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The ability to 3D print objects of all shapes, and many sizes, has enabled individuals to take at least some control of their lives away from the large manufacturers and corporations out there. We can now become the makers of what we consumer. 3D printing has been touted as a way to cut back on waste. Additive manufacturing is clearly a much better fabrication method than that of subtractive manufacturing. These new processes are certainly saving materials for the large manufacturers out there who may be printing in metals, or other materials instead of using milling techniques. For those of us who use ordinary FDM-based desktop 3D printers to make trinkets and little doo-dads, let’s be honest, we are probably causing more plastic waste than we were prior to purchasing these machines. How many 3D prints have you had which have failed and you simply end up throwing away? Half of the stuff you print, you likely would never have purchased anyway, right?

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FUTURISM UPDATE (September 21, 2014)

a Amazon and Lifeboat

GE INTELLIGENT PLATFORMS: High-performance Automation for a Connected World

CNN: View from Russia: Could Putin be in Obama’s ‘broad coalition’ against ISIS?…?hpt=hp_c1

YAHOO NEWS: Russian fighters intercepted by U.S. near Alaska…07256.html

YAHOO NEWS: Russian fighters intercepted by U.S. near Alaska…07256.html

GLOBAL NEWS: Canadian and U.S. jets intercepted Russian planes over Arctic: Norad…tic-norad/

NOT THE WORLD, BUT NATO AND THE MIDDLE EAST. CNN: Is the world going nuts?…?hpt=hp_t5

FOX NEWS: F-22 fighters intercept Russian military planes 55 miles off Alaska…ff-alaska/

RT: Spare parts in space: NASA to send ISS its first 3D printer

NASA: 3D Printing: Food in Space

NASA: 3D Printing In Zero-G Technology Demonstration (3D Printing In Zero-G)

SPACE COM: How NASA Is Launching 3D Printing Into Space

GIZMODO: NASA Is Blasting the First 3D Printer Into Space Tonight…1636978871

THE VERGE: The International Space Station is about to get its first 3D printer…into-space

CBS: A Pill To Treat Concussions Is On The Way…n-the-way/

FORBES: These Are Not Your Father’s Solar Panels…ar-panels/

MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE: A Map of Rosetta’s Comet

THE ECONOMIC TIMES: Bill Gates meets Narendra Modi, lauds focus on sanitation and banking for poor…?adcode=13

TIMES UNION: Russia — China relations“Russia reorients to the Orient” New monthly memo from Russia Direct…760713.php

TIMES OF INDIA: It takes a solar lantern to change destinies…027767.cms

NEWS INDIA: U.S. seeks ‘talk and trade’ to rebuild India ties

BUSINESS INSIDER: Two Big Trends Will Fuel The Renewable Energy Boom For Years…z3DuDEq8Rp

BUSINESS INSIDER: This Startup Is Replacing Phone And Tablet Batteries With Invisible Solar Panels…z3DuDeumGJ

BUSINESS INSIDER: 9 Signs That Americans Will See Solar Power Everywhere Within The Decade

BUSINESS INSIDER: What If Giant Space-Based Solar Panels Could Beam Unlimited Power To The Earth?…2014-7

Could the U.S. Military Be a Catalyst for Solar Energy?…-ener.aspx

THE GUARDIAN: Solar energy cells you can print out catching commercial eye, says CSIRO…says-csiro

THE GUARDIAN: Focus on the facts – wind energy works

BBC: Generating electricity from wind power…/6616.html

BBC: Cheap solar energy…ower.shtml


By Mr. Andres Agostini

— BetaBoston

Via Empire Robotics

The candidate for best robotic hand looks like a beanbag and claims to grip anything.

A Boston builder of robot hands, Empire Robotics, is showing its first commercial grippers today: the enchanting and entirely fingerless VersaBall. Interestingly, this first demonstration is in partnership with Universal Robots, who happens to be local bot maker Rethink Robotics’ competitor.

Robotics companies and researchers have already found ways to move robots around, not just in factories, but around your house too. But as robots begin to do more, they’re still trying to solve the problem of dexterity—how do you build a robotic hand that can hold and move objects of entirely different shapes, sizes, and textures?

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a Amazon and Lifeboat

FUTURISM UPDATE (September 20, 2014)

DARPA: President Obama Highlights New DARPA Program Aimed at Developing Novel Therapies Customized to Individual Patients

Rising Tides – Mitigation versus Consternation

REUTERS: North Korea says imprisoned American tried to become ‘second Snowden’…0B20140920

REUTERS: French jets strike in Iraq, expanding U.S.-led campaign against Islamic State

REUTERS: Other automakers to challenge Tesla in over-the-air software upgrades…HL20140919

BLOOMBERG: Al-Qaeda Spokesman Admits Embassy Plot as Judge Questions Deal…ioned.html

BLOOMBERG: Protecting the Power Grid From Malware That Doesn’t Exist Yet…t-yet.html

KAI: A long-lasting, water-based nuclear-energy-powered battery…ed-battery

KAI: A new impermeable form of graphene oxide could be the ultimate protective coating…ve-coating

KAI: Car hacking: who’s monitoring (or controlling) your car?

HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW: 3-D Printing Will Change the World

SLATE: A Very Matter-of-Fact Interview About the Russian Tradition of Arresting Billionaires and Taking Their Stuff…ments.html

BBC: Poland, Ukraine and Lithuania form joint military unit

BBC: Six Russian fighter jets intercepted off Alaska

HUFF POST: Canadian fighter jets intercept Russian bombers in Arctic…;ir=Canada

DESIGN ENGINEERING: NASA’s JPL develops multi-metal 3D printing process…ess-132113

NASA: Printing the Metals of the Future

BBC: eBay security flaw has existed for months

SCIENCE MAG: Gene therapy helps weak mice grow strong…row-strong

LA TIMES: A theory for toddlers’ turbo-charged learning style. The lack of a fully formed prefrontal cortex — the section of the brain that keeps an adult ‘on task’ — may help young kids accumulate knowledge rapidly, a study suggests.

(CNN) — 2 US. jets intercepted six Russian planes that neared U.S. airspace off Alaska on Thursday and Canadian planes intercepted 2 Russian bombers that approached Canadian airspace, NORAD reported.

MOSCOW TIMES: Putin Seeks Ways to Cut Russia Off From the Internet…07449.html

PEW RESEARCH: AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs

Internet of Everything is a $4.6 trillion opportunity for global public-sector organizations over the next decade

NATURE AND SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN: The Long Slow Rise of Solar and Wind…45;52.html

NATURE: Economics: Manufacture renewables to build energy security…ty-1.15847

WALL STREET JOURNAL: GlaxoSmithKline Found Guilty of Bribery in China…1411114817

ADAGE: Hey, CMO: Larry Ellison and Oracle Want Your Business As Tech Titans Race to Dominate the Marketing Cloud, Oracle and Others Are Courting the New Decision Makers — You…1411659572

PHYS ORG: Quick-change materials break the silicon speed limit for computers

ECONOMICALLY, EXPECT ZERO. PEW RESEARCH: World Remains Glum about Economic Prospects

PEW RESEARCH CENTER: Global Public Downbeat about Economy. Many Wary of the Future and the Present.

BLOOMBERG: Pena Nieto Heads to New York After Energy Overhaul Moves…entum.html

WALL STREET JOURNAL: Chinese Views of India: Culturally Rich but Backward…-backward/

PEW RESEARCH: Indians Reflect on Their Country & the World. Troubled by Economic Problems, Corruption, Pakistan and China.

BUSINESS INSIDER: Alibaba Is Already The Fourth Most Valuable Technology Company In The World…z3DpXE42qS

THE NATO CONSEQUENCES. BREAKING DEFENSE: Army Scrambles On 4 Continents: Odierno Previews New Doctrine…-doctrine/

By Angela Chen — The Chronicle of Higher Education

One Step Ahead of the Robots 2

When the world ends, it may not be by fire or ice or an evil robot overlord. Our demise may come at the hands of a superintelligence that just wants more paper clips.

So says Nick Bostrom, a philosopher who founded and directs the Future of Humanity Institute, in the Oxford Martin School at the University of Oxford. He created the “paper-clip maximizer” thought experiment to expose flaws in how we conceive of superintelligence. We anthropomorphize such machines as particularly clever math nerds, says Bostrom, whose book Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies was released in Britain in July and arrived stateside this month. Spurred by science fiction and pop culture, we assume that the main superintelligence-gone-wrong scenario features a hostile organization programming software to conquer the world. But those assumptions fundamentally misunderstand the nature of superintelligence: The dangers come not necessarily from evil motives, says Bostrom, but from a powerful, wholly nonhuman agent that lacks common sense.

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0   a     Y E L L O W
FUTURISM UPDATE (September 19, 2014)

WALL STREET JOURNAL: It’s Time to Take Artificial Intelligence Seriously. No Longer an Academic Curiosity, It Now Has Measurable Impact on Our Lives…1408922644

Blue Origin to Replace Russia’s RD-180 for U.S. Rocket Flights…t-flights/

CBSNEWS: Popular Science picks best inventions for 2014

BUSINESS INSIDER: World Bank: Economic Impact Of Ebola Outbreak Could Be ‘Catastrophic’…z3Di1nviFA

BUSINESS INSIDER: A Declassified CIA Paper Shows How Close The US And The Soviets Really Came To War In 1983…z3Di2QFSAu

BUSINESS INSIDER: Scientists Have Detected A New Stellar Explosion That Might Be A Supernova…z3Di2pCdGE

THE ECONOMIST: The rise and rise of Xi Jinping. Xi who must be obeyed…-wisely-xi

KAI: Capturing the motion of a single molecule in real time as it oscillates from one quantum state to another…to-another

KAI: Measuring the motion patterns of bacteria in real time

KAI: Twisting radio beams to transmit ultra-high-speed data

NATURE: Machine learning approaches to genomics

MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE: Intelligent Systems: Perception — Action — Learning

MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE: Machine Learning — Pioneering Research Network

WIRED: A Military-Grade Drone That Can Be Printed Anywhere…=social_fb

REUTERS: Alibaba IPO prices at top of range, raising $21.8 billion

REUTERS: SAP agrees to buy expense software maker Concur for $7.3 billion…N220140918

REUTERS: Qualcomm shows off robot technology, but mum on China dispute…LA20140918

BLOOMBERG: Alibaba Overtakes Amazon as Most Highly Valued Online Retailer…ailer.html

FORBES: FDA Approves Lilly’s Once-Weekly Shot For Diabetes…um=twitter


THE ECONOMIST: MANAGEMENT thinkers have paid surprisingly little attention to how Chinese firms are run.…china_wave

FINANCIAL TIMES: Lotus to cut workforce by more than a quarter…z3Dinet9ol

AMERICAN SCIENTIST: Computers get faster every year, but Seth Lloyd thinks he has the limit finally in sight.

IEEE Spectrum: Wine Critics Watch Out: Artificial Tongues Are Getting Better…sting-test

SCIENCE DAILY: First blood test to diagnose depression in adults

PHYS ORG: Spacesuits of the future may resemble a streamlined second skin

PHYS ORG: World population to keep growing this century, hit 11 billion by 2100

ENGINEERING: Airbus Patents a VRHelmet to Make Flying LessAgonizing…izing.aspx

ENGINEERING: Harvard Awarded DARPA Exosuit Contract…tract.aspx

MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE: New 3D-image modelling technology enables anyone to have a 3D digital doppelgänger

THE ATLANTIC: What Happens When We All Live to 100?…00/379338/

NEW SCIENTIST: Quantum internet could keep us safe from spying eyes…BuhfhYb8mw

NATURE: Need an organ? Just print some stem cells in 3D…BuiUxYb8mw

TECHNOLOGY REVIEW: 3-D Printing for the Masses. A rapid-prototyping service opens up technology to hobbyists and designers.

NEW YORKER: Does Silicon Valley Have a Contract-Worker Problem?…iggtwitter

STANFORD UNIVERSITY: 3-D printing creates murky product liability issues, Stanford scholar says

REUTERS: Home Depot breach bigger than Target at 56 million cards…J420140918

MOSCOW TIMES: Russia’s Gas Supply Cuts to Europe Bolster Gazprom’s Bargaining Power…07397.html

MOSCOW TIMES: Anti-Aircraft Missile Lands Near Chita…07391.html

DER SPIEGEL: Germany’s Ailing Infrastructure: A Nation Slowly Crumbles…90903.html

THE ECONOMIST: Self-driving cars. Coming to a street near you.…t_near_you NASA to grow 3D printed space wood

CNN: The next frontier in 3-D printing: Human organs

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Flying High. The Improbable Rise of the Gulf Airlines

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: The End of Swedish Exceptionalism. Why the Elections Mark a New Era for Politics…ptionalism

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: The End of Swedish Exceptionalism. Why the Elections Mark a New Era for Politics…ptionalism

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Europe’s Jewish Problem. The Misunderstood Rise of European Anti-Semitism…sh-problem

FOREIGN AFFAIRS: Europe’s Jewish Problem. The Misunderstood Rise of European Anti-Semitism…sh-problem

FOREIGN POLICY: Hammered by the West, Putin Turns East. Russia and China are close to another mammoth natural gas deal that could reshape the world’s energy map.…_gas_altai


By Mr. Andres Agostini
href=“” target=“_blank”>

Christopher Mims — Wall Street Journal

The age of intelligent machines has arrived—only they don’t look at all like we expected. Forget what you’ve seen in movies; this is no HAL from “2001: A Space Odyssey,” and it’s certainly not Scarlett Johansson’s disembodied voice in “Her.” It’s more akin to what happens when insects, or even fungi, do when they “think.” (What, you didn’t know that slime molds can solve mazes?)

Artificial intelligence has lately been transformed from an academic curiosity to something that has measurable impact on our lives. Google Inc. used it to increase the accuracy of voice recognition in Android by 25%. The Associated Press is printing business stories written by it. Facebook Inc. is toying with it as a way to improve the relevance of the posts it shows you.

What is especially interesting about this point in the history of AI is that it’s no longer just for technology companies. Startups are beginning to adapt it to problems where, at least to me, its applicability is genuinely surprising.

Take advertising copywriting. Could the “Mad Men” of Don Draper’s day have predicted that by the beginning of the next century, they would be replaced by machines? Yet a company called Persado aims to do just that.

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Among transhumanists, Nick Bostrom is well-known for promoting the idea of ‘existential risks’, potential harms which, were they come to pass, would annihilate the human condition altogether. Their probability may be relatively small, but the expected magnitude of their effects are so great, so Bostrom claims, that it is rational to devote some significant resources to safeguarding against them. (Indeed, there are now institutes for the study of existential risks on both sides of the Atlantic.) Moreover, because existential risks are intimately tied to the advancement of science and technology, their probability is likely to grow in the coming years.

Contrary to expectations, Bostrom is much less concerned with ecological suicide from humanity’s excessive carbon emissions than with the emergence of a superior brand of artificial intelligence – a ‘superintelligence’. This creature would be a human artefact, or at least descended from one. However, its self-programming capacity would have run amok in positive feedback, resulting in a maniacal, even self-destructive mission to rearrange the world in the image of its objectives. Such a superintelligence may appear to be quite ruthless in its dealings with humans, but that would only reflect the obstacles that we place, perhaps unwittingly, in the way of the realization of its objectives. Thus, this being would not conform to the science fiction stereotype of robots deliberately revolting against creators who are now seen as their inferiors.

I must confess that I find this conceptualisation of ‘existential risk’ rather un-transhumanist in spirit. Bostrom treats risk as a threat rather than as an opportunity. His risk horizon is precautionary rather than proactionary: He focuses on preventing the worst consequences rather than considering the prospects that are opened up by whatever radical changes might be inflicted by the superintelligence. This may be because in Bostrom’s key thought experiment, the superintelligence turns out to be the ultimate paper-clip collecting machine that ends up subsuming the entire planet to its task, destroying humanity along the way, almost as an afterthought.

But is this really a good starting point for thinking about existential risk? Much more likely than total human annihilation is that a substantial portion of humanity – but not everyone – is eliminated. (Certainly this captures the worst case scenarios surrounding climate change.) The Cold War remains the gold standard for this line of thought. In the US, the RAND Corporation’s chief analyst, Herman Kahn — the model for Stanley Kubrick’s Dr Strangelove – routinely, if not casually, tossed off scenarios of how, say, a US-USSR nuclear confrontation would serve to increase the tolerance for human biological diversity, due to the resulting proliferation of genetic mutations. Put in more general terms, a severe social disruption provides a unique opportunity for pursuing ideals that might otherwise be thwarted by a ‘business as usual’ policy orientation.

Here it is worth recalling that the Cold War succeeded on its own terms: None of the worst case scenarios were ever realized, even though many people were mentally prepared to make the most of the projected adversities. This is one way to think about how the internet itself arose, courtesy the US Defense Department’s interest in maintaining scientific communications in the face of attack. In other words, rather than trying to prevent every possible catastrophe, the way to deal with ‘unknown unknowns’ is to imagine that some of them have already come to pass and redesign the world accordingly so that you can carry on regardless. Thus, Herman Kahn’s projection of a thermonuclear future provided grounds in the 1960s for the promotion of, say, racially mixed marriages, disability-friendly environments, and the ‘do more with less’ mentality that came to characterize the ecology movement.

Kahn was a true proactionary thinker. For him, the threat of global nuclear war raised Joseph Schumpeter’s idea of ‘creative destruction’ to a higher plane, inspiring social innovations that would be otherwise difficult to achieve by conventional politics. Historians have long noted that modern warfare has promoted spikes in innovation that in times of peace are then subject to diffusion, as the relevant industries redeploy for civilian purposes. We might think of this tendency, in mechanical terms, as system ‘overdesign’ (i.e. preparing for the worst but benefitting even if the worst doesn’t happen) or, more organically, as a vaccine that converts a potential liability into an actual benefit.

In either case, existential risk is regarded in broadly positive terms, specifically as an unprecedented opportunity to extend the range of human capability, even under radically changed circumstances. This sense of ‘antifragility’, as the great ‘black swan’ detector Nicholas Taleb would put it, is the hallmark of our ‘risk intelligence’, the phrase that the British philosopher Dylan Evans has coined for a demonstrated capacity that people have to make step change improvements in their lives in the face of radical uncertainty. From this standpoint, Bostrom’s superintelligence concept severely underestimates the adaptive capacity of human intelligence.

Perhaps the best way to see just how much Bostrom shortchanges humanity is to note that his crucial thought experiment requires a strong ontological distinction between humans and superintelligent artefacts. Where are the cyborgs in this doomsday scenario? Reading Bostrom reminds me that science fiction did indeed make progress in the twentieth century, from the world of Karl Čapek’s Rossum’s Universal Robots in 1920 to the much subtler blending of human and computer futures in the works of William Gibson and others in more recent times.

Bostrom’s superintelligence scenario began to be handled in more sophisticated fashion after the end of the First World War, popularly under the guise of ‘runaway technology’, a topic that received its canonical formulation in Langdon Winner’s 1977 Autonomous Technology: Technics out of Control, a classic in the field of science and technology of studies. Back then the main problem with superintelligent machines was that they would ‘dehumanize’ us, less because they might dominate us but more because we might become like them – perhaps because we feel that we have invested our best qualities in them, very much like Ludwig Feuerbach’s aetiology of the Judaeo-Christian God. Marxists gave the term ‘alienation’ a popular spin to capture this sentiment in the 1960s.

Nowadays, of course, matters have been complicated by the prospect of human and machine identities merging together. This goes beyond simply implanting silicon chips in one’s brain. Rather, it involves the complex migration and enhancement of human selves in cyberspace. (Sherry Turkle has been the premier ethnographer of this process in children.) That such developments are even possible points to a prospect that Bostrom refuses to consider, namely, that to be ‘human’ is to be only contingently located in the body of Homo sapiens. The name of our species – Homo sapiens – already gives away the game, because our distinguishing feature (so claimed Linnaeus) had nothing to do with our physical morphology but with the character of our minds. And might not such a ‘sapient’ mind better exist somewhere other than in the upright ape from which we have descended?

The prospects for transhumanism hang on the answer to this question. Aubrey de Grey’s indefinite life extension project is about Homo sapiens in its normal biological form. In contrast, Ray Kurzweil’s ‘singularity’ talk of uploading our consciousness into indefinitely powerful computers suggests a complete abandonment of the ordinary human body. The lesson taught by Langdon Winner’s historical account is that our primary existential risk does not come from alien annihilation but from what social psychologists call ‘adaptive preference formation’. In other words, we come to want the sort of world that we think is most likely, simply because that offers us the greatest sense of security. Thus, the history of technology is full of cases in which humans have radically changed their lives to adjust to an innovation whose benefits they reckon outweigh the costs, even when both remain fundamentally incalculable. Success in the face such ‘existential risk’ is then largely a matter of whether people – perhaps of the following generation – have made the value shifts necessary to see the changes as positive overall. But of course, it does not follow that those who fail to survive the transition or have acquired their values before this transition would draw a similar conclusion.

By Stephen F. DeAngelis, Enterra Solutions — Wired


“Algorithm” is a word that one hears used much more frequently than in the past. One of the reasons is that scientists have learned that computers can learn on their own if given a few simple instructions. That’s really all that algorithms are mathematical instructions. Wikipedia states that an algorithm “is a step-by-step procedure for calculations.

Algorithms are used for calculation, data processing, and automated reasoning.” Whether you are aware of it or not, algorithms are becoming a ubiquitous part of our lives. Some pundits see danger in this trend. For example, Leo Hickman (@LeoHickman) writes, “The NSA revelations highlight the role sophisticated algorithms play in sifting through masses of data. But more surprising is their widespread use in our everyday lives. So should we be more wary of their power?” [“How algorithms rule the world,” The Guardian, 1 July 2013] It’s a bit hyperbolic to declare that algorithms rule the world; but, I agree that their use is becoming more widespread. That’s because computers are playing increasingly important roles in so many aspects of our lives. I like the HowStuffWorks explanation:

“To make a computer do anything, you have to write a computer program. To write a computer program, you have to tell the computer, step by step, exactly what you want it to do. The computer then ‘executes’ the program, following each step mechanically, to accomplish the end goal. When you are telling the computer what to do, you also get to choose how it’s going to do it. That’s where computer algorithms come in. The algorithm is the basic technique used to get the job done.”

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By John Frank Weaver — Slate


Not that long ago, Google announced something unheard of in the auto industry—at least in the part of the auto industry that makes moving cars. A car without a steering wheel or gas and brake pedals. To Google, this was the next step in self-driving cars. Why bother with a steering wheel if the driver isn’t driving? Some observers questioned whether this feature in the proposed the test vehicle violated the autonomous vehicle statute in California (where the vehicle would be tested), which required that the driver take control of the self-driving vehicle in case the autonomous system malfunctions. Google claimed that it installed an on/off button, which satisfied the California law.

California recently weighed in: Google, you’re wrong. The state has released regulations requiring that a test driver be able to take “active physical control” of the car, meaning with a steering wheel and brakes.

To this I say—good for you, California.

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