Quantum networking uses subatomic matter to deliver data in a way that goes beyond today’s fiber-optic systems. Amazon wants to grow diamonds which would be part of a component that lets the data travel farther without breaking down.
Pretty futuristic!
Amazon.com Inc. is teaming up with a unit of De Beers Group to grow artificial diamonds, betting that custom-made gems could could help revolutionize computer networks.
Macromolecular information transfer can be defined as the process by which a coded monomer sequence is communicated from one macromolecule to another. In such a transfer process, the information sequence can be kept identical, transformed into a complementary sequence or even translated into a different molecular language. Such mechanisms are crucial in biology and take place in DNA→DNA replication, DNA→RNA transcription and RNA→protein translation. In fact, there would be no life on Earth without macromolecular information transfer. Mimicking such processes with synthetic macromolecules would also be of major scientific relevance because it would open up new avenues for technological applications (e.g. data storage and processing) but also for the creation of artificial life. In this important context, this minireview summarizes recent research about information transfer in synthetic oligomers and polymers. Medium-and long-term perspectives are also discussed.
I possibly cheated on my wife once. Alone in a room, a young woman reached out her hands and seductively groped mine, inviting me to engage and embrace her. I went with it.
Twenty seconds later, I pulled back and ripped off my virtual reality gear. Around me, dozens of tech conference goers were waiting in line to try the same computer program an exhibitor was hosting. I warned colleagues in line this was no game. It created real emotions and challenged norms of partnership and sexuality. But does it really? And who benefits from this?
Around the world, a minor sexual revolution is occurring. It’s not so much about people stepping outside their moral boundaries as much as it is about new technology. Virtual reality haptic suits, sexbots, and even implanted sexual devices—some controlled from around the world by strangers—are increasingly becoming used. Often called digisexuality, some people—especially those who find it awkward to fit into traditional sexual roles—are finding newfound relationships and more meaningful sex.
Many experts in the industry predict the cost of quantum computing hardware will continue to decrease over time as the technology advances, making it more accessible to a broader range of businesses and organizations. In a recent talk, the CTO of the CIA Nand Mulchandani noted that the quantum industry is still very early and unit costs are still very high, as we are very much in the research and development stage.
In general, pricing concerns are sure to be influenced by several important factors, including how advanced discoveries in the sector are made, market demand for the technology and competition among quantum computing providers.
The Quantum Insider observes with a keen eye the market trends and technological narrative that is evolving as we speak. When thinking about the price of a quantum computer price in 2023, it’s worth considering the access method, the type of computer and usage requirements.
On VPRO broadcast you will find nonfiction videos with English subtitles, French subtitles and Spanish subtitles, such as documentaries, short interviews and documentary series. VPRO Documentary publishes one new subtitled documentary about current affairs, finance, sustainability, climate change or politics every week. We research subjects like politics, world economy, society and science with experts and try to grasp the essence of prominent trends and developments.
Researchers at the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (IQOQI) in Vienna recently devised a universal mechanism to invert the evolution of a qubit with a high probability of success. This protocol, outlined in Physical Review Letters, can propagate any target qubit back to the state it was in at a specific time in the past.
The introduction of this protocol builds on a previous paper published in 2020, where the same team presented a series of time translating protocols that could be applied in uncontrolled settings. While some of these protocols were promising, in most tested scenarios their probability of success was found to be too small. In their new study, the researchers thus set out to create an alternative protocol with a higher probability of success.
“Our newly developed protocol inverts the unitary evolution of a qubit,” David Trillo, one of the researchers who carried out the study together with Benjamin Dive and Miguel Navascués, told Phys.org. “A qubit (or quantum bit) is a two-level quantum system that serves as the quantum equivalent of bits used in quantum computers. Any quantum system has some natural evolution in time that needs to be controlled or at least accounted for when designing physical processes around them (e.g., when building a quantum computer). Our protocol takes a qubit and outputs the same system, but in the state that it would be in if it had evolved backwards in time.”
Quantum computing promises to be a revolutionary tool, making short work of equations that classical computers would struggle to ever complete. Yet the workhorse of the quantum device, known as a qubit, is a delicate object prone to collapsing.
Keeping enough qubits in their ideal state long enough for computations has so far proved a challenge.
In a new experiment, scientists were able to keep a qubit in that state for twice as long as normal. Along the way, they demonstrated the practicality of quantum error correction (QEC), a process that keeps quantum information intact for longer by introducing room for redundancy and error removal.
Magnetic spin excitations can combine with photons to produce exotic particles that emit laser-like microwaves.
One of the challenges for building systems for quantum computing and communications has been the lack of laser-like microwave sources that produce sufficient power but don’t require extreme cooling. Now a research team has demonstrated a new room-temperature technique for making coherent microwave radiation—the kind that comes from a laser [1]. The device exploits the interaction of a magnetic material with electromagnetic fields. The researchers expect that the work will lead to microwave sources that can be built into chips employed in future quantum devices.
The devices that store quantum bits for quantum computers often require microwave signals to input and retrieve data, so lasers operating at microwave frequencies (masers)—and other sources of coherent microwaves—could be very useful. But even though masers were invented before lasers, most maser technologies work only at ultracold temperatures. A 2018 design works at room temperature but doesn’t produce very much power [2].
After almost a decade, Google have finally managed to develop a file sharing function like Apple’s AirDrop. Called Nearby Share, here’s how your use it.
Whatever your opinion about which operating system is the best, iOS has had one major advantage over Android and Windows for some time, its AirDrop feature. In fact, for more than a decade, AirDrop has been a source of pride for Apple users and a cause of resentment for many who desire an easy way to share files between Windows and Android.
A quantum computational solution for engineering materials. Researchers at Argonne explore the possibility of solving the electronic structures of complex molecules using a quantum computer. If you know the atoms that compose a particular molecule or solid material, the interactions between those atoms can be determined computationally, by solving quantum mechanical equations — at least, if the molecule is small and simple. However, solving these equations, critical for fields from materials engineering to drug design, requires a prohibitively long computational time for complex molecules and materials.