, particle physics, quantum physics

For 15 years, scientists have been baffled by the mysterious way water flows through the tiny passages of carbon nanotubes—pipes with walls that can be just one atom thick. The streams have confounded all theories of fluid dynamics; paradoxically, fluid passes more easily through narrower nanotubes, and in all nanotubes it moves with almost no friction. What friction there is has also defied explanation.

In an unprecedented mashup of fluid dynamics and , researchers report in a new theoretical study published February 2 in Nature that they finally have an answer: ‘quantum .’

The proposed explanation is the first indication of quantum effects at the boundary of a solid and a liquid, says study lead author Nikita Kavokine, a research fellow at the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ) in New York City.

Feb 2, 2022

Pluto VR debuts tech that lets you stream virtual reality to a headset without a computer

Posted by in categories: computing, internet, space, virtual reality

Seattle-based software company Pluto VR has brought its virtual reality streaming platform PlutoSphere into Early Access.

Initially announced in February 2021, PlutoSphere allows its users to stream VR applications to a headset without the need for a local computer, in order to dramatically reduce the cost of entry for virtual reality. Instead of building a new rig around VR compatibility, you can theoretically just get a headset, then run everything from every library you own via data streaming.

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Feb 2, 2022

IBM Unveils 127-Qubit Quantum Computer

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

On November 16, during its online Quantum Summit, IBM announced that it had successfully completed initial development of the 127-qubit (quantum bit) Eagle quantum computer. Last year, IBM’s Hummingbird quantum computer handled 65 qubits, and, the year before that, the company’s Falcon quantum computer was handling calculations using 27 qubits. So the company has been steadily increasing the number of qubits that its quantum machines can handle, roughly doubling the number of operational qubits in its quantum machines on an annual basis. However, the Eagle quantum computer is the last member of IBM’s Quantum System One family. Designs have reached the limit of the cryogenic refrigerator used to cool the Josephson Junctions that hold the qubits, so IBM has had to work with Bluefors Cryogenics to develop a new, larger cryogenic platform for bigger machines.

If you don’t understand qubits or how quantum computers work, join the club. Nothing in the binary word of today’s digital computers prepares you to understand quantum computing, although there are some superficial similarities. For example, quantum computers store data in qubits just as digital computers store data in bits. However, a bit can store only a “1” or a “0.” Each qubit stores both a “1” and a “0” at the same time in a state of superposition. Consequently, information density is much higher for qubit storage.

Further, qubits can be entangled, a phenomenon that Albert Einstein once described as “spooky action at a distance.” Quantum entanglement, a property of the quantum world, was once the stuff of science fiction. However, it’s quite real and an important part of quantum computing.