

Archive for the ‘3D printing’ category: Page 43

Apr 23, 2020

Smartphone-powered device tests blood samples for genetic conditions

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, genetics, mobile phones

It is now possible to use a cheap, lightweight and smartphone-powered DNA detector to identify DNA in blood, urine and other samples, on the spot.

At the moment, testing to identify DNA is done in laboratories using expensive, specialised equipment. To make this process faster and cheaper, Ming Chen at the Army Medical University in China and his colleagues developed a portable DNA detector made of 3D-printed parts that attach to a standard smartphone.

Apr 21, 2020

Why DIY 3D-Printed Face Masks and Shields Are So Risky

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, education, government

An interesting cautionary note on the well-intentioned effort to supply personal protective equipment (PPE), such as masks, via 3D printing. I’ll confess that I have not thought through all the implications.

“One of the hospitals calls it ‘the garage PPE,’” said Sarah Boisvert, founder of 3D-printing school Fab Lab Hub, who works with hospitals to 3D-print materials. “This is a far more complicated problem than just making Christmas ornaments for your family.”

Lovett readily admits that he is not an expert. But he and others who want to help are stymied in part by a lack of clear government regulation around simple designs.

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Apr 19, 2020

Indian Army has disinfectant drone, UV gun that kills virus in seconds in its Covid arsenal

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical, computing, drones

The cost of the sanitiser would be Rs 800, and the Army can turn out 10 pieces a day.

The third innovation is a 3D-printed mask priced at Rs 1,200 apiece. Other products being devised include thermal scanners and anti-aerosalination boxes to keep doctors safe. The boxes are made up of transparent acrylic sheets and kept over patients to protect doctors and other healthcare workers from infection. Holes cut into the box help medical staff administer treatment to the patient without coming into direct contact.

The Army is just one of several sections across Indian society that are trying to chip in for the country’s battle against coronavirus, from scientists who have banded together to bust myths to IITians churning out cost-effective and innovative solutions to ease the burden on the healthcare framework.

Apr 19, 2020

Video Friday: This Free-Flying Robot Head Is Like Alexa for Astronauts

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, engineering, robotics/AI

Video Friday is your weekly selection of awesome robotics videos, collected by your Automaton bloggers. We’ll also be posting a weekly calendar of upcoming robotics events for the next few months; here’s what we have so far (send us your events!):

Let us know if you have suggestions for next week, and enjoy today’s videos.

Continue reading “Video Friday: This Free-Flying Robot Head Is Like Alexa for Astronauts” »

Apr 19, 2020

Speedy 3D Printer Could Revive Algae Biofuel, With Coral Bonus

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, sustainability, transportation

Algae biofuel certainly faces an uphill battle these days, what with the global oil price crash and competition from electric vehicles. Nevertheless, there may be a glimmer of hope for algae biofuel fans, in the form of an ultra-fast 3D printer housed in a California laboratory. In an interesting sustainability twofer, the same machine might also spit out an assist for the world’s ailing coral reefs.

Apr 16, 2020

ICON 3D-printing for the homeless in Austin

Posted by in category: 3D printing

Thanks to 3D-printing, 25,000 homeless people in Texas have somewhere to live.

Apr 14, 2020

A new material to print mechanically robust and shape-shifting structures

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, materials

In recent years, 3D printing has opened up interesting new possibilities for the large-scale production of electronic components, as well as of a variety of other objects. To this end, research teams worldwide have been trying to create materials and structures that can easily change shape, as these could be particularly useful for 3D printing applications.

Although many of the programmable and -shifting materials developed so far have proved to be promising for 3D , they are often not mechanically robust. This makes them unideal for printing objects that are resistant to a lot of weight or strain.

To overcome this limitation, researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology, Peking University and Beijing Institute of Technology have recently proposed a new shape-morphing material system that is also mechanically robust. This new material, created via the volatilization of a volatile component that has not fully reacted, was presented in a paper published in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. The lead authors of this paper are Qiang Zhang and Xiao Kuang.

Apr 13, 2020

3D-Printed Coral Mimics Nature

Posted by in category: 3D printing

Most of us have heard that coral reefs around the world are dying, largely because of warmer ocean temperatures and the increased acidity of seawater, but few people realize why that is important to humans. Who really cares if the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Australia is nearly lifeless? So a few rich scuba divers won’t get to see it. Boo-hoo. Actually, it’s a little more complicated than that.

Apr 12, 2020

Scientists can 3D print insect-like robots in minutes

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, cyborgs, robotics/AI

3D-printed ‘flexoskeletons’ make it possible to build a soft robot in less than two hours without extravagant costs.

Apr 10, 2020

This 3D-printed oxygen mask was designed to help with a lack of ventilators for coronavirus patients

Posted by in categories: 3D printing, biotech/medical

The world is facing a global shortage of ventilators, and companies including GE and Ford have shifted production over to making more.

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