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Mr. Andres Agostini is the Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador’s Professional at and

CORS Risk Management Turnkey Services Founder and CEO at

Mr. Agostini, with 33-plus years of management experience, operates in the U.S. and globally and is accustomed to fundamentally solved most complex problems for Large and Small for-lucre Firms.

Premium-class Turnkey Professional Servicing from Toyota Motors, Mitsubishi Motors, Shell, AT&T, ExxonMobil, GTE, TNT Delivery Express and to the World Bank and World Health Organization!

Inventor, Methodology Conceiver and Developer and Owner, Visionary Technologist, Risk Manager, Professional Futurologist, Management Consultant, Business Adviser, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Founder, CEO and Chairman, Deep Thinker, Keynote Speaker, Scientific-Futuring and Organizational Strategist, Scenario-Method Practitioner (Scenarist), CEO and C-Level Coach, Ambassador, Executive Trainer and Lecturer, Concurrent-Convergent-Systems-Thinking Savant (Innovist), Published Author, Technical and Creative Writer, Lexicographer, Multilingual, Translator, Interpreter, and Transliterator.

Mr. Agostini is into Turnkey Consulting on:

→ Success

→ Strategy

→ Risk Management

→ Technology Foresight and Warning Analysis and Strategic Coping

→ Scientific Futuring

→ Scenario and Simulation Methods

→ Anticipating Strategic Surprise

→ Black Swans, Gray Swans and White Swans

→ Strategic Anticipation Forecasting Techniques

→ Strategic Execution

→ Innovation

→ Fundamental: Problem Solving, Decision Making and Action Taking


1) Anticipatory processes
2) Business Development
3) Business Process Improvement
4) Business Process Outsourcing
5) Change Management
6) Complex Negotiations
7) Conflict Resolution
8) Continuous Improvement
9) Consulting to policy-makers and decision-makers
10) Corporate Training
11) Co-Sourcing
12) Cross-functional Teams
13) Customer Satisfaction
14) Decision-analysis Planning and Execution
15) Entrepreneurship
16) Executive and Technical Instruction
17) Government Relations
18) Hard Science (Advanced Knowledge: Dissemination and Propagation)
19) Healthcare Solutions
20) In-sourcing
21) Insurance and Reinsurance
22) Intercultural Counseling
23) Interpretive Translations
24) Marketing Strategy
25) Marketing/Sales for Corporations and Governments
26) Master Classes
27) Organizational Culture Diagnosis and Development
28) Outsourcing
29) Organizational Effectiveness
30) Personal and Professional Development
31) Public Outreach
32) Quality Assurance
33) Risk Management (Advanced and Beyond Insurance)
34) Sales and Business Development
35) Senior Executive Management
36) Social Media Marketing
37) Strategic Communications
38) Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning (Lecturer, Researcher, Developer, Strategist)
39) Strategic Partnering
40) Strategy (Corporate, Organizations)
41) Strategy and Management and Leadership Consulting
42) Systems Integration
43) Technologies
44) Technology Foresight
45) Technology Transfer
46) Workshop Facilitation
47) Writing (technical)

Mr. Andres Agostini
Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador:
The White Swan Treatise at
The « … The Human Race to the Future … » Worldwide Ambassa-dor at

Mr. Andres Agostini is CEO at White Swan Initiative , Future Observatory and of CORS, Professional Risk Management Services . He is the Author and Founder of the White Swan Treatise. and Futuretronium Book and Initiative .

Andres is the Author of: The Future of Scientific Management, Today! , The Future of Space-Age Risk Management: Transformative and Integrative Risk Management! , Futureketing: How to Systematically Understand and Succeed in a World of Frantically Accelerating Pace of Change! , The Future of Skunkworks Management, Now! , The Omniscient Truth About Outer-Space Intelligent Life And What The Official Establishment Has To Declare About It! , Beyond and Above Dr. Strangelove and Royal Dutch Shell: The Future of Omniscient Scenario-Planning Methodology, Today! , Information Technology Vis-à-vis Technology Per Se! Is all “…Technology…” and “…Information Technology…” ? , Agostini Success Tenets! and Preter-Natural Leadership In Century 21! .

He is the CEO of Becoming Aware of the Futures , Future Awareness , Futuring , Singularity Network of Technologists , Strong Quantum Supercomputing , Outer-Space Intelligence and Scientific Aging-Transcendence .

Andres is also a Lifeboat Foundation’s Advisory Member.

With over 30 years of most-instrumental and all-encompassing practical, empirical and factual experience with most-gargantuan Corporations, Andres operates as (i) Entrepreneurial Success Consultant, (ii) Transformative and Integrative Risk Management Adviser, (iii) Professional Futurologist «Scientific Futuring, Futures Studies, Foresight Research, Scenario Planning and other Scientific-Futuring methodologies», and (iv) Senior Consultant in practical and theoretical matters of thoroughly advanced Strategic Management.

Andres institutes such turnkey solutions in the tradition of non-partisan think tanks, in order to enhance the corporate decision-making process and with the utter purpose of solving complex corporate, managerial, organizational, business and technical problems.

Andres is prolifically concentrated on many man-made and otherwise-induced risks, including global existential risks. For man-made existential risks unrelated to the geometric progression of science and technology, Andres writes and speaks about the “…Disruptional Singularity…,” hoping that a responsible and positive Technological Singularity takes precedence.

Andres implements his fundamental, thorough and complete solutions regarding the framework, context and theater of operations of think tanks, multilaterals, supranationals, NGOs, as well as to for-profit enterprises and governmental institutions, whose core business is into: oil-and-energy, telecommunications, maritime, health-care, insurance, automotive, employee benefits, logistics, transport, consultancy and government.

Andres’ proprietary methodology is White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management , a beyond-insurance risk management methodology developed by him.

He observes that his own approach ascertains, at all times, the practical and lucrative application of womb-to-tomb actionable systems thinking and pragmatic execution with the applied omniscience perspective as it is understood, conceived and instituted by NASA, DARPA and the Industrial-Military Complex.

Other organizations that institute beyond-insurance methodologies include: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), IBM and Manitoba Government Air Services.

He advises world-class corporate institutions on dynamic driving forces (and how to beforehand cope with them and their counter-forces successfully and sustainably) in innovation, computing, financial services, health care, population (and demography), life sciences, energy, security, workforce, climate change, globalization and exponential technologies.

He is deeply and publically proactive with and through many publications and prestigious forums, into the pervasive advancement of rampant science and technologies, thus disseminating differentiated state-of-the-art and hi-tech ideas worldwide.

The subject matter of the participating Forums in which Andres is a Lifeboat Foundation Advisory Board Member comprises: Business Board, Complex Systems Board, Diplomacy Board, Economics Board, Education Board, Ethics Board, Finance Board, Futurists Board, Human-Nonhuman Relationship Board, Philosophy Board, Scientific Freedom Board, Space Settlement Board, Supercomputing Board and Sustainability Board.

Andres’ institutional global clients include worldwide:

He works with or has worked with:

► Toyota,
► Mitsubishi,
► World Bank,
► Shell,
► Statoil,
► Total,
► Exxon,
► Mobil,
► PDVSA, Citgo,
► GE,
► TNT Express,
► AT&T
► GTE,
► Amoco,
► BP,
► Abbot Laboratories,
► World Health Organization,
► Ernst Young Consulting,
► SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation),
► Pak Mail,
► Wilpro Energy Services,
► Phillips Petroleum Company,
► Dupont,
► Conoco,
► ENI (Italy’s petroleum state-owned firm),
► Chevron,
► LDG Management (HCC Benefits).
► Liberty Mutual (via its own Seguros Caracas)
► Lafarge
► MAPFRE (via its own Seguros La Seguridad)
► AES Corporation (via its own Electricidad de Caracas)

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→ The White Swan’s Beyond Eureka and Sputnik Moments.: How To Fundamentally Cope

With Corporate Litmus Tests at

→ White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management Graphics at

→ Serendipity Versus Pseudoserendipity at

→ Concurrent Coordinated Convergent Systems Thinking (CCCST) at

→ Futureketing!: How to Systematically Understand a World of Frantically

Accelerating Pace of Change! at

→ The Space-Age Risk Management: Transformative and Integrative Risk Management at

→ Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language of Terms in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at

→ Specialties at

→ Professional Services at

→ Personal Website at

→ Point of Contact via LinkedIn at

→ Point of Contact via Twitter at

→ Message the Author via LinkedIn InMail at

Watch his YouTube channel . View his Facebook page . Read his Google+ profile and his LinkedIn profile . Follow his Twitter feed . Study his BigThink profile .

You are welcome here to accede to Andres’ Professional Services.




Worldwide │ Arlington │ NYC │ Miami │ London │ Caracas

On Twitter at

On LinkedIn at


Let’s contact via Linkedin’s InMail system. Please make certain that your subject line is clear and self-explanatory. «Andres’ Intellectual Manifesto» «LIFEBOAT FOUNDATION» «Full Bio» «Full Bio, Spanish»

As well: «Website» «Collaboration»
@SciCzar «Twitter»

Please also note: «Success» «Success II» «Book» «Method» «Future Observatory» «Linkedin Forum» «Leadership» «Pervasive Futurists» «What» «Biography» «Institutions Andres has worked with»

Andres’ References at «Testimonials»

Mr. Andres Agostini is a Success Consultant, Beyond-Insurance Risk Management Adviser, Researcher, Strategist & Manager with futures studies perspective and with over 30 years of stern experience.

Operates as a:

► Entrepreneurial Success Consultant,

► Transformative and Integrative Risk Management Adviser,

► Professional Futurist «Futures Studies, Foresight Research & Scenario Planning», &

► Consultant, in practical and theoretical matters of Strategic Management.

He implements his fundamental solutions to think tanks, multilaterals, supranationals, NGOs, as well as to for-profit enterprises & governmental institutions, whose core business is into: oil-&-energy, maritime, health-care, insurance, automotive, employee benefits, logistics, transport, consultancy & government.

His own methodology is «Transformative & Integrative Risk Management».

He works with:

► Toyota,
► Mitsubishi,
► World Bank,
► Shell,
► Statoil,
► Total,
► Exxon,
► Mobil,
► PDVSA, Citgo,
► GE,
► TNT Express,
► AT&T
► GTE,
► Amoco,
► BP,
► Abbot Laboratories,
► World Health Organization,
► Ernst Young Consulting,
► SAIC «Science Applications International Corporation»,
► Pak Mail,
► Wilpro Energy Services,
► Phillips Petroleum Company,
► Dupont,
► Conoco,
► ENI «Italy’s petroleum state-owned firm»,
► Chevron,
► LDG Management «HCC Benefits».

The Future of Scientific Management, Today! At

Futuretronium Book. At

The Future of Skunkworks Management, Now! At

The Omniscient Truth About Outer-Space Intelligent Life And What The Official Establishment Has To Declare About It! At

The Future of Omniscient Scenario-Planning Methodology, Today! At

Agostini Success Tenets! At

Preter-Natural Leadership In Century 21! At

N.B._1: The reader is greatly forewarned that Andres is accustomed to render his professional services to gargantuan organizations such as Toyota and the World Bank in most critical-mission frameworks. Andres has, also, worked successfully with small and middle-size organizations coping with complicated and complex challenges.

N.B._2: Andres works with business owner«s» only.

N.B._3: Andres has proprietary ideas that for obvious reasons he doesn’t reveal.

Full Bio at

Arlington │ NYC │ Miami │ Londres │ Caracas │ Worldwide


El Sr. Andrés Agostini es el CEO de Future Observatory « », Autor y Fundador del Libro e Iniciativa Futuretronium « » y The Future of Scientific Management, Today! « ».

Andrés también escribió The Future of Skunkworks Management, Now! « » , The Omniscient Truth About Outer-Space Intelligent Life And What The Official Establishment Has To Declare About It! « » , Beyond and Above Dr. Strangelove and Royal Dutch Shell: The Future of Omniscient Scenario-Planning Methodology, Today! « » , Agostini Success Tenets! «…-22202-usa » y Preter-Natural Leadership In Century 21! «…logspotcom »

Él es el Director Ejecutivo de Becoming Aware of the Futures « », Future Awareness « » , Futuring « » y Singularity Network of Technologists « »

Andrés también es Miembro de la Junta Consultiva de Lifeboat Foundation.

Con 30 años de experiencia profesional práctica, Andrés opera como «i» Consultor en Éxito Empresarial, «ii» Asesor Técnico en Gerencia de Riesgos Transformativa e Integrativa, «iii» Futurista Profesional «Estudios de Futuros, Investigación Futurista y Metodología de Planificación de Escenarios» y «iv» Consultor Mayor en temas teóricos y prácticos de gerencia estratégica.

Andrés implanta soluciones totales y globales en la tradición de “…think tanks…” no partidarios, a fin de optimizar el proceso de toma de decisiones ante problemas complejos de la gerencia, organización y el negocio. Andrés está prolíficamente concentrando en riesgos del factor humano y la naturaleza, incluyendo los riesgos existenciales.

Andrés implementa soluciones fundamentales para think tanks, multilaterales, supranacionales, ONGs, así como para empresas con fines de lucro «incluyendo PYMES» y organismos gubernamentales, cuya actividad medular es: petróleo y energía, telecomunicaciones, embarcaciones marítimas, salud, seguros, sector automotriz, beneficios colectivos de trabajadores «activos y jubilados», logística, transporte, consultoría y gobierno.

La metodología propia y propietaria de Andrés “Gerencia Transformativa e Integrativa de Riesgos” permite administrar riesgos sin precedentes. Andrés observa que su metodología asegura, en todo momento, la aplicación del pensamiento y el desempeño sistémico y sistemático de acuerdo a la concepción de NASA, DARPA y el Complejo Industrial Militar.

El asesora a instituciones de clase mundial sobre las fuerzas dinámicas y conductoras que impactan al presente y al futuro en innovación, computación, servicios financieros, salud, población «demografía», ciencia, energía, seguridad, fuerza laboral, cambio climático y globalización.

Los clientes institucionales globales de Andrés incluyen a Toyota, Mitsubishi, Banco Mundial, Shell, Statoil, Total, Exxon, Mobil, PDVSA/Citgo, GE, GMAC, TNT Delivery Express, AT&T, GTE, Amoco, BP, Chevron, Phillips Petroleum Company, Dupont, Conoco, Abbot Laboratories, Organización Mundial de la Salud, Ernst Young Consulting, SAIC «Science Applications International Corporation», Pak Mail, Wilpro Energy Services, ENI «Estatal petrolera de Italia» y LDG Management «HCC Benefits».

Andrés es profundamente proactivo en la publicación en diversos foros y blogs, referidos al avance exponencial de la ciencia y la tecnología.

Su canal en YouTube « ». Ver su página en Facebook « ». Lea su perfil en Google Plus « » y su perfil en LinkedIn « » Siga su Twitter feed « ». Léalo en BigThink « »

Los Servicios Profesionales de Andrés « »




His Professional Bio in English «Perfil Profesional en Inglés».

Arlington │ NYC │ Miami │ Londres │ Caracas │ Worldwide


“…Andres is an inspiration for me. The scope of the knowledge he puts forward is very broad, diverse, and profound. I learned of so many different things and angles from his writing and his work towards a better future for us all. I believe major deciders should acquaint themselves with Andres’ vision of the future and of his work in finding and fostering positive sustainable outcomes for the whole of humankind. His vast knowledge, acquired through a lot of research and sharing with an important network of collaborators, is a treasure for everyone to whom he gives advise. He is also a very kind, warm person whom I am very happy to have met on my own journey towards a sustainable future…” By Mr. Claude Émond at

“…Andres Agostini has been a strategic consultant and adviser to my Berlin-based businesses since 2000. He is a clear-eyed erudite on a variety of subjects. He explains his positions unambiguously and backs them up with astounding facts and outcomes, early on. He is fair-minded and honest in his dealings with people. Andres is one of the most creative, innovative and dynamic c-level executives and business owner I have met ever.…Andres has the remarkable cognition to see what everyone else has seen or not but nobody else has understood. He has the prodigious endowment to challenge orthodox wisdom and break new ground. Andres is an entrepreneur, strategist and manager extraordinaire!.…Andres’ interdisciplinary perspective on risk management and visionary futuring is based on over 30-plus years of personal involvement – having served as a consultant and mentor to such institutions as WorldBank, Toyota, Mitsubishi, PDVSA/Citgo, GE, GMAC, GTE, Abbot Laboratories, SAIC «Science Applications International Corporation», LDG Management «HCC Benefits» and Ernst Young Consulting, among others.…A strategic futurist and deep thinker, Andres has a rare talent for unearthing the people risks that can hinder organizational performance delivery, helping business leaders determine solutions. Andres does this not just looking at the present day situation, but uses long-range thinking to help organizations develop sustainable solutions enabling competitive edge.…Andres is a dedicated and highly respected leader in many Futurist communities and works tirelessly to help create better futures for us all, neither dystopian nor utopian.…Andres is a serious enigma. His vast career experience, professional expertise and accomplishments are unique and his passion for his practice as Futuristic Risk-Management Success Consultant is changing every industry.…There is nothing about business, management, engineering, digital firms, information technology services, advanced computing, science or technology foreign to Andres’ mind-boggling understanding.…Whatever Andres declares he can achieve he will preemptively accomplish, one by one. Andres enables the people he works with to do their best thereby removing failure as an option and inspiring excellence and solemnity without having to ask for it…” By Mr. Steffen Bieser at

“…I know Andres Agostini to be one of the most astute and informed advisors to government and private sector businesses and NGO’s working today. He has a huge knowledge base and an impressive number of contacts and sources.…His positive outlook, energetic enthusiasm and unfailing courtesy and respect for others is inspirational and motivational. His forecasting skills and advice are wisely sought by many in high places and appreciated by all those who benefit from his generosity.…Andres is a rare example of a true polymath in this day of specialization. His incisive intellect is well balanced by his social skills and personal integrity. I can recommend him without reservation for any organization that is in need of expert counsel at the highest level…” By Dr. David Burkart, PhD. at

“…It is a great pleasure to have this opportunity to give the highest possible recommendation for Mr. Agostini’s wide range of ability and talents. His integrity and drive also mark him out as a major figure.…He is second to none with his knowledge and experience in several areas of management including Risk Management and Business Optimisation. Mr. Agostini is a fine, clear communicator and multi-linguist.…My recommendation is for any appropriate role at the VERY top levels of both Corporate and Governmental organisation, so much so that my company, have appointed him as Special Business Consul…” By Dr. Ian C. Hale, PhD. at

“…Andres, Is a World leader as an Analytical Manager and Consultant who has worked in various sectors consisting of applying his vast knowledge, and skills. This includes Fortune 500 Companies who have hired him as an Adviser, Planner and Futurist who can shed his foresight to help determine where a Company should be driven to become Successful in the marketplace. As a Professional he is highly valuable when researching and using strategic plans to Educate Corporations how to become prosperous…” By Mrs. Peggy Leyva Conley. At

“…I am in awe of Andy for many reasons. Not only am I impressed with his business and management practical approach, vast knowledge and professionalism in current high-tech and concerning future technologies, but as a unique and very valuable human being…With extensive work based on 20 years of corporate experience, Andy has completed his current book, ‘Futuretronium’ «». He has managed to incorporate his wealth of knowledge and experience to address the threats and opportunities and benefits so that incumbents gain augmented insight about what greatly impacts the practices by change managers, leaders, educators, researchers, scholars, entrepreneurs, advanced students and responsible citizens, aiming to make a difference for a better yet challenging world…With minuteness, he explores deep reflections, initiatives, notions and ideas that may have been long ignored, under-estimated and misunderstood. ‘Futuretronium’ is an interesting, deep and comprehensive exploration that allows the reader to freely come to his/her own conclusions. He has a dynamic and deep mind, and is gifted with a true art of expression for all he feels…” By Dr. Ann Shaw

“…Mr. Andres Agostini is a versatile consultant who can successfully inject refreshingly very innovative ideas to enable the organization scale higher productivity with in-built system of online product / service improvement…” By Dr. Narasimha Bhashyam «Space and Defense» at

“…Mr. Andres Agostini possesses a clarity and complexity of thought that is rarely encountered. He is without a doubt one of the most brilliant persons I have had the pleasure to interact with. He is capable of understanding, and describing the forest, the trees, the leaves, the cells, and beyond «and with equal exactitude in several languages»…” By Mr. Daryl Oster

“…It is rare that one encounters a Subject Matter Expert «SME» who so adeptly transcends disciplines and defies traditional definition. Through highly intellectually and stimulating exchanges with Andy, I have found him to be an SME in virtually, and practically, many areas including business management, global commerce, technology, innovation and forward-thinking initiatives… With his insightful views, thoughtful approach and genuine interest in others, Andy has served as an inspiring mentor and coach. He has caused me to pause for deep reflection and ask a truly meaningful ‘What if?’. I have no doubt his subtle, yet effective style, will propel me to the next level of professional development and stellar delivery of my ‘personal best’…For any organization seeking an exceptional and truly remarkable resource, I highly recommend Andy. For anyone wishing a glimpse into ‘what may be’, I recommend exploration of Andy’s theorem about future studies and strategic planning…” By Mrs. Sherry Hall

“…Andy Agostini is extraordinarily accomplished as a Thinker, Executive and Project Strategist…His energy and passion come through in everything he does and his natural language skills generate optimism and an overall sense of possibility. He is articulate, a clear and concise communicator, a forward thinking individual and a sincere performer…Andy brings his experience, host of accomplishments and assignments to everything he does and can be relied upon to do what it takes to make things happen in ways that serve the project as well as the overall enterprise…You will find him highly educated, seasoned, of great poise and manners, clearly a gentleman in all regards. He is savvy in the ways of doing business in multiple cultures and understands the idiosyncrasies and complexity of dealing with multiple interests toward a common goal…I believe you will always be glad that you did business with Andy in any context within which you engage. I offer my heartiest recommendation of him and continue to seek projects upon which we can collaborate resources and efforts…” By Mr. Bob Smith

“…Much like his knowledge-seeking forebears, Andres maintains an unconventional view of the conventional world around him. The combination of his intellect and perspective serve him well as an engaging commentator, coach and consultant. His writings are completely fascinating, as he is able to connect vast amounts of information into something truly meaningful…Andres is not at all an intellectual snob, though by all rights he could be. On the contrary, he is very giving through sharing his ideas and knowledge, and in helping his fellow men «and women» working to better themselves. I find Andres to be a kind and warm human being while maintaining his strong professional leadership and mentoring style. He offers a unique blend of qualities and attributes that are rare indeed, and I highly recommend him…” By Mr. Dana Hall

“…Andres Agostini is a remarkable man, a scholar well versed in a huge variety of areas and expertise. He has published many publication and is an expert in managerial leadership and organizational transformation. It is a delight to speak with him, listen to him and to his smart presentations. His organizational insights are unique and helpful, extremely resourceful and determined… He is very well documented, exact and a ‘follow-through’ man, one that always keeps his promises and follows up in an exact and very prompt manner, a man of word. THIS IS EXTREMELY EXTRAORDINARY FROM A MAN AS BUSY AS ANDRES…” By Mr. Nachum Katz

“…I know Mr. Andres Agostini for several years and had numerous privileged opportunities to exchange intelligently charged views on vast number of subjects ranging from advancement of physics and human resource science and technology management, to sophisticated nuances of advanced photochemistry… In contradistinction to interactions I experienced with a wide and highly qualified team of world class scientists, consultants, engineers and management specialists in wide myriad of complementing fields and diversified disciplines, Mr. Andres Agostini is indeed a diamond in a heap of pearls…” By Mr. Zamir Tribelsky

“…From my experience he is an extraordinary person / human being doing everything he can to make a difference. «A good example of this is his book Futuretronium Book» The passion with which he addresses moral, ethical and goodness issues are the things that moves me…If you want someone who understands, cares and is genuine in both execution and intent – this is your man…I recommend both Andy and his book «Futuretronium Book» to everybody that is willing to listen, learn and grow…” By Mr. Anton van den Berg

“…Andres Agostini is nothing short of remarkable in intellect, in wisdom, and in putting ideas into action in an integrated, humane-centered fashion… Andy is a man whom you can trust with your life and business. His word or promise is set in stone…” By Mr. Richard Posner. At

“…The unconventional way of thinking and hard work through research and experiment seem to become extremely soon a common way of life. When I met Mr. Andres Agostini my deja vu was that we travel endlessly in a multiverse changing a lot of causes of unwanted effects. Having natural qualities like knowledge, intuition, altruism, patience, kindness, selfless commitment to wipe the wounds of an agonizing society of the challenge, Mr. Agostini is a modern apologist of the of Golden Age of Athens…” By Mr. Tzarul Nocolai

“…Andres Agostini is very skilled as an author, strategist, futurist, scenario planner and has worked with many leading businesses to help them navigate to greater growth. He has a clarity, acumen and professionalism that is exceptional; he is a greatly talented individual…” By Mr. Terry Tucker

“…I have had the distinct pleasure of working with Andres in his capacity as an advisor, consultant, strategist, professional futurologist and project leader. He is truly a polymath with an uncanny ability to think both creatively and strategically while solving complex managerial problems. Andres brings a high degree of elegance and robustness to his business acumen. He has helped me understand the impact of megatrends and forces on my core business and has aided me in building my capacity take ‘the long view.’ Without a doubt, his ability to forecast the upsides/downsides of business opportunities rests on his mastery of trends in seemingly disparate fields of science, technology, medicine, economics and business. His engagements are of a consistently high quality. And his ability to lead projects and teams has been both meticulous and visionary. He is the consummate professional. I recommend his work, vision, and leadership without reservation…” By Mr. Robert Bonner

“…I have met Andres Agostini through his extensive activities as a Futurist. Andres is one of those rare thinkers who naturally serves as an inspiring mentor for the field. With an impressive background as a Business innovator, a Tech-Analyst and a Consultant in Foresight Research, Andres Agostini exhibits strong visionary skills and a great sense of network building. These qualities most notably translate in his ability to inspire others, to nurture an impressive field of personal competencies and to develop groundbreaking innovative projects. His holistic approach makes Mr. Agostini a highly valuable individual I warmly recommend…” By Dr. Valérie Morignat PhD

“…Mr. Andres Agostini is a singularly persistent proactive think tank futurist, and a multidimensional polymath genius with an unbridled whirlwind enthusiasm for rich deep complex savant visionary thought! He is acutely perceptive of an individual’s overall strengths, with an avid shrewdness for quickly encapsulating this into wondrous eloquent words!…” By Mr. Michael Pastien at

“…For me, words fall short in their ability to convey Andres Agostini’s massive intellectual capacities, productive visionary output and perhaps most importantly — his integrity as a compassionate individual.…It is in Andres’ positive actions, which illuminates what he represents — a tireless creative problem-solver with practical solutions to complex issues, that is supported by his solid commitment to see projects all the way through.…Andres Agostini is a total dynamo for inspiring others with his generous content of knowledge and ideas, which he regularly shares through multiple communication channels «the Futuretronium Book». Not only does Andres share critical information on a full spectrum of visionary technologies, but he shares the most valuable assets of them all — his time and compassion in helping others to make the World a better place.…I consider myself very fortunate to have Andres share his compassionate wisdom with me, which further motivates my efforts to share knowledge and solutions to help inspire positive action.…Without any reservations, I enthusiastically recommend Andres Agostini’s creative solutions, leadership and compassionate positive actions towards any current or future challenging endeavors…” By Mr. David Anthony Johanson at

“…Mr. Andres Agostini is proactive partner is all his endeavors. Andres is a hard-driving individual determined to see a project brought to a successful conclusion.…Andres demands perfection of himself and leads by example. It is his ‘Do not take «no» for an answer’ attitude that propels him to higher and higher levels of success. Andres may be a conservative business man; however, he knows that there are times to be a risk averter or a risk avoider.…In his field, Andres harnesses change to drive challenge through an organization. As a trend setter, Andres knows how to handle business as it becomes more risk mature and can take an enterprise-wide view at times.…I have full confidence that if there is a problem, Andres will know how to address it…” By Ms. Harmony Collins at

“…Andres is a multi-disciplined professional with incredible energy and enthusiasm. We’ve communicated through the INTJ Masterminds LinkedIn group and his insights into a wide range of issues is very thought provoking.…His work into what the future holds is broad and deep and I keep an eye on the wide range of articles that he produces…” By Mr. David Shaw at

“…Hereby, I strongly recommend Mr. Andres Agostini – INTJ who is an enthusiastic and original thinker on Futuristic Matters, including Futures Studies, Foresight Research and Scenario Planning.…Mr. Andres Agostini has passion for and understanding of the links among technology trends and historical facts, human behaviors, sustainability management and decision making are wonderful examples of the characteristics that are needed to accelerate smart decision making in global corporations, businesses and government…” By Mr. Alejandro Core at

“…I know Mr. Andres Agostini, as a mentor and I am grateful for his efforts in helping me out to be a better person. I got an opportunity to interact and discuss with him about various intuitive topics and he always amazes me each and every time. His knowledge in different fields often awestruck me.…Personally he has helped me out in various methodologies in improving my adaption over the cultural differences and understanding my weakness and strengths of my personality. He is been such a wonderful open minded person to whom you can discuss any kind of topics at any point of time. I am indebted for getting a advisor like him…” By Mr. Prabhu Krishna at

“…I have enthusiastically written this recommendation for Andres. Andres is a professional, theoretical researcher, scholar, and a connoisseur and practitioner of practical management consulting with a combination of mind-boggling skills and ample lines of practices who one can truly depend on. He brings thorough rigor to all aspects of risk analyzes and strategy projects, as a researcher, consultant, manager and strategist. Andres is also into advanced futurism, foresight research and scenario planning. In his career, he has worked with more than two «2» dozen global institutions, spanning multiple industries to make impeccable business impact in the final results. Andres’ solid and diverse competencies in strategy development and his personal integrity make him a trusted ‘go to’ person to get things done, and I recommend him highly. Last but not the least, I am glad to be connected with him offline and with his professional network in LinkedIn…” By Dr. Ram Tripathi, Ph.D., PMP at

“…Andres is near perfect in his on-point, relentless drive to be a solution provider. He sees what most cannot. He anticipates scenarios light-years ahead of others, in turn ensuring clients are turbo boosted ahead of their nearest competitors. He combines a kindred spirit with a laser point intellect, interacting with people of all backgrounds and education levels. He’s a rare find in forecasting, adapting, and implementing concepts at a level most can only imagine to reach in their lifetime. Andres will take your business from average to superb in a flash…” By Ms. Brenda Hume, RN, BSN Solutions Provider at

“…Mr. Andres Agostini is a profound thinker and famous strategist. His ability to synthesize global challenges with deep passions for the future of mankind makes him a unique source to address global problems. Besides, through his sharp and broad vision, he is a trustworthy partner to solve your Risk Management problem. Anyway, I enjoyed working with him and recommend him to everyone who seeks a reliable and thoughtful foresight adviser or a strategic management coach…” By Mr. Farzad Khandan at

“…Mr. Andres Agostini is a Professional of Great Value. Mr. Andres is a certainty. Andres is a great person, serious, reliable, competent and very capable…” By Dr. Claudio Mantovani at


” … Andrés es una inspiración para mí. El alcance del conocimiento que propone es muy amplia , diversa y profunda . Me enteré de muchas cosas y ángulos diferentes de su escritura y su trabajo hacia un futuro mejor para todos nosotros . creo principales decisores deben familiarizarse con la visión de Andrés del futuro y de su trabajo en la búsqueda y promoción de los resultados sostenibles positivos para el conjunto de la humanidad. su vasto conocimiento , adquirido a través de un gran trabajo de investigación y de compartir con una importante red de colaboradores , es un tesoro para todo el mundo a quien le da consejos. él también es una persona muy amable , cálido que me siento muy feliz de haber conocido en mi propio viaje hacia un futuro sostenible … ” por el Sr. Claude Émond en http:/ /

” … Andrés Agostini ha sido consultor estratégico y asesor de mis empresas con sede en Berlín desde 2000. Él es un erudito de ojos claros en una variedad de temas. Él explica sus posiciones sin ambigüedades y los respalda con hechos y resultados sorprendentes , desde el principio. Él es imparcial y honesto en su trato con la gente . Andrés es uno de los ejecutivos de nivel C y más creativas , innovadoras y dinámicas dueño del negocio que he conocido en mi vida .… Andrés tiene la notable conocimiento para ver qué todo el mundo ha visto o no, pero nadie más lo ha entendido . Él tiene la dotación prodigiosa para desafiar la sabiduría ortodoxa y abrir nuevos caminos. Andrés es un empresario, estratega y gestor extraordinario ! .… perspectiva interdisciplinar Andrés ’ en la gestión de riesgos y futuring visionario se basa en más de más de 30 años de implicación personal — después de haber servido como consultor y mentor de instituciones como Worldbank , Toyota , Mitsubishi, PDVSA / Citgo , GE, GMAC , GTE , Abbot Laboratories, SAIC « Science Applications International Corporation» , Gestión LDG « Beneficios HCC » y Ernst Young Consulting , entre otros .… un futurista estratégica y pensador profundo, Andrés tiene un talento poco común para desenterrar las personas los riesgos que pueden obstaculizar la entrega desempeño de la organización , ayudando a los líderes empresariales a determinar soluciones. Andrés hace esto no sólo mirar a la situación actual , sino que utiliza el pensamiento a largo plazo para ayudar a las organizaciones a desarrollar soluciones sostenibles que permitan la competitividad .… Andrés es un líder dedicado y altamente respetado en muchas comunidades futuristas y trabaja incansablemente para ayudar a crear un mejor Los futuros para todos nosotros , ni distópica ni utópico .… Andrés es un enigma grave. Su vasta experiencia profesional, experiencia profesional y logros son únicos y su pasión por su práctica como futurista Consultor Gestión de Riesgos El éxito está cambiando todas las industrias .… No hay nada acerca de los negocios , la gestión , la ingeniería , las firmas digitales , servicios de tecnología de información , avanzado la informática , la ciencia o la tecnología extranjera para comprender alucinante Andrés .… Cualquiera que sea Andrés declara que puede lograr que preventivamente logrará , uno por uno. Andres permite a las personas con las que trabaja para dar lo mejor eliminando de este modo el fracaso como una opción y excelencia inspirador y solemnidad , sin tener que pedir que … “Al Sr. Steffen Bieser en

” … Sé Andrés Agostini para ser uno de los asesores más astutos e informados a las empresas gubernamentales y del sector privado y organizaciones no gubernamentales que trabajan hoy . Él tiene una enorme base de conocimientos y un impresionante número de contactos y fuentes .… Su actitud positiva , entusiasmo enérgico y cortesía y respeto hacia los demás es fuente de inspiración y de motivación. sus técnicas de predicción y asesoramiento están sabiamente buscados por muchos en lugares altos y apreciado por todos aquellos que se benefician de su generosidad .… Andrés es un raro ejemplo de una verdadera erudito en este día de la especialización . Su intelecto incisivo está bien equilibrado por sus habilidades sociales y la integridad personal. puedo recomendar sin reservas para cualquier organización que está en la necesidad de un abogado experto en el nivel más alto … ” por el Dr. David Burkart , PhD. en

” … Es un gran placer tener esta oportunidad para dar la más alta recomendación posible para una amplia gama de habilidades y talentos del señor Agostini . Su integridad y la unidad también lo marcan como una figura importante .… Él está en segundo lugar a ninguna con su conocimiento y experiencia en diversos ámbitos de la gestión , incluyendo gestión de Riesgos y de negocios de Optimización . Sr. Agostini es un comunicador claro fino y multi- lingüista .… Mi recomendación es para cualquier papel que le corresponde en lo más alto niveles de ambos Corporativa y la organización gubernamental , tanto es así que mi empresa, haberle nombrado Cónsul Especial Business … ” Por el Dr. Ian C. Hale , PhD. en

” … Andrés, es un líder mundial como Gerente de Analítica y consultor que ha trabajado en diversos sectores que consisten en la aplicación de sus vastos conocimientos y habilidades. Esto incluye compañías Fortune 500 que lo han contratado como asesor , planificador y futurista que pueda arrojar su previsión para ayudar a determinar cuando una empresa debe ser impulsada para tener éxito en el mercado. Como profesional que es de gran valor cuando la investigación y el uso de los planes estratégicos para Educar Corporaciones cómo convertirse en próspero … ” Por la Sra. Peggy Leyva Conley. en

” … Yo estoy en el temor de Andrés por muchas razones. No sólo estoy impresionado con su negocio y la gestión de enfoque práctico , amplio conocimiento y profesionalidad en la corriente de alta tecnología y en relación con las tecnologías del futuro , sino como un ser humano único y muy valioso … Con extenso trabajo basado en 20 años de experiencia corporativa , Andy ha terminado su libro actual , ’ Futuretronium ’ « » . Él ha logrado incorporar a su acervo de conocimientos y experiencia para hacer frente a las amenazas y oportunidades y beneficios para que los titulares obtener una perspectiva aumentada de lo que afecta en gran medida las prácticas de los gestores del cambio , líderes , educadores , investigadores , académicos , empresarios , estudiantes avanzados y ciudadanos responsables , con el objetivo de hacer una diferencia para un mundo mejor pero desafiante … con minuciosidad , explora profundas reflexiones , iniciativas, nociones e ideas que pueden haber sido largamente ignoradas , ’ Futuretronium ’ subestimada e incomprendida . es una exploración interesante , profundo y completo que permite al lector por venir libremente a su / sus propias conclusiones. Tiene una mente dinámica y profunda, y está dotado de un verdadero arte de la expresión por todo lo que se siente … ” Por la Dra. Ann Shaw

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini es un consultor versátil que puede inyectar con éxito las ideas refrescante muy innovadores para permitir la escala de la organización una mayor productividad con un sistema incorporado en el desarrollo de los productos en línea / servicio … ” Por el Dr. Narasimha Bhashyam « Espacio y Defensa » en

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini posee una claridad y complejidad del pensamiento que rara vez se encuentra . Él es , sin duda, una de las personas más brillantes que he tenido el placer de interactuar con él. Él es capaz de comprender y describir el bosque , los árboles, las hojas, las células, y más allá «y con la misma exactitud en varios idiomas » … ” Por el Sr. Daryl Oster

” … Es raro que uno se encuentra con un experto en la materia «SME » que así lo adeptly trasciende las disciplinas y desafía la definición tradicional. Mediante altamente intelectual y estimular los intercambios con Andy , he descubierto que es una PYME en forma virtual, y prácticamente , muchas áreas, como la gestión empresarial , el comercio global, la tecnología , la innovación y las iniciativas con visión de futuro … con sus puntos de vista interesantes , enfoque reflexivo y genuino interés por los demás , Andy ha servido como mentor inspirador y entrenador. Él me ha hecho una pausa para la reflexión profunda y pedir un verdaderamente significativo ’ ¿Qué pasa si ? ’ . he sin duda su estilo sutil , pero eficaz , a impulsarme al siguiente nivel de desarrollo profesional y la entrega estelar de mi ” marca personal ” … para cualquier organización que desee excepcional y verdaderamente recurso extraordinario , le recomiendo Andy. Para cualquiera que desee echar un vistazo a ’ lo que puede ser ” , le recomiendo la exploración del teorema de Andy sobre futuros estudios y la planificación estratégica … ” Por la señora Sherry Salón

” … Andy Agostini es extraordinariamente logra como pensador , Ejecutivo y el Proyecto de Estrategia … Su energía y pasión vienen a través de todo lo que hace y sus habilidades de lenguaje natural genera optimismo y un sentido general de la posibilidad. Él es articulado, de forma clara y concisa comunicador, una persona con visión de futuro y un artista sincero … Andy trae su experiencia, gran cantidad de logros y tareas a todo lo que hace y se puede confiar para hacer lo que se necesita para hacer que las cosas sucedan de manera que sirva al proyecto , así como el conjunto la empresa … lo encontrarás muy educada , sazonada , de gran porte y modales , claramente un caballero en todos los aspectos. él es experto en las formas de hacer negocios en múltiples culturas y entiende la idiosincrasia y complejidad de tratar con múltiples intereses hacia un común objetivo … creo que siempre le alegra que usted lo hizo negocios con Andy en cualquier contexto en el que se involucra . ofrezco mi recomendación más cordial de él y continúo buscando proyectos en los que podemos colaborar recursos y esfuerzos … ” Por el Sr. Bob Smith

” … Al igual que sus antecesores en el conocimiento que busca , Andrés mantiene una visión no convencional del mundo convencional en torno a él . La combinación de su intelecto y la perspectiva le sirven bien como un comentarista de la participación, entrenador y consultor. Sus escritos son completamente fascinante , ya que es capaz de conectar grandes cantidades de información en algo verdaderamente significativo … Andres no es en absoluto una snob intelectual, aunque por todos los derechos de que pudiera ser. Por el contrario , él es muy generoso al compartir sus ideas y conocimientos , y para ayudar a sus compañeros de los hombres «y mujeres» de trabajo para mejorar su situación . Encuentro Andrés para ser una clase y ser humano cálido , manteniendo su fuerte liderazgo profesional y la tutoría estilo. Él ofrece una mezcla única de cualidades y atributos que son raros por cierto, y yo lo recomiendo … ” Por el Sr. Dana Salón

” … Andrés Agostini es un hombre extraordinario , un erudito versado en una amplia variedad de áreas y competencias. Él ha publicado muchos publicación y es un experto en liderazgo directivo y la transformación organizacional. Es una delicia para hablar con él , escuchar a él ya sus presentaciones inteligentes. Sus puntos de vista de la organización son únicos y servicial, muy ingenioso y determinado … Él está muy bien documentado , exacta y un hombre ’ de seguimiento a través de ” , que siempre cumple sus promesas y da seguimiento de manera exacta y muy rápido , un hombre de palabra . ESTO ES EXTREMADAMENTE EXTRAORDINARIA DE UN HOMBRE tan ocupado como ANDRES … “Al Sr. Nachum Katz

” … Sé que el Sr. Andrés Agostini durante varios años y tuvo numerosas oportunidades privilegiadas para intercambiar opiniones de forma inteligente con carga sobre gran cantidad de temas que van desde el avance de la física y la ciencia de los recursos humanos y la gestión de la tecnología, a los matices sofisticados de la fotoquímica avanzada … A diferencia de las interacciones he experimentado con un equipo amplio y altamente cualificado de clase mundial de científicos, consultores , ingenieros y especialistas en gestión de amplia miríada de campos y disciplinas que complementan diversificadas , el Sr. Andrés Agostini es sin duda un diamante en un montón de perlas … “Al Sr. Zamir Tribelsky

” … A partir de mi experiencia que es un extraordinario ser persona / humana haciendo todo lo posible para hacer una diferencia . « Un buen ejemplo de ello es su libro Futuretronium Book» La pasión con la que se ocupa de cuestiones morales , éticas y bondad son las cosas que me mueve … Si quieres a alguien que entiende , se preocupa y es genuina , tanto de ejecución y la intención — es tu hombre … recomiendo tanto Andy y su libro « Futuretronium Book» a todo el mundo que esté dispuesto a escuchar , aprender y crecer … ” Por el Sr. Anton van den Berg

” … Andrés Agostini es muy notable en el intelecto , en sabiduría , y en poner las ideas en acción de una manera integrada , humana — centrada … Andy es un hombre a quien usted puede confiar con su vida y negocio . Su palabra o promesa está escrito en piedra … “Al Sr. Richard Posner. en

” … La forma convencional de pensar y trabajar duro a través de la investigación y la experimentación parece llegar a ser muy pronto una forma de vida común . Cuando me encontré con el Sr. Andrés Agostini mi deja vu fue que viajamos sin cesar en un multiverso de cambiar un montón de causas de efectos no deseados . Tener cualidades naturales como el conocimiento , la intuición , el altruismo , la paciencia , la bondad , el compromiso desinteresado para limpiar las heridas de una sociedad agonizante del desafío , el Sr. Agostini es un apologista moderno de la del Siglo de Oro de Atenas … ” Por el Sr. . Tzarul Nocolai

” … Andrés Agostini es muy hábil como autor, estratega , futurista, planificador de escenario y ha trabajado con muchas empresas líderes para ayudarles a navegar a un mayor crecimiento Él tiene una claridad , visión y profesionalismo que es excepcional ; . Él es un gran talentoso individuo … ” Por el Sr. Terry Tucker

” … He tenido el gran placer de trabajar con Andrés en su calidad de asesor , consultor , estratega , futurólogo profesional y líder del proyecto. Él es verdaderamente un gran pensador con una extraña habilidad para pensar de manera creativa y estratégicamente , mientras que la resolución de problemas de gestión complejos. Andrés aporta un alto grado de elegancia y robustez a su visión para los negocios. Él ha ayudado a entender el impacto de las grandes tendencias y fuerzas en mi negocio y me ha ayudado en la construcción de mi capacidad de absorción ” de la visión a largo plazo . ’ Sin lugar a dudas , su capacidad de pronosticar El upsides / desventajas de las oportunidades de negocio se basa en su dominio de las tendencias en campos aparentemente dispares de la ciencia, la tecnología, la medicina, la economía y los negocios. Sus compromisos son de un alto nivel de calidad . Y su capacidad para liderar proyectos y equipos ha sido a la vez meticuloso y visionario. Él es un profesional consumado . Recomiendo su trabajo , visión y liderazgo sin reserva … ” Por el Sr. Robert Bonner

” … He conocido a Andrés Agostini a través de sus amplias actividades como un futurista. Andrés es uno de esos raros pensadores que, naturalmente, sirve como un mentor de inspiración para el campo. Con un impresionante historial como un innovador de negocios, un Tech- Analista y un Consultor en Prospectiva de Investigación , Andrés Agostini exhibe fuertes habilidades visionarias y un gran sentido de la construcción de redes. Estas cualidades se traducen sobre todo en su capacidad de inspirar a los demás, para nutrir un impresionante campo de las competencias personales y desarrollar proyectos pioneros innovadores . su enfoque holístico hace Sr. Agostini un individuo altamente valiosa recomiendo encarecidamente … ” Por la Dra. Valérie Morignat PhD

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini es un singular persistente futurista grupo de reflexión proactiva , y un genio polifacético multidimensional con un entusiasmo desenfrenado torbellino de rico y profundo pensamiento visionario savant complejo ! Él es sumamente perceptiva de las fortalezas globales de un individuo, con una astucia ávido de encapsulando rápidamente esto en palabras elocuentes maravillosas ! … ” Por el Sr. Michael Pastien en

” … Para mí, las palabras se quedan cortas en su capacidad para transmitir las capacidades intelectuales masivas de Andrés Agostini , salida visionario productivo y quizás lo más importante — su integridad como persona compasiva .… Es en acciones positivas de Andrés , que ilumina lo él representa — un solucionador de problemas creativo incansable con soluciones prácticas a problemas complejos , que es apoyado por su sólido compromiso para ver los proyectos hasta el final .… Andrés Agostini es un dínamo total para inspirar a otros con su generoso contenido de conocimiento y . ideas, que comparte regularmente a través de múltiples canales de comunicación «el libro Futuretronium » No sólo Andrés comparten información crítica sobre un amplio espectro de tecnologías visionarias , pero comparte los activos más valiosos de todos ellos — su tiempo y compasión para ayudar a otros a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor .… me considero muy afortunado de tener Andrés comparte su sabiduría compasiva conmigo, lo que motiva aún más mis esfuerzos para compartir conocimientos y soluciones para ayudar a inspirar la acción positiva .… Sin ninguna reserva, con entusiasmo recomendar soluciones de Andrés Agostini creativas , liderazgo y acciones positivas de compasión hacia cualquier emprendimientos desafiantes actuales o futuros … ” por el Sr. David Anthony Johanson en

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini es un socio proactivo es todos sus esfuerzos . Andrés es un duro- conducir individuo decidido a ver un proyecto llevado a una conclusión exitosa .… Andrés exige la perfección de sí mismo y predica con el ejemplo . Es su “No tome « no » por respuesta ” actitud que le impulsa a niveles más y más altos de éxito Andrés puede ser un hombre de negocios conservador , . sin embargo, él sabe que hay momentos para ser un averter riesgo o que evita el riesgo .. .. en su campo, arneses Andrés cambian para conducir desafío a través de una organización. como pionero de la moda , Andrés sabe cómo manejar los negocios , ya que se vuelve más maduro y el riesgo puede tener una visión de toda la empresa , a veces .… tengo plena confianza de que si hay un problema , Andrés sabrá cómo enfrentarlo … ” Por la Sra. Armonía Collins en

” … Andrés es un profesional multidisciplinar con increíble energía y entusiasmo. Nos hemos comunicado a través del grupo INTJ Masterminds LinkedIn y sus conocimientos sobre una amplia gama de temas es muy Provoca pensamientos .… Su trabajo en lo que el futuro sostiene es ancho y profundo y me mantener un ojo en la amplia gama de artículos que produce … “Al Sr. David Shaw en

” … Por la presente, le recomiendo al Sr. Andrés Agostini — INTJ que es un pensador entusiasta y original en Asuntos futuristas , incluyendo Estudios del Futuro , Prospectiva de Investigación y Planificación de escenarios .… Sr. Andrés Agostini tiene pasión por y comprensión de la vínculos entre las tendencias tecnológicas y los hechos históricos , los comportamientos humanos, la gestión de la sostenibilidad y la toma de decisiones son maravillosos ejemplos de las características que se necesitan para acelerar la toma de decisiones inteligentes en las corporaciones globales , empresas y gobierno … ” Por el Sr. Alejandro Core en http:/ /

” … Sé que el señor Andrés Agostini , como mentor y estoy agradecido por sus esfuerzos en ayudarme a ser una mejor persona. Me dieron una oportunidad para interactuar y discutir con él sobre diversos temas intuitivos y siempre me asombra cada uno y cada una. Sus conocimientos en diferentes campos a menudo me asombrado .… Personalmente me ha ayudado en diversas metodologías para mejorar mi adaptación sobre las diferencias culturales y la comprensión de mis debilidades y fortalezas de mi personalidad. él ha sido un maravilloso ejemplo persona de mente abierta a las que puede tratar cualquier tipo de temas en cualquier punto del tiempo. estoy en deuda para conseguir un asesor como él … ” por el Sr. Prabhu Krishna en

” … Con entusiasmo que he escrito esta recomendación para Andrés es un investigador profesional teórico , erudito y un gran conocedor y practicante de la consultoría de gestión de práctica con una combinación de habilidades alucinantes y amplias líneas de prácticas que uno puede depender verdaderamente Andrés. en . él trae rigor exhaustivo para todos los aspectos de los análisis de riesgo y la estrategia de los proyectos , como investigador , consultor, gerente y estratega. Andrés es también en futurismo avanzada, la investigación y el escenario de planificación prospectiva . en su carrera, ha trabajado con más de dos « 2 » docenas de instituciones globales, que abarcan múltiples industrias para hacer impacto en el negocio impecable en los resultados finales. Andres competencias sólidas y diversas en el desarrollo de estrategias y su integridad personal hacen de él una confianza “Ir a” persona para hacer las cosas , y yo recomiendo lo altamente . Por último, pero no menos importante, me alegro de estar conectados con él fuera de línea y con su red profesional en LinkedIn … ” Por el Dr. Ram Tripathi , Ph.D. , PMP en bJ9ftWE

” … Andrés es casi perfecto en su en — punto , implacable campaña para ser un proveedor de soluciones. Él ve lo que la mayoría no puede. Él anticipa escenarios de años luz por delante de los demás, a su vez, asegurar clientes son turbo potenciado por delante de sus competidores más cercanos . combina un alma gemela con un intelecto punto láser, interactuar con la gente de todos los orígenes y niveles de educación . Él es un hallazgo raro en la previsión, la adaptación y la aplicación de conceptos a un nivel más sólo puede imaginarse para alcanzar en su vida. Andrés se llevará a su negocio de medio a excelente en un instante … ” Por la Sra. Brenda Hume , RN , BSN Proveedor de Soluciones en

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini es un pensador profundo y famoso estratega . Su capacidad para sintetizar los retos globales con las pasiones profundas para el futuro de la humanidad él una fuente única para hacer frente a los problemas globales hace . Además , a través de su visión aguda y amplia , que es un socio de confianza para resolver su problema de Gestión de Riesgos . de todos modos , me gustó mucho trabajar con él y lo recomiendo a todos los que buscan un asesor previsión fiable y reflexivo o un entrenador de la gestión estratégica … ” Por el Sr. Farzad Khandan en http://

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini es un profesional de gran valor. Sr. Andrés es una certeza. Andrés es una gran persona , serio, confiable , competente y muy capaz … ” Por el Dr. Claudio Mantovani en http:// / bADrwQz

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The increasing detail at which human brains can be scanned is bringing the possibility of mind-reading appliances closer and closer. Such appliances, when complete, will be non-invasive and capable of responding to our thoughts as easily as they respond to keys on a keyboard. Indeed, as emphasized in the Lifeboat Foundation’s 2013 publication, The Human Race to the Future, there may soon be appliances that are operated by thought alone, and such technology may even replace our keyboards.
It is not premature to be concerned about possible negative outcomes from this, however positive the improvement in people’s lifestyles would be. In mind-reading appliances, there are two possible dangers that become immediately obvious.

Danger 1: “Thought police”

Brain-machine interfaces have many possibilities that deserve to be explored by science. However, there are also potentially dystopian threats presented by this technology. Even technologies like personal computers, which were seen as liberating to the individual and not aligned with powerful governments, have also become windows that regimes can use to spy on their citizens.

If hardware eventually allows words to appear on screens simply because of a thought, and the appliances are still vulnerable to hacking or government pressure, does this mean minds can be read without consent? It is very likely that any technology sensitive enough to respond to our thoughts could be programmed by a regime to intercept our thoughts. Even if our hardware was not originally designed to intercept thoughts on behalf of the authorities, the hardware would already meet the requirements for any program written to intercept thoughts for policing and political repression.

The potential negative consequences of mind-reading technology are equivalent to those of “uploading”, the futuristic concept of transferring one’s mind to computers as popularized by Singularitarians, usually following the ideas of Ray Kurzweil. There is a real threat that a technological singularity, as depicted in Kurzweil’s The Singularity is Near, could strengthen a flawed social system by giving the authorities the intrusive ability to monitor what it sees as deviant or threatening thought.

Danger 2: Accidents

It may be that manual or verbal control, still depicted in science fiction as gifts that will be with us for many centuries and taken with humanity’s distant descendants to the stars, are just more practical than mind-reading. Even when limited to practical uses like controlling a vehicle or appliance, mind-reading may simply be destined to take away convenience rather than create convenience for the vast majority of its customers.

Even if driving a car by thought can be made safe, the use of aircraft or weapons systems via mind-reading would certainly be more problematic. When the stakes are high, most of us already agree that it is best not to entrust the responsibility to one person’s thoughts. By not using the body and voice when performing a task, and by not allowing others to intervene in your actions, the chances of an accident are probably always going to be raised. Although we like to think of our own brains as reliable and would probably be eager to try out mind-reading control over our vehicles, we do not think of others peoples’ brains that way, and would be troubled by the lack of any window for intervention in the other person’s actions.

Possible accidents when piloting a complex machine like a helicopter or manning a dangerous weapon may be averted by an experienced hand preventing someone from taking the wrong action. Considering this, old-fashioned manual controls may already be destined to be superior to any mind-reading controls and more attuned to the challenges faced by humans. We evolved to talk and physically handle challenges. Given this fact, removing all the remaining physical challenges of performing a task may only complicate your ability to perform effectively, or result in a higher tendency to err or take rash actions by subverting the ability of others to challenge you as you act.

Recommendation: we should avoid strengthening an undesirable social system

I hope that these objections to mind-reading may be proven invalid, with time. It is certainly likely that some people, such as those with physical disabilities, are going to rely on improvements in mind-reading technology to restore their lives. However, there has been, and continues to be, a very definite danger that a flawed social system and government are going to seek out technologies that can make them more and invulnerable, and this is one such technology. Any potential avenue of invulnerability of governments against their critics is unacceptable and should be challenged, just as the present excess in surveillance has been challenged.

It is important to keep reiterating that it is not the technology itself that is the source of a threat to humanity, but the myopic actions of the likely operators of that technology. Given the experience of government mass espionage, which began without the knowledge or consent of the public, concerns about other unannounced programs exploiting communication technology for “total information awareness” (TIA) are justified.

By Harry J. Bentham - More articles by Harry J. Bentham

Originally published on April 22 in Dissident Voice

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— Singularity Hub

The term ‘transhuman’ inevitably (for me) summons grotesque visions of humans and machines merging into a Borg-like race bent on eradicating biological imperfection. These creatures’ cold rationality calls it an evolutionary improvement, but to my admittedly backward biological brain, it’s a terrible thought.

I’d prefer a little less HR Giger in my future, thank you.

In his latest Shots of Awe video short, Jason Silva says forget about Hollywood’s nightmare scenarios. Humans are, by definition, transhuman. We ceaselessly invent and reinvent what it means to be human. We circumvent biological evolution with technology.

Read more

Telegraph Reporter

The first trailer for director Luc Besson’s sci-fi action film Lucy, starring Scarlett Johansson as a drug mule given godlike powers by an experimental substance, has been released.

Johansson is currently in cinemas as a murderous alien in Under the Skin and as the Black Widow in Marvel’s Captain America: the Winter Soldier. But the powers shown by Lucy in this Matrix-like trailer – including telekinesis, resistance to pain, and instant access to the secrets of the universe – appear to easily outstrip them both. Her character is able to access “100 percent” of her brain, as opposed to the usual 10 per cent, and uses her abilities to seek revenge on the gangsters who wronged her.

Read more

The White Swan’s Beyond Eureka and Sputnik Moments! [TREATISE EXCERPT] By Mr. Andres Agostini at

Posted in 3D printing, alien life, astronomy, automation, big data, biological, bionic, bioprinting, biotech/medical, business, chemistry, climatology, complex systems, computing, cosmology, counterterrorism, cybercrime/malcode, cyborgs, defense, disruptive technology, driverless cars, drones, economics, education, energy, engineering, environmental, ethics, evolution, existential risks, exoskeleton, finance, food, futurism, genetics, geopolitics, government, habitats, hardware, health, homo sapiens, human trajectories, information science, innovation, internet, law, law enforcement, life extension, lifeboat, military, mobile phones, nanotechnology, neuroscience, open access, open source, philosophy, physics, policy, posthumanism, privacy, robotics/AI, science, scientific freedom, security, singularity, space, supercomputing, surveillance, sustainability, transhumanism, transparency, transportation | 49 Comments on The White Swan’s Beyond Eureka and Sputnik Moments! [TREATISE EXCERPT] By Mr. Andres Agostini at

The White Swan's Beyond Eureka and Sputnik Moments: How To Fundamentally Cope With Corporate Litmus Tests and With The Permanent Impact of the Dramatic Highly Improbable And Succeed and Prevail Through Transformative and Integrative Risk Management! [TREATISE EXCERPT]. By © Copyright 2013, 2014 Mr. Andres Agostini — All Rights Reserved Worldwide — « AND » — The Lifeboat Foundation Global Chief Consulting Officer and Partner, Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador —

(An Independent, Solemn, Most-Thorough and Copyrighted Answer. Independence, solemnity, thoroughness, completeness, detail, granularity of details, accuracy and rigor, hereunder, will be then redefined by several orders of nonlinear magnitude and without a fail).


To Nora, my mother, who rendered me with the definitiveness to seek the thoughts and seek the forethoughts to outsmart any impending demand and other developments. To Francisco, my father: No one who has taught me better. There is no one I regard most highly. It is my greatest fortune to be his son. He endowed me with the Agostini family's charter, “…Study and, when grown up, you will neither be the tyrants' toy, nor the passions' servile slave…” I never enjoyed a “...Mom...”, but considerably enjoyed a gargantuan courageous Mother, Father, Grandparents and Forbears.

The White Swan was born as a 288-word question below was made in all earnest and fairness to the author.



By (U.S.A.'s) The Evacuated Tube Transport Technologies ( Founder and CEO Daryl Oster:

“... Mr. Andres Agostini possesses a clarity and complexity of thought that is rarely encountered. He is without a doubt one of the most brilliant persons I have had the pleasure to interact with. He is capable of understanding, and describing the forest, the trees, the leaves, the cells, and beyond (and with equal exactitude in several languages)...”

By Washington D.C. Metro Area (Industry and Military)'s Deputy Director, National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office (NMIO), Most Honorable Captain Jose Nieves at :

“ … Mr. Agostini has a broad intellectual background and technological understanding providing him the ability to see issues from a very different perspective than most people, thus allowing him to see alternate futures, confront challenges head on, and solve complex problems through methodical and sequential processes. Mr. Agostini’s White Swan Book addresses the very issue of alternatives to current interdisciplinary approach. The understanding of alternative futures is critical to the success of organizations. Further, Mr. Agostini’s deep understanding of alternative futures and technological progression is a most necessary skill in our nation’s military and intelligence community’s ability to predict and solve future threats and see future opportunities to exploit. Separately, Mr. Agostini’s focus on Transformative And Integrative Risk Management to prevent technological surprise was, is, and will remain relevant into the future ...”

By Canadian Space Agency's Dr. Narasimha Bhashyam DSc. (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) at :

“... Agostini's book White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management presents a refreshingly path-breaking novel approach in the highly complex area of risk management which often overwhelms senior management in policy and strategy formulations … the presentation is in well integrated problem-solving interdisciplinary approach makes it a Manual For Optimal Risk Management in very challenging operational environment … THE BOOK WILL BE VERY USEFUL AND HANDY SPECIALLY FOR THOSE HANDLING PROJECTS IN SPACE AND AERONAUTICS … I will very warmly recommend this book to all Practicing Managers and Teachers in Management may like to use this Book For Course In Risk Management ...”

By Canada's Mr. Michael Pastien at :

"… Mr. Andres Agostini is a singularly persistent proactive think tank futurist, and a multidimensional polymath management genius with an unbridled whirlwind enthusiasm for rich deep complex savant visionary thought and action! He is acutely perceptive of an individual's overall strengths, with an avid shrewdness for quickly encapsulating this into wondrous eloquent words!..."

By U.S.A.'s Dr. David Burkart, PhD. at :

"...I know Andres Agostini to be one of the most astute and informed advisers to government and private sector businesses and NGO's working today. He has a huge knowledge base and an impressive number of contacts and sources. ... His positive outlook, energetic enthusiasm and unfailing courtesy and respect for others is inspirational and motivational. His forecasting skills and foresight advice are wisely sought by many in high places and appreciated by all those who benefit from his generosity .... Andres is a rare example of a true polymath in this day of specialization. His incisive intellect is well balanced by his social skills and personal integrity. I can recommend him without reservation for any organization that is in need of expert counsel at the highest level..."

By U.S.A.'s Austin, Texas Area's Mr. Steve Pearson (CEO of The Pearson Strategy Group) at :

“ … The White Swan is very interesting, Andres! Thank you for putting so much thought into this subject for the benefit of all. Preparing for the future isn't just looking into a crystal ball, it involves using many existing and varying resources. This also includes the involvement of experienced and knowledgeable people looking for trends and comparisons that can be extrapolated and used to define future directions while minimizing risk. Organizations should quickly transform their processes to accommodate for this with the only variable being how heavily their resources are invested according to the amount of risk involved and resources available. In general, most organizations are likely underestimate their level of risk and it is highly recommended that they consult with Mr. Agostini, an expert in his field ...”

By Dr. Ram Tripathi, Ph.D., PMP at :

"... I have enthusiastically written this recommendation for Andres and his book. Andres is a professional, theoretical researcher, scholar, and a connoisseur and practitioner of practical management consulting with a combination of mind-boggling skills and ample lines of professional practices who one can truly depend on. He brings thorough rigor to all aspects of risk analyzes and strategy projects, as a researcher, consultant, manager and strategist. Andres is also into advanced futurism, foresight research and scenario planning. In his career, he has worked with more than two (2) dozen global institutions, spanning multiple industries to make impeccable business impact in the final results. Andres’ solid and diverse competencies in strategy development and his personal integrity make him a trusted 'go to' person to get things done, and I recommend him highly. Last but not the least, I am glad to be connected with him offline and with his professional network in LinkedIn..."

By Ms. Brenda Hume, RN, BSN Solutions Provider at :

"… Andres is near perfect in his on-point, relentless drive to be a solution provider. He sees what most cannot. He anticipates scenarios light-years ahead of others, in turn ensuring clients are turbo boosted ahead of their nearest competitors. He combines a kindred spirit with a laser point intellect, interacting with people of all backgrounds and education levels. He's a rare find in forecasting, adapting, and implementing concepts at a level most can only imagine to reach in their lifetime. Andres will take your business from average to superb in a flash..."

By U.S.A.' Mr. Farzad Khandan at :

"… Mr. Andres Agostini is a profound thinker and famous strategist. His ability to synthesize global challenges with deep passion for the future of mankind makes him a unique source to address global problems. Besides, through his sharp and broad vision, he is a trustworthy partner to solve your Risk Management problem. Anyway, I enjoyed working with him and recommend him to everyone who seeks a reliable and thoughtful foresight adviser or a strategic management coach ..."

By Italy's Dr. Claudio Mantovani M.D. at :

"...Mr. Andres Agostini is a Professional of Great Value. Mr. Andres is a certainty and secured success. Andres is a great person, serious, reliable, competent and very capable..."

By U.S.A.'s Management and Corporate Strategy Consultant Mr. William Hultquist at ttp:// :

“... Mr. Andres Agostini is one of the most honorable and pervasive clever thinkers I have ever had the pleasure to know and work with. Through his thirty-three-plus years of commitment to the science of Transformative And Integrative Risk Management he has become one of the pioneers in this fledgling field of predictive science. Being a pioneer and thought leader requires enormous self confidence and dedication. Andres Agostini has prepared himself for his auspiciously spectacular career with diligent studies of the truth and meaning behind major shifts and technological changes in the world’s consciousness infrastructure [….] The deeper one travels in understanding an issue or trend, the clearer the interpretive ability of the observer becomes, however, this is easier said than done. I believe Mr. Agostini is capable of delivering his interpretive predictions because of his unfailing commitment to his own brand of rugged personal individualism. In other words, he is relentless in his professional pursuit of the truth in all matters and does not allow others’ perceptions to sway his resolve. Therefore, his findings and conclusions have the potential to provide unique substantive solutions and outcomes on the lives of individuals, organizations, communities and countries [….] The White Swan initiative demonstrates that unpredictability occurs as a consequence of not having considered issues beyond what the superficial mind reports to us. Mr. Agostini through his years of relentless research and analysis at mind-boggling levels of detail in scientific, economic and societal involvement exercises profound knowledge and wisdom in penetrating the causative issues behind events and thereby being able to extrapolate likely scenarios from the data [….] Major corporations, organizations, governments and their leaders consult with Mr. Agostini because of his no nonsense view of trends. You can count on receiving his absolute uncompromising opinion on the issues you are concerned with and you and your company can take them to the bank ...”

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Glenn Alpert at :

“ ...'... The future belongs not to those who possess a crystal ball, but those willing to challenge the biases and prejudices of the ‘establishment ….' ….Not very many people want to challenge the establishment out of fear or ridicule. Unfortunately, new technologies and new philosophies are not created from older ways of thinking …. To speak about Mr. Agostini's concept of the White Swan Treatise — These methods allow for an organization to plan for optimal futures, rather than leave events to chance. Mr. Agostini is an expert in the domain of Scientific Futuring, and can provide thought leadership and solutions for real-world problems that organizations face in this area … Mr. Andres Agostini has a breadth and depth of expertise that is rarely matched. His insight and advice to us as a 1.5 year old company has been invaluable, and has led us in the right direction with our strategic management decisions with excellent results. I would highly recommend Mr. Agostini's consulting service to other start-ups and new companies, as well as more established ones ...”

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Joel Elveson at :

“ … Mr. Andres Agostini's brilliance is well documented …. In the field of insurance, risk management, etc. Mr. Agostini combines critical thinking with multiple areas of experience using a variety of platforms. His ethics are beyond question. Mr. Agostini provides solutions to problems others would not even begin to tackle …. Andres Agostini is one of the brightest minds I have ever encountered. Mr. Agostini possesses a dearth of expertise and experience in numerous fields. There is no task or endeavor that Mr. Agostini cannot successfully undertake and complete with ease. I would highly recommend that in the numerous areas that Mr. Agostini has worked in that his expertise be fully utilized. His thought processes are far superior to anybody I have ever met or that you will ever meet. Thank you ...”

By Montreal's Mr. Claude Emond, BEng, MEng, MBA, rmc, CD at :

“... Mr. Agostini makes very clearly his point about the need to have better alternatives to current «insurance-based risk management» approaches, these failing lamentably to provide organizations with proactive, agile plans to face current and future opportunities and threats to continue to thrive and achieve long term sustainability. He also offers, with his White Swan metaphor, the path to better forecasting and pro-activity: his Transformative and Integrative Risk Management interdisciplinary methodology. This methodology being the fruit of real time applications and demonstrated successes on many very complex organizational environments, I am confident that it can help any organization face the current turbulent times and its future evolutions with more certainty and agility in the face of permanent change. I particularly liked his rendering and interpretation of the Deng Xiaoping’s quote: ' … It doesn’t matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice …', because in our particular turbulent times, the white cat (swan) will be the one that can catch the mice. Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is a real interdisciplinary systems approach, ensuring a better, more complete (if not always completely omniscient), look at all future possibilities and resulting in better organizational actions in the present, and superior agile plans for the future …. I am privileged to have had the chance to read this abstract of Mr. Agostini coming book and I am looking forward to the unabridged version. I am also confident that the organizations that will use his Transformative and Integrative Risk Management interdisciplinary methodology will continue to lead their fields of activities, remain sustainable and prosper for a long time to come. I am also sure that the organizations experimenting difficulties right now have a better chance to find the path to renewed organizational health and prosperity using the proactive approaches inherent to Transformative and Integrative Risk Management ...”

By Copenhagen Area, Denmark's Mr. Benny Mortensen :

" ... Mr. Andres Agostini had once Again proved, that his intellectual knowledge are above most people through The White Swan theory. Compared to the Black Swan, this comes around all the multi-plausible observations known into Risk Management. Although it's much more complex it's gonna be an indispensable tool for both current and upcoming Managers and Leaders to succeed in the future. As an upcoming Leader I'm really looking forward to follow and use theories by Mr. Andres Agostini ..."

By U.K.'s Dr. Ann Shaw M.D. At :

"… I am in awe of Andres for many reasons since 2008. Not only am I impressed with his business and management practical approach, vast knowledge and professionalism in current high-tech and concerning future technologies and risk management, but as a unique and very valuable human being .… With extensive work based on over 30 years of corporate experience, Andres has completed his current book, 'The White Swan'. He has managed to incorporate his wealth of knowledge and experience to address the threats and opportunities and benefits so that incumbents gain augmented insight about what greatly impacts the practices by change managers, leaders, educators, researchers, scholars, entrepreneurs, advanced students and responsible citizens, aiming to make a difference for a better yet challenging world …. With minuteness, he explores deep reflections, initiatives, notions and ideas that may have been long ignored, under-estimated and misunderstood. The White Swan is an interesting, deep and comprehensive exploration that allows the reader to freely come to his/her own conclusions. He has a dynamic and deep mind, and is gifted with a true art of discernment and expression for all he feels…”

By U.S.A.'s Dr. Diane M. Rousseau LHD, Ph.D at :

“... It is a pleasure to write about Mr. Andres Agostini; meeting him almost two years ago, following his extensive work and seeing the depth, breadth, insights and high quality of his writings, his innate ability to think creatively, express complex ideas simply, and, his sincere dedication to making a difference [….] In Science and Technology, in integration of Consciousness, expanding the Scientific view point to include "out of the box thinking" for practical application which is needed for humanities expansion, survival and sustaining knowledge, Mr. Andres clearly writes for the benefit of all life on the planet [….] As a process of his lucid White Swan book ( ASIN: B00KMY0DLK), Andres has sent me a gracious invite to take part in the initiative of Concurrent Coordinated Convergent Systems Thinking (CCCST): Articulated under Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification (IAA), underpinned at ASIN: B00KNL02ZE, in order to improve the intellect and teaching abilities of some of our students, teachers and professors [….] I recommend Mr. Andres Agostini highly, as a Colleague and Friend, a prolific writer with acumen and a keen eye to expand for the greater good all subjects he approaches, it is an honor to know him ...”

By São Paulo, Brazil's Ms. Giselle Cury at :

“... An exceptional source of deep insight into the contemporary intricacies of an organization, a delightful invitation to dip into the author’s multifaceted analysis of such wonderful, although complex entity. The absorption of Mr. Andres Agostini’s 'White Swan' concepts is not only highly recommended, but also a condition sine qua non for organizations around the world to be on top of their businesses. Simply fantastic! ...”

By Mr. Tony Di Rico at :

".... I have known Mr. Andres Agostini for nearly 9 years now and found him to be a wonderful person to work with. Andres’ willingness to be of assistance, along with his many senior connections, makes him a great executive for anyone to know. He has connected me with several mutually beneficial individuals. His broad experience allows him to speak about many topics from a unique perspective. I highly recommend the White Swan Book and Mr. Agostini and suggest you contact him to see what he has to offer ..."

By U.S.A.'s Tampa's Mr. Dan Aduito at :

“ … Andres Agostini is always willing to lend his wisdom and support to those of us who may not be scientists however I see Mr. Agostini as a bridge and interpreter of the sciences to the multitude of other specialists in business, commerce and industry …. A rare man with the capacity to draw all who come near, closer to the leading edges of scientific analysis and predictability based upon fact as opposed to conjecture and pontification …. I consider it an honor to call Mr. Agostini my friend and translator of cosmic relationships of all matter ...”

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Bob Smith at :

“... I find the writings associated with White Swan to be delightfully thought-provoking and offer a smart and insightful juxtaposition to the Black Swan concept. It provides balance in the flow of the topic and brings a rich new set of useful distinction to consider …. I think this will offer elements to a full and complete range of thinking that holds two ends of the same line of thinking. The Swans become bookends to an elegant body of thinking and consideration on how to ' ...' in the midst of the two influences [….] I enjoy the additional thinking that Andres has brought forward and I appreciate the visit to the fundamentals of thinking in so many areas that affect the true productivity of business and the impact on people and results ...”

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Dana Hall at :

“… Much like his knowledge-seeking forebears, Andres maintains an unconventional view of the conventional world around him. The combination of his intellect and perspective serve him well as an engaging intellectual, coach and consultant. His White Swan book is completely educational and fascinating, as he is able to connect vast amounts of information into something truly meaningful…. Andres is not at all an intellectual snob, though by all rights he could be. On the contrary, he is very giving through sharing his ideas and knowledge, and in helping his fellow men (and women) working to better themselves. I find Andres to be a kind and warm human being while maintaining his strong professional leadership and mentoring style. He offers a unique blend of qualities and attributes that are rare indeed, and I highly recommend him ..."

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Jay H. Peters at :

" ... I find Mr. Andres Agostini's work in connection with the White Swan to reflect his uncompromising facility with intuitive thinking followed up with his extraordinary ability to describe in words any subject matter which crosses his path. His descriptive writing alone places him in a category where few people can tread. I look forward to a future comprising both his enlightened attitude and his no nonsense approach to problem evaluation and solution. I can highly recommend him for any position that his wordsmithing and people skills may benefit ..."

By U.S.A.'s Ms. Tamara Beck at :

“...Andres, as always, the White Swan is a very thorough and insightful view of things as they are and are going to be! ...”

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Edward Andron, ACom, ARM, RAM, CNE, NYU Fellow at :

"...I have known Andres for approximately two years and found him to be an outstanding intellectual [….] White Swan seeks answers to the most complex and confounding problems in many industries and always finds an answer [….] Andres is engaging, insightful, and creative [….] He is quite literally a walking encyclopedia and veritable cornucopia of wisdom on any subject or any industry [….] I highly recommend him to White Swan, any think tank, corporation, or governmental agency looking for a sage whose prescient wisdom is both accurate and ahead of his time [….] He is an incalculable asset, but more importantly, a great human being I am proud to call my friend! ..."

By U.S.A.'s Greater Los Angeles Area's Mr. Terry Tucker: :

“... Mr. Agostini provides a valuable look, and, provides valuable contributions to 'Red Teaming' and decision analysis planning. Modern Strategy and White Swans are also about the social dynamics, which many analysts neglect. Andres covers this nicely ...”

By France's Dr. Valérie Morignat PhD at :

"… I have met Andres Agostini through his extensive activities as a Futurist. Andres is one of those rare thinkers who naturally serves as an inspiring mentor for the field. With an impressive background as a Business innovator, a Tech-Analyst and a Consultant in Foresight Research, Andres Agostini exhibits strong visionary skills and a great sense of network building. These qualities most notably translate in his ability to inspire others, to nurture an impressive field of personal competencies and to develop groundbreaking innovative projects. His holistic approach makes Mr. Agostini a highly valuable individual I warmly recommend..."

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Robert Bonner

“… I have had the distinct pleasure of working with Andres in his capacity as an adviser, consultant, strategist, professional futurologist and project leader since 2009. He is truly a polymath with an uncanny ability to think both creatively and strategically while solving complex managerial problems. Andres brings a high degree of elegance and robustness to his business acumen. He has helped me understand the impact of megatrends and forces on my core business and has aided me in building my capacity take 'the long view.' Without a doubt, his ability to forecast the upsides/downsides of business opportunities rests on his mastery of trends in seemingly disparate fields of science, technology, medicine, economics and business. His engagements are of a consistently high quality. And his ability to lead projects and teams has been both meticulous and visionary. He is the consummate professional. I recommend his work, vision, and leadership without reservation…”

By U.S.A.'s Mr. John Lucic at :

“ … Mr. Agostini has proven to be one of the most qualified and ethics driven business consultants I have recommended to our clients. He truly cares for success of his clients and is an asset to any business that would choose to utilize his expertise. Good luck on your White Swan project ...”

By U.S.A.'s Ms. Sonny Cardinal at :

" ... White Swan's Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is a tremendously comprehensive prospecting tool that I will be sure to reference in the future. Great work! …"

By Berlin's Mr. Steffen D. Bieser at :

“... There are too many superstitions in the world of trade, commerce and management. People embrace too many half truths. This is wrong and it does not help to understand a complicated world. The White Swan unmasks a large number of global lies. There was about time for its author to tell it better ...”

By Mexico's Ms. Orenda Urbano-Hernández at :

“... The sequence of your work in White Swan seems like the chronicle of the different layers of organizational systems. It express the natural course of events and generates the idea that by comprehending these processes human possess tools of assertiveness to generate intuitive approach to solve challenges or to manufacture an intelligent and generous reality ...”

By Iran's Industrial Engineer Ms. Pegah Nikzat at :

“ … As a Futurist and Industrial Engineer I am greatly involved with many disciplines, techniques, research and reading. The White Swan treatise, by Mr. Andres Agostini, is correct and a technological breakthrough and scientific discovery in itself, coming forward in the most expected and needed moment. Mr. Agostini’s unprecedented abilities to coalesce Scientific Futuring with Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is a methodological novelty hugely embraced by the international community of Industrial Engineers. As he states, White Swan is not only about holding and futilely entertaining abstracts notions that do not have an instrumental and decisive practical application is enhancing corporation’s astute choice-making process. From this point onward I will be requesting my clients and customers to seriously study the White Swan as I am definitively considering forthcoming mutually-beneficial teaming arrangement with Mr. Agostini toward joint professional consulting services ...”

By South Africa's Mr. Anton van den Berg at :

“... As always, Mr. Andres Agostini cuts to the heart of the matter. The abundance of experience and knowledge required to achieve a break-through thought like this is staggering. I am glad that my life allowed me to experience this brilliant minds and exceptional thoughts that it produced. I’m grateful that he is able to articulate his thoughts in a way that we can absorb it. Thank you Andres!!!! ...”

By India's Civil Engineer Mr. GramaKeshava Ananthram at :

“...White Swan; yes White Swan! In Sanskrit‚ we have an adage-HAMSA KSHEERA NYAYAM — meaning Swan and the Milk Example! What does this mean? It is believed that Swan accepts milk portion only from out of the mixture of Milk and Water! [….] I am honored to compare this Vedic Analogy with Andres Agostini's WHITE SWAN — I do know whether Andres kept this Vedic term. While titling his Great foreseeing of the Future! Needless to say that Andres is a foreseer; DRASHTARA! He illumines the present science and technology and eighteens the future Metascale heights, yet he says that he does know what could be in 2045! The universe is a legendary verse and I must admit with my limited knowledge of the past to future, the evolution is the greatest revolution in all aspects; known becomes non existent and unknown becomes the most adored and preferred tool of the present tool for affluence in scientific and technological fast tracks! I admire Andres at every meticulous step in his narration citing and acknowledging his indebtedness to his peers! My knowledge of Science and technology is limited to appreciation of the facts of the future ! I am no match to Andres Agostini’s knowledge, but have the firm belief that Andres Agostini’s forethoughts of the future are the as true as Sun and Moon! [….] It is a prevailed I casually came across this page and must say I am a gainer in knowledge! __[....]__ There is ignorance in knowledge and so too knowledge in ignorance because the more one learns; much more he/she feels more he/she must learn! [….] People like Mr. Andres Agostini are always sought after to educate the thirsty for knowledge of the futuristic developments! ...”

By U.S.A.'s Ms. Annie (xiao xuan) Liu at :

“... In the U.S. and China there is a great fervor about Mr. Andres Agostini's White Swan. I love this amazing read and how Andres explains every difficult thing with nice definitions and real examples. I also love the unprecedented level of candor by the White Swan. I find interesting that this book is about telling the truth and to sugar-coat difficult realities while giving easy ideas about how to fix challenges and complications. I am into teaching people how to be successful in their professional and personal lives. As a process of that I will have my folks consider the White Swan because it is a great tool to make Success happen ..."

By Israel's Mr. Nachum Katz at :

“ … I greatly enjoyed this read, and found it very helpful and eye opening …. Most of all I find the remarks about preparing to the future and making it happen based on changing ideas, thoughts, concepts, preparing a new vision that pushes us all forward, based on the past ...”

By Israel's Mr. Zamir Tribelsky at :

“…I know Mr. Andres Agostini for several years and had numerous privileged opportunities to exchange intelligently charged views on vast number of subjects ranging from advancement of physics and human resource science and technology management, to sophisticated nuances of advanced photochemistry… In contradistinction to interactions I experienced with a wide and highly qualified team of world class scientists, consultants, engineers and management specialists in wide myriad of complementing fields and diversified disciplines, Mr. Andres Agostini is indeed a diamond in a heap of pearls…”

By Mr. Anton van den Berg at :

“…From my experience he is an extraordinary person, doing everything he can to make a difference. (A good example of this is his White Swan Book) The passion with which he addresses moral, ethical and goodness issues are the things that moves me…If you want someone who understands, cares and is genuine in both execution and intent – this is your man…I recommend both Andy and his book (Futuretronium Book) to everybody that is willing to listen, learn and grow..."

By Japan's Mr. Richard Posner at :

"...Andres Agostini is nothing short of remarkable in intellect, in wisdom, and in putting ideas into action in an integrated, humane-centered fashion… Andy is a man whom you can trust with your life and business. His word or promise is set in stone..."

By Romania's Mr. Tzarul Nocolai at :

"...The unconventional way of thinking and hard work through research and experiment seem to become extremely soon a common way of life. When I met Mr. Andres Agostini my deja vu was that we travel endlessly in a multiverse changing a lot of causes of unwanted effects. Having natural qualities like knowledge, intuition, altruism, patience, kindness, selfless commitment to wipe the wounds of an agonizing society of the challenge, Mr. Agostini is a modern apologist of the of Golden Age of Athens…”

By U.S.A.'s Mr. David Anthony Johanson at :

"… For me, words fall short in their ability to convey Andres Agostini's massive intellectual capacities, productive visionary output and perhaps most importantly — his integrity as a compassionate individual .... It is in Andres’ positive actions, which illuminates what he represents — a tireless creative problem-solver with practical solutions to complex issues, that is supported by his solid commitment to see projects all the way through .... Andres Agostini is a total dynamo for inspiring others with his generous content of knowledge and ideas, which he regularly shares through multiple communication channels (the White Swan Book). Not only does Andres share critical information on a full spectrum of visionary technologies, but he shares the most valuable assets of them all — his time and compassion in helping others to make the World a better place .... I consider myself very fortunate to have Andres share his compassionate wisdom with me, which further motivates my efforts to share knowledge and solutions to help inspire positive action....Without any reservations, I enthusiastically recommend Andres Agostini’s creative solutions, leadership and compassionate positive actions towards any current or future challenging endeavors..."

By U.S.A.'s Ms. Harmony Collins at

"… Mr. Andres Agostini is proactive partner is all his endeavors. Andres is a hard-driving individual determined to see a project brought to a successful conclusion....Andres demands perfection of himself and leads by example. It is his 'Do not take «no» for an answer' attitude that propels him to higher and higher levels of success. Andres may be a conservative business man; however, he knows that there are times to be a risk averter or a risk avoider....In his field, Andres harnesses change to drive challenge through an organization. As a trend setter, Andres knows how to handle business as it becomes more risk mature and can take an enterprise-wide view at times....I have full confidence that if there is a problem, Andres will know how to address it..."

By U.K.'s Mr. David Shaw at :

"...Andres is a multi-disciplined professional with incredible energy and enthusiasm. We've communicated through the INTJ Masterminds LinkedIn group and his insights into a wide range of issues is very thought provoking .... His work into what the future holds is broad and deep and I keep an eye on the wide range of articles that he produces … The white swan is a great read ..."

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Alejandro Core at :

"… Hereby, I strongly recommend the white swan writing and Mr. Andres Agostini – who is an enthusiastic and original thinker on Futuristic Matters, including Futures Studies, Foresight Research and Scenario Planning....Mr. Andres Agostini has passion for and understanding of the links among technology trends and historical facts, human behaviors, sustainability management and decision making are wonderful examples of the characteristics that are needed to accelerate smart decision making in global corporations, businesses and government..."

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Prabhu Krishna at :

"… I know Mr. Andres Agostini, as an educational mentor and I am grateful for his efforts in helping me out to be a better person. I got an opportunity to interact and discuss with him about various intuitive topics and he always amazes me each and every time. His knowledge in different fields often awestruck me....Personally he has helped me out in various methodologies in improving my adaption over the cultural differences and understanding my weakness and strengths of my personality. He is been such a wonderful open minded person to whom you can discuss any kind of topics at any point of time. I am indebted for getting a adviser like him..."

By U.S.A.'s Mrs. Sherry Hall at :

"… It is rare that one encounters a Subject Matters Expert (SMsE) who so adeptly transcends disciplines and defies traditional definition. Through highly intellectually and stimulating exchanges with Andy, I have found him to be an SMsE in virtually, and practically, many areas including business management, global commerce, technology, science, innovation and forward-thinking initiatives .… With his insightful views, thoughtful approach and genuine interest in others, Andy has served as an inspiring mentor and coach. He has caused me to pause for deep reflection and ask a truly meaningful 'What if?'. I have no doubt his subtle, yet effective style, will propel me to the next level of professional development and stellar delivery of my 'personal best'…For any organization seeking an exceptional and truly remarkable resource, I highly recommend Andy. For anyone wishing a glimpse into 'what may be', I recommend exploration of Andy’s theorem about future studies and strategic planning..."

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Dana Hall at :

“…Much like his knowledge-seeking forebears, Andres maintains an unconventional view of the conventional world around him. The combination of his intellect and perspective serve him well as an engaging intellectual, coach and consultant. His White Swan book is completely educational and fascinating, as he is able to connect vast amounts of information into something truly meaningful…. Andres is not at all an intellectual snob, though by all rights he could be. On the contrary, he is very giving through sharing his ideas and knowledge, and in helping his fellow men (and women) working to better themselves. I find Andres to be a kind and warm human being while maintaining his strong professional leadership and mentoring style. He offers a unique blend of qualities and attributes that are rare indeed, and I highly recommend him..."

By U.K.'s Dr. Ian C. Hale, PhD. at :

"...It is a great pleasure to have this white swan opportunity to give the highest possible recommendation for Mr. Agostini's wide range of ability and smarts. His professionalism, integrity and drive also mark him out as a major figure .... He is second to none with his vast knowledge and extensive experience in several areas of management including White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management and Business Optimization in general. Mr. Agostini is an outright genius and uncanny polymath and a fine, clear writer, communicator and multi-linguist ..."

By U.S.A.'s Mrs. Peggy Leyva Conley. At :

"… Andres Agostini, Is a World Leader as an Analytical Manager and Strategic Consultant who has worked in various sectors consisting of applying his vast knowledge, and skills. This includes Fortune 100 Companies who have hired him as an Adviser, Planner and Futurist who can shed his foresight to help determine where a Company should be driven to become Successful in the marketplace. As a Professional he is highly valuable when researching and using strategic plans to Educate Corporations how to become prosperous..."

U.S.A.'s Mrs. Joanne Victoria at

"… I am candidly in puzzlement of Andres Agostini for many reasons. He is mental acuity, acumen and infinite enthusiasm and energy [….] Andres is such an accomplished executive and professional into advanced technology, management, business and leadership matters. He thinks deeply and quickly ? while operating (multi-tasking) in systemic and systematic mode ?, through a panoramic perspective [….] Andres’ talents qualify him as a Renaissance Man with a strong commitment towards professional futurology, futures studies, foresight research, scenario planning [….] He designed and developed his own proprietary methodology (beyond insurance) in 2005, Transformative and Integrative Risk Management [….] Andres solves instrumental puzzles daily. If you ask for help or a piece of advice, he will readily be there for you. He is personable, kind and an unconditional gentleman. He certainly observes ethics and timeliness in all rigors ..."

By U.K.'s Mr. Martyn Green at

" … It gives me great pleasure to recommend Andres as a person with the highest values and integrity that I have come across in a long time, he truly is a man with a great vision and purpose in life and I am glad to be able to say that I am now ...!..."

By U.S.A.'s Mr. Kim William Gordon at

"… Mr. Andres Agostini is a polished professional who has my highest recommendations. It is a rare privilege to work with a visionary person of such caliber. His knowledge, wisdom and his ethics, as well as his compassion and empathy make him a superb addition to any team, at any level ..."

By Japan's Mr. Akinori Koyama at

"… He is great and smart. I cannot do it like him ..."


Back to the White Swan hardcore:

A Quick Message from India:

An Indian Civil Engineer and Mystic argues and as per own account,

“... In Sanskrit the Vedantic Sages call Andres «... a DRASHTARA ...» and as such he is set out to re-channelize the R&D&I effort's direction and pathway by applied scientists in dire straits, thus re-illuminating them in the unaccounted-for dynamic driving forces in order for scientists to return to the right path ...”

An Vedantic Yogi also called Andres, some years ago, “... Auspiciousness ...”

He is a Sanskrit Scholar and the reader can see him at I can also introduce the reader to him any time soon.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Let us define countermeasuring:

“ … Countermeasuring is the ing-form of countermeasure, in order to indicate a preemptive action taken to oppose, neutralize, or retaliate against some other action and as an opposing, offsetting, or retaliatory measure ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


FOREWORD # 1 of #3:

“... You may have heard of the ' swan...' concept. Now there is the White Swan Treatise, a name for an '...interdisciplinary methodology...' of '...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management...' This is offered by Mr. Andres Agostini and his work is a creative approach that can help organizations large and small prepare for the future. Of course the future has risks — and opportunities — because of it's intrinsic property of uncertainty and unpredictability. To best mitigate the downside risks and leverage the upside opportunities, flexible thinking is required. FOR EXAMPLE, IT IS USEFUL TO VIEW PROBLEMS FROM MULTIPLE DIFFERENT POINTS OF VIEW. THIS TASK IS BOTH IMPORTANT AND NONTRIVIAL. TO MAKE IT HAPPEN, AN INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACH IS IMPORTANT. The hope is to manage the multiple uncertainties (risks and opportunities) by integrating an array of insights and resources. A successful result can indeed be transformative. Thank you Mr. Agostini for contributing this methodology with its pathway to! Ward solutions of originality and significance [….] It is a pleasure to have the opportunity to work with Andres Agostini on a technology foresight related project. Mr. Agostini is a great source of stimulating and interesting ideas. His high energy level makes working with him an efficient way to leverage activities. Andres is invaluable in providing an international dimension to the project which would otherwise be unavailable. I absolutely recommend Andres Agostini as a colleague and project team partner! ...” — By Professor Daniel , PhD. — The MIT and University of Texas at Austin's Most Honorable and Respected Alumnus. — The University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Professor, and The Author of “...The Human Race to the Future: What Could Happen — and What to Do ...”


“ ... Often ignored is the future of mankind as we move through our daily lives. Until you meet Andres Agostini an accomplished author, thinker and strategist. When you browse through the cosmos called his profile you are engaged in a myriad of accomplishments both in his writing and published works but also his accomplishments and impressive list of the companies he has served. He is a thinker and one that makes sense __[....]__ His relationships are top notch and I have had the pleasure to be offered an introduction. Which has developed into a new relationship and one of both intellectual value but of commonality __[....]__ If you are looking for the intellectual promise you will not be disappointed in fact you will be impressed. Hi vast intellect in multiple topics is a trait of a visionary. And I believe that Andres is just that __[....]__ To sum up if your future is in need of clarification and need a well established and respected individual who follows through on his intentions then this is your man. A person of integrity, a future thinker and an accomplished author. I trust you will find his engagement as satisfying as I do ...”

Foreword #2 By Canada's Most Honorable Prof. Peter Jarmics, EdD. at :


“ … Andres Agostini is a very generous person and in the treatise he just wrote «The White Swan». He shares with us very important knowledge and insights about a future already there at our door steps. The White Swan is much more than a book, in reality. It is a very complete and sincere «conversation» with his author, on a very complex subject: Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (TAIRM) — what it is, why it is important, how it works and how it can benefit immediately, in a sustainable manner, all kind of organizations and their stakeholders [….] The scope of the usable knowledge the White Swan puts forward is just flabbergasting: so broad, so diverse, looking at and including so many perspectives, so many angles, so many considerations. You are guaranteed to learn many new things about the present, the future, the uncertain, the unexpected, risks, opportunities and the fabric of factual reality. It will make you question your own current perceptions of what is reality, of how the future is already present in the «here and now» and of how you can take advantage of current and emerging changes [….] What is also surprising is the time it took the author to collect his thoughts and write this amazing book [….] Andres, already living today by emerging future trends yet understood by most of us, discloses at the end of the book that he used a not-yet-publicized proprietary method of Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification (IAA), articulated under his Concurrent Coordinated Convergent Systems Thinking (CCCST) — underpinned the Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification (IAA) — , based on natural and legal biological means, in his «sprint» to write the White Swan. He told me that IAA is already an integrated feature of his own systems thinking and management approach. I bet major future-oriented players, like NASA, Google, Apple, Amazon and progressive universities are already looking very seriously at IAA, and would be interested by Andres’ integration of IAA in his own creative process. For one, I want Andres to tell me much more about it very soon; I, too, am in need of some «natural enhancement» to face energetically all the intellectual challenges before me [….] The White Swan «conversation» started a while ago with a seemingly straight forward question to the author about the future of management in the face of continuous change. This question is one asked by all managers who seek a new path towards optimal management, a path that cannot be found without finding also the path towards optimal risk management through Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (TAIRM), the main subject of «The White Swan» [….] The White Swan is all but an easy read. It neither gives an easy answer, nor offers a simple recipe presented in an easy to understand point form. The answer Andres' White Swan provides needs the support of many new words, with many new definitions and concepts [….] because the answer needed is about finding a path that has not yet been traveled by most of us. This answer cannot be found in our past actions, previous expressions and earlier ways of thinking. The White Swan is about reinventing ourselves and the way we manage [….] In order to give yourself a chance to reinvent yourselves and your organization, you will have to stick to what Andres will say in the White Swan book: whatever he says, whatever personal style he uses in doing so, and whatever challenges it will present to you in your search for simple answers. Simple answers really do not exist in the face of complexity and constant change. Be patient and take the time to listen to Andres and his unique way of telling a story. Reading the White Swan is a complete awakening and learning experience. So, keep your prevention and questions till the last page, because it is possible he will have addressed most, if not all of them, by the end of the volume. It is exactly what it has done for me [….] This book is about the future, one where we thrive and prosper. This treatise shows us the way to create sustainable success and prosperity for our organizations and ourselves. As said William Gibson: « … The future is already here — it's just not very evenly distributed … ». And the future IS in this treatise and in Andres’ words ...”

By Mr. Claude Emond, BEng, MEng, MBA, rmc, CD, PMP


Back to the White Swan hardcore:


To a great extent, the White Swan is about beforehand coping with a pervasive rate of change.

And change is enable by the advent of exponential science and the respective technologies.

And as the scientific and technological progression is the result of new applied knowledge.

As humans have an embedded ability to naturally think linearly, the scientific and technological progression are increasingly nonlinearly.

I am certain that by carefully reading and examining the following citations the reader will understand that this time around change has different properties.

I will give and give you again and again a quick sample of what I exactly mean by a most-exponential growth in scientific and technological development.

Please see the following:



On Mar 24, 1999 Microsoft Chairman, and today's smartest and wealthiest person, gave, in hard writing (ISBN: 978-0446525688), a pervasive forewarning that 96.357% of the people, with their intrinsically and un-salvageably linear and unprepared minds, utterly ignored.

This is the verbatim forewarning:

“ … We always overestimate the change that will occur in the next two years [2001] and underestimate the change that will occur in the next ten [2011] ...” — Bill Gates. Brackets by the Author.

Thereby, let us continue with the White Swan Preface.

New applied knowledge, new science and new technologies are going to change (“...creatively-disrupt...”) it all (along with omnipresent trade and automation) right now, including every industry in the marketplace.

And subsequently, every industry's manager and hence management beginning time immemorial.

To give the reader a meaningful view on the proceeding, Stanford University, by way of example, observes,

“...The ubiquity and variability of organizations means there is ample room for complexity and confusion in the organizational challenges we regularly face ..."


(The White Swan POV will resume thereafter).







6.-) “...The flattening of the world is going to be hugely disruptive to both traditional and developed societies. The weak will fall further behind faster. The traditional will feel the force of modernization much more profoundly. The new will get turned into old quicker. The developed will be challenged by the underdeveloped much more profoundly. I worry, because so much political stability is built on economic stability, and economic stability is not going to be a feature of the flat world. Add it all up and you can see that the disruptions and going to come faster and harder. No one is immune — not me, not you, not Microsoft. WE ARE ENTERING AN ERA OF CREATIVE DESTRUCTION ON STEROIDS. Dealing with flatism is going to be a challenge of a whole new dimension even if your country has a strategy. But if you don’t have a strategy at all, well, again, you’ve warned...” [226]

7.-) “...By the end of the twentieth century, science had reached the end of an era, unlocking the secrets of the atom, unraveling the molecule of life, and creating the electronic computer. With these three fundamental discoveries, triggered by the quantum revolution, the DNA revolution, and the computer revolution, the basic laws of matter, life, and computation were, in the main, finally solved [….] That epic phase of science is now drawing to a close; one era is ending and another is only beginning [….] The next era of science promises to be an even deeper, more thoroughgoing, more penetrating one than the last [….] Clearly, we are on the threshold of yet another revolution. HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY TEN YEARS [AS PER THE 1998 STANDARDS]. In the past decade, more scientific knowledge has been created than in all of human history. COMPUTER POWER IS DOUBLING EVERY EIGHTEEN MONTHS. THE INTERNET IS DOUBLING EVERY YEAR. THE NUMBER OF DNA SEQUENCES WE CAN ANALYZE IS DOUBLING EVERY TWO YEARS ...” Brackets are of the author.

And 7.-) above continues here:

“... Almost daily, the headlines herald new advances in computers, telecommunications, biotechnology, and space exploration. In the wake of this technological upheaval, entire industries and lifestyles are being overturned, only to give rise to entirely new ones. But these rapid, bewildering changes are not just quantitative. They mark the birth pangs of a new era [….] FROM NOW TO THE YEAR 2020, SCIENTISTS FORESEE AN EXPLOSION IN SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY SUCH AS THE WORLD HAS NEVER SEEN BEFORE. IN TWO KEY TECHNOLOGIES, COMPUTER POWER AND THE DNA SEQUENCING, WE WILL SEE ENTIRE INDUSTRIES RISE AND FALL ON THE BASIS OF BREATHTAKING SCIENTIFIC ADVANCES. SINCE THE 1950S, THE POWER OF OUR COMPUTERS HAS ADVANCED BY A FACTOR OF ROUGHLY TEN BILLION. IN FACT, BECAUSE BOTH COMPUTER POWER AND DNA SEQUENCING DOUBLE ROUGHLY EVERY TWO YEARS, ONE CAN COMPUTE THE ROUGH TIME FRAME OVER WHICH MANY SCIENTIFIC BREAKTHROUGHS WILL TAKE PLACE ... "

And 7.-) above continues here:


8.-) “... The knowledge revolution is taking place in small, sharply defined areas. One company generates more U.S. patents than 139 countries do together … This [revolution] generates new EMPIRES and new ghettos [….] It slams into existing systems and destroys them while creating new systems. Countries and individuals can either surf new and powerful waves of change — or try to stop them and get crushed ...” [226]

9.-) “... Nanotechnologies are broad concept, it’s simply refers to technology where the key features in measuring the small number of nanometers. A NANOMETER IS THE DIAMETER OF FIVE CARBON ATOMS SO IT’S VERY CLOSE TO THE MOLECULAR LEVEL AND WE ALREADY HAVE NEW MATERIALS AND DEVICES THAT HAD BEEN MANUFACTURED AT THE NANOSCALE. IN FACT, CHIPS TODAY, THE KEY FEATURES ARE 50 OR 60 NANOMETERS SO THAT IS ALREADY NANOTECHNOLOGY. The true promise of nanotechnology is that ultimately we’ll be able to create devices that are manufactured at the molecular level by putting together, molecular fragments in new combinations so, I can send you an information file and a desktop nanofactory will assemble molecules according to the definition in the file and create a physical objects so I can e-mail you a pair of trousers or a module to build housing or a solar panel and WE’LL BE ABLE TO CREATE JUST ABOUT ANYTHING WE NEED IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD FROM INFORMATION FILES WITH VERY INEXPENSIVE INPUT MATERIALS. You can… I mean, just a few years ago if I wanted to send you a movie or a book or a recorded album, I would send you a FedEx package, now I can e-mail you an attachment and you can create a movie or a book from that ...”

And 9.-) above continues here:

“ … On the future, I’ll be able to e-mail you a blouse or a meal. So, that’s the promise of nanotechnology. Another promise is to be able to create devices that are size of blood cells and by the way biology is an example of nanotechnology, the key features of biology are at the molecular level. SO, THAT’S ACTUALLY THE EXISTENCE PROOF THAT NANOTECHNOLOGY IS FEASIBLE BUT BIOLOGY IS BASED ON LIMITED SIDE OF MATERIALS. EVERYTHING IS BUILT OUT OF PROTEINS AND THAT’S A LIMITED CLASS OF SUBSTANCES. WITH NANOTECHNOLOGY WE CAN CREATE THINGS THAT ARE FAR MORE DURABLE AND FAR MORE POWERFUL. One scientist designed a robotic red blood cell it’s a thousand times more powerful than the biological version so, if you were to replace a portion of your biological red blood cells with this respirocytes the robotic versions. You could do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath or sit at the bottom of your pool for 4 hours ...”

And 9.-) above continues here:

“ … If I were to say someday you’ll have millions or even billions of these nanobots, nano-robots, blood cell size devices going through your body and keeping you healthy from inside, I might think well, that sounds awfully futuristic. I’d point out this already in 50 experiments in animals of doing exactly that with the first generation of nano engineered blood cell size devices. One scientist cured type-1 diabetes in rats with the blood cell size device. Seven nanometer pores let’s insulin out in the controlled fashion. At MIT, there’s a blood cell size device that can detect and destroy cancer cells in the bloodstream. These are early experiments but KEEP IN MIND THAT BECAUSE OF THE EXPONENTIAL PROGRESSION OF THIS TECHNOLOGY, THESE TECHNOLOGIES WILL BE A BILLION TIMES MORE POWERFUL IN 25 YEARS AND YOU GET SOME IDEA WHAT WILL BE FEASIBLE ...” [226]


“ … Kevin Kelly, for instance, convincingly portrays technology as a partner in human evolution. In his book What Technology Want [ISBN: 978-0143120179], he makes the case that technology is emerging as the 'seventh kingdom of life on Earth' — along with plants, insects, fungi, and so on … KELLY ALSO HOLDS THAT TECHNOLOGY'S GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT IS INEVITABLE, EVEN DESIRABLE. YES, CERTAIN TECHNOLOGIES CREATE PROBLEMS, but that just opens the opportunity for yet another technology to mitigate the bad. Isn't that just and endless loop of negative and positive outcomes, in which humanity is eventually frayed beyond repair? Kelly disagrees: « … I DON'T THINK TECHNOLOGY IS NEUTRAL OR A WASH OF GOOD AND BAD EFFECTS. TO BE SURE IT DOES PRODUCE BOTH PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS, BUT THE CHIEF EFFECT IS THAT IT PRODUCES MORE POSSIBILITIES. MORE OPTIONS. MORE FREEDOM, ESSENTIALLY. THAT'S REALLY GOOD. THAT IS THE REASON WHY PEOPLE MOVE TO CITIES — FOR MORE CHOICES … » [….] Where it gets discomfiting, however, is when Kelly insists on technology's all-consuming nature. ' … It is an ever-elaborate tool that we wield and continually update to improve our world; and it is an ever-ripening superorganism, of which we are but a part, that is following a direction beyond our own making. Humans are both master and slave to the techium [his word for the technological universe], and our fate is to remain in this uncomfortable dual role …' [….] There is no way back, only through. Kelly admonishes us to '… align ourselves with the imperative of the technium …' because to do otherwise would be to ' … resist our second self …' [….] Humanity and technology — like humanity and the zombies — are ultimately indistinguishable. ' … The conflict that the technium triggers in our hearts is due to our refusal to accept our nature — the truth is that we are continuous with the machines we create … When we reject technology as a whole, it a brand of self-hatred …' [….] But isn't the acceptance of humanity as a component part of technology also a form of self-hatred? KELLY SEES A SINGLE THREAD OF SELF-GENERATION TYING TOGETHER THE COSMOS, THE BIOS, AND THE TECHNOS INTO ONE ACT OF CREATION. ' … HUMANS ARE NOT THE CULMINATION OF THIS TRAJECTORY BUT AN INTERMEDIARY, SMACK IN THE MIDDLE BETWEEN THE BORN AND THE MADE …' [….] WE MUST EITHER ACCEPT TECHNOLOGY AS OUR INEVITABLE OFFSPRING AND SUCCESSOR, OR ' … REJECT TECHNOLOGY AS A WHOLE …' [….] In Kelly's schema, there is no sustainable happy medium. Isn't there the possibility for a less dramatic, less apocalyptic middle ground? ...” [252] Brackets are of the Author.


10.-) “...The world has profoundly changed [….] The challenges and complexity we face in our personal lives and relationships, in our families, in our professional lives, and in our organizations are of a different order of magnitude. In fact, many mark 1989 — the year we witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall — as the beginning of the Information Age, the birth of a new reality, a sea change of incredible significance — truly a new era — Being effective as individuals and organizations is no longer merely an option — survival in today’s world requires it. But, in order to thrive, innovate, excel, and lead in what Covey calls the new Knowledge Worker Age, we must build on and move beyond effectiveness [long-held assumptions, fallacies, falsehoods and flawed beliefs and faulty conventions]…Hence, accessing the higher levels of human genius and motivation in today’s new reality REQUIRES A SEA CHANGE IN THINKING: a new mind-sets, a new skill-set, a new tool-set — in short, a whole new habit...” [226] Brackets are of the author.

11.-) “... All the notions we thought solid, all the values of civilized life, all that made for stability in international relations, all that made for regularity in the economy … in a word, all that tended happily to limit the uncertainty of the morrow, all that gave nations and individuals some confidence in the morrow … all this seems badly compromised. I have consulted all augurs I could find, of every species, and I have heard only vague words, contradictory prophecies, curiously feeble assurances. Never has humanity combined so much power with so much disorder, so much anxiety with so many playthings, so much knowledge with so much uncertainty ...” [226]


“ ...It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . . it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair ...” — Charles Dickens (1798)

12.-) “ ... It’s not the case that there are only a fixed number of positions, and if old people don’t die off, there’s no room for young people to come up with new ideas, because we’re constantly expanding knowledge [….] Knowledge is growing exponentially. It’s doubling approximately every year [….] The problem is I can’t get on the phone with you in the future and say, ' … Well, I’ve done it, I have lived forever [….] This idea of creating a whole virtual body with nanobots, that’s more like a 2050 scenario. But by the 2030s we’ll be putting millions of nanobots inside our bodies to augment our immune system, to basically wipe out disease. One scientist cured Type I diabetes in rats with a blood-cell-size device already ...” [226]

12.-) here continues:

“... By 2029, computers will have emotional intelligence and be convincing as people. This implies that these are people with volition just like you and I, not just games that you turn on or off. Is it my father? You could argue that it’s a simulation. But it’s not something you can play with. You don’t want to bring someone back who might be very depressed because the world is very different than they expect and the people they know aren’t around …. It’s not us versus them. We’ve created these tools to overcome our limitations, and we’ve integrated with them already [….] A.I. today is not in three or four dark federal intelligence agencies; it’s in billions of mobile devices around the world [….] Early in this decade [2020s], humanity will have the requisite hardware to emulate human intelligence within a $1000 personal computer, followed shortly by effective software models of human intelligence toward the middle of the decade: this will be enabled through the continuing exponential growth of brain-scanning technology, which is doubling in bandwidth, temporal and spatial resolution every year, and will be greatly amplified with nanotechnology, allowing us to have a detailed understanding of all the regions of the human brain and to aid in developing human-level machine intelligence by the end of this decade …. Computers less than 100 m in size will be possible ...” Brackets are of the author. [226]


“ ... The human brain, then, is the most complicated of matter (matter: something that has mass and exists as a solid, liquid, gas, or plasma, stemming from the Universe as a whole) that we know …” By Isaac Asimov

“ ...The brain is a world consisting of a number of unexplored continents and great stretches of unknown territory ...” By Santiago Ramon y Cajal

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

13.- ) “...The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreasonable world, nor that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality; yet is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and regular than it is; its exactitude is obvious, but its inexactitude is hidden, its wildness lies in wait ... " [220] [226]

14.-) “... We believe that the goal is not to predict the future, but to imagine a future made possible by changes in technology, life style, work style, regulation, global geopolitics, and the like. And there are as many viable futures as there as imaginative firms that can understand deeply the dynamics at work right now which hold opportunities to become the author of the new. FOR THE FUTURE IS NOT WHAT WILL HAPPEN; THE FUTURE IS WHAT IS HAPPENING. The present and the future don’t about each other, neatly divided between the five-year plan and the great unknown beyond. Rather they are intertwined. Every company is in the process of becoming — of becoming an anachronism irrelevant to the future, or of becoming the harbinger of the future ...” [226]

Let us, by the way, define Dynamics now:

“... Dynamics is a branch of mechanics that deals with forces and their relation primarily to the motion but sometimes also to the equilibrium of bodies …. an underlying cause of change or growth …. a pattern or process of change, growth, or activity '… population dynamics ...' ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

14.- ) continues:

“... The long-term is not something that happens someday; it is what every company is building or forfeiting [….] Only those who can imagine and preemptively create the future will be around to enjoy it … Creating a compelling view of tomorrow’s opportunities and moving preemptively to secure the future are tasks for neither dilettantes nor the merely intellectual curious … Other companies, the laggards, were more interested in protecting the past than in creating the future … We believe, and will argue strongly, that a company must not only get to the future first, it must get there for less [….] And re-engineering charge is simply the penalty that a company must pay for not having anticipated the future [….] If senior executives don’t have reasonably detailed answers to the ‘future’ set of questions, and if the answers they do have are not substantially different from the ‘today’ answers, there is little chance their companies will remain market leaders [….] For much of the 1980s, IBM had been driving toward the future while looking out the rear-view mirror [….] Too often, profound thinking about the future and how to shape it occurs only when present success has been substantially eroded [….] Creating the future is more challenging than playing catch up, in that you have to create your own road map [….] The goal is not simply to benchmark a competitor’s products and processes and imitate its methods, but to develop an independent point of view about tomorrow’s opportunities and how to exploit them ...” [226]

14.-) continues:

“ … Path-breaking is a lot more rewarding than benchmarking. One doesn’t get to the future first by letting someone else blaze the trail [….] Passengers will get to the future, but their fate will not be in their own hands. Theirs profits from the future will be modest at best. Those who drive industry revolution — companies that have a clear, permeated view of where they want tom take their industry and are capable of orchestrating resources inside and outside the company to get there first — will be handsomely rewarded… The future is not an extrapolation of the past. New industrial structures will supersede old industrial structures [….] Opportunities that at first blush seem evolutionary will prove to be revolutionary [….] A commitment substantial enough to beget the perseverance required to create the future must be based on something more than a hunch [….] But to create the future, a company must first be able to forget some of its past … ‘The future was predictable, but hardly anyone predicted it’ ...” [87]. [226]

15.-) “... The future belongs not to those who possess a crystal ball, but those willing to challenge the biases and prejudices of the ‘establishment.’ The future belongs more to the unorthodox than it does to the prognosticators […and/or predictioneers ...], more to the movement than to the starry-eyed …. The problem with the future is that is different …. If you are unable to think differently, the Future will always arrive as a [strategic or geostrategic Sputnik Moment] surprise ...”

15.-) continues:

“ … Each revolution in art was based on a re-conception of reality. It wasn’t the canvas, the pigments, or the brushes that changed, but how the artist perceived the world. In the same sense, it’s not the tools that distinguish industry revolutionaries from hummed, not the information technology they harness, not the process they use, not their facilities. Instead, is their ability to escape the stranglehold of the familiar ...” [28]. Brackets are of the author.

16.- ) “... A primary theme in Alvin Toffler’s best selling book Future Shock is that society’s rate of change is increasing. Everything around us — including ourselves — is rapidly changing. NOTHING IS STABLE, PERMANENT, CONSTANT, OR FIXED. Neither is risk. It is an indigenous element in the volatility of life. If anything, risk expands at a greater rate than the societal rate of change — due to its roots in uncertainty and ignorance of consequences, which multiply during mercurial instability ... " [226]

(COMMENTARY TO '16.- )' « ... Change is hard, failure is much harder, and would you rather be sick or would you rather be dead? ... » By Harvard Business School professor Clay Christensen Ph.D.).

17.-) “... We can anticipate volcanic dislocations, twists and reversals, not merely in our social structure, but also in our hierarchy of values and in the way individuals perceive and conceive reality. SUCH MASSIVE CHANGES, COMING WITH INCREASING VELOCITY, WILL DISORIENT, BEWILDER, AND CRUSH MANY PEOPLE [….] Even the most educated people today operate on the assumption that society is relatively static. At best they attempt to plan by making simple straight-lines projects of present-day trends. THE RESULT IS UNREADINESS TO MEET THE FUTURE WHEN IT ARRIVES. IN SHORT, FUTURE SHOCK ...” (Source:

18.-) “ … Professors from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Oxford University and Sussex University agree that ROBOTS WILL STEAL ABOUT 50 PERCENT OF ALL JOBS ROUND THE WORLD IN THE NOT TOO DISTANT FUTURE AS WE ENTER A SECOND AGE OF MACHINERY [….] '… Before the industrial revolution, it was pretty boring from an economist's point of view, but since the evolution of machines during this time, societies have become more efficient and wealthier," said Erik Brynjolfsson, director at MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy [….] ...'We are now in the second machine age where robots take on mental, as well as physical work, which does encroach on a vast number of jobs," he added. '… Robots now substitute jobs, not just complement them from previous times …' … Mariana Mazzucato, the RM Philliips professor in the economics of innovation, science policy research unit at Sussex University, said the government and private investment are to blame. ….'.... Whether we talk about the changes in innovation or the relationship between robots affecting society, it all comes down to investment ….' He added, '… China, for instance, is investing $1.7 trillion in new [robotic] generation technology...'...” [236]

19.-) "... ' … THE FUTURE WILL BE FAR MORE SURPRISING THAN MOST OBSERVERS REALIZE: FEW HAVE TRULY INTERNALIZED THE IMPLICATIONS OF THE FACT THAT THE RATE OF CHANGE ITSELF IS ACCELERATING...', as per By Ray Kurzweil, ' … THE LAW OF ACCELERATING RETURNS ….' __[....]__ It’s only one man talking, making projections about the future of technology and not coincidentally the future of the human race. Yet many of Ray Kurzweil’s predictions have hit the mark. In 2009, he analyzed 108 of them and found 89 entirely correct and another 13 'essentially' correct. 'Another 3 are partially correct, 2 look like they are about 10 years off, and 1, which was tongue in cheek anyway, was just wrong,' he added. If he [Ray Kurzweil] can maintain this rate of success, many of his other predictions will happen within the lifetime of most people alive today. And almost no one is prepared for them [….] Author, inventor, successful entrepreneur, futurist, and currently head of Google’s engineering department, Kurzweil is enthusiastic about the technology explosion that’s coming. Here are a few predictions he’s made over the years: In THE AGE OF INTELLIGENT MACHINES (1990) he said that by the early 2000s computers would be transcribing speech into computer text, telephone calls would be routinely screened by intelligent answering machines, AND CLASSROOMS WOULD BE DOMINATED BY COMPUTERS. He also said by 2020 there would be a world government, though I suspect he’s backed off from that view [….] In THE AGE OF SPIRITUAL MACHINES (1999) he predicted that by 2009 most books would be read on screens rather than paper, people would be giving commands to computers by voice, and they would use small wearable computers to monitor body functions and get directions for navigation [….] Some of the milder predictions in THE SINGULARITY IS NEAR (2005) include $1,000 computers having the memory space of one human brain (10 T.B. or 1013 bits) by 2018, the application of nano computers (called nanobots) to medical diagnosis and treatment in the 2020s, and the development of a computer sophisticated enough to pass a stringent version of the Turing test — A COMPUTER SMART ENOUGH TO FOOL A HUMAN INTERROGATOR INTO THINKING IT WAS HUMAN — no later than 2029 __[....]__ Soon after that, we can expect a rupture of reality called the Singularity __[....]__ THE TECHNOLOGICAL SINGULARITY [….] In Artificial Intelligence (A.I.), the Technological Singularity refers to an impending event generated by entities with greater than human intelligence. From Kurzweil’s perspective, '...the Singularity has many faces. It represents the nearly vertical phase of exponential growth that occurs when the rate is so extreme that technology appears to be expanding at infinite speed ... WE WILL BECOME VASTLY SMARTER AS WE MERGE WITH OUR TECHNOLOGY ...' __[....]__ And by 'merge' he means (from The Singularity is Near): Biology has inherent limitations. For example, every living organism must be built from proteins that are folded from one-dimensional strings of amino acids. Protein-based mechanisms are lacking in strength and speed. We will be able to reengineer all of the organs and systems in our biological bodies and brains to be vastly more capable __[....]__ The Singularity, in other words, involves Intelligence Amplification (IA) in humans. WE WILL, ON A VOLUNTARY BASIS, BECOME INFUSED WITH NANOBOTS: '...ROBOTS DESIGNED AT THE MOLECULAR LEVEL, MEASURED IN MICRONS...' NANOBOTS WILL HAVE MULTIPLE ROLES WITHIN THE BODY, INCLUDING HEALTH MAINTENANCE AND THEIR ABILITY TO VASTLY EXTEND HUMAN INTELLIGENCE [...] ONCE NONBIOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE GETS A FOOTHOLD IN THE HUMAN BRAIN (THIS HAS ALREADY STARTED WITH COMPUTERIZED NEURAL IMPLANTS), THE MACHINE INTELLIGENCE IN OUR BRAINS WILL GROW EXPONENTIALLY (AS IT HAS BEEN DOING ALL ALONG), AT LEAST DOUBLING IN POWER EACH YEAR. In contrast, biological intelligence is effectively of fixed capacity __[....]__ As molecular nanotechnology involves the manipulation of matter on atomic or molecular levels, it will be possible to infuse everything on planet earth with nonbiological intelligence. POTENTIALLY, THE WHOLE UNIVERSE COULD BE SATURATED WITH INTELLIGENCE __[....]__ WHAT WILL THE POST-SINGULARITY WORLD LOOK LIKE? __[....]__ Most of the intelligence of our civilization will ultimately be nonbiological. BY THE END OF THIS CENTURY, IT WILL BE TRILLIONS OF TRILLIONS OF TIMES MORE POWERFUL THAN HUMAN INTELLIGENCE. However, to address often-expressed concerns, this does not imply the end of biological intelligence, even if it is thrown from its perch of evolutionary superiority. Even the nonbiological forms will be derived from biological design. Our civilization will remain human— indeed, in many ways it will be more exemplary of what we regard as human than it is today __[....]__ THE TREND TELLS THE STORY __[....]__ Life arrives roughly 3.7 billion years ago in the form of biogenic graphite followed by the appearance of cells two billion years later. As we move from there biological evolution picks up speed, as does human technology. Viewing the linear plot, everything seems to happen in one day. Though the time span from the introduction of the personal computer to the World Wide Web took 14 years (from the MITS Altair 8800 in 1975 to Tim Berners-Lee’s proposal in March, 1989), it happened almost instantaneously in the overall picture. The second chart lays it out for us dramatically. Exponential forces are very seductive, he says. Until we get far enough along on the curve, they seem linear. Once we’re past the “knee” the trend starts to become clear. Or it should __[....]__ Mother Jones ran an article a year ago that illustrates how deceptive exponential trends can be. Imagine if Lake Michigan were drained in 1940, and your task was to fill it by doubling the amount of water you add every 18 months, beginning with one ounce. So, after 18 months you add two ounces, 18 months later you add four ounces, and so on. Coincidentally, as you were adding your first ounce to the dry lake, the first programmable computer in fact made its debut __[....]__ You continue. By 1960 you’ve added 150 gallons. By 1970, 16,000 gallons. You’re getting nowhere. Even if you stay with it to 2010, all you can see is a bit of water here and there. In the 47 18-month periods that have passed since 1940, you’ve added about 140.7 trillion ounces of Eighteen months served as the time interval because it corresponds to Moore’s Law (Intel’s David House modifiedMoore’s 2-year estimate in the 1970s, saying computer performance would double every 18 months. As of 2003, it was doubling every 20 months.) As Kurzweil notes, We’ve moved from computers with a trillionth of the power of a human brain to computers with a billionth of the power. Then a millionth. And now a thousandth. Along the way, computers progressed from ballistics to accounting to word processing to speech recognition, and none of that really seemed like progress toward artificial intelligence __[....]__ The truth is that all this represents more progress toward true AI than most of us realize. We’ve just been limited by the fact that computers still aren’t quite muscular enough to finish the job. That’s changing rapidly, though __[....]__ Even as AI progresses, the achievements are often discounted. In THE AGE OF INTELLIGENT MACHINES (1990) Kurzweil predicted a computer would beat the world chess champion by 1998. While musing about this prediction in January, 2011 he said, '… I also predicted that when that happened we would either think better of computer intelligence, worse of human thinking, or worse of chess, and that if history was a guide, we would downgrade chess. [IBM’s] Deep Blue defeated Garry Kasparov in 1997, and indeed we were immediately treated to rationalizations that chess was not really exemplary of human thinking after all … ' __[....]__ At Google, Kurzweil’s ambition is to do more than train a computer to read Wikipedia. '... We want [computers] to read everything on the web and every page of every book, then be able to engage an intelligent dialogue with the user to be able to answer their questions ..." __[....]__ When Kurzweil says '… everything on the web, ...' he means everything — including '… every email you’ve ever written, every document, every idle thought you’ve ever tapped into a search-engine box...' ...” [237]

20.-) “ … At this year's TEDx event in Grand Rapids, Jason Sosa (an Artificial-Intelligence Expert) spoke about the coming transhuman era. The video clearly presents what the future may bring, and how the children of today will accept technology merging with their bodies as totally natural [….] Sosa reviews how technology evolves to bring about results that were not initially anticipated. The development of the cellular network has led to mobile computing, and the internet has led to cat videos. Like other transhumanists, he finds that the pace of technology will progress to a point to where biology will become the limiting factor [….] Augmenting our biology has already begun, as Sosa explains. Exponential development, made famous by Moore's Law has evolved technology to make it smaller, faster, cheaper and more powerful everyday [….] Sosa explains how his company's facial recognition software is part of this trend, and has many transhuman applications. Among these is '… for robots to develop a form of synthetic empathy; to understand human intent …' [….] Wearables are aslo discussed. '…. Further along the wearable continuum, will be things like embeddables,...' states Sosa, refering to sensors placed under the skin. Combined with the Internet of Things, we will increasingly be a part of the global computational paradigm. '… The real power comes when these devices being to talk to each other …' [….] '… If this wasn't good enough for you, Body 2.0 will include artificial eyes, with zoom capabilities and infrared sensors and night vision will be possible, …' Sosa continues. Prosthetic limbs will be more flexible and powerful than our biological ones. In the future, the blind will see, paralysis will be overcome and the deaf will hear [….] Memory implants and recording will also become possible, and according to the examples Sosa provides, we are already in the early stages. Reconstructing images in the brain has already been able to see how the brain processes YouTube videos. These technologies may progress to allow for mind uploading brain-to-brain interfaces and more. Sosa calls this the '… brain net …' Sosa expects there to be a backlash against transhumanism, even if great benefits can be achieved. '… But that all changes with the kids of today," says Sosa. The children today are "digital natives,...' born into a world that allows them to be immersed in computer technology. '… To them transhumanism will seem as natural as evolution, ...' he says [….] I’m obsessed with the symbiotic relationship between humans and technology. I love design, philosophy and user experience. I believe the world is entering into a hybrid reality; the merging of the virtual with the physical world, creating a digital nervous system for the planet. This concept is the focus of my work today. Over the last few years I’ve been inspired by the ideas of Ray Kurzweil, Michio Kaku, Isaac Asimov and Arthur C. Clarke ...” [238]

21.-) “ … In the near term, Raymond Kurzweil's project at the company (Google) is developing artificial intelligence based on biologically inspired models of the neocortex to enhance functions such as search, answering questions, interacting with the user, and language translation [….] Kurzweil described how the brain is made up of a series of increasingly more abstract parts. The most abstract — which allows us to judge if something is good or bad, intelligent or unintelligent — is an area that has been difficult to replicate with a computer. '… My leap of faith is that an entity seems conscious, and seems to be having the subjective experiences it claims to be having, I'll believe its conscious …' [….] According to Kurzweil, humans will need to build computers that can build abstract consciousness from a more concrete level. Humans will program them to recognize patterns, and then from those patterns they will need to be smart enough to learn to understand more [….] People have a tendency to dismiss using artificial intelligence for specific applications like speech recognition, Kurzweil said, but he believes each new application is a part of the greater effort to develop A.I. [….] ' … I like the idea of crossing the river one stone to the next,...' Kurzweil said. '… We do get from here to there one step at a time …' [….] The goal is to understand natural language to communicate with the user as well as to understand the meaning of web documents and books. In the long term, Kurzweil believes it is only by extending our minds with our intelligent technology that we can overcome humanity's grand challenges [….] Comically at the end of the interview, with less than two minutes remaining, Mical asks the question, '… What is consciousness? What is free will? What is soul? ...' To which Kurzweil responds, ' … I always thought you had a sense of humor. One minute should be plenty for that …' [….] Kurzweil did make an attempt at the question however: '… Whether or not an entity has consciousness is not a scientific question because there is no falsifiable experiment that could be run to test if an entity is conscious. We assume that each other is conscious in the human A.I. could claim it is conscious, Eugene Goostman claimed he was conscious, but it wasn't very convincing...our whole moral system is based on consciousness, so you need a leap of faith. My leap of faith is that an entity seems conscious, and seems to be having the subjective experiences it claims to be having, I'll believe its conscious. I'll also make an objective prediction that most people will accept the consciousness of these entities …' ...” [239]

22.-) “ … ' ….Today there's no legislation regarding how much intelligence a machine can have, how interconnected it can be. If that continues, look at the exponential trend. We will reach the singularity in the timeframe most experts predict. FROM THAT POINT ON YOU'RE GOING TO SEE THAT THE TOP SPECIES WILL NO LONGER BE HUMANS, BUT MACHINES …' [….] These are the words of Louis Del Monte, physicist, entrepreneur, and author of '… The Artificial Intelligence Revolution …' [ISBN: 978-0988171824] Del Monte spoke to us over the phone about his thoughts surrounding artificial intelligence and the [technological] singularity, AN INDETERMINATE POINT IN THE FUTURE WHEN MACHINE INTELLIGENCE WILL OUTMATCH NOT ONLY YOUR OWN INTELLIGENCE, BUT THE WORLD'S COMBINED HUMAN INTELLIGENCE TOO [….] The average estimate for when this will happen is 2040, though Del Monte says it might be as late as 2045. Either way, it's a timeframe of within three decades. [….] '… It won't be the «Terminator» scenario, not a war,' said Del Monte. '… In the early part of the post-singularity world, one scenario is that the machines will seek to turn humans into cyborgs. This is nearly happening now, replacing faulty limbs with artificial parts. We'll see the machines as a useful tool. Productivity in business based on automation will be increased dramatically in various countries. IN CHINA [AUTOMATION-BASED PRODUCTIVITY] IT DOUBLED, JUST BASED ON GDP PER EMPLOYEE DUE TO USE OF MACHINES....' ….'...By the end of this century,...' he continued, '… most of the human race will have become cyborgs [part human, part tech or machine]. The allure will be immortality. Machines will make breakthroughs in medical technology, most of the human race will have more leisure time, and we'll think we've never had it better. The concern I'm raising is that the machines will view us as an unpredictable and dangerous species...'__[....]__ Del Monte believes machines will become self-conscious and have the capabilities to protect themselves. They 'might view us the same way we view harmful insects.' Humans are a species that '… is unstable, creates wars, has weapons to wipe out the world twice over, and makes computer viruses...' Hardly an appealing roommate [….] He wrote the book as 'a warning.' Artificial intelligence is becoming more and more capable, and we're adopting it as quickly as it appears. A pacemaker operation is '...quite routine,...' he said, but 'it uses sensors and AI to regulate your heart...' [….] A 2009 experiment showed that robots can develop the ability to lie to each other. Run at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems in the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne, Switzerland, the experiment had robots designed to cooperate in finding beneficial resources like energy and avoiding the hazardous ones. Shockingly, the robots learned to lie to each other in an attempt to hoard the beneficial resources for themselves [….] '… The implication is that they're also learning self-preservation,...' Del Monte told us ... '… Whether or not they're conscious is a moot point ...' ...” [241]

23.-) “ … The world is hitting its stride in technological advances, and futurists have been making wild-sounding bets on what we'll accomplish in the not-so-distant future [….] Futurist Ray Kurzweil, for example, believes that by 2040 artificial intelligence will be so good that humans will be fully immersed in virtual reality and that something called the [Technological] Singularity, when technology becomes so advanced that it changes the human race irreversibly, will occur [….] Kevin Kelly, who helped launch Wired in 1993, sat down for an hour-long video interview with John Brockman at Edge. KELLY BELIEVES THE NEXT 20 YEARS IN TECHNOLOGY WILL BE RADICAL. SO MUCH SO THAT HE BELIEVES OUR TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCES WILL MAKE THE PREVIOUS 20 YEARS 'PALE' IN COMPARISON [….] ' … If we were sent back with a time machine, even 20 years, and reported to people what we have right now and describe what we were going to get in this device in our pocket — we'd have this free encyclopedia, and we'd have street maps to most of the cities of the world, and we'd have box scores in real time and stock quotes and weather reports, PDFs for every manual in the world ... You would simply be declared insane,....' Kelly said [….] '… But the next 20 years are going to make this last 20 years just pale,...' he continued. '… We're just at the beginning of the beginning of all these kind of changes. There's a sense that all the big things have happened, but relatively speaking, nothing big has happened yet...' [….] WHAT WILL THESE MIND-BLOWING CHANGES LOOK LIKE? HE MENTIONED A FEW THOUGHTS DURING THE INTERVIEW WITH BROCKMAN [….] ROBOTS ARE GOING TO MAKE LOTS OF THINGS [….] '… Certainly most of the things that are going to be produced are going to be made by robots and automation, but [humans] can modify them and we can change them, and we can be involved in the co-production of them to a degree that we couldn't in the industrial age, ….' Kelly says [….] ' …. That's sort of the promise of 3D printing and robotics and all these other high-tech material sciences is that it's going to become as malleable …' [….] Tracking and surveillance are only going to get more prevalent, but they may move toward '...coveillance...' so that we can control who's monitoring us and what they're monitoring [….] ' … It's going to be very, very difficult to prevent this thing that we're on all the time 24 hours, seven days a week, from tracking, because all the technologies — from sensors to quantification, digitization, communication, wireless connection — want to track, and so the internet is going to track, ….' says Kelly [….] '… We're going to track ourselves. We're going to track each other. Government and corporations are going to track us. We can't really get out of that. What we can try and do is civilize and make a convivial kind of tracking …' Kelly says the solution may be to let people see who's tracking them, what they're tracking, and give them the ability to correct trackings that are inaccurate. Right now, people just feel like they're being spied on, and they can't control who's watching them or what information is being surfaced [….] EVERYTHING REALLY WILL BE ABOUT '… BIG DATA...' [….] ' … We're in the period now where the huge dimensions of data and their variables in real time needed for capturing, moving, processing, enhancing, managing, and rearranging it, are becoming the fundamental elements for making wealth, ….' says Kelly [….] '… We used to rearrange atoms, now it's all about rearranging data. That is really what we’ll see in the next 10 years ... They're going to release data from language to make it machine-readable and recombine it in an infinite number of ways that we're not even thinking about …' [….] In the age of Google and Wikipedia, answers to endless questions are free. Kelly believes that asking good questions will become much more important in the future than finding one-off solutions [….] '… Every time we use science to try to answer a question, to give us some insight, invariably that insight or answer provokes two or three other new questions, ...' he says. '… While science is certainly increasing knowledge, it's actually increasing our ignorance even faster …' [….] ' … In a certain sense what becomes really valuable in a world running under Google's reign are great questions, and that means that for a long time humans will be better at than machines. Machines are for answers. Humans are for questions …' ...” [242].

24.-) “ … MICROSOFT COFOUNDER BILL GATES ISN’T GOING TO SUGARCOAT THINGS: THE INCREASING POWER OF AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY IS GOING TO PUT A LOT OF PEOPLE OUT OF WORK. Business Insider reports that Gates gave a talk at the American Enterprise Institute think tank in Washington, DC this week and said that both governments and businesses need to start preparing for a future where lots of people will be put out of work by software and robots [….] ' … Software substitution, whether it’s for drivers or waiters or nurses… it’s progressing,...' Gates said. ' …. Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set… 20 years from now, labor demand for lots of skill sets will be substantially lower. I don’t think people have that in their mental model …' [….] As for what governments should do to prevent social unrest in the wake of mass unemployment, THE MICROSOFT COFOUNDER SAID THAT THEY SHOULD BASICALLY GET ON THEIR KNEES AND BEG BUSINESSES TO KEEP EMPLOYING HUMANS OVER ALGORITHMS. This means perhaps eliminating payroll and corporate income taxes while also not raising the minimum wage so that businesses will feel comfortable employing people at dirt-cheap wages instead of outsourcing their jobs to an iPad [….] AND IT’S NOT JUST '...LOW-SKILLED ...' WORK ...” [243]

25.-) “ … Imagine being present at the birth of a new industry. It is an industry based on groundbreaking new technologies, wherein a handful of well-established corporations sell highly specialized devices for business use and a fast-growing number of start-up companies produce innovative toys, gadgets for hobbyists and other interesting niche products. But it is also a highly fragmented industry with few common standards or platforms. Projects are complex, progress is slow, and practical applications are relatively rare. In fact, for all the excitement and promise, no one can say with any certainty when—or even if—this industry will achieve critical mass. If it does, though, it may well change the world [….] Of course, the paragraph above could be a description of the computer industry during the mid-1970s, around the time that Paul Allen and I launched Microsoft. Back then, big, expensive mainframe computers ran the back-office operations for major companies, governmental departments and other institutions. Researchers at leading universities and industrial laboratories were creating the basic building blocks that would make the information age possible. Intel had just introduced the 8080 microprocessor, and Atari was selling the popular electronic game Pong. At homegrown computer clubs, enthusiasts struggled to figure out exactly what this new technology was good for [….] But what I really have in mind is something much more contemporary: the emergence of the robotics industry, which is developing in much the same way that the computer business did 30 years ago. Think of the manufacturing robots currently used on automobile assembly lines as the equivalent of yesterday's mainframes. The industry's niche products include robotic arms that perform surgery, surveillance robots deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan that dispose of roadside bombs, and domestic robots that vacuum the floor. Electronics companies have made robotic toys that can imitate people or dogs or dinosaurs, and hobbyists are anxious to get their hands on the latest version of the Lego robotics system [….] Meanwhile some of the world's best minds are trying to solve the toughest problems of robotics, such as visual recognition, navigation and machine learning. And they are succeeding. At the 2004 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Grand Challenge, a competition to produce the first robotic vehicle capable of navigating autonomously over a rugged 142-mile course through the Mojave Desert, the top competitor managed to travel just 7.4 miles before breaking down. In 2005, though, five vehicles covered the complete distance, and the race's winner did it at an average speed of 19.1 miles an hour. (In another intriguing parallel between the robotics and computer industries, DARPA also funded the work that led to the creation of Arpanet, the precursor to the Internet.) [….] What is more, the challenges facing the robotics industry are similar to those we tackled in computing three decades ago. Robotics companies have no standard operating software that could allow popular application programs to run in a variety of devices. The standardization of robotic processors and other hardware is limited, and very little of the programming code used in one machine can be applied to another. Whenever somebody wants to build a new robot, they usually have to start from square one. [….] Despite these difficulties, when I talk to people involved in robotics—from university researchers to entrepreneurs, hobbyists and high school students—the level of excitement and expectation reminds me so much of that time when Paul Allen and I looked at the convergence of new technologies and dreamed of the day when a computer would be on every desk and in every home. And as I look at the trends that are now starting to converge, I can envision a future in which robotic devices will become a nearly ubiquitous part of our day-to-day lives. I believe that technologies such as distributed computing, voice and visual recognition, and wireless broadband connectivity will open the door to a new generation of autonomous devices that enable computers to perform tasks in the physical world on our behalf. We may be on the verge of a new era, when the PC will get up off the desktop and allow us to see, hear, touch and manipulate objects in places where we are not physically present ...” [244]

26.-) “ … In 1930, when the world was '… suffering…from a bad attack of economic pessimism...', John Maynard Keynes wrote a broadly optimistic essay, '...Economic Possibilities for our Grandchildren...'. It imagined a middle way between revolution and stagnation that would leave the said grandchildren a great deal richer than their grandparents. But the path was not without dangers [….] One of the worries Keynes admitted was a 'new disease': 'technological unemployment…due to our discovery of means of economizing the use of labor outrunning the pace at which we can find new uses for labor.' His readers might not have heard of the problem, he suggested—but they were certain to hear a lot more about it in the years to come [….] For the most part, they did not. Nowadays, the majority of economists confidently wave such worries away. By raising productivity, they argue, any automation which economizes on the use of labor will increase incomes. That will generate demand for new products and services, which will in turn create new jobs for displaced workers. To think otherwise has meant being tarred a Luddite—the name taken by 19th-century textile workers who smashed the machines taking their jobs [….] For much of the 20th century, those arguing that technology brought ever more jobs and prosperity looked to have the better of the debate. Real incomes in Britain scarcely doubled between the beginning of the common era and 1570. They then tripled from 1570 to 1875. And they more than tripled from 1875 to 1975. Industrialization did not end up eliminating the need for human workers. On the contrary, it created employment opportunities sufficient to soak up the 20th century’s exploding population. Keynes’s vision of everyone in the 2030s being a lot richer is largely achieved. His belief they would work just 15 hours or so a week has not come to pass [….] WHEN THE SLEEPER WAKES [….] Yet some now fear that a new era of automation enabled by ever more powerful and capable computers could work out differently. They start from the observation that, across the rich world, all is far from well in the world of work. The essence of what they see as a work crisis is that in rich countries the wages of the typical worker, adjusted for cost of living, are stagnant. In America the real wage has hardly budged over the past four decades. Even in places like Britain and Germany, where employment is touching new highs, wages have been flat for a decade. Recent research suggests that this is because substituting capital for labor through automation is increasingly attractive; as a result owners of capital have captured ever more of the world’s income since the 1980s, while the share going to labor has fallen [….] At the same time, even in relatively egalitarian places like Sweden, inequality among the employed has risen sharply, with the share going to the highest earners soaring. For those not in the elite, argues David Graeber, an anthropologist at the London School of Economics, much of modern labor consists of stultifying 'bullshit jobs'—low- and mid-level screen-sitting that serves simply to occupy workers for whom the economy no longer has much use. Keeping them employed, Mr Graeber argues, is not an economic choice; it is something the ruling class does to keep control over the lives of others [….] Be that as it may, drudgery may soon enough give way to frank unemployment. There is already a long-term trend towards lower levels of employment in some rich countries. The proportion of American adults participating in the labor force recently hit its lowest level since 1978, and although some of that is due to the effects of aging, some is not. In a recent speech that was modeled in part on Keynes’s 'Possibilities', Larry Summers, a former American treasury secretary, looked at employment trends among American men between 25 and 54. In the 1960s only one in 20 of those men was not working. According to Mr Summers’s extrapolations, in ten years the number could be one in seven [….] This is one indication, Mr Summers says, that technical change is increasingly taking the form of 'capital that effectively substitutes for labor'. There may be a lot more for such capital to do in the near future. A 2013 paper by Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne, of the University of Oxford, argued that jobs are at high risk of being automated in 47% of the occupational categories into which work is customarily sorted. That includes accountancy, legal work, technical writing and a lot of other white-collar occupations [….] Answering the question of whether such automation could lead to prolonged pain for workers means taking a close look at past experience, theory and technological trends. The picture suggested by this evidence is a complex one. It is also more worrying than many economists and politicians have been prepared to admit [….] THE LATHE OF HEAVEN [….] Economists take the relationship between innovation and higher living standards for granted in part because they believe history justifies such a view. Industrialization clearly led to enormous rises in incomes and living standards over the long run. Yet the road to riches was rockier than is often appreciated [….] In 1500 an estimated 75% of the British labor force toiled in agriculture. By 1800 that figure had fallen to 35%. When the shift to manufacturing got under way during the 18th century it was overwhelmingly done at small scale, either within the home or in a small workshop; employment in a large factory was a rarity. By the end of the 19th century huge plants in massive industrial cities were the norm. The great shift was made possible by automation and steam engines [….] Industrial firms combined human labor with big, expensive capital equipment. To maximize the output of that costly machinery, factory owners reorganized the processes of production. Workers were given one or a few repetitive tasks, often making components of finished products rather than whole pieces. Bosses imposed a tight schedule and strict worker discipline to keep up the productive pace. The Industrial Revolution was not simply a matter of replacing muscle with steam; it was a matter of reshaping jobs themselves into the sort of precisely defined components that steam-driven machinery needed—cogs in a factory system [….] The way old jobs were done changed; new jobs were created. Joel Mokyr, an economic historian at Northwestern University in Illinois, argues that the more intricate machines, techniques and supply chains of the period all required careful tending. The workers who provided that care were well rewarded. As research by Lawrence Katz, of Harvard University, and Robert Margo, of Boston University, shows, employment in manufacturing 'hollowed out'. As employment grew for highly skilled workers and unskilled workers, craft workers lost out. This was the loss to which the Luddites, understandably if not effectively, took exception [….] With the low-skilled workers far more numerous, at least to begin with, the lot of the average worker during the early part of this great industrial and social upheaval was not a happy one. As Mr Mokyr notes, 'life did not improve all that much between 1750 and 1850.' For 60 years, from 1770 to 1830, growth in British wages, adjusted for inflation, was imperceptible because productivity growth was restricted to a few industries. Not until the late 19th century, when the gains had spread across the whole economy, did wages at last perform in line with productivity [….] Along with social reforms and new political movements that gave voice to the workers, this faster wage growth helped spread the benefits of industrialization across wider segments of the population. New investments in education provided a supply of workers for the more skilled jobs that were by then being created in ever greater numbers. This shift continued into the 20th century as post-secondary education became increasingly common [….] Claudia Goldin, an economist at Harvard University, and Mr Katz have written that workers were in a 'race between education and technology' during this period, and for the most part they won. Even so, it was not until the 'golden age' after the second world war that workers in the rich world secured real prosperity, and a large, property-owning middle class came to dominate politics. At the same time communism, a legacy of industrialization harsh early era, kept hundreds of millions of people around the world in poverty, and the effects of the imperialism driven by European industrialization continued to be felt by billions [….] The impacts of technological change take their time appearing. They also vary hugely from industry to industry. Although in many simple economic models technology pairs neatly with capital and labor to produce output, in practice technological changes do not affect all workers the same way. Some find that their skills are complementary to new technologies. Others find themselves out of work [….] Take computers. In the early 20th century a 'computer' was a worker, or a room of workers, doing mathematical calculations by hand, often with the end point of one person’s work the starting point for the next. The development of mechanical and electronic computing rendered these arrangements obsolete. But in time it greatly increased the productivity of those who used the new computers in their work [….] Many other technical innovations had similar effects. New machinery displaced handicraft producers across numerous industries, from textiles to metalworking. At the same time it enabled vastly more output per person than craft producers could ever manage [….] For a task to be replaced by a machine, it helps a great deal if, like the work of human computers, it is already highly routine. Hence the demise of production-line jobs and some sorts of book-keeping,
lost to the robot and the spreadsheet. Meanwhile work less easily broken down into a series of stereotyped tasks—whether rewarding, as the management of other workers and the teaching of toddlers can be, or more of a grind, like tidying and cleaning messy work places—has grown as a share of total employment __[....]__ But the 'race' aspect of technological change means that such workers cannot rest on their pay packets. Firms are constantly experimenting with new technologies and production processes. Experimentation with different techniques and business models requires flexibility, which is one critical advantage of a human worker. Yet over time, as best practices are worked out and then codified, it becomes easier to break production down into routine components, then automate those components as technology allows [….] If, that is, automation makes sense. As David Autor, an economist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), points out in a 2013 paper, the mere fact that a job can be automated does not mean that it will be; relative costs also matter. When Nissan produces cars in Japan, he notes, it relies heavily on robots. At plants in India, by contrast, the firm relies more heavily on cheap local labor [….] Even when machine capabilities are rapidly improving, it can make sense instead to seek out ever cheaper supplies of increasingly skilled labor. Thus since the 1980s (a time when, in America, the trend towards post-secondary education leveled off) workers there and elsewhere have found themselves facing increased competition from both machines and cheap emerging-market workers [….] Such processes have steadily and relentlessly squeezed labor out of the manufacturing sector in most rich economies. The share of American employment in manufacturing has declined sharply since the 1950s, from almost 30% to less than 10%. At the same time, jobs in services soared, from less than 50% of employment to almost 70% (see chart 2). It was inevitable, therefore, that firms would start to apply the same experimentation and reorganization to service industries […..] A new wave of technological progress may dramatically accelerate this automation of brain-work. Evidence is mounting that rapid technological progress, which accounted for the long era of rapid productivity growth from the 19th century to the 1970s, is back. The sort of advances that allow people to put in their pocket a computer that is not only more powerful than any in the world 20 years ago, but also has far better software and far greater access to useful data, as well as to other people and machines, have implications for all sorts of work [….] The case for a highly disruptive period of economic growth is made by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee, professors at MIT, in 'The Second Machine Age', a book to be published later this month. Like the first great era of industrialization, they argue, it should deliver enormous benefits—but not without a period of disorienting and uncomfortable change. Their argument rests on an under-appreciated aspect of the exponential growth in chip processing speed, memory capacity and other computer metrics: that the amount of progress computers will make in the next few years is always equal to the progress they have made since the very beginning. Mr Brynjolfsson and Mr McAfee reckon that the main bottleneck on innovation is the time it takes society to sort through the many combinations and permutations of new technologies and business models [….] A startling progression of inventions seems to bear their thesis out. Ten years ago technologically minded economists pointed to driving cars in traffic as the sort of human accomplishment that computers were highly unlikely to master. Now Google cars are rolling round California driver-free no one doubts such mastery is possible, though the speed at which fully self-driving cars will come to market remains hard to guess [….] Even after computers beat grandmasters at chess (once thought highly unlikely), nobody thought they could take on people at free-form games played in natural language. Then Watson, a pattern-recognizing supercomputer developed by IBM, bested the best human competitors in America’s popular and syntactically tricky general-knowledge quiz show 'Jeopardy!' Versions of Watson are being marketed to firms across a range of industries to help with all sorts of pattern-recognition problems. Its acumen will grow, and its costs fall, as firms learn to harness its abilities [….] The machines are not just cleverer, they also have access to far more data. The combination of big data and smart machines will take over some occupations wholesale; in others it will allow firms to do more with fewer workers. Text-mining programs will displace professional jobs in legal services. Biopsies will be analyzed more efficiently by image-processing software than lab technicians. Accountants may follow travel agents and tellers into the unemployment line as tax software improves. Machines are already turning basic sports results and financial data into good-enough news stories [….] Jobs that are not easily automated may still be transformed. New data-processing technology could break 'cognitive' jobs down into smaller and smaller tasks. As well as opening the way to eventual automation this could reduce the satisfaction from such work, just as the satisfaction of making things was reduced by deskilling and interchangeable parts in the 19th century. If such jobs persist, they may engage Mr Graeber’s 'bullshit' detector [….] Being newly able to do brain work will not stop computers from doing ever more formerly manual labor; it will make them better at it. The designers of the latest generation of industrial robots talk about their creations as helping workers rather than replacing them; but there is little doubt that the technology will be able to do a bit of both—probably more than a bit. A taxi driver will be a rarity in many places by the 2030s or 2040s. That sounds like bad news for journalists who rely on that most reliable source of local knowledge and prejudice—but will there be many journalists left to care? Will there be airline pilots? Or traffic cops? Or soldiers? [….] There will still be jobs. Even Mr Frey and Mr Osborne, whose research speaks of 47% of job categories being open to automation within two decades, accept that some jobs—especially those currently associated with high levels of education and high wages—will survive (see table). Tyler Cowen, an economist at George Mason University and a much-read blogger, writes in his most recent book, 'Average is Over', that rich economies seem to be bifurcating into a small group of workers with skills highly complementary with machine intelligence, for whom he has high hopes, and the rest, for whom not so much [….] And although Mr Brynjolfsson and Mr McAfee rightly point out that developing the business models which make the best use of new technologies will involve trial and error and human flexibility, it is also the case that the second machine age will make such trial and error easier. It will be shockingly easy to launch a startup, bring a new product to market and sell to billions of global consumers (see our special report on startups). Those who create or invest in blockbuster ideas may earn unprecedented returns as a result [….] In a forthcoming book Thomas Piketty, an economist at the Paris School of Economics, argues along similar lines that America may be pioneering a hyper-unequal economic model in which a top 1% of capital-owners and 'supermanagers' grab a growing share of national income and accumulate an increasing concentration of national wealth. The rise of the middle-class—a 20th-century innovation—was a hugely important political and social development across the world. The squeezing out of that class could generate a more antagonistic, unstable and potentially dangerous politics __[....]__The potential for dramatic change is clear. A future of widespread technological unemployment is harder for many to accept. Every great period of innovation has produced its share of labor-market doomsayers, but technological progress has never previously failed to generate new employment opportunities [….] The productivity gains from future automation will be real, even if they mostly accrue to the owners of the machines. Some will be spent on goods and services—golf instructors, household help and so on—and most of the rest invested in firms that are seeking to expand and presumably hire more labor. Though inequality could soar in such a world, unemployment would not necessarily spike. The current doldrum in wages may, like that of the early industrial era, be a temporary matter, with the good times about to roll [….] These jobs may look distinctly different from those they replace. Just as past mechanization freed, or forced, workers into jobs requiring more cognitive dexterity, leaps in machine intelligence could create space for people to specialize in more emotive occupations, as yet unsuited to machines: a world of artists and therapists, love counselors and yoga instructors [….] Such emotional and relational work could be as critical to the future as metal-bashing was in the past, even if it gets little respect at first. Cultural norms change slowly. Manufacturing jobs are still often treated as 'better'—in some vague, non-pecuniary way—than paper-pushing is. To some 18th-century observers, working in the fields was inherently more noble than making gewgaws [….] But though growth in areas of the economy that are not easily automated provides jobs, it does not necessarily help real wages. Mr Summers points out that prices of things-made-of-widgets have fallen remarkably in past decades; America’s Bureau of Labor Statistics reckons that today you could get the equivalent of an early 1980s television
for a twentieth of its then price, were it not that no televisions that poor are still made. However, prices of things not made of widgets, most notably college education and health care, have shot up. If people lived on widgets alone— goods whose costs have fallen because of both globalization and technology—there would have been no pause in the increase of real wages. It is the increase in the prices of stuff that isn’t mechanized (whose supply is often under the control of the state and perhaps subject to fundamental scarcity) that means a pay packet goes no further than it used to [….] So technological progress squeezes some incomes in the short term before making everyone richer in the long term, and can drive up the costs of some things even more than it eventually increases earnings. As innovation continues, automation may bring down costs in some of those stubborn areas as well, though those dominated by scarcity—such as houses in desirable places—are likely to resist the trend, as may those where the state keeps market forces at bay. But if innovation does make health care or higher education cheaper, it will probably be at the cost of more jobs, and give rise to yet more concentration of income [….] Even if the long-term outlook is rosy, with the potential for greater wealth and lots of new jobs, it does not mean that policymakers should simply sit on their hands in the mean time. Adaptation to past waves of progress rested on political and policy responses. The most obvious are the massive improvements in educational attainment brought on first by the institution of universal secondary education and then by the rise of university attendance. Policies aimed at similar gains would now seem to be in order. But as Mr Cowen has pointed out, the gains of the 19th and 20th centuries will be hard to duplicate [….] Boosting the skills and earning power of the children of 19th-century farmers and laborers took little more than offering schools where they could learn to read, write and do algebra. Pushing a large proportion of college graduates to complete graduate work successfully will be harder and more expensive. Perhaps cheap and innovative online education will indeed make new attainment possible. But as Mr Cowen notes, such programs may tend to deliver big gains only for the most conscientious students [….] Another way in which previous adaptation is not necessarily a good guide to future employment is the existence of welfare. The alternative to joining the 19th-century industrial proletariat was malnourished deprivation. Today, because of measures introduced in response to, and to some extent on the proceeds of, industrialization, people in the developed world are provided with unemployment benefits, disability allowances and other forms of welfare. They are also much more likely than a bygone peasant to have savings. This means that the 'reservation wage'—the wage below which a worker will not accept a job—is now high in historical terms. If governments refuse to allow jobless workers to fall too far below the average standard of living, then this reservation wage will rise steadily, and ever more workers may find work unattractive. And the higher it rises, the greater the incentive to invest in capital that replaces labor [….] Everyone should be able to benefit from productivity gains—in that, Keynes was united with his successors. His worry about technological unemployment was mainly a worry about a 'temporary phase of maladjustment' as society and the economy adjusted to ever greater levels of productivity. So it could well prove. However, society may find itself sorely tested if, as seems possible, growth and innovation deliver handsome gains to the skilled, while the rest cling to dwindling employment opportunities at stagnant wages ...” [245]

27.-) “ … When Google spent $400 million earlier this year acquiring DeepMind, a London-based artificial intelligence company, the purchase garnered a lot of attention. But to researchers in the AI field, it was no surprise. The field of AI isn’t a new one, but it’s now become so hot that tech giants like Google and Facebook have been snapping up not only companies but also students and other experts trained and prepared to leverage the technology for business [….] There are three aspects about AI that could change the future of your business [….] The scale of information growth – driven by the pace of information change – has reached the point where humans simply cannot handle it without the aid of intelligent computers, said Dr. Jim Hendler, director of the Rensselaer Institute for Data Exploration and Application (IDEA), who leads the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute project to explore new uses and directions for AI technology [….] In the short term, AI will learn to do things like show us the social media posts we’ll find more interesting, but, in the longer term, machines with AI capabilities will offer users much more, said Dr. Yann LeCun, director of AI research at Facebook and the Silver professor of computer science at New York University. He offered scenarios including “vision systems that can drive your car, a vacuum cleaner robot that will recognize your furniture and if there’s dirt on the ground, an autonomous lawnmower that will mow your lawn and not take out your flowers.” Eventually, such technology could revolutionize industries such as ground maintenance, he said [….] AI technologies, such as neural networks, are beginning to turn the corner and become more usable. That’s how Google scientists built an AI system in 2012 that started to behave in the same way as a human web user—it began looking for cat videos on YouTube, without being given any information about how to identify one. When the scientists built a neural network of 16,000 computer processors with 1 billion connections and let it browse 10 million random YouTube thumbnails over three days, the system learned on its own to look for and recognize pictures of cats, writes Liat Clark in Wired UK. The ?New York Times reported that this neural network '…. performed far better than any previous effort by roughly doubling its accuracy in recognizing objects in a challenging list of 20,000 distinct items …' [….] Of course, 10 million videos is a lot of data—big data, that is. But that’s the level of information—in a variety of forms—that companies are working to analyze and process to make better-informed business decisions. Big tech companies such as Google and Facebook are focusing on AI research because they are the only businesses with the big data necessary to teach the AI systems, LeCun said [….] Previously, we taught machines which rules to follow. '… In the end, these rules were too easy to break,...' said Dr. Pedro Domingos, professor of computer science and engineering at the University of Washington. He blamed the failure on a '… knowledge acquisition bottleneck ….' [….] Now, with deep learning, machines themselves figure out which rules to follow based on data researchers feed them, Domingos said [….] Looking further into the future and across a wide range of industries, AI could be the missing link for the companies struggling to get their arms around big data [….] '….The natural convergence of AI and big data is a crucial emerging technology space,...' Hendler said. '…. Increasingly, big businesses will need the AI technology to overcome the challenges or handle the speed with which information is changing in the current business environment …' ….” [246]

28.-) “… 3D PRINTED ORGANS COME A STEP CLOSER … AUSTRALIAN AND US SCIENTISTS MAKE MAJOR MEDICAL BREAKTHROUGH IN PRINTING VASCULAR NETWORK … Researchers have overcome a major barrier to them being able to print entire 3D organs [….] For years, scientists have been able to 'print' types of human tissue using a 3D printer, but in a significant leap forward by US and Australian researchers they can now make that tissue survive on its own [….] Until now a major barrier to them moving from printing tiny sheets of tissue to entire 3D organs is that they hadn’t figured out how to develop the blood vessels that provide cells with nutrients and oxygen, and allow them to excrete waste [….] This essential process is called 'vascularisation' and is necessary if researchers are to ever prevent cells from dying so they can grow large, transplantable organs [….] But in a major medical breakthrough, researchers from Sydney and Harvard universities have managed to 3D bio-print capillaries, the tiny channels that allow vascularisation to take place so that cells can sustain themselves and survive [….] Using a high-tech 'bio-printer', the researchers fabricated tiny, interconnected fibres to serve as the mould for the artificial blood vessels [….] They then covered the 3D printed structure with a cell-rich protein-based material, which was solidified by shining light on it [….] Lastly they removed the bio-printed fibres to leave behind a network of tiny capillaries coated with human endothelial cells, which formed stable blood capillaries in less than a week [….]Biomedical engineer and a leader of the research, the University of Sydney’s Dr Luiz Bertassoni, said printing organs may still be a couple of decades away, but this was a 'great step' towards achieving that goal [….] 'We have shown that we can print these capillaries, we have shown they are functional, that they mature to form capillaries and that we can tailor make them to the sizes and structures we need,' he said [….] 'Tissue engineering to make simpler tissues has been a reality for a number of years and through what we have been able to achieve, we can start talking about larger, more complex tissues that are able to survive longer.' [….]While the bulk of the research was carried out at Harvard, Bertassoni said a lab had recently been established at the University of Sydney so his work could continue in Australia [….] Since the findings were published in the journal of the Royal Society of Chemistry on Thursday, Bertassoni said he had been contacted by a few patients who wanted to know if the technology meant organs could now be 'printed' [….]He stressed that was not the case, but said what his team had found was 'game-changing' [….]'Thousands of people die each year due to a lack of organs for transplantation,' Bertassoni said [….] 'Many more are subjected to the surgical removal of tissues and organs due to cancer, or they're involved in accidents with large fractures and injuries [….] 'While printing organs may be a couple of decades away, I also wouldn’t be surprised if I was wrong about that because this type of engineering is moving so rapidly [….] ' …. I would so love to be wrong …' …” [247]

29.-) “ … Robot doctors, online lawyers and automated architects: the future of the professions? Advances in technology have long been recognized as a threat to manual labor. Now highly skilled, knowledge-based jobs that were once regarded as safe could be at risk. How will they adapt to the digital age? [….] TECHNOLOGY IS SET TO CHALLENGE TRADITIONALLY SAFE PROFESSIONS [….] Last year, reporters for the Associated Press attempted to figure out which jobs were being lost to new technology. They analyzed employment data from 20 countries and interviewed experts, software developers and CEOs. They found that almost all the jobs that had disappeared in the past four years were not low-skilled, low-paid roles, but fairly well-paid positions in traditionally middle-class careers. SOFTWARE WAS REPLACING ADMINISTRATORS AND TRAVEL AGENTS, BOOKKEEPERS AND SECRETARIES, AND AT ALARMING RATES [….] Economists and futurists know it's not all doom and gloom, but it is all change. Oxford academics Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A Osborne have predicted computerization could make nearly half of jobs redundant within 10 to 20 years. Office work and service roles, they wrote, were particularly at risk. But almost nothing is impervious to automation. It has swept through shop floors and factories, transformed businesses big and small, and is beginning to revolutionize the professions [….] Knowledge-based jobs were supposed to be safe career choices, the years of study it takes to become a lawyer, say, or an architect or accountant, in theory guaranteeing a lifetime of lucrative employment. That is no longer the case. Now even doctors face the looming threat of possible obsolescence. Expert radiologists are routinely outperformed by pattern-recognition software, diagnosticians by simple computer questionnaires. IN 2012, SILICON VALLEY INVESTOR VINOD KHOSLA PREDICTED THAT ALGORITHMS AND MACHINES WOULD REPLACE 80% OF DOCTORS WITHIN A GENERATION [….] In their much-debated book The Second Machine Age, Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee argued that we now face an intense period of creative destruction. 'Technological progress,' they warned, 'is going to leave behind some people, perhaps even a lot of people, as it races ahead … there's never been a worse time to be a worker with only 'ordinary' skills and abilities to offer, because computers, robots and other digital technologies are acquiring these skills and abilities at an extraordinary rate.' [….] So where does that leave the professions, whose hard-won expertise is beginning to fall within the power of computers and artificial intelligence to emulate? The efficiency of computerization seems likely to spell the end of the job security past generations sought in such careers. For many, what were once extraordinary skillets will soon be rendered ordinary by the advance of the machines. WHAT WILL IT MEAN TO BE A PROFESSIONAL THEN? [….] 'We'll see what I call decomposition, the breaking down of professional work into its component parts,' says leading legal futurist professor Richard Susskind. Susskind's forthcoming book Beyond the Professions, co-authored with his son Daniel Susskind, examines the transformations already underway across the sectors that once offered jobs for life. HE PREDICTS A PROCESS NOT UNLIKE THE DIVISION OF LABOUR THAT WIPED OUT SKILLED ARTISANS AND CRAFTSMEN IN THE PAST: THE DISSOLUTION OF EXPERTISE INTO A DOZEN OR MORE STREAMLINED PROCESSES. [….] 'Some of these parts will still require expert trusted advisers acting in traditional ways,' he says. 'But many other parts will be standardized or systematized or made available with online service.' In a previous book Tomorrow's Lawyers, he predicts the creation of eight new legal roles at the intersection of software and law. Many of the job titles sound at home in IT companies: legal knowledge engineer, legal technologist, project manager, risk manager, process analyst [….] 'Many traditional lawyers will look at that and think: 'Yes, they might be jobs, but that's not what I went to law school for. And that's not what my parents' generation did as lawyers.'' That, says Susskind, is not his concern: whether we call these new positions lawyers or not, the legal sector will survive [….] 'What I often say is that the future of law is not Rumpole of the Bailey, and it's not John Grisham,' explains Susskind. 'It's not a version of what we have today slightly tweaked. It will be people working in the legal sector but offering legal services and legal help in new ways.' It may be the end of the profession as immortalized in courtroom dramas, but as software eats the old jobs it will have to create new ones too [….] 'Those professions that do not change will render themselves obsolete,' says Dr Frank Shaw, foresight director at the Centre for Future Studies. 'Those that are able to transform themselves – and I mean 'transform' – will thrive and prosper.' [….] No one knows for sure what the careers of the future will look like. BUT THE PEOPLE AT THE CUTTING EDGE ARE ALREADY WATCHING OLD JOBS DISAPPEAR – AND EXPERIMENTING WITH THE TECHNOLOGY THAT HAS BEGUN TO CREATE NEW ONES. HERE'S HOW THREE OF THE PROFESSIONS – MEDICINE, ARCHITECTURE AND THE LAW – COULD BE TRANSFORMED, ACCORDING TO THE PEOPLE HELPING TO REINVENT THEM [….] Five years ago, entrepreneur Charley Moore founded online legal services provider Rocket Lawyer. It now boasts 30 million users. Subscribers pay a monthly fee for instant access to pre-prepared documents and tutorials, as well as online legal advice from experts at participating firms. The work lawyers on the network do has already begun to resemble the streamlined, one-to-many roles Susskind predicted [….] Moore is optimistic about the revolution computerization has unleashed in his sector. 'I don't think of [software] as consuming the industry, as much as I think of it as supporting the industry. So with software, certainly there are mundane, routine tasks that will become more efficient, but by making those tasks more efficient, lawyers will be able to move up in the food chain and serve millions more legal transactions than they currently can.' [….] EVEN JUDGES, HE SAYS, WILL NEED TO MOVE ONLINE. 'I think we have to have virtual courts. Australia has been experimenting with them. New York has been experimenting with online parking ticket adjudication. I mean, give me a break, who the heck thinks you should have to go to some government building when you get a traffic ticket? It's incredibly inefficient.' [….] Such changes would mean fewer lawyers were needed to meet existing clients' needs. But there is an upside: as costs fall and lawyers serve more clients, small businesses and private individuals will suddenly be able to afford legal advice. This is the 'latent legal market', a disenfranchised horde of potential customers estimated to be worth as much as £27bn. 'There's really an unmet demand for legal services,' says Moore. [….] ‘The cloud means a one-man designer can access the same computing power as big multinationals.’ [….] Software firm Autodesk, founded in 1982, creates virtual design tools used by millions of architects and designers every day. Last year alone, the company produced revenues of $2.3bn. British vice president Pete Baxter is responsible for its architecture, engineering and construction operations in Europe, Asia and the Middle East [….] He believes architects have little to fear from artificial intelligence. 'Yes, you can automate. But what does a design look like that's fully automated and fully rationalized by a computer program? Probably not the most exciting piece of architecture you've ever seen.' [….] Technology won't destroy the profession, but it will, he says, democratize it. 'There's a paradigm shift now: the one-man architect working from home with a bright idea now has access to an infinite amount of computing power in the cloud. That means a one-man designer, a graduate designer, can get access to the same amount of computing power as these big multinational companies. So suddenly there's a different competitive landscape.' [….] Baxter is keen to highlight the many new opportunities software creates for the savvy architect. Collaboration across continents is growing ever easier, opening up projects all over the world. This, in turn, has paved the way for greater specialization: the expert in the most minute aspect of design can apply their insight in several countries in the space of a single working day. [….] 'The architectural profession absolutely will still exist,' he says. 'I think what's happening is we're getting a more collaborative approach. But ultimately somebody still makes the decision.' [….] MEDICINE 'WHERE THIS IS GOING IS THAT, EVENTUALLY, ROBOTS WILL END UP DOING SURGERIES ON THEIR OWN.’ [….] 'It's a matter of providing the computer with the data. Once it has the data, it's able to consider thousands or millions of times more parameters than a human can hold in their head.' We will still need medical professionals to guide us and provide the human touch – but doctors will have to accept that computers are better at parts of the job than they are [….] It's not just software and diagnosis, either: surgeons will have to make way for smarter machines. 'I think we're going to see the role of the physician changing significantly through the use of robotics.'... He cites the work of Silicon Valley firm Intuitive Surgical, which has created a 'surgical system' named Da Vinci, which an expert surgeon can control online from anywhere in the world. Just as in architecture, such developments will allow specialists to reach wider markets – but unlike with architecture there is no reason to assume they will stop there __[....]__ 'Eventually, where this is going,' says Diamandis, 'is that the robot will end up doing the surgeries on its own. I can imagine a day
in the future where the patient walks into the hospital and the patient needs, say, cardiac surgery, and the conversation goes something like this: '...NO, NO, NO, I DO NOT WANT THAT HUMAN TOUCHING ME. I WANT THE ROBOT THAT'S DONE IT 1,000 TIMES PERFECTLY.' [….] Yet, despite the large parts of the role that technology will take from them, he does not expect a collapse in our demand for doctors any time soon – largely because we already need so many more than we have. In the US alone, for example, experts predict a shortage of up to 91,500 physicians by 2020. 'And that's low compared to the rest of the world,' he says. 'Africa, which has 25% of the disease burden, has 1.3% of the health workers. There's no way to ever build enough medical schools or teach enough physicians for the demand that exists even today.' [….] 'It's about the economics...' The software and robots are already here – or well on their way – but this unmet demand will remain until the tech is not only more effective but cheaper than the equivalent doctor. 'I call this process the 'dematerialization of technology'. You used to buy a GPS, you used to buy a camera, you used to buy records. These things which were physical have dematerialized on to your phone, and de-monetised, becoming effectively free. And finally they democratize. Healthcare is undergoing the same process: dematerialization and democratization.' ...” [248]

30.-) “ … We’ve watched the rising interest in robotics for the past few years. It may have started with the birth of FIRST Robotics competitions, continued with the iRobot and the Roomba, and more recently with Google’s driverless cars. BUT IN THE LAST FEW WEEKS, THERE HAS BEEN A BIG CHANGE. SUDDENLY, EVERYBODY’S TALKING ABOUT ROBOTS AND ROBOTICS [….] It might have been Jeff Bezos’ remark about using autonomous drones to deliver products by air. It’s a cool idea, though I think it’s farfetched, but that’s another story. Amazon Prime isn’t Amazon’s first venture into robotics: a year and a half ago, they bought Kiva Systems, which builds robots that Amazon uses in their massive warehouses. (Personally, I think package delivery by drone is unlikely for many, many reasons, but that’s another story, and certainly no reason for Amazon not to play with delivery in their labs.) [….] But what really lit the fire was Google’s acquisition of Boston Dynamics, a DARPA contractor that makes some of the most impressive mobile robots anywhere. It’s hard to watch their videos without falling in love with what their robots can do. Or becoming very scared. Or both. And, of course, Boston Dynamics isn’t a one-time buy. It’s the most recent in a series of eight robotics acquisitions, and I’d bet that it’s not the last in the series [….] GOOGLE IS CLEARLY DOING SOMETHING BIG, BUT WHAT? UNLIKE JEFF BEZOS, LARRY PAGE AND SERGEI BRIN HAVEN’T STARTED TALKING ABOUT DELIVERING PACKAGES WITH DRONES OR ANYTHING LIKE THAT. Neither has Andy Rubin, who is running the new robotics division. The NSA probably knows, to Google’s chagrin, but we won’t until they’re ready to tell us. Google has launched a number of insanely ambitious 'moon shot' projects recently; I suspect this is another [….] WHATEVER IS COMING FROM GOOGLE, WE’LL CERTAINLY SEE EVEN GREATER INTEGRATION OF ROBOTS INTO EVERYDAY LIFE. THOSE ROBOTS WILL QUICKLY BECOME SO MUCH A PART OF OUR LIVES THAT WE’LL CEASE TO THINK OF THEM AS ROBOTS; THEY’LL JUST BE THE THINGS WE LIVE WITH. [….] At O’Reilly’s Foo Camp in 2012, Jason Huggins, creator of this Angry Birds-playing bot, remarked that robots are always part of the future. Little bits of that future break off and become part of the present, but when that happens, those bits cease to be 'robots.' In 1945, a modern dishwasher would have been a miracle, as exotic as the space-age appliances in The Jetsons. But now, it’s just a dishwasher, and we’re trying to think of ways to make it more intelligent and network-enabled. Dishwashers, refrigerators, vacuums, stoves: is the mythical Internet-enabled refrigerator that orders milk when you’re running low a robot? What about a voice controlled baking machine, where you walked up and told it what kind of bread you wanted? Will we think of these as robots? [….] I DOUBT IT. MUCH HAS BEEN MADE OF GOOGLE’S AUTONOMOUS VEHICLES. IMPRESSIVE AS THEY ARE, AUTONOMOUS ROBOTS ARE NOWHERE NEAR AS INTERESTING AS ASSISTIVE ROBOTS, ROBOTS THAT ASSIST HUMANS IN SOME DIFFICULT TASK. DRIVING AROUND TOWN IS ONE THING, BUT BMW ALREADY HAS AUTOMATIC PARALLEL PARKING. BUT DO WE CALL THESE 'ROBOTIC CARS'? What about anti-lock brakes and other forms of computer-assisted driving that have been around for years? A modern airliner essentially flies itself from one airport to another; but do we see a Boeing 777 as a 'robot'? We prefer not to, perhaps because we cherish the illusion that a human pilot is doing the flying. Robots are everywhere already; we’re just trained ourselves not to see them [….] We can get some more ideas about what the future holds by thinking about some of Google’s statements in other contexts. Last April, Slate reported that Google was obsessed with building the Star Trek computer. It’s a wonderful article that contains some real insight into the way Google thinks about technology. Search is all about context: it’s not about the two or three words you type into the browser, it’s about understanding what you’re looking for, understanding your language rather than an arcane query language. The Star Trek computer does that; it anticipates what Kirk wants and answers his questions, even if they’re ill-formed or ambiguous. Let’s assume that Google can build that kind of search engine. Once you have the Star Trek computer doing your searches, the next step is obvious: don’t just do a search, get me the stuff I want. Find me my keys. Put the groceries away. Water the plants. I don’t think robotic helpers like these are as far off as they seem; most of the technologies we need to build them already exist. And while it may take a supercomputer to recognize that a carton of eggs is a carton of eggs, that supercomputer is only an Internet connection away [….] But will we recognize these devices as robots once they’ve been around for a year or two? Or will they be 'the finder,' 'the unpacker,' 'the gardener,' while robots remain implausibly futuristic? The latter, I think. Garden variety text search, whether it’s Android or Siri, is an amazing application of artificial intelligence; but these days, it’s just something that phones do [….] I HAVE NO DOUBT THAT GOOGLE’S ROBOTICS TEAM IS WORKING ON SOMETHING AMAZING AND MIND-BLOWING. Should they succeed, and should that success become a product, though, whatever they do will almost certainly fade into the woodwork and become part of normal, everyday reality. AND ROBOTS WILL REMAIN FOREVER IN THE FUTURE ...” [249]

31.-) “ … Andy Marchese has a lot of fish tanks but no fish food — his fish prefer batteries and compressed air. On a recent Monday, Marchese conducted an out-of-water demonstration of Bubbles, a pool-green silicone fish that sways its tail as cavities on each side of its body alternately inflate, creating a perfect imitation of a carp. It is the first autonomous, self-contained robot made mostly of soft parts [….] Roboticists are prejudiced toward rigid structures, for which algorithms can be inherited from the well-established factory robot industry. Soft robots solve two huge problems with current robots, however. They don’t have to calculate their movements as precisely as hard robots, which rely on springs and joints, making them better for navigating uncontrolled environments like a house, disaster area, or hospital room. They’re naturally 'cage free,' meaning they can work shoulder-to-shoulder with humans. If a soft robot tips over or malfunctions, the danger is on par with being attacked by a pillow. The robot is also less prone to hurt itself [….] The Bubbles demonstration was a rare glimpse into MIT’s elite Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), the lab that bred graduates who produced the World Wide Web and public key encryption. CSAIL is working on all kinds of robots, but a confluence of key technologies such as 3D printing has inspired scientists from biology, materials science, robotics, and other disciplines to work on a reinterpretation of the robot that looks looks less like C-3PO and more like, say, a squid [….] The field of soft robotics has attracted a rush of attention in the last year. Down the road at Harvard, multiple groups are working on soft robotic hands, jumping legs, exosuits, and quadrupeds that can do the limbo. At Worcester Polytechnic Institute's Soft Robotics Lab, researchers are building a snake. In San Francisco, a startup called Otherlab is building inflatable robots that can shake hands, walk, and carry riders. In Italy, a group of researchers built a robotic tentacle modeled after an octopus [….] Before the 1970s, car companies made cars safer by making them larger and heavier. Then along came the airbag: a lightweight safety device that folded up invisibly into the vehicle until it sensed a crash. Similar revolutions took place with body armor, bridges, and contact lenses, and these researchers believe something similar is happening with robots [….] '… It’s not a part of conventional robotics technologies,...' says Fumiya Iida, a professor of bio-inspired robotics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology-Zurich and a member of the IEEE committee on soft robotics. ' … They have to think completely differently, use different materials, different energy sources. Definitely this is the way we should go in the long run....' One of the most impressive rigid robots in the world right now is Boston Dynamics’ 300-pound humanoid Atlas. If Atlas wants to pick up a ball, it needs to sense and compute the precise distance between its digits and the ball and figure out exactly where to place its hand and how much pressure to apply. [….] Robots like Atlas ' … are doing a lot of thinking,...' says Barry Trimmer, PhD, a professor at Tufts and the editor of a new journal, Soft Robotics, which launched last month. '… There’s a lot of hesitancy. «Where do I put my foot next?» Animals just don't do that. We need to get away from the idea that you have to control every variable...' [….] By contrast, Harvard’s starfish-shaped soft gripper only needs to be told to inflate. As it’s pumped full of air, it conforms to the shape of an object until its '… fingers...' have enough pressure to lift it. Another example would be a human picking up a glass of water. We don’t have to compute the exact size and shape of the glass with our brains; our hand adapts to the object. Similarly, Bubbles doesn’t calculate the full length of its movement. '…. It doesn’t know where its tail is all the time...' [….] The effort and funding going into soft robotics is miniscule compared to what’s been invested in hard robots, says Saul Griffith, the founder of Otherlab, which recently spun out a soft robotics-focused startup called Pneubotics. [….] '… We are exceptionally early in soft robotics as a field,...' he says in an email. '… There is more hype than substance ... there are only maybe three or four interesting demonstrations of unique function and capacity. With those things said, the flexibility, potential low cost, and good match with human scale tasks makes soft robots very attractive …' [….] There are technological challenges as well. In addition to air and fluid pressure actuators, soft roboticists are experimenting with dielectric elastomers, elastic materials that expand and contract in response to electric voltage; shape-memory alloys, metal alloys that can be programmed to change shape at certain temperatures; and springs that respond to light. These approaches are still rudimentary, as are the control systems that operate the robots (in the case of many of Harvard’s soft robots, it’s simply a syringe of air attached to a tube) [….] ' … Soft robots could be used in space, medicine, and maybe one day, human wings …' [….] The field is so new, however, that no possibilities have yet been ruled out. Soft robotics technologies could theoretically be used in a wearable pair of human wings. More practically, soft robots could easily pack eggs or pick fruit — traditional hard robots, equipped with superhuman grips, are more likely to break yolks and inadvertently make applesauce. A mass of wormlike 'meshworm' robots could be filled with water and dropped over a disaster area, where they would crawl to survivors. A soft robotic sleeve could be worn to eliminate tremors or supplement strength lost with age. Soft robots could be used in space exploration, where weight is hugely important; in prosthetics, where they would provide comfort and lifelikeness; in the home, where they can help out around the house without trampling the dog; and in surgical robots, where operators have inspired a few lawsuits after puncturing patients’ insides [….] Trimmer even imagines a day when soft robots will be built with lab-grown muscle tissue powered by stores of fat. He believes robotics is truly at the beginning of a paradigm shift. 'If this is successful, there won’t really be a field of soft robotics,' he says. 'Robotics in general will incorporate all of that technology and that approach. There will be predominantly soft robots.' ...” [250]

32.-) “ … Automation and digitization are transforming the workplace. With this in mind, we asked The Experts: What jobs do you see robots moving into in the near future? DO YOU REMEMBER THOSE IMAGES OF JAPANESE CAR FACTORIES IN THE 1980S WITH ROBOTS MANNING THE PRODUCTION LINE? How futuristic they then seemed? Yet robots will increasingly encroach on the jobs that humans used to do. We already see robots replacing checkout staff in retail outlets. EXPECT WITHIN THE NEXT FEW YEARS TO SEE ROBOTS FOLDING CLOTHES AT BANANA REPUBLIC. IN HOSPITALS EXPECT SOON TO SEE ROBOTS READING X-RAYS WITH MORE ACCURACY THAN ANY HUMAN RADIOLOGIST [….] Google Chairman Eric Schmidt recently said that 'Robots will become omnipresent in our lives in a good way.' 'Omnipresent' I agree with. As for 'good,' I believe the picture is more nuanced. The takeover of machine by man will have associated costs [….] Implications for the labor force will be significant, and it won't just be blue-collar workers who will be replaced. A recent paper by Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael Osborne, of the University of Oxford, predicts that as much as 47% OF TOTAL U.S. EMPLOYMENT IS AT RISK FROM COMPUTERIZATION. JOBS LIKELY TO BE LOST INCLUDE NOT ONLY PRODUCTION LINE WORKERS BUT ALSO PARALEGALS, ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT STAFF, TELEMARKETERS AND A NUMBER OF OTHER WHITE-COLLAR OCCUPATIONS [….] EXPECT, TOO, A WHOLE HOST OF MACHINE-ASSOCIATED DANGERS TO EMERGE. WE'VE ALL BEEN IN TAXICABS WHERE THE DRIVER HAS TAKEN US ON A CIRCUITOUS ROUTE—BECAUSE HE WAS 'JUST FOLLOWING THE GPS.' OR THINK ABOUT HOW FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS MASSIVELY UNDERESTIMATED THEIR RISK PROFILES AT THE DAWN OF THE FINANCIAL CRISIS BECAUSE THEY GAVE TOO MUCH ILL-CONSIDERED POWER TO A SINGLE FIGURE CHURNED OUT BY THEIR BANK'S COMPUTER—VALUE AT RISK [….] THE GRAVEST DANGER WE FACE WHEN WE HAND OVER OUR THINKING TO MACHINES ISN'T THAT THE MACHINES MALFUNCTION. IT IS THAT WE BECOME INCREASINGLY INCAPABLE OF THINKING OURSELVES [….] Historically, robots have been used primarily for assembly-line manufacturing or other tasks that involve routine, repetitive actions [….] IN THE FUTURE, WE EXPECT TO SEE ROBOTS MOVING INTO MORE NONROUTINE JOBS THAT REQUIRE HUMAN INTERACTION, PROBLEM SOLVING AND CREATIVITY. ALREADY WE ARE SEEING EVIDENCE OF THIS SHIFT—WHETHER IN CALL CENTERS, PARALEGAL ROLES OR ADVANCED MANUFACTURING. THIS HAS BEEN DRIVEN IN PART BY RAPID ADVANCES IN NATURAL-LANGUAGE PROCESSING AND MACHINE LEARNING [….] The economic value created by increased automation is significant. In the industrial space alone, we expect that robots could provide up to $1.2 trillion in value by 2025 through labor-saving productivity gains. In addition, robot applications in medicine (e.g., mobility aids and surgery), commercial services (e.g., retail and logistics) and personal services could create more than $3 trillion in value by 2025 through improvements in quality of life and time savings [….] THE MCKINSEY GLOBAL INSTITUTE ESTIMATES THAT THE GLOBAL ECONOMIC BENEFITS OF ADVANCED ROBOTICS IN MANUFACTURING—TO BE REALIZED THROUGH MASSIVE PRODUCTIVITY AND QUALITY GAINS—COULD REACH $1.2 TRILLION BY 2025. THAT'S A HUGE GAIN TO THE WORLD'S WELFARE BUT IT COMES WITH SOME DISQUIET. IT IMPLIES THAT AUTOMATION IS THREATENING THE EXISTENCE OF MORE MANUFACTURING OCCUPATIONS MUCH FASTER THAN MIGHT HAVE BEEN ANTICIPATED JUST A FEW YEARS AGO [….] The range of what can be automated is widening rapidly. The first robotics revolution—ushered by General Motors in the 1960s with robotic arms that stacked hot die-cast metal pieces—substituted capital for labor in the most dangerous, difficult and labor-intensive tasks. TODAY, WE'RE IN THE MIDST OF A SECOND ROBOTICS REVOLUTION. Thanks to the new field of 'machine learning,' second-generation robots no longer require step-by-step commands by a human. Workers with highly routinized tasks—such as industrial painters, machine setters, laminators, fabricators—are most at risk of replacement. Yet workers with 'middle' skills—those with mechanical, electrical or industrial credentials, as well as social perceptiveness and supervisory ability—complement automation and continue to be in high demand [….] What is coming now, though, is a much more disruptive third era of industrial automation. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, machine vision, sensors, 'big data' analytics, motors, and hydraulics, robots are becoming increasingly dexterous, smart and autonomous—not to mention cheap. Coming fast are robots that can take on more delicate tasks such as intricate electronics assembly, and work more easily for and with their human tenders. As a result, various machine operators, precision solderers, and electronic-equipment assemblers are all now at risk of replacement. ALL TOLD, MCKINSEY ESTIMATES ROBOTS WILL REPLACE 15% TO 25% OF INDUSTRIAL-WORKER TASKS WITHIN A DECADE. CLEARLY THE COMING WAVE OF AUTOMATION WILL FURTHER REDUCE AMERICA'S MANUFACTURING EMPLOYMENT PER UNIT OF OUTPUT [….] And yet, there could be benefits. For one, the ability of robots to drive costs down could encourage global companies to move some production back to the U.S., creating jobs. Otherwise, for some there will be job opportunities in minding, maintaining or improving the bots. On that score, an increasingly heard word of career advice will be: 'robotics!...' [….] HOW NEW ROBOTS ARE SMARTER THAN EVER [….] The term 'robot' usually brings visions of large automatons, assembly-line machines with sparks flying from welding torches, each with a specific task to perform and all synchronized in perfect harmony. And yes, this is the case in many factory environments. These robots are in many ways amazing in what they do and the precision at which they do it. They have formed the very basis of the re-engineered workplace of today. But just like the human labor they replaced, they themselves are being replaced by more intelligent, agile and adaptive robotic systems. These new robots can understand that with no item in their 'hand' they can't fulfill the function of, say, placing a nut on a blot, so the system then has to compensate, interact with the track, locate a blot, reinitiate at the track speed and then undertake the function. Adaptive robotics allows systems to be placed in a variety of new scenarios, including as aides to skilled assembly-line workers, physicians; and the frail or disabled members of our community [….] The service industry is ripe for automation; the Dalu Robot restaurant in Jinan Shandong, China says it is developing a robotic system to cook meals and then deliver the food to the customer's table; while Momentum Machines of California says it has created a 'smart restaurants' robotic system that not only takes the order but then can create 360 gourmet burgers an hour [….] Moving down the supply chain, Kiva, the robotics system acquired by Amazon for $775 million in 2012, provides 'innovative material handling technologies' that move the inventory around automated warehouses, removing the human element. It is possible that these systems will soon be integrated with autonomous delivery drones flying packages directly to our homes. Amazon may even be shipping products before you order it through the use of Artificial Intelligence 'software robots' that monitor your behavior, lifestyle, and even the inventory in your refrigerator through their 'dash' magic-wand hand-held bar code scanner. Shopping will never be the same [….] The premise voiced by automation advocates is that robotic systems will free us to do more innovative things and have more free time. Ironically, the same was said about robots and computers in the 1960s and 1970s but it hasn't yet worked out to be that way [….] Is your job high volume, well defined and repetitive—one that needs tight quality control and involves a lot of lifting and moving? If yes, you're likely in greater danger of being replaced by a robot. Robots won't replace workers in jobs that require imagination, creativity, empathy, solution making and a 'human touch.' But they will take on work that's dull, dirty, and dangerous [….] Every company wants to make a better, faster, cheaper car, phone, [insert your product here]. BUT DIGITIZING YOUR BUSINESS SMARTLY GOES WELL BEYOND JUST HAVING MACHINES MAKE THINGS THAT PEOPLE USED TO MAKE. RE-ENGINEERING YOUR MANUFACTURING THROUGH TECHNOLOGY ISN'T A BAD THING, BUT IT'S A TABLE-STAKES MOVE. MOST COMPANIES ARE GOING TO GET VALUE FROM APPLYING ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION TO MANUFACTURING. SO YOU CAN'T STOP THERE [….] The full 'art of the possible' isn't to simply to look at how robots or technology could improve your production line, but to look at your entire business without being blinded by legacy beliefs about how people, processes, technology, capabilities and culture all 'should' come together. Take the view of someone who's going to disrupt your business—and then design your digital strategy (and hire your robots) from there. This uses technology to fundamentally reimagine your business, not just re-engineer it. And if you do it well, you'll be rewarded with top-line revenue growth, higher multiples by the market, and ultimately a faster, more profitable business ...” [250]

33.-) “ … If every image made and every word written from the earliest stirring of civilization to the year 2003 were converted to digital information, the total would come to five exabytes. An exabyte is one quintillion bytes, or one billion gigabytes—or just think of it as the number one followed by 18 zeros. That's a lot of digital data, but it's nothing compared with what happened from 2003 through 2010: We created five exabytes of digital information every two days. Get ready for what's coming: By next year, we'll be producing five exabytes every 10 minutes. HOW MUCH INFORMATION IS THAT? THE TOTAL FOR 2010 OF 912 EXABYTES IS THE EQUIVALENT OF 18 TIMES THE AMOUNT OF INFORMATION CONTAINED IN ALL THE BOOKS EVER WRITTEN. THE WORLD IS NOT JUST CHANGING, AND THE CHANGE IS NOT JUST ACCELERATING; THE RATE OF THE ACCELERATION OF CHANGE IS ITSELF ACCELERATING ...” [254]

34.-) “ … Over the next eight years, three billion new individuals will be coming online, joining the global conversation, and contributing to the global economy. Their ideas—ideas we’ve never before had access to — will result in new discoveries, products, and inventions that will benefit us all ...” [254]

35.-) “ … [Through the perspective of 1970 and concerning the Rate of Change:] In the three short decades between now and the twenty-first century, millions of ordinary, psychologically normal people will face an abrupt collision with the future. Citizens of the world's richest and most technologically advanced nations, many of them will find it increasingly painful to keep up with the incessant demand for change that characterizes our time. For them, the future will have arrived too soon.This book is about change and how we adapt to it. It is about those who seem to thrive on change, who crest its waves joyfully, as well as those multitudes of others who resist it or seek flight from it. It is about our capacity to adapt. It is about the future and the shock that its arrival brings [….] The culture shock phenomenon accounts for much of the bewilderment, frustration, and disorientation that plagues Americans in their dealings with other societies. It causes a breakdown in communication, a misreading of reality, an inability to cope. Yet culture shock is relatively mild in comparison with the much more serious malady, future shock. Future shock is the dizzying disorientation brought on by the premature arrival of the future. It may well be the most important disease of tomorrow [….] Take an individual out of his own culture and set him down suddenly in an environment sharply different from his own, with a different set of cues to react to—different conceptions of time, space, work, love, religion, sex, and everything else—then cut him off from any hope of retreat to a more familiar social landscape, and the dislocation he suffers is doubly severe. Moreover, if this new culture is itself in constant turmoil, and if—worse yet— its values are incessantly changing, the sense of disorientation will be still further intensified. Given few clues as to what kind of behavior is rational under the radically new circumstances, the victim may well become a hazard to himself and others [….] Now imagine not merely an individual but an entire society, an entire generation— including its weakest, least intelligent, and most irrational members—suddenly transported into this new world. The result is mass disorientation, future shock on a grand scale.This is the prospect that man now faces. Change is avalanching upon our heads and most people are grotesquely unprepared to cope with it [….] John Diebold, the American automation expert, warns that 'the effects of the technological revolution we are now living through will be deeper than any social change we have experienced before.' Sir Leon Bagrit, the British computer manufacturer, insists that automation by itself represents 'the greatest change in the whole history of mankind.' [….] Nor are the men of science and technology alone in these views. Sir Herbert Read, the philosopher of art, tells us that we are living through 'a revolution so fundamental that we must search many past centuries for a parallel. Possibly the only comparable change is the one that took place between the Old and the New Stone Age ...' And Kurt W. Marek, who under the name C. W. Ceram is best-known as the author of Gods, Graves and Scholars, observes that 'we, in the twentieth century, are concluding an era of mankind five thousand years in length ... We are not, as Spengler supposed, in the situation of Rome at the beginning of the Christian West, but in that of the year 3000 B.C. We open our eyes like prehistoric man, we see a world totally new.' [….] This startling statement can be illustrated in a number of ways. It has been observed, for example, that if the last 50,000 years of man's existence were divided into lifetimes of approximately sixty-two years each, there have been about 800 such lifetimes. Of these 800, fully 650 were spent in caves [….] Since then, one after another of the technologically advanced countries have moved in the same direction. Today, in those nations in which agriculture is down to the 15 percent level or below, white collars already outnumber blue in Sweden, Britain, Belgium, Canada, and the Netherlands. Ten thousand years for agriculture. A century or two for industrialism. And now, opening before us—super-industrialism [….] Indeed, not only do contemporary events radiate instantaneously—now we can be said to be feeling the impact of all past events in a new way. FOR THE PAST IS DOUBLING BACK ON US. WE ARE CAUGHT IN WHAT MIGHT BE CALLED A 'TIME SKIP.' [….] Whatever happened to some men in the past affects virtually all men today. This was not always true. In short, all history is catching up with us, and this very difference, paradoxically, underscores our break with the past. Thus the scope of change is fundamentally altered [….] But the final, qualitative difference between this and all previous lifetimes is the one most easily overlooked. For we have not merely extended the scope and scale of change, we have radically altered its pace. We have in our time released a totally new social force—a stream of change so accelerated that it influences our sense of time, revolutionizes the tempo of daily life, and affects the very way we 'feel' the world around us. We no longer 'feel' life as men did in the past. And this is the ultimate difference, the distinction that separates the truly contemporary man from all others. For this acceleration lies behind the impermanence—the transience—that penetrates and tinctures our consciousness, radically affecting the way we relate to other people, to things, to the entire universe of ideas, art and values [….] To understand what is happening to us as we move into the age of super-industrialism, we must analyze the processes of acceleration and confront the concept of transience. If acceleration is a new social force, transience is its psychological counterpart, and without an understanding of the role it plays in contemporary human behavior, all our theories of personality, all our psychology, must remain pre-modern. Psychology without the concept of transience cannot take account of precisely those phenomena that are peculiarly contemporary [….] By changing our relationship to the resources that surround us, by violently expanding the scope of change, and, most crucially, by accelerating its pace, we have broken irretrievably with the past. We have cut ourselves off from the old ways of thinking, of feeling, of adapting. We have set the stage for a completely new society and we are now racing toward it. And it is this that calls into question man's capacity for adaptation—how will he fare in this new society? Can he adapt to its imperatives? And if not, can he alter these imperatives? [….] Before even attempting to answer such questions, we must focus on the twin forces of acceleration and transience. We must learn how they alter the texture of existence, hammering our lives and psyches into new and unfamiliar shapes. We must understand how—and why—they confront us, for the first time, with the explosive potential of future shock [….] Many of us have a vague 'feeling' that things are moving faster. Doctors and executives alike complain that they cannot keep up with the latest developments in their fields. Hardly a meeting or conference takes place today without some ritualistic oratory about 'the challenge of change.' Among many there is an uneasy mood—a suspicion that change is out of control [….] Not everyone, however, shares this anxiety. Millions sleepwalk their way through their lives as if nothing had changed since the 1930's, and as if nothing ever will. Living in what is certainly one of the most exciting periods in human history, they attempt to withdraw from it, to block it out, as if it were possible to make it go away by ignoring it. They seek a 'separate peace,' a diplomatic immunity from change [….] Even among the young we find an incomprehension of change: students so ignorant of the past that they see nothing unusual about the present [….] The disturbing fact is that the vast majority of people, including educated and otherwise sophisticated people, find the idea of change so threatening that they attempt to deny its existence. Even many people who understand intellectually that change is accelerating, have not internalized that knowledge, do not take this critical social fact into account in planning their own personal lives [….] How do we know that change is accelerating? There is, after all, no absolute way to measure change. In the awesome complexity of the universe, even within any given society, a virtually infinite number of streams of change occur simultaneously. All 'things'—from the tiniest virus to the greatest galaxy—are, in reality, not things at all, but processes. There is no static point, no nirvana-like un-change, against which to measure change. Change is, therefore, necessarily relative [….] It is also uneven. If all processes occurred at the same speed, or even if they accelerated or decelerated in unison, it would be impossible to observe change. The future, however, invades the present at differing speeds. Thus it becomes possible to compare the speed of
different processes as they unfold. We know, for example, that compared with the biological evolution of the species, cultural and social evolution is extremely rapid. We know that some societies transform themselves technologically or economically more rapidly than others. We also know that different sectors within the same society exhibit different rates of change—the disparity that William Ogburn labeled 'cultural lag.' It is precisely the unevenness of change that makes it measurable [….] We need, however, a yardstick that makes it possible to compare highly diverse processes, and this yardstick is time. Without time, change has no meaning. And without change, time would stop. Time can be conceived as the intervals during which events occur. Just as money permits us to place a value on both apples and oranges, time permits us to compare unlike processes. When we say that it takes three years to build a dam, we are really saying it takes three times as long as it takes the earth to circle the sun or 31,000,000 times as long as it takes to sharpen a pencil. Time is the currency of exchange that makes it possible to compare the rates at which very different processes play themselves out [….] Given the unevenness of change and armed with this yardstick, we still face exhausting difficulties in measuring change. When we speak of the rate of change, we refer to the number of events crowded into an arbitrarily fixed interval of time. Thus we need to define the 'events.' We need to select our intervals with precision. We need to be careful about the conclusions we draw from the differences we observe. Moreover, in the measurement of change, we are today far more advanced with respect to physical processes than social processes. We know far better, for example, how to measure the rate at which blood flows through the body than the rate at which a rumor flows through society. Even with all these qualifications, however, there is widespread agreement, reaching from historians and archaeologists all across the spectrum to scientists, sociologists, economists and psychologists, that, many social processes are speeding up—strikingly, even spectacularly [….] Painting with the broadest of brush strokes, biologist Julian Huxley informs us that 'The tempo of human evolution during recorded history is at least 100,000 times as rapid as that of pre-human evolution.' Inventions or improvements of a magnitude that took perhaps 50,000 years to accomplish during the early Paleolithic era were, he says, 'run through in a mere millennium toward its close; and with the advent of settled civilization, the unit of change soon became reduced to the century.' The rate of change, accelerating throughout the past 5,000 years, has become, in his words, 'particularly noticeable during the past 300 years.' C. P. Snow, the novelist and scientist, also comments on the new visibility of change. 'Until this century ...' he writes, social change was 'so slow, that it would pass unnoticed in one person's lifetime. That is no longer so. The rate of change has increased so much that our imagination can't keep up.' Indeed, says social psychologist Warren Bennis, the throttle has been pushed so far forward in recent years that 'No exaggeration, no hyperbole, no outrage can realistically describe the extent and pace of change.... In fact, only the exaggerations appear to be true.' [….] What changes justify such super-charged language? Let us look at a few—change in the process by which man forms cities, for example. We are now undergoing the most extensive and rapid urbanization the world has ever seen. In 1850 only four cities on the face of the earth had a population of 1,000,000 or more. By 1900 the number had increased to nineteen. But by 1960, there were 141, and today world urban population is rocketing upward at a rate of 6.5 percent per year, according to Edgar de Vries and J. P. Thysse of the Institute of Social Science in The Hague. THIS SINGLE STARK STATISTIC MEANS A DOUBLING OF THE EARTH'S URBAN POPULATION WITHIN ELEVEN YEARS [….] One way to grasp the meaning of change on so phenomenal a scale is to imagine what would happen if all existing cities, instead of expanding, retained their present size. If this were so, in order to accommodate the new urban millions we would have to build a duplicate city for each of the hundreds that already dot the globe. A new Tokyo, a new Hamburg, a new Rome and Rangoon—and all within eleven years. (This explains why French urban planners are sketching subterranean cities—stores, museums, warehouses and factories to be built under the earth, and why a Japanese architect has blueprinted a city to be built on stiltsout over the ocean.) [….] The same accelerative tendency is instantly apparent in man's consumption of energy. Dr. Homi Bhabha, the late Indian atomic scientist who chaired the first International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, once analyzed this trend. 'To illustrate,' he said, 'let us use the letter 'Q' to stand for the energy derived from burning some 33,000 million tons of coal. In the eighteen and one half centuries after Christ, the total energy consumed averaged less than one half Q per century. But by 1850, the rate had risen to one Q per century. Today, the rate is about ten Q per century.' This means, roughly speaking, that half of all the energy consumed by man in the past 2,000 years has been consumed in the last one hundred [….] WHAT SUCH NUMBERS IMPLY IS NOTHING LESS REVOLUTIONARY THAN A DOUBLING OF THE TOTAL OUTPUT OF GOODS AND SERVICES IN THE ADVANCED SOCIETIES ABOUT EVERY FIFTEEN YEARS—AND THE DOUBLING TIMES ARE SHRINKING. This means, generally speaking, that the child reaching teen age in any of these societies is literally surrounded by twice as much of everything newly manmade as his parents were at the time he was an infant. It means that by the time today's teenager reaches age thirty, perhaps earlier, a second doubling will have occurred. WITHIN A SEVENTY-YEAR LIFETIME, PERHAPS FIVE SUCH DOUBLINGS WILL TAKE PLACE—MEANING, SINCE THE INCREASES ARE COMPOUNDED, THAT BY THE TIME THE INDIVIDUAL REACHES OLD AGE THE SOCIETY AROUND HIM WILL BE PRODUCING THIRTY-TWO TIMES AS MUCH AS WHEN HE WAS BORN [….] Such changes in the ratio between old and new have, as we shall show, an electric impact on the habits, beliefs, and self-image of millions. Never in previous history has this ratio been transformed so radically in so brief a flick of time [….] Behind such prodigious economic facts lies that great, growling engine of change— technology. This is not to say that technology is the only source of change in society. Social upheavals can be touched off by a change in the chemical composition of the atmosphere, by alterations in climate, by changes in fertility, and many other factors. Yet technology is indisputably a major force behind the accelerative thrust [….] To most people, the term technology conjures up images of smoky steel mills or clanking machines. Perhaps the classic symbol of technology is still the assembly line created by Henry Ford half a century ago and made into a potent social icon by Charlie Chaplin in Modern Times. This symbol, however, has always been inadequate, indeed, misleading, for technology has always been more than factories and machines. The invention of the horse collar in the middle ages led to major changes in agricultural methods and was as much a technological advance as the invention of the Bessemer furnace centuries later. Moreover, technology includes techniques, as well as the machines that may or may not be necessary to apply them. It includes ways to make chemical reactions occur, ways to breed fish, plant forests, light theaters, count votes or teach history [….] The old symbols of technology are even more misleading today, when the most advanced technological processes are carried out far from assembly lines or open hearths. Indeed, in electronics, in space technology, in most of the new industries, relative silence and clean surroundings are characteristic—even sometimes essential. And the assembly line—the organization of armies of men to carry out simple repetitive functions—is an anachronism. It is time for our symbols of technology to change—to catch up with the quickening changes in technology, itself [….] This acceleration is frequently dramatized by a thumbnail account of the progress in transportation. It has been pointed out, for example, that in 6000 B.C. the fastest transportation available to man over long distances was the camel caravan, averaging eight miles per hour. It was not until about 1600 B.C. when the chariot was invented that the maximum speed was raised to roughly twenty miles per hour. So impressive was this invention, so difficult was it to exceed this speed limit, that nearly 3,500 years later, when the first mail coach began operating in England in 1784, it averaged a mere ten mph. The first steam locomotive, introduced in 1825, could muster a top speed of only thirteen mph, and the great sailing ships of the time labored along at less than half that speed. It was probably not until the 1880's that man, with the help of a more advanced steam locomotive, managed to reach a speed of one hundred mph. It took the human race millions of years to attain that record [….] It took only fifty-eight years, however, to quadruple the limit, so that by 1938 airborne man was cracking the 400-mph line. It took a mere twenty-year flick of time to double the limit again. And by the 1960's rocket planes approached speeds of 4000 mph, and men in space capsules were circling the earth at 18,000 mph. Plotted on a graph, the line representing progress in the past generation would leap vertically off the page [….] Whether we examine distances traveled, altitudes reached, minerals mined, or explosive power harnessed, the same accelerative
trend is obvious. The pattern, here and in a thousand other statistical series, is absolutely clear and unmistakable. Millennia or centuries go by, and then, in our own times, a sudden bursting of the limits, a fantastic spurt forward. The reason for this is that technology feeds on itself. Technology makes more technology possible, as we can see if we look for a moment at the process of innovation. Technological innovation consists of three stages, linked together into a self-reinforcing cycle. First, there is the creative, feasible idea. Second, its practical application. Third, its diffusion through society [….] The process is completed, the loop closed, when the diffusion of technology embodying the new idea, in turn, helps generate new creative ideas. Today there is evidence that the time between each of the steps in this cycle has been shortened. Thus it is not merely true, as frequently noted, that 90 percent of all the scientists who ever lived are now alive, and that new scientific discoveries are being made every day. These new ideas are put to work much more quickly than ever before. The time between original concept and practical use has been radically reduced. This is a striking difference between ourselves and our ancestors. Appollonius of Perga discovered conic sections, but it was 2000 years before they were applied to engineering problems. It was literally centuries between the time Paracelsus discovered that ether could be used as an anaesthetic and the time it began to be used for that purpose [….] Even in more recent times the same pattern of delay was present. In 1836 a machine was invented that mowed, threshed, tied straw into sheaves and poured grain into sacks. This machine was itself based on technology at least twenty years old at the time. Yet it was not until a century later, in the 1930's, that such a combine was actually marketed. The first English patent for a typewriter was issued in 1714. But a century and a half elapsed before typewriters became commercially available. A full century passed between the time Nicholas Appert discovered how to can food and the time canning became important in the food industry [….] Today such delays between idea and application are almost unthinkable. It is not that we are more eager or less lazy than our ancestors, but we have, with the passage of time, invented all sorts of social devices to hasten the process. Thus we find that the time between the first and second stages of the innovative cycle—between idea and application—has been cut radically. Frank Lynn, for example, in studying twenty major innovations, such as frozen food, antibiotics, integrated circuits and synthetic leather, found that since the beginning of this century more than sixty percent has been slashed from the average time needed for a major scientific discovery to be translated into a useful technological form. Today a vast and growing research and development industry is consciously working to reduce the lag still further [….] But if it takes less time to bring a new idea to the marketplace, it also takes less time for it to sweep through the society. Thus the interval between the second and third stages of the cycle—between application and diffusion—has likewise been sliced, and the pace of diffusion is rising with astonishing speed. This is borne out by the history of several familiar household appliances. Robert B. Young at the Stanford Research Institute has studied the span of time between the first commercial appearance of a new electrical appliance and the time the industry manufacturing it reaches peak production of the item [….] Young found that for a group of appliances introduced in the United States before 1920—including the vacuum cleaner, the electric range, and the refrigerator—the average span between introduction and peak production was thirty-four years. But for a group that appeared in the 1939-1959 period—including the electric frying pan, television, and washerdryer combination—the span was only eight years. The lag had shrunk by more than 76 percent. 'The post-war group,' Young declared, 'demonstrated vividly the rapidly accelerating nature of the modern cycle.' [….] The stepped-up pace of invention, exploitation, and diffusion, in turn, accelerates the whole cycle still further. For new machines or techniques are not merely a product, but a source, of fresh creative ideas [….] Each new machine or technique, in a sense, changes all existing machines and techniques, by permitting us to put them together into new combinations. The number of possible combinations rises exponentially as the number of new machines or techniques rises arithmetically. Indeed, each new combination may, itself, be regarded as a new supermachine [….] The computer, for example, made possible a sophisticated space effort. Linked with sensing devices, communications equipment, and power sources, the computer became part of a configuration that in aggregate forms a single new super-machine—a machine for reaching into and probing outer space. But for machines or techniques to be combined in new ways, they have to be altered, adapted, refined or otherwise changed. So that the very effort to integrate machines into super-machines compels us to make still further technological innovations [….] It is vital to understand, moreover, that technological innovation does not merely combine and recombine machines and techniques. Important new machines do more than suggest or compel changes in other machines—they suggest novel solutions to social, philosophical, even personal problems. They alter man's total intellectual environment—the way he thinks and looks at the world [….] We all learn from our environment, scanning it constantly—though perhaps unconsciously—for models to emulate. These models are not only other people. They are, increasingly, machines. By their presence, we are subtly conditioned to think along certain lines. It has been observed, for example, that the clock came along before the Newtonian image of the world as a great clock-like mechanism, a philosophical notion that has had the utmost impact on man's intellectual development. Implied in this image of the cosmos as a great clock were ideas about cause and effect and about the importance of external, as against internal, stimuli, that shape the everyday behavior of all of us today. The clock also affected our conception of time so that the idea that a day is divided into twenty-four equal segments of sixty minutes each has become almost literally a part of us [….] Recently, the computer has touched off a storm of fresh ideas about man as an interacting part of larger systems, about his physiology, the way he learns, the way he remembers, the way he makes decisions. Virtually every intellectual discipline from political science to family psychology has been hit by a wave of imaginative hypotheses triggered by the invention and diffusion of the computer—and its full impact has not yet struck. And so the innovative cycle, feeding on itself, speeds up. If technology, however, is to be regarded as a great engine, a mighty accelerator, then knowledge must be regarded as its fuel. And we thus come to the crux of the accelerative process in society, for the engine is being fed a richer and richer fuel every day [….] The rate at which man has been storing up useful knowledge about himself and the universe has been spiraling upward for 10,000 years. The rate took a sharp upward leap with the invention of writing, but even so it remained painfully slow over centuries of time. The next great leap forward in knowledge—acquisition did not occur until the invention of movable type in the fifteenth century by Gutenberg and others. Prior to 1500, by the most optimistic estimates, Europe was producing books at a rate of 1000 titles per year. This means, give or take a bit, that it would take a full century to produce a library of 100,000 titles. By 1950, four and a half centuries later, the rate had accelerated so sharply that Europe was producing 120,000 titles a year. What once took a century now took only ten months. By 1960, a single decade later, the rate had made another significant jump, so that a century's work could be completed in seven and a half months. And, by the mid-sixties, the output of books on a world scale, Europe included, approached the prodigious figure of 1000 titles per day [….] One can hardly argue that every book is a net gain for the advancement of knowledge. Nevertheless, we find that the accelerative curve in book publication does, in fact, crudely parallel the rate at which man discovered new knowledge. For example, prior to Gutenberg only 11 chemical elements were known. Antimony, the 12th, was discovered at about the time he was working on his invention. It was fully 200 years since the 11th, arsenic, had been discovered. Had the same rate of discovery continued, we would by now have added only two or three additional elements to the periodic table since Gutenberg. Instead, in the 450 years after his time, some seventy additional elements were discovered. And since 1900 we have been isolating the remaining elements not at a rate of one every two centuries, but of one every three years [….] Furthermore, there is reason to believe that the rate is still rising sharply. TODAY, FOR EXAMPLE, THE NUMBER OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNALS AND ARTICLES IS DOUBLING, like industrial production in the advanced countries, about every fifteen years, and according to biochemist Philip Siekevitz, 'what has been learned in the last three decades about the nature of living beings dwarfs in extent of knowledge any comparable period of scientific discovery in the history of mankind.' Today the United States government alone generates 100,000 reports each year, plus 450,000 articles, books and papers. On a worldwide basis, scientific and
technical literature mounts at a rate of some 60,000,000 pages a year [….] The computer burst upon the scene around 1950. With its unprecedented power for analysis and dissemination of extremely varied kinds of data in unbelievable quantities and at mind-staggering speeds, it has become a major force behind the latest acceleration in knowledge-acquisition. Combined with other increasingly powerful analytical tools for observing the invisible universe around us, it has raised the rate of knowledge-acquisition to dumbfounding speeds. Francis Bacon told us that 'Knowledge ... is power.' This can now be translated into contemporary terms. In our social setting, 'Knowledge is change'—and accelerating knowledge-acquisition, fueling the great engine of technology, means accelerating change [….] Discovery. Application. Impact. Discovery. We see here a chain reaction of change, a long, sharply rising curve of acceleration in human social development. This accelerative thrust has now reached a level at which it can no longer, by any stretch of the imagination, be regarded as 'normal.' The normal institutions of industrial society can no longer contain it, and its impact is shaking up all our social institutions. Acceleration is one of the most important and least understood of all social forces. This, however, is only half the story. For the speed-up of change is a psychological force as well. Although it has been almost totally ignored by psychology, the rising rate of change in the world around us disturbs our inner equilibrium, altering the very way in which we experience life. Acceleration without translates into acceleration within [….] This can be illustrated, though in a highly oversimplified fashion, if we think of an individual life as a great channel through which experience flows. This flow of experience consists—or is conceived of consisting—of innumerable 'situations.' Acceleration of change in the surrounding society drastically alters the flow of situations through this channel [….] There is no neat definition of a situation, yet we would find it impossible to cope with experience if we did not mentally cut it up into these manageable units. Moreover, while the boundary lines between situations may be indistinct, every situation has a certain 'wholeness' about it, a certain integration. Every situation also has certain identifiable components. These include 'things'—a physical setting of natural or man-made objects [….] Every situation occurs in a 'place'—a location or arena within which the action occurs. (It is not accidental that the Latin root 'situ' means place.) Every social situation also has, by definition, a cast of characters—people. Situations also involve a location in the organizational network of society and a context of ideas or information. Any situation can be analyzed in terms of these five components [….] But situations also involve a separate dimension which, because it cuts across all the others, is frequently overlooked. This is duration—the span of time over which the situation occurs. Two situations alike in all other respects are not the same at all if one lasts longer than another. For time enters into the mix in a crucial way, changing the meaning or content of situations. Just as the funeral march played at too high a speed becomes a merry tinkle of sounds, so a situation that is dragged out has a distinctly different flavor or meaning than one that strikes us in staccato fashion, erupting suddenly and subsiding as quickly [….] Here, then, is the first delicate point at which the accelerative thrust in the larger society crashes up against the ordinary daily experience of the contemporary individual. For the acceleration of change, as we shall show, shortens the duration of many situations. This not only drastically alters their 'flavor,' but hastens their passage through the experiential channel. Compared with life in a less rapidly changing society, more situations now flow through the channel in any given interval of time—and this implies profound changes in human psychology [….] For while we tend to focus on only one situation at a time, the increased rate at which situations flow past us vastly complicates the entire structure of life, multiplying the number of roles we must play and the number of choices we are forced to make. This, in turn, accounts for the choking sense of complexity about contemporary life [….] Moreover, the speeded-up flow-through of situations demands much more work from the complex focusing mechanisms by which we shift our attention from one situation to another. There is more switching back and forth, less time for extended, peaceful attention to one problem or situation at a time. This is what lies behind the vague feeling noted earlier that 'Things are moving faster.' They are. Around us. And through us [….] There is, however, still another, even more powerfully significant way in which the acceleration of change in society increases the difficulty of coping with life. This stems from the fantastic intrusion of novelty, newness into our existence. Each situation is unique. But situations often resemble one another. This, in fact, is what makes it possible to learn from experience. If each situation were wholly novel, without some resemblance to previously experienced situations, our ability to cope would be hopelessly crippled [….] The acceleration of change, however, radically alters the balance between novel and familiar situations. Rising rates of change thus compel us not merely to cope with a faster flow, but with more and more situations to which previous personal experience does not apply. And the psychological implications of this simple fact, which we shall explore later in this book, are nothing short of explosive [….] 'When things start changing outside, you are going to have a parallel change taking place inside,' says Christopher Wright of the Institute for the Study of Science in Human Affairs. The nature of these inner changes is so profound, however, that, as the accelerative thrust picks up speed, it will test our ability to live within the parameters that have until now defined man and society. In the words of psychoanalyst Erik Erikson, 'In our society at present, the 'natural course of events' is precisely that the rate of change should continue to accelerate up to the as-yet-unreached limits of human and institutional adaptability.' [….] To survive, to avert what we have termed future shock, the individual must become infinitely more adaptable and capable than ever before. He must search out totally new ways to anchor himself, for all the old roots—religion, nation, community, family, or profession— are now shaking under the hurricane impact of the accelerative thrust. Before he can do so, however, he must understand in greater detail how the effects of acceleration penetrate his personal life, creep into his behavior and alter the quality of existence. He must, in other words, understand transience ...” [255]

36.-) “ … On the evening of January 17, 1991, Chris was flying home from Los Angeles to Boston when the pilot announced that Operation Desert Storm had begun. He then broadcast the audio portion of CNN's report over the DC-10's entertainment system, so that the passengers could listen to a description by a reporter in Baghdad, relayed through Israel, transmitted worldwide, picked up by the airplane, and sent to their earphones. Given the importance of the event, what would you do? Within moments, Chris called his wife, Mary, in Boston to tell her the news. This all happened through an airborne-connected network that was far more powerful than anything that military pilots had in the Korean War, just 40 years earlier. How was this possible? By connecting everything to everything, in real time [….] In rapid succession the deregulation of telecommunications, the miniaturization of satellites, and the development of mobile technologies have made connection available to anyone, anytime, anyplace. Now, with the explosive takeoff of the Internet, we've entered the second half of the information economy, which uses the computer less for data crunching and more for connecting: people to people, machine to machine, product to service, network to network, organization to organization, and all the combinations thereof [….] In 1999, low-earth-orbiting satellites (LEOs) will bring these capabilities everywhere on the planet. By the year 2000 telecommunication networks in the United States will carry more electronic data than voice. More astonishing, voice will be less than 2 percent of the traffic by 2003. Think of telephones running on the Net, rather than the Net running on the phone system! The cost of global telecommunications will fall drastically, just as long-distance costs have done over the past 20 years. This massive increase in connection will change the way all business is conducted, turn current business and economic models on their heads, and take us ever deeper and faster into BLUR [….] Mobile phones, pagers, voice mail systems, bar code scanners, satellite phones, e-mail, global positioning satellites, and all the rest of the electronic gizmos that will connect us are just the visible part of the Connectivity story. Once these things connect with each other, their actions will trigger domino effects and change the way the economy behaves [….] The stock market crash of October 1987 was caused by computerized trends, none of which were linked explicitly. The damage was done by the interaction of independent investor instructions —- of connected network of trading programs. Similarly, the 1965 Northeast power blackout was the worst in history because of the connections shared by the utilities in the power grid. These connections translated an overload at one point in the system into a cascading failure through the grid. That's why the trading limits installed after the 1987 financial debacle are called 'circuit breakers.' […] These examples illustrate the importance of connection: A single automatic circuit breaker, a cruncher, has limited impact. Connect a thousand of them, and there's no telling how the system will behave. The first use of the financial circuit breaker, in October 1997, was in response to frenzied selling in markets in Asia earlier in the day, further evidence of the connectedness of the global system [….] The instant communication of the Gulf War is an amazing story about Connectivity, but a trivial one about Speed. News has always traveled fast. When we speak of Speed, we're talking about how the sheer velocity of business has increased over the last decade. Take, for example, the dramatic drop in the time between sending and receiving. Order a laptop from PC Connection at 2:00 a.m., receive it custom-configured at home ten hours later. Similarly, the time lapse is evaporating between producing and selling, and purchasing and delivering. In Tokyo, you can order your customized Toyota on Monday, and be driving it on Friday [….] Speed is the foreshortening of product life cycles from years to months or even weeks. And, Speed is the worldwide electronic network over which financial institutions transfer money at the rate of $41 billion a minute. For the individual, Speed is scores of messages a day, creating near continuous communication. Miss a day and your world moves on without you. Accelerated product life cycles and time-based competition have become part of the business lingo [….] These experiences change people's perceptions. We now expect real-time responsiveness, 24 hours of every day of the year. This premium placed on anytime, real-time responsiveness is just one example of the growing importance of intangible value [….] The intangible portion of the economy has grown quietly, altering how we see the world without calling too much attention to itself. It takes four forms. Services, which have dominated the economy for decades, are the most familiar. They include everything from hamburger flippers to brain surgeons. The second is Information, like the specialized knowledge in databases, the content of George Lucas' Star Wars empire, and the shadows cast by activities and transactions onto credit card bills and stock tickers. The third is the Service Componet of Products. Computer simulation services, on everything from automobiles and architecture to windows and wallpaper, commonly allow customers to try out different configurations before ordering the actual product. Fourth are Emotions, the trust and loyalty that people feel for a brand, the prestige conveyed by a label, that attraction exerted by a celebrity on the stage, scree, or playing field [….] DreamWorks SKG is a powerful expression of the value of Intangibles. Form with a mere $250 million, it was mobbed by eager investors who drove the market capitalization to $2 billion when the company, which had no studio and nothing in production, went public. The attraction was the intangible value of its founders: Steven Spielberg, Jeffrey Katzenberg, and David Geffen, each of whom is a star in the entertainment business even though their faces are never on the screen. Intangibles are at work in the form of innovation, brands, trust, and relationships [….] Intangible value is growing much faster than the tangible. But in the connected economy, the increasing demand for Intangibles also brings with it some new economic wrinkles. Compare succotash and software. With succotash, two pounds cost twice as much as one pound. But with software, the second copy is pretty much free. Further, if we cook a pound of succotash, we eat it or you do. Software, however, can be duplicated again and again with no additional cost [….] Connectivity, Speed, and Intangibles are keeping all of us up nights, thinking about our future. To see where they will take us, focus on the constant of what an economy does [….] AN ECONOMY USES RESOURCES TO FULFILL DESIRES. The only constant is what economies do” again, they use resources to fulfill desires. Their means of doing so, however, have changed several times. Hunting-and-gathering economies lasted about one hundred thousand years before they gave way to agrarian economies, which endured 10,000 years. Their labor- and land-intensive approach was succeeded by the machines and factories of the Industrial Era (1760s-1950s), which spawned the growth of cities, mass production, pollution, labor unions, and the development of the banking system [….] After almost 200 years, the industrial era gave way to the computers of the information economy, which is already half over. The first four decades used the computed as a crunching tool, an industrial-style approach that included data processing and warehousing, bigger and faster machines, supercomputers, and other 'factories' to perform routine brain work [….] In this second half of the information era, which we call the BLUR economy, resources will fulfill desires by yet another set of arrangements. One will be that we leave behind the idea of stable solutions. Already, a successful business is neither at rest nor in focus at any given moment. The beginning, middle, and end of a product line are dissolving into each other as the orderly and familiar step-by-step progression of research, design, production, distribution, payment, and consumption disappear. Advance copies of the manufacturers' new models are being reviewed in magazines while the current model is still sold at a floating 'street' price, and the previous version is available at a discount. An annual model change blurs into a continuous one. Continuous upgrades that are downloaded electronically are replacing model years that require plants to close down. BUILT TO LAST NOW MEANS BUILT TO CHANGE ...” [256]

37.-) “ … HOW ROBOTS ARE GOING TO REPLACE YOU IN THE OFFICE [….] Face-to face meetings are important. According to Harvard Business Review, they help management teams root out negligence, increase productivity, provide a positive competitiveness, and deepen relationships with colleagues [….] So it's not surprising that Americans took 427 million business trips last year. According to the Global Business Travel Assn., the bill for all this traveling to provide face-to-face contact between clients and companies was $228 billion [….] Bloomberg Businessweek's Drake Bennet thinks there is a better, and cheaper, alternative to business travel: telepresence robots [….] Bennet reports that the worldwide market for telepresence robotics is expected to grow from $556.1 million in 2010 to $13.1 billion in 2016. Robots that can be controlled from any location could be responsible for everything from office security and surveillance to holding remote meetings and virtual collaboration [….] 'On snow days we'll have well over half the guys on VGos [robots],' says Tom Ryden, cofounder of robot-maker VGo Communications. 'They'll stop and chat with each other, robot to robot. You'll be walking down the hall and see two guys just chatting away, and they're both in some other location.' [….] Only a few robot models are currently available — and they are already in high demand. VGo Communications quickly sold out its first production run of 100. Another company, Anybots, currently has an order backlog of a month and a half ...” [257]

38.-) “ … KNOWLEDGE DOUBLING CURVE [….] Buckminster Fuller created the 'Knowledge Doubling Curve'; he noticed that until 1900 human knowledge doubled approximately every century. By the end of World War II knowledge was doubling every 25 years. Today things are not as simple as different types of knowledge have different rates of growth. For example, nanotechnology knowledge is doubling every two years and clinical knowledge every 18 months. But on average human knowledge is doubling every 13 months. According to IBM, the build out of the 'internet of things' will lead to the doubling of knowledge every 12 hours [….] HUMAN BRAIN INDEXING WILL CONSUME SEVERAL BILLION PETABYTES [….] In a recent lecture at Harvard University neuroscientist Jeff Lichtman, who is attempting to map the human brain, has calculated that several billion petabytes of data storage would be needed to index the entire human brain. The Internet is currently estimated to be 5 million terabytes (TB) of which Google has indexed roughly 200 TB or just .004% of its total size. The numbers involved are astounding especially when considering the size of the human brain and the number of neurons in it [….] LINEAR TO EXPONENTIAL GROWTH OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. A transition from the linear growth of human knowledge to the exponential growth of human knowledge has taken place.. According to researchers dealing with this information will necessitate the development of vastly more complex software, shareability, and artificial intelligence ...” [258]

39.-) “ .. IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY, IT TOOK ABOUT FIFTY YEARS TO DOUBLE THE WORLD'S KNOWLEDGE. TODAY, THE BASE OF KNOWLEDGE DOUBLES IN LESS THAN A YEAR. The digital age creates new opportunities to access information in ways that transform work and play. The emerging workforce does not need 'knowers' as much as it needs 'learners.' ...” [259]

40.-) “... This knowledge reorients the entire medical system, from one where patients are treated once they are sick to one where patients are treated for what they are likely to develop as a result of their genetic makeup. THE VOLUME OF MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY EIGHT YEARS, AND SIMILAR CHANGES ARE OCCURRING IN OTHER TRADES AND PROFESSIONS __[....]__ '… IF KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY EIGHT YEARS, NO SINGLE PERSON CAN KEEP UP WITH IT. That fosters greater fragmentation of skills, and thus greater competition in the marketplace for niche-oriented skills.' ...” [260]

41.-) “ ...As early as 1965, Intel cofounder Gordon Moore (1965) noted that the capability of COMPUTER CIRCUITS HAD DOUBLED EVERY YEAR SINCE THEIR INVENTION; his prediction that this trend would continue and have broader applications has become known as Moore’s Law. Buckminster Fuller, in his book Critical Path (1982), describes the '… knowledge-doubling curve, ...' explaining that new know ledge, WHICH HAD DOUBLED EVERY CENTURY UNTIL 1900, IS NOW ESTIMATED TO DOUBLE EVERY 18 MONTHS. AND THE PACE OF GROWTH IS INCREASING ...” [261]


43.-) “ … This will be challenging, especially with the RATE OF MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE DOUBLING EVERY THREE YEARS CURRENTLY AND PROJECTED TO BE DOUBLING EVERY 73 DAYS BY 2020 ...” [263]


45.-) “ … Theoretical physicist Michio Kaku. He’s talking about the so-called law that says the number of transistors that can be fit on a computer chip will DOUBLE EVERY TWO YEARS, RESULTING IN PERIODIC INCREASES IN COMPUTING POWER ...”

46.-) “ … So they will welcome a new analysis, by Jonathan Koomey of Stanford University and his colleagues, which seems to have uncovered a deeper law relating to the energy-efficiency of computers, dating back to the era of vacuum tubes. The researchers found that the electrical efficiency of computing has doubled every 1.6 years since the mid-1940s. ' … That means that for a fixed amount of computational power, the need for battery capacity will fall by half every 1.6 years,...' observes Dr Koomey. This trend, he says, '… bodes well for the continued explosive growth in mobile computing, sensors and controls....' Some researchers are already building devices that run on '… ambient ...' energy harvested from light, heat, vibration or TV transmitters. As the energy-efficiency of computing continues to improve, this approach will become more widespread. Dr Koomey's team published their results in IEEE Annals, an industry research journal. Inevitably, industry observers are already calling this new finding '… Koomey's law …' ...” [266]

47.-) “ … George Dyson has written that a Google engineer once said to him: '...We are not [digitally] scanning all those books [, including those available at ,] to be read by people. WE ARE SCANNING THEM TO BE READ BY AN A.I....' ….” [268] Brackets of the Author.

48.-) “… The influential Silicon Valley institution [the Singularity University] preaches a story that goes like this: One day in the not-so-distant future, the Internet will suddenly coalesce into a superintelligent A.I., infinitely smarter than any of us individually and all of us combined; it will become alive in the blink of an eye, and take over the world before humans even realize what's happening ...” [268] Brackets of the Author.

49.-) “ … Marvin Minsky Ph.D. observed, '... Each billionaire with a heart problem should spend a billion dollars on an artificial heart. Research should be concentrated in a giant project, like the moon shot or Los Alamos. Fill a small city wit top scientists and engineers to make the first really good artificial hearts for some rich guys. Sure there are some interesting projects already going on … but small-scale efforts are taking much too much time. Spare no expense! Get it right! Once there's a single working model, the prices will collapse like they always do. Not long after that, everyone will benefit …'....” [268] Brackets of the Author.

50.-) “ … One of the great technological economic trends of our recent history has been that of 'Moore's law,' which states that the computational capacities (e.g. electronic component densities, electronic signal processing speed, etc.) of integrated circuits or 'chip,' have been doubling every year or two. This trend has remained valid since Gordon Moore, one of the founders of the Intel microprocessor manufacturing company, first formulated it in 1965. If you keep multiplying a number by 2 many times over, you will soon end up with a huge number. For examples, 2 times 2 times 2 times 2 … (ten times) equals 1024. If you do it 20 times you get 1048576, i.e. over a million. If you do it 30 30 times, you get a billion, by 40 times you get a trillion, etc. Moore's law has remained valid for the past four decades, so that the size of the doublings recently has become truly massive. I speak of 'massive Moore doublings.' […] Moore's law is a consequence of the shrinking of the size of electronic circuits on chips, so that the distance that electrons (the elementary particles whose flow in an electronic circuit is what constitutes the electrical current) have to travel between two electronic components, (for example two transistors), is reduced. According to Einstein, the fastest speed at which anything can move is the speed of light (about 300,000 kms/sec) and this is a constant of nature that electronic currents have to respect. If one shortens the distance between two electronic components, then an electronic signal between them (i.e. the flow of electrons between them) has less distance to travel, and hence takes less time to traverse the distance (at the constant speed of light) [….] A huge effort over the past few decades has been devoted by the chip manufacturing companies into making electronic circuits smaller, and hence denser, so that they function faster. The faster a microprocessor chip functions, the more economically attractive it is. If you are the CEO of a chip manufacturing company and your competitor down the road in California's 'Silicon Valley' brings a rival chip onto the market that is 30% faster than yours and six months ahead of you, then your company will probably go out of business. The market share of the rival company will increase significantly, because everyone wants a faster computer. Hence, for decades, electronic circuitry has become smaller and thus faster [….] How much longer can Moore's law remain valid? If it does so until 2020, then the size of the electronic components in mass memory chips will be such that it will be possible to store a single bit of information on a single atom. (A 'bit' is a 'binary digit,' a 0 or a 1, that computers use to represent numbers and symbols to perform their calculations.) So how many atoms (and hence how many store bits) are there in a human sized object, such as an apple? The answer is astonishing — a trillion trillion atoms (bits), i.e. a 1 followed by 24 zeros, or a million million million million [….] Are you beginning to get an inkling for why I believe that massively intelligent machines could become trillions of trillions of times smarter than we are later this century? [….] Not only is it likely that 21st century technology will be storing a bit of information on a single atom, it will be using a new kind of computing called 'quantum computing,' which is radically different from the garden variety of 'classical computing' that humanity used in the 20th century. The third chapter will attempt to give a brief outline of the principles of quantum computing since it is likely that that technology will form the basis of the computers of the near and longer term future. The essential feature of quantum computing can however be mentioned here. It is as follows. If one uses a string of N bits (called a 'register' in computer science, e.g. 001011101111010) in some form of computing operation (it doesn't matter for the moment what the operation is) it will take a certain amount of time using 'classical computing.' However in the same amount of time, using 'quantum computing' techniques, one can often perform 2N such operations. (2n means 2 multiplied by 2 multiplied by 2 … (N times). As N becomes large, 2n become astronomically large. The potential of quantum computing is thus hugely superior to classical computing. Since Moore's law is likely to take us to the atomic scale , where the laws of physics called 'quantum mechanics' need to be applied, humanity will be forced to compute quantum mechanically, hence the enormous theoretical and experimental effort in the past few years to understand and build 'quantum computers.' [….] Quantum computing still has many conceptual and practical problems that need to be solved before quantum computers are sold to the public. But progress is being made every month, so personally I believe that it is only a question of time before we have functional quantum computers [….] Now, start putting one bit per atom memory storage capacities together with quantum computing and the combination is truly explosive. 21st century computers could have potential computing capacities truly trillions of trillions of trillions …. of times above of current classical computing capacities [….] I hope you have followed me so far [….] At this point in the argument, you may be racing ahead of me a little and object that I seem to be assuming implicitly that massive memory capacities and astronomical computational capacities are sufficient to generate massively intelligent machines, and that nothing else is needed. I have been accused by some of colleagues of this, so let me state my personal opinion on this question [….] There are people (for example, Sir Roger Penrose, of black hole theory fame, and arch rival of the British cosmologist Stephen Hawking) who claim that there is more to producing an intelligent machine than just massive computational abilities. Penrose claims that consciousness would also be needed, and that new physics will be required to understand the nature and creation of artificial consciousness in machines [….] I am open to this rejection. Perhaps such critics are right. If so, then their objections do not change my basic thesis very much, perhaps causing a delay of several decades as the nature of consciousness is better understood. I feel that it is only a question of time before science understands how nature build us, i.e. I expect science will come to understand the 'embryogenic' process, used in building an embryo and then a baby, consisting of trillions of cells, from a single fertilized egg cell [….] We have the existence proof of ourselves, who are both intelligent and conscious, that it is possible for nature to assemble molecules in an appropriate way to build us. When a pregnant woman eats, some of the molecules in her food are rearranged, and then self assembled into a large molecular structure consisting of trillions of trillions of atoms that become her baby. The baby is a self-assembled collection of molecules that gets built to become a functional three-dimensional creature that is intelligent and conscious ...” [269]

51.-) “ … There are strong links between the development of computers and the emergence of A.I. However, the seeds of A.I. Were sown long before the development of modern computers. Philosophers such as Descartes considered animals in terms of their machine performance, and automatons were the precursors of the humanoid robots of today. But artificial beings can be traced back even further, to stories of the Prague Golem, or even further to Greek myths such as Pygmalion's Galatea [….] The strongest immediate roots probably date back to the work of McCulloch and Pitts, who, in 1943, described mathematical models (called perceptrons) of neurons in the brain (brain cells) based on a detailed analysis of the biological originals. They not indicated how neurons either fire or do not fire (are 'on' or 'off'), thereby operating in a switching binary fashion, but also showed how such neurons could learn and hence change their action with respect to time [….] Perhaps one of the greatest pioneers of the field was a British scientists, Alan Turing. In the 1950s (long before the computers of today appeared), Turing wrote a seminal paper in which he attempted to answer the question 'Can a machine think?' To even ask the question was, at the time, revolutionary, but to also come up with an applicable test (commonly known as the Turing Test) with which to answer the question was provocative in the extreme [….] It was shortly after this that Marvin Minsky and Dean Edmonds built what could be described as the first A.I. Computer, based on a network of the neuron models of McCulloch and Pitts. At the same time, Claude Shannon considered the possibility of a computer playing chess and the type of strategies needed in order to decide which move to make next. In 1956, at the instigation of John McCarthy, along with Minsky and Shannon, researchers came together at Dartmouth College in the U.S.A. For the first workshop celebrating the new field of A.I. It was here that many of the subsequent classical foundations of the subjects were first laid [….] THE MIDDLE AGES OF A.I. DEVELOPMENT. In the 1960s the most profound contribution to the field was arguably the General Problem Solver of Newell and Simon. This was a multipurpose program aimed at simulating, using a computer, some human problem-solving methods. Unfortunately the technique employed was not particular efficient, and because of the time taken and memory requirements to solve even relatively straightforward real problems, the project was abandoned [….] The other significant contribution of the 1960s was that of Lofti Zadeh, with the introduction of the idea of 'fuzzy' sets and systems — meaning that computers do not have to operate in a merely binary, logical format, but can also perform in a human-like, 'fuzzy' way [….] Other than these examples, the 1960s was perhaps a time of some foolhardy claims regarding the potential of A.I. To copy and even perhaps recreate the entire workings of the human brain within a very short space of time. An observation in hindsight is that trying to get a computer to operate in exactly the same way as a human brain was rather like trying to make an aeroplane fly in the same way as a bird. In the latter case one would miss out on the good characteristics of the aeroplane, and so it was that A.I. Research at this time missed out on much of the good points on offer from computers [….] Unfortunately (and quite surprisingly), some of the limited thinking from the 1960s persists today. Some present textbooks (some even under the guise of modern A.I.) still concentrate merely on the classical approach of trying to get a computer to copy human intelligence, without truly considering the extent and exciting possibilities of different types of A.I. — in terms of machines being intelligent in their own way, not merely copying human intelligence [….] In this period, considerable effort did go into making computers understand and converse in natural, human language, rather than their more direct machine code. This was partly driven by Turing's ideas of intelligence, but also partly by a desire for computers to more readily interface with the real world [….] One of the best English-speaking computer programs was Josepgh Weisenbaum's ELIZA. Indeed, this was the first of what have become known as 'Chatterbots.' Even at this relatively early stage, some of its conversations were sufficiently realistic that some users occasionally were fooled into thinking they were communicating with a human rather than a computer [….] In fact, ELIZA generally gave a canned response or simply repeated what had been said to it, merely rephrasing the response with a few basic rules of grammar. However, it was shown that such an action appeared to adequately copy, to some extent, some of the conversational activities of humans [….] THE DARK AGES OF A.I. RESEARCH. After the excitement of the 1960s, with substantial research funding and claims of what would shortly be achieved in terms of A.I. Replicating human intelligence, the 1970s proved to be something of a let down, and in many ways was a Dark Age for A.I. Some of the more optimistic claims of the 1960s raised expectations to an extremely high level, and when the promised results failed to be realized, much of the research funding for A.I. disappeared [….] At the same time the field of neural networks — computers copying the neural make-up of the brain — came to a halt almost overnight due to a scathing attack from Marvin Minsky and Seymour Papert on the inability of perceptrons to generalize in order to deal with certain types of relatively simple problems [….] It must be realized, however, that in the 1970s the capabilities of computers and therefore A.I. programs were quite limited in comparison with those of today. Even the best of the programs could only deal with simple versions of the problems they were aimed at solving; indeed, all the programs at that time were, in some sense, 'toy' programs. [….] Researchers had in fact run into several fundamental limits that would not be overcome until much later. The main one of these was limited computing power. There was nowhere near enough speed or memory for really useful tasks — an example of this from the time was Ross Quillan's natural language machine, which had to get by with a total vocabulary of 20 words! [….] However, the main problem was that A.I. tasks, such as getting a computer to communicate in a natural language or to understand the content of a picture in anything like a human way, required a lot of information and a lot of processing power, even to operate at a very low, restricted level. General, everyday objects in an image can be difficult for computers to discern, and what humans regard as common-sense reasoning about words and objects actually requires a lot of background information […] If the technical difficulties faced in the 1970s were not enough, the field also became an acceptable topic of interest to philosophers. For example, John Searle came up with his Chinese room argument to show that a computer cannot be said to 'understand' the symbols with which it communicates. Further, he argued, because of this machine cannot necessarily be described as 'thinking' — as Turing had previously postulated — purely in terms of symbol manipulation [….] Although many practical researchers simply got on with their jobs and avoided the flak, several philosophers (such as Searle) gave the strong impression that the actual achievements of A.I. would always be severely limited. Minsky said, of these people: 'They misunderstand, and should be ignored.' As a result, a lot of infighting occurred, which took the focus away from technical developments, and towards philosophical arguments which (in hindsight) many now see to be red herrings [….] Almost standing alone at the time, John McCarthy considered that how the human brain operates and what humans do is not directly relevant for A.I. He felt that what were really needed were machines that could solve problems — not necessarily computers that think in exactly the same way people do. Minsky was critical of this, claiming that understanding objects and conversing, to be done well, required a computer to think like a person. An so the arguments went on [….] THE A.I. RENAISSANCE. The 1980s saw something of a revival in A.I. This was due to three factors [….] First, many researchers followed McCarthy's lead and continued to developed A.I. systems from a practical point of view. To put it simply, they just got on with it. This period saw the development of 'expert systems', which were designed to deal with a very specific domain of knowledge — hence somewhat avoiding the arguments on a lack of 'common sense'. Although initially piloted in the 1970s, it was in the 1980s that such systems began to be used for actual, practical applications in industry [….] Second, although the philosophical discussions (and arguments) continued, particularly as regards to whether or not a machine could possibly think in the same way as a human, they seemed to do so largely independently of the practical A.I. work that was occurring. The two schools simply proceed with their own thing, the A.I. developers realizing practical industrial solutions without necessarily claiming that computer should or could behave like humans [….] Third, the parallel development of robotics started to have a considerable influence on A.I. In this respect a new paradigm arose in the belief that to exhibit 'real' intelligence, a computer needs to have a body in order to perceive, move and survive in the world. Without suck skills, the arguments goes, how can a computer ever be expected to behave in the same way as a human? Without these abilities, how could a computer experience common sense? So, the advent of a cybernetic influence on A.I. put much more
emphasis on building A.I. from the bottom up, the sort of approach, in fact originally postulated by McCulloch and Pitts ...” [270]

52.-) “ ... According to Cisco systems, worldwide Internet traffic increased by a factor of twelve in just the five years between 2006 and 2011, reaching 23.9 exabytes per month. An exabyte is a ridiculous big number, the equivalent of more than two hundred thousand of Watson's entire database. However, even this is not enough to capture the magnitude of current and future digitization. technology research firm IDC estimates that there were 2.7 zettabytes, or 2.7 sextillion bytes, of digital data in the world in 2012, almost half as much again as existed in 2011. And this data won't just sit on disc drives; it'll also move around. cisco predicts that global Internet Protocol traffic will reach 1.3 zettabytes by 2016. That's over 250 billion DVDs of information __[....]__ As these figures make clear, digitization yields truly big data. In fact, if this kind of growth keeps up for much longer we're going to run out of metric system. when its set of prefixes was expanded in 1991 at the nineteenth general conference on weights and measures, the largest one was yotta, signifying one septillion, or 1024. We're only one prefix away from that in the 'zettabyte era.' ...” [272]

53.-) “ … At this very moment, the cure for HIV might be unfolding in an auditorium-size room where a 683,000-pound [310,455-kilo] computer is making remarkable calculations far beyond the abilities of the human mind. The Blue Waters supercomputer is able to make profound discoveries in a single second that would take a simple calculator 32 million years [….] In the case of the HIV project, the supercomputer’s speed allowed researchers to translate the findings from experiments into a simulated animation that provided a clear view of a precise chemical structure involving 64 million atoms — something scientists have long struggled to understand in their search for a cure [….] A surprising two-thirds of supercomputers now perform Big Data analysis as part of their workload, according to a 2013 study by International Data Corp., or IDC. As IDC analyst Steve Conway puts it, '… Few people would have imagined at the dawn of the supercomputer era that [these] systems would be used to help design products ranging from cars and airplanes to golf clubs ... much less to enable a company ... to detect online consumer fraud in near-real time. But that is the new wave of supercomputers.' ...” [273]

54.-) “ … WE’VE HAD A BAD DECADE OR TWO IN THE UNITED STATES, IF NOT AROUND THE WORLD, FULL of nasty surprises and shocks. First 9/11, then the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan that did not work out the way we anticipated. In the 1990s we were told there could be no more financial crises, which was reassuring until the Great Recession happened in 2008. The impact of the financial crisis was worse in Europe, all the more as it was imported from America. The Arab Spring—though welcomed at first—was largely a surprise; no one anticipated that the Ben Ali or Mubarak regimes would fold so fast or that authoritarianism could come back so quickly in the case of Egypt. Equally, two big natural disasters—Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy—showed us just how vulnerable we are. And how much we have failed to heed the warnings about extreme weather. Finally, more recently, Russian aggression against Crimea seems to have come out of the blue, rattling our assumptions about Cold War divisions having been overcome. [….] Another way is to see shocks and surprises as the new normal. There are multiple reasons: globalization, greater interconnectedness, new extreme weather patterns, and dynamic new technologies that are reaching tipping points. There is more than enough evidence from what we feel in our daily lives that change is ever increasing, making the future seem more unpredictable [….] ALL OF US WILL NEED MORE THAN LUCK TO SUCCEED AND EXCEL IN THIS NEW, FASTER-PACED WORLD. I believe we are in a new era that we are only just beginning to understand. Unlike in the past, the United States doesn’t have much margin for error. We do have to be smarter [….] In truth the future doesn’t have to be bad. But it could be if we don’t watch out. We’re at one of those junctures in which it could go different ways. But many of us don’t seem to care, or maybe believe we can’t do anything about it. In my view, that’s not so. We have so many ways to ensure it does go in a direction that benefits us all [….] Which way is the Middle East headed? Will we live in a nuclear-proliferated world? What are the key threats facing the United States? Are we winning the global war on terrorism? I briefed Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama on them. They are used in strategic planning by the White House, State Department, Pentagon, and others. Within the intelligence community they are used to think about how to position intelligence operations for the future [….] WE CAN AND SHOULD PLAN FOR OUR FUTURE. I have grown more and more concerned that we Americans are not planning for the future. Part of that may be ignorance about the sheer magnitude of the developments unfolding. Never has humankind stood at the threshold of so much technological change, for example, where the ground is moving under our feet. As I’ll address in this work, human nature is being transformed. The old limitations—whether in mental or physical capabilities—are being lifted. For billions of people in the developing world, it is not a cliché to say that a new and more prosperous era is dawning that was unimaginable even two or three decades ago [….] As Americans, we should revel in those changes. The liberal world order we established after 1945 allowed other nations and societies to prosper and rise. Today’s more multipolar world is part of the US dream, and we should glory in it [….] Unfortunately, we seem to feel increasingly threatened by it. Multipolar was not a word in the official government lexicon until recently, and many in the Washington foreign policy establishment are still loath to acknowledge the less US-dominated order [….] We should not have had to argue about what was reality. We should have been proud and not threatened by it [….] The United States’ relative decline was another term I used that was highly controversial in the last two editions. Some US critics thought I was undercutting the United States by using it in an official government document. Ironically, senior Chinese officials puzzled over why it was used in an official document but concluded it showed that the United States was indeed so confident about itself that it could be open about its weaknesses. I don’t think relative decline represents a weakness, just a fact that the rest of the world is getting richer. But I think the Chinese are right that we have nothing to be embarrassed about. And the fact that we can be frank about ourselves gives the document an enormous amount of credibility in others’ eyes [….] It’s a shame we spend so much time on the decline issue because the world ahead offers so many opportunities for the United States. It’s still the case that much of the world—though not all—wants basic elements of our way of living—the traditional middle-class lifestyle that obviously involves materialism like cars and houses but also the freedoms that Americans have and the ability to plan for their children’s future. So much of the rest of the world until relatively recently could not hope for a better future for their children. If it happened, it was either by fluke or by birthright. The growth of the middle class—a big theme you’ll see—is tailor-made for America as it engages others in this more multipolar world [….] For me, while a lot about the trends is worth celebrating, there is justification for worry. You could say there’s a lot of TREACHEROUS DRIVING AHEAD AS WE NAVIGATE SLIPPERY PAVEMENT, DANGEROUS HAIRPIN TURNS, and a lot of sheer drops along the side of the road. Having our wits about us is key. THE PROBLEM IS THAT THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT KINDS OF DANGEROUS THREATS TO KEEP OUR EYES ON. It would be far easier if there were just a couple threats that we knew were definitely out there. A theme in the book is that individuals and small groups have the ability to do harm on a level formerly reserved for states. In government, we’ve had almost five centuries of experience—at least in the West—of navigating our way in the state-run international order. But this is a new world in which you have to worry about terrorists blowing up iconic buildings in Manhattan or Washington. The British in the heyday of the Empire also had their worries about Afghan jihadism, but it never threatened London. Irish terrorists did explode bombs in the imperial capital, but there was no hijacking of airplanes and ramming them into buildings, causing massive casualties. Sadly for the future, the kind of destruction witnessed on 9/11 is the tip of the iceberg of what terrorists, insurgents, and states can do [….] I can’t tell you how many times US government officials—particularly when they are frustrated by the nebulousness of terrorist or insurgent threats—have leaned back in their chairs and gazed out wistfully, murmuring t hat it was so much easier in t he Cold War. In t he Cold War, we knew who the enemy was (the Soviets and Communism) and what they wanted (world domination). And even when the liberation struggles were waged in Central America or Africa, at least we thought we knew who the real enemy was behind it all. We’re again seeing rising tensions with Russia over its aggression in Ukraine, but I don’t believe we’re going back to a bipolar world of two superpowers trying to stare down each other. Unfortunately, it’s going to be a lot messier if the world is both globalized at one level and also fragmented as multipolarity increases [….] We’ve gone from a black-and-white to a gray world, and at an intellectual level we know this change to be true. However, in our hearts we are still searching for that clean and simple explanation for the new era that is unfolding. We all want to be a latter-day George Kennan, who invented the concept of Soviet containment. It was a clean and concise concept that gave meaning and direction for all our actions in the Cold War [….] I wish it were that easy. The best definition I’ve found of the era that we’re in comes from the opening lines of Charles Dickens’s A Tale of Two Cities—that entrancing and enduring novel about the French Revolution that began in 1789: ' … It was the best of times, it was the worst of times . . . it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair. . . . ; Dickens wrote that at a time of immense change when the outcome was not apparent. We’re in a similar period. Besides 1789, I would compare this time to other pivotal historic moments like 1815, 1919, 1945, or 1989, when existing political, social, and economic systems were upended. Either we take charge and direct the needed changes or change will take charge of us. Although profiled once in Foreign Policy as 'the Fatalist,' I am far from it [….] The whole purpose of this book is to help us shape the future. As an American, I think the stakes are particularly high for the country’s standing in the world and for ordinary Americans who want to maintain their quality of life, but the stakes are high for everyone, everywhere. The justifiable inclination after being at war for over a decade is that Americans want to turn to problems at home. And there are urgent challenges that have been ignored for too long. However, without staying engaged and shaping the global environment, there won’t be a bright future either. So we must do both, which won’t be easy [….] This volume seeks to forge a comprehensive look on the future. Too many books on the future deal just with one or two strands, providing a distorted view. Many play up the bleaker or scarier aspects, which is easy to do [….] It is important, though, to put all the changes into context, because what we are looking at is a systems change. Just as the French Revolution and advent of mass manufacturing portrayed by Dickens in his novels ushered in a new era of nationalism, class conflict, and budding democratic politics, we are witnessing profound structural changes that will lead to a wholly different world. Or, as an American Indian
proverb puts it, '… For new music, a new dance is needed …' [….] Yes, we are in for some big structural changes. And I do agree with science fiction writer William Gibson: '… The future is already here, it’s just not very evenly distributed ….' We often have difficulty understanding the future’s significance. The past won’t disappear, either; it will continue to exert an influence on how we approach the future. There will be choices we will need to make about the kind of future we want. And it is up to us to choose. Hopefully this book will help us all make the right choices ...” [273]

55.-) “ … Scenario thinking is about freedom. In Western societies, people are ostensibly free, but they feel constrained by the unpredictability of events. Every year, every decade, we’re surprised by social or technological upheavals that appear suddenly, surprisingly. HOW CAN PEOPLE, BUSINESSES, AND INSTITUTIONS PLAN FOR THE FUTURE WHEN THEY DON’T KNOW WHAT TOMORROW WILL BRING? IN THIS UNPREDICTABLE CONTEXT, FREEDOM IS THE ABILITY TO ACT BOTH WITH CONFIDENCE AND A FULL KNOWLEDGE OF UNCERTAINTY. [….] To act with confidence, one must be willing to look ahead and consider uncertainties: "What challenges could the world present me? How might others respond to my actions?" RATHER THAN ASKING SUCH QUESTIONS, TOO MANY PEOPLE REACT TO UNCERTAINTY WITH DENIAL. They take an unconsciously deterministic view of events. THEY TAKE IT FOR GRANTED THAT SOME THINGS JUST CAN’T AND WON’T HAPPEN; for example, "oil prices won’t collapse," or "the Cold War can’t ever end." Since they haven’t tried to foresee surprising events, they’re at a loss for ways to act when upheaval continues. THEY CREATE BLIND SPOTS FOR THEMSELVES. [….] Scenarios are a tool for helping us to take a long view in a world of great uncertainty. Scenarios are stories about the way the world might turn out tomorrow, stories that can help us recognize and adapt to changing aspects of our present environment. They form a method for articulating the different pathways that might exist for you tomorrow, and finding your appropriate movements down each of those possible paths. Scenario planning is about making choices today with an understanding of how they might turn out. [….] In this context the precise definition of 'scenario' is: a tool for ordering one’s perceptions about alternative future environments in which one’s decisions might be played out. Alternatively, scenarios can be regarded as a set of organized ways to dream effectively about our future. These stories are built around carefully constructed 'plots' that make the significant elements stand out boldly. This approach is more a disciplined way of thinking than a formal methodology. [….] I’ve used scenarios with some of the world’s largest businesses and government institutions, and I’ve used them in starting a small business and in making personal decisions about my diet and health. You could use scenarios to plan a business, to choose an education, to look for a job, to judge an investment, or even to contemplate marriage. [….] SCENARIOS CAN OFTEN HELP PEOPLE FORESEE DECISIONS—USUALLY DIFFICULT DECISIONS—THAT THEY WOULD OTHERWISE MISS OR DENY. [….] SCENARIOS ARE NOT PREDICTIONS. It’s simply not possible to predict the future with certainty. An old Arab proverb says that, '... he who predicts the future lies even if he tells the truth ....' Rather, scenarios are vehicles for helping people learn. Unlike traditional business forecasting or market research, they present alternative images; they don’t merely extrapolate the trends of the present. One common trend, for instance, is the U.S. birthrate. In the early 1970s, it hovered around 3 million births per year. Forecasters at the U.S. Census Bureau projected that this 'trend' would continue forever. Schools, which had been rushed into construction during the baby boom of the fifties and early sixties, were now closed down and sold. Policymakers did not consider that the birthrate might rise again suddenly. BUT A SCENARIO MIGHT HAVE CONSIDERED THE LIKELIHOOD THAT ORIGINAL BABY BOOM CHILDREN, REACHING THEIR LATE THIRTIES, WOULD SUDDENLY HAVE CHILDREN OF THEIR OWN. IN 1979, THE U.S. BIRTHRATE BEGAN TO RISE; IN 1990, IT WAS ALMOST BACK TO THE 4 MILLION OF THE FIFTIES. [….] OFTEN, MANAGERS PREFER THE ILLUSION OF CERTAINTY TO UNDERSTANDING RISKS AND REALITIES. IF THE FORECASTER FAILS IN HIS TASK, HOW CAN THE MANAGER BE BLAMED? BUT IN THE LONG RUN, THIS DENIAL OF UNCERTAINTY SETS THE STAGE FOR SURPRISES, SHATTERING THE MANAGER’S CONFIDENCE IN HER ABILITY TO LOOK AHEAD. Scenarios allow a manager to say, 'I am prepared for whatever happens.' It’s this ability to act with a knowledgeable sense of risk and reward that separates both the business executive and the wise individual from a bureaucrat or a gambler. [….] Scenarios first emerged following World War II, as a method for military planning. The U.S. Air Force tried to imagine what its opponents might do, and to prepare alternative strategies. In the 1960s, Herman Kahn, who had been part of the Air Force effort, REFINED SCENARIOS AS A TOOL FOR BUSINESS PROGNOSTICATION. He became America’s top futurist, predicting the inevitability of growth and prosperity. But scenarios reached a new dimension in the early 1970s, with the work of an amazing individual named Pierre Wack. In 1968, Wack was a planner in the London offices of Royal Dutch/Shell, the international oil enterprise, in a newly-formed department called Group Planning. [….] Pierre and other planners at Royal Dutch/Shell (notably his colleague Ted Newland) were looking for events that might affect the price of oil. It had been more or less steady since World War II. Oil was, in fact, seen as a strategic commodity; consuming nations would do what they could to keep the price low, since the prosperity of their economies depended on oil. But there were several significant events in the air. [….] First, the United States was beginning to exhaust its oil reserves. Meanwhile, American demand for oil was steadily rising. And the emerging Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was showing signs of flexing its political muscle. Most of these countries were Islamic, and they bitterly resented Western support of Israel after the 1967 Arab-Israeli Six-Day War. [….] Looking closely at the situation, Pierre and Ted realized that the Arabs could demand much higher prices for their oil. There was every reason that they would. The only uncertainty was when, though it seemed likely to happen before 1975, when old oil price agreements were due to be renegotiated. They wrote up two sets of scenarios—each a complete set of stories about the future, with tables of projected price figures. One story presented the conventional wisdom at Royal Dutch/Shell which went like this: somehow, the oil price would stay stable. In order for that to happen, a miracle would have to occur; new oil fields, for instance, might have to appear in non-Arab countries. The second scenario looked at the more plausible future—an oil-price crisis sparked by OPEC. Shell’s directors listened carefully as Pierre presented these two scenarios. The directors understood the implications: THEY REALIZED THAT THEY MIGHT HAVE TO CHANGE THEIR BUSINESS DRASTICALLY. [….] Pierre waited for a change in behavior at Royal Dutch/Shell, but no change in behavior came. That’s when he developed his breakthrough: scenarios, as he later put it, should be 'more than water on a stone.' To be truly effective, they had to 'change our managers’ view of reality.' In this new type of scenario, there were no more simple tales of possible futures. Instead, PIERRE DESCRIBED THE FULL RAMIFICATIONS OF POSSIBLE OIL PRICE SHOCKS. He tried to make people feel those shocks. 'Prepare!' he told oil refiners and marketers. 'You are about to become a low-growth industry.' He warned the drillers and explorers who sought new oil to get ready for the possibility that OPEC countries would take over their oil fields. Most importantly, Pierre vividly pointed to the forces in the world, and what sorts of influences those forces had to have. He helped managers imagine the decisions they might have to make as a result. [….] And he was just in time. IN OCTOBER 1973, AFTER THE 'YOM KIPPUR' WAR IN THE MIDDLE EAST, THERE WAS AN OIL PRICE SHOCK. THE 'ENERGY CRISIS' BURST UPON THE WORLD. Of the major oil companies, ONLY SHELL WAS PREPARED EMOTIONALLY FOR THE CHANGE. The company’s executives responded quickly. During the following years, Shell’s fortunes rose. From one of the weaker of the so-called 'Seven Sisters,' the seven largest global oil companies, it became one of the two largest (after Exxon) and, arguably, the most profitable. [….] TO OPERATE IN AN UNCERTAIN WORLD, PEOPLE NEEDED TO BE ABLE TO REPERCEIVE, TO QUESTION THEIR ASSUMPTIONS ABOUT THE WAY THE WORLD WORKS, SO THAT THEY COULD SEE THE WORLD MORE CLEARLY. The purpose of scenarios is to help you change your view of reality—to match it up more closely with reality as it is, and reality as it is going to be. [….] THE END RESULT, HOWEVER, IS NOT AN ACCURATE PICTURE OF TOMORROW, BUT BETTER DECISIONS ABOUT THE FUTURE. The planner and the executive are partners in taking a long view. Thus, while Pierre Wack’s seminal role is at the heart of this story, IT WAS THOUGHTFUL AND FARSIGHTED SHELL EXECUTIVES who offered him that role in the first place, provided him with the resources he needed, and paid him the compliment of listening to him and taking him seriously. [….] PIERRE WACK WAS NOT INTERESTED IN PREDICTING THE FUTURE. HIS GOAL WAS THE LIBERATION OF PEOPLE’S INSIGHTS. HIS METHODS WERE THE INSPIRATION FOR THE ART OF THE LONG VIEW. [….] AT SHELL, PIERRE HAD ALSO COME TO BELIEVE THAT IF YOU WANTED TO SEE THE FUTURE YOU COULD NOT GO TO CONVENTIONAL SOURCES OF INFORMATION. Everyone else would know them as well and thus you would have no unique advantage. YOU HAD TO SEEK OUT TRULY UNUSUAL PEOPLE WHO HAD THEIR FINGER ON THE PULSE OF CHANGE, WHO COULD SEE SIGNIFICANT BUT SURPRISING FORCES FOR CHANGE. THESE PEOPLE WOULD BE FOUND IN VERY DIFFERENT WALKS OF LIFE, ALL OVER THE WORLD. [….] I took the plunge as an entrepreneur starting, with a few friends, a new style of organization called Global Business Network, bringing together people from many different fields to help companies gain insight into the future. What follows is based upon what I learned along the way about how to take the long
view. [….] I know many people who are deeply pessimistic about the future; even people who are well known and financially secure, people with loving families, people who live in the wealthiest countries in the world. But I’m personally optimistic: I believe that a better political vision is emerging. [….] It sounds like science fiction, but I take the ideas of the growth hormone seriously because I have followed news about genetic engineering since the early 1980s. I do not say, even to myself, that such a hormone will exist. I am willing to admit only that it could—and that it would be wise to think about its ramifications in advance. The implications are profound. Population forecasts would be immediately made wrong; demographic projections depend on the birthrate and on average life spans (the death rate). If those assumptions are off by 30 percent, it could mean a population growth curve rising exponentially from previous projections. If the hormone extends the childbearing age for women, it could dramatically increase the birthrate as well. [….] I DON’T MEAN TO SUGGEST THAT YOU SPEND ALL YOUR WAKING HOURS CONSIDERING ARCANE POSSIBILITIES. THE TRICK IS FINDING THOSE POSSIBILITIES TO CONSIDER WHICH ARE SIGNIFICANT. [….] THIS INVASION BY ACTIVE KNOWLEDGE TENDS TO TRANSFORM MAN’S ENVIRONMENT AND MAN HIMSELF—to what extent, with what risks, what deviations from the basic conditions of existence and of the preservation of life we simply do not know. Life has become, in short, the object of an experiment of which we can say only one thing—that it tends to estrange us more and more from what we were, or what we think we are, and that it is leading us…we do not know, and can by no means imagine, where. [….] IN OTHER WORDS, NOT JUST OUR LIVELIHOODS, BUT OUR SOULS ARE ENDANGERED—UNLESS WE LEARN TO DISTINGUISH THE SIGNIFICANT ASPECTS OF THE FUTURE. [….] Scenarios deal with two worlds,' wrote Pierre Wack. 'The world of facts and the world of perceptions. They explore for facts but they aim at perceptions inside the heads of decision makers. Their purpose is to gather and transform information of strategic significance into fresh perceptions.' Pierre continued: 'This transformation process is not trivial—more often than not it does not happen. When it works, it is a creative experience that generates a heartfelt ‘Aha!’ from your managers and leads to strategic insights beyond the mind’s previous reach.' …” [274]

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


Incidentally, every Scientific and Technological Progression available that is into a “ ...doubling ...” order of magnitude is synthesized here:

Doubling A: (# 1 of 12)

“... HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY TEN YEARS [AS PER THE 1998 STANDARDS]. In the past decade, more scientific knowledge has been created than in all of human history ...” ( ). Brackets are of the author. [226]

Doubling B: (# 2 of 12)


Doubling C: (# 3 of 12)


Doubling D: (# 4 of 12)


Doubling E: (# 5 of 12)


Doubling F: (# 6 of 12)


Doubling G: (# 7 of 12)


Doubling I: (# 8 of 12)


Doubling J: (# 9 of 12)

“... MORE THAN THE DOUBLING OF COMPUTATIONAL POWER [IS TAKING PLACE] EVERY YEAR ...” [177] ( Brackets are of the author. [226]

Doubling K: (# 10 of 12)

“... Like Moore’s Law for silicon electronics, which says that computers are growing exponentially smaller and more powerful every year, molecular systems developed with DNA nanotechnology have been doubling in size roughly every three years …,” says Professor Erik Winfree at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). [197] ( [217] [226]

Doubling J: (# 11 of 12)


Doubling K: (# 12 of 12)



Back to the White Swan hardcore:

N.B.: In no way am I suggesting to be amused by these forceful technological innovations and changed changes above. These are only forces, beyond the material control of any single human, that are seriously observed and considered by me.


To the end above, Prof. Gary Hamel, Ph.D. argued, “... Denial is tragic. Delay is deadly ...”

And Albert Einstein determined, “... It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity … We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive ...”

And Dr. Aubrey de Grey PhD. establishes, “... To solve a very complicated problem, you generally need a fairly complicated [and complex] solution [in advance] ..." Brackets are of the author.

And to second Dr. Aubrey de Grey PhD., we now have,

“... Outdated mental models and assumptions keep us stuck in old patterns [….] Often we don't even realize it until it is too late ...” [233]


“ ... The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics and cynics …. We need people who can dream things that never were ...” — John F. Kennedy

Having indicated that:

The near and far-out futures will be based on the knowledge, science and technologies that exist today.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


The White Swan Proven Idea (through omniscient-truthful evidences and real-world measurable and repeatable outcomes, acquired and audited by own corporations' applied managing scientists) — only concerning organizations of a rational-type structure such as corporations, start-ups by entrepreneurs, coalitions, consortia, joint ventures, governments, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, supranational organizations, armed forces, charities, not-for-profit corporations, partnerships, cooperatives, universities, various types of political organizations, semi-public-agencies, hybrid organizations (acting in public and private sectors), voluntary associations, unions, clubs and religious organizations — puts forward that, although and sometimes disproportionately high-profile, hard-to-predict, persistently threatening and disruptive, as well as rare events are mostly unpredictable, yet a visionary and savvy organization can, anyway, make unprecedented and auspicious early-on preparations to address huge potential disruptions and downside futures through (beforehand) « ...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management ...» interdisciplinary problem-solving and proactive decision-making methodology, also known as TAIRM. (That is: Feet-on-the-ground problem solving).

White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management interdisciplinary methodology is a fancy name for a manager's toolkit for continuously securing lucrative success.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

By “...corporate ...” and “...corporations...” the author means to state immeasurable large global for-lucre corporations whose outputted services and products are mostly manufactured tangibles.

A good brief example of what I do NOT mean are, for instance, Investment Banks or Stock-Market Traders and Stock-Market Brokers.

I am only interested in Fortune-7 Corporations. That is, Multizillion-dollar corporations (sic).


(I.-) Divination,

(II.-) Soothsaying,

(III.-) Foretelling,

(IV.-) Predictioneering,

(V.-) Futurism,

(VI.-) Futurity,

(VII.-) Futilitarianism,

(VIII.-) Hunches-telling,

(IX.-) First-Guessing,

(X.-) Second-Guessing,
(XI.-) Fortunetelling,

(XII.-) Prophesying,

(XIII.-) Presaging,

(XIV.-) Premonition, and

XV.-) Visioneering.


“ … The time for peering into tea leaves or reading astrological charts should be long over. We should leave entertaining divinations to storefront psychics ...”


“ … Like kings of old dispensing with their astrologers, big business is sacking its economic soothsayers. Their stargazing proved entertaining and interesting — but not very useful ...” FORBES (Jan/21/1991)

CAN WE PREDICT THE FUTURE? I get the question all the time. Of course, the answer is no. No one has a crystal ball. But we can know enough about the future that we can plan and get ultimately prepared as we plan. There is a difference between prediction and foresight. Prediction is trying to divine the precise future—an impossible task. Foresight is understanding the factors or variables that can or may produce the future. Inevitably, foresight talks about alternative futures— because how we shape those trends can lead to different futures. President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s famous saying that ' … plans are worthless, but planning is everything ...' is good advice here. Thinking systematically about the future—even if we can’t exactly foretell it—helps us prepare for it.


“ … That it is possible for us to anticipate actions, to predict the future, and, by looking for ways to change incentives, to engineer the future across a stunning range of considerations that involve human decision making. That's not to say it's easy, or that it's a mere matter of anecdote and reflection there's hard science, theory, and some mind-bending arithmetic that come into play — but it is possible, and given what we've seen when humans in power run amok, whether in chateaus or boardrooms, it's preferable to letting the chips fall where they may or to saving our better ideas, regrets, and outrage for when they usually appear — that is, when they're too late __[....]__ It so happens I've been predicting future events for three decades, often in print before the fact, and mostly getting them right. Don't get me wrong — I'm no soothsayer and I have no patience for crystal ball gazers, astrologers, or even most pundits. In my world, science, not mumbo-jumbo, is the way to anticipate people's choices and their consequences for altering the future. I use game theory — we'll talk later about what that means — to do just that for the U.S. government, big corporations, and sometimes ordinary folks too. In fact, I have made hundreds, even thousands of predictions — a great many of them in print, ready to be scrutinized by any naysayer. There is nothing uncanny about my ability to predict. Anyone can learn to use scientific reasoning to do what I do ...” [235]

Back to the White Swan hardcore.

To this purpose and given to me by a Sephardi Hebrew, an Arab adage argues,

“... The one who foretells the future correctly, lies even if he is telling the truth ...”


Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management has been successfully utilized in a wide variety of applications: telecommunications, health care, criminal justice, offshore oil drilling, coal mining, commercial space, petrochemicals, environmental protection, mass transit, food processing, nuclear power, aviation, and terrorism control.

Important risks tackled: legal, technological, environmental, security, safety, cyber, political, or human.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

White Swan and Transformative and Integrative Risk Management interdisciplinary methodology enthusiastically exploits every aspect, facet and phase of negative and positive risks and downside and upside futures, to further and continuously outright sequester continuous and sustainable lucre and profitable ongoing growth, including the following defined amenities. With the sponsorship of Ancient Greek and Modern Greek, each amenity will be thereby numbered and/or lettered:

Alpha.- Serendipity.— Serendipity means a "fortuitous happenstance" and/or "pleasant surprise" and/or “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. And also entails unexpected positive and beneficial accident(s) [….] And the art of finding something unintended [….] the common experience of observing unexpected, anomalous and strategic data and events, which are transformed into the instance and context to develop a new theory or to complement an existing theory [….] And the faculty of making fortunate Technological Breakthroughs and Scientific Discoveries And Innovation Developments by accident, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles and tangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits and planes [….] Unexpected Accidental Beneficial Discoveries in Science, Technology, Strategy, Business and Management ...”

Beta.- Pseudoserendipity.— Pseudoserendipity means PURPOSEFULLY CREATING the constant preconditions and conditions to seize "fortuitous happenstance" and/or "pleasant surprise" and/or “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. And also entails unexpected positive and beneficial accident(s) [….] the art of finding something unintended [….] the common experience of observing unexpected, anomalous and strategic data and events, which are transformed into the instance and context to develop a new theory or to complement an existing theory [….] And the faculty of making fortunate Technological Breakthroughs and Scientific Discoveries And Innovation Developments by accident, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles and tangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits and planes [….] Somewhat Expected Accidental Beneficial Discoveries in Science, Technology, Strategy, Business and Management ...”

Gamma.- Randomness (Randomness means lack of pattern or predictability in events. Randomness suggests a non-order or non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such there is no intelligible pattern or combination, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Delta.- Pseudo-Randomness (Pseudo-Randomness means quasi-lacking of pattern or quasi-predictability in events. Pseudo-Randomness suggests a quasi-non-order or quasi-non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such there is no intelligible pattern or combination, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Epsilon.- Fuzzy Logic: (A form of algebra employing a range of values from "true" to "false" as it is used in proactive decision-making with imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Zeta.- Pseudo-Fuzzy Logic: (A form of algebra employing a range of values from quasi-"true" to quasi-"false" as it is used in proactive decision-making with quasi-imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Eta.- Fortuitousness (Unexpected and casually happening[s], as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Theta.- Pseudo-fortuitousness (quasi-unexpected and quasi-casually happening[s], as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Iota.- Recursiveness (pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Kappa.- Pseudo-recursiveness (quasi-pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Lambda.- Haphazardness (the quality of lacking any predictable order or plan, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Mu.- Pseudo-Haphazardness (the quality of quasi-lacking any predictable order or plan, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Nu.- Mishaps (an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon, causing an event to result one way rather than another, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Xi.- Pseudo-Mishaps (a quasi-unknown and quasi-unpredictable phenomenon, causing an event to result one way rather than another, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniversal: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

What is the White Swan Target?

In a nutshell:

(A.-) Most Advanced Management (chiefly by applied Scientific Method), and

(B.-) Most Exponential Dynamic Driving Forces.

And in achieving “A.-” and “B.-” above, again and again, thoroughness and completeness will be redefined by several nonlinear orders of geometrical magnitude.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

White Swan Dictionary:

White Swan has its own dictionary at the end of this work. And it can be also seen at

Who is the White Swan Audience?

1.- Mr. David Shaw,
2.- Drew,
3.- Andy,
4.- Pervasive Technologists and Scientists,
5.- Extremely radiant Corporation's Officers,
6.- Forcefully irradiant Management Practitioners, Business Owners and Serious Entrepreneurs,
7.- People who love K.I.S.S., “Keep It Scientific, Savant.” And that impiously reject K.I.S.S.: “Keep It Simple, Stupid”,
8.- Anyone who reads and studies, and
8.- Others.

If you don't like strongest and most subtle thinking, the White Swan is never for you.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


Something that I relentlessly embrace at all times.

“...Google's Chief Engineer Officer Dr. Raymond Kurzweil's, with 19 doctoral degrees, relatives escaped the Holocaust '... BECAUSE THEY USED THEIR MINDS. THAT'S ACTUALLY THE PHILOSOPHY OF MY FAMILY …. THE POWER OF HUMAN IDEAS. I remember my grandfather coming back from his first return visit to Europe. I was seven and he told me he'd been given the opportunity to handle — with his own hands — original documents by LEONARDO DA VINCI. HE TALKED ABOUT IT IN VERY REVERENTIAL TERMS, LIKE THESE WERE SACRED DOCUMENTS. But they weren't handed down to us by God. They were created by a guy, a person. A SINGLE HUMAN HAD BEEN VERY INFLUENTIAL AND HAD CHANGED THE WORLD. THE MESSAGE WAS THAT HUMAN IDEAS CHANGED THE WORLD. AND THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT COULD CHANGE THE WORLD ...” [231]

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


My White Swan Tranformative and Integrative Risk Management's Corporate Clients will NEVER get Sputnik Moments (sic.).


My White Swan Tranformative and Integrative Risk Management's Corporate Clients will get a spelled-out of the totality of their upcoming:

(A.-) Positive Risks,

(B.-) Negative Risks,

(C.-) Upside Futures,

(D.-) Downside Futures,

(E.-) Positive and Upside Dynamic Driving Forces,

(F.-) Negative and Downside Dynamic Driving Forces,

(G.-) Positive and Upside Counter-Dynamic Driving Forces, and

(H.-) Negative and Downside Counter-Dynamic Driving Forces.

Items A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H above will be infinitely up-exploited and outsmarted and superseded, in order to augment Corporation’s hyperbolic cash sequestration and its SUSTAINABILITY within SUCCESS and PREVAIL, regardless of the Uncharted Waters and Incognito Territories.

My amazing mother used to say, “...Andres, the one seeks it is the one who finds it...”


DARPA has a nice adage:

“ ...If you are not failing frequently, you are not succeeding enough ...”

And it can be further clarified and enhanced by:

“ ...If you are not failing frequently [trough pervasive and forceful, yet well-directed error-and-trial real-life experiments to avoid the emergence of Black Swans], you are not succeeding enough [and, therefore, you are not securing the White Swan that will ascertain that your corporation stays lucrative, grows fiscally sound and thrives though any rogue swirl of change]...” Brackets are of the author.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


Corporate Chairpersons and CEOs MUST NEVER accept spoken interviews and presentations and other ORAL EXCHANGES, UNLESS and UNLESS alone, within the ensuing 24-hours, those Chairpersons and CEOs get a most solid, thorough, complete and well-written hard-copied material of spoken interviews and presentations and other ORAL EXCHANGES.

This is not done to capture the legally-binding “...trails...” of their verbal output, but to hold them morally and ethically responsible in everything communicated by executives to Chairpersons and CEOs.

This author is not going to elaborate in the sine qua non instrumentality in the bridged version. Doing it would take other unabridged tome.

Any serious Corporation it is so when everything spoken, including “...hello...”, is extremely documented, both digitally and physically.

I like talking but once the fundamentals HAVE BEEN FIRST dealt with in abundant writing.

I reject professionals, executives, Chairpersons and CEOs who are not into detailed writing.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


Only my Corporate Clients and Customers will get, through White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management the following:

(1.-) Extremely-detailed Predictions for the Short-, Mid- and Long-Term.

(2.-) Most Robust and Detailed Operational Plans to Lucre and Profit from (1.-) above.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is a multifarious methodology.

The reader has been warned. This is a “...brute force...” and “ … subtle force ...” interdisciplinary problem-solving and proactive decision-making approach. (That is: Feet-on-the-ground problem solving).

Through thorough application of Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (the exact opposite of insurance-based risk unmanagement), White Swan can be hereunder explained abundantly.

Let us briefly define Eureka Moment and Sputnik Moment now:

“ … The Eureka Moment, also known as the '...Aha! Moment ...', refers to the common human experience of suddenly understanding a previously incomprehensible problem or concept. The Eureka effect is named after the myth that the Greek polymath Archimedes, having discovered how to measure the volume of an irregular object, leaped out of a public bath, and ran home naked shouting 'eureka' (I found it) ...”


“ … The Sputnik Moment is a point in time in which a country or a society or even a corporation, realizes that it needs to catch up with the apparent technological and scientific gap which exists between it and some other superpower and/or global competitors, increasing its investment efforts into education and innovative R&D&I ...”

And Litmus Test:

“... A critical indication of future success or failure ...”

Coming Back to the White Swan hardcore:

The author (a manager, consultant, researcher and strategist into beyond-insurance risk management and scientific futuring) has a sufficient tangible number of unimpeachable actual corporate cases, attained through 33-year-plus of in-the-field professional experience, of outright success fundamentally coping with disproportionately high-profile, hard-to-predict, and rare events.

Where are the real-world proven-track records?

What are four solid real-life examples whose the Author has risk-managed? I have many letterhead testimonials about those. See the ensuing:

World-class Petroleum Refineries whose risks I have managed are available at

World-class Oil and Gas Tankers (maritime vessels) whose risks I have managed are available at

Oil and Gas Tankers (maritime vessels) that has benefited from Mr. Andres Agostini’s White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.

World-class Petroleum installations, equipments and hardware whose risks I have managed are available at

Toyota and Mitsubishi Motors factories and installations whose risks I have managed are available at

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

A thing or two about the word: “...Experience...”

Experience (optimal and correct) Vs. “...Previous Experience...” (totally wrong). Check it out:

If you Google Previous Experience, you will get about: 5,120,000 results.

“...Previous Experience...” is outright flaw since Plain-Vanilla-Per-Se Experience is always ACHIEVED AND SEQUESTERED in the Past and not always exploited in the Present and Future.

Just, use “...Experience...” and never “...Previous Experience...”

The White Swan hardcore now starts:


The White Swan hardcore now starts:


On October 09, 2013 I was asked a simple yet actual intriguing question at the right time and place.

Without any direct or indirect intent, such a simple query gave birth to the White Swan.

And that query's momentum gained infinite more critical mass when San Diego University Mathematics Professor Vernor Vinge, PhD, suggested and reminded, via a placid e-mail, of the reading of the Black Swan, which I did. This email was received on February 23, 2014.

Critical Mass.— : “ … Sub-Critical Mass refers to an amount or level that IS SUFFICIENT for a specific result or new action to occur ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


A management consultant in Peterborough, United Kingdom presented this query to me, the commencing co-author. His name is Mr. David Shaw. [228].


Incidentally, questions and matters to be randomly addressed here include:

1.- What is change?
2.- What is management?
3.- What is change management?
4.- Why present-day age is now different?
5.- What is the historic perspective applied to current management?
6.- What is it meant by Dynamic Driving Forces?
7.- What is a risk, both positive and negative?
8.- What are futures, both upside and downside?
9.- What is risk management?
10.- What is risk unmanagement?
11.- What is a White Swan?
12.- What is a Eureka Moment?
13.- What is a Sputnik Moment?
14.- What is a leader and a manager?
15.- How does one define technology?
16.- What is insurance?
17.- What is beyond-insurance risk management?
17.- What is Transformative and Integrative Risk Management?
18.- What is scientific futuring?
19.- What is scenario-planning methodology?
20.- How Quality Assurance and Continuous Improvement Don't Equate to Risk Management?
21.- Practically, How do managers and entrepreneurs achieve sustainable success?
22.- What is non-theological applied omniscience?
23.- What is Organizational Integral Protection?
24.- Common Sense Versus Scientific Knowledge?
25.- Out-Of-The-Box Thinking versus Disruptional Creative Thinking (Meaning: The Strong-Sense Critico-Creative One)?
26.- What is the current and rampant progression of science and technology?
27.- Solving persistently grave organizational problems through Rocket Science?
28.- What is retrospection and what is prospection?
29.- Quantitative Analyzes Versus Qualitative Analyzes?
30.- How far can we get with algorithm-based calculations of risks and futures?
31.- What is strategy and its limitations?
32.- What are new management skills to be developed in the as-of-now future?
33.- What are problem-solving approaches for?
34.- What are adversarial truths and technical truths?
35.- The Technological Singularity Versus the Disruptional Singularity?
36.- How NASA, DARPA and Royal Dutch Shell are redefining management?
37.- What is Space-Age Risk Management?
38.- What are the name of the reputable organizations instituting all of the above?
39.-In the twentieth-one century, How managers must be, in order to succeed?
40.- What is Computronium?
41.- What is Techium?
42.- What is Multiverse?
43.- What is Omniverse?
44.- What is a Litmus Test?
45.- What and How to Study?
46.- Forthcoming as-per-now times will be?
47.- Plausabilities, as of today?
48.- The World's Most-Cherished and Most-Uncherished Black Swans that will never happen?
49.- White Swan Tranformative and Integrative Risk Management Problem-Solving Methodology Encompasses?
50.- A Quick Message from India.
51.- Oxford University's Faculty of Philosophy Professor Nick Bostrom on the Disruptional Singularity.
52.- What is the Chief Polymath Officer?
53.- Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and Oracle defined both by Wikipedia and the White Swan?
54.- What did CEOs from ExxonMobil, Conoco, Chevron, Phillips Petroleum, Statoil (Scandinavia), Italy's ENI and Wilpro Energy Services (U.S.) tell Andres?
55.- A Little Actual Fun Story with World's #2 Petroleum Corp Chairman and CEO?
56.- Andres goes to the Massachusetts Board Room with the 90-Million-Dollar Chairman and CEO?
57.- U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush's (41st U.S. president) Ambassador and Andres Agostini?
58.- If you country is flooded with unemployment, poverty, public protests and a promissory future of outright failure? Why?
60.- The most serious scientific and noted establishment of the U.S. uses this language priority ...
61 .- What is the White Swan Target?
62.- Who is the White Swan Audience?
64.- Experience (optimal and correct) Vs. “...Previous Experience...” (totally wrong)?
65.- To see what Germany and China are doing about manufacturing ….
66.- E.Q.-Focused Nations (suboptimal) Versus I.Q.-Centric Countries (optimal)
70.- Pandora Versus Cassandra Predictions?
71.- «...What is a Quant...» AND «...What is a Qualt...»
73.- Praise.
74.- Foreword.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

David's question was then exactly,

“...Andres, from your work on the future which management skills need to be developed? Classically the management role is about planning, organizing, leading and controlling. With the changes coming in the future, what's your view on how this management mix needs to change and adapt? … "

Probably, and thanks to the preceding question, the interview or exchange has hereby grown into a copyrighted treatise.


A lady by the name of Lisa sent me an e-mail, indicating: “...You have given David a good academic lecture and scholarship …”

Now you have such a bridged volume.

Bridged volume does never equate to the unabridged treatise (A systematic, usually extensive licidly written discourse on a multi-fold subject matter expertises.), illustrated version, containing additional: facts, stats, conceptual drawings, mind-mappings, pictorials, graphics, tables, PERTs (Program Evaluation and Review Techniques), CPMs (Critical Path Method Techniques), SWOTs (A SWOT analysis — alternatively SWOT matrix — is a structured planning method used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats involved in a project or in a business venture), TOWS (threats, opportunities, weaknesses, and strengths) analysis, SOAR (strengths, opportunities, aspirations, results) analysis, sketches, cartoons, slides, pictures, photos, videos and other resources.

Current White Swan graphics are available at


You are extremely welcome to have access to my (i) Lifeboat Foundation Professional Profile and (ii) LinkedIn Professional Profile at:

(#16 of #16 ) .—

(#15 of #16 ) .—

(#14 of #16 ) .—

(#13 of #16) .— Professional Biography ( B00KPFBM7U )

Andres Agostini's LinkedIn's Articles at

(#12 of #16).— Curriculum Vitae at

(#11 of #16).— Skill and Specialties of Andres Agostini at

(#10 of #16).— Where are the real-world proven-track records of and by the White Swan Author? At

(#9 of #16).— Where are the real-world proven-track records? What are two solid real-life examples that the Author has risk-managed? I have many letterhead and digital testimonials about those. See the ensuing:

(#8 of #16).— World-class Petroleum Refineries whose risks the Author has managed are available at

(#7 of #16).— World-class Oil and Gas Tankers (maritime vessels) whose risks the Author has managed are available at

Oil and Gas Tankers (maritime vessels) that has benefited from Mr. Andres Agostini’s White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.

(#6 of #16).— World-class Petroleum installations, equipments and hardware whose risks the Author has managed are available at

(#5 of #16).— Toyota and Mitsubishi Motors factories and installations whose risks the Author has managed are available at

(#4 of #16).— Oil and Gas Tankers (maritime vessels) that has continuously benefited from White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.

(#3 of #16).— Testimonials and References at

(#2 of #16).— Professional Biography at

(#1 of #16) .— 54 Testimonials Given To the Author at

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

If this were a course, it would indeed rather be a “... crash course ...”

Some could correctly argue this is an intense treatise given with kindness. It is both intense and lucid.

Worry not, you are all set out to have lavish educational fun.


This proprietary treatise may be reproduced for noncommercial purposes if it is copied in its entirety, including this notice.

Please recall, “...if it is copied in its entirety, including this notice...”

This exploration (reconnaissance) is the most thorough, deep and independent one.

Instantly, you have been warned. If a better one is available, don't dwell on Romanticism and go get it.

To exercise greater emphasis on some parts, I will use partial capitalization of words often.

In some U.S. audiences, capitalization is discouraged while in Canada, Germany, France, Switzerland and the entirety of the Western World is most encouraged.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

As David, a proto-Britton, formulated this interesting question to me and given that I want to claim my rights on the present comment and treatise, I will be using first-person language frequently.

David, any time the author use the words “...reader(s)...” or “”, there must be understood the ensuing persons are conjointly included: a) The Reader, and b) David Shaw.

Accordingly, Jewish scholar and Rabbi Hillel concludes,

“... If I am not for myself, then who will be for me? And if I am only for myself, than what am I? And if not now, when? ...”

Rabbis are wonderful intellectuals who deserve my greatest appreciation.

In solving problems rabbis will use sacred scriptures, philosophy, history and hard science. I don't belong to their creed but I will greatly support them at any time, any where.

Extensive quotations and citations will also be used. Massive insights by third parties and the author will be available.

Semantics and linguistics will be provided by Thomas Jeffersonian Lingua Franca, exclusively.

Has anyone told you and taught you about the outright Germanization of English?

Some neologisms (newly coined terms, words, or phrases) in English here are through the sponsorship of the Germanization-process of English.

Both in German and English and through the Germanization-process from two (2) to three (3) Indo-European words are coalesced together into a single one.

What is, by the way, an Indo-European Language?


“ … The Indo-European languages are a family of several hundred related languages and dialects. There are about 439 languages and dialects, according to the 2009 Ethnologue estimate, about half (221) belonging to the Indo-Aryan subbranch. It includes most major current languages of Europe, the Iranian plateau, and the Indian Subcontinent, and was also predominant in ancient Anatolia. With written attestations appearing since the Bronze Age in the form of the Anatolian languages and Mycenaean Greek, the Indo-European family is significant to the field of historical linguistics as possessing the second-longest recorded history, after the Afro-Asiatic family …. INDO-EUROPEAN LANGUAGES ARE SPOKEN BY ALMOST 3 BILLION NATIVE SPEAKERS, THE LARGEST NUMBER BY FAR FOR ANY RECOGNIZED LANGUAGE FAMILY. Of the 20 languages with many native speakers according to SIL Ethnologue, 12 are Indo-European: SPANISH, ENGLISH, HINDI, PORTUGUESE, BENGALI, RUSSIAN, GERMAN, PUNJABI, MARATHI, FRENCH, URDU, AND ITALIAN, ACCOUNTING FOR OVER 1.7 BILLION NATIVE SPEAKERS. Several disputed proposals link Indo-European to other major language families ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

By the way:

If you are on King's Road and the locals there start telling you, “...Sir, you are a smart cookie and we are in awe by what you know ...”

It is better for you to depart from ignorant envy by simpletons and go to the other side of the Atlantic, or better yet into Asia.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

QUESTION: Who, by the way, owns English? QUICK REPLY: Esperanto!

To second the motion, Baroness Thatcher argued, “ … You ain't seen nothing, yet ...”


It is acknowledged an alleged King once expressed,

“... The size of a person's vocabulary is directly proportional with the scale and richness of his or her own innermost Cosmos ...”

There is a proprietary technique to make what this King observe happen.

And good works enlightens ideas and good ideas further enlightens good cohesive detailed plans and hence success.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

English Versus Englishes?

Ms. Edie Weiner observed something along these lines:

“ … In the U.S. we speak something foreign to us, called English, not American …. And we need to get ready as in the world there are several Englishes ...”

As in Germany they speak German. And in France they speak French. And in Italy they speak Italian. And in Portugal they speak Portuguese. In Spain they speak Spanish. In England they speak English.

In the U.S. they arguably speak American English, several dialects stemming from the British English language.

Whatever the language, we need to extend Bridges of “ … Golden Communications ...” to whatever speakers in the world, chiefly when the world is mired by misunderstanding and is also into insane and lethal violence.

Respecting and accepting everyone's language, we are all much better off if we all pull together the world's economy for the sake of everybody. Too many into abject poverty and unemployment.

I always suggest a peaceful and harmonic pathway, at all times.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Some shared wisdom pertaining to language enhancement came from Leonardo (greatly cherished by NASA and DARPA) and Napoleon (greatly cherished by gargantuan U.S. Forces and the Industrial-Military-Complex). The combined wisdom posits,

“...Ascertain, at all times, to always replace upgradable words and terms by ones than are even better ...”

By the way:

Napoleon's mother (first) language was not French but Italian. Most probably, his third language was English. He spoke French with a heavy accent and some difficulties, but his recondite letters to his generals are most lucid.

What is DARPA?

“... The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) was established in 1958 to prevent strategic surprise from negatively impacting U.S. national security and create strategic surprise for U.S. adversaries by maintaining the technological superiority of the U.S. military …. To fulfill its mission, the Agency relies on diverse performers to apply multidisciplinary approaches to both advance knowledge through basic research and create innovative technologies that address current practical problems through applied research. DARPA’s scientific investigations span the gamut from laboratory efforts to the creation of full-scale technology demonstrations in the fields of biology, medicine, computer science, chemistry, physics, engineering, mathematics, material sciences, social sciences, neurosciences and more. As the DoD’s primary innovation engine, DARPA undertakes projects that are finite in duration but that create lasting revolutionary change ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Accordingly, the signatory might be, among other amenities and MEMES, Davincian and Bonapartian.

The author is never opinionated but ideanated.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

The author has done and always will be doing his “ … homework ...”

In no way this work is NEVER a substitute for doing your own reasoning, studying and researching.

Everyone should do his or her own homework by himself or herself. The author will not do anyone's homework.

My alleged “ … homework ...” is primarily done through learning theoretical, practical, empirical and factual lessons from direct practical and intimate execution of and intense involvement with management and also by massive, perpetual research engaged by my own self, for Life.

For instance:

Jiddu Krishnamurti observed on education and learning:

“... There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. The whole of life, FROM THE MOMENT YOU ARE BORN TO THE MOMENT YOU DIE, IS A PROCESS OF LEARNING ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

I relish developing own ideas, their detailed plans, theories and proto-theories and marshaled them into in-the-field problem solving. (That is: Feet-on-the-ground problem solving).

I will share my insight and experience as an adviser, studier, learner, thinker, researcher, strategist, practitioner and seminal speaker of forward-looking management both in theoretical and practical contexts.

Whatever I reflect here is a conscientious, empirical, factual, independent and solemn POV (Point of View).

“ …Solemnity is characterized or marked by seriousness or sincerity …. or profound …. earnest ….”

This POV addresses practical and structural solutions, not onerous quick fixes. Among other important themes, this POV also deals with process, content and context.

Partial solutions are inconsequential while total solutions are indispensable and, hence, the optimal pathway is hereby suggested.



The author NEVER does dogmas. Everyone else has the greatest right to having his / her own opinion(s) as well. No problem!

Conversely, if you want to access my intellectual manifesto, a summation is here:

With the purpose to remain authentic and genuine with my intellectual manifesto, I AM AGAINST:

1.- Ignorance.

2.- Sloppy, emotional thinking.

3.- Fashionable thinking.

4.- Within-style thinking.

5.- Ideal-based rational.

6.- Instant-gratification thought process.

7.- Non-Gestalt Thinking.

8.- Lumpen Thinking. (Lumpen is a nice word, extremely manipulated by Commies. Ergo, anything stemming from Commies I reject).

9.- Non-Crowd-Wisdom Thinking. (No one played Albert's violin and theories, nor Amadeus' piano, nor Howard's gigantic wooden aquatic-airplane or communication's satellites, nor Newton's unpublished prophecies, but them, and them alone, in in-companionship-ed solitude).

10.- Clustered Thinking.

11.- Silo Thinking.

12.- Charter Thinking.

13.- Standard Thinking.

14.- Informal Thinking.

15.- Undocumented Thinking.

16.- Laggards' Thinking.

17.- Bohemian Thinking.

18.- Hippie Thinking.

19.- “...Keep It Simple, Stupid...” (K.I.S.S.) Thinking.

20.- Short-term Thinking.

21.- Linear Thinking.

22.- Extra-Mile Thinking (We need several Extra-Leagues Thinking. A league is 3 miles or 4.8 kilometers).

23.- Single-mindedness Thinking (Against in-series thinking).

24.- Un-Orchestrated Thinking.

25.- Fragmented, Fragmentary Thinking.

26.- Futilitifulness Thinking. (Futilitifulness is the quality of conforming to maximum futility).

27.- Démodé Thinking.

28.- Typical Thinking.

29.- Passé Thinking.

30.- Within-Range Thinking.

31.- Chaku-Chaku Thinking.

32.- Spaghetti-like Thinking.

33.- Episodic Thinking.

34.- Management-fads Thinking.

35.- Leadership-focused Thinking.

36.- Popular Thinking.

37.- Crowded Thinking.

38.- Out-loud-Brainstoriming Thinking.

39.- Jumping-to-Conclusions Thinking.

40.- In-absentia Thinking.

41.- Misery-Likes-Company Thinking.

42.- Watercooler-Conversations Thinking.

43.- Subjective Thinking.

44.- Fictitious Thinking.

45.- Departing-from-Rationality Thinking

46.- Feeding-Frenzies Thinking.

47.- Tentative Thinking.

48.- Pointless Thinking.

49.- Out-of-the-point Thinking.

50.- Straight-backward Thinking.

51.- Glucose-depletion Thinking.

52.- Syllogistic Thinking.

53.- Slothful Thinking.

54.- Sketchy Thinking.

55.- Un-constellated Thinking.

56.- Associatively-Incoherent Thinking.

57.- Dissociatively-Coherent Thinking.

58.- Attenuated Thinking.

59.- Un-primed Thinking.

60.- Unobtrusive Thinking.

61.- Unfreely-Willed Thinking

62.- Unprovocative Thinking.

63.- Anti-Statistical Thinking.

64.- Mental-Economy Thinking.

65.- Uncritical Thinking.

66.- Premonitory Thinking.

67.- Spurious Thinking.

68.- Cumbersome Thinking.

69.- "Background-less Material" Thinking.

70.- "One-Sided Evidence" Thinking.

71.- Missing-Evidence Thinking.

72.- Inconfident Thinking.

73.- Information-Poor Thinking.

74.- Laborious-less Thinking.

75.- Evildoing Thinking.

76.- Superfluous Thinking.

77.- Dumbfounded Thinking.

78.- Reasoned Thinking.

79.- On-The-Shelf Thinking.

80.- Pathetic Thinking.

81.- In-Dire-Straits Thinking.

82.- Perceptual-less Thinking.

83.- Negligible Thinking.

84.- Infinitesimal Thinking.

85.- Decoherence-Seeking Thinking.

86.- Inept Thinking.

87.- Wobblier Thinking.

88.- Sampling-Luck Thinking.

89.- Discredited Thinking.

90.- Untrained-Eye Thinking.

91.- Anchoring-Effect Thinking.

92.-Exasperated Thinking.

93.- Pharaohnic Thinking.

94.- Populist Thinking.

95.- Insipid Thinking.

96.- Vulgar Thinking.

97.- Wrongheaded Thinking.

98.- Logical-Inconsistency Thinking.

99.- Demagogue Thinking.

100.- Neophyte Thinking.

101.- Demagogue Thinking.

102.- Authoritarian Thinking.

103.- Ill-prepared Thinking.

104.- Wrongheaded Thinking.

105.- Logical-Inconsistency Thinking.

106.- Earth-Shot Thinking.

107.- Past-oriented Thinking.

108.- Karmic Thinking.

109.- Decrepit Thinking.

110.- Stuck-on-Autopilot Thinking.

111.- Leisurely Thinking.

112.- Broken-Bladed thinking.

113.- Careless Thinking.

114.- Deteriorated Thinking.

115.- “Snail-Like Pace” Thinking.

116.- Legacy Thinking.

To further underpin the intellectual manifesto of the author, let us, anyway, understand this clearly:

“...My manner of thinking, so you say, cannot be approved. Do you suppose I care? A poor fool indeed is he who adopts a manner of thinking for others! ...” By Jointly by the Marquis de Sade and the Author.

Andres' Intellectual Manifesto is IN FAVOR OF:

#1 of #2.- “ … The noblest pleasure is to learn with the purpose of having the joy of understanding ...” - By Leonardo Da Vinci and the author.

#2 of #2.- “ … My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe [and specially the omniverse], why it is as it is and why it exists at all ….” By Stephen Hawking and the author.


1.-) Knee-Jerk Conclusions

2.-) False Assumptions

3.-) Obsolete Notions

4.-) Wishy-Washy Predictions

5.-) Ivy-Garlanded Professors

6.-) NewsHour Intellectuals

7.-) Spurious Assessments

8.-) Conjured Futures

9.-) Out-Of-Thin-Air Plucked Predictions

10.-) Artistry

11.-) Sleight

12.-) Human Thought' And Decision's Myths

13.-) Educated Predictions

14.-) Big-Breaks-From-Past-Patterns

15.-) Past-Outcomes Projections

16.-) Freakonomics

17.-) Wishful Thinkings

18.-) Dull-Edge Science

19.-) Shortsighted Decisions

20.-) Tea-Leaves Peering Into

21.-) Hidden-Hand-Of-Market-Forces Prognosis

22.-) Careless Estimations

23.-) Wishy-Washy Trends Or Wishy-Washy Counter-Trends

24.-) Wrongheaded Choices.


Back to the White Swan hardcore:


Pattern recognition is the identification, by the reader, of patterns of speech. Hierarchical thinking is the way the human brain operates to discern and ponder.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Believe it or not, everything here, the totality of all, is — by far — unfailingly interrelated with everything else.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Everything the author will hereby share applies for large and small for-profit and nonprofit organizations (including start-ups), both in the U.S. and around the ever-expansive world.

By the way, it is really valued in dealing with the practice of management you, David, haven't divorce the practice from its leadership component.


Leadership without management is like a Mirage without a runway and control tower.

Leadership without management is like a fire without light.

There are many authors placing a huge divide between leadership and management when you cannot apply your leadership outside of a management context.

They are gravely mistaken. Management and leadership cannot be separated and they must always be exercised in a monolithic unison.

I will give you, as well, some primary view on the historic perspective I have found regarding current-day future-driven management, now.

I really believe the historic perspective is a sine qua non.

Notwithstanding, the past and the present are never a script for the future.

In Spanish there are two interesting words:

(I.-) “ … futurible ...” (from Latin futurib?lis)

(II.-) and “... futurable ...”

As a result:

“... Futurible ...” entails a conditioned future [scenario], which it is not to happen with certainty, but it will take place if a determined condition were firstly in place. Brackets are of the author.

And it is also observed:

Through other means, futurology is a discipline and a set of methodologies oriented to the prevision of the future.

Basically, it deals with imagining plausible future scenarios, known as “...futuribles ...”, and in occasions, in order to determine their likelihoods, with the express purpose of planning the necessary actions to avoid or accelerate their occurrence.

And also:

“ … Futurable …” consists of a desired future [scenario]. Brackets are of the author.

The White Swan hardcore continues:

And, for instance, Stuart A. Copans asserted,

“...Study the past if you would divine the future...”

And Edmund Burke pointed out,

“...You can never plan [retrospectively, that is a posteriori or ex post facto] the future by the past...” Brackets are of the author.

To set the stage properly, I will start with an enlightening quote by Albert Einstein.

“...The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created then...”

Or, it could be better noted:

“...The significant problems we face [today] cannot be solved [in the future] at the same level of [démodé] thinking we were at when we created then [in the fossilized past]...” Brackets are of the author.


What are the frequent problems and challenges (including: humanly-induced existential ones) which we frequently encounter in managing risks optimally?

For example and briefly:

1.- Corruption and Malfeasance.

2.- Radical ignorance.

3.- Learned ignorance.

4.- Dysfunctional knowledge.

5.- Unknowldege.

6.- Overspecialization and superspecialization.

7.- Usage of embedded-in-the-past notions and assumptions (obsoledge).

Obsoledge equates to obsolete knowledge as this term was coined by Alvin Toffler.

8.- Not thinking in series (not simultaneously).

9.- Dismissal of thinking of the entire Whole.

10.- Inability to learn to unlearn.

11.- Gray areas and biases.

12.- Lack of thorough and lucid practical definition and demarcation of the system to be addressed and its boundaries.

13.- Incomplete reasoning and thinking.

14.- Holding and incorporation of “ … cherished beliefs ...”

15.- Absence of open-mindedness. (Open-mindedness is receptiveness to new ideas).

16.- Excess of narrow-mindedness. (Narrow-mindedness is unresponsive to new ideas).

17.- Excess of un-reconnoiterable cues. (Un-reconnoiterable cues refers to un-explorable cues).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


Because through overspecialization and superspecialization, you are only dealing with Knowledge Depth, but also outright ruling out and precluding advanced Knowledge Breadth and Width.

By illustration:




Back to the White Swan hardcore:

One other aspect must now be considered is a primordial axiom, which it is instrumental and widely considered here.

That is, “...everything is somewhat related to everything else ...” IN FACT, SOME THINKERS INSIST ON THE FOLLOWING: “ ... Everything is deeply intermingled with everything else ...”

Any management endeavor must consider this maxim seriously at all times.

Please allow me some leeway to give some historic professional antecedents that will greatly prove useful in dealing with this work. Ensuing.

Before being interested in applied scientific futuring and beyond-insurance risk management, I was college doubled trained in and majored in “...General Insurance Management ...” and “...Insurance Careers ...” (U.S.).

The Beatles' song lyrics indicate, “... take a sad song and make it better...”

It can be better written by saying:

“... Take a sad song [Black Swan and its unmanaged perils] and make it better [into a White Swan, while lucratively exploiting its brought-under-control: (a) Negative Risks, (b) Positive Risks, (c) Upside Futures and (d) Downside Futures]...”

A prominent U.S. president seconded the motion by the Beatles:

Amazing JFK has a wondrous quotation, “... My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country ...”

And the White Swan of it argues:

“... My fellow Americans [and incumbent Corporate Chairpersons and CEOs, as well as serious Managers, in general], ask not what your country [and management systems] can do for you [, in order to advert black swans], ask [yes] what you [and your managerial: Scientific Futuring and Transformative and Integrative Risk Management] can do [with the ultimate end to make black swan cahsabale upon and with the ulterior purpose to seize grandest lucrative success and fiscally-sound, sustainable earnings] for your country [and corporation in urgent need for a White Swan practical perspective] ...”

And he also stated:

His Most Excellency and Honorable President John F. Kennedy’s speech on September 12, 1962 at Race University:

“...If this capsule history [, given to us by Gaia and, hence, Earth] of our progress [and scientific accomplishments towards leveraging our corporate pursuits in the direction of more lucrative legally-incorporated entities] teaches us anything [before the gloomy and spookier black swan outlook], it is that man [and the manager in her and him], in his quest [practical study and corporate training] for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred [, despite the most outlandish black swans]. The exploration of space [anyone pursuit by Fortune-7 Global Corporations into outright lucre] will go ahead, whether we join in it or not [ whether we like it not, by instituting White Swans], and it is one of the great adventures [and transformation of known inputs into desired outputs] of all time [that is, quarter by quarter, early on, beforehand], and no nation [and Prominent Global Corporation] which expects to be the leader and [executing manager] of other nations [and competing corporations] can expect to stay behind [mired by unmanaged black swans] in the [contentious] race for space [and the down-to-earth Corporation's lucrative targets, objectives and goals] [….] Well, space [and globalized marketplace mired by unpronounceable NEGATIVE RISKS AND DOWNSIDE FUTURES] is [and better said, are] there, and we're going [, and as per a corporate mandate to leverage the monolithic unison of all members in our TEAM and CREW into outright White Swans] to climb it [, conquer and prevail, as we ascertain that our White-Swan-ned Corporation is Global Player Number One, for Life!] …” [80] Brackets are of author.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

I also took serious university classes on (a) engineering (Venezuela) and (b) mechanical-engineering technology (Canada) and (c) electronic-engineering technology (Canada).

Andres has a Queen's University and Dawson College and Saint Lawrence College and Universidad Metropolitana Education and two Broward College Degrees.

In my evening and dawn daydreams I seem to be a lucky alumnus and professor at Georg-August-Universität Göttingen and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Technology is also, at many times, synonymous with the term “ ...task …,” as it is argued by a Stanford University Professor.

This author's definition of Technology is:

“... Technology is instituted, in order to solve practical problems (both mild and complex ones, whether randomized, pseudo-randomized or not ) ? especially in industry, commerce, economy, science, technology, society, and politics (including geopolitics) ?, the methodical practical application of the scientific method, mathematical principles, practical sciences and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective and beyond, as well as to achieve practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems …. The profession of and or the work performed by any engineer ...”

To this purpose and furthering the present work:

“...From Nostradamus to Alvin Toffler, individuals and organizations have long been obsessed with trying to see the future. The goal is to somehow get advanced warning of ‘ ...what will be ...’...” [64]

In order to do the prior, it is important to institute advanced scenario planning. Through it, the reader will get White Swans only.


Dwight D. Eisenhower’s sage advice indicates that “ … Plans are useless, but planning is everything ...” [267]

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

By Scenario Planning I mean a Methodology beyond that of Dr.Strangeloves (RAND Corporation' and Hudson Institute's Herman Khan) and Royal Dutch Shell's Pierre Wack and Peter Schwartz.

The actual practical effectiveness of scientifically-driven scenario planning can be considerably improved yet, as it done in Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (the exact opposite of insurance-based risk unmanagement).


Objectives expressed in specific numbers (numerical data), to be accomplished through a detailed plan, can be called goals.

And goals expressed in unambiguous narrative (narrative data), to be accomplished through a detailed plan, can be called objectives.

Global corporations use both, integrally.


Working with the second largest oil group in the world (Citgo's PDVSA, with 54,000 active employees and 210,000 eligible dependents. PDVSA is Citgo's parent company), that group wanted me to only institute beyond-insurance risk management as it is posited here.

What later became Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (TAIRM).

Question: Who was Risk Management's Practitioner #1?

Once someone told me a spoken and loose account about the item above. Using my own words, I attempted to reconstruct the story here:

“...Moses allegedly wrote some 3,500 years ago a seemingly parable as per an unknown source in by which every new house must have a guard rail around the edge of the flat rooftop, in order to prevent anyone from falling off and precluding inhabitants from bringing guilt and liability to both the householders and neighbors ...” [226]. Brackets are of the author.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

You see, when these organizational executives (from PDVSA, Citgo, other worldwide petroleum corporations, Toyota, Mitsubishi Motors, TNT Delivery Express and other global corporations) were to incur in a loss (potential disruption), it did not suffice to them to have the indemnity payment from the insurance and reinsurance pool.

On February 01 1984 I officially started serious thinking about long-studied “...beyond-insurance risk management...”

And since then all the way throughout this date.

Conversely, insurance-based risk management is the old guard while beyond-insurance risk management is the vanguard. Some reasons for it will be offered here.

For illustration purposes and just using one narrow self-explanatory instance, please check out how insurance and reinsurance habitually opine and operate regarding the public at large, say, the following:

“... [Insurance underwriters have the] '...preference for insuring against probable small losses...' — at the expense of the less probable but larger impact ones ...” [227]. Brackets are of the author.

The entire account of the paragraph above is next:

“...However, [Dr. Paul] Slovic [, PhD. at] and his colleagues found [at the University of the president of Decision Research], in insurance patterns, neglect of these highly improbable events in people's insurance purchases. The call is the '...preference for insuring against probable small losses...' — at the expense of the less probable but larger impact ones ...” Brackets are of the author. [227].

For illustrative purposes:

Let me start by telling the reader that Optimal Risk Management (the exact opposite of insurance-based risk unmanagement), at all times, equates to Optimal Per-Se Management.

Ergo and at the outset, allow me to offer a definition of Risk.

“... Risk is the quantitative or qualitative expression of possible loss considers both the probability an event will occur and the consequences of that event … and/or the likeliness of injury, harm, damage, disruption or loss multiplied by its potential magnitude ...”

A brief sample of what EASY Risk entails it is now offered:

A.-) Legal,
B.-) Technological,
C.-) Environmental,
D.-) Security,
E.-) Safety,
F.-) Political, and
G.-) Human.

AND. A brief sample of what GARGANTUAN Risk entails it is now offered:

1.- Academicians' and Scholars' Trickery.
2.- Bankruptcy.
3.- Competition.
4.- Currency Collapse.
5.- Disease.
6.- Earthquake.
7.- Energy Shortage.
8.- Existential Risks (and/or beyond Global Catastrophic Risks).
9.- Espionage (Industrial, Political and Geopolitical), including: cyberspionage.
10.- Explosion.
11.- Fire.
12.- Flood.
13.- Fraud.
14.- Geopolitical Conflict.
15.- Hurricane.
16.- Illegal Immigration.
17.- Incompetence.
18.- Malign mind-set(s).
19.- Managerial Malfeasance.
20.- Mediocrity.
21.- Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical War, Warfare.
22.- Oil-Drilling Spill.
23.- Political Chicanery.
24.- Political Reversal.
25.- Robbery.
26.- Scientific and Pseudo-Scientific Sophistry and Syllogism.
27.- Severe Weather.
28.- Terrorism (homegrown and foreign).
29.- Volcano and Super-volcano Eruption.
30.- Leaders' and Managers' and Scientists' lack of candor.
31.- Technological crises.
32.- Confrontation.
33.- Malevolence.
34.- Organizational Misdeeds.
35.- Workplace Violence.
36.- Human-made Disasters.
37.- Natural Disasters.
38.- Rumors.
39.- International Wars.
40.- Fragile States.
41.- Rogue States.
42.- Oil and Energy Insecurity.
43.- Economic Crisis.
44.- Financial-System Crisis.
45.- Global-Water Insecurity.
46.- Political and Geopolitical Instability.
47.- Rare-Earth Insecurity.
48.- Extreme-Environments Insecurity.
49.- Power Imbalances.
50.- Others.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

The brain is the biological hardware. The mind is the rotational and translational software. You can never have the software application without the hardware.


(A.-) Unnecessary yet onerous problems, and

B.-) Sudden Disruptive Grave Expenses.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Accordingly, I will give you, likewise, a definition of Risk Management.

“...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (TAIRM) methodology, a most advanced beyond-insurance risk management systems, comprises of all activities and initiatives required to seize the optimum degree of risk (a) elimination, (b) mitigation, (c) modulation (d) isolation or (e) control within the constraints of ( i ) operational effectiveness, ( ii ) time, and ( iii ) cost, attained through the specific, systemic and systematic application of management, scientific, engineering and applied mathematical principles throughout all phases and facets of system operation, articulated under ( 1 ) Systems Approach, ( 2 ) Engineering, ( 3 ) Classical Risk Management and ( 4 ) Practical Non-Theological Omniscience...”

Let us address the word “ … system ...” (the entirety of the Whole).

Whether the boundaries of a designated system (ample conception) are porous or not, blurred or not, defined or not, fluid or not, the beyond-insurance risk manager must radically, structurally and continuously tackle the system optimally.

TAIRM exhaustively copes, early on (beforehand), with intended and unintended consequences within and beyond determinism and indeterminacy.

By “ … early on ...” it is meant:

“ … Before the beginning of a course of events, chiefly those events least expected and most dramatic with the lesser degree of expectation ...”

TAIRM is only instituted with the express purpose of solving complex problems in all practicality. (That is: Feet-on-the-ground problem solving).

Complication and complexity are never synonymous!

Here is why:

“ … Complication is a confused or intricate relationship of elements, parts and/or subsystems …. A condition, event, etc, that is confused …. A problem arising as a consequence of another problem …. Something that introduces, usually unexpectedly, a difficulty, problem, change, etc. …. A concurrent problem that aggravates the original problem …. It is a difficulty or confusion stemming from the concurrence and happening of diverse things ...”

And then:

“ … Complexity is the state or quality of being intricate …. Consists of interconnected or interwoven parts; composite …. Composed of two or more units …. Involved or intricate, as in structure …. A whole composed of interconnected or interwoven or interrelated parts …. It entails diverse elements ...”

This is significant:

Interrelationships and linkages are both subtle and discrete and those that are soft (mild and subtle) and dramatic (wild and explicit).

All of the preceding can, too, be both covert, overt and/or ignored.

And now:

For illustrative purposes, the Characteristics of the Systems Approach by Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (the exact opposite of insurance-based risk unmanagement) include (to be):

1) Methodical,

2) Objective,

3) Quantitative or Measurable,

4) Analytical,

5) Subsystem Interdependence,

6) Parallel Analysis of Elements (Orchestrated Analysis of Elements),

7) Inputs and Outputs in Clear Language and

8) Self-Containment / Closed Loop.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


Important to note:

Many experts and even scientists, scholars and futurologists speak about empirical, factual management with the sole perspective of unimplemented theoretical notions (that is: with too many unanswered questions and unlearned lessons never realized, seized, defined or explained by their own selves).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

When dealing with an ample-conception of “...System...”, if you find there simplicity, it is because your thought process is flawed and incomplete. And the reader might as well not be understanding the underlying processes to the corresponding thought process.

And, for instance:

Complication and complexity are nonlinear (In S-Curves) blessings when you have endowed your mind with preparedness, in order to deal with and through them.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:



QUESTION: What PRECISELY have those scientists, scholars and futurologists directly manage in the practical theater of operations?

As a counter point, see some of the actual Corporate Problems solved by the Author at


“... Theater of Operation is hereby included to mean the four-dimensional coordinate system and beyond it, in which organization's physical (tangible) and non-physical (intangible) events are located ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

How, in the Omniverse (The totality of Alternate and Non-Alternate universes), can they speak with veritable fundamentals about practical management solutions?

The Omniverse's braingrandchild is Computronium (Computronium is a material hypothesized by Norman Margolus and Tommaso Toffoli of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to be used as “ … programmable matter, ...” a substrate for computer modeling of virtually any real object.).

And the The Omniverse's brainchild is the Multiverse (The multiverse (or meta-universe) is the hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes (including the historical universe we consistently experience), together comprising everything that exists and can exist: the entirety of space, time, matter, and energy as well as the physical laws and constants that describe them. The various universes within the multiverse are sometimes called parallel universes).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

What are the accurate unfalsifiable particulars of their proven-track record audited by prominent external and independent non-theoretical scientific incumbents? Really?

QUESTION: In all truth, What are, point-blankly, their actual applied methodologies and their scientifically-audited paradigms?

Let's see an example of a large misconception.

A West-Coast so-called“...Global Futurist ...” states that organizations and people must have “...the capacity to adapt and learn now how to prepare for risks...”

According to him, How exactly does one institute his futuristic “...risk management...”?

Then, he suggests that by a) Risk Monitoring, b) Risk Analysis, c) Risk Sensing and d) Risk Management as they are a function of Strategic Risk Forecasting. Indeed!

What is the alleged walk-through to this futurist's flawed opinion?

This flawed “ … Mexican enchilada ...” by the above West-Coast “Futurist” is not a methodology and doesn't even embody a form of primitive risk management at all.

Why it is a messy enchilada?

As he frequently mentions and randomly and loosely elaborates pertaining to the terms “...risk...” and “ ...risk management ...” in overly-abundant ways, he outright fails to clearly define the following:

a.-) Risk Monitoring (What is his definition of Risk Monitoring),

b.-) Risk Analysis (What is his definition of Risk Analysis),

c.-) Risk Sensing, (What is his definition of Risk Sensing), and

d.-) Risk Management (What is his definition of Risk Management).

His presentation is available at

There are many futurists (rather, futurologists) and other scientists addressing the “...risk management...” unrealized talk without having a direct, practical experience in administering risks through beyond-insurance risk management and TAIRM.

What precisely is the most accurate proven track record they posses in the theater of operations, not in the imagined “labs”, composed of computers?

People like West-Coast “ … futurist ...” are called, by Sir Martin Rees PhD., “ ... techno-forecasters ...” and he argues verbatim:

“ ...Techno-forecasters, their attitudes molded by the social and political environment of the West Coast of the United States, where so many such people are congregated, tend to envisage that changes proceed untrammeled, in a social system supportive of innovations and that consumerist motivations dominate other ideologies. These presumptions may be as unwarranted as it would have been to downplay the role of religion in international affairs, or to predict that sub-Saharan Africa would have advanced steadily since the 1970s rather than regressing further into destitution. Unpredictable social and political developments add extra dimensions of uncertainty. Indeed, a main theme of this book is that technical advances will in themselves render society more vulnerable to disruption. But even if disruption were no worse than it is today, these forecasts do little more than set the 'envelope' of what might be possible: the gap between what is technically possible and what will actually happen is going to widen. Some innovations just don't attract enough economic or social demand ...”

Where are the real-world proven-track records?

What are two solid real-life examples the Author has risk-managed? I have many letterhead testimonials about those. See the ensuing:

World-class Petroleum Refineries whose risks I have managed are available at

World-class Oil and Gas Tankers (maritime vessels) whose risks I have managed are available at

Oil and Gas Tankers (maritime vessels) that has benefited from Mr. Andres Agostini’s White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.

World-class Petroleum installations, equipments and hardware whose risks I have managed are available at

Toyota and Mitsubishi Motors factories and installations whose risks I have managed are available at

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

In my professional case, it is in place the management of the 75% of the risks by the assets and employees (and the eligible dependents of those employees) of huge industrial groups such as PDVSA (Citgo's parent corporation), Toyota, Mitsubishi Motors and many other global institutions discussed thereafter.

A little fun yet actual story:

Andres goes to the Massachusetts Board Room with the 90-Million-Dollar Chairman and CEO, a delightful actual story (1995).

Andres' executive presentation was destined to Mr. Stephen J. Lockwood, Founder, Chairman and CEO of LDG Management, later acquired by HCC Benefits at

Andres came in as the CORS CEO and Chairman.

The meeting was scheduled thanks to the assistance and attendance of Mr. Christopher Robinson (A Loyd’s of London Insurance Broker) and Mr. Manuel Samaniego (An Independent Reinsurance Broker).

I had the executive presentation well prepared and backed up in several formats.

One day before boarding my plane to meeting Steve, my two PCs began giving me a hard time.

Therefore, I bought the first new PC I could find with an unknown brand name.

I transferred the executive presentation to the new PC and was very worried as I want it to further streamline some slides and make those more appealing and factual.

The night before I had a nice little dinner with Chris and Manolo.

We had Massachusetts clam soups. Both of them asked me if I was ready.

I told them about my computer glitch and told them I needed the whole night and dawn to get those slides ready to go for the board-room meeting.

They were a tiny bit concerned but after my reassurance, they were at ease.

Next morning, the three of us had a nice breakfast and they could not believe everything was ready to go.

We left the hotel and headed for the head office of the company. We noticed a beautiful building of bluish crystals all over.

As I coincidence, I noticed that in front of HCC Benefits' LDG Management there was the office of Liberty Mutual headquarter office.

So we went straight to Steve's magnificent office suite. He had several outstanding diplomas behind his nice desktop.

Then he took us directly to the Conference Room.

As Steve was seated to the forefront to my right, Chris was at the far-out seating to my right and at the mid “far-out” was Manolo seating to my left.

I was standing and ready to make the presentation.

I started my presentation to Steve. Several years before, I have studied standards, metrics and approaches used by Health-care TPAs (Third-Party Administration), HMO (Health-Maintenance Organization), PPOs (Professional-Provider Organizations by clinics and hospitals) and a great variety of other U.S. standard acronyms were frequent parlance for Steve and Andres.

So, I began making the presentation to Steve, and hence Steve and I hit it off.

Steve became so enthusiastic he did not wait for the Q&A session and started to offer inputs frequently.

So the presentation became a relentless conversation.

All of the sudden, I heard a voice.

Manolo: “...Oh, I don't know why I am here for … I don't think you guys need me here at all ...”

Then, Steve and I continued with our great dialogue as we were having fun.

Then, again, I heard a voice.

Chris: “... Oh, Andres, I don't understand what you are saying … It does not make any sense to me ...”

Steve: “...I know exactly what he is talking about and cannot believe how well he understands our business...”

The dialogue continued for a long time until Steve invited us to a super nice business luncheon with his top executives.

His right hand was a most-gorgeous female executive.

At luncheon, we had a little exchange:

Steve: “...Andres, what do you need us for? ...”

Andres: “...Given the scale of what I am entertaining with major global players, I need additional institutional backing...”

Steve: “...Okay, I will go with some of my executives to meet you and some of your clients...”

By the end of the luncheon, Manolo and Chris said goodbye to Steve and me.


I had a little exchange:

Andres: “...Steve, I am not going anywhere as I took a long flight here. I am planning to spend a week with you, in order to better solve your queries before you go and meet my clients ...”

Steve: “...Andres, you are most welcome but I won't be available to you at all times … I will tell Nancy (his secretary) to setup a conference room with a secretary and phone lines for you ...”

Andres: “...Perfect [….] I need to send you some additional printed slides for your additional consideration through Nancy and we can regroup whenever it is possible ...”

Fast-forwarding the events, it came the last day, a Friday, and we had a very nice meeting. Steve told me the company's limo was ready to take me to the airport. He told me also he found the additional slides interesting and gave me some formats for me to fill out at a later day. He said four (4) of his executives and himself will go and meet with me and to talk to my clients.

To make a long story brief, Steve requested me, with great emphasis, that he wanted to meet with my three largest corporate clients only. I said yes.

Three huge clients was a meager number for me so I exposed him to sixteen (16) corporate clients and he was extremely happy and impressed.

Some months after his company was bought out and he got a cash check for US$ 90 million and retired, as we are, to this date, good friends.

Just a thought:

Steve, LDG Management Inc. President, wrote this letter to CORS Risk Management Services:


“...May 25, 1995

Mr. Andres Agostini
Chairman and CEO

“ … Dear Mr. Agostini: …. I want to thank you for your time and effort in our productive working sessions during the present month of May …. From the meetings, presentations and discussion, we realize the high level of professionalism and knowledge that CORS has on different modes of Medical Benefit Plans and Systems for major Corporations based in Venezuela …. We firmly intend to keep studying the possibility of working with your company. Therefore, we will be in communication with you and expect to visit you in Caracas to meet with some of your potential clients …. Please suggest to me an agenda for that official visit. I look forward to seeing you soon ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

How can one gauge the indefinite limits of such global petroleum, automotive and logistics corporations?

By a brief example:

These global corporations have their own private universities and R&D&I labs and other facilities.

A fantastic example of R&D&I labs are comprised by Xerox PARC. According to Wikipedia,

“ … Xerox PARC, is a research and development company in Palo Alto, California [….] Founded in 1970 as a division of Xerox Corporation [….] Xerox formed Palo Alto Research Center Incorporated as a wholly owned subsidiary in 2002 ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

The preceding lab have wondrous in-all-practicality frame of references in which to enforce uncanny operation-reality-checked challenges, problems, developments, standards, techniques, technical breakthroughs, scientific discoveries, novel innovation developments, speed, benefits, opportunities, productivity, efficiencies and progress.

By way of example and as many others, GE has its own famous Crotonville corporate educational facility, buoyantly mentioned by Jack Welch and Jeffrey Immelt.

Crotonville's Provost is the CEO of this fully-integrated subsidiary company to GE.

Speaking of education:

The second-best teachers and professors are the strict and disciplinarian ones.

The best teachers and professors are the ones that frustrate your learning process, by default asking you to grasp your own perpetual education for Life.

Jim Rhon observed if you get a college degree you can make a decent living, but if you can be a rigorous autodidact (into self theoretical and practical learning), you can get wealthy.

If you want to get amazingly enlightened on education by the American Father of Outer-Space Conquest and Europe's Ultimate Emperor, please go to

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Citgo's PDVSA, believe or it not, had a living miniaturized microcosmic Earth, as of July of 1996.

I had the official visit of some leading U.S. executives considering entering a joint venture with my company (CORS) regarding this petroleum group when we got the invitation to see this tiny planet, used by PDVSA to measure actual ecological impacts by fossil-driven energy consumption.

These privately-held labs and educational organizations compete and sometime supersedes those amazing institutions by the prestigious Ivy-League universities.

First, there is the amazing plain-vanilla education you get at the Ivy-League universities.

Then there is the new-frontier-breaking executive and most-expensive technical, still practical education you get at your own corporation's privately-held in-company R&D&I-ed university.

Your company’s own university has marvelous labs and beautiful reality-checked theaters of operations.

To get enrolled to your company’s own university, first you have to be employed by it and show a great deal of already-seized experience.

The world’s SECOND strongest tech-leaning universities are those of the Ivy-League universities.

The world’s FIRST strongest tech-leaning universities are those of your own corporation's privately-held in-company R&D&I-ed university.

Coming back to the main point:

This long professional and practical experience extends in the fields of turnkey applied:

Management, corporate planning and risk management consultation, strategy and associated services with major organizations and corporations extends to more than thirty years and over books to his credit.

I have instituted all-encompassing beyond-insurance risk management (TAIRM) to more than a dozen of global institutions of unparallelled world-class reputation, hereunder.

Many of these institutions, including the World Bank, have issued letters of reference and testimonial of the services provided.

Whenever I speak hereby about how I practice “...risk management...”, I will only be referring to scientifically-driven beyond-insurance risk management and never ever be referring to financially-driven risk management.

In all and all, insurance is an expensive quick fix while Transformative and Integrative Risk Management and beyond-insurance risk management, in general, are a cost-effective cardinal solution.

TAIRM implements turnkey, essential beyond-insurance risk management solutions.

The word “...system...” is here used in its ample meaning and does not hereby refer to computer systems.

The definition of system — which I have researched, meditated and pondered about — is this:

“...System comprises the whole compounded of several parts, members elements, components and subsystems, a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole, an organized set of interrelated ideas or principles, a naturally occurring group of objects or phenomena, a condition of harmonious and orderly interaction, and an organized and coordinated method; a procedure. System is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a set of elements (often called 'components') and dynamic relationships which are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets. Systems unite and put together elements, components and subsystems toward the entire whole..."

Beyond Systems, Are there anything else to importantly consider? Yes, there are Metasystems. Here is the definition.

“ … Metasystem is a system about other systems, such as describing, generalizing, modeling, or analyzing the other system(s) …. Intelligent systems like the ones Yaskawa Electric uses to simulate Japan's Bullet Train through computerized modeling, or the system pyramid molding buildings into plastics, equipment, or the artificial intelligence aid American Express uses to capture customer service information ...”


The definition of omniscience which I have researched, meditated and pondered about is this:

“... Applied non-theological omniscience consists of having total knowledge; knowing everything, having infinite knowledge, the current state of knowledge, the ability to know anything that one chooses to know and can be known and actually knowing everything that can be known. Synonyms to omniscience include panshopy, polihistory and all-knowingness, including all human and nonhuman knowledge, also comprising of afterworld-and-after-life knowledge of and/or pertaining to: Recondite Knowledge, Theology and Hermeneutics ...”


Arbitrary demarcations of knowledge by scientists and pseudoscientists are a DIRECT function of overspecialization and superspecialization.

Subsequently, overspecialization and superspecialization by scientists and pseudoscientists ARE NEVER a function of applied non-theological omniscience application.

Mind-Mapping (ISBN: 978-0452273221) British Author, Mr. Tony Buzan, who has extensively worked with corporations such as prominent Boeing, argues knowledge is more like a Broth or Soup, WITHOUT the application of artificially-arbitrary constraints and boundaries by folly faulty hominids.

Lucius or Marcus Annaeus Seneca (54 BC – c. 39 AD) strongly counseled against superspecialization and overspecialization.

In such Broth or Soup by Tony Buzan and Seneca, there are not artificially-imposed limits, say, between Math and History, between Geography and Biology, between Hard Science and Soft Science, between Hard Tech and Low Tech, between Exactness-Driven Sciences and Social Sciences, between Theological Studies, as well as Hermeneutics, and Applied Quantum Mechanics, between Recondite and Hermetic yet Secretive Learning and Learning Acquired by Trial and Error...”

By way of example:


Some, not all, of the terms are “... unlawful ...” within these corporations above in any written or verbal format, include:

(A.-) Et cetera.

(B.-) Etc.

(C.-) So forth.

(D.-) So on.

(E.-) Else.

(F.-) Et al.

(G.-) Approximate, Approximately.

(H.-) Circa.

(I.-) Stuff.

(J.-) Whatever.

(K.-) “...The like ...”

And by way of example:

WHAT IS CORPORATELY NEVER PERMITTED (Corporate Prohibition Number 1):

So, corporate employees CANNOT say: “ … Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc. ...”

WHAT IS CORPORATELY PERMITTED (Corporate Allowance Number 1):

“...Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday ...”

WHAT IS CORPORATELY NEVER PERMITTED (Corporate Prohibition Number 2):

“... Elements, Components, Subsystems, so on ...”

WHAT IS CORPORATELY PERMITTED (Corporate Allowance Number 1):

“... Elements, Components, Subsystems and Systems ...”

You see, terms like “Et cetera.”, “Etc.”, “So forth.”, “So on” and “Et al.” beget immense and extremely onerous, yet most unnecessary, ambiguity, ambivalence, inaccuracy, complication and complexity.

Put simply, the greatly LACK precision and accuracy.

And lack of precision and accuracy begets huge expenses, disruptions and hazards.

By using those terms you can create the black swans of the folly and make a great office industrial installation blow up and kill many innocent lives, including that of those who have nothing to do with the corporation's core business, disrupting important company’s assets.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Using a differentiated language but focusing on the same connotation as the signatory below, Buzan strongly asserts the usage of the greatest extent (knowledge depth and knowledge width and breadth) and possible of available or even unavailable knowledge to solve problems and to make choices is most necessary and desirable, regardless of their tiny minuteness or the gargantuan cosmological scale.


Bart: Dad, why do you say knowledge is a soup?

Homer: Son, because since time immemorial and before the advent of the Industrial Revolution, every type of knowledge was somewhat related to the other type. Tony does some nice chatting about it.

Bart: Dad, what is the Industrial Revolution? But in the process, don't dictate me an academic lecture and scholarship, please!

Homer: Son, the Industrial Revolution is Day #1 when humans decided to throw in the towel and to make inanimate apparatus to rule the entire human race, thus ruling out hominids.

Bart: Is that Day #1 for Home Personal Computers making?

Homer: For PC making and the ensuing bots!

Bart: What do you mean by bots?

Homer: Those anthropomorphic and non-anthropomorphic apparatus that stem from Swiss-clockwork manufacturing and some other naughty gadgets by Leo.

Bart: What do you mean by naughty gadgets by Leonardo? Is that the same Leo of the Priory of Sion?

Homer: Yes. Leo's automaton one, that, I guess, some architect or technologist have resembled and proved utility in that and so the tic-tact-toe thing went into inexhaustible infinity until its own destruction by tear and wear.

Bart: And what is the problem with building a tic-tact-toe thing, rumbling around?

Homer: My son, you are so naive. There is no problem with the tic-tact-toe thing rumbling around. The problem is that Siren Servers are planning to bestow such rumbling-around tic-tact-toe things with beyond-human-thinking capabilities. In the process, some rara avis and pigeons might become endangered species.

Bart: Dad, you must be jockeying! Are you, Dad, suggesting that real-world and present-day humans are entertaining the idea of enabling the worst nightmares predicted by Luddites and Proto-Luddites?

Homer: Well, Bart, the problem with you is that you haven't read the Singularity is Near. There is no problem because in that book it is cherished that by a bird's and a bee's type of transubstantiation thing humans and apparatus will become one single entity. And thus mortality will become an unfashionable thing of the past.

Bart: Dad, but some spooky reasons beyond my understanding Jaron says, like Gerald Celente, that we need to become Siren-Servers advert and be careful that home PCs don't stand-up and start flying and self-replicating and giving birth to upgraded tic-tac-toe devices.

Homer: Jaron, who?

Bart: That is, Jaron Lanier. He dearly harbors the serious notion of the Siren Servers (ISBN: 978-1451654974).

Homer: Bart, I don't know that gentleman? What is that silly subtle point you are trying to make with me? To the point, please!

Bart: The problem is that Jaron argues that the man with the outlandish public laughter, a bit out of public proportion and without grace and appalling gusto, is set out, through his Siren Servers' web-based store, to use rumbling-around tic-tact-toe and beyond-human-thinking capabilities things to do acrobatic-midair hovering, superseding watermelon-sized hovercrafts.

Homer: Son, if that is so anguishly true, I must declare you a shrewd, mordant brainchild. Why Caustic Monsieur Highest-Volume Laughter (ISBN: 978-1-4488-6914-5) would want those insane entities to do midair hovering?

Bart: Daddy, so that he can get his non-clouded-based products and cash-capturing to arrive on the customer's hands, delivering quamtumly-encrypted materials, without the snailed-paced best offices of and by FEDEX or UPS or DHL.

Homer: But Bart, when the gentleman in question met with Charlie, did he hint something about you in-point stuff?

Bart: Charlie, Charlie who?

Homer: Charlie Rose, the Bloomberg TV's journalist and nighttime interviewer, remember?

Bart: Yes, I do. But the Lanier guy says that the tic-tact-toe thing, beyond being smarter than a human device and hovering in the midair spatial plane, it is also going to be wirelessly connected in the temporal locus with the World-Wide Web and it is also going to be able to sequester wireless electricity, too.

Homer: Oh my God, son! Are you sure that you are NOT into the Scottish Rite?

Bart: Are you hinting me to be associated with the foundational architects of Washington D.C.?

Homer: Bart, are you suggesting that Mr. Laughter might as well be using Recondite and Hermetic Knowledge to make the tic-tac-toe a superrich-fortune-generating after-tax wealth, to out-compete Gates III and Buffett I?

Bart: You are close, Dad, but not close enough! Sure thing, Mr. Laughter will secure Recondite and Hermetic Knowledge. But, in order to be even more technical and prepared, he is additionally going to use Andy's practical idea on non-theological applied omniscience. Got it? He will, then, get his White Swan as his Swiss and Jersey Bankers will confirm his in-pocketed CASH. Thence, he will rule many Siren Servers!

Homer: What is the White Swan's non-theological applied omniscience?

Bart: An invention by DARPA and NASA, greatly propelled by Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard and Dr. Wernher von Braun. And before you ask, NASA is a spinoff by DARPA and DoD. And DARPA is where America's most sophisticated ground-breaking hotbed-ed scientists reside, research and provide.

Homer: What is a White Swan?

Bart: The beforehand destruction of corporation's MOST exponential risks and downside futures, transformed into insane richness and gold.

Homer: Do you think that these watermelon-sized wireless ubiquitous hovercrafts (quadrotor air vehicles) will get into reproducing their non-biological specie?

Bart: Well, Joel and Orson argue that they will make self-replicating and self-upgrading watermelon-sized wireless hovercrafts. They say that the air traffic will be so jammed by the un-biological thinking and mating (reproducing) creatures that jet number 1 won't be able to take off.

Homer: What Joel and Orson are those?

Bart: The one of the Radical Evolution (ISBN: 978-0767915038). Dad, where do you think these trends will take us to? Orson is a hell-of-American intellectual and movie director and maker that shocked TV viewers with the invasion of and by alien intelligences from the Omniverse's Recondite and Hermetic: Dark Energy and Dark Matter. To this end, Olson explains his case below.

Homer: I first must correct you. I agree with Andy. He does not like the oversimplified “trend” and “countertrend” words. He says that trend is like a head-shot of a frozen dynamic projected trajectory, only bestowed by the Dynamic Driving Forces. IF THE DISRUPTIONAL SINGULARITY WARRANTS IT ONLY, the Dynamic Driving Forces will, then, take us into Ray's Technological Singularity.

Bart: I am confused! What are those singularities about?

Homer: The techie one is about birthing non-biological and transbiological humans that supersede the computational reckoning by today's human brain. And making natural death an outright thing of the past. The Disruptional one is about human error, terror and flawness making waves in civilian and military spheres, including the imposition of the Cold War II by the express impious deeds of the Euro-Asian superpower as per the invite, not of the U.S., of the naive E.U. so-called “leaders.”

Bart: Can the self-replicating and self-upgrading watermelon-sized wireless hovercrafts carry improvised “x” devices?

Homer: I doubt it, Mr. Laughter has every White Swan calculated in detail. And White Swans hates every form of disruptions and are rara avis that destroy threats and risks. Unless his self-replicating and self-upgrading watermelon-sized wireless hovercrafts get hacked, which is, by the way, a huge perpetual possibility.

Bart: What can a White Swan do for the most prominent Seattle inhabitant?

Homer: Make his core-business EVEN infinitely super richer while securing a better laughter outpouring to the East Coast of the Atlantic.

Bart: Dad, how can we get on the boat on making wealth like him?

Homer: Through two quick ways. First, by doing smart entrepreneuring. Second, by doing the “...First...” through the White Swan.

Bart: Why is it necessary the White Swan?

Homer: First, in order not to get silly black swans. Second, in order to make your coped-with black swans into beautiful and lucrative White Swans through Transformative and Integrative Risk Management interdisciplinary problem-solving methodology. (That is: Feet-on-the-dynamic-ground problem solving).

Bart: And What is Transformative and Integrative Risk Management interdisciplinary problem-solving methodology?

Homer: Andy's interdisciplinary approach to Seize Success, Preclude black swans, the Disruptional Singularity and enable Ray's Technological Singularity.

Bart: How do you define success?

Homer: To this end, Andy says that Success is achieved in two simultaneous ways. FIRST, By securing all of your designated objectives and goals, despite competitors and governments and geopolitics. SECOND, By securing that, as you over-accomplish your designated objectives and goals, you give your competitors tons of Sputnik Moments.

Bart: Oh, I see. But what is that Rusky notion that I don't get?

Homer: Sputnik moments are when you are superseded by your competitors as they throw at you manipulated strategies and technological innovations to disrupt your business from competing. And if you are getting Sputnik moments is because you are doing, without consciousness, black swans only and are not responsive to the countermeassuring White Swan idea, early on, for Life.

Bart: Dad, that sounds a bit complicated.

Homer: Bart, for some things you are smart. And for others you are a fool. Competition between business enterprises are harsh actions by Frederick The Great and Emperor Napoleon I.

Bart: Dad, why are you teaching me world history? I hate that knowledge field.

Homer: Bart, if you don't learn history, you are set out to fail at entrepreneuring and else! You can have all the high tech you want but if you don't know how to do your strategy right and do right with your risks and futures, you are destined to be bankrupted.

Bart: Dad, Are all entrepreneurs and corporation CEOs and chairpersons so anti-shrewd?

Homer: 97% of them are! Those guys and gals think that by having tons of servers, nodes, cloud computing, and web-based mobile applications they will outsmart the competition and governments. Hence, they are immeasurably wrong!

Bart: Dad, so one needs to go further than having laptops, servers, kindles, e-readers, i-pads, i-phones and so forth? Are those the employment of what Andy and other call tangibles.

Homer: Yes, son. You gotta do your intangibles. Even tangibles are made up of intangibles. The world is ruled by intangibles. Stated simply, intangibles are Intellectual Capital. You see, not only corporations have Intellectual Capital but also sole proprietors as Andy and Ray. White Swan and Transformative and Integrative Risk Management are Intellectual Capitals, solely owned by Andy.

Bart: Is software contemplated within your Intellectual Capital definition?

Homer: Yes, software is an intangible and a portion in the mix of Intellectual Capital. And, for the sake of clarity, you can even have a systematized interdisciplinary methodology in place that does not need computerization or web-basing. You see, Bart, everything under Computronium's Sun (its own Star) is always, whether we know it or not, reckoning zillion zillion zillion calculations.

Bart: Is the biological mind a good example of a systematized hardware whose locus does not belong to W3?

Homer: Yes, it is. And you can also add that the bio-PC is systematic and yet, in many cases, not systemic.

Bart: And beyond patents and other copyrighted materials, What else is Intellectual Capital?

Homer: Two-fold question. FIRST, there is the knowledge base of the Corporation. SECOND, there is the knowledge base of each Corporation's employee beyond any property and/or effort by the Corporation.

Bart: Who owns Tony Buzan's Broth and Soup?

Homer: Well, Tony's soup has a primordial genesis in people and civilizations from: Classic Ancient Greeks, Classic Ancient Romans and Latins, Classic Ancient Aryans and Germanics, Classic Ancient Scandinavians and, for instance, Classic Ancient Egyptians and Classic Ancient Phoenicians. And the idea by all of them is that the totality of knowledge does not have clearly-human-made knowledge (system) demarcations (boundaries). And superspecialization and overspecialization are NEVER recommended, through millennia, by these Classic Ancient civilizations.

And to that end, I must admit that Andy's motion has been fully supported by Sir Francis Bacon (1561 –1626)when he writes verbatim,

“... Men have abandoned universality [of knowledge], or philosophia prima, which cannot but cease and stop all progression [pursued through arbitrarily established specialization and even super-specialization]. For no perfect discovery can be made upon a flat or a level; neither is possible to discover the more remote and deeper parts [, both subtle and dramatic,] of any science if you stand but upon the level of the same science, and ascend not to a higher science [towards true non-theological omniscience] ...” Brackets of the Author.

Bart: And because of that by you is that Andy suggests to swiftly and thoroughly embrace the non-theological omniscience notion, just as DARPA, NASA, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell do since the early 1950s.

Homer: Bart, you are becoming most mordant and probably into the Illuminatis? Are you?


Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Speaking of applied omniscience and by way of example:

Deng Xiaoping's quote, “ … It doesn't matter whether the cat is black or white, as long as it catches mice ...”

Paraphrasing the thought above, the reader gets:

“ … It doesn't matter whether the cat [problem-solving methodology] is black [insurance-based risk management] or white [beyond-insurance risk management], as long as it catches [terminates or, at least, optimally modulates] mice [hazards and any operational downside futures]...” Brackets are of the author.

Let us consider: «Universal Knowledge» vis-à-vis Omniscience:

“... In support of the liberal notion that the knowledges that constitute the university have no ‘use’ fail to ask what [John Henry] Newman mean by ‘universal knowledge.’ By ‘universal’ Newman did not mean that the knowledges that constitute liberal learning cannot be justified by their utility, but rather that all knowledge was interconnected because the ‘universe in its length and breadth is so intimately knit together.’ To be educated is not to be well read or to know a great deal about this or that subject. Rather, it is the only true enlargement of mind which is the power of viewing many things at once as one whole, of referring them severally to their true place in the universal system, or understanding their respective values, and determining their mutual dependence...” [95] Brackets are of the author.

And the preceding paragraph continues:

“... Thus is that form of Universal Knowledges sets up in the individual intellect, and constitutes its perfection. Possessed of this real illumination, the mind never views any part of the extended subject-matter of Knowledge without recollecting that it is but a part, or without the associations which spring from this recollection. It makes everything in some sort lead to everything else; it would communicate the image of the whole to every separate portion, till that whole becomes in imagination like a spirit, everywhere pervading and penetrating its component parts, and giving them one definite meaning [….] Philosophy, not theology, Newman believes to be the discipline that is distinct from all the sciences, that is, ‘in some sense’ philosophy is ‘ … a science of sciences … ’ ...” [95].

In this context, the term “...knowledge...” includes:

1.- Unknowldege.
2.- Non-unknowldege knowledge.
3.- Foreknowledge.
4.- Prescience.
5.- Omniscience.

What can applied knowledge do for speed, efficiency, productivity, progress and modernity?

Speaking of non-theological omniscience, Edward Teller argues, “...The science of today is the technology of tomorrow ...” [83]

Applied non-theological omniscience is lavishly applied by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and a myriad of world-class private contractors by both of these agencies, among many other institutions.

Applied non-theological omniscience has been under application in many industries since the early 1950s.

To illustrate the focus of the latter-day work, “...Management of Risk and Insurance...” does not ever equate to beyond-insurance risk management (the exact opposite of insurance-based risk unmanagement).

It is now important to assert that “...COSO Risk Management...” and “...Enterprise Risk Management...” are never beyond-insurance risk management.

“...Management of Captive Insurance Companies...” does not ever equate to beyond-insurance risk management.

“...' … Risk Management ...' (so-called) by Insurance and Reinsurance Brokers...” does not ever equate to beyond-insurance risk management.

Under the snail-paced of financial focus, institutional and corporate firms “...transfer risks...” (so called) to insurance and reinsurance companies (suboptimal or ineffectual choice).

Under the TAIRM focus, institutional and corporate firms manage risks optimally through the interdisciplinary systems approach with the applied omniscience perspective (optimal decision).

Coming to the core of the subject matter, thus receiving indemnity payments was observed as insidious mediocrity by this petroleum group above.

Let us not complicate things that are already complicated. The people who lie the most, are not psychopaths, but folks into outright and comfortable mediocrity (there are some with tertiary and tetratiary completed education).

The preceding folks have envisaged, as per the narrowed and convenient under-minds, a Cosmosvision in which no one should do the extra-mile effort.

And when someone else, willing to go for the extra-league effort, they argue, “... pal, sure thing, you are a smart cookie that does NOT warrant my relieving sleep as I am in awe and bewilderment by your mouth and keyboard … I hugely hate you because you have proven my Belief System wrong ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

These global corporations, for illustration purposes and when applying advanced scenario-planning methodology, don't only contemplate — say — the tree-scenario output but the totality of meaningful scenarios that can disrupt their operations gravely or grow their success significantly.

Sometimes they are, as well, called “...hazard scenarios ...”

Even mild discrete deviations or not are thoroughly studied in granularity of detail too, documented and continuously considered.

To the greatest degree possible by the respective prepared minds, they leave — within their materiel possibilities — little spatial and temporal dimensions for (a) fortuitousness (Fortuitousness is the quality of conforming to event that happens without thinking and that event while happens unexpected and casually). And (b) randomness (Randomness means lack of pattern or predictability in events) and (c) pseudorandomness (A pseudorandom process is a process that appears to be random but is not).

After all, one must realize that they are not a primarily financial system “player,” but an institutional incumbent mostly exercising organic ownership and profit of fixed and liquid assets.

Profit and lucre (monetary reward or gain; money.) are beyond indispensable. Without lucre NGOs will never be able to make charitable donations, governments would not be able to pay for unemployment insurance benefits.

Within my professional experience, I have found that lucre-centric billionaires have a huge humanitarian heart, enabling possibilities for the socially excluded (disfranchised ones), not within the realm of duty of them, but within the realm of duty of government incumbents.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Clearly, the financial aspects and those of their liquid assets were also important to them.


If and when major currencies go South, don't expect, by way of example, to get any indemnity payment from insurance and reinsurance companies, regardless of the millionaire or billionaire cover you purchased.

And as strong financial players, don't expect insurance and reinsurance companies to be alive.

But, for example, when you need oil or gas or petrochemicals, you will need to pay for these ardent commodities, unless you want to get frozen.

And petroleum, gas and petrochemical companies will not go South because of the hugely manipulated crash of the global currencies and the so-called Financial System.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

The high-raking executives and applied scientists of most of these global institutions know that insurance and reinsurance companies have rampant speculative financial practices and ambitions as if they were investment banks, just to cite one example.

And, as a consequence, many of them displace (divert) the legally-stipulated “...premium reserves...” (financial provisions originally established to indemnify the covered losses to insureds and reinsureds) and in order to seize additional and unlawful gains out of those reserves.

All of the preceding without these parties actually getting in proactive and agile engagement of countermeasuring threats (including intractable threats).

These insurance and reinsurance companies do the prior by financially re-engineering the allocated portions of the premiums designated to pay for covered losses.

As many (not all) insurance and reinsurance companies doctor and manipulate the sacred premium reserves, they make extraordinary and illegitimate earnings while losing great solvency and their ultimate ability to indemnify duly covered losses.

Most insurance and reinsurance companies view themselves as enjoying first-order blood-related “ relationships...” with banks, stock market firms and many other private “ … players ...” within the ever-speculative financial system.

Many (not all) insurance and reinsurance companies are financial predators.

For instance:


Like Bernie Madoff, most (not all) insurance and reinsurance companies enjoy reading the following Amazon books:

(1.-) The Quants: How a New Breed of Math Whizzes Conquered Wall Street and Nearly Destroyed It (ISBN: 978-0307453389).

(2.-) Dark Pools: The Rise of the Machine Traders and the Rigging of the U.S. Stock Market (ISBN: 978-0307887184)

(3.-) Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt (ISBN: 978-0393244663).

(4.-) The Big Short: Inside the Doomsday Machine (ISBN: 978-0393338829).

(5.-) The Art of Deception: Controlling the Human Element of Security (ISBN: 978-0764542800).

(6.-) Social Engineering: The Art of Human Hacking (ISBN: 978-0470639535).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

And when the global economy and financial system are even further brought down, What and where are the indemnity payments that the insured parties are going to come from the insurers? Most probably in some fat pockets hidden in relished fiscal paradises.

For serious industrial corporations, mired by intensive intellectual and fixed asset capitals and own operations, such global malfeasance is a like an abject financial-engineering “...glitch ...”.

Global corporations do not desire their corporate insurance policies to be subjected to outright wrongdoing and other ups and downs (whether systemic or not) by any “...agent..." (gambler) of the financial system, chiefly the insurance and reinsurance companies.

Financial systems become a so-called “ … systemic risk ...” by the expressed doctoring and gambling deeds of and by the primordial incumbents in such financial systems.

Consequently, management by insurance and reinsurance companies is NEVER beyond-insurance risk management.

Thus, it was insidious mediocrity because this petroleum group's executives strongly believed that these risks can be stopped before morphing into disruption potentials if a previous, early-on (beforehand) appropriate work was previously designed and in place.

The frequently cited White Swans are exploited by Royal Dutch Shell to facilitate one example quickly.

Like many governmental agencies and other prominent global corporations, Citgo's PDVSA did not tolerate a “ system...”-driven risk management option.

All of these institutions wanted a central and on-site (in-company) solution through systems interdisciplinary approach with the applied omniscience perspective, enabled by a reliable external turnkey consultant and strategist.

The applied omniscience notion is vastly and continuously used by agencies and corporations in the Military-Industrial Complex.

Yes, by law and in general, you still need “worker's compensation,” “directors and officers,” “kidnap and ransom,” “legal expenses,” “product liability” and “life insurance.”

BUT NOT IN PERSONAL CIRCUMSTANCES AND ONLY IN ORGANIZATIONAL AND BUSINESS SETTINGS, “...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management...” (explained hereby) lucratively turns corporate and institutional insurance irrelevant and worthless.

The most sensible corporate and institutional risks — through TAIRM — can be optimally managed without insurance and reinsurance.

In the process, you are additionally making a huge saving by not paying exaggerated unearned and undeserved commissions and bonuses to insurance and reinsurance brokers. “...Brokers...” (“...sales reps...”) of what? Indeed!

Insurance or Insurance-Based Risk Unmanagement is the old guard while Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is the vanguard, today!

We are all professionally and managerially concerned about legalistic and litigious: regulations, frameworks, zeitgeists and Weltanschauungs.

But these are not the only perils requiring holistic countermeassuring in an all-out wars “...waged...” within the theaters of operations (including intractable threats).

If a corporation believes that Cyber or Cybersecurity Insurance will suffice, then one will know that the CEO is dysfunctional.

And Corporate or Personal Catastrophic Insurance is raising the ante in a bad gamble.

Conversely, Xerox' V.P., Mr. Brooks greatly articulates the point by stating:

“ … In 2013, more than 740 million private records were exposed, making it the worst year in terms of data breaches recorded. This year may be even worse. Two of the most visible data breaches were from retail operators Target and Neiman Marcus. The forensic case studies on these incidents are still being examined. In data breaches, there is no one size fits all solution for addressing causation and future mitigation. Data breaches come from insider threats, negligence in following security protocols, or, most often the case, from outside attacks. Each industry is also unique. A case in point is the energy industry. Of particular concern is that three-quarters of energy companies and utilities have experienced at least one data breach in the past 12 months according to a Ponemon Report. According to that same report, 'a mere 21% of global energy and utilities organizations feel that their existing controls are able to protect against exploits and attacks through smart grid and smart meter-connected systems.' The danger of cyber-attacks on the energy grid and transportation sectors requires more situational awareness and enactment of lessons learned. The implications of failure can be more damaging and potentially catastrophic compared to retail data breaches...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

And issues bestowed by violation of Governance, Compliance and Controls also required a much more holistic countermeassuring (including intractable threats).

By way of illustration, only managing issues concerning the abidance of: Sarbanes— Oxley Act, Patriot Act, Governance, Compliance, Controls and Intellectual Property is never ever “...beyond-insurance risk management...”

Nearly all lawyers and economists see “...risk management and insurance..." as a financial and legal approach.

My late father, my existing brother, sister and other close family members are litigation Jurisprudentiae Doctor. Consequently, through inner-most family reasons, I hold barristers very highly.

I intensely collaborate with a law office formed by 300 lawyers and we get along very well. I also work very closely with all sorts of disestablish and accomplished law-enforcement officials and lawyers specialized in criminology.

When pursuing with serious risk management, one must cooperate fluidly with lawyers, law-enforcement officials and criminologists.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Just about all accountants and chief compliant officers (CCOs) see “...risk management and insurance..." as a comptroller's methodology.

Most actuaries and statisticians see “...risk management and insurance..." as a statistical methodology. Both of them declared to be engaged with Stochastic Modeling, also known as the Monte Carlo method, to tinker parlance into sophisticated past-lathered “...historical records...” with the anumerical a posteriori perspective. (A posteriori or ex post facto).

Most auditors see “...risk management and insurance..." as a governance and compliance and intellectual property methodology.

To the highest degree possible, economists and financiers see “...risk management and insurance..." as a speculative and highly doctorable financial transaction.

Any financially-driven service at all is always extremely doctorable and immensely manipulable.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Most corporate planners see “...risk management and insurance..." as a strategy and planning approach.

Nearly all human resources managers see “...risk management and insurance..." as a psychological approach.

CIOs, CISOs and CTOs, I.T. managers and I.T. risk managers see “...risk management and insurance ...” as a computational methodology.

The fallaciously-called “...futurists, ...” that should instead be called — at all times — futurologists, are NEVER EVER risk managers, as they consider that risk management is a conundrum whose problem-solving is achieved through Sociology and/other soft “...Social Sciences ...”.

Almost all lawyers, economists, financiers, accountants, chief compliant officers (CCOs), business administrators, auditors, corporate planners, actuaries, human resources managers, CIOs, CISOs, CTOs, I.T. Managers, I.T. risk managers and futurists (or futurologists) are not sufficiently right because their focus and pursuit fail to consider the applied physicist' and engineer's all-rounded criteria.

The engineering-oriented mentality is best in any field of Hard Science and Soft Science, Low Tech and Hi Tech, including Social Sciences and History.

Beyond-insurance risk management and TAIRM comprehensively consider lawfulness (including intellectual properties), Sarbanes— Oxley Act, Patriot Act, governance, compliance, controls, business administration, accounting, auditing, statistics, actuarial sciences, corporate planning, human resources, economics and finance, I.T. and technology, as well.

As a by-product, TAIRM takes into serious consideration everything related to the speed, efficiency, productivity, innovation, productivity, progress, growth and seamless sustainability of the institutional clients.

Beyond-insurance risk management and TAIRM contemplate many, many other proprietary aspects not discussed here.

Virtually all lawyers, economists, financiers, business administrators, accountants, chief compliant officers (CCOs), auditors, corporate planners, actuaries, human resources managers, CIOs, CISOs, CTOs, I.T. Managers, I.T. risk managers and futurists (or futurologists) are NEVER into beyond-insurance risk management and TAIRM.

Beyond-insurance risk management and TAIRM are ultimately truth-seeking interdisciplinary methodologies through the systems cross-functional approach and with the applied omniscience perspective.

Many (not all): prominent scientists, academicians, scholars, linguists, polyglots, researchers, engineers, thought leaders, historians, philosophers, authors, CEOs, inventors, states-people, lawyers, economists, financiers, business administrators, accountants, chief compliant officers (CCOs), auditors, corporate planners, actuaries, human resources managers, CIOs, CISOs, CTOs, I.T. Managers, I.T. risk managers and futurists (or futurologists) seek accuracy — either directly or indirectly — in adversarial modes by going to court and “...resolving...” the loss (disruption potential) in over-legalistic and over-litigious “...boxing rings...” (that is, seeking contentious adversarial truths).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Law and complexity:

“...The law is recognizing the trend toward complexity of life and the inability of the average person to recognize and overcome risks associated with it … Whereas our forefathers could knowingly inspect the horseshoes a blacksmith nailed on their horses’ hoofs, the average person today cannot knowledgeably inspect a microwave oven or a car’s automatic transmission...” [226]


Casually, business administrators (managers) and many investors have a distinctive taste outsourcing and off-shoring.

But neither outsourcing nor off-shoring is beyond-insurance risk management.

Equally, neither process re-engineering, process overhauling, nor cost-cutting, nor continuous improvement is beyond-insurance risk management.

In addition, some major national economies are being currently ruined by previous massive outsourcing and off-shoring engagements.

Ruins have also been inflicted by un-walked talks and small chats about public education reform for the past forty years, chiefly in the pontificated yet immeasurably dysfunctional West.

Furthermore, TAIRM deeply examines the enterprise’s core business.

However, all honorable professionals hereby mentioned are clever and have outstanding contributions to make in society.

Not separately but jointly they have a partial role to play in beyond-insurance risk management.

And actual and advanced “...beyond-insurance risk management..." is just OPTIMAL PER SE MANAGEMENT.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

The oil group in question wanted to preemptively countermeasure every hazard and risk optimally (early on, that is: beforehand).

Subsequently, I expanded, revised, upgraded and enhanced greatly this practice and interdisciplinary approach, after twenty-one years of applied experience, and carefully designed, developed and created my proprietary methodology and professional, trade secret, “...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management..." (TAIRM) back in 2005 (continually updated and upgraded to date).

Simply stated, it is secret because it is proprietary.


Everyone should have his or her own proprietary:

(1.-) Algorithms,

(2.-) Software Applications,

(3.-) White Papers and Scholarly Articles,

(4.-) Books,

(5.-) Blogs,

(6.-) Methods,

(7.-) Creations, and

(8.-) Other assets as per his or her direct Intellectual Capital and Intellectual Effort.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

This own interdisciplinary approach (Transformative and Integrative Risk Management) I seamlessly coalesce with the scientific futuring perspective (skill, expertise).

My researched Scientific Futuring definition is this:

“... Scientific Futuring is in due place to incessantly develop a scientific method for studying the future. Scientific Futuring comprises: 1) An inductive process consisting of a number of accurate observations which have been consolidated, or generalized, into empirical laws or statements of underlying relationships between key variables, and 2) A deductive, intuitive process by which the scientific “investigator” places his observations into a larger system of thought, or theory based on fundamental axioms. Scientific Futuring is instituted with the purpose of seizing knowledge of effects through causes. This method of Scientific Futuring, made up of a process employing the classical scientific steps of induction and deduction, and reinforced by additional steps of contextualization and evolutionization, is a battle-plan for systemically and systematically study of tomorrow’s evolving world, today and tomorrow ...”

Hidden and ignored risks most authors fail to elaborate on:

There is a great risk for all sorts of business enterprises. Unfortunately, most practitioners of Risk Unmanagement (insurance and insurance-based risk management) and Risk Management (beyond-insurance risk management) — along with folks into planning and implementing Strategy —, fail to consider gravely and prevalently.

Those risks stem from the war-waging campaign presented and put forward by industry's and other industry's competitors.


Let us check this out:

(1.-) Today is the real-time future.

(2.-) Tomorrow is the TODAY'S FUTURE as it breaks in 24 hours.

(3.-) The day after tomorrow is TODAY'S FUTURE as it breaks in 48 hours.

(4.-) Next month is TODAY'S FUTURE as it breaks in 30 days.

(5.-) Next year is TODAY'S FUTURE as it breaks in 365 days.

(6.-) Next decade is TODAY'S FUTURE as it breaks in 3,650 days.

(7.-) Next century is TODAY'S FUTURE as it breaks in 36,500 days.

(8.-) Next millennium is TODAY'S FUTURE as it breaks in 360,500 days.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

As with any other risks, these hazards the manager most foresee, prepare for and get ready to exploit, transforming downsides into substantial upsides.

Extremely important subsequent addendum:

“...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (TAIRM) is also implemented, in order to prevent technological and other surprises to the savvy organization seeking this advice and service by TAIRM, but also to create disruptively technological surprises (managerial '...Sputnik Moments...') for the enterprise’s competitors...”

Under TAIRM '...Sputnik Moments...' and '...Eureka Moments …' are coalesced and hugely exploited for the sake of the core business' sustainable lucre.

In related manner:

This notion is better understood when the axiom: “... strategy is a function of a grander beyond-insurance risk management program and not the other way around...” is fully accepted and practiced.

In one line, Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (TAIRM) is absolutely and recursively into:

(a) “ … Skunkworks … ,” (b) “ … Space-Age, ...” (c) “ … Wargaming … ”, (d) into-Perfectibility Technocratic, Plutocratic, Stratocratic, Meritocratic, Non-theocratic and (e) Omnimode, Methodological, Sequential and Dense Full-Orbited Management Blitzkrieging Problem-Solving Methodology that Transforms Black Swans (sub-optimal unmanagement) into Outright White Swans (optimal management). (That is: Feet-on-the-dynamic-ground problem solving).

A little definition:

“ ... Blitzkrieg is a German MEME for war-waging White Swan Corporate Strategy conducted against competitors and with great speed and force; specifically: a violent techno-surprise offensive by massed brick-and-mortar forces and through digitized ground and World-Wide Web forces in close beyond-perfection coordination ...”

Why do? “ ...Full-Orbited Management Blitzkrieging Problem-Solving Methodology that Transforms Black Swans (sub-optimal unmanagement) into Outright White Swans (optimal management)...”


“...They [, strong Fortune-7 Corporate CEOs, ] don’t have too many options other than to upgrade [their minds, methods, risk management, strategies, innovation, technologies and core businesses] to make sure they are efficient enough to compete. It is a game of survival [done with legitimacy, constructiveness, kindness and grace]...” Brackets are of the author.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management interdisciplinary problem-solving methodology greatly turbo-charges: over-achieving thinkers and over-arching managers.

Ergo, as there are huge existential disruptions everywhere, nonlinearly (In S-Curves) increasingly so, and as it is observed by the Disruptional Singularity, there is no time for entertained discourses against the problem-solving auspiciousness by people with this wondrous cosmological personal traits of and/or concerning: a) Functionalized Autism and Asperger's syndrome, b) Huge Ego, and c) Gargantuan Self-Esteem.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Oxford University's Faculty of Philosophy Professor Nick Bostrom on the Disruptional Singularity:

“... Because of accelerating technological progress [, given the great advancement of hard sciences of exactness,], humankind may be rapidly [or better yet: with absolute guarantee] approaching a critical phase in its career. In addition to well-known [humanly induced] threats [, a multitude of black swans unmanaged,] such as nuclear holocaust, the prospects of radically transforming [and exponential] technologies like nanotech systems and machine intelligence present us with unprecedented opportunities [positive dangers and upside futures] and risks [negative dangers and downside futures]. Our future [right now, and the future of our children and grandchildren], and whether we will have a future at all [that is to mean: if we humans preemptively destroy black swans to preclude the Disruptional Singularity that precludes the Technological Singularity], may well be determined by how we deal [as we are 95% engaged in worshiping black swans] with these challenges [that have a huge outright potential for White Swan only if we get our acts together, beforehand]. In the case of radically transforming technologies, a better understanding of the transition dynamics from a human to a '...posthuman ...' [understating that posthuman is an euphemisms to (a) Transbiologicals and (b) Trans-exobiologicals] society is needed. Of particular [sine qua non] importance is to know [and execute] where the pitfalls [mostly: black swans permitted] are: the ways in which things [absence of will and intelligence to secure White Swans] could go terminally wrong [and, hence, bestowing Apocalypse]. While we have had long exposure to various personal, local, and endurable global hazards [given our lack of will to manage what we readily know], this paper analyzes a recently emerging category: that of existential risks [better embodied by the Disruptional Singularity]. These are threats [better known as black swans] that could cause our extinction or destroy the potential of Earth-originating intelligent life. Some of these threats are relatively well known while others, including some of the gravest, have gone almost unrecognized [the almost unrecognized are so only the philosophers, not true rocket scientists]. Existential risks have a cluster of features that make ordinary risk management ineffective. A final section of this paper discusses several ethical and policy implications. A clearer understanding [and, especially, management] of the threat [black swan] picture will enable us to formulate better [White Swan] strategies ...” Brackets are of the author.


Question: A Counterpoint to the Technological Singularity?

Douglas Hofstadter, a professor of cognitive science at Indiana University, indicated about The Singularity is Near Book (ISBN: 978-0143037880),

“ … A very bizarre mixture of ideas that are solid and good with ideas that are crazy. It’s as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can’t possibly figure out what’s good or bad ...”


“... Technology is the savior for everything. That’s the point of this course. Technology is accelerating, everything is going to be good, technology is your friend … I think that’s a load of crap ...” By Dr. Jonathan White

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

That discourse can be entertained at a forthcoming Renaissance, not now. Going against this idea will be outrageously counterproductive to ascertain the non-annihilation of Earth's locals.

People who destroy, eternally beforehand, outrageous Black Swans, engaging into super-natural and preter-natural preparations for known and unknown Outliers, thus observing — in all practicality — the successful and prevailing White Swan and Transformative and Integrative Risk Management interdisciplinary problem-solving methodology, include:

(1.-) Sir Martin Rees PhD (cosmologist and astrophysicist), Astronomer Royal, Cambridge University Professor and former Royal Society President.

(2.-) Dr. Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA is an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, author and Director of Research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology within the University of Cambridge. Formerly: Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge.

(3.-) Prof. Nick Bostrom Ph.D. is a Swedish philosopher at St. Cross College, University of Oxford known for his work on existential risk, the anthropic principle, human enhancement ethics, the reversal test, and consequentialism. He holds a PhD from the London School of Economics (2000). He is the founding director of both The Future of Humanity Institute and the Oxford Martin Programme on the Impacts of Future Technology as part of the Oxford Martin School at Oxford University.

(4.-) The US National Intelligence Council (NIC) __[....]__ The National Intelligence Council supports the Director of National Intelligence in his role as head of the Intelligence Community (IC) and is the IC’s center for long-term strategic analysis __[....]__ Since its establishment in 1979, the NIC has served as a bridge between the intelligence and policy communities, a source of deep substantive expertise on intelligence issues, and a facilitator of Intelligence Community collaboration and outreach __[....]__ The NIC’s National Intelligence Officers — drawn from government, academia, and the private sector—are the Intelligence Community’s senior experts on a range of regional and functional issues.

(5.-) U.S. Homeland Security's FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency).

(6.-) The CIA or any other U.S. Government agencies.

(7.-) Stanford Research Institute (now SRI International).

(8.-) GBN (Global Business Network).

(9.-) Royal Dutch Shell.

(10.-) British Doomsday Preppers.

(11.-) Canadian Doomsday Preppers.

(12.-) Australian Doomsday Preppers

(13.-) American Doomsday Preppers.

(14.-) Disruptional Singularity Book (ASIN: B00KQOEYLG).

(15.-) Scientific Prophets of Doom at

White Swans are always getting prepared for Unknown and Known Outliers, and MOST FLUIDLY changing the theater of operation by permanently updating and upgrading the designated preparations.

In doing far-fetched yet verifiable by applied omniscience, say, most rigorous Emergency Preparedness, White Swan creatively and kindly, beforehand, leaves without any effect non-White Swan's anti-Christ preparations, characterized by so-called Stasis and Homeostasis. White Swan's Emergency Preparedness is into INSANELY FLUID impermanent preparations and overhauling and re-engineering of the targeted preparations.

The author's “...far-fetched ...” definition:

“ … Far-fetched is improbable in nature; unlikely. But given the emergent as-of-now nature of the Omniverse, far-fetched is omniversal nature's most probable and so probable to tectonically reform our cosmosvisions, in front and beyond our smartest observations, and other constellations believed indisputable by our folly human assumptions ...”

An example of a Far-fetched Theater of Operations ensues:

Publius Flavius Vegetius Renatus' sentence, “...Si vis pacem, para bellum ...” has a non-Wikipedia interpretive translation:

“… If you want peace, make outlandish and far-fetched preparations to wage war ...”

Better stated yet:

“… If you want peace [and outright peaceful and constructive White Swans], make outlandish [and beforehand and without precedence] and far-fetched [omniscient] preparations to wage [and scientifically outsmart] war [, in order to preemptively land tons of continuous and sustained corporate sequestration of cash, thus rendering every type of black swan lucrative] ...” Brackets are of the author.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

As per the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language Dictionary, by omnimode is to say, “ … that embraces and consists of everything ...” [223]

While all countries in the Americas are about two-hundred (200) years old, the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language Dictionary (founded in 1713) is already three-hundred (300) years old.

The United States, for example, declared its independence on July 4, 1776, 63 years after the foundation and establishment of the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language Dictionary. The Royal Academy of the Spanish Language Dictionary is articulated under the joint effort of Spain and 21 nations.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Hence, this is non-“...status quo...” management.

I greatly enjoy Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. Every time I watch this movie and others, I make relentless notes.

Paraphrasing the smart script, I will assert, “... Do not scientifically audit the outputted intelligence of my concepts and outcomes, but the density of my reasoning and pragmatic dynamics in execution ...”

LDG Management's CEO, Mr. Walter (Nardi) Suydam has a great understating of this important term.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is into outright perfectionism, macro-management and micro-management.

When dealing with exponential unthinkable and thinkable threats posed to Corporation, the minutia-related detail can be a large devastating aftermath, expressed in loss of: human lives and other corporate assets.

For example, the tini-wini adversarial Cambrian discussion against “...micro-management...”, under outright Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is radically banned.

It is infinitely more lucrative the futile deliberations about the genders-identification possessed by Angels and Archangels.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

While I mentioned the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language Dictionary, my two most pivotal dictionaries are: The American Heritage (by 200-plus Canadian and American PhDs.) and The Oxford Dictionary.

In secondary and tertiary usage and within the Newtonian Lingua Franca, I also use 17 (seventeen) physical (brick-and-mortar) English dictionaries and many others that are in digital format.

Additionally, major language dictionaries of the West, including Latin, German, French, Castilian, Spanish and Portuguese are also observed.

It should never be expected for the author to write like a Tudor Family's Patrician Patriarch. However, it should be expected for the author to get the message across without a fail.

A little comment on Language Style and Grammar.

With the sole exception of the auspicious Basque language (Basque people insists that they are the primordial inhabitants, heirs and owners of Atlantis), every Indo-European Language (including English, German, French, Italian, Castilian and Spanish) has a marked propensity to be written as proper Latin Language.

As per most of them, they are the ONLY “...Chosen One(s) ...” People and Culture and the only of their own “...Promised Land...” Basque language is better known (exactly) as “... Euskara ...”

My Basque blood does NOT think, at all, that it is right to claim the Atlantis or anything else in any direct or indirect way. My family does not like myths unless they are within sacred scriptures and taken as such.

Speaking of Basque, the author has foreparents from: Corsica, France, Italy, Basque Region, Murcia (Spain) and England, among others.

Oddly enough:

The most serious scientific and noted establishment of the U.S. uses this language priority:


Back to the White Swan hardcore:

As well:

As per the persistent request of some amazing contacts, including a great female executive CEO and her male medical doctors, I have taken numerous Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality tests. At the begging the results always came along indicating that I was a: INTJ (“...The Scientist” or … “...The Mastermind...”).

Then, through most profound and thorough analyzes, the tests results were in a bit of bewilderment as they were showing a personality that is about: 50% INFJ (the highly-principled Protector and Counselor) and 50% INTJ (above).

I take this as a fun story that makes a little bit of humor but I am most difficult to stereotype, box or label.

And also on the Baconian Lingua Franca:

Unlike the Castilian, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, the English and German languages are EXTREMELY MNEMONIC and BEYOND-EXCEEDINGLY CONTEXTUAL.

In such a way that when dealing with serious complications, complexities and uncertainties pertaining to hard science, hi tech and breakthrough techniques, the English and German languages are more than indispensable for these purposes.

Once you mastered the Latin Language and other Latin-based language(s) and when your primary concern is English, you will hit a limit.

In order to disrupt that threshold imposed to the English language, you must master the German language to further underpin your own English language ability.

When your primary language is German, then you must disrupt the literary embargo by outright embracing the Jeffersonian English.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

While others insist on timidly “...thinking outside the box...” (inconsequential), TAIRM focuses on strong-sense and critico-creative actionable womb-to-tomb epidemiological thinking and execution!

Not thinking out of the box BUT womb-to-tomb and yet epidemiological reasoning in the theater of operations.




Many world-class zillion-dollars corporations go to huge unknown distances to make a difference in sustaining and guaranteeing their For-Lucre Competitive Advantage. Shell, as many others are a good example of this, through many, many decades to date. I was fully trained and thoroughly indoctrinated by Shell to this end a long time ago while I keep always researching their latest canonical milestones.

Governments, governmental agencies, political bodies, universities (including those into strong R&D&I), as well as a myriad of other companies, supranationals and NGOs, DO NOT EVER ATTEMPT TO DO THIS. THEY THINK THAT SEEKING KNOWLEDGE THIS WAY IS A CLEAR SIGN OF INSANITY.

Nothing, and nothing at all, will preclude Shell and other Fortune-7 Corporations to seek out and seize boundaryless knowledge.

All of my assertions are backed by most-updated brick-and-mortar books. I can give you a general idea, but my time and researched findings are extremely expensive for me to tell you where to find those contents. The combined knowledge of my research is a part of an infinitely larger ongoing research effort by me. Through many, many years, these books and manuals and handbooks have been physically published but you did not found out then. But many publications were only found through proprietary literature only.

When you want to access proprietary literature, you handsomely pay for it. Otherwise, it is impossible to gain access to that.

Everything I have or have had, I capitalistically paid for CASH AND IN FULL. If you are a commie, this is not for you or any other forms of hippies and chronies.


Star Trek's Captain told James T. Kirk: “... Jim, the problem with you is that you always proceed from false assumptions ... And being a Volcan and different from you, I have no ego to bruise ...”


Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Okay, How is the strategic planning going along for the forthcoming year? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...Very well, sir...We are introducing some novelties to our corporation-wide strategic planning, strategizing and strategic execution …!

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Can you give me some specifics? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...Well, sir, our most unconventional and heterodox thinking and strategizing have always gone to a far-fetched fringe, spurting twilight-zones mind-sets while ridiculing the minimal and precarious notion of so-called 'out-of-the-box' thinking … So, this year we have a roaster of out-of-this-world people to interview, in order to underpin our strategy and outsmart Exxon-Mobil and the like in the process. All of the interviews will be heavily documented for continuous close examination ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, I really like you rationale...Who is your first person to interview? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...Thank you. The first one will be a Maharishi, the so-called 'Great Seer' ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who is next in your list?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... Drashtara, Sanskrit for the Techno-Harbinger ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who is next in your list?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...The Awaken Ones ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who is next in your list?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... Auspiciousness, a female spiritual leader of great audiences in the East and West ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask her? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask her open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who is next in your list?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... A Catholic Bishop...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who is next in your list?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...A Tel-avid Rabbi ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who is next in your list?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... A Lama ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who is next in your list?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “ … An Ayatollah ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who is next in your list?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...A Witch...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask her? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask her open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who is next in your list?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...A Saucerer...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask her? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask her open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who is next in your list?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...You list is nice but a bit too conventional for my profitable ambitions. What are you exactly going to do about it to fundamentally solve your shortcomings? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...Sir, we are going to interview, as well, many other thought leaders, including many purposeful mentally-ill ponderers!...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Like whom? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...Sir, a Schizophrenic ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask her? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask her open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... One person undergoing Clinical Delusional Disorder ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... Someone into Clinical Hallucinations ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...Someone into Clinical Histrionic or Narcissistic ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask her? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask her open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... A Guru from India ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask her? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask her open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... A Yogi from India ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... An Oracle from the Tibet ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “...Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... A Kabbalah Mystic ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... A Brazilian Shaman ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... A Brazilian Witch...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask her? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask her open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...A Saucerer ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...A Savant...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...A Knowledgist ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... What will you ask him? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “...We will ask him open-ended questions without constraints of time: a) How do you see the world? b) What are humans missing? c) How can we make life better for all? d) If you were the U.N. Secretary General, What would you change in the civilization?...”

Royal Dutch Shell Worldwide CEO: “... Excellent, Who else? ...”

Royal Dutch Shell Chief Worldwide Strategist: “... Every Student proactive in most-recondite Ivy-League own on-site Secret Societies … Several Prostitutes and several Tarot-card Readers, Soothsayers, Divinators, Foretellers, Predictioneers, Futilitarians, Hunches-tellers, First-Guessers, Second-Guessers, Fortunetellers, Prophets, Presagers, Premonitionists, Dictators, Anarchists, among many other savants.

Now, you can understand why people of The Netherlands OUTSMART MOTHER NATURE and are so intelligent, shrewd and mordant, as well as victorious, ready to "kill" petroleum as source of energy and impose Energy "X".



Back to the White Swan hardcore.

Incidentally, so-called “... Out-of-the-box ...” Thinking will never suffice because it is arithmetical and linear and a thinking mode mire in preterite times.

And hence:

“ … In a rapidly changing world, you can either drive change or become a victim of it, depending on how good you are at harnessing your own and others' creativity. Those who can do it well end up changing their industries — or even the world. Those who can't end up being overtaken by other people's creative tidal waves [….] What's the number one block to creativity? People's tendency to get stuck in outdated beliefs and assumptions — what we call mental 'boxes'. Getting stuck in an outdated mental box is easy because it is comfortable; it lulls you into a false sense of confidence, believing that what has worked in the past will continue to work in the future. But it won't, because change is inevitable ...” [233]

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

“...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management..." (TAIRM) is a methodology conceived of, designed, created and instituted, at all times and by any measure, independently.

To arrive to this point, massive intellectual and pecuniary own resources and efforts have ALREADY been invested.

“...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management...” (TAIRM) thoroughly deals with content, process and context, among many other considerations.

Also, some large enterprises as well as petroleum corporations (whose brand names are notoriously public) have a full-scope organization in place to deal with some hazards that are not too public in the every-day-person arena.

By way of illustration, this organization is sometimes termed as “...Integral Protection..." (I.P.)

For the sake of convenience, I will address “I.P.” meaning Integral Protection and not Intellectual Property.

Others call it “... Corporate Integrity ...”

I.P. is primarily a preemptively preventative function and responsibility of corporate (private) law enforcement, civil defense and corporate first responders (including own policemen, intelligentsia, counter-intelligentsia, medics, civil defense stewards, firefighters and other first respondents).

I.P. operates systemic and systematic countermeasuring of both external and internal threats (including intractable threats).

To illustrate this function and responsibility better, I.P. takes care of the tangible and intangible integrity of the operating building(s) and corresponding premises and other assets, including the personnel and in-situ contractors and allies.

If one employee is selling trade secrets or consuming illegal substances, I.P. is watching and acting upon.

I.P. does corporate intelligence, counterintelligence and operates on it.

To the express end of enforced I.P., Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is into hot-pursuit of post-hiring (of Andres' professional and intellectual services) into (a) Probing, (b) Omnimode Auditing and (c) Due Diligence.

As a result of that Andres found three most-senior Executives taking huge bribes from European firms. One was a Chartered Vice President with the first-name initial “P.” And the two other ones were Chartered Directors with the first-name initial “A” and “U”. Andres spoke about it to the worldwide chairman and officially reported the grave irregularity to the worldwide Chartered Comptroller.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

I.P. incumbents are, for example, also responsible for designing, developing and instituting corporate plans pertaining to emergency preparedness, emergency response, disaster recovery, business restoration (partial function), business continuity (partial function) and business sustainability (partial function) to give you a brief idea.

I.P. also supervises and controls road and air ambulances and other medical and non-medical road and air-borne evacuation systems.

I.P. is also responsible for preventive exercises and drills for massive evacuations in case of earthquakes, floods, storms, tornadoes, fires and riots, hurricanes, wildfires, blackouts, biological threats, industrial sabotages, epidemic, civil disorder, sabotage (insider or external threat), utility outage, theft (insider or external threat, vital information or material), piracy, cyber attacks and terrorism attacks, among other perils.

In dealing with Public-Sector I.P., Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is a magnificent tool to institute and embolden rigorous “... Law and Order ...”

When a worker gets gravely burned, he or she needs to be treated with extreme care, from the site of occurrence and evacuation through and to the most specialized medical center.

The standard evacuation vehicle is 95% of the cases is an expensive helicopter that is able to fly safely during nighttime, for example.

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management fully contemplates, tackles, advises and operates on pivotal enhancement of the corporate provisions by Integral Protection organizations (sometimes called “ … departments … ” and others “ … divisions … ”).

In such a fashion:

However, in extremely huge Fortune-100 global corporations that I have as turnkey consulting clients, they do not use the term " ...department [….] "

For instance, in all practicality they speak about (brief list):

1.- The Finance Organization,
2.- The Integral Protection Organization (also known as “... Corporate Integrity ...”),
3.- The Human Resources Organization,
4.- The Corporate Planning Organization,
5.- The Marketing Organization,
6.- The IT Organization,
7.- The Public Affairs Organization (by far, beyond: Corporate Communications),
8.- And others that are proprietary.

And they prefer to use the term "subsidiary companies" instead of "divisions".

By way of example, they have:

A.- The R&D&I subsidiary company,
B.- The telecommunication subsidiary companies (global oil companies have own telephony-beyond companies),
C.- The Internationalization [for globalization purposes] subsidiary company,
D.- The on-site corporate university subsidiary company (with its own private, savant Provost,
Researchers, PhD-ed Professors. The Provost is, clearly, the subsidiary-company's CEO and Chairman),
E.- The maritime subsidiary company,
F.- The industrial-medicine subsidiary company (in one corporation, there were a headcount of 300-plus consulting and operating medics. The CEO and Chairman is a M.D.),
G.- The "trader" subsidiary company,
H.- Others that are proprietary.

They even have, under the umbrella of the parent and holding company, subsidiary companies that can readily enter joint ventures, strategic alliances or coalitions or consortia with a multitude of competing or noncompeting corporations.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Have you ever seen an insurance or reinsurance company with these major risk-countermeasuring duties and services before an organizational client (including intractable threats)?

And only and partly because of that, insurance and reinsurance companies are, by far, outside of the realm of beyond-insurance risk management and TAIRM.

In White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, there is a great of differentiated usage of Minimax.

Let us define it:

“... Minimax is a decision rule used in decision theory, game theory, statistics and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario. Alternatively, it can be thought of as maximizing the minimum gain (maximin or MaxMin). Originally formulated for two-player zero-sum game theory, covering both the cases where players take alternate moves and those where they make simultaneous moves, it has also been extended to more complex games and to general decision making in the presence of uncertainty [….] In the theory of simultaneous games, a minimax strategy is a mixed strategy which is part of the solution to a zero-sum game. In zero-sum games, the minimax solution is the same as the Nash equilibrium ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

TAIRM, too, has vast managerial applications for law enforcement and counter-terrorism “ ...activities ...”

However, most incumbents of public office are in the backyard playing political “games” and don't possess neither a legitimate interest, nor an appropriate comprehension of techniques, technologies and methodologies, conducive to more stable “...national security...” doctrines and policies in actuality.

Contrariwise, some (not all) advanced exemplary democracies in the West, while arguing that they are protecting national security and their motherlands, are being turned into «de facto» Police States through many supercomputing hardware and software systems.

Many incumbents of public office don't even have a designated budget to act upon.

Additionally and by way of example, Asian presidents are techies and nerds that fluidly communicate on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math issues (that is, STEM careers). The now-coined STEM disciplines were a gargantuan recommendation frequently appearing in Napoleon Bonaparte's secretive letters.

In the mean time, the counterparts in the West are chiefly held hostage to law, sociology and economics, with an overwhelming powerless feeling in technologically advanced conversations, considerations and negotiations.

All of this about the heads of state here have been publicly substantiated by Bill Gates.

Let us get one word's clear-eyed concept:

The cradle-to-the-grave definition of technology that I can offer is this:

“... Technology is instituted in order to solve practical problems (both mild and complex ones, whether randomized, pseudo-randomized, serendipitous or pseudo-serendipitous or not) — especially in industry, commerce, economy, science, technology, society, religion, and politics (including geopolitics) —, the methodical practical application of the scientific method, mathematical principles, practical sciences and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective and beyond, as well as to achieve practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems …. The profession of and or the work performed by any engineer ...”

If you want a briefer definition, please see this: “ ... The methodical and systematic application of science, in order to solve practical problems …”

For example, Stanford University's own definition is: “...Technology is the means by which organizations accomplish work or render [known] inputs into [desirable] outputs …” Brackets are of the author.

The protagonist in assuring that known inputs are transformed into desirable outputs is throughput.

A little real-life account here:

U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush's (41st U.S. president) Ambassador and Andres Agostini?

Given the utter recommendation of PDVSA, Venezuelan President Carlos Andres Perez (1989 – 1993) asked me to reform the management practices by every public hospital in Venezuela. President Perez believed that in order to change management practices for business-like ones, it was better someone that was not a medic but a manager and management consultant.

To that end, he appointed me as: Presidential Blue Ribbon Committee Chairman. He ordered me to go and visit the Health Secretaries of the most important nations with a proven-track public system, including Canada and the United Kingdom.

That also gave me strong leeway to give him inputs and candor about some matters that, as per my opinion, were going wrong with the beyond-insurance risk management of fixed assets of the State-Owned Global Petroleum Corporation PDVSA. I cannot disclose that but he thanked me and acted upon it fairly quickly. Somewhat we became friendly as I was not involved with politics but technical matters.

While holding one of our private meetings, his private secretary suddenly came in:

President's Secretary: “...Mister President, the U.S. Ambassador is in the antechamber. And he says that he has an urgent message to give you ...”

President Perez: “...Send him in right away ...”

The U.S. Ambassador came in to the President's Official Office and:

U.S. Ambassador: “...Mr. President, President Bush wants you to know that the U.S. will be delivering a military campaign in Iraq. And he wanted you, sir, to know so in advance ...”

President Perez: “...Thank you, Mr. Ambassador, I understand that and thank for telling me ...”

Then President Perez and I spent some fifteen minutes thereafter as our meeting and life went on and back to normal. I could not believe that I was being a first-level eyewitness to some serious geopolitics.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

The reader must remember that when dealing with known inputs and desired outputs, the targeted throughputs must also be addressed in detail and advance.
Again, throughputs transform known inputs into desirable outputs.


As the past and the present are NEVER a script for the future, retrospective analyzes and historic data (a posteriori data provided by actuaries and statisticians) are always being disrupted by the final trends and outcomes.

Why retrospective [a posteriori] analyzes don't work:

“...After-the-fact [retrospective and hence a posteriori] no longer works [….] Bring it back if you have any trouble with it, and I’ll fix it somehow,’ was the standard comment when you used to pick up a bicycle, automobile, food mixer, or lawn mower from the repair shop. And the repairman meant what he said. He was confident that if he had overlooked anything or made a mistake of any kind, he would get a second shot at fixing [….] The ‘second shot’ is a luxury that no longer exists in many businesses. You get only one chance — after that, you’ll be talking only with attorneys, insurance agents, or bankers ...”


“ … Life used to be simple. You knew your customers on a first-name basis. Your product or service was a relatively simple one — understood by both you and your customer. Your name and reputation were sufficient to cover any error or oversight [….] But the world has become complex, too complex to allow such comfortable relationships. Consumer expectations are matching the complexities. Instantaneous news coverage of accidents and losses virtually precludes the private, out-of-sight settlement of risk effects that had previously allowed the after-the-fact resolution of risk to succeed ...”


“ … The breadth in that old idea is rapidly being squeezed out — like the inevitable tightening of a boa constrictor around its victim [….] The price for public exposure of loss is high. Managers have begun to realize that risk must be examined formally and resolved beforehand rather than being settled after-the-fact. And they learn from others. It was the 1982 sinking of the offshore drilling rig Ocean Ranger that spurred EXXON top management to order a systematic evaluation of their offshore drilling risks … Even though EXXON does not own such rigs, it recognized that even conducting operations aboard them created risks that demanded before-the-fact identification, evaluation, and control ... " [226] Brackets are of the author.


Please remember: “... THE FUTURE IS NOT AN ECHO OF THE PAST...”

So, instead of retrospective data [a posteriori], it is much more important prospective data [a priori, ex ante].



“ … Retrospective comprises something that is looking back on, contemplating, or directed to the past [….] looking or directed backward [….] Applying to or influencing the past; retroactive [….] looking or directed backwards, esp in time; characterized by retrospection …. applying to the past; retroactive [….] directed to the past; contemplative of past situations, events, etc. [….] looking or directed backward [….] review, revision, another look, reassessment, fresh look, second look, reconsideration, re-evaluation, re-examination [….] Considering a past event or development [….] Something that is chronologically presented pertaining to business tasks, with the utter object to show the trajectory of those business tasks ...”



“ … Prospective comprises something that is likely or expected to happen [….] that looks forward to the future [….] that it is anticipated or likely to happen [….] of or in the future [….] potential, likely, or expected [….] yet to be or coming [….] of or concerned with or related to the future Set of analyzes and studies developed, with the utter end of exploring or foretelling the future, regarding a determined subject matter ...”.



“ … A Priori comprises that proceeds from a known or assumed cause to a necessarily related effect; deductive [….] Derived by or designating the process of reasoning without reference to particular facts or experience [….] Knowable without appeal to particular experience [….] Made before or without examination; not supported by factual study [….] relating to or involving deductive reasoning from a general principle to the expected facts or effects [….] to be true independently of or in advance of experience of the subject matter; requiring no evidence for its validation or support [….] existing in the mind independent of experience [….] conceived beforehand ...”

A synonym of A Priori is given by the term Ex Ante.



“ … A Posteriori indicates the demonstration that entails the ascendance of the effect to the cause, or the properties of the essence of something [….] After examining the matter that is dealt with [….] Derived by or designating the process of reasoning from facts or particulars to general principles or from effects to causes; inductive; empirical [….] Knowable from experience [….] relating to or involving inductive reasoning from particular facts or effects to a general principle [….] derived from or requiring evidence for its validation or support; empirical; open to revision [….] from particular instances to a general principle or law; based on observation or experiment [….] not existing in the mind prior to or apart from experience [….] the process of reasoning from effect to cause, based upon observation …”

A synonym to A Posteriori is entailed in the term Ex Post Facto.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Although I consider both (prospective and retrospective, as well as a priori and a posteriori), it is also more important to me qualitative analyzes than quantitative ones.

Plato observed, “ … A good decision is based on knowledge and not on numbers ...”

Alvin Toffler observed, “ … You can use all the quantitative data you can get, but you still have to distrust it and use your own intelligence and judgment ...”

What is the Definition of Qualitative Analysis? See it here:

“...Qualitative Analysis refers to the skills, technologies, applications and practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business, risk and futures planning. Qualitative Analysis focuses on developing new insights and understanding of sustainable business performance based on narrative data ...”

And, What is the Definition of Quantitative Analysis? See it here:

“ … Quantitative Analysis refers to the skills, technologies, applications and practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business, risk and futures planning. Quantitative Analysis focuses on developing new insights and understanding of sustainable business performance based on numerical data, narrative data, alphanumerical data and statistical methods ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Qualitative Analyzes are extremely importance because corporate stakeholders manage themselves throughout excessive subjectivity and bias, among other considerations.


«...What is a Quant...» AND «...What is a Qualt...»:

What is a Quant?

“ … A quant is brand of industrial scientist and engineers who applies mathematical model of uncertainty to financial and/or socioeconomic data and complex financial instruments. And a person who also studies the flaws and the limits of these models, understanding that there is a point of breakdown …. A quant has a combined background of applied mathematics, engineering and statistics. A quant spreads the usage of artificial intelligence in today’s markets …. Whether he or she acknowledges it or not, the quant is extremely AWARE of the many critical short-comings of many quantitative strategies (as he is never interested in qualitative analytics), such as their tendency to lead to crowded trades and their underestimation of the likelihood of chaotic, volatile moves in the markets …. Along with Central Bank chairpersons and world's finance ministers, quants are the first ones to “...elicit...” that the global economy is being “ ...affected...” by “ ...systemic risks...”, that systemic risk turbo-charged by several corrupted politicians, manipulative economists and beautiful quants that never understand what the tangible corporate theater of operations is [….] Industrial engineering, partly used by so-called Quants, is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems. It is concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, analysis and synthesis, as well as the mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems or processes. Its underlying concepts overlap considerably with certain business-oriented disciplines such as operations management. Black Swans are the brainchildren of quants ...”

And then:

What is a Qualt?

“...A qualt is brand of systems engineering who applies mathematical and ESPECIALLY non-mathematical models of uncertainty to financial and ESPECIALLY non-financial data and complex industrial operations. And a person who also studies the errors, the flaws and the limits of these qualitative models, understanding that there is a point of (i) inflection and (ii) Event horizon, in anything pursued by the for-lucre corporations …. A qualt has a combined background of advanced management, extreme project management (Agile) and systems engineering. A qualt spreads the usage of most-advanced business analytics and transformative and integrative risk management …. Whether he or she acknowledges it or not, the qualt is extremely AWARE of the many critical short-comings of many quantitative strategies and works hard at it advance to eliminate every form of downside through qualitative strategies …. For instance, qualts know that “...systemic risks ...” are direct brainchildren of (a) Ignorance, (b) Manipulation, (c) Greed and (d) Corruption [….] Systems engineering, hugely embraced by Qualts, is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how to design and manage complex engineering projects over their life cycles. Issues such as reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams (requirements management), evaluation measurements, and other disciplines become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects. Systems engineering deals with work-processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools in such projects. It overlaps technical and human-centered disciplines such as control engineering, industrial engineering, organizational studies, and project management. Systems Engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered, and integrated into a whole. White Swans are the brainchildren of Qualts ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


“ … By allowing the challenges of the 21st century to be hijacked by the apocalyptic storyline, we find ourselves awaiting a moment of clarity when the problems we must confront will become apparent to all — or when those challenges will magically disappear, like other failed prophecies about the end of the world. Yet the real challenges we must face are not future events that we imagine or dismiss through apocalyptic scenarios of collapse — they are existing [present-day and real-world] trends. THE EVIDENCE SUGGESTS THAT MUCH OF WHAT WE FEAR IN THE FUTURE — THE COLLAPSE OF THE ECONOMY, THE ARRIVAL OF PEAK OIL AND GLOBAL WARMING AND RESOURCES WARS — HAS ALREADY BEGUN. We can wait forever, while the world unravels before our very eyes, for an apocalypse that won't come ...” [253] Brackets of the Author.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:



Many economists and former central bankers around the Globe intensely and continuously argue that major reserve currencies around the world are to fall. In the mean time, the global economy is in a most-appalling state with problems that are extremely structural and with a no quick solution at all.

That will entail that any insurance company around the world, as a structural member of the global financial system, will be bankrupted. And if your insurance company goes under, it will not be paying for your “covered claims.”

Do you really think that petroleum and automotive corporations, Google and Facebook and many others are going to stop doing business (their core businesses) because global insurance companies went under.

No, no, no, you will still need fuel to get your food cooked, your heater conditioning your wintertime, your TV and PC operating and you car running. Certainly, at the beginning they will have a bad time, for which they have prepared breathtakingly in advance.

Do you want your enterprise or start-up to go under because insurance companies went under? I don't think so.

You and your enterprise and with the assistance of a turnkey consultant can help your organization not to depend on insurance-mired risk unmanagement.

You can read The White Swan's Beyond Eureka and Sputnik Moments.: How To Fundamentally Cope With Corporate Litmus Tests and Succeed Through Transformative and Integrative Risk Management (ASIN: B00KMY0DLK) at Amazon or contact me.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Prospection comprises the a priori of-all-functions exploration of future possibilities based on current evidence. (Translated by the author). [222]

How does one defined Prospection?

“...Prospection is defined as the exploration of future likelihoods based on some present warnings …”

In all truth, when one is doing optimal translation, he or she is rather doing Optimal Interpretive Translation. And, by the same token, when one is doing Foreign-Language Interpretation, he or she is into Optimal Translated Interpretation.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Coming back to the point and believe it or not, I have met several actuaries that fully agree with my position.

They also insist that the retrospective analyzes [a posteriori] have been displaced by the prospective analyzes [a priori].

In today’s technologically-driven world, strategic trend evaluation cannot be done using only algorithms.

Xerox Vice President, Mr. Charles (Chuck) Brooks, has an invaluable point to make:

“ … We live in world of algorithms. The recent retail cyber breach at Target demonstrated that as consumers we are becoming more and more dependent upon digital commerce. Our banking accounts, credit cards, and financial daily activities are interconnected. We are all increasingly vulnerable from hackers, phishers, and malware proliferating across all commercial verticals. Identity management, authentication, and resilience will certainly be key focus areas to protect individual consumers as we move closer to the encompassing connectivity of almost every device we use in ' ...The Internet of Things …' ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Numerous nuances, gray-area meanings and fluxes must be fully considered via the biological mind, regardless.

You can transfer many thought experiments to your computer and still, given the amazing level and number of nuances and subtleties and gray areas and patterns (awaiting recognition) — as well as the covert and overt relationships facilitated by the preceding — by present-day and real-world dynamic complexities, you won't get the right output yet.

Arguably, at the hardcore of scientific futuring and transformative and integrative risk management, in place there is (1) A science, (2) An art, and (3) A practice.

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management methodology meets and exceeds the guidelines of SMS, ERM, COSO and ISO 31000.

Undoubtedly, once the human brain and body — including the human sensors — are inexhaustibly reverse-engineered and the new software templates are use in Strong Artificial Intelligence and Hard Quantum Supercomputing, the biological brain will then be superseded by several orders of magnitude.

Briefly, What is Artificial Intelligence?

“... Artificial Intelligence is the science of how to get machines to do the things they do in good movies ...” As per Dr. Astro Teller.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

To this utter and current purpose, Albert Einstein observes, “...Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted, counts..."

Without perpetual womb-to-tomb Analytics, Diagnostics and Prognosis, Organizational Decision Making will be flawed!

I do take into account both. I also practice “... Analytics ...” and “...Diagnostics...” and have nascently become interested on what Cambridge University' and Royal Society's Sir Martin Rees, PhD. calls the “...Science of Complexity...”

I have a compiled definition for it.

“ … Complexity Science is the systematic study of the nature and behavior of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms, with the utter purpose of instituting the perusal of the phenomena which emerge from a collection of interacting objects … Complexity expresses a condition of numerous elements in a system and numerous forms of relationships among the elements … The use of the term complex is often confused with the term complicated. In today's systems, this is the difference between myriad connecting 'stovepipes' and effective 'integrated' solutions. This means that complex is the opposite of independent, while complicated is the opposite of simple …. While this has led some fields to come up with specific definitions of complexity, there is a more recent movement to regroup observations from different fields to study complexity in itself, whether it appears in anthills, human brains, or stock markets. One such interdisciplinary group of fields is relational order theories ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Once again, TAIRM is vastly more into qualitative analyzes than quantitative analyzes.

You see, every problem has an underlying mechanism.

Once you deeply comprehend how it operates, you can influence (via throughput) on the final outcomes (from known inputs to desired outputs) to your continuous advantage.

And every problem is a function of ignorance, sometimes a function of learned ignorance.

It can be logically argued that the term “...throughput...” has a Latin language equivalent by the term modus operandi.

Within my theater of operations and while focused at servicing corporate clients, I always do (i) analyzes and (ii) meta-analyzes.


Everything in the corporate theater of operations has an unfailing clear explication and corresponding White Swan plan to exploit it.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

To this end, GE's chairman and CEO Jack Welch PhD. also mentioned, “...To get to the guts of why things happen...”

Advanced mathematical models are partly useful if the narrative and alphanumerical data has been correctly translated into numerical data.

Pervasive Information and Computational Technology are crucial. Narrative data has an infinite graded plethora of nuances and angles and perspectives.

Likewise and getting back to the core of this work:

I have done extensive and expensive research globally throughout many places, institutions and years, from the U.S. marketplace, Lloyd's of London, Swiss RE, Tokio Marine Group, and way further beyond to make a lengthy story brief.

Once I went to a millenarian bookstore in the city of most-enthusiastic London where I purchased a large number of specialized books (about 45 titles) regarding Insurance and Risk Management. Those titles, enablers of hidden and covert knowledge, were not foundable in North American bookstores.

When my Bostonian ally asked me what I was trying to do as he got informed on my breathtaking literary acquisition trough my Londoner colleague, he posited a tiny question: “...Andres, what are you trying to do …?

The underlying background of the preceding episode came to me when my amazing father told me: “...Andres, whenever you find you cannot deal with a subject matter, do me a favor and buy and study an encyclopedia on it ...” I have and practice his suggestion abundantly, daily.

Dr. Agostini was a Juris Doctor, and a (an): Americanologist, Britologist, and Sovietologist.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

I found that phoned question most silly. He became concerned as he thought I was going to terminate him, in order to become focused on a different and more lucrative business enterprise, then ruling him out. My quick and accurate reply to him was: “ ...Coupe Cosmos ...” I got into that purchase, in order to underpin our alliance not to dismiss it.

The White Swan hardcore is returned:

I have also become directly knowledgeable (not “ … bookish, ...” or encyclopedic only but also factual, practical, empirical, and as per the educated-battlefield practicalities) of beyond-insurance risk management practices by many large, industrial enterprises and agencies such as NASA.

The NASA Projects: Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo and the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (Minuteman intercontinental ballistic thermonuclear missile, ICBM) initiative, comprehending that he or she or it cannot take those to the local insurance and reinsurance underwriter, yet these enterprises managerial initiatives have been successfully instituted.


Without any possibility of wrongness, Transformative and Integrative Risk Management always considers and contemplates every form of:

(1.-) Prevalent and Transient Failure.

(2.-) Prevalent and Transient Error.

(3.-) Prevalent and Transient Flawness. (Flawness is the quality of conforming to maximum error and failure).

(4.-) Prevalent and Transient Mistakenness. (Mistakenness is the quality of conforming to maximum mistake and an unintentional act, omission).

Points (1.-), (2.-), (3.-) and (4.-) above are a most studied and researched science (The observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanation of phenomena.) embedded into and for Transformative and Integrative Risk Management. By doing so, Unprecedented Corporate Success can be fruitfully sequestered and guaranteed.

By way of example:

In the aired script of the 1966 Star Trek TV Series, Canadian actor William Shatner says,

“ … Space: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before ...”

This can be better understood this way:

“ … Space [the real-verse's omniverse besieged by black swans]: the final frontier [and its ultimate present-day challenges in the fluid and perpetually impermanent atemporal and aspatial dimensions to outsmart those black swans of the folly-mired supine and impious ones with optimal White Swans]. These are the voyages [and enterprises and initiatives through the management explorations and reconnoiterings] of the starship Enterprise [that is, the flagship-ed corporation and, hence, with the express purpose of upper management to decisively seize most definitively and most sustainable and most profitable corporate after-tax profit, regardless of the increasingly explosive many-fold swirls of ever-changing change]. Its five-year mission [as per the provisions contemplated in the cohesive corporate business plan, indefatigably grounded on and as a sole function of Transformative and Integrative Risk Management interdisciplinary problem-solving methodology]: [in order] to explore strange [and extremely fuzzy, fuzzy as in Fuzzy Logic] new worlds [and, ergo, new Corporate Theaters of Operations around the Globe], to seek out [and accordingly continuously seize] new life [and new practical and pragmatical White Swan Paradigm Shifts] and new civilizations [and new global marketplaces], to boldly [and prudently yet in a better informed mode] go where no man [and female polymath executive] has gone before [, with the strategic purpose to ascertaining that his or her Corporation is the world's indisputable White Swan standard #1 or # 2]...” Brackets are of the author.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


Every MANAGER must study theoretical, practical, empirical and factual failure, both his own and that of his competitors, within and beyond his industry.

And every outcome of Failure or Success should be seriously gauged through measurement-readings by Qualitative all-encompassing Analytics and Quantitative all-encompassing Analytics.

Embedded there is an over-learning and lucrative experience to capture.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Along with the perpetual study and lucrative application of error and flawness, there must also be the perpetual study and lucrative application of Phenomenon and Phenomena.

I will give you my definitions:

“... Singular Phenomenon and Plural Phenomena is and/or are An occurrence, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible and imperceptible by the senses …. An unusual, significant, or unaccountable fact or occurrence …. Physics: An observable and an unobservable event, yet documentable and reconnoiterable …. All phenomena that are artificial and not artificial …. consequence, effect, result, upshot, outcome, event, issue - a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon; ' … the magnetic effect was greater when the rod was lengthwise...'; '...his decision had depressing consequences for business...'; '...he acted very wise after the event...' …. fortune, hazard, luck, chance - an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another; '…. bad luck [unmanagement of change and opportunity ] caused his downfall ….' unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that leads to a favorable [White Swan] outcome …. a remarkable development development — a recent event that has some relevance for the present situation ...” Brackets are of the author.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

To further illustrate the above, the Military-Industrial Complex and companies such as Boeing and Lockheed Martin, along with NASA — through their own methods — were pursuing their projects and programs without resorting to insurance and reinsurance companies at all.

I became knowledgeable with an in-all-truth polymath and an outright “...Rocket Scientist,..." a physicist, a systems engineer and a doctor of science, who was directly responsible for the reliability concerning: the NASA Projects Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo.

At NASA he was Dr. Wernher von Braun's right hand! I treasure all of his e-mails, letters, written testimonials, and other materials.

To the utmost enhancement of my fortune and management of chances, I have, for many years now, worked with the most daring, capricious and enlightened “ … largest institutional ...” clients (minds) that one can imagine ever.

They all were seeking managerial and industrial “...miracles...” only (sic).

The most daring, capricious and enlightened minds, in addition to many CEOs, Chairpersons, and high-ranking Executive Officers, include:

A.- Business Magnates.

B.- Mandataries.

C.- Tycoons.

D.- Majestics.

E.- Statesmen.

F.- Moguls.

G.- Rocket-Science Polymaths.

H.- A United States Senator.

I.- PhD-ed University Professor (U.S.).

Speaking of tycoons, I had a business relationship with one that was most interested on my application of Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, pertaining to Corporate-sponsored Perfective Medicine Services and Beyond-Insurance Health-Care Protection for Employees and Eligible Dependents. When the foremost incumbents of 10 Downing Street become really ill, they are sent to Mayo Clinic, including most honorable respected His Excellency Sir Anthony Eden.

Perfective Medicine Services through Transformative and Integrative Risk Management including the medical treatment of beneficiaries via Mayo Clinic and The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Health System, citing two examples.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

As I was and am the CEO and Chairman of CORS Risk Management Services, he, the tycoon above, was a Director of the Board. I cannot offer you his name but I will say that he formerly owned a national TV network, a huge flotilla of jet aircrafts and powered vessels and he is, also, a co-owner of Fort Lauderdale's Executive Airport (FXE).


I once met a Scots executive who told me that beyond-insurance risk management methodology by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), NASA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin and Royal Dutch/Shell Group was “...esoteric...” I still treasure his aesthetic e-mail.



Star Trek's Captain told James T. Kirk: “... Jim, the problem with you is that you always proceed from false and obsolete assumptions ... And being a Vulcan and thus different from you, I have no ego to bruise ...”


Star Trek's First Office Spock told Captain James T. Kirk: “... Jim, the [ever-unresolved] problem with you is that you always proceed [, so firmly secured out of simpletonness of supine ignorance,] from false and obsolete assumptions [, as you believe that aging knowledge is permanent and fixed without first discomfirming your own 'armored' convictions against an extremely fluid and transmutating world and universe, whose an unimpeachable 'reserve currency' is ONLY marked by hyperbolic nonlinearlity and explosive impermanence] ... And being a Vulcan [, a person whose ethos and mind-set is most accustomed to the lucre of and by gorgeous paradoxes and wicked complexity and geometrical problem-solving and exponential decision-making,] and thus different from you [keep-it-simple-stupid type of fool], I have no ego to bruise [as, by the same token and accordingly, I find neither profit, nor utility at all in identifying or determining the genders of both Angels and Archangels ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

This so-called “ … esoteric … ” beyond-insurance risk management approach by DARPA, NASA, Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Shell, Dr. Strangeloves (RAND Corporation's Herman Khan) and a multitude of global corporations has been first instituted in many industries since the beginning of the 1950s.

For example:

Many "educated" people really think that science and technology is static. And once they have read a prominent book some ten years ago or so, they believe that they don't need to see updates, upgrades and disconfirming evidences.

What is disconfirming evidence?

“...Disconfirming Evidence establishes as invalid or untrue evidence ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

A competent lady wrote this:

“... Andres, the White Swan is impressive …. There you rendered every antique scientist and classic scholar obsolete and worthless ...” Not me but her observed: “antique and classic” notion, forgetting her outright falsehood and fallacy, perpetually changing.

You see, she doesn't want to buy and read new literature to disprove the apparent “... correctness ...” of her previous reading of obsolete books. And as she is comfortable with the past-laden literature, she lives in a present-day world that nonlinearly challenges every assumption by her.

Like this case, there are infinitely more that flagrantly make and make this existential error. This problem belongs to them only. So the fundamental solution.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

It has been in increasing utilization and betterment for about fifty-four years to this date.

What these institutions have successfully performed, transforming global civilizations and progress for Life, is un-apologetically and extremely uncomfortable for traditionalists whose ethos, cosmovisions and belief systems are fixed on the fossilized past and bonded to a myriad of obsolete assumptions, outdated notions and express falsehood utter fallacies.


Given the present-day and real-world challenges embedded in the personal cosmologies of managers, scientists and futurologists, a new cosmosvision must be re-engineered and overhauled, in order to replace it with an upgraded and updated version tackling the following:

A.- Beliefs (system of,),

B.- Ethos,

C.- Assumptions,

D.- Ideas,

E.- Conceptions,

F.- Concepts,

G.- Preconceptions,

H.- Understandings,

I.- Notions,

J.- Bias,

K.- Patterns of recurrence,

L.- Values,

M.- Practices,

N.- Subjectivity,

M.- Objectivity (thus, so called),

O.- Customs,

P.- Views,

Q.- Knowledge,

R.- Wisdom,

S.- Logic,

T.- Prejudice and non-prejudice,

U.- Unrecognizable Patterns.

The number of ignoramuses of supine ignorance in actual existence is a breathtaking self-inflicted global human-made error(s) and risk(s) for humankind to deal with.

Ignoramuses are frozen in the past and Michael Cibenko deals with them,

“... One problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us ...” [96]

Resistance to embracing new, yet proven knowledge is an absolute self-inflicted death sentence.

By fortune, Dr. Malcolm Knowles PhD. addresses ignoramuses of supine ignorance (also known as simpletons and follies into outright falsehood and fallacy):

“...The greatest danger for the survival of the present civilization is neither atomic war, nor environmental pollution, nor the exploitation of natural resources, and nor present crises. The underlying cause to all of the above is the acceleration of man’s obsolescence … The only hope seems to be an electroshock program to re-instill to the present adults the competencies required to function adequately under a mode of perpetual change. This is a profound need — the immeasurable challenge — that is presented by the modern society to adult education ... " [218]

Napoleon never believed in the term “...luck...”, but incessantly and profoundly managing “...chance...”. The author agrees fully.

Now, a question:

Is there any other angle to take into account when coping with forthcoming downside risks and downside futures while yet exploiting upside risks and upside futures?

The author hereby asserts that there are a multitude of fluid angles.

I will try a question:

What is an actual sample of dangerous and beneficial books and publications that some managers and risk managers are failing to consider when dealing with the rampant mutation and methamorphization of changed changes in contemporary organizational life today?

Do some per-se managers and risk managers realize that coping with all risks and futures is not anything else but securing sustained success by (i) entrepreneurs, (ii) business owners, (iii) public-sector leaders, (iv) non-governmental-organization stewards and (v) supranational incumbents.

Verify this verbatim sample:

1.- Why Most Things Fail: Evolution, Extinction and Economics ( ISBN: 978-0470089194 )

2.- Ubiquity: Why Catastrophes Happen ( ISBN: 978-0609809983 )

3.- The Misbehavior of Markets: A Fractal View of Financial Turbulence ( ISBN: 978-0465043576 )

4.- Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder ( ISBN: 978-1400067824 )

5.- The Signal and the Noise: Why So Many Predictions Fail — but Some Don't ( ISBN: 978-1594204111 )

6.- The Drunkard's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives ( ISBN: 978-0307275172 )

7.- The Invisible Gorilla: How Our Intuitions Deceive Us ( ISBN: 978-0307459664 )

8.- The Upside of Irrationality: The Unexpected Benefits of Defying Logic ( ISBN: 978-0061995040 )

9.- Fault Lines: How Hidden Fractures Still Threaten the World Economy ( ISBN: 978-0691152639 )

10.- This Time Is Different: Eight Centuries of Financial Folly ( ISBN: 978-0691152646 )

11.- The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008 ( ISBN: 978-0393337808 )

12.- First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently ( ISBN: 978-0684852867 )

Returning to the White Swan hardcore:

QUESTION: Do we understand that there are many slow timescales and fast timescales, out of which we must fully aware at all times? REPLY: We have a marked tendency to not know this.


“ … Scientist Freeman Dyson attempted to clarify this for us when he came up with the concept of temporal diversity. As he came to realize, the survival of a species depends on adaptation and learning on six distinct timescales. On the shortest, most immediate scale, species must exist from year to year. The unit of survival for this year-to-year existence is the individual life form. Over decades, the unit of survival is the family, whose multiple generations last much longer than any single individual's life span. Over centuries, it's the tribe or nation. Over millennia, it is an entire culture. Over tens of millennia, it is the species itself, slowly evolving or surrendering to an evolved competitor. And over eons, the unit of survival is 'the whole web of life of our planet.' Human beings have endured as a result of our ability to adapt on all six scales of being and to balance the conflicting demands of each [….] This notion of temporal diversity offers a new way of understanding the particular characteristics of different timescales. While chronobiologists looked at the various natural cycles influencing the processes of life, proponents of temporal diversity are encouraging us to understand and distinguish between the different rates at which on different levels of existence change [….] He argues that we live in a world with multiple timescales, all moving simultaneously but at different speeds. It is called the order of civilization. Nature, or geological time, moves the slowest — like the skater in the middle of pinwheel. This is the rate at which glaciers carve out canyons or species evolve gills and wings — over eons. On the next level is culture, such as that of the Chinese or the Jews — which last millennia. On the next concentric ring comes governance — the rather long-lasting systems of monarchies and republics. The next level is infrastructure — the roads and utilities those governments build and rebuild. Faster yet is commerce that occurs through that infrastructure. And finally the outermost ring is that of fashion — the ever-changing styles and whims that keep the wheels of commerce fed [….] Where we get into trouble, however, is when we lose the ability to distinguish between the different scales of time and begin to subject one level of activity to the time constraints of another. For basketball players, it was subjecting their game schedule — a culture of sorts — to the more temporally abstract timing of contracts and union negotiations. For politicians, it is the attempt to act on the timescale of government while responding to polls conducted on the scale (and value system) of fashion. For companies, it is trying to create value on the timescale of infrastructure, while needing the investment requirements on the timescale of commerce. For the environment, it is fixing our focus on where to find the cheapest gallon of gasoline, with little awareness of the hundreds of thousands of years it took for the energy within it took to be accumulated and compressed. Or throwing a plastic bottle into the trash because the recycle bin is thirty seconds out of our way — even though the plastic will become part of the planet's landfill for hundreds of years until it decomposes into toxic chemicals for hundreds or thousands more [….] The solution is to expand our awareness of the larger, slower cycles. He is working to build a 10,000-year clock — a clock of the 'long now' that changes our orientation to time [….] Maintaining such a multiple awareness may be a worthy goal, but it's also a treacherous path — particularly for those of us living in the eternal present. It should be understood the way all activities, particularly in a Western culture, tend toward the faster layers of pacing on the periphery of the pinwheel. When time is money, everything tends to occur in the timescale of fashion ...” [234]

Back to the White Swan hardcore.

Conversely, a group of oil companies have requested from NASA's sustained advice on how to implement beyond-insurance risk management strategies and practices.

The official NASA Press Release is cited here and also available at


“...NASA Johnson Space Center and Deloitte will enter into a strategic alliance offering advanced risk-management services to oil and gas companies. The Space Act Agreement commencement ceremony is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. Central, Thursday, June 27[….] These capabilities include several operational risk-management approaches aimed at companies seeking to minimize the risk of catastrophic failures — the kinds of dramatic mishaps that, while highly unlikely, can occur in remote and harsh environments …. A core value of NASA is safety, which serves as a cornerstone of mission success. This collaboration will enforce NASA's constant attention to safety as a cornerstone upon which it operates as safely as possible ...”

And hereby it is continued:

“...Through this collaboration, NASA will gain knowledge to help prepare for future missions and to enhance current safety and risk mitigation technologies to address the dynamic, harsh, and remote requirements of emergent programs …. As part of the alliance, NASA and Deloitte will jointly offer a range of capabilities in the quickly evolving risk-sciences arena, such as 'risk modeling and simulation,' to help oil and gas companies eliminate blind spots in their decision making …. Using sophisticated risk-modeling and simulation tools and techniques can reduce uncertainties in engineering and operations at oil and gas companies — in much the same way NASA has done in its human spaceflight programs …. Included in the signing of the agreement are Johnson Deputy Center Director Steve Altemus, who will join veteran NASA astronaut and director of JSC's Safety and Mission Assurance office William "Bill" McArthur, Jr., Deloitte principal David Traylor and John England, vice chairman, Deloitte LLP, and leader of Deloitte's oil and gas practice …. Johnson Space Center is home to the International Space Station Program and the primary training facility for NASA's astronaut corps...”


To further underpin the statements through this writing and countering dysfunctional illiteracy, I will share Peter Drucker's quote,

“...The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic...”

And also that of Dr. Stephen Covey,

“...Again, yesterday holds tomorrow hostage [….] Memory is past. It is finite. Vision is future. It is infinite. Vision is greater than history...”

And to second Dr. Covey, we have the ensuing,

“... Outdated mental models and assumptions keep us stuck in old patterns [….] Often we don't even realize it until it is too late ...” [233]

And that of Sir Francis Bacon,

“... He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils, for time is the greatest innovator ...”

And that of London Business School Professor Gary Hamel, PhD.,

“...You cannot get to a new place with an old map...”

And that of Alvin Toffler, “[….] .The future always comes too fast and in the wrong order...”

By the way:

The second-best teachers and professors are the strict, disciplinarian ones. The best teachers and professors are the one that frustrate your learning process, by default asking you to proactively grasp the command of your own perpetual education for Life.

Jim Rhon observed that if you get a college degree you can make a decent living, but if you can be a rigorous autodidact (into self theoretical and practical learning), you can get wealthy.

And that of Brad Leithauser,

“...It reminds us that, in our accelerating, headlong era, the future presses so close upon us that those who ignore it inhabit not the present but the past ...”

And that of Robert Kennedy,

“...The future is not a privilege but a perpetual conquest...”

And that of Thomas Friedman,

“...People are always [and wrongfully] assuming that everything that is going to be invented must have been invented already. But it hasn’t...” THIS QUOTATION IS HUGELY IGNORED. Brackets are of the author.



To the above end, Dee Hock, CEO Emeritus of Visa International, stated:

“...The problem is never how to get new innovative thoughts into your mind, BUT HOW TO GET OLD ONES OUT ...”

Reinforcing the preceding motions, Rosario M. Levins observes,

“...Mythical thought is not pre-scientific; rather it anticipates the future state of being a science in that its past movement and its present direction are always in the same sense ... " [219]

Before continuing with this opinion, I like to share my favorite quote by DARPA,

“...If you are not failing frequently, you are not succeeding enough...”

DARPA is into outright “ … pushing of the envelope...” finding and acquiring discomfirming lucrative evidence about well-established Physics Laws.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Besides several oil and other industrial corporations (such as Toyota, Mitsubishi Motors and TNT Express), I, too, have extensively performed full-scope risk management consulting services (“turnkey” solutions. I.e., primordial solutions and never quick fixes!) for organizations in industries such as automotive, industrial, health-care, logistics, insurance, telecommunications, employee benefits, government, and consultancy, among others.

Global organizations that utilize intensive tangible (fixed and liquid assets) and intangible (proprietary knowledge base, including trade secrets and copyrighted assets) capital usually operate preventive maintenance and corrective maintenance.

These corporations don't speculate with their owned assets as they don't speculate with the assets of their clients and customers.

Instead of speculating and doctoring their assets, these global corporations prefer to generate own technological breakthroughs and scientific discoveries and novel innovation developments and applied those to leverage their core business.

Through TAIRM those organizations also institute frequent and preemptive perfective maintenance, as preventive and corrective maintenance are more frequently implemented while documenting thoroughly the detailed findings of those maintenances and upgrading the troubleshooting of issues stemming from said findings.

Dealing with the heavy-duty industrial equipments found in car manufactures and full-scope petroleum corporations to cite two global examples, there is also a novel application of the “... perfective maintenance ...” concept.

Large organizations as those mentioned above have generally a large headcount. So they habitually have company-sponsored health-care benefit plans and systems.

By way of illustration:

(1.-) This signatory has taken proactive and instrumental part, for many years, in instituting the notion of “ … perfective medicine ...” through Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, as a direct way with the purpose of improving the health and well-being of eligible workers and the eligible dependents and also as a way to assure more overall cost-effectiveness and hence sustainability to this health-care plan and system.

(2.-) I also worked with the risks involved with large maritime fleets, chiefly those of major petroleum tankers (fleets of large marine vessels under the ownership and stewardship of petroleum groups). Andres directly managed the risks of ten (10) Oil and Gas Tankers during five and a half years.

On average each tanker can carry, in average, a payload of about 49,596 tons.

Oil and Gas Tankers (maritime vessels) that has continuously benefited from Mr. Andres Agostini's White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management at

(3.-) I have also worked with the risks of and by corporate fleets of private (i) jet-propelled planes and (ii) automobiles.

(4.-) I have also worked with the corporate risks of and by 1,200-plus gas stations.

(7.-) At a given time, I was simultaneously managing the corporate risks of three (3) separately owned, gigantic data rooms.

(8.-) At a given time, I was simultaneously managing the corporate risks of two (2) separately owned, gigantic petroleum refinery complex. Respectively, world's number 1 and number 3.

Oil Refineries that has continuously benefited from Mr. Andres Agostini’s White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, including the risk management of the world’s number 1 and the world’s number 3 Oil Refineries. There is a sample of installations of these two refineries at

(9.-) At a given time, I was simultaneously managing the corporate risks of about two (2) or three (3) separately owned, petroleum refineries.

(10.-) At a given time, I was simultaneously managing the corporate fleet risks of about two (2) separately owned, petroleum and gas maritime tankers.

(11.-) At a given time, I was simultaneously managing the corporate set risks of about two (2) separately owned, ground and off-shore petroleum wells.

(12.-) Corporate fleets of vehicles and the collective vehicles of a corporation's employees can also be managed with beyond-insurance Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.

Additionally, Back to the White Swan hardcore:

As you know, Japanese corporations and institutions are into intensive Kaisen and Toyota Production System (TPS).

Regarding advanced quality assurance and continuous improvement, these approaches have been demonstrated indispensable.

However, Transformative and Integrative Risk Management fully entails, also, most-comprehensive Quality Assurance while Kaisen and TPS are being disproved as optimal methodologies with the 6-million car recall. In all and all, every Quality Assurance Deed (Action, Task) must necessary requires of Risk Management.

And for some reason, Japanese executives and scientists have unprecedented aversion both to Calculated Risks and Classic Risk Management, except for the two health-care systems for Toyota and Mitsubishi Motors through Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.

But their practitioners are always attempting to manage risks through said approaches without any success.

TPS is also known as “...Thinking People System...”

Toyota's CFO and the Production Director have their jaws dropped — while being observed by their own Chairman and CEO — when I carefully demonstrated to them the flaws of Kaisen and TPS in managing risks compared to the ample breadth and depth of scope and application by the “..Transformative and Integrative Risk Management...” (TAIRM).

Although they were in a major personal and technical bewilderment, they hired me (as Mitsubishi Motors did before) to institute the advanced risk management of a self-funded and self-administered health-care benefit program for some seven-hundred Toyota employees and their respective eligible dependents.

Both cases were turnkey undertakings.

TNT Express' engagement was the implementation of advanced risk management of a self-funded and self-administered health-care benefit program for some five-hundred TNT Express employees and their respective eligible dependents. It was a turnkey undertaking.

Regarding a nation's regional state, I implemented beyond-insurance risk management of a self-funded and self-administered and universal health-care benefit program for some 700,000 citizens (beneficiaries).

That was instituted in Portuguesa State, Venezuela by the sponsorship of the regional government, employers' organization (business-owners non-profit organizations) and Britanica de Seguros (a national insurance company. Britanica there is written with a single “n”).

Statistician Manuel SanMartin, Britanica de Seguros' CEO, told me, “...the problem with you is that you think too fast ...”

To him, I commented, “...the second problem with you is that you are not jealous but envious and that you are not listening up to our Chairman and Founder, Dr. Giovanni Di Masse ...”

Leonardo argues that “ ...joyless admiration equates to envy ...” Ask Gates III.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Then, I told Manuel:

“ … The first problem with you is that you haven't conceived and designed your own proprietary Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification (IAA) methodology as I did many years ago ...”

Then I crowned my closing remark concisely by saying, “...I think extremely slowly, light-speed, through several: warped and wormed passages, temporal and atemporal dimensions, spatial and aspatial dimensions...”

The signatory is, too, immeasurably into Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification (IAA) methodology.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Venezuela's petroleum reserves are greater than the combined petroleum reserves of Saudi Arabia and Russia.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

TAIRM has been extensively instituted — regarding numerous industrial and operational risks — in many petroleum joint ventures led by corporations such as Shell, Statoil, Exxon, Mobil, BP, Chevron, Texaco, Phillips Petroleum, Conoco, Italy's ENI and Wilpro Energy Services, among others.

ENI is an Italian multinational oil and gas company headquartered in Rome. It has operations in 79 countries, and is currently Italy's largest industrial company with a market capitalization of 68 billion euros, as of August 14, 2013.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

What did CEOs from ExxonMobil, Conoco, Chevron, Phillips Petroleum, Statoil (Scandinavia), Italy's ENI and Wilpro Energy Services (U.S.) tell Andres?

ExxonMobil (2001)

I once gave an executive presentation to ExxonMobil's CEO and other Board members. My presentation was about Transformative and Integrative Risk Management's Health-care Beyond-Insurance Turnkey Solution.

The CEO and other Board members were extremely accomplished executives and managers. Throughout the totality of the executive presentation, they never interrupted me by were nodding their heads meaning a positive acknowledgment.

Then, we had a nice Questions-and-Answers session thorough which we had a fruitful exchange. By the end of the meeting, the CEO argued:

ExxonMobil's CEO: “...Mr. Agostini, Can I ask you a question?...”

Andres: “...Yes, sir, any question at all...”

ExxonMobil's CEO: “...Are you a physicist...”

Andres: “...No, sir...”

ExxonMobil's CEO: “...Are you an engineer...”

Andres: “...No, sir...”

ExxonMobil's CEO: “...Are you an computer programmer...”

Andres: “...No, sir...”

ExxonMobil's CEO: “...Are you a medical doctor ...”

Andres: “...No, sir...”

ExxonMobil's CEO: “...Are you an economist...”

Andres: “...No, sir...”

ExxonMobil's CEO: “..Are you a psychiatrist...”

Andres: “...No, sir...”

ExxonMobil's CEO: “... Are you a lawyer...”

Andres: “...No, sir...”

ExxonMobil's CEO: “... Are you an anthropologist?...”

Andres: “...No, sir...”

ExxonMobil's CEO: “... Are you a CPA?...”

Andres: “...No, sir...”

ExxonMobil's CEO: “...Then, What are you?...”

Andres: “...The brief answer is: All of the above. The longer answer: I am only a person that is impossible to stereotype, label or box, into a tiny bit of practical thinking, pragmatic learning and corporate problem-solving ... and in great gratitude to accept your business, sir...”

And Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Let us consider:

Conoco, Chevron, Phillips Petroleum, Statoil, Italy's ENI and other global petroleum corporations (2001).

With their respective CEOs and Board Members, I had the exact executive presentation delivered to them.

Toward the end of such business presentations, they asked me the exact question by the ExxonMobil's CEO.

My replies to them was identical: “...Only a person that is impossible to stereotype, label or box, into a tiny bit of practical thinking and pragmatic learning..., in great gratitude to accept your business, sir...”

And Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Let us consider:

Wilpro Energy Services (2001)

I once gave an executive presentation to Wilpro Energy Services' CEO and other Board members. My presentation was about Transformative and Integrative Risk Management's Health-care Beyond-Insurance Turnkey Solution.

They asked valuable questions and the exchange was very fluid and respectful.


Wilpro Energy Services' CEO stood up and came forward and shook my hand and stated, “...Mr. Agostini, you are one of us ...”

Wilpro Energy Services' CEO were a bit amazed as I took with me:

(A.-) The hardware and software to render the services (real-life demo).

(B.-) Graphics, charts and flow-grams to better underpin the executive presentation.

(C.-) A real-life demo about how to medically evacuate “...burned...” people.

(D.-) Three air ambulances (helicopters) with embedded Intensive-Care Units.

(E.-) My Ops Medic and three Paramedics and Four Rescuing Personnel.

(F.-) Three (3) helicopter pilots and one (1) helicopter copilot.

To offer more reality, we flew there by choppers. Those choppers were provided by my strategic ally, consisting of two large Bell Ranger Helicopters and one super amazing double-turbine and four-rotators wings, manufactured by M.V. Augusta. The latter, a perfect one for SAFE medical evacuations during nighttime and to far-away landing destinations.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Global corporations are greatly into beyond-insurance risk management.

Other organizations that institute beyond-insurance methodologies include:

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), IBM , Manitoba Government Air Services and Boeing, NTSB, U.S. Surgeon General, FAA, Sandia Corporation, NASA, The Upjohn Company, AMA, Merck & Company, and Litton Industries.

TAIRM seriously considers and utilizes, among many other systems, every Western and Eastern quality assurance methodologies (both from civilian and military spheres).

Nearly all of systems that TAIRM uses are available at or


In related manner, the U.S. Navy and the Los Alamos National Laboratory have extraordinary quality assurance methodologies.

I have applied beyond-insurance risk management for supranationals (for instance, the World Bank and World Health Organization), NGOs and national governments.


Back to the White Swan hardcore:

If we are to succeed in the contemporary and forthcoming times, we MUST radically break with the past.

By what we just have seen above, all these dramatic changes and emerging forces bestow unprecedented, persistent and frontier-breaking new risks, challenges, problems, developments, speed, efficiencies, productivity, opportunities, benefits and progress.

To seize and exploit the upsides and to cope with the downsides optimally, there needs to be, as it has never been before in recorded manipulated history, a collective group of prepared-minded managers in place.

All these scientific and technological doubling of technical breakthroughs and scientific discoveries and novel innovation developments entail, as the casual observer is not paying detailed attention, that in the preceding process current knowledge and wisdom are becoming obsolete by the nanosecond, giving birth to new notions.

For instance, with the initial advent of NASA, it is argued that in its beginnings the agency added 10,000 new words to the hugely-cherished English language.

In a similar fashion, it is reasoned that Shakespeare, as well, added about 10,000 new words to our relished Anglicized Thomas Jefferson Lingua Franca.

As well:



In all verisimilitude, there are many new “...normals...” and “...abnormals...” (both entirely within every scientific normality) for EVERY MANAGER to fundamentally cope with, being the latter, incidentally, marshaled as well within (a) normality, (b) normalcy and (c) normalness (Normalness is the quality of conforming to maximum normal quality or normal condition).


Churchill observed that we must get prepared when we cannot predict. Hence, we need to discern the dynamic driving forces (not so-called “...trends...”) reshaping the present and future and their impacts on our institutions, industries, organizations and professions TODAY.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


“ … Earth reached its maximum state of openness [through most-connected globalization], at least so far, on September 10, 2001. The next day, we learned how all this openness can be turned on its head, lending the explosive impact of jet liners and the population density of modern skyscrapers to a few guys armed with box cutters. THAT'S WHEN THE DREAM OF A CONNECTED WORLD REVEALED ITSELF RATHER AS THE NIGHTMARE OF A WORLD VULNERABLE TO NETWORK EFFECTS. Whether it's a congressman losing his job over an errant Tweet, a State Department humiliated by the release of its cache of cables on WikiLeaks, or a corporation whose progressive consumers just learned their phones were assembled in Chinese sweatshops, CONNECTEDNESS HAS TURNED EVERY GLITCH INTO A POTENTIALLY MORTAL BLOW, EVERY INTERACTOR INTO A POTENTIAL SLAYER [….] It may seem glib to equate a terrorist attack with a public relations snafu, but from the perspective of the institutions now under seemingly perpetual assault, it is the same challenge: how can they better respond to the crises emerging seemingly from anywhere and everywhere, all the time? How can they predict and avoid these crises in the first place? WHEN EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED TO EVERYTHING ELSE, WHERE DOES THIS PROCESS EVEN BEGIN? Any action from anywhere may be the game changer — the butterfly flapping its wings in Brazil that leads to a hurricane in China. And all of it happening at the the same time, BECAUSE CAUSE AND EFFECT SEEM TO HAVE MERGED INTO THE SAME MOMENT ...” [252] Brackets are of the Author.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


“...Dynamic Driving Forces are forces outside the firm (external factors) that trigger the change of strategy in an organization. Industry conditions change because important forces (the most dominant ones that have the biggest influence on what kinds of changes will take place in the industry’s structure and competitive environment) are driving industry participants (competitors, customers, or suppliers) to alter their actions, and thus the driving forces in an industry are the major underlying causes of changing industry and competitive conditions. Driving forces analysis has two steps: identifying what the driving forces are and assessing the impact they will have on the industry [….] The Most Common Dynamic Driving Forces include: 1. The Internet and new e-commerce opportunities and threats it breeds in the industry; 2. Increasing globalization of the industry; 3. Changes in the long-run industry growth rate; 4. Changes in who buys the products and how they use it. 5. Product innovation; 6. Technological change; 7. Market innovation; 8. Entry or exit of major firms; 9. Diffusion of technical know-how across more companies and more countries; 10. Changes in cost and efficiency. 11. Growing buyer for preferences for differentiated products instead of a commodity product (or for a more standardized product instead of strongly differentiated products); 12. Regulatory influences and government policy changes; 13. Changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles; 14. Reductions in uncertainty and business risk [….] Other dynamic driving forces include geologic (geodesic), climatological, political, geopolitical, demographic, social, ethical, economic, technological, financial, legal and environmental forces, among others …”


Every time we deal we dynamic driving forces, we should, by the way, contemplate the business-like notion of point of inflection.

Ergo, I will offer this definition:


“...Inflection point is a moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market ... And/or a time of significant change in a situation; a turning point … A moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market … A point on a chart that marks the beginning of a significant move, either up or down … An event that results in a significant change in the progress of a company, industry, sector, economy or geopolitical situation. An inflection point can be considered a turning point after which a dramatic change, with either positive or negative results, is expected to result. Companies, industries, sectors and economies are dynamic and constantly evolving. Inflection points are more significant than the small day-to-day progress that is made and the effects of the change are often well-known and widespread … Andy Grove, Intel's co-founder, described a strategic inflection point as ' event that changes the way we think and act …' … What Intel's Grove calls '...strategic inflection point …, AA terms « ... Sputnik Moment inflection point … » ... Inflection points can be a result of action taken by a company, or through actions taken by another entity, that has a direct impact on the company. Regulatory changes, for instance, could lead to an inflection point for a corporation that was previously held back by regulatory compliance issues. Inflection points in technology include the advent of the Internet and smart phones. Politically, an inflection point can be illustrated by the fall of the Berlin Wall or the fall of Communism in Poland and other Eastern Bloc countries ...”


The White Swan hardcore ensues:

This we, all managers in general, must observe daily without a fail and increasingly so.

In addition:

The “...increasingly so...” MUST be nonlinear (In S-Curves) and supremely exponential (that is: nonlinear, mathematically speaking. Do your research).

According to mathematics, nonlinear entails, “...not in a straight line...” (that is, that “...grows...” geometrically or exponentially. It grows, in Kurzweilian and mathematical parlance, in and through '...S-typed Curves...').

Our intuitions are outright linear while this contemporaneous world is ruthlessly nonlinear (In S-Curves). Non-linearity harbors most-loved Outliers.

And when people reject understanding and embracing non-linearity, they start getting black swans all over. But when they really understand non-linearity, they will get, with strong preparations, strong and plentiful White Swans.

Many have a major difficulty in underrating and practically coping with this notion.

Nonlinear (In S-Curves) events, happenings, changes and dynamic driving forces have asymmetrical consequences and ramifications beyond conception by the normal-mode of the linear intuitive human mind.

Asymmetries mean disproportionality (The state of being disproportional) that are only understood and coped with through nonlinear (In S-Curves) modes of thinking.

Stated simply, nonlinear growth equates to most unevenly explosive growth.

The White Swan hardcore continues:

By being future literate I don't mean to contemplate what is going to happen in the year 2045.

I am interested in the “now” locus and in the immediate-term future and in the medium-term future and in the long-term future and in the “ … all out ...”-term future.

When one is developing a cohesive business plan, Doesn't he / she need to envision a three- or five-year period?

Isn't the elaboration of a business plan a foremost (future-driven) minimal management responsibility and a skill?

I can offer a tsunami of unimpeachable brick-and-mortar and digital literature to assert that the term "now" is already besieged by futuristic forces as we speak.

Yes, they will greatly change the future even further and in unpredictable ways.

These futuristic forces are easily observed on the local newspapers too.

The “now” moment and the stemmed “continuum” are hijacked by surreptitiously aggressive future-focused dynamics.

“...Here and Now...” is, put simply, the endless entry point into the future.

As a result, Marcus Aurelius Antoninus commented,

“...Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present ...”

And as a consequence, German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche indicated,

“...It’s our future that lays down the law of our today..."


For instance, the workforce of managers and the respective management competitors will also be transformed beyond the reader's wildest dreams.

Competition right now is and will be a major confrontational issue (as in an “attrition war”).

By way of illustration, and in addition to the so-called “...talent war...,” the pervasive competition is today stemming from advanced robotics and computing and other forms of automation.

These three fields are under the ruthless tutelage of Strong Artificial Intelligence, including Strong Quantum Supercomputing!

When the human brain and body ? as well as other hominid sensors ? get reverse-engineered, Strong A.I. will never be out-competed against by the human thought.

By way of illustration and speaking of super intelligence:

Among the family of cephalopods, there are the amazing and extremely intelligent: (a) octopus, (b) squid and (c) cuttlefish. QUESTION: What do Spaniards do with them? They cook them and eat them, never finding intellectual and knowledge utility in them. On the contrary, the U.S. Navy scientifically researches their preternatural intelligence.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Strong Artificial Intelligence will be propelled on “steroids” by the defense ministries and intelligentsia and counter-intelligentsia incumbents of nearly all major nations, including those of the BRIC and CIVETS countries.

Another major factor to outstandingly consider is rampant globalization.

This dynamic driving force is incessantly changing the managerial landscape everywhere.

And the always-daring global economic crisis, a great universal threat yet, daily shocks us with its random “...behavior...” and continuous looming.

Many rosy futurologist call it “...the global downturn...” by way of exercising one “...desperately hopeful...” euphemism.

They only want to be the heralds of “...good news ... " without outright and fundamental coping with vast human-made existential errors and risks.

The global economic crisis couldn't be any graver around the entire planet. And one of the world's favorite reserve currency is running immense perils, too. When that one is fallen, others will be fallen as well.

Whatever is happening in the West, China and India are, at the moment and by way of example, drastically booming.

For example:

Dr. Henry Kissinger argues that out of twenty-two centuries China ruled in its region for twenty centuries (2,000 years) at least.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

As an important point to note, the Futurologist Gerald Celente advises,

“...If you don't attack the future [today], the future will attack you [in 24 hours]...”

And John Galsworthy argued,

“...If you don't think about the future, you cannot have one ... " Brackets are of the author.

Is there future clever? Who can we ask about it?

Patrick Dixon says, “...Take hold of the future or the future will take hold of you — be futurewise ...” [96]

In fact, if there is not a planetary calamity (what I warmly like to call the “caveat”) occurring (I hope this never happens), we are anyway currently beginning to eyewitness the dawn of a new civilization (requiring new managerial mind-sets, knowledge, skills and talents).

Some existential risks might preclude this new earthling civilization to further originate and develop.

That new civilization will be in place in the near future and there will be, among other “...beings... enhanced humans, bots and transbiologicals (biologicals who has transcend their own biology, paraphrasing Kurzweil).

Who and how?

“...Who will be man’s successor? To which the answer is: We are ourselves creating our own successors. Man will become to the machine what the horse and the dog are to man; the conclusion being that machines are, or are becoming, animate...” Samuel Butler's 1863 letter.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Exobiological, Trans-Exobiological and Omniversal Intelligence might, by some SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) accounts, be in place, too.

Let us give it a closer look to SETI.

In “...The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology...” (ISBN: 978-0143037880) book, Dr. Raymond Kurzweil, with 19 doctoral degrees and Singularity University's Chancellor and Google Chief Engineer Officer, argues that most extraterrestrial beings might, JUST MIGHT, exhibit a grayish look because they are the trans-exobiologicals stemming from [outer-space and infinitely beyond] advanced exobiological civilizations.

Trans-exobiologicals are exobiologicals who have transcended their own exobiology.

Having stated that and since the advent of his landmark book (I wish all fact-driven books were written like this canonical marvel), he has given many interviews and speeches about The Technological Singularity.

As a process of that, one day Ray ended up giving a seminal keynote to the upper management and scientists at SETI Institute. SETI, again, an American Organization, that stands for Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Conversely, the about one-hour talk was about the Technological Singularity and the Law of Accelerating Returns as it posited by Ray Kurzweil himself.

(In futures studies and the history of technology, accelerating change is a perceived increase in the rate of technological «and sometimes social and cultural» progress throughout history, which may suggest faster and more profound change in the future. While many have suggested accelerating change, the popularity of this theory in modern times is closely associated with various advocates of the technological singularity, such as Vernor Vinge and Ray Kurzweil.)

Towards the end of the keynote, one or two SETI scientists told Ray that, as per their own research, they were considering as a probable and plausible scenario to be that extraterrestrials' or, better yet, non-biological intelligence's domicile was within the immeasurable limits of Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

The original and official YouTube video published by SETI is at

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

We must NOW get prepared for the worst-case scenario and expect an ever more intractable worst-case scenario.

To this notion, GBN’s CEO Eamonn Kelly explains,

“...We have globalized the economy and culture, but we have not yet globalized our sense of ourselves ...” [89]

Now, we must concentrate, as a laser-beam pointing precision, on the upsides by the Technological Singularity as well as the downsides by the Disruptional Singularity.

If managers understood and applied solemnity and decorum, among many things they would never have to study or get trained, say, on invaluable leadership and applied ethics, since solemnity encompasses it all.

Government, conflict and complexity. What role do governments play pertaining to these singularities?

“...Government policies are influential in the macroscopic risks that threaten our lives. As a society has been transferred from simple agrarianism to a complex technologically-driven living standard, competing special interests force the government to make compromises that inevitably create risks — even the risk of war ... " [226]

By way of illustration:

As we speak about disruptions, an unknown thinker pointed out,

" ...We are walking toward the edge of a cliff —blindfolded. Our ability to understand the potential for future abrupt changes in climate is limited by our lack of understanding of the processes that control them ..." [224]




When I get hired by an institutional client, TAIRM deeply considers the “...human factor...” I am more interested in the human factor before than after the disruption.

Revising the Human Factor and Human Mistake, hominids are:

1.- “...Dumb...”, according to Ted Turner.

2.- “...Flawed...”, according to Dr. Henry Mintzberg.

3.- “...Unstable and unpredictable...”, according to NASA.

4.- “...Future illiterate...”, according to Alvin Toffler.

5.- “...Political animal...”, according to Aristotle.

6.- “... Man, incurable futurologist, is the only traditionalist animal ...”, according to Antonio Machado. Brackets are of the author.

7.- “ … Humans Are Weird …. Humans are creatures of habit with an insatiable need to see familiarity in other people's actions ...”, according to Dr. Stephen Covey.

8.- “ … Humans are biological off-springs ...”, according to Alvin Toffler.

9.- According to London Business School Prof. Gary Hamel, PhD., humans are (or are into):

9.1.- “... animal husbandry …”

9.2.- “ … social creatures ...”

9.3.- “ … amazingly adaptable ...”

9.4.- “ … creative and humans can choose ...”

10.- “ ...individuals (human animals) will make mistakes ...”, according to Sir Martin Rees PhD. Parentheses are of the author.

11.- “ … human fallibility ...”, according to US Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara.

12.- “... explanation-seeking animals ...”, according to Dr. Nassim Nicholas Taleb, PhD.

13.- “… We [, humans,] are dogma-prone from our mother's wombs...”, according to Simon Foucher at

14.- “... Human stupidity...”, according to Wikipedia.

15.- [Into] Self-deception (clearly, by so-called humans), according to Wikipedia.

16.- “...Cognitive biases...” and/or “...emotional biases...” (clearly, by so-called humans), according to Wikipedia.

17.- “...Short-term thinking...” animal, according to Professor Daniel Berleant, Ph.D.

18.- “...Animal...” who brain is “...arithmetical...” and thus never nonlinear, according to Professor Daniel Berleant, Ph.D.

19.- The world is mostly filled with “crooked” humans (animals), according to Loss Prevention Guide for Retail Businesses (National Retail Federation) by Rudolph C. Kimiecik (Author)
ISBN-13: 978-0471076360.

20.- The human animal "is unstable, creates wars, has weapons to wipe out the world twice over, and makes computer viruses, …." according to Louis Del Monte, physicist, entrepreneur, and author of "The Artificial Intelligence Revolution.

21.- “... Timid, indecisive, narrow-minded men...” [animals], according to John Churchill, the Duke of Marlborough.

Returning to the White Swan hardcore:

Insurance and reinsurance companies deal lightly with post-loss human factor. They say that this endeavor is not lucrative to their pockets.

TAIRM thoroughly considers post-mortem and ex-ante analyzes.



There is an additional matter of considerable concern under the TAIRM's framework.

Thinkers and authors such as Drucker, Toffler, Covey and Bueno de Mezquita, among others, have energetically gone public about the critical importance of using words that address the unfailingly underlying meaning of targeted ideas.

To this end, please note this quotation:

Professor Bruce Bueno de Mezquita, Ph.D. warns, " ... Ordinary everyday language can be awfully vague and ambiguous [….] Words can have many meanings, so we must be careful to define ideas carefully [….] It's easy to make logical literary mistakes, and they can be hard to spot, which can often disguise or obscure the meaning of the thinking and actions of individuals....” (ISBN-13: 978-0812979770).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Underlying meaning has to do with the meaning of words and terms as per their actual roots.

For instance:


“...Your letter tells me nothing. You will however have to be able to interrogate, in order to know the names of the regiments and the commanding general and a hundred things, all very important — the morale of the troops, the way in which they are fed, the strength of the different units, and what is known from conservations with the colonels and officers of the corps [….] I EXPECTED SEVERAL PAGES AND I GET ONLY TWO LINES. REDEEM ALL THAT BY WRITING ME IN GREAT DETAIL ...” (By Napoleon I's most existential warning to a plethora of CEOs and Chairperson requesting two-paragraph e-mails. In so doing, they existentially disrupt thoroughness and completeness. Thoroughness and Completeness are the quality of conforming to exhaustively complete and painstakingly accurate and careful).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

It is, as a result, indispensable to me (and TAIRM) avoiding the “ … illusion of meaning ...” and hence communicating through most unambiguous technical parlance and twenty-first-century business lingo. Whether one reader calls it unreadable jargon or not, this only indicates that she does not have the knowledge level to cope with this highly-sophisticated world.


What are real-world examples of “...illusion of meaning...” To this end, Can we use the Wikipedia and White Swan definitions to better understand these illusions of meaning?


Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and Oracle defined both by Wikipedia and the White Swan:

Google defined by Wikipedia:

Google is an American multinational corporation specializing in Internet-related services and products. These include search, cloud computing, software, and online advertising technologies. Most of its profits are derived from AdWords.

Google defined by the White Swan:

Google is an American multinational corporation, with worldwide reach, PRIMARILY SPECIALIZING in Artificial general intelligence (AGI. That is: A hypothetical artificial intelligence that demonstrates human-like intelligence — the intelligence of a machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. ), with a SECONDARY SPECIALIZATION, under the strong tutelage of AGI, in Internet-related services and products. Most of its profits are derived from doing Strong Artificial Intelligence through Google Analytics …. AND: Google is already a neural network, a massive, distributed global beyond-human-thinking Artificial Brain.

Facebook defined by Wikipedia:

Facebook is an online social networking service.

Facebook defined by the White Swan:

Facebook is an American multinational corporation, with worldwide reach, PRIMARILY SPECIALIZING in Artificial general intelligence (AGI. That is: A hypothetical artificial intelligence that demonstrates human-like intelligence — the intelligence of a machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. ), with a SECONDARY SPECIALIZATION, under the strong tutelage of AGI, in online social networking service. Most of its profits are derived from doing Strong Artificial Intelligence through Facebook Analytics.

Twitter defined by Wikipedia:

Twitter is an online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read short 140-character text messages, called "tweets".

Twitter defined by the White Swan:

Twitter is an American multinational corporation, with worldwide reach, PRIMARILY SPECIALIZING in Artificial general intelligence (AGI. That is: A hypothetical artificial intelligence that demonstrates human-like intelligence — the intelligence of a machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. ), with a SECONDARY SPECIALIZATION, under the strong tutelage of AGI, in online social networking and microblogging service that enables users to send and read short 140-character text messages, called "tweets". Most of its profits are derived from doing Strong Artificial Intelligence through Twitter Analytics.

Microsoft defined by Wikipedia:

Microsoft Corporation is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Redmond, Washington, that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers and services. Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, Microsoft Office office suite, and Internet Explorer web browser. Its flagship hardware products are Xbox game console and the Microsoft Surface series of tablets. It is the world's largest software maker measured by revenues.

Microsoft defined by the White Swan:

Microsoft is an American multinational corporation, with worldwide reach, PRIMARILY SPECIALIZING in Artificial general intelligence (AGI. That is: A hypothetical artificial intelligence that demonstrates human-like intelligence — the intelligence of a machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. ), with a SECONDARY SPECIALIZATION, under the strong tutelage of AGI, into: development, manufacturing, licensing, supporting and selling computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers and services. Its best known software products are the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems, Microsoft Office office suite, and Internet Explorer web browser. Its flagship hardware products are Xbox game console and the Microsoft Surface series of tablets. It is the world's largest software maker measured by revenues. Most of its profits are derived from doing Strong Artificial Intelligence through Microsoft Analytics.

Oracle defined by Wikipedia:

Oracle Corporation is an American multinational computer technology corporation that specializes in developing and marketing computer hardware systems and enterprise software products — particularly its own brands of database management systems.

Oracle defined by the White Swan:

Oracle is an American multinational corporation, with worldwide reach, PRIMARILY SPECIALIZING in Artificial general intelligence (AGI. That is: A hypothetical artificial intelligence that demonstrates human-like intelligence — the intelligence of a machine that could successfully perform any intellectual task that a human being can. ), with a SECONDARY SPECIALIZATION, under the strong tutelage of AGI, into developing and marketing computer hardware systems and enterprise software products — particularly its own brands of database management systems. Most of its profits are derived from doing Strong Artificial Intelligence through Oracle Analytics.

If you don't get it yet, please allow me to elaborate:

The White Swan is about HUGE OPTIMAL MANAGEMENT. But we can do Optimal Management if we do NOT really the immeasurable large complication and gargantuan complexity of one of the most pervasive Dynamic Driving Forces.

As a result:


Google, Facebook and other tech companies race to develop artificial intelligence.


“ … The latest Silicon Valley arms race is a contest to build the best artificial brains. Facebook, Google and other leading tech companies are jockeying to hire top scientists in the field of artificial intelligence, while spending heavily ON A QUEST TO MAKE COMPUTERS THINK MORE LIKE PEOPLE …. They're not building humanoid robots — not yet, anyway. But a number of tech giants and startups are trying to build computer systems that understand what you want, perhaps before you knew you wanted it ….' It's important to position yourself in this market for the next decade,...' said Yann LeCunn, a leading New York University researcher hired to run Facebook's new A.I. division in December …. “... A LOT IS RIDING ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND CONTENT ANALYSIS, AND ON BEING SMARTER ABOUT HOW PEOPLE AND COMPUTERS INTERACT …' …. Artificial intelligence programs can already recognize images and translate human speech. TECH RESEARCHERS WANT TO BUILD SYSTEMS THAT CAN MATCH THE HUMAN BRAIN'S ABILITY TO HANDLE MORE COMPLEX CHALLENGES — to intuitively predict traffic conditions while steering automated cars or drones, for example, or to grasp the intent of written texts and spoken messages, so they can better anticipate what kind of information, including ads, their users want to see …. FACEBOOK HAS RECRUITED SEVERAL WELL-REGARDED A.I. SCIENTISTS, including one from Google, in recent months. GOOGLE HAS BEEN WORKING ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE FOR SEVERAL YEARS, ENLISTING PROMINENT RESEARCHERS SUCH AS STANFORD'S ANDREW NG AND THE UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO'S GEOFFREY HINTON TO HELP BUILD COMPUTER SYSTEMS KNOWN AS '...NEURAL NETWORKS,...' WHICH ARE CAPABLE OF TEACHING THEMSELVES …. But in a sign it wants to do more, Google paid a reported $400 million in January to buy DeepMind, a British startup said to be working ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE for image recognition, e-commerce recommendations and video games. DeepMind had also drawn interest from Facebook. Last month, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg invested personally in Vicarious, a Silicon Valley startup working on software that can recognize — and draw — images of animals or other things …. ' … In the last 18 months, every venture capital firm I know has made at least one investment ...' in ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, ROBOTICS or related sectors, said Raj Singh, CEO of Tempo AI, which makes a '… smart calendar …' mobile app that acts like a personal assistant. Tempo uses technology from SRI, the Menlo Park think tank that developed key elements of Apple's Siri and has spun off several artificial intelligence startups …. COMPETITION AMONG DIGITAL PERSONAL ASSISTANTS IS ESPECIALLY HEATED: While each works differently, Tempo is vying with Siri, Google Now and Microsoft's new Cortana. Through a series of upgrades, each has tried to outdo the others in providing reminders and anticipating questions by analyzing relevant data from users' calendars, contact lists and email [….] The ultimate goal is something closer to '… Samantha,...' the personable operating system voiced by actress Scarlett Johansson in the film '...Her,...' though it undoubtedly will be more businesslike [….] Right now, even Siri fans have voiced frustration with its limitations, including balky silences and nonresponsive answers. But there are signs Apple is working feverishly to improve it …. '…. Apple is hiring some of the most intelligent guys in this field, [….] ' said Abdel-Rahman Mohamed, a University of Toronto researcher who has used a form of artificial intelligence known as '… deep learning...' to improve speech recognition by computers. Based on Apple's recent hiring, Mohamed predicted Siri will improve dramatically [….] Facebook, meanwhile, wants to better understand its users' posts and preferences so it can show them more relevant messages, LeCunn said. It's working on improved facial recognition algorithms, for photo-tagging. Zuckerberg has also hinted he wants to compete with Google in providing answers to users' questions, drawing on recommendations and observations by the social network's 1.2 billion members .…' … [….] The goal here is to use new approaches in A.I. to help make sense of all the content that people share, so we can generate new insights about the world to answer people's questions, ...' Zuckerberg told analysts recently ….'[….] This has the potential to be really powerful ….' …. Google has similar goals. So does Microsoft, Yahoo, China's Baidu and other companies. IBM poured more than $1 billion into its Watson computer system, which uses artificial intelligence and competed on '...Jeopardy[….] ' Already, Google has used artificial intelligence to improve its voice-enabled search and Google Now, as well as its mapping and self-driving car projects. Google wouldn't discuss the details of its projects, but CEO Larry Page showed his enthusiasm at a TED technology conference last month ….' I think we're seeing a lot of exciting work going on, that crosses computer science and neuroscience, in terms of really understanding what it takes to make something smart, ….' Page said. He showed videos from Google and DeepMind projects in which computer systems learned to recognize cats and play games — without detailed programming instructions ….Google and Facebook both hope to do more with '...DEEP LEARNING,...' in which computer networks teach themselves to recognize patterns by analyzing vast amounts of data, rather than rely on programmers to tell them what each pattern represents. The networks tackle problems by breaking them into a series of steps, the way layers of neurons work in a human brain ….The approach was pioneered in the 1980s by a handful of scientists including Hinton, Ng and LeCunn. But researchers say its potential has exploded in recent years because they now have access to more powerful computing systems and bigger sets of data …. That technology could help companies build systems that go beyond recognizing words or phrases, to understand the intended meaning of written texts and conversational speech — so instead of typing the keywords '…. weather forecast San Jose,...' users can simply ask: '...Do I need an umbrella today?...' …. It may also help companies like Google and Facebook analyze individuals' posts and preferences to tailor the ads they see, though neither company tends to highlight such uses ….A powerful artificial brain that knows your preferences and habits can be a scary notion, acknowledged Mohamed, who said companies must consider ethics and privacy as they develop new services ….But experts say it's clear that artificial intelligence will be used more widely. SOME DAY SOON, INTELLIGENT '….ASSISTANTS...' WILL BE BUILT INTO A VARIETY OF GADGETS AND ONLINE SERVICES, predicted Singh …. ' ….Everything is going to be more anticipatory, and more personal,[….] ' he said. '… If it's done right, you may not even notice it. But once you start experiencing it, you'll realize: ' …. Wow! How did you live without it? …' ... " [229].


Back to the White Swan main hardcore and some amenities about parlance:

For example, there is a major nation in the Western Hemisphere in which its in-general-and-at-large society's “” language usage involves many slangs, clichés, idioms, colloquialisms, regionalisms (spoken and written, of), traditionalisms (spoken and written, of) and other idiomatic expressions (spoken and written, of) that, as per the most authoritative own native linguists from said society, semanticists, language experts and professors, do not unfortunately configure, in all rigor, the standard parlance of the official language here coped with.

The preceding paragraph is a great negative encouragement to deal with a world mired by hard science, high tech and complexity.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

There is huge complexity now by geopolitical hazards as well as Cold War II is reaffirming its own birth and rogue ruling.

Cold War II is, unfortunately, a great pre-condition underpinning to a thesis of a WWIII.

Accordingly and dealing with the non-standard usage of language and other amenities, Dr. Carl Sagan, PhD., by way of example, expressed,

“...We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows about science and technology...”

Ergo, non-standard languages are a function of societies fighting against science and technology.

As a result, I put forward that it is impossible to live against the dictum by Dr. Sagan in contemporary days. I also believe that leaders and managers are going to need without a fail and with extreme seriousness, in many cases, a panoply of Rocket Science or Science Rocketry.

Along with Linguistics and Semantics in the swirling Gaia of ours, it is important to heed the notion of Dialectic, a form of preventative non-“...communication breakdown...” Wikipedia asserts:

“ … Dialectic (also dialectics and the dialectical method) is a method of argument for resolving disagreement that has been central to European and Indian philosophy since antiquity. The word dialectic originated in ancient Greece, and was made popular by Plato in the Socratic dialogues. The dialectical method is discourse between two or more people holding different points of view about a subject, who wish to establish the truth of the matter guided by reasoned arguments …”

Along with the Dialectical Method, Transformative and Integrative Risk Management is into advanced Socratic Method.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Another aspect of TAIRM is to exercise gigantic attentive listening to the client and others related to him or her.

If the language within a major petroleum refinery is ambiguous, irresponsibly miscomprehended operational communications stemming from such petroleum refinery can terminate with the human life and bringing about, say, 100,000 fatalities (living in peripheral cities), not counting the installation's workers and contractors as well as the property damages.

Into my first six-months with PDVSA, there was a devastation by a Petroleum Refinery, known as Refinería de Amuay (Paraguaná Refinery Complex), under Lagoven's (formerly Creole Petroleum Corporation).

CPC is the company acquired by Standard Oil of New Jersey and then state-owned by Citgo's PDVSA. At that moment, Paraguaná Refinery Complex was the world's largest in its type.

I was officially invited by Lagoven's CFO, by Canadian Mr. William Clamens, to visit the “...Crime Scene...” or the locus in which the Disruptive Energy-Potential was Stupidly Unleashed and where Forensic Science was going to be applied afterward. If I were to make a visual comparison, it probably was like looking at the Chernobyl Catastrophe.

In heavy-duty proportions and industrial scales, I reconnoitered the entire site. If you think of your neighborhood or own urbanization, it was, at first sight, about 45-square blocs. The burning smell was all over the place. Nothing was recognizable.

Considerable leakages of gasses, vapors, fluids and fired-up ignitions. Myriad of tiny short-circuits and tons of smoke everywhere, as well. The place was difficult to walk through given the unprecedented amount of cluttered debris.

Outright industrial upheaval with a large assets elimination pseudo-insured and pseudo-reinsured. So, even though such industrial complex was brought under control before rebuilding it. Fortunately, there was no loss of human lives.

At that moment, I was just out of college into tenure commencement. I was, at all rate, paying undivided attention to many details and found out many flaws, not only in maintenance procedures, but also in legal approaches to configure the millionaire insurance-and-reinsurance claim check.

I made a case to the the Refinery CEO, the company's CFO, and the Corporate: Treasurer, Comptroller and Jurist that, as per my opinion, their engineer spokesperson was given more than necessary information. And that such quality and quantity of lavish information was going to be utilized to substantially decreased the global indemnity payment.

The global indemnity payment was internationally managed by Sedgwick Reinsurance Brokers Ltd. (now acquired by and operated through Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc.).

Within the overseas reinsurance-paying pool of (reinsurance companies), there were a gamut of participating prime players from North America and Europe at large, for a portion of the entire risk accounting to about a 90%, in toto.

As it is customarily called, the (overseas) Reinsurance Pool Leader was American International Group, Inc. Then, Sedgwick Reinsurance Brokers, precluded, any “...syndicate...”, that is a ' … Lloyd's of London ...'-chartered reinsurance company, to partake into the international reinsurance pool.

Within the national insurance-paying pool of (insurance companies), there were over forty companies participating, for a portion of the entire risk accounting to about a 10%, in toto.

The (national) Insurance Pool Leader was Liberty Mutual's “...Seguros Caracas...”

The narrative about the Refinery “...Loss...” and all of the International and National Ramifications via Reinsurance and Insurance Companies have a strategic end to articulate the narrative HARDCORE of the present work.

I found all of the before-the-loss events and after-the-loss events extremely primitive and mediocre.

Oil Refineries that has continuously benefited from Mr. Andres Agostini’s White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, including the risk management of the world’s number 1 and the world’s number 3 Oil Refineries. There is a sample of installations of these two refineries at

So my thought process quickly went from sub-critical mass into critical mass to give birth to some alien methodology to fundamentally do away with all the silly corporate red tape from time immemorial.

Sub-Critical Mass.— : “ … Sub-Critical Mass refers to an amount or level NOT SUFFICIENT for a specific result or new action to occur ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

A Little Actual Fun Story with World's #2 Petroleum Corp Chairman and CEO:

Lasserre Restaurant and World's #2 Petroleum Corporation Worldwide Chairman and CEO (1998):

World's #2 Petroleum Corporation was Citgo's PDVSA (the parent and holding company).

PDVSA: Petróleos de Venezuela, S.A. is the Venezuelan state-owned oil and natural gas company. It has activities in exploration, production, refining and exporting oil, as well as exploration and production of natural gas.

Please remember that Venezuela has the largest world's petroleum reserves.

Worldwide Chairman and CEO: Engineer Luis Giusti (

I invited Luis with the CORS Board Members to enjoy a nice French dinner at Lasserre Restaurant.

Andres was then and now the Founder, Chairman and CEO of CORS Risk Management Services.

Through that nice dinner I wanted to communicate to Luis our company's interest and view about establishing a joint venture between CORS and PDVSA to do all the thinkable and unthinkable medical services to PDVSA Employee and Eligible Dependents and then to other institutional clients.

I will give you an accurate account but I will use avatars for my two CORS directors. One I will call Gustav and the other Hans.

Ergo, Andres went on, while focusing on Luis' face, to give him a detailed explanation about exactly what PDVSA's health-care problems were and how CORS could take care of those. For over a decade and half, Andres has assimilated the technical parlance of Petroleum Executives.

So, Andres, in order to make his pitch more comprehensible to Luis regardless of Gustav and Hans, spoke to Luis in his natural parlance. As a consequence, Luis and Andres really hit as a dialogue context was kindly and fruitfully formed. This two-person dialogue became extremely fluid and dynamic.

Then, the ensuing took off:

Gustav: “...Andres, you are confounding Luis...”

Hans: “...Yes, Andres, you are overwhelming Luis...”

For a second, I stared at the two imprudent and ignorant guys. And then Luis disrupted their silliness.

Luis: “...Hans and Gustav, I don't understand what your problem is … Andres is making a great deal of sense to me … Every time I speak with a potential strategic ally, I found him, her inarticulate and without clearly defining the conversation points and highlights …. You are wrong if you think that Andres is sending me into bewilderment …. In fact, I just wish that my Co-CEO and COO could express themselves with the clarity and lucidity of concepts that Andres uses ...”

Andres: “...Thank you...”

Given the breathtaking tactless and imprudent and envious interruption by Hans and Gustav, I requested them to submit before me their resigning letters, which I did accept.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Successively and with the passage of time, I knew we had to prepare to eliminate and avoid before-the-facts risks, but that I was also extremely bound to properly solving the “ugly” unleashing of pent-up risk energy in after-the-facts settings.

This latter is hugely embedded in Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.

To responsibly illustrate the preceding paragraph, Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, coping with pre-morten (a posteriori) and post-morten (a posteriori) disruption potentials, include:

[I] Transformative and Integrative Risk Management includes a dovetailed version of: Red Adair's Methodology. (Applying and adapting some practical techniques by and as: an American oil well firefighter. He became world notable as an innovator in the highly specialized and extremely hazardous profession of extinguishing and capping blazing, erupting oil well blowouts, both land-based and offshore.). Adair's motto establishes, " … Nothing is impossible ….You consider the danger but you don't think about it because nobody can work with fear (non-emotional evenness)...” Parentheses are of the author.

[II] Transformative and Integrative Risk Management includes a customized version of: The National Transportation Safety Board's of NTSB "Go Team" Approach. The generalized notion, greatly adapted by TAIRM, states: The National Transportation Safety Board was established in 1967 to conduct independent investigations of all civil aviation accidents in the United States and major accidents in the other modes of transportation. It is not part of the Department of Transportation, nor organizationally affiliated with any of DOT's modal agencies, including the Federal Aviation Administration. The Safety Board has no regulatory or enforcement powers [….] To ensure that Safety Board investigations focus only on improving transportation safety, the Board's analysis of factual information and its determination of probable cause cannot be entered as evidence in a court of law [….] At the core of NTSB investigations is the " … Go Team ..." The purpose of the Safety BoardGo Team is simple and effective: Begin the investigation of a major accident at the accident scene, as quickly as possible, assembling the broad spectrum of technical expertise that is needed to solve complex transportation safety problems ...”

From (a) Complex Transportation Safety and (b) Oil-well Systematized Firefighting Techniques and Practices there are many, vast applications to other risks, both before-the-facts ones and after-the-facts ones, as well.

[III] The “...Red Teaming...” approach is also included in a tailor-made form into Transformative and Interrogative Risk Management. Red Teaming, in a generic form, entails: A red team is an independent group that challenges an organization to improve its effectiveness. The United States intelligence community (military and civilian) has red teams that explore alternative futures and write articles as if they were despotic world leaders. Little formal doctrine or publications about Red Teaming in the military exists …. Private business such as IBM and SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation) and agencies such as the CIA have long used Red Teams. Red Teams in the United States military were used much more frequently after a 2003 Defense Science Review Board recommended them to help prevent the shortcomings that led up to 9/11. The Army then stood up a service-level Red Team, the Army Directed Studies Office, in 2004. This was the first service level Red Team and until 2011was the largest in the DoD ...”

The “...Red Teaming...” is a sub-chapter portion or subsystem in Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.

[IV] Transformative and Integrative Risk Management comprises of other proprietary methodologies beyond the ones above that cannot be disclosed here. Again and again, TAIRM structurally and thoroughly deals with before-the-facts hazardous events and after-the-facts hazardous events.

A Quick-Dated Summation, Accordingly:

(A.-) Red Adair's Methodology, adapted to Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, was first included to in TAIRM in 2005.

(B.-) The National Transportation Safety Board's of NTSB " ...Go Team ..." Methodology, adapted to Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, was first included to in TAIRM in 2007.

(C.-) The “...Red Teaming...” Approach, adapted to Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, was first included to in TAIRM in 2009.

(D.-) Transformative and Integrative Risk Management's Proprietary Techniques, coping with after-the-facts hazardous events was first included in TAIRM in 2005.

(E.-) Above Approaches (A.-), (B.-), (C.-) and (D.-) are seamlessly incorporated into and operated from the core of Transformative and Integrative Risk Management with uncanny: (e.1) Cohesiveness, (e.2) Congruence, (e.3) Consistency, (e.4) Reliability, and (e.5) Integrity.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Ideas in which David and readers might prove to be interested?

Insurance and Reinsurance Companies' Actuaries and Statisticians have a MEME:

In that order, they, for instance, speak of: (a).- “...Short-Tail Risks ...”, (b).- “...Long-Tail Risks...”, and (c).- “...Dormant Risks...”

(a).- “...Short-Tail Risks ...” is a risk whose disruptional maturity comes forwards soon.

(b).- “...Long-Tail Risks...” is a risk whose disruptional maturity comes forwards afterward (towards mid and long term).

(c).- “...Dormant Risks...” is a risk whose disruptional maturity is, at the moment, in a non- (c.1.-) Climactic Mode and/or (c.2.-) Critical-Mass Mode.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Some Reasoning Procedures Embraced by White Swan's Transformative and Integrative Risk Management interdisciplinary Problem-Solving Methodology (That is: Feet-on-the-dynamic-ground problem solving):

1.- Deductive Reasoning,

2.- Quasi-Deductive Reasoning,

3.- Inductive Reasoning,

4.- Quasi-Inductive Reasoning,

5.- Partial and/or thorough blending of the above: “1.-”, “2.-”, “3.-”, and “4.-”.

6.- Other proprietary reasoning not disclosed her.

Hence, let us define Deductive Reasoning:

“... Deductive reasoning, also deductive logic or logical deduction or, informally, 'top-down' logic, is the process of reasoning from one or more general statements (premises) to reach a logically certain conclusion …. Deductive reasoning links premises with conclusions. If all premises are true, the terms are clear, and the rules of deductive logic are followed, then the conclusion reached is necessarily true ...”

Subsequently, let us define Inductive Reasoning:

“... Inductive reasoning (as opposed to deductive reasoning) is reasoning in which the premises seek to supply strong evidence for (not absolute proof of) the truth of the conclusion. While the conclusion of a deductive argument is supposed to be certain, the truth of an inductive argument is supposed to be probable, based upon the evidence given ….Inductive reasoning forms the basis of most scientific theories e.g.; Darwinism, Big bang theory and Einstein's theory of relativity ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


Senses, immeasurably gauged by White Swans and Transformative and Integrative Risk Management, concisely:

(1.-) Linear Sense of Proportion(s),

(2.-) Linear Sense of Scale(s),

(3.-) Linear Sense of Magnitude(s),

(4.-) Linear Sense of Dynamic(s),

(5.-) Linear Sense of Fluidity,

(6.-) Linear Sense of Scope,

(7.-) Linear Sense of Intensity,

(8.-) Linear Sense of Probability,

(9.-) Linear Sense of Complication,

(10.-) Linear Sense of Complexity,

(11.-) Linear Sense of Operational Limitations, Flawness, Errors and Incompleteness,

(12.-) Linear Sense of Risks, including Existential Risks.

(13.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Proportion(s),

(14.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Scale(s),

(15.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Magnitude(s),

(16.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Dynamic(s),

(17.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Fluidity,

(18.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Scope,

(19.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Intensity,

(20.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Probability,

(21.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Complication,

(22.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Complexity,

(23.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Operational Limitations, Flawness, Errors and Incompleteness,

(24.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Risks, including Existential Risks.

(25.-) Linear Sense of Scope.

(26.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Scope.

(27.-) Linear Sense of Rhythm.

(28.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Rhythm.

(29.-) Linear Sense of Execution.

(30.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Execution.

(31.-) Linear Sense of Urgency.

(32.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Urgency.

(33.-) Linear Sense of Importance.

(34.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Importance.

(35.-) Linear Sense of Purpose.

(36.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Purpose.

(37.-) Linear Sense of Curiosity.

(38.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Curiosity.

(39.-) Linear Sense of Commitment.

(40.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Commitment.

(41.-) Linear Sense of Direction.

(42.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Direction.

(43.-) Linear Sense of Flow.

(44.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Flow.

(45.-) Linear Sense of Constancy of Purpose.

(46.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Constancy of Purpose.

(47.-) Linear Sense of Familiarity.

(48.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Familiarity.

(49.-) Linear Sense of Unfamiliarity.

(48.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Unfamiliarity.

(50.-) Linear Sense of Appropriateness.

(51.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Appropriateness.

(52.-) Linear Sense of Transience.

(53.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Transience.

(54.-) Linear Sense of Impermanence.

(55.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Impermanence.

(56.-) Linear Sense of Universal History.

(57.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Universal History.

(58.-) Linear Sense of Universal Geography.

(59.-) Nonlinear (In S-Curves) Sense of Universal Geography.

NB: Many other linear and nonlinear (In S-Curves) senses are proprietary.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

ALSO to be considered:

Synthesized Practical Toolkital Panoply by White Swan's Transformative and Integrative Risk Management encompasses:

ONE.- Hindsightfulness, (Hindsightfulness is the quality of conforming to perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred).

TWO.- Counter-hindsightfulness, (Counter-hindsightfulness is the quality of conforming to an alternate perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred).

THREE.- Foresightfulness, (Foresightfulness is the quality of conforming to perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred).

FOUR.- Counter-foresightfulness, (Counter-foresightfulness is the quality of conforming to the alternate perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred).

FIVE.- Farsightfulness, (Farsightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see the foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

SIX.- Counter-farsightfulness, (Counter-farsightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see alternate foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

SEVEN.- Closenessfulness, (Closenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see immediate and near-term foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

EIGHT.- Counter-closenessfulness, (Counter-closenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see alternate immediate and near-term foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

NINE.- Insightfulness, (Insightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to engage the acute observation and deduction, penetration, discernment, perception and understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context).

TEN.- Counter-insightfulness, (Counter-insightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to engage the alternate acute observation and deduction, penetration, discernment, perception and understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context).

ELEVEN.- Intuitvenessfulness, (Intuitvenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to perceiving intuitive knowledge).

TWELVE.- Counter-intuitvenessfulness, (Counter-intuitvenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to perceiving alternate intuitive knowledge).

THIRTHEEN.- Stargatenessfulness, (Stargatenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate claims of psychic phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as 'remote viewing', the purported ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a great distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Visionary Corporation by the U.S. Federal Government' and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency's Stargate Project).

FOURTEEN.- Counter-Stargatenessfulness, (Counter-Stargatenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate alternate claims of psychic phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as 'remote viewing', the purported ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a great distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Visionary Corporation by the U.S. Federal Government' and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency's Stargate Project).

FIFTEEN.- DoctorStangelovesness, (DoctorStangelovesness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate, through military strategy and practical systems theory as they are instituted in corporate theater of operations, as claims of management phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as 'remote viewing' through scenario-planning methodology 'unthinkables', the purported ability to physically 'see' unknown events, sites, or information from a great temporal distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors to those corporations. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Savvy Corporation by and beyond the prescription of the RAND Corporation and the Hudson Institute), and

SIXTEEN.- Counter-DoctorStangelovesness. (Counter-DoctorStangelovesness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate, through alternate military strategy and practical systems theory as they are instituted in corporate theater of operations, as claims of management phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as 'remote viewing' through scenario-planning methodology 'unthinkables', the purported ability to physically 'see' unknown events, sites, or information from a great temporal distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors to those corporations. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Savvy Corporation by and beyond the prescription of the RAND Corporation and the Hudson Institute).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

When instituting the TAIRM interdisciplinary methodology, I develop and give the client a FUNCTIONAL glossary of agreed-upon terms with their definitions and concepts, as well with practical application examples.

This glossary will be used during training, indoctrination and service (fundamental turnkey solution), in order to communicate back and forth with a universally in-agreement, consistent, congruent and underlying sense.

My clients under TAIRM enjoy a practical and continuous knowledge transfer from me beyond initial training and indoctrination.

Clients committed to accessing the sustained and progressive efficiencies, productivity, benefits, rewards and opportunities, as well as the respective durable advantages, of “...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management...” will receive vast (a) executive training and (b) technical indoctrination by me, for Perpetuity.

“...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management...” is only for serious go-getter clients.

Just a thought, the crucially important client's officer to TAIRM is not the CFO, but the Chairman and CEO.

The CFO, the Human Resources Officer, the I.T. Officer (CIO), CTO, and every other officer (manager) of “...function...” and incumbent of “...line...” will be, as well, properly trained, indoctrinated and coped with.

To people that wish a quick and simple start-up overview on the future, I powerfully suggest to begin reading Alvin Toffler's “...Future Shock...” book.

On 1985, a very late date, that book taught me that insurance losses (unmanaged risks) could, to a greater degree, be better either eliminated or mitigated or, at least, modulated or even isolated.

A Technological Singularity's Primer: Alvin Toffler's “...Future Shock...," narrated and explained by Mr. Orson Welles via YouTube at

I was then thinking about petroleum and petrochemical equipments and installations, including oil refineries and oil wells, automotive and logistical factories, facilities and many other industrial plants and organizations, whose manufactured and produced products and services are mostly tangible.

Crucial infrastructure coped with through beyond-insurance risk management includes that of IT or data processing, such as data centers.

As an insurance doubled major and a manager to me so-called “” is not “...risk protection...” but a financial device that just PARTLY indemnifies you from SOME losses and ONLY SOMETIMES and only to SOME degree.


In my case, a loss (disruption potential) is the un-managed and uncontrolled unleashing of pent-up energy.

Once pent-up energy is unleashed, it can create (upside risks) or destruct (downside risks).

To this end, one helpful insight to the reader might be this:

“...It would be hard to find anyone who believes that losses occur without any cause. Yet many managers, acting as though an accident is a random stroke of fate, have to be reminded to seek and remove causes prior to a loss. Less obvious to the layman is the idea that nearly all accidental losses have a multiple causes: virtually no accident has a single cause [….] Identifying causes, especially those that are subtle or unseen, requires tenacity, imagination, and a systematic method. However, since almost every accident or loss has a known precedent, you never have to start your search for causes empty-handed...” [226].

To cope with the future is to cope with changed changes (upside risks and downside risks), today.

And the entirety of the planet is now inundated with massive, increasing changed changes, omnipresently.

All incumbents and practitioners must perceive that management is turning itself into a highly scientific field and practice without a fail.

Believe it or not, management is literally going into applied “...Rocket Science...”

By way of example, the expression “...Keep It Simple, Stupid...” has been radically replaced by “...Keep It Scientific, Savant...”

And notions as those of Thomas Paine's “...common sense...” are now absurd and rendered ineffectual and counterproductive by representatives of numerous institutions such as DARPA, NASA, MIT and Stanford University.

Common sense is radically replaced by APPLIED SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE.

So called “...out of the box..." thinking is impious and outrageous mediocrity by the 21st-century standards and practices.

“...Out of the box..." thinking will bankrupt you or your government easily and without a fail.

And the “...power of simplicity...,” unless it is applied by a consummated polymath, is a chat about rubbish.

We live in a world in which the Power of Complexity, Randomness and Pseudo-Randomness rules dictatorially. Pseudo-Serendipity, infinitely more than plain-vanilla Serendipity, is a self-inflicted ruler by an equivalent to the Tudor Family.

Managing is an art, practice, methodology, technology and hard science.

That's why Futures Studies, Foresight Research and Scenario Planning are managerial disciplines seriously observed by the United Nations and the advanced for-lucre enterprises in the world.

Shell is a miniscule good example of this plethora of global enterprises.

I firmly believe that management today is in a gargantuan challenge. More so than before because of the massive, ubiquitous changes affecting society and economy.

Change is going abusively “” and “...techno...” and “ vivo...” and “...infotech...” and “...cyborg...” and “” and “... neuro...” and “” and “...transbio...” and “...nano...” and “...nanotech...” I am not afraid to proclaim.

And wait until the scientific and technological convergence takes place even further, a tiny bit later.


I must insist that the as-of-now Disruptional Singularity might preclude the Technological Singularity.


Corruption and war-waging and conflict-inflecting have no gender, at all. In the Western Hemisphere, there are four (4) female heads of state amazingly corrupted. Like Sixth Sense and intuition, corruption has no gender.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


To this purpose, Dr. Robert A. Collins, Ph.D. comments,

“...Disasters are a natural and predictable part of the human condition. This includes both natural disasters and human-made disasters. In spite of this, whenever a disaster strikes, most people are unprepared. The inevitable result is the loss of life and property. It does not have to be this way [….] SINCE DISASTERS ARE AN INEVITABLE PART OF LIFE, THE WISEST COURSE OF ACTION IS TO UNDERSTAND THEM, PREPARE FOR THEM, AND CAPITALIZE ON THE OPPORTUNITIES THAT THEY PRESENT. The first and most important step in disaster planning is, obviously, to have a plan. Without a specific plan, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to implement the other steps in disaster preparation. Most organizations deal with disasters by first hoping that they don’t happen. Then when they do happen, they respond to them and try to recover from them. MOST ORGANIZATIONS DO NOT TRY TO MITIGATE THEM IN ADVANCE. THIS IS AN IRRATIONAL AND EXPENSIVE STRATEGY [….] It is impossible to plan for things that you cannot imagine. Therefore, the first step in forging the resilient organization is to conduct ‘scenario planning’ [….] It is necessary for the organization to be honest with itself when completing the scenario planning step in disaster preparation. THE TASK HERE IS NOT TO IMAGINE THE WORST DISASTER THAT THE ORGANIZATION THINKS THAT IT CAN HANDLE. THE TASK IS TO IMAGINE THE WORST DISASTER THAT COULD POSSIBLE STRIKE THE COMPANY, GIVEN ITS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION AND INDIVIDUAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Lee Clarke, a disaster planning expert and professor at Rutgers University argues, ‘IT’S NOT CRAZY TO THINK ABOUT THE WORST CASES [IN ADVANCE]’ ...” [124] Brackets are of the author.

Is there an example of disruption-potential and post-‘risk management’?

“...You may remember the situation in 1982 when seven people in the U.S. died from ingesting Tylenol that had been laced with cyanide. The nation panicked. Some predicted that Johnson & Johnson would never be able to sell another product under that name. But Johnson & Johnson took responsibility for the situation. They immediately alerted consumers to stop using Tylenol until they could determine the extent of the tampering. They recalled approximately 31 million bottles of Tylenol, retailing at more than $100 million. They offered to exchange all Tylenol capsules that had already been purchased for Tylenol tablets, which cost them millions more. They established relations with law enforcement officers on every level to help search for the person who laced the medication and to help prevent further tampering. They put up a reward of $100,000 for the person who committed the crime. When they reintroduced the product back in the market, it had new triple-seal, tamper-resistant packaging. As a result of their actions, they turned what could have been a disaster into a victory in credibility and public trust ...” [196].

Xerox Vice President, Mr. Brooks also observes,

“ … Both government and the private sector have prioritized critical infrastructure as the primary focus of threat and response. There is a growing understanding of the seriousness and sophistication of the threats, especially denial of service and the adversarial actors that include states, organized crimes, and loosely affiliated hackers. Two former Secretaries of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) best summarized the stakes if we are not proactive in meeting the potential cybersecurity threats. Hon. Tom Ridge noted that “a few lines of code can wreak more havoc than a bomb.” And Hon. Janet Napolitano stated that 'our country will, at some point, face a major cyber-event that will have a serious effect on our lives, our economy, and the everyday functioning of our society.' ...”

And Brooks adds:

“ … In the past year, DHS (U.S. Department of Homeland Security) tracked over 200,000 cyber incidents involving critical infrastructure in the United States. All critical infrastructure including the electric grid, healthcare, transportation, communications, and financial networks are vulnerable to attacks by hackers and even governments. Cybersecurity capabilities in information sharing, hardware, software, training and protocols, must keep pace to protect and pre-empt the increasingly sophisticated threats in both the public and private sectors ...” Parentheses are of the author.

Continuing with the White Swan hardcore:

Can we take advantage of risk and benefit from management with immense forethought and never in expensive hindsight?

Verify this:

“ ... Journalist Geoffrey Colvin (2005) argues: '…The events that do the worst damage are the one no even conceived of … The idea that a passenger jet might crash into the World Trade Center had been thought of; it was a fairly obvious possibility, especially since a plane once crashed into the Empire State Building. What no one imagined was the combination of large planes with nearly full fuel tanks plus the impact of the crashes jarring fireproofing from the girders, and how this could bring the towers down. In retrospect [a posteriori], it obviously could have been imagined. I’ just wasn’t'...” [124]

How are these speedy and somewhat dramatic times shaping and re-shaping us? [124]

“... Journalist Amy Bernstein (2006) point out, ‘…Few issues have morphed as dramatically in the last five year as corporate resilience. That phrase once refereed to managing risks that were fairly predictable and relatively easy to insure against: fires, strikes, and economic recessions for example. But all that has changed. A string of catastrophes — beginning with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and continuing through the bombing of the Madrid railway and the Asian Tsunami in 2004, the blast on the London Underground in July 2005, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in August and September, and the earthquake that devastated Pakistan in October 2005 — has rearranged our concept of disaster preparedness. It’s no longer enough for companies to devise a business continuity plan and file it away somewhere. THEY NOW HAVE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO BOUNCE BACK FROM THE UNTHINKABLE.’...” [124]

What are the relevant considerations that we insist on ignoring beyond any irresponsibility concerning advanced beyond-insurance risk management (the exact opposite of insurance-based risk unmanagement)?

“...Yossi Sheffi, Professor of Systems Engineering at MIT, conducted a three year study of resilient organizations from Toyota to UPS to the US Navy, and drew a simple conclusion: A COMPANY’S ABILITY TO RETURN TO BUSINESS DEPENDS MORE ON THE DECISIONS IT MAKES BEFORE A SHOCK HITS THAN THOSE IT MAKES DURING OR AFTER THE EVENT… According to Sheffi, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 forced him and his colleagues to see a more comprehensive view of risk. He states: ‘Before that, I thought about it mostly in financial terms — buying insurance against various business risks, buying commodity futures such as oil to hedge against price fluctuations, the use of financial derivatives, Et cetera. In the wake of the attacks, I starred looking at all kinds of disruptions, and it became clear that there’s a lot more to consider than contingency planning or financial hedging. THERE ARE LOW-PROBABILITY/HIGH IMPACT EVENTS like terrorist attacks that may cause unplanned exists from important markets or even the demise of the unprepared business’ [….] During MIT’s three year study on resilient companies and interviews with dozens of companies, found that a culture of resilience was a common element. He argues, ‘The essence of resilience is the containment of disruption and recovery from it. Culture contributes to resilience by endowing employees with a set of principles regarding the proper response when the unexpected does occur, and when the formal organization’s policy does not cover the situation at hand or is too slow to react, it suggests the course of action to take’ ...” [124].


Vast grave hazards by the Disruptional and Technological Singularities are also the combined downsides by and to the globalization, as well.

By a folly faulty move by Western Europe the Euro-Asian superpower was awaken and unfailingly activated the World's Cold War II.

Many national security advisers and diplomats, along with their majestic statesmen and stateswomen, gravely ignore to remember that Napoleon Bonaparte' and Adolf Hitler's armies invaded Russia through Crimea.

New science and its intrinsic risks are further discussed herewith (to some extent). Please see the following accordingly:

In a related manner, Cambridge University' and Royal Society's Sir Martin Rees, Ph.D. noticed,

“...Science is emphatically not, as some have claimed, approaching its end; it is surging ahead at an accelerating rate. We are still flummoxed about the bedrock nature of physical reality, and the complexities of life, the brain, and the cosmos. New discoveries, illuminating all these mysteries, will engender benign applications; but will also pose NEW ETHICAL DILEMMAS AND BRING NEW HAZARDS ...”

And Sir Rees adds:

“ … How will we balance the multifarious prospective [a priori] benefits from genetics, robotics, or nanotechnology against the risk (albeit smaller) of triggering utter disaster? [….] Science is advancing faster than ever, and on a broader front: bio-, cyber- and nanotechnology all offer exhilarating prospects; so does the exploration of space. BUT THERE IS A DARK SIDE: NEW SCIENCE CAN HAVE UNINTENDED CONSEQUENCES; IT EMPOWERS INDIVIDUALS TO PERPETRATE ACTS OF MEGATERROR; EVEN INNOCENT ERRORS COULD BE CATASTROPHIC. THE ‘DOWNSIDE’ FROM TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY TECHNOLOGY COULD BE GRAVER AND MORE INTRACTABLE THAN THE THREAT OF NUCLEAR DEVASTATION THAT WE HAVE FACED FOR DECADES. AND HUMAN-INDUCED PRESSURES ON THE GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT MAY ENGENDER HIGHER RISKS THAT THE AGE-OLD HAZARDS OF EARTHQUAKES, ERUPTIONS, AND ASTEROID IMPACTS ...” Brackets are of the author.

By way of example:

“ … A catastrophic collapse of civilization could destroy continuity, creating a gap as wide as the cultural chasm that we would now experience with a remote Amazonian tribe. In Walter M. Miller Jr.'s novel A Canticle for Leibowitz (ISBN: 978-0060892999), North America reverts to a medieval state after a devastating nuclear war. The Catholic Church is the only institution to survive, and generations of priests attempt, for several centuries, to reconstruct prewar knowledge and technology from fragmentary records and relics ...”, argued by British national Sir Martin Rees PhD (cosmologist and astrophysicist), Astronomer Royal, Cambridge University Professor and Royal Society President. Parentheses are of the author.

Towards the arena, Charles, Prince of Whales, observed:

“ … The strategic threats posed by global environment and development problems are the most complex, interwoven and potentially devastating of all the challenges to our security. Scientists …. do not fully understand the consequences of our many-faceted assault on the interwoven fabric of atmosphere, water, land and life in all its biological diversity. Things could turn out to be worse than the current scientific best guess. IN MILITARY AFFAIRS, POLICY HAS LONG BEEN BASED ON THE DICTUM THAT WE SHOULD BE PREPARED FOR THE WORST CASE. WHY SHOULD IT BE SO DIFFERENT WHEN THE SECURITY IS THAT OF THE PLANET AND OUR LONG-TERM FUTURE? …” [229]

Bill Joy posits:

“ … If we could agree, as a species, what we wanted, where we were headed, and why, then we would make our future much less dangerous—then we might understand what we can and should relinquish. Otherwise, we can easily imagine an arms race developing over GNR technologies, as it did with [nuclear] technologies in the twentieth century. This is perhaps the greatest risk, for once such a race begins, it's very hard to end it. This time—unlike during the Manhattan Project—we aren't in a war, facing an implacable enemy that is threatening our civilization; we are driven, instead, by our habits, our desires, our economic system, and our competitive need to know ...” [229]

And then:

Sir Martin Rees PhD. argues, “ ...Indeed, a main theme of this book is that technical advances will in themselves render society more vulnerable to
disruption ...”

A simpler and still a practical way to view complexity:

Dr. Stephen Jay Gould argues, “...Once you build a complex machine [intricate fundamental mechanism], it can perform so many unanticipated tasks. Build a computer ‘for’ processing checks at the plant, and it can also … whip anyone’s ass [or at least then them everlastingly] in tic-tac-toe ... " [187]. Brackets are of the author.

To underpin the motion by Sir Martin Rees further, see also the following.

The term Technological Singularity ( ) entered the popular science culture with the 1993 presentation at the VISION-21 Symposium sponsored by NASA Lewis Research Center and the Ohio Aerospace Institute, March 30-31, 1993, by Professor of Mathematics Vernor Vinge (San Diego University).

Correspondingly, Professor Vinge, PhD. indicated on March 30-31, 1993,

“...Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended … Is such progress avoidable? If not to be avoided, can events be guided so that we may survive? These questions are investigated. Some possible answers [and some further dangers] are presented...” Brackets are of the author.

San Diego University Scholar, Professor, Mathematician and Published Author Vernor Vinge, PhD. was the primordial scientist in coining the " ...Technological Singularity..." concept in his «...Marooned in Realtime...» book under ISBN: 978-0765308849.


“ … Artificial intelligence (AI) research is now progressing rapidly. Recent landmarks such as self-driving cars, a computer winning at Jeopardy!, and the digital personal assistants Siri, Google Now and Cortana are merely symptoms of an IT arms race fueled by unprecedented investments and building on an increasingly mature theoretical foundation. Such achievements will probably pale against what the coming decades will bring [….] The potential benefits are huge; everything that civilization has to offer is a product of human intelligence; we cannot predict what we might achieve when this intelligence is magnified by the tools AI may provide, but the eradication of war, disease, and poverty would be high on anyone's list. Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history [….] Unfortunately, it might also be the last, unless we learn how to avoid the risks. In the near term, for example, world militaries are considering autonomous weapon systems that can choose and eliminate their own targets; the UN and Human Rights Watch have advocated a treaty banning such weapons. In the medium term, as emphasized by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee in The Second Machine Age, AI may transform our economy to bring both great wealth and great dislocation [….] Looking further ahead, there are no fundamental limits to what can be achieved: there is no physical law precluding particles from being organized in ways that perform even more advanced computations than the arrangements of particles in human brains. An explosive transition is possible, although it may play out differently than in the movie: as Irving Good realized in 1965, machines with superhuman intelligence could repeatedly improve their design even further, triggering what Vernor Vinge called a "singularity" and Johnny Depp's movie character calls "transcendence." One can imagine such technology outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand. Whereas the short-term impact of AI depends on who controls it, the long-term impact depends on whether it can be controlled at all [….] So, facing possible futures of incalculable benefits and risks, the experts are surely doing everything possible to ensure the best outcome, right? Wrong. If a superior alien civilization sent us a text message saying, '… We'll arrive in a few decades,...' would we just reply, '… OK, call us when you get here — we'll leave the lights on...'? Probably not — but this is more or less what is happening with AI. Although we are facing potentially the best or worst thing ever to happen to humanity, little serious research is devoted to these issues outside small non-profit institutes such as the Cambridge Center for Existential Risk, the Future of Humanity Institute, the Machine Intelligence Research Institute, and the Future of Life Institute. All of us — not only scientists, industrialists and generals — should ask ourselves what can we do now to improve the chances of reaping the benefits and avoiding the risks ...” [240]

Back to the White Swan hardcore.

An even deeper exploration on existential risks is better achieved through the reading of the following three materials:

1.- “...Our Final Hour: A Scientist's Warning...” By Sir Martin Rees, PhD. at

2.- “...Existential Risks: Analyzing Human Extinction Scenarios..." By Professor Nick Bostrom, PhD. at

3.- “...Prophets of Doom...” available at

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


“ … Artificial intelligence '...could be the worst thing to happen to humanity...': Stephen Hawking warns that rise of robots may be disastrous for mankind …. Nobel Prize-winning physicist discusses Johnny Depp's film Transcendence. He says dismissing the film as sci-fi could be the ‘worst mistake in history’ ‘AI would be biggest event in human history,’ he wrote in the Independent. ‘...IT MIGHT ALSO BE THE LAST, UNLESS WE LEARN HOW TO AVOID THE RISKS...’ …. A sinister threat is brewing deep inside the technology laboratories of Silicon Valley. Artificial Intelligence, disguised as helpful digital assistants and self-driving vehicles, is gaining a foothold — and it could one day spell the end for mankind. This is according to Stephen Hawking who has warned that humanity faces an uncertain future as technology learns to think for itself and adapt to its environment. Stephen Hawking has warned that artificial intelligence has the potential to be the downfall of mankind. 'Success in creating AI would be the biggest event in human history,' [...] '...UNFORTUNATELY, IT MIGHT ALSO BE THE LAST...' [….] Professor Hawking said dismissing the film as science fiction could be the ‘...WORST MISTAKE IN HISTORY...’ …. He argues that developments in digital personal assistants Siri, Google Now and Cortana are merely symptoms of AN IT ARMS RACE which ‘... pale against what the coming decades will bring [….] ’ …. But Professor Hawking notes that other potential benefits of this technology could also be significant, with the potential to eradicate, war, disease and poverty …. GOOGLE SETS UP A.I. ETHICS BOARD TO CURB THE RISE OF THE ROBOTS. Google has set up an ethics board to oversee its work in artificial intelligence …. The search giant has recently bought several robotics companies, along with Deep Mind, a British firm creating software that tries to help computers think like humans …. One of its founders warned ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IS '...NUMBER 1 RISK FOR THIS CENTURY...,'[….] and believes it could play a part in human extinction …. ' … Eventually, I think human extinction will probably occur, and technology will likely play a part in this,' DeepMind’s Shane Legg in a recent interview …. site The Information, is to ensure the projects are not abused …. In fact, IBM has already developed smart chips that could pave the way for sensor networks that mimic the brain’s capacity for perception, action, and thought …. One day, it could allow computer scientists to develop a machine with a brain that is even more intelligent than that of humans …. ‘...As Irving Good realized in 1965, machines with superhuman intelligence could repeatedly improve their design even further, triggering what Vernor Vinge called a technological singularity,’ said Professor Hawking ….Professor Hawking added experts are not prepared for these scenarios. Offering a comparison, he said that if aliens were to tell us saying they would arrive within a few decades, scientists would not just sit waiting for their arrival ….‘ … Although we are facing potentially the best or worst thing to happen to humanity in history, little serious research is devoted to these issues …. ‘... All of us should ask ourselves what we can do now to improve the chances of reaping the benefits and avoiding the risks...’ ….In the short and medium-term, militaries throughout the world are working to develop autonomous weapon systems, with the UN simultaneously working to ban them ….” [232]

Back to the White Swan hardcore:



Consequently, Dr. Gary Hamel, PhD. indicates,

“...What distinguishes our age from every other is not the world-flattening impact of communications, not the economic ascendance of China and India, not the degradation of our climate, and not the resurgence of ancient religious animosities. RATHER, IT IS A FRANTICALLY ACCELERATING PACE OF CHANGE...”


White Swan’s Pandora Versus Cassandra Predictions!

Cassandra: What is going to happen in the World as per the Euro-Asian Superpower?

Pandora: First, we have Cold War II and beautiful Preconditions of a Global War of Trade and Commerce in place. Second: Let us hope that switches to ascertain M.A.D. ( ) are never turned on.

Cassandra: What is going to happen in Southern Europe's Public Health-care and Retirement Systems?

Pandora: Those safety nets will be somewhere between insolvency and meagerness and totally downed. And citizens either become inventors and find their own solutions or bestow upon them self-inflicted death sentences.

Cassandra: What is going to happen by 2023?

Pandora: Bots will have human-intelligence level of themselves. And they will be competing for jobs and professional contract services against un-enhanced humans.

Cassandra: What are Ministers of Defense and Intelligentsia Agencies are going to do?

Pandora: They will secure to increase budgets for scientists and technologists to bring about extreme bots to make the human soldier a thing of the past, rendering the human mind insanely worthless.

Cassandra: What is going to happen to major democracies soon?

Pandora: Well, most of them are Plutocracies already. But in pursuing a more strict control of the citizenry they will become Stratocracies, also ruled by Aristocracies and Technocracies.

Cassandra: What is going to happen to the Superrich 1%?

Pandora: The 1% is going to get infinitely more in the zillions. And the 99% is going to become more indignant and chaotic.

Cassandra: What is going to be brought about by techno-snoopying?

Pandora: Police states, all over the place.

Cassandra: Who is going to countermeasure economic, political and military dominance in the Pacific Ocean?

Pandora: China and Russia.

Cassandra: What are the jobs that are going to be lost to Artificial Intelligence?

Pandora: From theologians all the way through to computer scientists and computer engineers.

Cassandra: If we don't get “...Rocket Science...”-based tiny-wienie startup entrepreneuring Mentoring, Where are we going to get it from?

Pandora: Right now, evidently by talkative savvy bots. But come to think of it: They don't need you at all unless you are forced to be a mascot pet under the watch of the Bot Master.

Cassandra: Whose backyard is that of Latin America today?

Pandora: Of course, that of China and Russia.

Cassandra: What is wrong in the West?

Pandora: In addition to rampant violation of ethics by public and private sector, there is a GRAVEST abject lack of applied German language and STEM.

Cassandra: What are public protests around the world?

Pandora: The Age of Indignant immemorial and the marvelous preconditions to massive civil wars.

Cassandra: Will that nation into shop keeping, marketing, public relations and sales ever make it decently?

Pandora: Germany will outdo them both in Europe and in the World, through manufacturing tangibles, not marketing tricks.

Cassandra: What is Germany?

Pandora: The World's Manufacturing Superpower #1.

Cassandra: Who are the world's leaders in education?

Pandora: South Korea, Japan, China, Scandinavia, Germany, Switzerland and Israel.

Cassandra: How far damaging can get the universal disruption of ethics and statespeople’s mediocrity?

Pandora: The end of the world, right now.

Cassandra: Who will be profitable in the next 12 months?

Pandora: Anyone who manages, in all practicality, five or six superspecializations at once.

Cassandra: Where can I get the whole White Swan predictions?

Pandora: Get real, go and read the White Swan at

Back to the White Swan hardcore:



In addition to being aware and adaptable and resilient before the driving forces reshaping the current present and the as-of-now and contemporary-time future and present, THERE ARE SOME EXTRA MANAGEMENT SUGGESTIONS THAT I CONCURRENTLY PRACTICE:

1.- Given the vast amount of insidious risks, futures, challenges, principles, processes, contents, contexts, practices, tools, techniques, benefits, rewards and opportunities, there needs to be a full-bodied practical and applicable methodology (methodologies are utilized and implemented, with the utter purpose of solving complex problems and to facilitate the proactive decision-making and anticipatory process). (That is: Feet-on-the-dynamic-ground problem solving).

Arguably, Dakota tribal and decision-making wisdom:

“...Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you discover you’re on a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. Of course, there are other strategies. You can change riders. You can get a committee to study the dead horse. You can benchmark how other companies ride dead horses. You can declare that it’s cheaper to feed a dead horse. You can harness several dead horses together. But after you’ve tried all these things, you’re still going to have to dismount...”


The manager must always address issues with a panoramic view and must also exercise the envisioning of both the whole and the granularity of details, along with the embedded (corresponding) interrelationships and dynamics (that is: [i] interrelationships and dynamics of the subtle, discrete and non-discrete, [ii] interrelationships and dynamics of the overt and [iii] interrelationships and dynamics of the covert).

Both dynamic complexity and detail complexity, along with fuzzy logic, must be pervasively considered, as well.

Along with Fuzzy Logic, Cybernetics must also be contemplated:

“ … Cybernetics is, in general engineering, the branch of science concerned with control systems in electronic and mechanical devices and the extent to which useful comparisons can be made between man-made and biological systems …. The comparative study of complex electronic devices and the nervous system in an attempt to understand better the nature of the human brain ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Black Swan entails Event Horizons that are so because corporations have NOT instituted the White Swan. Under the White Swan there are many (a) lucrative “...points of no return..." and (b) lucrative “...points of reversals...” Under the White Swans “...reversals...” are positive risks and upside futures, out-conquered in the theater of operation.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

To this point, it is wisely argued,

“...You can’t understand the knot without understanding the strands, but in the future, the strands need not remain tied up in the same way as they are today...”

For instance, disparate skills, talents, dexterities and expertise won't suffice ever.

A cohesive and congruent, yet proven methodology (see the one above) must be optimally implemented. If you don't like that one, you are, alas, most welcome to create your own.

Subsequently, the Chinese proverb indicates,

“...Don't look at the waves but the currents underneath...”

2.- One must always be futurewise and technologically fluent. Don't fight these extreme forces, just use them!

One must use foreknowledge-mired counter-intuitiveness (geometrically non-linearly so), insight, hindsight, foresight and far-sight in every day of the present and future (all of this in the most staggeringly exponential mode).

By the way, counter-intuitiveness and sixth sense have no gender.

To shed some light, I will share two quotes as well.

Nevertheless, the Panchatantra (body of Eastern philosophical knowledge) establishes,

“...Knowledge is the true organ of sight, not the eyes ... "

And Antonio Machado argues,

“... An eye is not an eye because you see it; an eye is an eye because it sees you …”

Managers always need a clear-eyed and lucid pineal gland's knowledgeable and knowledge-injected vision.

Did you already connect the dots stemming from the Panchatantra and Machado?

Did you already integrate those dots into your marshable big-picture vista?

As side effect, British Prime Minister W. E. Gladstone considered, “...You cannot fight against the future...”

3.- In all the Manager does, he / she must observe and apply, at all times, a sine qua non maxim,

“...Everything is somewhat related to everything else...” IN FACT, SOME THINKERS INSIST ON THE FOLLOWING: “ ... Everything is deeply intermingled with everything else ...”

4.- Always manage as if it were a “project.” Use, at all times, the “...Project Management...” approach. In so doing Matrix Management is optimal.

5.- Always use the systems methodology with the applied omniscience perspective.

In this case, David, I mean to assert: The term “ … Science ...” equates to about a 90% of “...Exact Sciences...” (Pure, Hard Sciences) and to about 10% of “...Social Sciences...”

All science must be instituted with the engineer's view.

And scientific inquiry is the most advanced application of the ever-enhanced Socratic Method.

6.- Always institute beyond-insurance risk management as you boldly integrate it with your scientific futuring skill and expertise.

7.- In my firmest opinion, the following must be complied this way (verbatim):

The corporate strategic planning and execution (performing) are a function of a grander application of beyond-insurance risk management (the exact opposite of insurance-based risk unmanagement).

It will never work well the other way around. TAIRM is the optimal mode to do advanced strategic planning and execution (performing).

TAIRM is not only focused on terminating, mitigating, modulating and isolating risks (expenses of treasure and losses of health and life), but also concentrated on bringing under optimal control fiscally-sound, sustainable organizations and initiatives.

TAIRM underpins sensible business prosperity and sustainable efficiency, growth and progress.

8.- I also believe that we must pragmatically apply the scientific method in all we manage to the best of our capacities. Responsible scientists don't speak of “...Excellent...”, but Optimal.

If we are “...MANAGERS...” in a Knowledge Economy and Knowledge Era(*) (not a knowledge-driven multi-fold eon because of superficial and hollow and shallow caprices of the follies and simpletons and ignoramuses), we must thence do extensive and intensive learning and un-learning for Life if we want to succeed and be sustainable.

(*) Some authors argue that this is the “...Age of Innovation...”

Others argues that this is: the “ … Age of Discovery ...” and going into the “….Age of Mastery ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

As a result, Dr. Noel M. Tichy, PhD. argues, “...Today, intellectual assets trump physical assets in nearly every industry...”

Consequently, Alvin Toffler indicates, “...In the world of the future, THE NEW ILLITERATE WILL BE THE PERSON WHO HAS NOT LEARNED TO LEARN...”

We don't need to be scientists to truly learn some basic principles of actionable advanced hard science and hi-tech.

Accordingly, Dr. Carl Sagan, PhD. expressed, “...We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows about science and technology...”

And Edward Teller stated, “...The science of today is the technology of tomorrow ...”

And it is also crucial this quotation by Winston Churchill,

“...If we are to bring the broad masses of the people in every land to the table of abundance, IT CAN ONLY BE BY THE TIRELESS IMPROVEMENT OF ALL OF OUR MEANS OF TECHNICAL PRODUCTION...”

I am not a scientist buy I tirelessly, and by several orders of magnitude, support responsible scientists and apply science.

I like scientific, engineering and technological knowledge and methodologies a great deal.

9.- In any management undertaking today, and given the universal volatility and rampant and uninterrupted rate of change, one must think and operate in a fluid womb-to-tomb mode.

The manager must think and operate holistically, both systematically and systemically, at all times.

In the twentieth-one century, How managers must be, in order to succeed?

The manager must also be: i) Multidimensional, ii) Interdisciplinary, iii) Cross-disciplinary (or Interdisciplinary), iv) Multifaceted, v) Cross-functional, vi) Multifarious, vii) Multi-specializing, viii) Cross-Referential, ix) Multitasking, x) Cross-pollinating, xi) Cross-fertilizing, xii) Cross-sectional and xiii) Longitudinal.

That is, the manager must now be an expert state-of-the-art in-all-practicality generalist and erudite.

An expert state-of-the-art in-all-practicality generalist and erudite INCLUDES, as per 1999's SAIC CEO, Mr. Roger Brown, observed that my notion comprises of:

(I.-) A Knowledgist,

(II.-) A Champion, and

(III.-) A Braingainer.



(A.-) Science,

(B.-) Punditry, and

(C.-) Nerdiness.



In Corporate Life there is now the right time for a senior-most CPO, Chief Polymath Officer or Chief Officer of Polymathy (A Braingainer).

Accordingly, the manager must have seven (7) or eight (8) areas of great expertise (thus: five or six Subject-Matter Expertises, i.g. SMEs) while also being able to include and efficiently manage generic and generalizable knowledge of a plethora of fields within his and her management areas of incumbency, directly stemming from his or her organization.

To some extent and degree, Howard Hughes is a good example.

Without a formal education in science and engineering, he anyway could work very well with engineers and scientists. In fact, he really got the best out of them and beyond posterity.

Managers must never manage elements, components or subsystems separately or disparately (that is, they mustn’t ever manage in series).

Everything should be managed in parallel. This requires of (a) Altogetherness and (b) Orchestrated: (i) Thinking and (ii) Execution.

So, Altogetherness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate with all or everything included.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Managers must always manage all of the entire system at the time (that is, managing in parallel or simultaneously the orchestrated totality of the whole at once and always so).

This theorem is highly advisable:

“...A primer on the development, application, and requirement of ‘ thinking...’ to obtain an ordered, global [...beyond-insurance...] management perspective — a critical need if historical risk management is to be translated [in advance] from reaction into prevention of risk [many call risks '...problems...'] [….] The systems approach is godlike — at least in perspective. It aims to look at any situation with OMNISCIENCE — TOTALITY OF KNOWLEDGE [….] Of course, it never succeeds because of human limitations. But the goal remains. And such goal is essential if risk is to be managed effectively. Every possible risk must be considered before systematic management of risk can occur. If this seems grandiose, it isn’t meant to be. In failing to take such a lofty and all-encompassing view, managers are vulnerable to being blind-sided by an overlooked risk while believing that they have everything under control ... " [226] Brackets are of the author.

If you want to make it even better go from Systems Thinking into Concurrent Convergent Systems Thinking.

“... Concurrent Convergent Systems Thinking...” is an expression as per the sole ingenuity of the author.

10.- In any profession, beginning with management, one must always and cleverly upgrade his or her learning and education until the last exhale.

An African proverb argues,

“...Tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it...”

A D.C. thought indicates, “...The heritage of the past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of the future...” — Inscription from statuary pedestal at National Archives in Washington

And Winston Churchill established,

“...The empires of the future are the empires of the mind...”

And an ancient Chinese Proverb, “...It is not our feet that move us along — it is our minds...”

And Malcolm X observed, “...The future belongs to those who prepare for it today...”

And Leonard I. Sweet considered, “...The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create...”

And finally, James Thomson argued, “...Great trials seem to be a necessary preparation for great duties ...”

In search of those that are instituting a search of a future-wise meaning? Are you?

T. S. Elliot: “...We must never cease from exploring. At the end of all of our exploring will be to arrive at where we began and know the place for the first time ...” [153]


William Shakespeare (Macbeth): “...To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time; and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing ...” [96]

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Fairly sophisticated measures follow:

Every manager should take unprecedented thinkable and unthinkable precautions with the purpose of countermeasuring threats at all times (including intractable threats).


He, accordingly, observes:

I.- Thou Shalt Have a Written Detailed Step-by-Step Disaster Plan,

II.- Thou Shalt Do Cost-Benefit Analysis,

III.- Thou Shalt Be Fully Insured (beyond any plain-vanilla insurance companies, by the government or otherwise),

IV.- Thou Shalt Search Out and Repair Vulnerable Systems,

V.- Thou Shalt Prepare To Outsmart Your Threats and To Deal With the Consequences,

VI.- Thou Shalt Have Redundant Systems,

VII.- Thou Shalt Be Mobile,

VIII.- Thou Shalt Set and Follow Priorities,

IX.- Thou Shalt Not Depend on Others,

X.- Thou Shalt Keep Lines of Communication Open,

XI.- Thou Shalt Capitalize on Opportunities,

XII.- Thou Shalt Rid Bureaucracy At Any Cost And Always Run Mean And Lean,

XIII.- Thou Shalt Concentrate on Completion Through The End. (Leonardo Da Vinci asserted, “ ...Let's first think in completion, and then let's carry on through the end ...”) Item XIII.- was researched and written by author. [221].

XIV.- Thou Shalt Follow Precedence insofar that “...Two paradoxes are better than one; they may even suggest a solution ...” Item XIII.- was originally generated by Edward Teller. [93]

XVI.- Thou shalt not bear ignorance of supine ignorance about every strategic military and technological surprises in the form of Corporate Sputnik Moment, thus causing bankruptcy.

XVII.- Thou shalt not think the out-the-box folly, unless you are eager to embrace failure.

XVIII.- Thou shalt trust, but verify.

XIX.- Thou shalt not think out-the-box, unless you are eager to embrace failure. Thou shalt be infinitely more unconventional and heterodox,

XX.- Thou shalt depend only on your own intellectual capital, methods, technologies, resources, and actions.

XXI.- Thou shalt be self-reliant at all times, for Life.

XXII.- Thou shalt be Disruption-Ready and Adjust and Adjust and Adapt and Adapt.

XXIII.- Thou shalt be Business-Recovery Ready and Adjust and Adjust and Adapt and Adapt.

XXIV.- Thou shalt be Business-Restoration Ready and Adjust and Adjust and Adapt and Adapt.

XXV.- Thou Must Prepare For Darkness While Traveling In The Sunlight.

XXVI.-Thou Must Realize That Plans Without Action Are Only Dreams.

XXVII.-Thou Must Sweep Cobwebs From Thy Mind Before They Imprison Thee.

XXVIII.-Thou Must Lighten Thy Load If Ye Would Reach Thy Destination.

XXIX.-Thou Must Never Forget That It Is Always Later Than Ye Think.


“ … We are all good at reacting and responding, putting out fires, and crisis management. In addition, organizations large and small have learned how to be lean and agile, and how to best execute a strategy at a high level [….] HOWEVER, DESPITE THESE SKILLS, GENERAL MOTORS STILL DECLARED BANKRUPTCY, BLOCKBUSTER CLOSED ITS LAST STORE, AND BLACKBERRY QUICKLY MOVED FROM LEADING TO BLEEDING. AND LET’S NOT FORGET HEWLETT-PACKARD, SONY, DELL, AND A HOST OF OTHER COMPANIES WHO FAILED TO THRIVE DESPITE ITS LEADERS AND WORKERS BEING CONSTANTLY BUSY [….] TO THRIVE IN THIS NEW AGE OF HYPER-CHANGE AND GROWING UNCERTAINTY, IT IS NOW AN IMPERATIVE TO LEARN A NEW COMPETENCY—HOW TO ACCURATELY ANTICIPATE THE FUTURE [….] That may seem impossible, but it’s not. The future is there for you to see when you know where and how to look for it. And when you and your employees master this skill, you’ll be able to create what I call an 'Anticipatory Organization' [….] Based on three decades of research and applying the principles I’ve developed to organizations worldwide, I have developed a way of separating what I call Hard Trends from Soft Trends. Over the years I’ve written about this extensively in books and articles [….] A Hard Trend is a projection based on measurable, tangible, and fully predictable facts, events, or objects. It’s something that will happen: a future fact that cannot be changed. In contrast, a Soft Trend is a projection based on statistics that have the appearance of being tangible, fully predictable facts. It’s something that might happen: a future maybe. Soft Trends can be changed, which means they provide a powerful vehicle to influence the future and can be capitalized on [….] This distinction completely changes how individuals and organizations view and plan for the future. Understanding the difference between Hard and Soft Trends allows us to know which parts of the future we can be right about. When you learn how to analyze trends in this way, you can accurately predict future disruptions, identify and solve problems before they happen, and practice what I call 'everyday innovation.' This enables you to solve challenges and problems faster and see opportunities that were impossible just a few years before. In other words, you become anticipatory rather than reactionary [….] Employees of an anticipatory organization understand that those who can see the future most accurately will have the biggest advantage. They know that you cannot change the past, but you can shape the future based on the actions you take in the present. As such, they actively embrace the fact that many future disruptions, problems, and game-changing opportunities are predictable and represent unprecedented ways to gain advantage. They know that it’s better to solve predictable problems before they happen, and that future problems often represent the biggest opportunities. Above all else, they are confident and empowered by having a shared view of the future based on Hard Trends and what I call the 'science of certainty.' [….] WHAT IS THE SCIENCE OF CERTAINTY? Once you can separate Hard Trends from Soft Trends—once you can differentiate between the things you know will happen from the things that might happen—you can accurately define the certainties going forward. For example, we know that the iPhone 7, 8, and 9 will all have faster processing chips than those before them. We know that after 3G and 4G will come 5G and 6G in a predictable way. And we know that we are putting more and more in the cloud—that we’re not going to discontinue using cloud computing [….] Those are technical examples. Here are some non-technical ones: We know that Baby Boomers are not going to get younger. We know that governments are going to continue, all over the world, to issue future regulations. We know the cycles of nature, such as after winter comes summer [….] In other words, there is so much we can see that it’s absolutely possible to create certainties using the Hard Trend/Soft Trend model I’ve developed [….] WHY IS THIS SO IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS? BECAUSE STRATEGY BASED ON CERTAINTY (ON HARD TRENDS) HAS LOW RISK, WHILE STRATEGY BASED ON UNCERTAINTY (ON SOFT TRENDS) HAS HIGH RISK. Also, when you have certainty, you have the confidence to say 'yes,' to move forward, to hire, to start businesses. When you have uncertainty, it’s like a giant roadblock. You’re stuck and you don’t move forward [….] To succeed in business these days, simply being lean and agile is no longer enough. You and your team need to harness the ability to anticipate the future. In fact, I see this as being the most important missing competency that we’ve seen for decades. So learn how to anticipate today, before your competitors do ...” [271]

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Even if each risk is small, it could mount up to a substantial cumulative danger, and foreseeable fundamentally coping, thereby, is in place in the instances of:

Quandaries, predicaments, uncertainties, perplexities, paradoxes, contradictions, dilemmas, black swans (so-called), troublesomeness, plights, complicated challenges, complex problems, persistent risks, dystopian futures, asymmetric situations, mishaps to be, the combined or successive failure of several components (to be), so forth.

Incidentally, troublesomeness is the quality of conforming to the ability to cause trouble, annoyance, or difficulty; vexation.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

All of the preceding harbors magnificent lucrative knowledge, too.


Comprising points 1), 2), 3), 4), 5), 6), 7), 8), 9) and 10) above, I hence composed the following thought some weeks ago:

“… If you do your attitude, you can't do your conscientious awareness. Once your conscientious awareness is done by you, you can then do your attitude. Your attitude will only count if it is practical and concerns actual problem solving and current decision making. Once you do your problem solving and decision making, you can transform your risks. To transform your risks, you need to do your strategy. Once your risks are transformed by you, you can couple your strategy with your futuring. To make your strategy matter-of-fact and morrow-ready, you first need to do your futures. Once the upsides (benefits) and downsides (risks) of the future are done by you, you can overcome your challenges and driving forces, in order to seize your benefits, sustainability, growth, profitability and progress. Once you do your benefits, sustainability, growth and profitability, you can do your continuous success and progress..."


Speaking of “...pseudo-science...”, let us consider:

When SOME scientists feel theirs thought process challenged by omniscient ideas by other intellectuals, they have a couple of wild-cards to downplay the new ideas:

(1.-) By using sophistry, they called the challengers: Prima Donnas. (Prima donnas often had grand off-stage personalities and were seen as demanding of their colleagues. From its original usage in opera, the term has spread in contemporary usage to refer to anyone behaving in a demanding or temperamental fashion or has an inflated view of herself.).

(2.-) By using trickery, they called the challengers: Pseudo-Scientists.

(3.-) Then, these SOME SCIENTITS, start frequently reciting quotations by Henri Poincaré.

Their tenures, publications and commissioned R&D&I grants, because of omniscient ideas by other intellectuals, immediately become endangered species by the emergence of proven new ground-breaking ideas.

But Google and Amazon and Facebook, NASA and DARPA, the U.S. Industrial-Military-Complex, the White House and the U.S. Homeland Security Department, GE and Exxon-Mobile, the glorious U.S. Armed Forces and the Los Alamos National Laboratories cannot just wait and accept old-timer's “...non pseudo-science...” to be worshiped as Germany', China' and India' and Brazil's are outright coming forward with novel idea, seeking Outright Non-American-Exceptionalism and World’s-Power-Number-1 Status, through their clever and radical scientific and technological development and conquest, creatively disrupting ? for Life ? the old-snailed démodé and allegedly non-pseudo-science scientists.

What is Soft Power?

And Germans, as well as Austrians, redefine the totality of everything, beginning with Thought-Process Completeness and Thought-Process Thoroughness literally at any expense, as long as THEY PREVAIL through DIPLOMACY, COMMERCE, TRADE, AND INSANELY-FRUITFUL DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGICAL BREAKTHROUGHS AND SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES AND NOVEL INNOVATION DEVELOPMENTS, again, and again at the expense of any emotional evenness or emotional unevenness, ludicrously coined by Goleman.

Germans (and Austrians) don't believe in the silly notion of Daniel Goleman by means of which a bus driver falsely throws phony smiles, in order to retro-project the flawed self and in order to be accommodating toward the passengers. To them that is neither Customer Services and nothing but ridiculous marketeer’s stunt, never “...Positive Psychology...”

Plain-vanilla Psychology is more than sufficient.

Under the guidance of most august University of Göttingen and most prominent Her Excellency German Chancellor and STEM-ed and non-pro-Rusky and non-pro-“... São Paulo Forum ...” Dr. Angel Merkel (Doctor of Physics and Chemistry, and NEVER into appalling: Tweeting, PR, marketing, guerrilla marketing and so-called “ networking …”), and NEVER INTO Emotionally-Supine Ignorance (ESI), solely in order and with the ultimate purpose of outsmarting the totality of China, Japan, India, Brazil, Russia and the U.E. And also in order to make Germany the greatest Milky-Way's Exporter of Tangibles.

For instance, in outputted high-end tangibles worldwide, Germany is, by far, going to supersede China's without flagrancy. Why Anglo-Manufacturers insist that, as per the Bilderberg Group's Prescription, it is only better to manufacture un-instituted intangibles.

BGP tells Anglo-Manufacturers to outsource to far East all the tangibles-based jobs. While the Germanics tell themselves to in-source every single intangible and tangible.

And Germany does NOT need a 300-million-plus population to beat China, but only a tiny 81-million-plus population.

In related manner:

To see what Germany and China are doing about manufacturing, let us read this by The Economist:

“... Developed manufacturing nations such as the US, Japan and Germany are under pressure to enhance their manufacturing capabilities. THESE COUNTRIES ARE ALREADY FALLING BEHIND CHINA IN TERMS OF COMPETITIVENESS; in the next five years, they are expected to fall even further behind. At the same time, enhanced manufacturing capabilities are increasingly important for developing nations, especially China, which risk losing their competitive advantage as labor costs continue rising in the medium and long term …. COUNTRIES SUCH AS GERMANY, WHICH HAVE BEEN STRONG IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF MACHINES, SEE THIS AS AN OPPORTUNITY TO TAKE THE LEAD IN THIS NEXT WAVE OF INNOVATION IN MANUFACTURING …. Enhanced manufacturing capabilities are a must for developed manufacturing economies such as the US, Japan and Germany. According to Deloitte’s 2013 Global Manufacturing Competitiveness Index, these nations already fall behind China in terms of competitiveness; in the next five years, they are expected to fall even further behind. In the past decade or more, the US, Japan and Germany have seen declines in their manufacturing output and manufacturing employment. IN THE US, MANUFACTURING HAS DECLINED TO 20.7% OF GDP, ACCORDING TO DATA FROM DELOITTE. AND IN THE DECADE TO 2010, 3.1 MANUFACTURING JOBS PER HUNDRED POPULATION DISAPPEARED ...”

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Accordingly, without firing one a single Luger-shot, Germany does not theorize about Soft Power, but Applies it, boundaryless-ly.

By any measure, any median German and Austrian lay-person is absolutely kind, tactful, friendly, prudent, constructive, acculturated and educated.

A good example of German citizenship and citizenry was intensely exploited by NASA and by NASA's Dr. Wernher von Braun (Optimal Critical Mass). While Dr. Robert H. Goddard offered a Sub-Optimal Sub-Critical Mass.

Dr. Merkel's is the greatest female polymath in every exo-galaxy.

Germans, in all sanity, believe in the universal violation — within legitimacy and lawfulness — of Emotional Intelligence with the Breathtaking Geostrategic End to Exercise Legal and Peaceful LUCRATIVE SOFT POWER.

The people who better understand the infinite potentials by Germans are the Japanese, Israeli, Austrian and Germanic Swiss.

Other prominent Lucid Thinking Folks are those from Sweden and the Netherlands.

Back to the White Swan harcore.


E.Q.-Focused Nations (suboptimal) Versus I.Q.-Centric Countries (optimal)

1.- E.Q.-Focused Nations argue that the millenarian applied terms such as: Prudence, Tact, Sincerity, Kindness and Unambiguous Language DO NOT SUFFICE and hence they need to invent a marketeer's stunt: Emotional Intelligence. I.Q.-Centric Countries argue that the millenarian applied terms are beyond utility and desirability and that stunts are to social-engineer and brain-wash the weak: Ergo, all of these are optimal: Prudence, Tact, Sincerity, Kindness and Unambiguous Language, as well as plain-vanilla Psychology 101.

2.- E.Q.-Focused Nations are mired with universal corruption, both in private and public office. I.Q.-Centric Countries are mired with transparency, accountability and reliability, as well as collective integrity and ethics.

3.- E.Q.-Focused Nations are flooded with structural unemployment. I.Q.-Centric Countries are flooded with fundamental employment and hiring even not only nationals but also international talents.

4.- E.Q.-Focused Nations are waging military campaigns and violence internationally, always attempting to IMPOSE HARD AND HARSH AND FORCEFUL POWER. I.Q.-Centric Countries are at Peace with all of the Nations of the world and ONLY believe in Diplomacy and its Concurrent Soft Power.

5.- E.Q.-Focused Nations are too quick, too ready and too constant to DESTROY THEIR OWN ECONOMIES while turning their great nations into seventh-level nations of the world. I.Q.-Centric Countries are ALWAYS CONSTRUCTING GREATER OWN ECONOMIES WHILE MAKING THEIR NATIONS MORE APPEALING TO FOREIGNERS, INCLUDING FOREIGN INVESTORS, TO DO BUSINESS WITH.

6.- E.Q.-Focused Nations are ALWAYS expecting major Domestic Terrorism Attacks and Huge Disruption to Public Services and Infrastructure through Cyber attacks, while they attract Immense Industrial Espionage. I.Q.-Centric Countries are NOT WORRY AT ALL about being attacked in any form at all, but focused on how to become world's largest manufacturers of Tangible Goods that are both desired by Rich and Poor Countries.


8.- E.Q.-Focused Nations are bathed with CIVILIAN PROTESTS, including Anarchists and Anti-Systems and Anti-Establishments, in a permanent context of Social and Political Unrest. I.Q.-Centric Countries have ZERO CIVILIAN PROTESTS while enjoying and profiting from an Emotionally-Even Most Talented Population, while thoroughly employed into Rule the World through Economic and Peaceful Conquests.


10.- E.Q.-Focused Nations DO NOT SPEAK GERMAN. I.Q.-Centric Countries ONLY SPEAK GERMAN.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

If you country is flooded with unemployment, poverty, public protests and a promissory future of outright failure? Why?

I will tell you why exactly: Because in your country the first language is not amazing German!

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Some intellectuals sincerely argue that the three only statespeople respected, whether in the West, the East or the nugatory limbo, by Mr. Vladimir Putin are: (a) Don Juan Carlos I of Spain, (b) German Chancellor Angela Merkel PhD., and (c) The President of the People's Republic of China Mr. Xi Jinping.

The Castilian and Spanish word “...Don...” above is a respectful treatment, quite generalized today, that is ante-posed to masculine names, in antiquity reserved to determined people of high social rank.

For females, there is the equivalent title: Doña. Spain's Queen is, by the way, Doña Sofía.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


I am neither a moralist, nor an ethicist. I am a firmest believer in the two paragraphs above.


Universal violation of ethics in both public and private office is, by way of example, a primordial component (risk) of the Disruptional Singularity.


Exactly and concisely, by implementing the following at all times:

FIRST. Through Discipline of Thought.

SECOND. Through Discipline of Technique.

THIRD. Through Discipline of Procedure.

To underpin the preceding disciplines, the following explanation is now in place:

“...DISCIPLINE OF THOUGHT [….] As might be expected, the first set of disciplines involves thinking. The systems approach employs orderly inductive logic. That simply means to think or reason by going from particular facts to general conclusions. This type of thought is also the backbone of the scientific method. The inverse — deductive thought, which reasons from general principles to specific conclusions — is also used at times. But it is of less importance [….] A second mental discipline seeks totality of understanding. The objective of this discipline is omniscience, or unlimited knowledge of a system, its use environments, and its risks. This idealistic goal is never reached, of course, even though is vigorously pursued. Two quite different kinds of understanding are combined [….] Theoretically understanding is related to comprehending how all the elements in a system (for example, physical plant, products produced, personnel employed, management policies, and accounting methods) are intended to interact with one another. In contrast, practical understanding is knowing how these factors actually work together in a real world [….] The third discipline of thought — continued challenge in depth — emphasizes the fact that professional managers can never relax in the comfort of all their analyzes. Constant vigilance and sustained questioning — ‘What if such and such happens?’ — is essential [….] The three disciplines of thought collectively identify the problems that must be solved in the system. They also produce a qualitative picture of the system … DISCIPLINE OF TECHNIQUE [….] The problems that have been identified by disciplines of thought are next resolved by a second set of disciplines — those of technique [….] Specific mathematical tools used in risk management are not expounded here. However, Boolean algebra and set theory — as well as probabilistic logic, statistical mechanics, and other calculative modeling methods — are widely employed to solve complex problems [‘advanced problems’] in a system [….] Complexity of most systems also forces the use of system analysis methods to solve difficult problems. Several types (for example, Fault Tree Analysis or Hazard Mode and Effect Analysis) that are used extensively in risk-related issues [….] Automatic processing capability by computers makes a considerable technical contribution to solving system problems. For example, many functions formerly performed by people can be much more rapidly and efficiently done by computers [….] These three problem-solving techniques, taken together, also produce quantitative assurance that the system is adequate for its intended objectives [….] DISCIPLINE OF PROCEDURE … One of the greatest differences between the systems approach to problem solving and other choices lies in this third set of disciplines. In fact, it is the easiest way to tell whether a problem has been attacked systematically or not [….] stimulated the establishment of procedural disciplines. Paperwork and records are anathemas to everyone who has to create them. Yet, because of complexity, it is necessary to have a documented trail, for several reasons. First, in complicated situations, objective review by someone other than the person who perform a function is generally required. Second, …, you need it not only for failure analysis but for success analysis as well! Otherwise, you have to always start over at ‘square one.’ [….] There are two major disciplines of procedures. The first — system engineering procedural requirements [….] Results of work completed — such as Functional Flow Block Diagrams, resource allocation sheets, and trade-off studies — are documented and retained for future reference [….] Complete, unambiguous technical writing is another ideal never reached. But to the degree that the documented information is both complete and free from misunderstanding, the decision-making workload is reduced. This is true both at the time of decision and at later times of reconsideration ... " [99] Brackets are of the author.

I create theories to disprove them and to find their embedded disconfirming evidence. Once I have ruled them out, I ensuingly create neo-theories and new proto-theories, in order to disprove them and to find their embedded disconfirming evidence.

From the entirety of this process I gained new knowledge that I apply in all practicality. And this process lab-to-fab life cycle by me goes on infinitely.

In the ultimate analysis, I am into 30% Practical Theories and Neo-Theories and novel Proto-Theories and 70% in to Outright Theory.


(1.-) Proprietary Quality-Assurance Methodologies,

(2.-) Toyota Production System (TPS),

(3.-) Kaizen Methodology,

(4.-) Juran Prescription.

(5.-) Deeming Prescription.

(6.-) Six Sigma.

(7.-) Lean Management.

(8.-) Six Sigma Methodologies

(9.-) Lean Six Sigma Methodologies.

(10.-) Agile Management.

(11.-) Scrum Management.

(12.-) Agile Management.

(13.-) Kanban.

(14.-) Process Re-Engineering Methodology (Conjointly: Los Alamos Labs and Procter and Gamble)

(15.-) Mr. William E. Conway's "Right Way to Manage" (ISBN: 978-0963146458).

(16.-) Methodologies by the U.S. Navy and Hitachi.

(17.-) Several methodologies into Continuous Improvement.

(18.-) Red-Teaming.

(19.-) Red Adair's Approach.

(21.-) NSTB's “... Go-To ...” Team Approach.

(22.-) Extreme Project Management.

(23.-) A considerable number of proprietary: (23.1) Approaches, (23.2) Methodologies, (23.3) Prescriptions, (23.4) Techniques and (24.5) Practices that are forbiddingly disclosed, given their proprietary nature.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


(1.-) If you want to study Political Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(2.-) If you want to study Sociological Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(3.-) If you want to study Jurisprudence Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(4.-) If you want to study Psychological Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(5.-) If you want to study Psychiatric Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(6.-) If you want to study Sacred-Scriptures Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(7.-) If you want to study History-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(8.-) If you want to study Leadership-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(9.-) If you want to study Mathematics-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(10.-) If you want to study Physics-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(11.-) If you want to study Chemistry-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(12.-) If you want to study Biology-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(13.-) If you want to study Quantum Mechanics-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(14.-) If you want to study Genetics-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(15.-) If you want to study Genomics-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(16.-) If you want to study Biotechnology-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(17.-) If you want to study Nanotechnology-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(18.-) If you want to study Astronomy-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(19.-) If you want to study Astro-Physics-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(20.-) If you want to study Law-Enforcement-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(21.-) If you want to study Law-and-Order-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(22.-) If you want to study Medicine-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(23.-) If you want to study Theology-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(24.-) If you want to study Philosophy-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(25.-) If you want to study Accounting-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(26.-) If you want to study Auditing-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(27.-) If you want to study MBA-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(28.-) If you want to study Belles-Letters-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(29.-) If you want to study English-Language-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(30.-) If you want to study Criminology-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(31.-) If you want to study History-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(32.-) If you want to study Economy-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(33.-) If you want to study Finance-Based Science(s) in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(34.-) If you want to become Astronomer Royal in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(35.-) If you are a High-School Graduated and College Freshperson the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(36.-) If you want to lead the Papal State in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(37.-) If you want to lead a first-order Lama Monastery in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand,

(38.-) If you want to be the Prime Minister or President of a great superpower in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand, and

(39.-) If you want to be the Monarch or Emperor of a great nation in the second order, by the FIRST ORDER you must commence by studying Systems Engineering (this is non Computer-Science Engineering) beforehand.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Forthcoming as-per-now times will be:

(A.-) Counternatural,

(B.-) Antinatural,

(C.-) Transnatural,

(D.-) Overnatural,

(E.-) Supernatural, and

(F.-) Preternatural.


Plausabilities, as of today:







Pre-War-Waging, and


Back to the White Swan hardcore:

How are those pseudo-plausabilities possible? Via PreCognition (the Cognition Embracement of Forethought and Foreknowledge).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


(1.-) Systems Quality Assurance,

(2.-) Systems Continuous Improvement,

(3.-) Systems Safety (Including: Systems Industrial Safety),

(4.-) Systems Security,

(5.-) Systems Corporate Integrity, and

(6.-) Many other, along and beyond these lines, that are Proprietary.

Where will White Swan be Scrutinizing in the Corporation?

Every Corporate: (a) Function and (b) Line or Staff Responsibility and Duty that will be Reviewed THOROUGHLY through White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management:

For illustration purposes (brief list):

(1.-) Risk and Insurance,

(2.-) Corporate Planning,

(3.-) Into-Futuring,

(4.-) Quality Assurance, Continuous Improvement, Reliability and Industrial Safety,

(5.-) Group Employee Benefits,

(6.-) Corporate Integrity,

(7.-) CIO, CTO,

(8.-) CFO,

(9.-) HHRR,

(10.-) Legal Affairs,

(11.-) Sales and Marketing (CMO),

(12.-) Corporate Integrity.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:



As it ensues:

First! Once you realize that the most important thing to nurture is the rotational-and-translational motion revolting within and beyond the innermost core of and by you, you can do your ethics and morality.

Now you have conquered bridge 1. Conquering this foundational pillar also implies that every facet and phase of your personal and professional life will be carried on with dogged solemnity.

Second! Once you do your ethics and morality, you can do your actionable knowledge for Life.

Now you have conquered, and will be, as follows, securing control of bridge 2 for Life.

Third! Once your actionable knowledge is done by you, you can do your corporate planning and respective marshaled strategy.

Now you have conquered, and will be, as follows, securing control of bridge 3 for Life.

Fourth! Once your corporate planning and respective marshaled strategy is done by you, you can do your systems hazard management.

Now you have conquered and will be, as follows, securing control of bridge 4 for Life.

Fifth! Once your systems hazard management is done by you, you can do your systems quality assurance management.

Now you have conquered and will be, as follows, securing control of bridge 5 for Life.

Sixth! Once your cross-functional, interdisciplinary systems quality assurance management is done by you, you can do your systems reliability engineering.

Now you have conquered and will be, as follows, securing control of bridge 6 for Life.

Seventh! Once your systems reliability engineering is done by you, you can do your systems risk management.

Now you have conquered and will be, as follows, securing control of bridge 7 for Life.

Eighth! Once your systems risk management — with the applied omniscience perspective — is done by you, you can do your contingency planning lavishly and with thousand layers of redundancy in place for Life.

Now you have conquered, and will be, as follows, securing control of bridge 8 for Life.

Ninth! When your contingency planning is done by you, you can do your benefits (both upsides and downsides).

Now you have conquered, and will be, as follows, securing control of bridge 9 for Life.

Tenth! When benefits are done by you and you become hyper-engaged into pervasively transformational self-renewal and self-challenging in excelsis of your own intellect, you can do your sustainability perpetually.

Now you have conquered, and will be, as follows, securing control of bridge 10 for Life.

Eleventh! Now you can conceive of and design your own profession and tenure while concentrating in capturing womb-to-tomb (so-called) “...success...” and its gargantuan sustainability effort.

Now you have conquered, and will be, as follows, securing control of bridge 11 for Life.

Twelfth! Neither “...the secret,...”, nor the “...hidden secret,...”, nor the “...discrete secret...,” or any “...magnificent marketing stunts...” will warrant the oxygen and energy and vision that your mind, body, and souls require (sic).

Now you have conquered management for Life.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


Managing Risk: Systematic Loss Prevention for Executives by Vernon L. Grose ( ISBN: 978-0135511107 )

The Human Race to the Future: What Could Happen - and What to Do by Daniel Berleant ( ISBN: 978-1494712112 )

Leading the Revolution by Gary Hamel ( ISBN: 978-0452283244 )

The Future of Management by Gary Hamel ( ISBN: 978-1422102503 )

What Matters Now: How to Win in a World of Relentless Change, Ferocious Competition, and Unstoppable Innovation by Gary Hamel ( ISBN: 978-1118120828 )

A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge: PMBOK(R) Guide by Project Management Institute ( ISBN: 978-1935589679 )

The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil ( ISBN: 978-0143037880 )

Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100 by Michio Kaku ( ISBN: 978-0307473332 )

Radical Evolution: The Promise and Peril of Enhancing Our Minds, Our Bodies — and What It Means to Be Human by Joel Garreau ( ISBN: 978-0767915038 )

Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler ( ISBN: 978-1451614213 ).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Subsequently and more than ever, own education is learning by doing as it is perpetual studying and researching the books above all of the time and forever. But managers must go, by far, way beyond the books and other resources.

Thus, Napoleon Bonaparte asserted, “...I have only one counsel for you — be master...”

In his many letters and beyond his military achievements, Bonaparte indicated that the study of English, Math and Science was instrumental to him and every subject in the Napoleonic Empire.

I consider him the world's best thinker and manager into Systems Approach.

I read a book by a consummated scholar into military science and a professor to the U.S. Armed Forces Academies. He strongly argues that U.S. Military doctrines are based on Napoleon Bonaparte's teachings and practices.

By way of enlightenment, Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821) declared,

“...No longer it is question simply of education ... NOW IT BECOMES A MATTER OF ACQUIRING [HARD] SCIENCE …" Brackets are of the author.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:



(1.-) Picture mentally, radiantly.

(2.-) Draw outside the canvas.

(3.-) Color outside the vectors.

(4.-) Sketch sinuously.

(5.-) Far-sight beyond the mind’s intangible exoskeleton.

(6.-) Abduct indiscernible falsifiable convictions.

(7.-) Reverse-engineering a gene and a bacterium or, better yet, the lucrative genome.

(8.-) Guillotine the over-weighted status quo.

(9.-) Learn how to add up — in your own brainy mind — colors, dimensions, aromas, encryptions, enigmas, phenomena, geometrical and amorphous in-motion shapes, methods, techniques, codes, written lines, symbols, contexts, locus, venues, semantic terms, magnitudes, longitudes, processes, tweets, “...knowledge-laden...” hunches and omniscient bliss, so forth.

(10.-) Project your wisdom’s wealth onto communities of timeless-connected wikis.

(11.-) Cryogenize the infamous illiterate by own choice and reincarnate ASAP (multiverse teleporting out of a warped / wormed passage) Da Vinci, Bacon, Newton, Goethe, Bonaparte, Edison, Franklyn, Churchill, Einstein, and Feynman.

(12.-) Organize relationships into voluntary associations that are mutually beneficial and accountable for contributing productively to the surrounding community.

(13.-) Practice the central rule of good strategy, which is to know and remain true to your core business and invest for leadership and R&D+Innovation.

(14.-) Kaizen, SixSigma, Lean, LeanSigma, “...Reliability Engineer...” (the latter as solely conceived and developed by Procter & Gamble and Los Alamos National Laboratories) it all unthinkably and thoroughly by recombinant, a là Einstein Gedanke-motorized judgment (that is to say: Einsteinian Gedanke [“...thought experiments...”].

(15.-) Provide a road-map and blueprint for drastically compressing (‘crashing’) the time’s ‘reticules’ it will take you to get on the top of your tenure, nonetheless of your organizational level.

(16.-) With the required knowledge and relationships embedded in organizations, create support for, and carry out transformational initiatives.

(17.-) Offer a tested pathway for addressing the linked challenges of personal transition and organizational transformation that confront leaders in the first few months in a new tenure.

(18.-) Foster momentum by creating virtuous cycles that build credibility and by avoiding getting caught in vicious cycles that harm credibility.

(19.-) Institute coalitions that translate into swifter organizational adjustments to the inevitable streams of change in personnel and environment.

(20.-) Mobilize and align the overriding energy of many others in your organization, knowing that the “...wisdom of crowds...” is upfront and outright rubbish.

(21.-) Step outside the boundaries of the framework’s system when seeking a problem’s solution.

(22.-) Within zillion tiny bets, raise the ante and capture the documented learning through frenzy execution. (23) “...Moonshine...” and “... Skunkworks ...” and “...Re-Imagineer...” it all, holding in your mind the motion-pictured image that, regardless of the relevance of “...inputs...” and “...outputs,...”, entails that the highest relevance is within the sophistication within the THROUGHPUT.

(24.-) Don’t copy Nature and Biology, don’t even copy Universe. Just copy the Omniverse.

(25.-) Correlate everything else with the ignored and unthinkable ‘else’ of everything else, forever.

(26.-) Combine the practical and technological with the mysterious and meaningful.

(27.-) Pencil your map.

(28.-) Brush your road-map.

(29.-) Scratch your blueprint.

(30.-) Conceive of, develop and share unthinkable lessons learned.

(31.-) Facilitate a heterogeneous group — in the midst of appalling interpersonal chemistry — towards the accomplishment of a common goal.

(32.-) Learn complex new skills and new ways to make corporate miracles crystallize.

(33.-) Typo the cartoon.

(34.-) Keystroke the drawing.

(35.-) Acculturate your brain to operate executions from the applied omniscience via the lenses and springs of systems methodology.

(36.-) Manage RISKS and BENEFITS and CHANCES and OPPORTUNITIES in series and never in parallel.

(37.-) Remove accident causes prior to a loss, knowing that an accident is never a random stroke of fate, but an utter and thus purported instrument of ignorance of supine ignorance.

(38.-) Convert your viewpoint to a systems approach.

(39.-) Enable full-orbed and balanced stability of your thinkables and unthinkables.

(40.-) Attempt to know, early on, the end from the beginning.

(41.-) Identify driving forces to make better decisions, manage uncertainty, and profit from change.

(42.-) Declare the past, recover yesterday, analyze the present, enjoy today, and reinvent tomorrow (today's ensuing 24 hours).

(43.-) Build your own FUTURE transcending your past.

(44.-) Contort your mindful, mindless executions — and those in the midst of 'mindful' and 'mindless' executions —, solely out of this world, and solely out of this universe, and solely out of this reality, but not just for the inexpensive, tangential, impious sake of intellectual stunts, but only so that the 'life' has not unfruitful 'afterlife' — so-called —, and also so that the 'world' has no 'afterworld' (as well as, in congruence with the present work, ‘after-universe’ and even ‘after-verse.’) — so-called —. Aren’t afterlife and afterworld dis-intermediated anyway? Now, you, and merely you, proceed and transcend yourself, by yourself and for yourself.

(45.-) If you really want to make an operational difference in your professional theater of operations, go and get a full immersion in the fringe. Right in there, under that tense and pressing dynamics, you’ll have the vantage flux of the mirage.

(46.-) Tantalize your tangential pre-cognition and cognition into ever-?metamorphosing ?your attentive and contemplative trans-meditation Zen.

(47.-) ?De-realize, thus, de-focus from that taken-for-granted realities of the folly and the faulty, literally!

(48.-) ?Mostly in-source your mind with long-unknown virtualities.

(49.-) Assure that there are not un-searched areas of risk, benefit and sustainable opportunity.

(59.-) Acculturate yourself and those in your crew and in the orbit of incumbent stakeholders with most actionable, applied omniscience. Remember culture without science and technology is beyond blind.

(60.-) Cultivate the highest manifestations of human intelligence: vision, discipline, passion and conscience.

(61.-) Achieve next-level breakthrough in productivity, innovation and leadership in the marketplace and society.

(62.-) Develop the internal power and moral authority to break out of those problems to become a significant force in solving them.

(63.-) Use your voice and deeds to superbly serve your organization’s purposes, functions and stakeholders.

(64.-) Magnify your current gifts, talents, skills and dexterities.

(65.-) Take a prior learning for Life, apply it to a new situation, learn from practical experience, and apply the new learning.

(66.-) Pervasively reason from effect to cause and from cause to effect.

(67.-) Envision shrewd yet calculated risks, from start to end, to turn downsides into upsides.

(68.-) “...Exponentialize the rushed and marshaled progression of your own all-rounded, perennial learning curves on the doubles, chiefly those directly concerned with engaging your diverse skills, dexterities, and talents to overcome — through fluid execution by mind preparedness — your theater of operations because of and by the increasingly threatening surroundings. Otherwise, the onset Technological Revolutions (compounded in a pervasive composite), as explained in «Futuretonium and Futureketing», will give you the hardest time to you and yours. There is realistic and austere hope if we work the hardest and in the most scientific mode.

(69.-) Figure out exactly which genes and neurons coalesce to make synapses with.

(70.-) Wire up synapses and genes the soonest.

(71.-) Ask now more sophisticated questions to marshal upon.

(72.-) Don't juts copy Nature but focus on copying Biology, Nature and the Omniverse.

(73.-) Transfer the Heritage Business or the Legacy Business into the Third Millennium.

(74.-) Transform Completely.

(75.-) Expand Globally.

(76.-) Extend Digitally.

(77.-) Build an Intelligent-Innovation Strategy.

(78.-) Combine the best features of the three breathtaking strategies into one.

(79.-) When in doubt, Be Bold!

(80.-) Learn to recognize situations in which mistakes are likely and try harder to avoid significant mistakes when the stakes are high.

(81.-) Experiment at the edges of business.

(82.-) Challenge yourself to question every assumption.

(83.-) Keep the acceleration going, keep your world changing and off balance.

(84.-) Remember, the frozen image is false. The reality is continual motion.

(85.-) Trigger domino effects and change the way the economy behaves.

(86.-) Foreshorten product life cycles from years to months or even weeks or hours.

(87.-) Put customer experience at the heart of digital transformation. This includes blurring the line between digital and physical customer experiences, the authors advise. “A Digital Master figures what customers do and why, where and how they do it. The company then works out where and how the experience can be digitally enhanced across channels.”

(88.-) Constantly challenge your business model; consider how you might transform your industry before others do it. “Not paying attention is even a bigger risk. Executives in music, newspapers, and equity trading have already seen the radical upheavals that digital business model reinvention can bring to their industries.”

(89.-) Get familiar with new digital practices that can be an opportunity or a threat to your industry and company.

(90.-) Identify bottlenecks or headaches — in your company and in your customers — that resulted from the limits of old technologies, and consider how you might resolve these problems digitally.

(91.-) Craft a compelling digital vision, one that specifies both intent and outcome. “There is no single best way to express a vision for digital transformation. It’s not a formulaic process,” the authors state. “You need to craft a vision that builds on your strengths, engages employees, and evolves over time.”

(92.-) Make your digital vision specific enough to give employees a clear direction, while giving them the flexibility to build on it.

(93.-) Open up the conversations to give everyone a role in digital transformation, and deal with resistance by being open and transparent about the goals.

(94.-) Consider which digital decisions must be governed at the highest levels of the company, and which will be delegated to lower levels.

(95.-) Focus your initial investments on getting a clean, well-structured digital platform; it’s the foundation for everything else.

(96.-) Challenge yourself continually to find new things you can do with your IT-business relationships, digital skills, and digital platform.

Back to the White Swan hardcore:

Given your clever question, David, and commented simply to you:

“ ... I am no longer a captive to history.
Whatever I can imagine, I can accomplish.

I am no longer a vassal in a faceless
bureaucracy, I am an activist, not a drone.

I am no longer a foot soldier
in the march of progress.

I am a Revolutionary! ... ” (Taken from Leading The Revolution).

Back to the White Swan hardcore:


The beyond-insurance risk management cases above were solved as complete and deep theoretical, practical, empirical and factual knowledge were applied and made a huge difference as per the ultimate outcomes and in-place metrics that were verified by top-ranking stakeholder in the cited corporate organizations.

The pure-science scientists that audited those outcomes established and documented utilized systems (ample connotation), boundaries of these systems, structure, hierarchies and priorities, among other aspects, explaining that respective outcomes were, in fact, canonical milestones achieved within the designated time frame in all practicality.


I have seen many corporate cadavers and entrepreneurial and managerial morgues in my professional experience. Beyond the current bibliographic references contained herein, this author has the most breathtaking contingent literature that pales the bibliographical reference included.


Readers seeking more updates, insights, information, publications and other resources are very welcome to join the author at LinkedIn's Becoming Aware of the Future! At


The present author owns a never-publicized proprietary method of Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification (IAA) — also called: “... — underpinned the Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification (IAA) — ...” — by natural biological means without resorting to genetics or cochlear implants.

Any student from and/or into:

(I.-) Post-Doctoral Studies,
(II.-) Doctoral Studies,
(III.-) Master's-Degree Studies,
(IV.-) Bachelor's-Degree Studies,
(V.-) AS or AA-Degree Studies,
(VI.-) Schoolchild Studies,
(VII.-) Primary-school Studies,

Can fervently benefit from IAA before the advent of beyond-human-intelligence ubiquitous bots (supra bots and nanobots), populating and ruling the marketplace.

For simplistic illustration purposes, by using IAA it was thoroughly accomplished:

(A.-) Transformative and Integrative Risk Management,
(B.-) The White Swan treatise.

As major and tiny governments and other organizations spend zillions into weapons build-up, access to IAA can be sold by a nice cash-paying figure, only.

My clients are warranted to have a first-sight taste of it.

I greatly agree with the lucid slogan by the American Negro Foundation, “...the mind, a terrible thing to waste ...”

Optimal intellectual functioning is crucial.

Back to the ending White Swan hardcore:

David, given your posited question at the beginning here, I hope my independent POV helps. This is no substitute for your own discernment at all. Please note the bibliographical references below.


Accident analysis .— “... Accident analysis is carried out, in order to determine the cause or causes of an accident or series of accidents so as to prevent further incidents of a similar kind. It is also known as accident investigation. It may be performed by a range of experts, including forensic scientists, forensic engineers or health and safety advisers. Accident investigators, particularly those in the aircraft industry, are colloquially known as "tin-kickers" …. actual information in the message. Informally, it is the amount of wasted "space" used to transmit certain data …. Data compression is a way to reduce or eliminate unwanted redundancy, while checksums are a way of adding desired redundancy for purposes of error detection when communicating over a noisy channel of limited capacity ...”

A continual improvement process (abbreviated as CIP or CI).— “ ...A continual improvement process, also often called a continuous improvement process (abbreviated as CIP or CI), is an ongoing effort to improve products, services, or processes. These efforts can seek "incremental" improvement over time or "breakthrough" improvement all at once. __[....]__ Delivery (customer valued) processes are constantly evaluated and improved in the light of their efficiency, effectiveness and flexibility …. Some see CIPs as a meta-process for most management systems (such as business process management, quality management, project management, and program management). W. Edwards Deming, a pioneer of the field, saw it as part of the 'system' whereby feedback from the process and customer were evaluated against organizational goals. The fact that it can be called a management process does not mean that it needs to be executed by 'management'; but rather merely that it makes decisions about the implementation of the delivery process and the design of the delivery process itself ...”

A CTQ tree (critical-to-quality trees).— “... A CTQ tree (critical-to-quality trees) are the key measurable characteristics of a product or process whose performance standards or specification limits must be met, in order to satisfy the customer. They align improvement or design efforts with customer requirements …. CTQs are used to decompose broad customer requirements into more easily quantified elements. CTQ trees are often used as part of six sigma methodology to help prioritize such requirements …. CTQs represent the product or service characteristics as defined by the customer/user. They may include upper and lower specification limits or any other factors. A CTQ must be an actionable, quantitative business specification …. CTQs reflect the expressed needs of the customer. The CTQ practitioner converts them to measurable terms using tools such as DFMEA. Services and products are typically not monolithic. They must be decomposed into constituent elements (tasks in the cases of services) ...”

Agile management or agile project management.— “ ….Agile management or agile project management is an iterative and incremental method of managing the design and build activities for engineering, information technology, and new product or service development projects in a highly flexible and interactive manner, for example agile software development. It requires capable individuals from the relevant business, with supplier and customer input __[....]__ There are also links to lean techniques, Kanban and Six Sigma. __[....]__ Agile techniques are best used in small-scale projects or on elements of a wider program of work, or on projects that are too complex for the customer to understand and specify before testing prototypes …. Agile techniques may also be called extreme project management. It is a variant of iterative life cycle __[....]__ where deliverables are submitted in stages. The main difference between agile and iterative development is that agile methods complete small portions of the deliverables in each delivery cycle (iteration) while iterative methods evolve the entire set of deliverables over time, completing them near the end of the project. Both iterative and Agile methods were developed as a reaction to various obstacles that developed in more sequential forms of project organization. For example, as technology projects grow in complexity, end users tend to have difficulty defining the long term requirements without being able to view progressive prototypes. Projects that develop in iterations can constantly gather feedback to help refine those requirements. According to Jean-Loup Richet (Research Fellow at ESSEC Institute for Strategic Innovation & Services) "this approach can be leveraged effectively for non-software products and for project management in general, especially in areas of innovation and uncertainty. The end result is a product or project that best meets current customer needs and is delivered with minimal costs, waste, and time, enabling companies to achieve bottom line gains earlier than via traditional approaches …. all three of which must fail before the system fails. Since each one rarely fails, and the sub components are expected to fail independently, the probability of all three failing is calculated to be extraordinarily small; often outweighed by other risk factors, e.g., human error. Redundancy may also be known by the terms "majority voting systems" __[....]__ or "voting logic" …. Redundancy sometimes produce less, instead of more reliability – it creates a more complex system which is more prone to various issues, it may lead to human neglect of duty, and it may lead to higher ...”

A hazard analysis.— “ … A hazard analysis is used as the first step in a process used to assess risk. The result of a hazard analysis is the identification of different type of hazards. A hazard is a potential condition and exists or not (probability is 1 or 0). It may in single existence or in combination with other hazards (sometimes called events) and conditions become an actual Functional Failure or Accident (Mishap). The way this exactly happens in one particular sequence is called a scenario. This scenario has a probability (between 1 and 0) of occurrence. Often a system has many potential failure scenarios. It also is assigned a classification, based on the worst case severity of the end condition. Risk is the combination of probability and severity. Preliminary risk levels can be provided in the hazard analysis. The validation, more precise prediction (verification) and acceptance of risk is determined in the Risk assessment (analysis). The main goal of both is to provide the best selection of means of controlling or eliminating the risk. The term is used in several engineering specialties, including avionics, chemical process safety, safety engineering, reliability engineering and food safety ...”

A life-critical system or safety-critical system.— “...A life-critical system or safety-critical system is a system whose failure or malfunction may result in: death or serious injury to people, or loss or severe damage to equipment or environmental harm ...”

An airborne early warning and control (AEW&C).— “ … An airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) system is an airborne radar picket system designed to detect aircraft, ships and vehicles at long ranges and perform control and command of the battle space in an air engagement by directing fighter and attack aircraft strikes. AEW&C units are also used to carry out surveillance, including over ground targets and frequently perform C2BM (command and control, battle management) functions similar to an Airport Traffic Controller given military command over other forces. When used at altitude, the radar on the aircraft allows the operators to detect and track targets and distinguish between friendly and hostile aircraft much farther away than a similar ground based radar. __[....]__ Like a ground based radar, it can be detected by opposing forces, but because of its mobility, it is much less vulnerable to counter-attack …. AEW&C aircraft are used for both defensive and offensive air operations, and are to the NATO and US forces trained or integrated Air Forces what the Command Information Center is to a US Navy warship, plus a highly mobile and powerful radar platform. The system is used offensively to direct fighters to their target locations, and defensively, directing counterattacks on enemy forces, both air and ground. So useful is the advantage of command and control from a high altitude, the United States Navy operates Northrop Grumman E-2 Hawkeye AEW&C aircraft off its Supercarriers to augment and protect its carrier Command Information Centers (CICs). The designation "airborne early warning" (AEW) was used for earlier similar aircraft, __[....]__ such as the Fairey Gannet AEW.3 and Lockheed EC-121 Warning Star, and continues to be used by the RAF for its Sentry AEW1, while AEW&C (airborne early warning and control) emphasizes the command and control capabilities that may not be present on smaller or simpler radar picket aircraft. AWACS (Airborne Warning And Control System) is name of the specific system installed in the E-3 and Japanese E-767 AEW&C airframes ...”

An incident.— “ … An incident is an event that could lead to loss of, or disruption to, an organization's operations, services or functions. __[....]__ If not managed an incident can escalate into an emergency, crisis or a disaster. Incident management is therefore the process of limiting the potential disruption caused by such an event, followed by a return to business as usual …. Without effective incident management an incident can rapidly disrupt business operations, information security, IT systems, employees or customers and other vital business functions …. Usually as part of the wider management process in private organizations, incident management is followed by post-incident analysis where it is determined why the incident happened despite precautions and controls. This analysis is normally overseen by the leaders of the organization, with the view of preventing repetition of the incident through precautionary measures and often changes in policy. This information is then used as feedback to further develop the security policy and/or its practical implementation. In the United States, the National Incident Management System, developed by the Department of Homeland Security, integrates effective practices in emergency management into a comprehensive national framework. This often results in a higher level of contingency planning, exercise and training, as well as an evaluation of the management of the incident ...”

A red team.— “... A red team is an independent group that challenges an organization to improve its effectiveness. The United States intelligence community (military and civilian) has red teams that explore alternative futures and write articles as if they were despotic world leaders. Little formal doctrine or publications about Red Teaming in the military exists …. Private business such as IBM and SAIC and agencies such as the CIA have long used Red Teams. Red Teams in the United States military were used much more frequently after a 2003 Defense Science Review Board recommended them to help prevent the shortcomings that led up to 9/11. The Army then stood up a service-level Red Team, the Army Directed Studies Office, in 2004. This was the first service level Red Team and until 2011 was the largest in the DoD …. Penetration testers assess organization security, often unbeknownst to client staff. This type of Red Team provides a more realistic picture of the security readiness than exercises, role playing or announced assessments. The Red Team may trigger active controls and countermeasures within a given operational environment …. In wargaming, the opposing force (or OPFOR) in a simulated military conflict may be referred to as a red cell (a very narrow form of Red Teaming) and may also engage in red team activity. The key theme is that the aggressor is composed of various threat actors, equipment and techniques that are at least partially unknown by the defenders. The red cell challenges the operations planning by playing the role of a thinking enemy. In United States war-gaming simulations, the U.S. force is always the Blue Team and the opposing force is always the Red Team …. When applied to intelligence work, red-teaming is sometimes called alternative analysis …. When used in a hacking context, a red team is a group of white-hat hackers that attack an organization's digital infrastructure as an attacker would in order to test the organization's defenses (often known as "penetration testing") …. Benefits include challenges to preconceived notions and clarifying the problem state that planners are attempting to mitigate. More-accurate understanding can be developed of how sensitive information is externalized and of exploitable patterns and instances of bias ...”

A strategy game or strategic game.— “...A strategy game or strategic game is a game (e.g. video or board game) in which the players' uncoerced, and often autonomous decision-making skills have a high significance in determining the outcome. Almost all strategy games require internal decision tree style thinking, and typically very high situational awareness …. The term "strategy" comes ultimately from Greek, (????????? or strategia) meaning generalship. __[....]__ It differs from "tactics" in that it refers to the general scheme of things, whereas "tactics" refers to organization and execution...”

Avionic systems.— “...Avionic systems include communications, navigation, the display and management of multiple systems, and the hundreds of systems that are fitted to aircraft to perform individual functions. These can be as simple as a searchlight for a police helicopter or as complicated as the tactical system for an airborne early warning platform …. The term avionics is a portmanteau of the words aviation and electronics ...”

A wargame (also war game).— “ … A wargame (also war game) is a strategy game that deals with military operations of various types, real or fictional. Wargaming is the hobby dedicated to the play of such games, which can also be called conflict simulations, or consims for short. When used professionally by the military to study warfare, "war game" may refer to a simple theoretical study or a full-scale military exercise. Hobby wargamers have traditionally used "wargame", while the military has generally used "war game"; this is not a hard and fast rule. Although there may be disagreements as to whether a particular game qualifies as a wargame or not, a general consensus exists that all such games must explore and represent some feature or aspect of human behaviour directly bearing on the conduct of war, even if the game subject itself does not concern organized violent conflict or warfare. __[....]__ The business wargames exists too, but in general they are only role playing games based on market situations …. Wargames are generally categorized as historical, hypothetical, fantasy, or science fiction. Historical games by far form the largest group. These games are based upon real events and attempt to represent a reasonable approximation of the actual forces, terrain, and other material factors faced by the actual participants. Hypothetical games are games grounded in historical fact but concern battles or conflicts that did not (or have yet to) actually happen. Fantasy and science fiction wargames either draw their inspiration from works of fiction or provide their own imaginary setting. Highly stylized conflict games such as chess are not generally considered wargames, although they are recognized as being related __[....]__ Games involving conflict in other arenas than the battlefield, such as business, sports or natural environment are similarly usually excluded …. The modern wargaming hobby has its origins at the beginning of the 19th century, with von Reiswitz's Kriegsspiel rules. Later, H.G. Wells' book Little Wars ushered in the age of miniatures games in which two or more players simulated a battle as a pastime. During the 1950s the first large-scale, mass-produced board games depicting military conflicts were published. These games were at the height of their popularity during the 1970s, and became quite complex and technical in that time …. Wargaming has changed dramatically over the years, from its roots in miniatures and board wargaming, to contemporary computer and computer assisted wargames; however, both miniature and board wargames maintain a healthy, if small, hobby market with lighter games being popular with many 'non-wargamers' ...”

Business process re-engineering.— “ ...Business process re-engineering is a business management strategy, originally pioneered in the early 1990s, focusing on the analysis and design of workflows and business processes within an organization. BPR aimed to help organizations fundamentally rethink how they do their work, in order to dramatically improve customer service, cut operational costs, and become world-class competitors. __[....]__ In the mid-1990s, as many as 60% of the Fortune 500 companies claimed to either have initiated reengineering efforts, or to have plans to do so …. BPR seeks to help companies radically restructure their organizations by focusing on the ground-up design of their business processes. According to Davenport (1990) a business process is a set of logically related tasks performed to achieve a defined business outcome. Re-engineering emphasized a holistic focus on business objectives and how processes related to them, encouraging full-scale recreation of processes rather than iterative optimization of sub-processes …. Business process re-engineering is also known as business process redesign, business transformation, or business process change management … constituent elements (tasks in the cases of services) ...”

Contingency management.— “... Contingency management or systematic use of reinforcement is a type of treatment used in the mental health or substance abuse fields. Patients' behaviors are rewarded (or, less often, punished); generally, adherence to or failure to adhere to program rules and regulations or their treatment plan. As an approach to treatment, contingency management emerged from the behavior therapy and applied behavior analysis traditions in mental health. By most evaluations, contingency management procedures produce one of the largest effect sizes out of all mental health and educational interventions ...”

Enterprise Life Cycle (ELC).- “... Enterprise Life Cycle (ELC) in enterprise architecture is the dynamic, iterative process of changing the enterprise over time by incorporating new business processes, new technology, and new capabilities, as well as maintenance, disposition and disposal of existing elements of the enterprise …. The enterprise life cycle is a concept in Enterprise Architecture (EA). The Enterprise Architecture process is closely related to other processes, such as enterprise engineering and program management cycle, more commonly known as the Systems Development Life Cycle. This concept aids in the implementation of an Enterprise Architecture, and the Capital Planning and Investment Control (CPIC) process that selects, controls, and evaluates investments. Overlying these processes are human capital management and information security management. When these processes work together effectively, the enterprise can effectively manage information technology as a strategic resource and business process enabler. When these processes are properly synchronized, systems migrate efficiently from legacy technology environments through evolutionary and incremental developments, and the Agency is able to demonstrate its return on investment (ROI). The figure on top illustrates the interaction of the dynamic and interactive cycles as they would occur over time ...”

A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).— “ … A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is the senior-level executive within an organization responsible for establishing and maintaining the enterprise vision, strategy and program to ensure information assets and technologies are adequately protected. The CISO directs staff in identifying, developing, implementing and maintaining processes across the organization to reduce information and information technology (IT) risks. They respond to incidents, establish appropriate standards and controls, manage security technologies, and direct the establishment and implementation of policies and procedures. The CISO is also usually responsible for information-related compliance …. Typically, the CISO's influence reaches the whole organization. Responsibilities include:

Information security and information assurance
Information regulatory compliance (e.g., US PCI DSS, FISMA, GLBA, HIPAA; UK Data Protection Act 1998; Canada PIPEDA)
Information risk management
Information technology controls for financial and other systems
Information privacy
Computer Emergency Response Team / Computer Security Incident Response Team
Identity and access management
Security Architecture
IT investigations, digital forensics, eDiscovery
Disaster recovery and business continuity management
Information Security Operations Center ISOC

Having a CISO or the equivalent function in the organization has become a standard in business, government and non-profit sectors. Throughout the world, a growing number of organizations have a CISO. By 2009, approximately 85% of large organizations had a security executive, up from 56% in 2008, and 43% in 2006. In 2011, in a survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers for their Annual Information Security Survey,[1] 80% of businesses had a CISO or equivalent. About one-third of these security chiefs report to a Chief Information Officer (CIO), 35% to Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and 28% to the board of directors …. In corporations, the trend is for CISOs to have a strong balance of business acumen and technology knowledge. CISOs are often in high demand and compensation is comparable to other C-level positions ...”

END OF A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO).

Altogetherness.— “... Altogetherness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate with all or everything included ...”

A Posteriori.— “ … A Posteriori indicates the demonstration that entails the ascendance of the effect to the cause, or the properties of the essence of something [….] After examining the matter that is dealt with [….] Derived by or designating the process of reasoning from facts or particulars to general principles or from effects to causes; inductive; empirical [….] Knowable from experience [….] relating to or involving inductive reasoning from particular facts or effects to a general principle [….] derived from or requiring evidence for its validation or support; empirical; open to revision [….] from particular instances to a general principle or law; based on observation or experiment [….] not existing in the mind prior to or apart from experience [….] the process of reasoning from effect to cause, based upon observation [….] A synonym of A Posteriori is the term ex post facto ...”

A Priori.— “ … A Priori comprises that proceeds from a known or assumed cause to a necessarily related effect; deductive [….] Derived by or designating the process of reasoning without reference to particular facts or experience [….] Knowable without appeal to particular experience [….] Made before or without examination; not supported by factual study [….] relating to or involving deductive reasoning from a general principle to the expected facts or effects [….] to be true independently of or in advance of experience of the subject matter; requiring no evidence for its validation or support [….] existing in the mind independent of experience [….] conceived beforehand [….] A synonym of A Priori is given by the term Ex Ante ...”

Blitzkrieg.— “ ... Blitzkrieg is a German MEME for war-waging White Swan Corporate Strategy conducted against competitors and with great speed and force; specifically: a violent techno-surprise offensive by massed brick-and-mortar forces and through digitized ground and World-Wide Web forces in close beyond-perfection coordination ...”

Change .— “... Change is to transfer from (one conveyance) to another and/or to undergo transformation or transition and/or to go from one phase to another and/or the act, process, or result of altering or modifying and/or the replacing of one thing for another; substitution and/or a transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another and/or to make or become different and/or a variation, deviation, or modification and/or anything that is or may be substituted for something else and/or to transform and/or to transfer from one (conveyance) to another and/or to pass gradually into and/or to pass from one phase to another and/or the act of changing or the result of being changed and/or a transformation or modification and/or the substitution of one thing for another and/or the process of becoming different and/or impermanence and/or biological metamorphosis ...”

Closenessfulness.— (Closenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see immediate and near-term foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Complexity Science .— “ … Complexity Science is the systematic study of the nature and behavior of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms, with the utter purpose of instituting the perusal of the phenomena which emerge from a collection of interacting objects [….] Complexity expresses a condition of numerous elements in a system and numerous forms of relationships among the elements [….] The use of the term complex is often confused with the term complicated. In today's systems, this is the difference between myriad connecting 'stovepipes' and effective 'integrated' solutions. This means that complex is the opposite of independent, while complicated is the opposite of simple [….] While this has led some fields to come up with specific definitions of complexity, there is a more recent movement to regroup observations from different fields to study complexity in itself, whether it appears in anthills, human brains, or stock markets. One such interdisciplinary group of fields is relational order theories ...”

Counter-closenessfulness.— (Counter-closenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see alternate immediate and near-term foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Counter-DoctorStangelovesness.— (Counter-DoctorStangelovesness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate, through alternate military strategy and practical systems theory as they are instituted in corporate theater of operations, as claims of management phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as 'remote viewing' through scenario-planning methodology 'unthinkables', the purported ability to physically 'see' unknown events, sites, or information from a great temporal distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors to said corporations. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Savvy Corporation by and beyond the prescription of the RAND Corporation and the Hudson Institute).

Counter-farsightfulness.— (Counter-farsightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see alternate foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Counter-foresightfulness.— (Counter-foresightfulness is the quality of conforming to the alternate perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred).

Counter-hindsightfulness.— (Counter-hindsightfulness is the quality of conforming to an alternate perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred).

Counter-insightfulness.— (Counter-insightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to engage the alternate acute observation and deduction, penetration, discernment, perception and understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context).

Counter-intuitvenessfulness.— (Counter-intuitvenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to perceiving alternate intuitive knowledge).

Counter-Stargatenessfulness.— (Counter-Stargatenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate alternate claims of psychic phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as 'remote viewing', the purported ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a great distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Visionary Corporation by the U.S. Federal Government' and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency's Stargate Project).

Critical Mass.— : “ … Critical Mass refers to an amount or level needed that IS SUFFICIENT for a specific result or new action to occur ...”

DoctorStangelovesness.— (DoctorStangelovesness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate, through military strategy and practical systems theory as they are instituted in corporate theater of operations, as claims of management phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as 'remote viewing' through scenario-planning methodology 'unthinkables', the purported ability to physically 'see' unknown events, sites, or information from a great temporal distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors to said corporations. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Savvy Corporation by and beyond the prescription of the RAND Corporation and the Hudson Institute).

Dynamic Driving Forces .— "...Dynamic Driving Forces are forces outside the firm (external factors) that trigger the change of strategy in an organization. Industry conditions change because important forces (the most dominant ones that have the biggest influence on what kinds of changes will take place in the industry’s structure and competitive environment) are driving industry participants (competitors, customers, or suppliers) to alter their actions, and thus the driving forces in an industry are the major underlying causes of changing industry and competitive conditions. Driving forces analysis has two steps: identifying what the driving forces are and assessing the impact they will have on the industry __[....]__ The Most Common Dynamic Driving Forces include: 1. The Internet and new e-commerce opportunities and threats it breeds in the industry; 2. Increasing globalization of the industry; 3. Changes in the long-run industry growth rate; 4. Changes in who buys the products and how they use it. 5. Product innovation; 6. Technological change; 7. Market innovation; 8. Entry or exit of major firms; 9. Diffusion of technical know-how across more companies and more countries; 10. Changes in cost and efficiency. 11. Growing buyer for preferences for differentiated products instead of a commodity product (or for a more standardized product instead of strongly differentiated products); 12. Regulatory influences and government policy changes; 13. Changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles; 14. Reductions in uncertainty and business risk ... Other dynamic driving forces include geologic, climatological, political, geopolitical, demographic, social, ethical, economic, technological, financial, legal and environmental forces, among others …"

Dynamics.— “...Dynamics is a branch of mechanics that deals with forces and their relation primarily to the motion but sometimes also to the equilibrium of bodies …. an underlying cause of change or growth …. a pattern or process of change, growth, or activity *population dynamics* ...”

Enterprise risk management (ERM). — “ … Enterprise risk management (ERM) in business includes the methods and processes used by organizations to manage risks and seize opportunities related to the achievement of their objectives. ERM provides a framework for risk management, which typically involves identifying particular events or circumstances relevant to the organization's objectives (risks and opportunities), assessing them in terms of likelihood and magnitude of impact, determining a response strategy, and monitoring progress. By identifying and proactively addressing risks and opportunities, business enterprises protect and create value for their stakeholders, including owners, employees, customers, regulators, and society overall. (ERM) …. ERM can also be described as a risk-based approach to managing an enterprise, integrating concepts of internal control, the Sarbanes–Oxley Act, and strategic planning. ERM is evolving to address the needs of various stakeholders, who want to understand the broad spectrum of risks facing complex organizations to ensure they are appropriately managed. Regulators and debt rating agencies have increased their scrutiny on the risk management processes of companies ...”

Extreme project management (XPM).— “ … Extreme project management (XPM) refers to a method of managing very complex and very uncertain projects …. Extreme project management differs from traditional project management mainly in its open, elastic and undeterministic approach. The main focus of XPM is on the human side of project management (e.g. managing project stakeholders), rather than on intricate scheduling techniques and heavy formalism …. Extreme project management corresponds to extreme programming …. Advanced approaches to extreme project management utilize the principles of human interaction management to deal with the complexities of human collaboration ...”

Far-fetched.— “ … Far-fetched is improbable in nature; unlikely. But given the emergent as-of-now nature of the Omniverse, far-fetched is omniverseral nature's most probable and so probable to tectonically reform our cosmovisions, in front and beyond our smartest observations, and other constellations believed indisputable by our folly human assumptions ...”

Farsightfulness.— (Farsightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see the foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Flawness.— (Flawness is the quality of conforming to maximum error and failure).

Foresightfulness.— (Foresightfulness is the quality of conforming to perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred).

Fortuitousness.— (Unexpected and casually happening[s], as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Futilitifulness Thinking.— (Futilitifulness is the quality of conforming to maximum futility).

Future (the ,) .— “ … The Future is 1) What is yet to come, 2) What can happen or not, 3) The future is a tranquil country, 4) The indefinite time yet to come, 5) Something that will happen in time to come, 6) A prospective or expected condition, 7) Undetermined events that will occur in that time, 8) time that is to be or come hereafter, 9) Something that will exist or happen in time to come, 9) The period of time following the present moment and continuing on indefinitely, 10) The situation or condition of someone or something in the future, 11) One of a plurality of possible future conditions or situations, 12) The time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come, 13) The future is what will happen in the time period after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the apparent nature of reality and the inevitability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist can be categorized as either permanent, meaning that it will exist for the whole of the future, or temporary, meaning that it won't and thus will come to an end. The future and the concept of eternity have been major subjects of philosophy, religion, and science, and defining them non-controversially has consistently eluded the greatest of minds. In the Occidental view, which uses a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the projected time line that is anticipated to occur. In special relativity, the future is considered absolute future, or the future light cone. 14) The only way you can see the future is if you're ahead of your own time, 15) Learning how to be ahead of your time, today!, 16) The future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create, 17) Our future is determined by the actions of all of us alive today. our choices determine our destiny, 18) The future is a phenomenon that will be completely real someday even though it does not exist today, 19) Future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition, 20) Our intuition about the future is linear, which is hard-wired in our brains, 21) The future is being colonized all the time by people who have the resources, who do spend time thinking about it, planning for it and trying to shape it in their direction, 22) The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed, 23) the future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. and the important thing is not to allow that to scare you, 24) The future is unsure. that’s the way it should be, 25) The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power, 26) The future is the past of to-morrow, 27) The best way to predict the future is to invent it, 28) To be masters of the future is to change the past, 29) The future is extremely important to high morale, to dynamism, to consensus, and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly, 30) The past is gone, the future is not to come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, 31) The future is not for the fainthearted, 32) The future is not an echo of the past, 33) The future is not a privilege but a perpetual conquest, 34) The future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening, 35) The future is more challenging than playing catch up, 36) The future is not an extrapolation of the past, 37) The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create, 38) The future is an unknown country which requires tough visas for anyone to enter. not all of us will get the chance to visit it, 39) The future is not what is coming at us, but what we are headed for, 40) The future is where I expect to spend the rest of my life, 41) The danger of the future is that men may become robots, 42) The future is the creation of millions of independent economic actors, 43) The future is independent of the past, 44) The future is alive. Like the present, the future is not a single, uniform state but an ongoing process that reflects the plenitude of human life, 45) The future is natural, out of anyone’s control, 46) The future is continually stalking on the present, 47) The future is technocracy in perpetuity, 48) The future is eternally clashing the present, 49) The future is absolute hard science dominance, 50) The future is going to get invented, with you or without you, 51) The future is S-H-A-Z-A-M (“...The wisdom of Solomon, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury....” and 52) The future is not something that happens to us, but something we create.

Fuzzy Logic.— (A form of algebra employing a range of values from "true" to "false" that is used in decision-making with imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Haphazardness.— (the quality of lacking any predictable order or plan, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Hindsightfulness.— (Hindsightfulness is the quality of conforming to perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred).

Inflection point .— “...Inflection point is a moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market ... And/or a time of significant change in a situation; a turning point … A moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market … A point on a chart that marks the beginning of a significant move, either up or down … An event that results in a significant change in the progress of a company, industry, sector, economy or geopolitical situation. An inflection point can be considered a turning point after which a dramatic change, with either positive or negative results, is expected to result. Companies, industries, sectors and economies are dynamic and constantly evolving. Inflection points are more significant than the small day-to-day progress that is made and the effects of the change are often well-known and widespread … Andy Grove, Intel's co-founder, described a strategic inflection point as ' event that changes the way we think and act …' … What Intel's Grove calls '...strategic inflection point …, Andres terms « ... Sputnik Moment inflection point … » ... Inflection points can be a result of action taken by a company, or through actions taken by another entity, that has a direct impact on the company. Regulatory changes, for instance, could lead to an inflection point for a corporation that was previously held back by regulatory compliance issues. Inflection points in technology include the advent of the Internet and smart phones. Politically, an inflection point can be illustrated by the fall of the Berlin Wall or the fall of Communism in Poland and other Eastern Bloc countries ...”

Innovist.— “ … INNOVIST is someone that moves or alters something nonlinearly, adding new features and properties and capabilities and that nonlinearly brings about a new idea, device, or method and that engages in the act or process of nonlinearly introducing new ideas, devices, or methods and begins or introduces something new breakthrough for or as if for the first time, as a ground-breaker. One that geometrically innovates on and through and beyond another's creation and innovates a computer operating system __[....]__ and innovates and brings something breathtakingly new to an environment __[....]__ initiates, pioneers — takes the lead or initiative in; participate in the development of __[....]__ pioneers, opens up an exoplanetary area or prepare a way __[....]__ Innovatising comprises finding a new way of doing something __[....]__ Innovation can be viewed as the application of better solutions that meet new requirements, in—articulated needs, or existing market needs __[....]__ This is accomplished through more effective products, processes, services, technologies, or ideas that are readily not quite available to corporations, organizations, markets, governments and society. The term INNOVISTING can be defined as something never thought of and, as a consequence, new, that rampantly "breaks into" the market or society … '… An INNOVISTING is something original, new, and important in whatever exponential-technology field that breaks into a market or society, redefining the totality of civilization...' __[....]__ One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas by the simpletons …. a person who attacks cherished beliefs or traditional institutions as being based on error or superstition, falsehoods or fallacies or past-driven notions __[....]__ An INNOVIST is To produce or contrive (something previously unknown without precedence) by the use of pervasive ingenuity or staggering imagination __[....]__ to produce or create with the imagination __[....]__ to originate as a product of one's own ingenuity, experimentation __[....]__ An INNOVIST creates, makes, produces, develops, designs, discovers, imagines, manufactures, generates, devises, conceives, originates, formulates, spawns, contrives, improvises, dreams up, daydreams up, concocts, thinks up __[....]__ An INNOVIST is To cause to exist; bring into being something beyond this world, literally __[....]__ To give rise to; out-produce __[....]__ To out-produce through artistic or out-imaginative effort __[....]__ to out-do something creative __[....]__ to out-make or out-cause to be or to become __[....]__ to out-generate and out-regenerate and to overhaul and to re-engineer and to creatively-disrupt something by several orders of magnitude __[....]__ An INNOVIST is the outright practical and pragmatic archetype into absolute: Concurrent Coordinated Convergent Systems Thinking (CCCST) — underpinned the Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification (IAA) — ...” .— Ich bin ein Innovist! — (I am an Innovist!)

IT management.— IT management is the discipline whereby all of the information technology resources of a firm are managed in accordance with its needs and priorities. These resources may include tangible investments like computer hardware, software, data, networks and data center facilities, as well as the staff who are hired to maintain them …. Managing this responsibility within a company entails many of the basic management functions, like budgeting, staffing, change management, and organizing and controlling, along with other aspects that are unique to technology, like software design, network planning, tech support etc. …. The central aim of IT management is to generate value through the use of technology. To achieve this, business strategies and technology must be aligned …. IT Management is different from management information systems. The latter refers to management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making. IT Management refers to IT related management activities in organizations. MIS is focused mainly on the business aspect, with strong input into the technology phase of the business/organization …. A primary focus of IT management is the value creation made possible by technology. This requires the alignment of technology and business strategies. While the value creation for an organization involves a network of relationships between internal and external environments, technology plays an important role in improving the overall value chain of an organization. However, this increase requires business and technology management to work as a creative, synergistic, and collaborative team instead of a purely mechanistic span of control …. Historically, one set of resources was dedicated to one particular computing technology, business application or line of business, and managed in a silo-like fashion. These resources supported a single set of requirements and processes, and couldn’t easily be optimized or reconfigured to support actual demand. This led technology providers to build out and complement their product-centric infrastructure and management offerings with Converged Infrastructure environments that converge servers, storage, networking, security, management and facilities. The efficiencies of having this type of integrated and automated management environment allows enterprises to get their applications up and running faster, with simpler manageability and maintenance, and enables IT to adjust IT resources (such as servers, storage and networking) quicker to meet unpredictable business demand ...”

Insightfulness.— (Insightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to engage the acute observation and deduction, penetration, discernment, perception and understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context).

Intuitvenessfulness.— (Intuitvenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to perceiving intuitive knowledge).

ISO 31000.— “ … ISO 31000 is a family of standards relating to risk management codified by the International Organization for Standardization. The purpose of ISO 31000:2009 is to provide principles and generic guidelines on risk management. ISO 31000 seeks to provide a universally recognized paradigm for practitioners and companies employing risk management processes to replace the myriad of existing standards, methodologies and paradigms that differed between industries, subject matters and regions …. Currently, the ISO 31000 family is expected to include:

ISO 31000:2009 - Principles and Guidelines on Implementation
ISO/IEC 31010:2009 - Risk Management - Risk Assessment Techniques
ISO Guide 73:2009 - Risk Management - Vocabulary

ISO also designed its ISO 21500 Guidance on Project Management standard to align with ISO 31000:2009 ...”

END OF ISO 31000.

Litmus Test.— “... Litmus Test is a critical indication of future success or failure ...”

Minimax.— “... Minimax is a decision rule used in decision theory, game theory, statistics and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario. Alternatively, it can be thought of as maximizing the minimum gain (maximin or MaxMin). Originally formulated for two-player zero-sum game theory, covering both the cases where players take alternate moves and those where they make simultaneous moves, it has also been extended to more complex games and to general decision making in the presence of uncertainty …. In the theory of simultaneous games, a minimax strategy is a mixed strategy which is part of the solution to a zero-sum game. In zero-sum games, the minimax solution is the same as the Nash equilibrium ...”

Mishaps.— (an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Mistakenness .— (Mistakenness is the quality of conforming to maximum mistake and an unintentional act, omission).

Narrow-mindedness.— (Narrow-mindedness is the quality of conforming to unresponsive to new ideas).

Normalness.— (Normalness is the quality of conforming to maximum normal quality or normal condition).

Omniscience .— “... Applied non-theological omniscience consists of having total knowledge; knowing everything, having infinite knowledge, the current state of knowledge, the ability to know anything that one chooses to know and can be known and actually knowing everything that can be known. Synonyms to omniscience include panshopy, polyhistory and all-knowingness ...”

Open-mindedness.— (Open-mindedness is the quality of conforming to receptiveness to new ideas).

Optimal.— “...Optimal is the most favorable point, degree, or amount of something for obtaining a given result. The best result obtainable under specific conditions ...”

Prospective.— “ … Prospective comprises something that is likely or expected to happen [….] that looks forward to the future [….] that it is anticipated or likely to happen [….] of or in the future [….] potential, likely, or expected [….] yet to be or coming [….] of or concerned with or related to the future Set of analyzes and studies developed, with the utter end of exploring or foretelling the future, regarding a determined subject matter ...”.

Pseudo-fortuitousness.— (quasi-unexpected and quasi-casually happening[s], as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Fuzzy Logic.— (A form of algebra employing a range of values from quasi-"true" to quasi-"false" that is used in decision-making with quasi-imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Haphazardness.— (the quality of quasi-lacking any predictable order or plan, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Mishaps.— (a quasi-unknown and quasi-unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudoserendipity.— Pseudoserendipity means PURPOSEFULLY CREATING the constant preconditions and conditions to seize "fortuitous happenstance" and/or "pleasant surprise" and/or “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. And also entails unexpected positive and beneficial accident(s) [….] the art of finding something unintended [….] the common experience of observing unexpected, anomalous and strategic data and events, which are transformed into the instance and context to develop a new theory or to complement an existing theory [….] And the faculty of making fortunate Technological Breakthroughs and Scientific Discoveries And Innovation Developments by accident, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles and tangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits and planes [….] Somewhat Expected Accidental Beneficial Discoveries in Science, Technology, Strategy, Business and Management ...”

Pseudo-Randomness.— (Pseudo-Randomness means quasi-lacking of pattern or quasi-predictability in events. Pseudo-Randomness suggests a quasi-non-order or quasi-non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-recusriveness.— (quasi-pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Qualitative Analysis.— “...Qualitative Analysis refers to the skills, technologies, applications and practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business, risk and futures planning. Qualitative Analysis focuses on developing new insights and understanding of sustainable business performance based on narrative data ...”

Qualt.— “...A qualt is brand of systems engineering who applies mathematical and ESPECIALLY non-mathematical models of uncertainty to financial and ESPECIALLY non-financial data and complex industrial operations. And a person who also studies the errors, the flaws and the limits of these qualitative models, understanding that there is a point of (i) inflection and (ii) Event horizon, in anything pursued by the for-lucre corporations …. A qualt has a combined background of advanced management, extreme project management (Agile) and systems engineering. A qualt spreads the usage of most-advanced business analytics and transformative and integrative risk management …. Whether he or she acknowledges it or not, the qualt is extremely AWARE of the many critical short-comings of many quantitative strategies and works hard at it advance to eliminate every form of downside through qualitative strategies …. For instance, qualts know that “...systemic risks ...” are direct brainchildren of (a) Ignorance, (b) Manipulation, (c) Greed and (d) Corruption [….] Systems engineering, hugely embraced by Qualts, is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how to design and manage complex engineering projects over their life cycles. Issues such as reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams (requirements management), evaluation measurements, and other disciplines become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects. Systems engineering deals with work-processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools in such projects. It overlaps technical and human-centered disciplines such as control engineering, industrial engineering, organizational studies, and project management. Systems Engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered, and integrated into a whole. White Swans are the brainchildren of Qualts ...”

Quantitative Analysis.— “ … Quantitative Analysis refers to the skills, technologies, applications and practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business, risk and futures planning. Quantitative Analysis focuses on developing new insights and understanding of sustainable business performance based on numerical data, narrative data, alphanumerical data and statistical methods ...”

Quant.— “ … A quant is brand of industrial scientist and engineers who applies mathematical model of uncertainty to financial and/or socioeconomic data and complex financial instruments. And a person who also studies the flaws and the limits of these models, understanding that there is a point of breakdown …. A quant has a combined background of applied mathematics, engineering and statistics. A quant spreads the usage of artificial intelligence in today’s markets …. Whether he or she acknowledges it or not, the quant is extremely AWARE of the many critical short-comings of many quantitative strategies (as he is never interested in qualitative analytics), such as their tendency to lead to crowded trades and their underestimation of the likelihood of chaotic, volatile moves in the markets …. Along with Central Bank chairpersons and world's finance ministers, quants are the first ones to “...elicit...” that the global economy is being “ ...affected...” by “ ...systemic risks...”, that systemic risk turbo-charged by several corrupted politicians, manipulative economists and beautiful quants that never understand what the tangible corporate theater of operations is [….] Industrial engineering, partly used by so-called Quants, is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems. It is concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, analysis and synthesis, as well as the mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems or processes. Its underlying concepts overlap considerably with certain business-oriented disciplines such as operations management. Black Swans are the brainchildren of quants ...”

Randomness.— (Randomness means lack of pattern or predictability in events. Randomness suggests a non-order or non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Recursiveness.— (pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Retrospective.— “ … Retrospective comprises something that is looking back on, contemplating, or directed to the past [….] looking or directed backward [….] Applying to or influencing the past; retroactive [….] looking or directed backwards, esp in time; characterized by retrospection …. applying to the past; retroactive [….] directed to the past; contemplative of past situations, events, etc. [….] looking or directed backward [….] review, revision, another look, reassessment, fresh look, second look, reconsideration, re-evaluation, re-examination [….] Considering a past event or development [….] Something that is chronologically presented pertaining to business tasks, with the utter object to show the trajectory of said business tasks ...”

Risk .— “... The quantitative or qualitative expression of possible loss that considers both the probability that an event will occur and the consequences of that event … and/or the likeliness of injury, harm, damage, disruption or loss multiplied by its potential magnitude ...”

Scenarist. — “ … A Scenarist is corporate for-lucre techno-war-wager in the four-dimensional coordinate system and beyond it, in which organization's physical (tangible) and non-physical (intangible) events are located …. A Scenarist is into Nonlinear Scenario planning, not limited for the 3-scenario output and/or rendition, also called scenario thinking or scenario analysis, is a strategic planning method that some organizations use to make flexible long-term plans. A Scenarist is in large part utilizable an adaptation and generalization of classic methods used by military intelligence …. The original method, pertaining to A Scenarist, was that a group of analysts would generate simulation games for policy makers. The games combine known and unknown facts about the future, such as technological and scientific knowledge base, demographics, geography, military, political, industrial information, and mineral reserves, with key driving forces identified by considering social, technical, economic, environmental, and political (STEEP) trends …. In scientific business applications, the emphasis on gaming the behavior of opponents was reduced (shifting more toward a game against nature). At Royal Dutch/Shell for example, scenarist’s scenario planning was viewed as changing mindsets about the exogenous part of the world, prior to formulating specific strategies …. scenarist’s scenario planning may involve aspects of radiant systems thinking irradiantly, specifically the recognition that many factors may combine in complex ways to create sometime surprising dynamic futures (due to non-linear feedback loops). The geometrical method also allows the inclusion of factors that are difficult to formalize, such as novel insights about the future, deep shifts in values, unprecedented regulations or inventions. Most-advanced systems thinking used in conjunction with scenario planning leads to plausible scenario story lines because the causal relationship between factors can be demonstrated. In these cases when scenario planning is integrated with a systems thinking approach to scenario development, it is sometimes referred to as dynamic scenarios …. A Scenarist is into the Art, Science and Practice of directing military operations .... Art of tracing a route to address an issue …. A Scenarist is one who is engaged in or experienced in corporate for-lucre battles …. A Scenarist is one who is engaged aggressively or energetically in an activity, cause, or conflict or struggle to reposition his or her corporation in the world's marketplace arena …. A Scenarist is one who is skilled in the planning and execution of military tactics …. A Scenarist is A farfetched outmaneuverer who always prevails …. A Scenarist is the outright practical and pragmatic archetype into absolute: Concurrent Coordinated Convergent Systems Thinking (CCCST) — underpinned the Intelligence Augmentation and Amplification (IAA) — …. Ich bin ein Scenarist! — (I am an Scenarist!) ...”

Serendipity.— Serendipity means a "fortuitous happenstance" and/or "pleasant surprise" and/or “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. And also entails unexpected positive and beneficial accident(s) [….] And the art of finding something unintended [….] the common experience of observing unexpected, anomalous and strategic data and events, which are transformed into the instance and context to develop a new theory or to complement an existing theory [….] And the faculty of making fortunate Technological Breakthroughs and Scientific Discoveries And Innovation Developments by accident, as a result of corporate manager's perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles and tangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and (c) forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits and planes [….] Unexpected Accidental Beneficial Discoveries in Science, Technology, Strategy, Business and Management ...”

Scientific Futuring.— “...Scientific Futuring is in place to develop a scientific method for studying the future. Scientific Futuring comprises: 1) an inductive process consisting of a number of accurate observations which have been consolidated, or generalized, into empirical laws or statements of underlying relationships between key variables and 2) A deductive, intuitive process by which the scientific “investigator” places his observations into a larger system of thought, or theory based on fundamental axioms. Scientific Futuring is instituted with the purpose of seizing knowledge of effects through causes. This method of Scientific Futuring, made up of a process employing the classical scientific steps of induction and deduction, and reinforced by additional steps of contextualization and evolutionization, is a battle-plan for study of tomorrow’s evolving world...”

Simpleton.— “ … A person who is felt to be deficient in judgment, good sense, or intelligence; a fool. a foolish or ignorant person ...”

Stargatenessfulness.— (Stargatenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate claims of psychic phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as 'remote viewing', the purported ability to psychically 'see' events, sites, or information from a great distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Visionary Corporation by the U.S. Federal Government' and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency's Stargate Project).

Sub-Critical Mass.— : “ … Sub-Critical Mass refers to an amount or level NOT SUFFICIENT for a specific result or new action to occur ...”

Sub-Optimal.— “...Sub-Optimal is the least favorable point, degree, or amount of something for obtaining a given result. The worst result obtainable under specific conditions ...”

System .— “...System comprises the whole compounded of several parts, members elements, components and subsystems, a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole, an organized set of interrelated ideas or principles, a naturally occurring group of objects or phenomena, a condition of harmonious and orderly interaction, and an organized and coordinated method; a procedure. System is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a set of elements (often called 'components') and dynamic relationships which are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets. Systems unite and put together elements, components and subsystems toward the entire whole..."

Technology.— “... Technology is instituted in order to solve practical problems (both mild and complex ones) ? especially in industry, commerce, economy, science, technology, society, and politics (including geopolitics) ?, the methodical practical application of the scientific method, mathematical principles, practical sciences and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective and beyond, as well as to achieve practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems …. The profession of and/or the work performed by any engineer ...” If you want a briefer definition, please see this: " ... the methodical and systematic application of science, in order to solve practical problems …"

Theater of Operations.— “... Theater of Operation is hereby included to mean the four-dimensional coordinate system and beyond it, in which organization's physical (tangible) and non-physical (intangible) events are located ...”

The Eureka Moment.— “ … The Eureka Moment, also known as the '...Aha! Moment ...', refers to the common human experience of suddenly understanding a previously incomprehensible problem or concept. The Eureka effect is named after the myth that the Greek polymath Archimedes, having discovered how to measure the volume of an irregular object, leaped out of a public bath, and ran home naked shouting 'eureka' (I found it) ...”

The Sputnik Moment.— “ … The Sputnik Moment is a point in time in which a country or a society or even a corporation, realizes that it needs to catch up with the apparent technological and scientific gap that exists between it and some other superpower and/or global competitors, increasing its investment efforts into education and innovative R&D&I ...”

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.— “...Transformative and Integrative Risk Management comprises of all activities and initiatives required to seize the optimum degree of risk elimination, mitigation, modulation, isolation, or control within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time, and cost, attained through the specific application of management, scientific, engineering and mathematical principles throughout all phases of system operation."

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.— "Transformative and Integrative Risk Management comprises of all activities and initiatives required to seize the optimum degree of risk elimination, mitigation, modulation, isolation, or control within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time, and cost, attained through the specific application of management, scientific, engineering and mathematical principles throughout all phases of system operation."

Troublesomeness.— Troublesomeness is the quality of conforming to the ability to cause trouble, annoyance, or difficulty; vexation.

Un-reconnoiterable Cues.— (Un-reconnoiterable cues refers to un-explorable cues).

Wild-Card Event.— “ … A wild card is a future development or event with a relatively low probability of occurrence but a likely high impact on the conduct of business ...”

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).— "...Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) was one of the first systematic techniques for failure analysis. It was developed by reliability engineers in the 1950s to study problems that might arise from malfunctions of military systems. An FMEA is often the first step of a system reliability study. It involves reviewing as many components, assemblies, and subsystems as possible to identify failure modes, and their causes and effects. For each component, the failure modes and their resulting effects on the rest of the system are recorded in a specific FMEA worksheet. There are numerous variations of such worksheets. An FMEA is mainly a qualitative analysis __[....]__ A few different types of FMEA analysis exist, like Functional, Design, and Process FMEA __[....]__ Sometimes FMEA is extended to FMECA to indicate that criticality analysis is performed too __[....]__ FMEA is an inductive reasoning (forward logic) single point of failure analysis and is a core task in reliability engineering, safety engineering and quality engineering. Quality engineering is specially concerned with the "Process" (Manufacturing and Assembly) type of FMEA __[....]__ A successful FMEA activity helps to identify potential failure modes based on experience with similar products and processes - or based on common physics of failure logic. It is widely used in development and manufacturing industries in various phases of the product life cycle. Effects analysis refers to studying the consequences of those failures on different system levels __[....]__ Functional analyzes are needed as an input to determine correct failure modes, at all system levels, both for functional FMEA or Piece-Part (hardware) FMEA. An FMEA is used to structure Mitigation for Risk reduction based on either failure (mode) effect severity reduction or based on lowering the probability of failure or both. The FMEA is in principle a full inductive (forward logic) analysis, however the failure probability can only be estimated or reduced by understanding the failure mechanism. Ideally this probability shall be lowered to "impossible to occur" by eliminating the (root) causes. It is therefore important to include in the FMEA an appropriate depth of information on the causes of failure (deductive analysis) …"

Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA).— “ … Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) was one of the first systematic techniques for failure analysis. It was developed by reliability engineers in the 1950s to study problems that might arise from malfunctions of military systems. An FMEA is often the first step of a system reliability study. It involves reviewing as many components, assemblies, and subsystems as possible to identify failure modes, and their causes and effects. For each component, the failure modes and their resulting effects on the rest of the system are recorded in a specific FMEA worksheet. There are numerous variations of such worksheets. An FMEA is mainly a qualitative analysis ...”

Fault tree analysis (FTA).— “ … Fault tree analysis (FTA) is a top down, deductive failure analysis in which an undesired state of a system is analyzed using Boolean logic to combine a series of lower-level events. This analysis method is mainly used in the fields of safety engineering and reliability engineering to understand how systems can fail, to identify the best ways to reduce risk or to determine (or get a feeling for) event rates of a safety accident or a particular system level (functional) failure. FTA is used in the aerospace, nuclear power, chemical and process, __[....]__ pharmaceutical, petrochemical and other high-hazard industries; but is also used in fields as diverse as risk factor identification relating to social service system failure …. In aerospace, the more general term "system Failure Condition" is used for the "undesired state" / Top event of the fault tree. These conditions are classified by the severity of their effects. The most severe conditions require the most extensive fault tree analysis. These "system Failure Conditions" and their classification are often previously determined in the functional Hazard analysis ...”
Forensic engineering.—. “ … Forensic engineering is the investigation of materials, products, structures or components that fail or do not operate or function as intended, causing personal injury or damage to property. The consequences of failure are dealt with by the law of product liability. The field also deals with retracing processes and procedures leading to accidents in operation of vehicles or machinery. The subject is applied most commonly in civil law cases, although it may be of use in criminal law cases. Generally, the purpose of a forensic engineering investigation is to locate cause or causes of failure with a view to improve performance or life of a component, or to assist a court in determining the facts of an accident. It can also involve investigation of intellectual property claims, especially patents ...”

In engineering, redundancy.— “... In engineering, redundancy is the duplication of critical components or functions of a system with the intention of increasing reliability of the system, usually in the form of a backup or fail-safe. In many safety-critical systems, such as fly-by-wire and hydraulic systems in aircraft, some parts of the control system may be triplicated, __[....]__ which is formally termed triple modular redundancy (TMR). An error in one component may then be out-voted by the other two. In a triply redundant system, the system has three sub components,

Incident management (IcM) .— “... Incident management (IcM) is a term describing the activities of an organization to identify, analyze, and correct hazards to prevent a future re-occurrence. These incidents within a structured organization are normally dealt with by either an Incident Response Team (IRT), or an Incident Management Team (IMT). These are often designated before hand, or during the event and are placed in control of the organization whilst the incident is dealt with, to restore normal functions …. Similar to an IRT or IMT is an Incident Command System (ICS). Popular with public safety agencies and jurisdictions in the United States, Canada and other countries, it is growing in practice in the private sector as organizations begin to manage without or co-manage emergencies with public safety agencies. It is a command and control mechanism that provides an expandable structure to manage emergency agencies. Although some of the details vary by jurisdiction, ICS normally consists of five primary elements: command, operations, planning, logistics and finance / administration. Several special staff positions, including public affairs, safety, and liaison, report directly to the incident commander (IC) when the emergency warrants establishment of those positions ….

Industrial engineering.— “...Industrial engineering is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems. It is concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, analysis and synthesis, as well as the mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems or processes. Its underlying concepts overlap considerably with certain business-oriented disciplines such as operations management …. Depending on the subspecialties involved, industrial engineering may also be known as, or overlap with, operations management, management science, operations research, systems engineering, management engineering, manufacturing engineering, ergonomics or human factors engineering, safety engineering, or others, depending on the viewpoint or motives of the user. For example, in health care, the engineers known as health management engineers or health systems engineers are, in essence, industrial engineers by another name ...”

ISO 9000.— "...ISO 9000 is a series of standards, developed and published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), that define, establish, and maintain an effective quality assurance system for manufacturing and service industries. __[....]__ The standards are available through national standards bodies. ISO 9000 deals with the fundamentals of quality management systems, __[....]__ including the eight management principles upon which the family of standards is based. __[....]__ ISO 9001 deals with the requirements that organizations wishing to meet the standard must fulfill __[....]__ Third-party certification bodies provide independent confirmation that organizations meet the requirements of ISO 9001. Over a million organizations worldwide[6] are independently certified, making ISO 9001 one of the most widely used management tools in the world today. Despite widespread use, the ISO certification process has been criticized __[....]__ as being wasteful and not being useful for all organizations …"

Kaizen.— "... Kaizen, Japanese for "improvement" or "change for the best", refers to philosophy or practices that focus upon continuous improvement of processes in manufacturing, engineering, business management or any process. It has been applied in healthcare, __[....]__ psychotherapy, __[....]__ life-coaching, government, banking, and other industries. When used in the business sense and applied to the workplace, kaizen refers to activities that continually improve all functions, and involves all employees from the CEO to the assembly line workers. It also applies to processes, such as purchasing and logistics, that cross organizational boundaries into the supply chain. __[....]__ By improving standardized activities and processes, kaizen aims to eliminate waste (see lean manufacturing). Kaizen was first implemented in several Japanese businesses after the Second World War, influenced in part by American business and quality management teachers who visited the country. It has since spread throughout the world __[....]__ and is now being implemented in environments outside of business and productivity …"

Kanban.— Kanban(literally signboard or billboard in Japanese) is a scheduling system for lean and just-in-time (JIT) production. __[....]__ Kanban is a system to control the logistical chain from a production point of view, and is not an inventory control system. Kanban was developed by Taiichi Ohno, at Toyota, to find a system to improve and maintain a high level of production. Kanban is one method through which JIT is achieved __[....]__ Kanban became an effective tool in support of running a production system as a whole, and it proved to be an excellent way for promoting improvement. Problem areas were highlighted by reducing the number of kanban in circulation __[....]__ . One of the main benefits of Kanban is to establish an upper limit to the work in progress inventory, avoiding overloading of the manufacturing system. Other systems with similar effect are for example CONWIP …"

Kaizen Engineering.— "...Kaizen aims at the development or improvement of products and services by translating the customer's psychological feelings and needs into the domain of product design (i.e. parameters). It was founded by Mitsuo Nagamachi, Ph.D, Professor Emeritus of Hiroshima University (also former Dean of Hiroshima International University and CEO of International Kansei Design). Kansei Engineering parametrically links the customer's emotional responses (i.e. physical and psychological) to the properties and characteristics of a product or service. In consequence, products can be designed to bring forward the intended feeling …"

Lean-manufacturing management.— Lean manufacturing, lean enterprise, or lean production, often simply, "lean", is a production practice that considers the expenditure of resources for any goal other than the creation of value for the end customer to be wasteful, and thus a target for elimination. Working from the perspective of the customer who consumes a product or service, "value" is defined as any action or process that a customer would be willing to pay for …. Essentially, lean is centered on preserving value with less work. Lean manufacturing is a management philosophy derived mostly from the Toyota Production System (TPS) (hence the term Toyotism is also prevalent) and identified as "lean" only in the 1990s.TPS is renowned for its focus on reduction of the original Toyota seven wastes to improve overall customer value, but there are varying perspectives on how this is best achieved. The steady growth of Toyota, from a small company to the world's largest automaker, __[....]__ has focused attention on how it has achieved this success.

Mechanical engineering.- “... Mechanical engineering is a discipline of engineering that applies the principles of engineering, physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing, and maintenance of mechanical systems. It is the branch of engineering that involves the production and usage of heat and mechanical power for the design, production, and operation of machines and tools. __[....]__ It is one of the oldest and broadest engineering disciplines …. The engineering field requires an understanding of core concepts including mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, materials science, structural analysis, and electricity. Mechanical engineers use these core principles along with tools like computer-aided engineering, and product lifecycle management to design and analyze manufacturing plants, industrial equipment and machinery, heating and cooling systems, transport systems, aircraft, watercraft, robotics, medical devices, weapons, and others …. Mechanical engineering emerged as a field during the industrial revolution in Europe in the 18th century; however, its development can be traced back several thousand years around the world. Mechanical engineering science emerged in the 19th century as a result of developments in the field of physics. The field has continually evolved to incorporate advancements in technology, and mechanical engineers today are pursuing developments in such fields as composites, mechatronics, and nanotechnology. Mechanical engineering overlaps with aerospace engineering, metallurgical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, petroleum engineering, manufacturing engineering, chemical engineering, and other engineering disciplines to varying amounts. Mechanical engineers may also work in the field of Biomedical engineering, specifically with biomechanics, transport phenomena, biomechatronics, bionanotechnology and modeling of biological systems, like soft tissue mechanics ...”

Military strategy.— “...Military strategy is a set of ideas implemented by military organizations to pursue desired strategic goals. __[....]__ Derived from the Greek strategos, strategy when it appeared in use during the 18th century, __[....]__ was seen in its narrow sense as the "art of the general", __[....]__ 'the art of arrangement' of troops. __[....]__ Military strategy deals with the planning and conduct of campaigns, the movement and disposition of forces, and the deception of the enemy …. The father of Western modern strategic study, Carl von Clausewitz, defined military strategy as "the employment of battles to gain the end of war." B. H. Liddell Hart's definition put less emphasis on battles, defining strategy as "the art of distributing and applying military means to fulfill the ends of policy".[5] Hence, both gave the pre-eminence to political aims over military goals …. Sun Tzu is often considered as the father of Eastern military strategy and has influenced greatly the Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese historical and modern war tactics.[6] The Eastern military strategy differs from the Western by focusing more on asymmetric warfare and fooling of the enemy ...”

Muda management.— “... Muda is a Japanese word meaning "futility; uselessness; idleness; superfluity; waste; wastage; wastefulness", __[....]__ and is a key concept in the Toyota Production System (TPS) as one of the three types of variation (muda, mura, muri). __[....]__ Waste reduction is an effective way to increase profitability. Toyota merely picked up these three words beginning with the prefix mu-, __[....]__ which in Japan are widely recognized as a reference to a product improvement program or campaign. A process adds value by producing goods or providing a service that a customer will pay for. A process consumes resources and waste occurs when more resources are consumed than are necessary to produce the goods or provide the service that the customer actually wants. The attitudes and tools of the TPS heighten awareness and give whole new perspectives on identifying waste and therefore the unexploited opportunities associated with reducing waste ...”

NTSB " … Go Team …".— “... At the core of NTSB investigations is the " … Go Team ..." The purpose of the Safety Board Go Team is simple and effective: Begin the investigation of a major accident at the accident scene, as quickly as possible, assembling the broad spectrum of technical expertise that is needed to solve complex transportation safety problems ...”

Occupational safety and health (OSH).— “... Occupational safety and health (OSH) also commonly referred to as occupational health and safety (OHS) or workplace health and safety (WHS) is an area concerned with protecting the safety, health and welfare of people engaged in work or employment. The goals of occupational safety and health programs include to foster a safe and healthy work environment. __[....]__ OSH may also protect co-workers, family members, employers, customers, and many others who might be affected by the workplace environment. In the United States the term occupational health and safety is referred to as occupational health and occupational and non-occupational safety and includes safety for activities outside of work …. Occupational safety and health can be important for moral, legal, and financial reasons. All organization have a duty of care to ensure that employees and any other person who may be affected by the companies undertaking remain safe at all times. __[....]__ Moral obligations would involve the protection of employee's lives and health. Legal reasons for OSH practices relate to the preventative, punitive and compensatory effects of laws that protect worker's safety and health. OSH can also reduce employee injury and illness related costs, including medical care, sick leave and disability benefit costs ...”

Operations management.— “... Operations management is an area of management concerned with overseeing, designing, and controlling the process of production and redesigning business operations in the production of goods or services. It involves the responsibility of ensuring that business operations are efficient in terms of using as few resources as needed, and effective in terms of meeting customer requirements. It is concerned with managing the process that converts inputs (in the forms of raw materials, labor, and energy) into outputs (in the form of goods and/or services). The relationship of operations management to senior management in commercial contexts can be compared to the relationship of line officers to highest-level senior officers in military science. The highest-level officers shape the strategy and revise it over time, while the line officers make tactical decisions in support of carrying out the strategy. In business as in military affairs, the boundaries between levels are not always distinct; tactical information dynamically informs strategy, and individual people often move between roles over time …. Ford Motor car assembly line: the classical example of a manufacturing production system …. Cinema queue. Operations Management studies both manufacturing and services …. According to the United States Department of Education, operations management is the field concerned with managing and directing the physical and/or technical functions of a firm or organization, particularly those relating to development, production, and manufacturing. Operations management programs typically include instruction in principles of general management, manufacturing and production systems, factory management, equipment maintenance management, production control, industrial labor relations and skilled trades supervision, strategic manufacturing policy, systems analysis, productivity analysis and cost control, and materials planning. __[....]__ Management, including operations management, is like engineering in that it blends art with applied science. People skills, creativity, rational analysis, and knowledge of technology are all required for success ...”

Operations research.— “....Operations research, or operational research in British usage, is a discipline that deals with the application of advanced analytical methods to help make better decisions. __[....]__ It is often considered to be a sub-field of mathematics. __[....]__ The terms management science and decision science are sometimes used as synonyms …. Employing techniques from other mathematical sciences, such as mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and mathematical optimization, operations research arrives at optimal or near-optimal solutions to complex decision-making problems. Because of its emphasis on human-technology interaction and because of its focus on practical applications, operations research has overlap with other disciplines, notably industrial engineering and operations management, and draws on psychology and organization science. Operations research is often concerned with determining the maximum (of profit, performance, or yield) or minimum (of loss, risk, or cost) of some real-world objective. Originating in military efforts before World War II, its techniques have grown to concern problems in a variety of industries ...”

PDCA (plan–do–check–act or plan–do–check–adjust).— " ...PDCA (plan–do–check–act or plan–do–check–adjust) is an iterative four-step management method used in business for the control and continuous improvement of processes and products. It is also known as the Deming circle/cycle/wheel, Shewhart cycle, control circle/cycle, or plan–do–study–act (PDSA). Another version of this PDCA cycle is OPDCA. The added "O" stands for observation or as some versions say "Grasp the current condition." This emphasis on observation and current condition has currency with Lean manufacturing/Toyota ...”

Process assessment.— " ... Process assessment, also known as SPICE (Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination), is a set of technical standards documents for the computer software development process and related business management functions. It is another joint International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standard, which was developed by the ISO and IEC joint subcommittee, ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 7 __[....]__ ISO/IEC 15504 is the reference model for the maturity models (consisting of capability levels which in turn consist of the process attributes and further consist of generic practices) against which the assessors can place the evidence that they collect during their assessment, so that the assessors can give an overall determination of the organization's capabilities for delivering products (software, systems, and IT services) __[....]__ A working group was formed in 1993 to draft the international standard and used the acronym SPICE. SPICE initially stood for "Software Process Improvement and Capability Evaluation", but in consideration of French concerns over the meaning of "evaluation", SPICE has now been renamed "Software Process Improvement and Capability Determination". SPICE is still used for the user group of the standard, and the title for the annual conference. The first SPICE was held in Limerick, Ireland in 2000, "SPICE 2003" was hosted by ESA in the Netherlands, "SPICE 2004" was hosted in Portugal, "SPICE 2005" in Austria, "SPICE 2006" in Luxembourg, "SPICE 2007" in South Korea, "SPICE 2008" in Nuremberg, Germany and SPICE 2009 in Helsinki, Finland __[....]__ The first versions of the standard focused exclusively on software development processes. This was expanded to cover all related processes in a software business, for example project management, configuration management, quality assurance, and so on. The list of processes covered grew to cover six business areas: organizational, management, engineering, acquisition supply, support and operations …"

Process engineering.— “...Process engineering focuses on the design, operation, control, and optimization of chemical, physical, and biological processes. Process engineering encompasses a vast range of industries, such as chemical, petrochemical, mineral processing, advanced material, food, pharmaceutical, and biotechnological industries. The application of systematic computer-based methods to process engineering is process systems engineering ...”
production demands which are over-stressing the system making it less safe ...”
Production System literature …"

Project management.— “... Project management is the process and activity of planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling resources, procedures and protocols to achieve specific goals in scientific or daily problems. A project is a temporary endeavor designed to produce a unique product, service or result __[....]__ with a defined beginning and end (usually time-constrained, and often constrained by funding or deliverables), __[....]__ undertaken to meet unique goals and objectives, __[....]__ typically to bring about beneficial change or added value. The temporary nature of projects stands in contrast with business as usual (or operations), __[....]__ which are repetitive, permanent, or semi-permanent functional activities to produce products or services. In practice, the management of these two systems is often quite different, and as such requires the development of distinct technical skills and management strategies …. The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals[5] and objectives while honoring the preconceived constraints.[6] The primary constraints are scope, time, quality and budget.__[....]__ The secondary — and more ambitious — challenge is to optimize the allocation of necessary inputs and integrate them to meet pre-defined objectives ...”

Quality control.— “...Quality control, or QC for short, is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors involved in production. This approach places an emphasis on three aspects …. Elements such as controls, job management, defined and well managed processes, __[....]__ performance and integrity criteria, and identification of records …. Competence, such as knowledge, skills, experience, and qualifications …. Soft elements, such as personnel, integrity, confidence, organizational culture, motivation, team spirit, and quality relationships …. Controls include product inspection, where every product is examined visually, and often using a stereo microscope for fine detail before the product is sold into the external market. Inspectors will be provided with lists and descriptions of unacceptable product defects such as cracks or surface blemishes for example ….. The quality of the outputs is at risk if any of these three aspects is deficient in any way …. Quality control emphasizes testing of products to uncover defects and reporting to management who make the decision to allow or deny product release, whereas quality assurance attempts to improve and stabilize production (and associated processes) to avoid, or at least minimize, issues which led to the defect(s) in the first place __[....]__ For contract work, particularly work awarded by government agencies, quality control issues are among the top reasons for not renewing a contract …. Service quality is a comparison of expectations with performance ….. A business with high service quality will meet customer needs whilst remaining economically competitive. Improved service quality may increase economic competitiveness …. This aim may be achieved by understanding and improving operational processes; identifying problems quickly and systematically; establishing valid and reliable service performance measures and measuring customer satisfaction and other performance outcomes ...”

Quality function deployment (QFD) .— " ...Quality function deployment (QFD) is a method to transform qualitative user demands into quantitative parameters, to deploy the functions forming quality, and to deploy methods for achieving the design quality into subsystems and component parts, and ultimately to specific elements of the manufacturing process., __[....]__ as described by Dr. Yoji Akao, who originally developed QFD in Japan in 1966, when the author combined his work in quality assurance and quality control points with function deployment used in value engineering __[....]__ QFD is designed to help planners focus on characteristics of a new or existing product or service from the viewpoints of market segments, company, or technology-development needs. The technique yields charts and matrices __[....]__ QFD helps transform customer needs (the voice of the customer [VOC]) into engineering characteristics (and appropriate test methods) for a product or service, prioritizing each product or service characteristic while simultaneously setting development targets for product or service …"

Quality management.— “ … Quality management ensures that an organization, product or service is consistent. It has four main components: quality planning, quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. Quality management is focused not only on product and service quality, but also the means to achieve it. Quality management therefore uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality __[....]__ Quality management is a recent phenomenon. Advanced civilizations that supported the arts and crafts allowed clients to choose goods meeting higher quality standards than normal goods. In societies where arts and crafts are the responsibility of a master craftsman or artist, they would lead their studio and train and supervise others. The importance of craftsmen diminished as mass production and repetitive work practices were instituted. The aim was to produce large numbers of the same goods. The first proponent in the US for this approach was Eli Whitney who proposed (interchangeable) parts manufacture for muskets, hence producing the identical components and creating a musket assembly line. The next step forward was promoted by several people including Frederick Winslow Taylor a mechanical engineer who sought to improve industrial efficiency. He is sometimes called "the father of scientific management." He was one of the intellectual leaders of the Efficiency Movement and part of his approach laid a further foundation for quality management, including aspects like standardization and adopting improved practices. Henry Ford was also important in bringing process and quality management practices into operation in his assembly lines. In Germany, Karl Friedrich Benz, often called the inventor of the motor car, was pursuing similar assembly and production practices, although real mass production was properly initiated in Volkswagen after World War II. From this period onwards, North American companies focused predominantly upon production against lower cost with increased efficiency ...”

Red Adair's Methodology.— “... Red Adair's Methodology consists of Applying and adapting some practical techniques by and as: an American oil well firefighter. He became world notable as an innovator in the highly specialized and extremely hazardous profession of extinguishing and capping blazing, erupting oil well blowouts, both land-based and offshore.). Adair's motto establishes, " … Nothing is impossible …. You consider the danger but you don't think about it because nobody can work with fear (non-emotional evenness) ...”

Redundancy in information theory.— “...Redundancy in information theory is the number of bits used to transmit a message minus the number of bits of
Requirements analysis.— “... Requirements analysis in systems engineering and software engineering, encompasses those tasks that go into determining the needs or conditions to meet for a new or altered product, taking account of the possibly conflicting requirements of the various stakeholders, analyzing, documenting, validating and managing software or system requirements …. Requirements analysis is critical to the success of a systems or software project. __[....]__ The requirements should be documented, actionable, measurable, testable, traceable, related to identified business needs or opportunities, and defined to a level of detail sufficient for system design ...”

Risk assessment.— “ … Risk assessment is the determination of quantitative or qualitative value of risk related to a concrete situation and a recognized threat (also called hazard). Quantitative risk assessment requires calculations of two components of risk (R):, the magnitude of the potential loss (L), and the probability (p) that the loss will occur. Acceptable risk is a risk that is understood and tolerated usually because the cost or difficulty of implementing an effective countermeasure for the associated vulnerability exceeds the expectation of loss …. In all types of engineering of complex systems sophisticated risk assessments are often made within Safety engineering and Reliability engineering when it concerns threats to life, environment or machine functioning. The nuclear, aerospace, oil, rail and military industries have a long history of dealing with risk assessment. Also, medical, hospital, social service __[....]__ and food industries control risks and perform risk assessments on a continual basis. Methods for assessment of risk may differ between industries and whether it pertains to general financial decisions or environmental, ecological, or public health risk assessment ...”

Risk management of information technology.— “ … Information technology is increasingly pervasive in modern life in every sector …. IT risk is a risk related to information technology. This is a relatively new term due to an increasing awareness that information security is simply one facet of a multitude of risks that are relevant to IT and the real world processes it supports …. A number of methodologies have been developed to deal with this kind of risk …. ISACA's Risk IT framework ties IT risk to enterprise risk management ...”

Root cause analysis (RCA).— “... Root cause analysis (RCA) is a method of problem solving that tries to identify the root causes of faults or problems. A root cause is a cause that once removed from the problem fault sequence, prevents the final undesirable event from recurring. A causal factor is a factor that affects an event's outcome, but is not a root cause. Though removing a causal factor can benefit an outcome, it does not prevent its recurrence for certain. RCA arose in the 1950s as a formal study following the introduction of Kepner-Tregoe Analysis, which had limitations in the highly complex arena of rocket design development and launch in the United States by the National Aviation and Space Administration (NASA). New methods of problem analysis developed by NASA included a high level assessment practice called MORT, and acronym for Management Oversight Risk Tree. MORT differed from RCA by assigning causes to common classes of cause shortcomings, that summarized became a short list. These included work practice, procedures, management, fatigue, time pressure, along with several others. For example, an aircraft accident could occur as a result of weather augmented by pressure to leave on time. Failure to observe weather precautions could indicate a management or training problem, while lack of any weather concern might indict work practices …. RCA practice solve problems by attempting to identify and correct the root causes of events, as opposed to simply addressing their symptoms. Focusing correction on root causes has the goal of preventing problem recurrence. RCFA (Root Cause Failure Analysis) recognizes that complete prevention of recurrence by one corrective action is not always possible …. Conversely, there may be several effective measures (methods) that address the root causes of a problem. Thus, RCA is an iterative process and a tool of continuous improvement …. RCA is typically used as a reactive method of identifying event(s) causes, revealing problems and solving them. Analysis is done after an event has occurred. Insights in RCA may make it useful as a preemptive method. In that event, RCA can be used to forecast or predict probable events even before they occur. While one follows the other, RCA is a completely separate process to Incident Management …. Root cause analysis is not a single, sharply defined methodology; there are many different tools, processes, and philosophies for performing RCA. However, several very-broadly defined approaches or "schools" can be identified by their basic approach or field of origin: safety-based, production-based, process-based, failure-based, and systems-based ...”

Safety engineering.— “ … Safety engineering is an engineering discipline which assures that engineered systems provide acceptable levels of safety. It is strongly related to systems engineering, industrial engineering and the subset system safety engineering. Safety engineering assures that a life-critical system behaves as needed, even when components fail ...”

Safety management system (SMS). — “ … Safety management system (SMS) is a term used to refer to a comprehensive business management system designed to manage safety elements in the workplace ...”

Scientific management.— "….Scientific management, also called Taylorism, __[....]__ was a theory of management that analyzed and synthesized workflows. Its main objective was improving economic efficiency, especially labor productivity. It was one of the earliest attempts to apply science to the engineering of processes and to management..."

Scrum.— “... Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for managing software projects and product or application development. It defines "a flexible, holistic product development strategy where a development team works as a unit to reach a common goal". It challenges assumptions of the "traditional, sequential approach" to product development. Scrum enables teams to self-organize by encouraging physical co-location or close online collaboration of all team members and daily face to face communication among all team members and disciplines in the project __[....]__ A key principle of Scrum is its recognition that during a project the customers can change their minds about what they want and need (often called requirements churn), and that unpredicted challenges cannot be easily addressed in a traditional predictive or planned manner. As such, Scrum adopts an empirical approach.—accepting that the problem cannot be fully understood or defined, focusing instead on maximizing the team's ability to deliver quickly and respond to emerging requirements ...”

Situation awareness (SA).— “... Situation awareness (SA) involves being aware of what is happening in the vicinity, in order to understand how information, events, and one's own actions will impact goals and objectives, both immediately and in the near future. One with an adept sense of situation awareness generally has a high degree of knowledge with respect to inputs and outputs of a system, i.e. an innate "feel" for situations, people, and events that play out due to variables the subject can control. Lacking or inadequate situation awareness has been identified as one of the primary factors in accidents attributed to human error. __[....]__ Thus, situation awareness is especially important in work domains where the information flow can be quite high and poor decisions may lead to serious consequences (e.g., piloting an airplane, functioning as a soldier, or treating critically ill or injured patients) …. Having complete, accurate and up-to-the-minute SA is essential where technological and situational complexity on the human decision-maker are a concern. Situation awareness has been recognized as a critical, yet often elusive, foundation for successful decision-making across a broad range of complex and dynamic systems, including aviation, air traffic control, ship navigation, __[....]__ health care, __[....]__ emergency response and military command and control operations, __[....]__ and offshore oil and nuclear power plant management …. Situation awareness is often studied in the context of leadership and roles involving time-critical applications, however it is often referenced in other fields as well. For example, in the study of influence, situation awareness is found to be a critical component. This is further extended into the animal kingdom, where very often the alpha pair demonstrates superior situation awareness with respect to the well being of those within the animal pack ...”
Situation awareness is the perception of environmental elements with respect to time and/or space, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status after some variable has changed, such as time, or some other variable, such as a predetermined event. It is also a field of study concerned with perception of the environment critical to decision-makers in complex, dynamic areas from aviation, air traffic control, ship navigation, power plant operations, military command and control, and emergency services such as fire fighting and policing; to more ordinary but nevertheless complex tasks such as driving an automobile or bicycle.

Six-Sigma management.— Six Sigma is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. It was developed by Motorola in 1986, coinciding with the Japanese asset price bubble which is reflected in its terminology __[....]__ Jack Welch made it central to his business strategy at General Electric in 1995. Today, it is used in many industrial sectors …. Six Sigma seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the causes of defects (errors) and minimizing variability in manufacturing and business processes. It uses a set of quality management methods, including statistical methods, and creates a special infrastructure of people within the organization ("Champions", "Black Belts", "Green Belts", "Yellow Belts", etc.) who are experts in these methods. Each Six Sigma project carried out within an organization follows a defined sequence of steps and has quantified value targets, for example: reduce process cycle time, reduce pollution, reduce costs, increase customer satisfaction, and increase profits. These are also core to principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) as described by Peter Drucker and Tom Peters (particularly in his book "In Search of Excellence" in which he refers to the Motorola six sigma principles).

Statistical process control (SPC).— "... Statistical process control (SPC) is a method of quality control which uses statistical methods. SPC is applied in order to monitor and control a process. Monitoring and controlling the process ensures that it operates at its full potential. At its full potential, the process can make as much conforming product as possible with a minimum (if not an elimination) of waste (rework or Scrap). SPC can be applied to any process where the "conforming product" (product meeting specifications) output can be measured. Key tools used in SPC include control charts; a focus on continuous improvement; and the design of experiments. An example of a process where SPC is applied is manufacturing lines ..."

Strategic management.— “... Strategic management involves the formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by a company's top management on behalf of owners, based on consideration of resources and an assessment of the internal and external environments in which the organization competes …. Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and involves specifying the organization’s objectives, developing policies and plans designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the plans. Academics and practicing managers have developed numerous models and frameworks to assist in strategic decision making in the context of complex environments and competitive dynamics. __[....]__ Strategic management is not static in nature; the models often include a feedback loop to monitor execution and inform the next round of planning …. Harvard Professor Michael Porter identifies three principles underlying strategy: creating a "unique and valuable [market] position", making trade-offs by choosing "what not to do", and creating "fit" by aligning company activities to with one another to support the chosen strategy.[6] Dr. Vladimir Kvint defines strategy as "a system of finding, formulating, and developing a doctrine that will ensure long-term success if followed faithfully." …. Corporate strategy involves answering a key question from a portfolio perspective: "What business should we be in?" Business strategy involves answering the question: "How shall we compete in this business?"__[....]__ In management theory and practice, a further distinction is often made between strategic management and operational management. Operational management is concerned primarily with improving efficiency and controlling costs within the boundaries set by the organization's strategy …”

Strategic management.— “ … Strategic management involves the formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by a company's top management on behalf of owners, based on consideration of resources and an assessment of the internal and external environments in which the organisation competes …. Strategic management provides overall direction to the enterprise and involves specifying the organisation's objectives, developing policies and plans designed to achieve these objectives, and then allocating resources to implement the plans. Academics and practicing managers have developed numerous models and frameworks to assist in strategic decision making in the context of complex environments and competitive dynamics. __[....]__ Strategic management is not static in nature; the models often include a feedback loop to monitor execution and inform the next round of planning …. Harvard Professor Michael Porter identifies three principles underlying strategy: creating a "unique and valuable [market] position", making trade-offs by choosing "what not to do", and creating "fit" by aligning company activities to with one another to support the chosen strategy.[6] Dr. Vladimir Kvint defines strategy as "a system of finding, formulating, and developing a doctrine that will ensure long-term success if followed faithfully …. Corporate strategy involves answering a key question from a portfolio perspective: "What business should we be in?" Business strategy involves answering the question: "How shall we compete in this business?"__[....]__ In management theory and practice, a further distinction is often made between strategic management and operational management. Operational management is concerned primarily with improving efficiency and controlling costs within the boundaries set by the organization's strategy ...”

Strategic planning.— “... Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy. It may also extend to control mechanisms for guiding the implementation of the strategy. Strategic planning became prominent in corporations during the 1960s and remains an important aspect of strategic management. It is executed by strategic planners or strategists, who involve many parties and research sources in their analysis of the organization and its relationship to the environment in which it competes …. Strategy has many definitions, but generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). The senior leadership of an organization is generally tasked with determining strategy. Strategy can be planned (intended) or can be observed as a pattern of activity (emergent) as the organization adapts to its environment or competes …. Strategy includes processes of formulation and implementation; strategic planning helps coordinate both. However, strategic planning is analytical in nature (i.e., it involves "finding the dots"); strategy formation itself involves synthesis (i.e., "connecting the dots") via strategic thinking. As such, strategic planning occurs around the strategy formation activity ...”

Systems analysis.— “ … Systems analysis is the study of sets of interacting entities, including computer systems analysis. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, systems analysis is "the process of studying a procedure or business, in order to identify its goals and purposes and create systems and procedures that will achieve them in an efficient way". Analysis and synthesis, as scientific methods, always go hand in hand; they complement one another. Every synthesis is built upon the results of a preceding analysis, and every analysis requires a subsequent synthesis, in order to verify and correct its results …. This field is closely related to requirements analysis or operations research. It is also "an explicit formal inquiry carried out to help someone (referred to as the decision maker) identify a better course of action and make a better decision than he might otherwise have made …”

Systems engineering.— “... Systems engineering is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how to design and manage complex engineering projects over their life cycles. Issues such as reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams (requirements management), evaluation measurements, and other disciplines become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects. Systems engineering deals with work-processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools in such projects. It overlaps technical and human-centered disciplines such as control engineering, industrial engineering, organizational studies, and project management. Systems Engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered, and integrated into a whole ...”

Taguchi methods.— “ ...Taguchi methods are statistical methods developed by Genichi Taguchi to improve the quality of manufactured goods, and more recently also applied to engineering, __[....]__ biotechnology, __[....]__ marketing and advertising. __[....]__ Professional statisticians have welcomed the goals and improvements brought about by Taguchi methods, particularly by Taguchi's development of designs for studying variation, but have criticized the inefficiency of some of Taguchi's proposals __[....]__ Taguchi's work includes three principal contributions to statistics: A specific loss function, The philosophy of off-line quality control; and Innovations in the design of experiments ..."

The Toyota Production System (TPS).— "... The Toyota Production System (TPS) is a integrated socio-technical system, developed by Toyota, that comprises its management philosophy and practices. The TPS organizes manufacturing and logistics for the automobile manufacturer, including interaction with suppliers and customers. The system is a major precursor of the more generic "lean manufacturing." Taiichi Ohno, Shigeo Shingo and Eiji Toyoda developed the system between 1948 and 1975 __[....]__ Originally called "just-in-time production," it builds on the approach created by the founder of Toyota, Sakichi Toyoda, his son Kiichiro Toyoda, and the engineer Taiichi Ohno. The principles underlying the TPS are embodied in The Toyota Way …"

Total quality management (TQM).— “ ...Total quality management (TQM) consists of organization-wide efforts to install and make permanent a climate in which an organization continuously improves its ability to deliver high-quality products and services to customers. While there is no widely agreed-upon approach, TQM efforts typically draw heavily on the previously developed tools and techniques of quality control. TQM enjoyed widespread attention during the late 1980s and early 1990s before being overshadowed by ISO 9000,Lean manufacturing, and Six Sigma ...”

TRIZ.— "...TRIZ a problem-solving, analysis and forecasting tool derived from the study of patterns of invention in the global patent literature". __[....]__ It was developed by the Soviet inventor and science fiction author Genrich Altshuller and his colleagues, beginning in 1946. In English the name is typically rendered as "the theory of inventive problem solving", __[....]__ and occasionally goes by the English acronym TIPS …"

Troubleshooting.—. “ ….Troubleshooting is a form of problem solving, often applied to repair failed products or processes. It is a logical, systematic search for the source of a problem so that it can be solved, and so the product or process can be made operational again. Troubleshooting is needed to develop and maintain complex systems where the symptoms of a problem can have many possible causes. Troubleshooting is used in many fields such as engineering, system administration, electronics, automotive repair, and diagnostic medicine. Troubleshooting requires identification of the malfunction(s) or symptoms within a system. Then, experience is commonly used to generate possible causes of the symptoms. Determining the most likely cause is a process of elimination - eliminating potential causes of a problem. Finally, troubleshooting requires confirmation that the solution restores the product or process to its working state …. In general, troubleshooting is the identification of, or diagnosis of "trouble" in the management flow of a corporation or a system caused by a failure of some kind. The problem is initially described as symptoms of malfunction, and troubleshooting is the process of determining and remedying the causes of these symptoms …. A system can be described in terms of its expected, desired or intended behavior (usually, for artificial systems, its purpose). Events or inputs to the system are expected to generate specific results or outputs. (For example selecting the "print" option from various computer applications is intended to result in a hardcopy emerging from some specific device). Any unexpected or undesirable behavior is a symptom. Troubleshooting is the process of isolating the specific cause or causes of the symptom. Frequently the symptom is a failure of the product or process to produce any results. (Nothing was printed, for example) …. The methods of forensic engineering are especially useful in tracing problems in products or processes, and a wide range of analytical techniques are available to determine the cause or causes of specific failures. Corrective action can then be taken to prevent further failures of a similar kind. Preventative action is possible using failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) and fault tree analysis (FTA) before full scale production, and these methods can also be used for failure analysis ...”


Mr. Andres Agostini

Inventor of Transformative and Integrative Risk Management at

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador at

The «... The Human Race to the Future ...» Worldwide Ambassador at AND at






Arlington ? NYC ? Miami ?Reno ? London ? Caracas ? Madrid ? Sao Paulo ? Rio de Janeiro ? Mexico City ? Buenos Aires ? Worldwide


  • Toyota,
  • Mitsubishi,
  • World Bank,
  • Shell,
  • Statoil,
  • Total,
  • ExxonMobil,
  • PDVSA, Citgo,
  • Lagoven (a PDVSA subsidiary full-scope petroleum company, formerly Creole Petroleum Corporation, Standard Oil and ExxonMobil in Venezuela),
  • Maraven (a PDVSA subsidiary full-scope petroleum company, formerly Royal Dutch Shell in Venezuela),
  • GE,
  • GMAC,
  • TNT Express,
  • AT&T
  • GTE,
  • Amoco,
  • BP,
  • Abbot Laboratories,
  • World Health Organization,
  • Ernst Young Consulting,
  • SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation),
  • Pak Mail,
  • Wilpro Energy Services,
  • Phillips Petroleum Company,
  • Dupont,
  • Conoco,
  • ENI (Italy’s petroleum state-owned firm),
  • Chevron,
  • LDG Management (HCC Benefits).
  • Liberty Mutual (via its own Seguros Caracas)
  • MAPFRE (via its own Seguros La Seguridad)
  • AES Corporation (via its own Electricidad de Caracas)
  • Lafarge
  • The University of Arkansas at Little Rock's Most Professor Dr. Daniel Berleant, PhD.


1) Business Development
2) Business Process Improvement
3) Business Process Outsourcing
4) Change Management
5) Complex Negotiations
6) Conflict Resolution
7) Continuous Improvement
8) Cross-functional Teams
9) Customer Satisfaction
10) Design thinking
11) Entrepreneurship
12) Executive and Technical Instruction
13) Government Relations
14) Government Relations
15) Hard Science (Advanced Knowledge: Dissemination and Propagation)
16) Healthcare Solutions
17) Insurance and Reinsurance
18) Intercultural Counseling
19) Interpretive Translations
20) Marketing Strategy
21) Marketing/Sales for Corporations and Governments
22) Master Classes
23) Organizational Culture Diagnosis and Development
24) Outsourcing
25) Personal and Professional Development
26) Public Outreach
27) Quality Assurance
28) Risk Management (Advanced and Beyond Insurance)
29) Sales and Business Development
30) Scientific Futuring
31) Senior Executive Management
32) Social Media Marketing
33) Strategic Communications
34) Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning (Lecturer, Researcher, Developer, Strategist)
35) Strategic Partnering
36) Strategy (Corporate, Organizations)
37) Strategy and Management and Leadership Consulting
38) Systems Integration
39) Scientific Futuring
40) Technologies
41) Technology Transfer
42) Workshop Facilitation
43) Writing (technical)


[1] Every quotation and/or citation is attributed to the mentioned author of that quotation.
[2] Sir Francis Bacon (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1
[3] Dr. Bertrand Russell (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1)
[4] Dr. Albert Einstein (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1)
[5] Dr. Buckminster Fuller (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1) and at ‹›
[6] Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1) and at ‹›
[7] Theodore Roosevelt at ‹›
[8] Ralph Waldo Emerson at ‹›
[9] Dr. Malcolm Knowles at ‹›
[10] Dr. Albert Einstein at ‹›
[11] Thomas Jefferson at ‹›
[12] Dr. Henry Kissinger at ‹›
[13] Sir Winston Churchill at ‹›
[14] Antonio Machado from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[15] The Panchatantra (body of Eastern philosophical knowledge) from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1. And at << >>
[16] Bernard d'Espagnat from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[17] Peter Drucker from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[18] Dr. James D. Watson, Ph.D. as he was interviewed by Charlie Rose most recently in year 2009.
[19] Arthur C. Clarke at ‹›
[20] Otto Herman Khan at ‹›
[21] General Francisco de Miranda from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[22] James Canton, “...Technofutures: How Leading-Edge Innovations Will Transform Business in the 21st Century...” by James Canton ( )
[23] “...Revolutionary Wealth: How it will be created and how it will change our lives...” by Alvin Toffler and Heidi Toffler (ISBN-10: 038552207X)
[24] Ella Wheeler Wilcox at ‹›
[25] “...Future Shock...” by Alvin Toffler (ISBN-10: 0553277375)
[26] “...Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever...” by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman ( ISBN-10: 0140282025 )
[27] “...Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever...” by Ray Kurzweil Ph.D. and Terry Grossman M.D. (ISBN-10: 1605299561)
[28] “...Leading the Revolution...” by Gary Hamel (ISBN-10: 1591391466)
[29] “...Emotional Intelligence...” by Daniel Goleman (ISBN-10:055309503X )
[30] Criss-cross at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[31] Crinkum-crankum at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[32] Terzetto at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[33] Thé dansant at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[34] Tertium quid at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[35] Computronium at
[36] Futuretronium at
[37] “...Einstein in the Boardroom...” by Suzanne S. Harrison and Patrick H. Sullivan Sr. (ISBN-10: 0-471-70332-X
[38] Tête-à-tête at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[39] Dilettantes and poseurs at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[40] “...Why Mars and Venus Collide: Improving Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress...” by John Gray.
[41] Multiverse at
[42] “...The Cycle of Leadership...” by Noel M. Tichy (ISBN0-06-662056-2)
[43] Herman Kahn’s quotations at
[44] “...Innovate Like Edison: The Five-Step System for Breakthrough Business Success...” By Michael J. Gelb (ISBN-10: 0452289823)
[45] Déclassé at Oxford Dictionary (ISBN 0-19-861122-6)
[46] Démodé at Oxford Dictionary (ISBN 0-19-861122-6)
[47] Richard Buckminster Fuller at
[48] Yoctosecond, definition of, at
[49] Dr. Pangloss at
[50] “...Monster of omniscience...” at page V, first paragraph, Concise Oxford Dictionary (ISBN 0-19-861122-6). Also viewable online at
[51] Quotations by Karl Popper at
[52] “...Radical Evolution...” by Joel Garreau (ISBN0-385-50965-0).
[53] Definition of “...throughput ... " Throughput: Output or production, as of a computer program, over a period of time. The quantity or amount of raw material processed within a given time, esp. the work done by an electronic computer in a given period of time. An amount of work, Et cetera. done in a particular period of time. Volume of data or material handled: the amount of something such as data or raw material that is processed over a given period.
[54] The American Heritage Dictionary’s (fourth edition, 2000)— ISBN 0-395-82517-2
[55] By John F. Kennedy, Address at Rice University on the Nation's Space Effort Delivered in Houston, Texas, September 12, 1962. SOURCE: (seen on June 12, 2007).
[56] “...The Art of The Long View...” — ISBN 0-385-26731-2
[57] “...The New Religion of Risk Management...” by Peter L. Bernstein, Harvard Business Review, March-April 1996.
[58] As quoted in title — ISBN 978-980-293-503-1
[59] As cited by David Jay's 2006 textbook, “...Mavericks of Medicine...” (ISBN: 1-890572-19-5)
[61] Einstein “...on being smart...” at
[62] “...A Devil’s Dictionary of Business...” (2005) — ISBN 1-56025-712-1 by Nicholas von Hoffman
[63] Original source:
[64] Textbook: “...Leading The Revolution...” (ISBN 1-57851-189-5), year 2000, by Gary Hamel
[65] Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[66] Textbook known as “...A Dictionary of Scientific Quotations...” by Alan L. Mackay (ISBN-10: 075031066) in 1991.
[67] Dr. Stephen Hawking was interviewed by CNN's journalist Becky Anderson in year 2009.
[69] “...A Dictionary of scientific quotations...” By Alan Lindsay Mackay - ISBN-10: 0750301066
[70] The Oxford dictionary of quotations - ISBN-10: 0199237174
[71] “...The Book of Positive Quotations,...” 2nd Edition (2007) — ISBN-10: 1577491696
[72] “...The Yale Book Of Quotations...” by Fred R. Shapiro (2006) — ISBN-10: 0300107986
[73] Well said, well spoken: 736 quotable quotes for educators by Robert D. Ramsey (1999) — ISBN-10: 0060194111
[74] Compelling conversations: questions and quotations on timeless topics by Erin Hermann Roth (2007) — ISBN-10: 141965828X
[75] Wit and Wisdom of the American Presidents: A Book of Quotations by Joslyn T. Pine (2000) - ISN-10: 0486414272
[76] The Routledge Dictionary Of Latin Quotations by Jon R. Stone (2004) ISBN-10: 0415969085
[77] Quote Unquote by M.P. Singh (2004) — ISBN: 1557099405
[78] “...Inevitable Surprises: Thinking Ahead in a Time of Turbulence...” by Peter Schwartz (2004) — ISBN-10: 1592400698
[79] “...Mind Set...” by John Naisbitt (2008) — ISBN-10: 0061136891
[81] As per David Jay Brown’s text book “...Mavericks of Medicine...” (2006) — ISBN 1-890572-19-5
[82] Singularity: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases By Inc Icon Group International.
[84] Cumputronium at Wikipedia at
[85] Multiverse at Wikipedia at
[86] James N. Gardner’s “...The Intelligent Universe...” (2007) — ISBN: 978-1564149190
[87] Gary Hamel’s textbook “...Competing for the Future...” (1996) — ISBN-10: 0875847161
[88] Gary Hamel’s “...Leading The Revolution...” book — ISBN-10: 1591391466
[89] Eamonn kelly’s book “...Powerful Times...” (2006) — ISBN 0-131-85520-4
[90] (bibliography to Fuzzy Logic and Quantum Mechanics)
[91] As cited on “...The Juran Prescription...” by Kathleen Jennison Goonan, M.D. — ISBN 0—7879-0096
[92] Http://
[95] The State Of The University: Academic Knowledges And The Knowledge Of God (2007) By Stanley Hauerwas, B.D. M.A. M.Phil and Ph.D. — ISBN-10: 0300057253
[98] In the Book “...How We Decide...” (2009) by Jonah Lehrer — ISBN 978-0-618-62011-1
[99] “...Managing Risk: Systematic Loss Prevention for Executives...” (1987) — ISBN 0-13-551110-0 by Dr. Vernon Grose, D.Sc.
[102] Adam Gordon in Book “...Future Savvy ...” ( 2008 ) — ISBN-10: 0814409121
[103] J. Scott Armstrong in book “...Principles of Forecasting...” — ISBN: 0792379306
[104] Bob Seidensticker's book "Future Hype..." (2006) — ISBN-10: 1576753700
[105] Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D. ’s book “...The Time Paradox...” (2009) — ISBN-10: 1416541993
[106] Hans Moravec’s “...Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence...” (1990) — ISBN-10: 06745761187
[107] David Jay Brown’s “...Mavericks of Medicine...” (2006) — ISBN: 1-890572-19-5
[108] Quotations under this number either has been sent to me via e-mail or have emerged as a result of private interviews.
[111] Quotations at ‹›
[112] The Adult Learner, Sixth Edition: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development by Malcolm S. Knowles Ph.D. (2005) — ISBN-10: 0750678372
[113] Napoleon Bonaparte: A Life By Alan Schom (1998) — ISBN-10: 0060929588
[114] “...Science But Not Scientists...” By Vernon Grose (2006) — ISBN-10: 1425969917
[115] Http://
[116] Http://
[117] Gerard K. O’Neill’s “...The High Frontier...” (2000) — ISBN-10: 189652267x
[118] "Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe" by Simon Conway Morris, Ph.D. — ( 2004) — ISBN-10: 0521603250
[119] “...Frases Celebres Para Toda Ocasión...” (In Spanish, “...Famous Sentences For Every Occasion) — (1993) By Rafael Escandon — ISBN 968-13-1285-6
[120] “...Our Final Hour...” (2003) By Sir Martin Rees — ISBN 0-465-0682-6
[123] “...A Risk Management Approach to Business Continuity: Aligning Business Continuity with Corporate Governance...” (2006) — ISBN: 1931332363
[124] Dr. Robert A. Collins, Ph.D. ’s “...Resilience: Protecting your Business from Disasters in a Dangerous World...” (2007) — ISBN-10: 0595409245
[125] “...Thinking in Technical Analysis...” (2000) By Rick Bensignor— ISBN-10: 1576600491
[127] Source: “...Against The Gods...” (1998 ) ?— By Peter L. Bernstein ?— ISBN: 0-471-29563-9
[129] Quotations and citations that are solely under the own and utter discernment and intellectual faculties of the present author. Among many amenities that are described in my biography, I am a perpetual and ruthless researcher.
[130] “...Diccionario de Citas...” (Spanish, “...Dictionary of Quotations...”) by Castañares y Quiroz — ISBN 84-87462-03-0
[131] Respondent’s answers are in actuality own quotations of those authors, whose citations are accurate and available at <>.
[133] “...Principles of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Learning the Essential Domains and Nonlinear Thinking of Master Practitioner...” (2009) — Gerald J. Mozdziers, Paul R. Peluso, Joseph Lisiecki — ISBN-10: 0415997518
[134] “...Cracking Creativity...” by Michael Michalko — ISBN 1-58008-311-0
[135] “...The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management...” (2007) By Andrew Hiles — ISBN 0470516380
[136] Ray Kurzweil’s quotations at ‹›
[139] “...The World is Flat...” By Thomas L. Friedman (2006) — ISBN-10: 0-374-29279-5
[140] “...Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative...” (2001) By Ken Robinson — ISBN-10: 1841121258
[142] The Singularity is Near (2005) by Ray Kurzweil — ISBN 0-670-03384-7
[153] The 8th Habit (2004) By Dr. Stephen R. Covey — ISBN 0-684-84665-9
[154] Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy (1999) — ISBN-10: 087584877X By Thomas S. Wurster
[155] Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness (2008) — ISBN-10: 0137135599 By Hal Abelson
[157] “...The Failure of Risk Management...” (2009) — ISBN-10: 0470387955 By Douglas W. Hubbard
[160] “...Futuristics: Looking Ahead...” ( 2005 ) By Dr. Arthur B. Shostak, Ph.D. — ISBN-10: 0791084019
[161] “...Moving Along: Far Ahead...” (2005) By Dr. Arthur B. Shostak — ISBN-10: 0791084043
[162] “...Creating Better Futures: Scenario Planning As a Tool for A Better Tomorrow...” (2002 ) By James A. Ogilvy — ISBN-10: 0195146115
[163] “...As the Futures Catches You: How Genomics & Other Forces Are Changing Your Life, Work, Health and Wealth...” (2005) By Juan Enriquez — ISBN-10: 1400047749
[164] “...Robo sapiens: Evolution of a New Species...” (2001) By Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio — ISBN-10: 0262632454
[165]...”...Beyond Humanity: Cyberevolution and Future Minds...” (1996) By Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox — ISBN-10: 1886801215
[167] “...Managing Product and Service Development...” (2006) By Stefan Thomke — ISBN-10: 0073023019
[168] “...The Art of Asking: Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers...” (2008) By Terry J. Fadem — ISBN-10: 0137144245
[169] “...Beyond Humanity: Cyberevolution and Future Minds...” (1996) By Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox — ISBN-10: 1886801215
[170] “...The Future and Its Enemies: The Growing Conflict Over Creativity, Enterprise, and Progress...” (1999) By Virginia Postrel — ISBN-10: 0684862697
[171] “...Visions: How Science Hill Revolutionize the 21st Century...” (1998) By Dr. Michio Kaku, Ph.D. — ISBN-10: 0385484992
[174] “...Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel...” (2009) — ISBN-10: 0307278824 By Dr. Michio Kaku
[175] “...The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man...” (1962) By Dr. Marshall McLuhan, Ph.D. — ISBN-10: 0802060412
[178] Massive Change (2004) — ISBN-10: 0714844012 By Bruce Mau
[179] The Artilect War: Cosmists Vs. Terrans: A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines (2005) — ISBN-10: 0882801546 by Hugo de Garis
[180] “...Creating Tomorrow’s Schools Today: Education — Our Children — Their Futures...” (2010) — ISBN-10: 1855393948 by Richard Gerver
[182] “...The Extreme Future: The Top Trends That Will Reshape the World in the Next 20 Years...” (2007) — ISBN-10: 0452288665 By James Canton
[183] “...The Predictioneer’s Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest to See and Shape the Future...” (2010) — ISBN-10: 081297977X By Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
[184] “...Crucial Questions About the Future...” (2002) — ISBN-10: 0819182753 By Allen Tough
[187] Synaptic Self: Our Brains Become Who We Are (2002) — ISBN 0-670-03028-7
[188] The Political economy of information (1988) By Vincent Mosco and Janet Wasko — ISBN 0-299-11570-4
[189] Management Information Systems (2009) ISBN-10: 013607846X By Ken Laudon (Author), Jane Laudon (Author)
[191] Wilson's Ghost: Reducing The Risk Of Conflict, Killing, And Catastrophe In The 21st Century by Robert S. McNamara (2003) — ISBN-10: 1586481436
[192] Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (Dec 11, 2009) — ISBN-10: 0136042597
[194] “...The Dance of Molecules: How Nanotechnology is Changing Our Lives...” (2006) — ISBN-10: 1-56025-895-0 by Ted Sargent
[196] The Speed of Trust (2006) — ISBN-10: 0-7432-9730-X — By Stephen M. R. Covey
[197] Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change (2009) —ISBN-10: 0470998105 —By Joe Tidd, John Bessant
[200] Source:
[201] Hyperinnovation: Multidimensional Enterprise in the Connected Economy (2002) — ISBN-10: 0333994388 by Chris Harris
[202] “...Learning from the Future: Competitive Foresight Scenarios...” (1997) — ISBN-10: 0471303526 By Liam Fahey, Robert M. Randall
[203] “...Rethinking the Future: Rethinking Business, Principles, Competition, Control & Complexity, Leadership, Markets, and the World...” (1998) — ISBN-10: 9781857881080 By Rowan Gibson
[204] “...Connect the Dots... To Become An Impact Plyer...” (2003) — ISBN-10: 0595294928 By Dick Lynch
[205] Source:
[206] “...The Leader Manager...” (1986) — ISBN-10: 0471836931 by John N. Williansom
[207] ISBN 978-0-309-11660-2
[209] Inscription in Washington National Archives’ building.
[210] Found via search engine query as it was earlier mentioned in REDES, the scientific television program from the Spanish state-owned television network. (As it was seen in August 2011).
[212] Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software — ISBN-10: 0684868768 by Steven Johnson
[214] The (Mis)behavior of Markets (2004) — ISBN 978-0-465-04355-2 By Benoit Mandelbrot
[215] The Lights in the Tunnel (2009) — ISBN: 978-1448659814 by Martin Ford
[216] Thinking for a Change: Discovering the Power to Create, Communicate and Lead (1996) by Michael Gelb — ISBN-10: 1854104209
[217] No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington — (2011) — ISBN: 978-0307587862 by Condoleezza Rice
[218] At
[219] At
[220] At
[221] At
[222] At
[223] At
[224] At
[225] Resilience: Protecting your Business from Disasters in a Dangerous World by Ph.D. Robert Collins (ISBN: 978-0595409242).
[226] All citations and quotations are from the Futuretronium Book ( ) and The Future of Scientific Management, Today! ( ) . A descriptive bibliographical reference has been included.
[227] By Dr. Nassim Nicholas Taleb PhD in his book: The Black Swan: Second Edition: The Impact of the Highly Improbable. (ISBN: 978-0812973815).
[228] Mr. David Shaw's profile is at .
[229] Our Final Hour: A Scientist's Warning by Martin Rees (ISBN: 978-0465068630).
[233] Thinking in New Boxes: A New Paradigm for Business Creativity by Luc De Brabandere and Alan Iny (ISBN: 978-0812992953)
[234] Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now by Douglas Rushkoff (ISBN: 978-1617230103)
[235] The Predictioneer's Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest to See and Shape the Future by Bruce Bueno De Mesquita (ISBN: 978-0812979770).
[252] Present Shock: When Everything Happens Now by Douglas Rushkoff (ISBN: 978-1617230103)
[253] The Last Myth: What the Rise of Apocalyptic Thinking Tells Us About America by Mathew Barrett Gross and Mel Gilles (ISBN: 978-1616145736).
[254] Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think by Steven Kotler and Peter H. Diamandis (ISBN 978-1451614213)
[255] Future Shock by Alvin Toffler (ISBN: 978-0553277371)
[256] Blur: The Speed of Change In the Connected Economy Hardcover – March 25, 1998
by Stan Davis (Author), Christopher Meyer ( ISBN: 978-0201339871)
[268] Who Owns the Future? by Jaron Lanier ( ISBN: 978-1451654974)
[269] The Artilect War: Cosmists Vs. Terrans: A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines [Paperback]
Hugo de Garis (Author) ISBN-13: 978-0882801544
[270] Artificial Intelligence: The Basics by Kevin Warwick (Oct 15, 2011) ISBN-13: 978-0415564830
[272] The Second Machine Age: Work, Progress, and Prosperity in a Time of Brilliant Technologies by Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee ( ISBN: 978-0393239355)
[273] The Future, Declassified: Megatrends That Will Undo the World Unless We Take Action by Mathew Burrows (Sep 9, 2014) - ISBN: 978-1137279552
[274] The Art of the Long View: Planning for the Future in an Uncertain World Paperback – April 15, 1996 (ISBN: 978-1863160995)




“...Education, strictly speaking, has several objectives: one needs to learn how to speak and write correctly, which is generally called grammar and belles letters. Each lyceum has provided for this object, and there is no well-educated man who has not learned his rhetoric [….] After the need to speak and write correctly comes the ability to count and measure. The lyceums have provided this with classes in MATHEMATICS embracing arithmetical and MECHANICAL KNOWLEDGE IN THEIR DIFFERENT BRANCHES [….] The elements of several other fields come next: chronology, geography, and the rudiments of history are also a part of the education of the lyceum [….] A young man who leaves the lyceum at sixteen years of age thence knows not only the mechanics of his language and the classical authors, the divisions of discourse, the different figures of eloquence, the means of employing them either to calm or arouse passions, in short, everything that one learns in a course on belles letters. He also would know the principal epochs of history, the basic geographical divisions, and how to compute and measure. He has some general idea of the most striking natural phenomena and the principles of equilibrium and movement both with regard to solids and fluids [….] Whether he desires to follow the career of the barrister, that of the sword, or ENGLISH, or letters; if he is destined to enter into the body of scholars, to be a geographer, engineer, or land surveyor — in all these cases he has received a general education necessary to become equipped to receive the remainder of instruction that his circumstances require, and it is at this moment, when he must make his choice of a profession, that the special studies present themselves ...”. [113]

DR. WERNHER VON BRAUN ON EDUCATION, (1912 — 1977 and Father of the American Space Program) observed:

“...The average citizen today, of course, has far more scientific information at his disposal than did those greatest of intellects of earlier times. Yet paradoxically, I think that THERE HAS NEVER BEEN A GREATER NEED FOR INCREASED UNDERSTANDING AND APPRECIATION OF SCIENCE. It has been said that, although the choice of direction for our civilization will be determined through democratic process, it is there that the problem begins. TO MAKE RATIONAL CHOICES, THE AVERAGE CITIZEN MUST UNDERSTAND THE NATURE AND ROLE OF SCIENCE AT A TIME WHEN ITS BREADTH AND COMPLEXITY ARE INCREASING ALMOST EXPONENTIALLY [….] Conversely, the scientist, at a time when he can barely keep up to date in his specialty, must not isolate himself in his parochial interest. Instead, he should see his profession as a part of the larger world, to evaluate himself and his work in relation to all forces, especially the humanities, which shape and advance society. THE NEED, THEN, IS FOR AN EDUCATIONAL PROCESS RESULTING IN MORE SCIENTIFIC LITERACY FOR THE LAYMAN, AND MORE LITERACY IN THE HUMANITIES FOR THE SCIENTISTS [….] Man in this scientific age is free only to the extent that he has a grasp on himself and his surroundings. FREEDOM — THE ABILITY TO SPEAK, THINK, ACT, AND VOTE INTELLIGENTLY — is based largely on our ability TO MAKE CHOICES growing out of our understanding of the issues involved. With each advance of science, there is an invitation to more understanding. This is the essence of the burden borne by all peoples since the dawn of humanity. There must be widespread understanding of the role of science in modern society, both as to its limits and our dependence on its basic function as a tool for our survival. This is the imperative for scientific literacy [….] How do we encourage scientific literacy? I THINK THE PROBLEM IS HOW TO INSTILL IN STUDENTS A PERMANENT DESIRE TO LEARN. All youth is endowed with curiosity from the very beginning. What can education process do, not only to keep this natural curiosity alive, but to make it a permanent part of the individual drive? ... " [114]

Futureketing:  How to Systematically Understand and Succeed in a World of Frantically Accelerating Pace of Change! ─ An Omnimode Exploration.  By © Copyright 2014 Mr. Andres Agostini ─ All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

(This Proprietary Book excerpt may be reproduced for noncommercial purposes if it is copied in its entirety, including this notice.

Please recall that “...if it is copied in its entirety, including this notice....”)


PRECAUTION:  By any measure, the present work is an of-all-functions consideration.

Futureketing is about the rate of change. Not only change accelerated by new scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs. Change is now poising new challenges, but also novel opportunities and benefits for those with a preparation and a will to make the most of twentieth-one century.

#1 FUTUREKETING® and the administration and application of the scientific method without innuendos and in crescendo as fluid points of inflections ascertain that the morrow is a thing of the past.

#2 FUTUREKETING®, subsequently, there is now and here available the unabridged, authoritative elicitation and elucidation of actionable knowledge from and for the incessantly arrhythmic, abrupt, antagonistic and anarchistic future, as well as the contentious interrelationship between such future and the present.

#3 FUTUREKETING®, a radical yet rigorous strong-sense and critico-creative womb-to-tomb «futures thinking», systems approach to quintessential understanding of the complexities, subtleties, and intricacies, as well as the opportunities to be exploited out of the driving forces instilling and inflicting perpetual change into twenty-first century.

#4 FUTUREKETING®, the ultimate way to understand the rate of change stemming from the so-called “...present....” What do you wish to understand the future for? You must understand the future in order to understand the most impermanent present.

You must interrelate or correlate connect the dots of every aspect that is included in this independent work.

Dr. Stephen Hawking argues that not to study more rigorously the outer space is “...foolish....” likewise, it’s beyond foolish not to comprehend the dynamic driving forces universally besieging our lives in the as-of-now present.

What is really the future? How can it be defined? All I have seen does not suffice to me. I would like the reader to amplify his or her mind by reading a creative yet accurate definition about the future! So, I have researched and assembled the world’s most breathtaking definition you can have in one locus. Ensuing now is a 7% of said researcher:

“ … The Future is 1) What is yet to come, 2) What can happen or not, 3) The future is a tranquil country, 4) The indefinite time yet to come, 5) Something that will happen in time to come, 6) A prospective or expected condition, 7) Undetermined events that will occur in that time,

Time that is to be or come hereafter, 9) Something that will exist or happen in time to come, 9) The period of time following the present moment and continuing on indefinitely, 10) The situation or condition of someone or something in the future,

11) One of a plurality of possible future conditions or situations, 12) The time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come,
13) The future is what will happen in the time period after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the apparent nature of reality and the unavoidability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist can be categorized as either permanent, meaning that it will exist for the whole of the future, or temporary, meaning that it won't and thus will come to an end. The future and the concept of eternity have been major subjects of philosophy, religion, and science, and defining them non-controversially has consistently eluded the greatest of minds. In the Occidental view, which uses a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the projected time line that is anticipated to occur. In special relativity, the future is considered absolute future, or the future light cone.

14) The only way you can see the future is if you're ahead of your own time, 15) Learning how to be ahead of your time, today!, 16) The future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create,

17) Our future is determined by the actions of all of us alive today. our choices determine our destiny, 18) The future is a phenomenon that will be completely real someday even though it does not exist today,

19) Future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition, 20) Our intuition about the future is linear, which is hard-wired in our brains, 21) The future is being colonized all the time by people who have the resources, who do spend time thinking about it, planning for it and trying to shape it in their direction,

22) The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed, 23) the future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. and the important thing is not to allow that to scare you, 24) The future is unsure. that’s the way it should be,

25) The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power, 26) The future is the past of to-morrow, 27) The best way to predict the future is to invent it, 28) To be masters of the future is to change the past,

29) The future is extremely important to high morale, to dynamism, to consensus, and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly, 30) The past is gone, the future is not to come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, 31) The future is not for the fainthearted, 32) The future is not an echo of the past,

33) The future is not a privilege but a perpetual conquest, 34) The future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening, 35) The future is more challenging than playing catch up, 36) The future is not an extrapolation of the past, 37) The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create,

38) The future is an unknown country which requires tough visas for anyone to enter. Not all of us will get the chance to visit it, 39) The future is not what is coming at us, but what we are headed for, 40) The future is where I expect to spend the rest of my life, 41) The danger of the future is that men may become robots,

42) The future is the creation of millions of independent economic actors, 43) The future is independent of the past, 44) The future is alive. Like the present, the future is not a single, uniform state but an ongoing process that reflects the plenitude of human life, 45) The future is natural, out of anyone’s control,

46) The future is continually stalking on the present, 47) The future is technocracy in perpetuity, 48) The future is eternally clashing the present, 49) The future is absolute hard science dominance,

50) The future is going to get invented, with you or without you, 51) The future is S-H-A-Z-A-M ('...The wisdom of Solomon, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury....') and

52) The future is not something that happens to us, but something we create ...”


“ ...Driving forces are forces outside the firm (external factors) that trigger the change of strategy in an organization. Industry conditions change because important forces (the most dominant ones that have the biggest influence on what kinds of changes will take place in the industry’s structure and competitive environment) are driving industry participants (competitors, customers, or suppliers) to alter their actions, and thus the driving forces in an industry are the major underlying causes of changing industry and competitive conditions. Driving forces analysis has two steps: identifying what the driving forces are and assessing the impact they will have on the industry ...”


“... Sound analysis of an industry’s driving forces is a prerequisite to sound strategy making. Without keen awareness of what external factors will produce the biggest potential changes in the company’s business over the next one to three years, managers will ill prepare to craft (pay attention to the usage of this word—why not use MAKE) a strategy tightly matched to emerging conditions. Similarly, if managers are uncertain about the implications of each driving force or if their views are incomplete or off-base, it’s difficult for them to craft a strategy that is responsive to the driving forces and their consequences for the industry. So driving forces is not something to take lightly; it has practical strategy-making value and is basic to the task of thinking strategically about where the industry is headed and how to prepare for the changes ….Other dynamic driving forces include geologic, climatologist, political, geopolitical, demographic, social, ethical, economic, technological, financial, legal and environmental, among others ...”


Incidentally, I want to share a quotation that was also given to me in business luncheon promoted by the Swiss Embassy. It is attributed to Dr. Henry Kissinger and it says: “...An ignored issue is an invite to a problem...”

By way of example, Winston Churchill accordingly argues, “...The goal of forecasting is not to predict the future but TO TELL YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO TAKE MEANINGFUL ACTION IN THE PRESENT...” [207]

To contrast Churchill’s motion, it is important to observe that Peter Drucker indicated that hominids are not prepared to make choices and decisions.

In accordance with Drucker, there is the great thought by Dr. Carl Sagan. He frustratedly indicated, “...We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows about science and technology...”

Greatly considering and agreeing with Drucker and Sagan, I strongly argue that there is a sort of first-order existential risk directly made by men that, both in public and private office, rampantly violate ethics, beginning with politicians.

Considering the preceding paragraph, I have a question to ask: With the advent of, for lack of a better term, a worldwide Sodom and Gomorrah (, Is it possible to make the practical case for ethics and integrity? I am sorry to say: I don't think so. Ted Tuner says that humans are “...dumb...” while NASA scientists and Dr. Henry Mintzberg PhD. argue that hominids are “...unstable ...” and “...flawed...”, respectively.
Furthermore, present dynamic driving forces (science, technology, society, politics, and economy) are churning insurmountable amounts of unprecedented change with increasing energy and scope. Some people understand this notion to some extent.

I will share the definition I like about change now:

“... Change is to transfer from (one conveyance) to another and/or to undergo transformation or transition and/or to go from one phase to another and/or the act, process, or result of altering or modifying and/or the replacing of one thing for another; substitution and/or a transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another and/or to make or become different and/or a variation, deviation, or modification and/or anything that is or may be substituted for something else and/or to transform and/or to transfer from one (conveyance) to another and/or to pass gradually into and/or to pass from one phase to another and/or the act of changing or the result of being changed and/or a transformation or modification and/or the substitution of one thing for another and/or the process of becoming different and/or impermanence and/or biological metamorphosis ...”

Many people believe themselves to consume news through a variety of outlets while sustaining a belief system rooted in wrong assumptions and a flawed belief system.

As a result, their cosmosvision foster superficiality and over simplification in this multi-eon era that ruthlessly demands gargantuan attention, fluidly and forever.

Some are upset and angry, without having the slightest idea of what motivates such appalling bewilderment.

Conversely, What are the Voices of the Twenty-First Century reflecting on forthcoming future, in contemporary times?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #1:

“... The ongoing changes in both the nature of work and the structure of employment foreshadow not just change but a seismic quake; a quantum shift in our very understanding of what it means to work, learn, and live .... THE AMERICAN ECONOMY —AND SOCIETY — ARE ABOUT TO EXPERIENCE A WAVE OF CHANGE THAT WILL CRASH UPON US WITH A FORCE WE HAVE NEVER KNOWN BEFORE. For higher education, this will mean dramatic changes in the requirements that graduates will be expected to meet, and in the makeup and needs of the postsecondary student population. It will also mean revolutionary innovations in the ways that colleges and universities deliver their services and how they organize themselves to develop products to meet new marketplace demands. Many who read this article will see this wave of change as frightening. But it does not have to be viewed that way .... In fact, for all the loss and risk our collective future portends, it also offers unparalleled opportunity. In a very real sense, for higher education, for America, and for humankind, the light at the end of the twentieth century is the limitless promise of the twenty-first century...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #2: (… The quickening of scientific and technological innovation under an illustriously big-picture panorama as of 2002! ...)

“...The gap between the recent past and the immediate future has never been so gaping, because the future now arrives at a rate and a magnitude like never before. By my estimate, the pace of technological innovation is accelerating arithmetically, and the number of meaningful new possibilities is expanding geometrically. Which says something about our most immediate future. Research into both pure and application-specific science, ranging from the most complex, such as genetic engineering, to the most exotic, such as nuclear fusion reactors, has reached a stage where no government or independent institute can measure it fiscally, or in terms of volume and yield. Not because of the enormous amount of capital invested, but as a consequence of its diverse and spontaneous nature, And since we cannot measure it, we do not know what will emerge .... In 1800, the state of the art was the stationary steam engine, the size of a house. It was only 90 years ago when Orville and Wilbur Wright's primitive wooden plane made its short, but mammoth, breakthrough glide. In the Middle Ages, both these contraptions would have been perceived as witchcraft. A mere 25 years ago the entire U.S. ...”

And Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #2 (continues:)

“ … Strategic early warning system was based on the Q7 mainframe computer; it took an area the size of a football pitch to house it. Today we can store 10,000 times the computational power in an area of a postage stamp. And think of this: the first draft of the infamous human genome mapping project was completed on 26 June 2000. When first planned, the entire genetic map of human biology was set to be completed around 2020. The project came in 20 years before time .... To underline all of this, the great Buckminster Fuller once estimated that about 5,000 years ago a notable invention occurred every few hundred years or so. By A.D. 0 there was one every 50 or so years. By A.D. 1000 the time has shrunk to 30 years. With the advent of the industrial revolution it was down to a significant invention every six months; and 100 years later, down to only three months. By the middle of the twentieth century the time has shortened further, and a major breakthrough occurred at the rate of one per month. ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #2 (continues:)

“ ... And today [2002], the rate of innovation is just too vast, and too fast, to measure with any meaningful accuracy .... Change quickening, and its slipstream is the first reason why we cannot predict even the most immediate future. The sheer speed and magnitude of change going on, drown out any possibility of getting a grip on what comes next, and what comes after what comes next .... The tempo of technological innovation depends also on the interconnection of ideas. In fact, this may be the root feed for the acceleration of change. As we have explored, ideas interconnect in nonlinear, acausal ways, giving up both novel and unexpected innovations. Science and technology in one field can bring about tremendous, sudden changes in other sciences or technology. What will we discover in molecular biology or synthetic chemistry, or discover in high-energy physics in the next 10 or 20 years? What will be the interconnected and enabling effects of biotechnology or nanotechnology over the next 25 or so years? Professor John Marie Lehn of the University of Strasbourg says that one area that is limitless is chemistry. It is not like physics, which behave within certain laws and is there to be discovered, chemistry is a creative process and only limited by the imagination. And when one considers the volume and speed of scientific and technological innovation going on today, the vast and increasing interconnection between minds and our ideas, it is not so unrealistic to speculate changes in the very way we live, to exceed anything we can now imagine ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #2 (continues:)

“ … The fact is, change is not only accelerating, it is also multidimensional. For every innovation, there is an unexpected string of related and unrelated events and outcomes impossible to predict until they arrive. The transistor enabled the microprocessor and software code, with this came leaps in productivity, empowering more creative work, giving more opportunities, expanding possibilities. Microcomputing brought with it new forms of communications and media, which further improved productivity, with new possibilities in leisure and entertainment, home automation and domestic appliances. None of this remarkable enterprise could have been assumed logically from the primeval conditions around the humble transistor. The nonlinearity of change sees that sooner, rather than later, events will diverge from all rational projections, and often in counterintuitive ways. So when we naturally ask what changes nanotechnology will evoke, or what artificial intelligence will bequeath, the inquiry is met with a cold retort: we cannot know in all its detail what will happen until events actually occur. As only history is frozen in time, so it is only history that is certain...” [201]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #3:

Dr. Michio Kaku, Ph.D. indicates, “... By the end of the twentieth century, science had reached the end of an era, unlocking the secrets of the atom, unraveling the molecule of life, and creating the electronic computer. With these three fundamental discoveries, triggered by the quantum revolution, the DNA revolution, and the computer revolution, the basic laws of matter, life, and computation were, in the main, finally solved .... That epic phase of science is now drawing to a close; one era is ending and another is only beginning .... The next era of science promises to be an even deeper, more thoroughgoing, more penetrating one than the last .... Clearly, we are on the threshold of yet another revolution. HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY TEN YEARS [AS PER THE 1998 STANDARDS]. In the past decade, more scientific knowledge has been created than in all of human history. COMPUTER POWER IS DOUBLING EVERY EIGHTEEN MONTHS. THE INTERNET IS DOUBLING EVERY YEAR. THE NUMBER OF DNA SEQUENCES WE CAN ANALYZE IS DOUBLING EVERY TWO YEARS. Almost daily, the headlines herald new advances in computers, telecommunications, biotechnology, and space exploration. In the wake of this technological upheaval, entire industries and lifestyles are being overturned, only to give rise to entirely new ones. But these rapid, bewildering changes are not just quantitative. They mark the birth pangs of a new era ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #3 (continues:)


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #4:


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #4 (continues:)

“ ...The true promise of nanotechnology is that ultimately we’ll be able to create devices that are manufactured at the molecular level by putting together, molecular fragments in new combinations so, I can send you an information file and a desktop nanofactory will assemble molecules according to the definition in the file and create a physical objects so I can e-mail you a pair of trousers or a module to build housing or a solar panel and WE’LL BE ABLE TO CREATE JUST ABOUT ANYTHING WE NEED IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD FROM INFORMATION FILES WITH VERY INEXPENSIVE INPUT MATERIALS. You can… I mean, just a few years ago if I wanted to send you a movie or a book or a recorded album, I would send you a FedEx package, now I can e-mail you an attachment and you can create a movie or a book from that. On the future, I’ll be able to e-mail you a blouse or a meal. So, that’s the promise of nanotechnology. Another promise is to be able to create devices that are size of blood cells and by the way biology is an example of nanotechnology, the key features of biology are at the molecular level ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #4 (continues:)

“ … SO, THAT’S ACTUALLY THE EXISTENCE PROOF THAT NANOTECHNOLOGY IS FEASIBLE BUT BIOLOGY IS BASED ON LIMITED SIDE OF MATERIALS. EVERYTHING IS BUILT OUT OF PROTEINS AND THAT’S A LIMITED CLASS OF SUBSTANCES. WITH NANOTECHNOLOGY WE CAN CREATE THINGS THAT ARE FAR MORE DURABLE AND FAR MORE POWERFUL. One scientist designed a robotic red blood cell it’s a thousand times more powerful than the biological version so, if you were to replace a portion of your biological red blood cells with this respirocytes the robotic versions. You could do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath or sit at the bottom of your pool for 4 hours. If I were to say someday you’ll have millions or even billions of these nanobots, nano-robots, blood cell size devices going through your body and keeping you healthy from inside, I might think well, that sounds awfully futuristic ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #4 (continues:)

“ … I’d point out this already in 50 experiments in animals of doing exactly that with the first generation of nano engineered blood cell size devices. One scientist cured type 1 diabetes in rats with the blood cell size device. Seven nanometer pores let’s insulin out in the controlled fashion. At MIT, there’s a blood cell size device that can detect and destroy cancer cells in the bloodstream. These are early experiments but KEEP IN MIND THAT BECAUSE OF THE EXPONENTIAL PROGRESSION OF THIS TECHNOLOGY, THESE TECHNOLOGIES WILL BE A BILLION TIMES MORE POWERFUL IN 25 YEARS AND YOU GET SOME IDEA WHAT WILL BE FEASIBLE ...” [199]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5:

“...We may end up in a FUTURE where employment is high, but even the unemployed serve as managers of their own cadre of ROBOT WORKERS...” [192]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (Bill Gates tells Scientific American about “...A Robot in Every Home: The leader of the PC revolution predicts that the next hot field will be robotics...” ). Ensuing:

“...Imagine being present at the birth of a new industry. It is an industry based on groundbreaking new technologies, wherein a handful of well-established corporations sell highly specialized devices for business use and a fast-growing number of start-up companies produce innovative toys, gadgets for hobbyist and other interesting niche products. But it is also a highly fragmented industry with few common standards or platforms. Projects are complex, progress is slow, and practical applications are relatively rare. In fact, for all the excitement and promise, no one can say with any certainty when ─ or even if ─ this industry will achieve critical mass. If it does, though, it may change the world ... Of course, that paragraph above could be a description of the computer industry during the mid-1970s, around the time that Paul Allen and I launched Microsoft. Back then, big, expensive mainframe computers ran the back-office operations for major companies, governmental departments and other institutions ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Researchers at leading universities and industrial laboratories were creating the basic building blocks that would make the information age possible. Intel has just introduced the 8080 microprocessor, and Atari was selling the popular electronic game Pong. At home ground computer clubs, enthusiast to figure out exactly what this new technology was good for ... But what I really have in mind is something much more contemporary: the emergence of the robotic industry, which is developing in much the same way the computer business did 30 years ago. Think of the manufacturing robots currently used on automobile assembly lines as the equivalent of yesterday’s mainframes. The industry’s niche products include robotic arms that perform surgery, surveillance robots deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan that dispose of roadside bombs, and domestic robots vacuum the floor. Electronic companies have made robotic toys that can imitate people or dogs or dinosaurs, and hobbyists are anxious to get their hands on the latest version of the Lego robotic system ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ ...Meanwhile some of the world’s best minds are trying to solve the toughest problems of robotics, such as visual recognition, navigation and machine learning. And they are succeeding. At the 2004 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Grand Challenge, a completion to produce the first robotic vehicle capable of navigating autonomously over a rugged 142-mile course though the Mojave Desert, the top competitor managed to travel just 7.4 miles before breaking down. In 2005, though, five vehicles covered the complete distance, and the race’s winner did it at an average speed of 19.1 miles an hour. (In another intriguing parallel between the robotics and computer industries, DARPA also funded the work that led to the creation of Arpanet, the precursor to the Internet) ... What is more, the challenges facing the robotic industry are similar to those we tackled in computing three decades ago. Robotic companies have no standard operating software that could allow popular application programs to run in a variety of devices. The standardization of robotic processors and other hardware is limited, and very little of the programming code used in one machine can be applied to another. Whenever somebody wants to build a new robot, they usually have to start from square one ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Despite these difficulties, when I talk to people involved in robotics ─ from university researchers to entrepreneurs, hobbyists and high school students ─ the level of excitement and expectation reminds me so much of that time when Paul Allen and I looked at the convergence of new technologies and dreamed of the day when a computer would be on every desk and in every home. And as I look at the trends that are now starting to converge, I can envision a future in which robotic devices will become a nearly ubiquitous part of our day-to-day lives. I believe that technologies such as distributed computing voice and visual recognition, and wireless broadband connectivity will open the door to a new generation of autonomous devices that enable computers to perform tasks in the physical world on our behalf. We may be on the verge of a new era, when the PC will get up off the desktop and allow us to see, hear, touch and manipulate objects in places where we are not physically present ... The word ‘ROBOT’ was popularized in 1921 by Czech playwright Karel Capek, but people have envisioned creating robotlike devices for thousands of years. In Greek and Roman mythology, the gods of metalwork built mechanical servants made from gold. In the first century A.D., Heron of Alexandria ─ the great engineer credited with inventing the first steam engine ─ designed intriguing automatons, including one said to have the ability to talk. Leonardo da Vinci’s 1495 sketch of a mechanical knight, which could sit up and move its arms and legs, is considered to be the first plan for a humanoid robot ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Over the past century, anthropomorphic machines have become familiar figures in popular culture through books such as Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot, movies such as Star Wars and television shows such as Star Trek. The popularity of robots in fiction indicates that people are receptive to the idea that these machines will one day way among us as helpers and even as companions. Nevertheless, although robots play a vital role in industries such as automobile manufacturing ─ where there is about one robot for every 10 workers ─ the fact is that we have a long way to go before real robots catch up with their science-fiction counterparts ... One reason for this gap is that it has been much harder than expected to enable computers and robots to sense their surrounding environment and to react quickly and accurately. It has provoked difficult to give robots the capabilities that humans take for granted ─ for example, the abilities to orient themselves with respect to the objects in room, to respond to sounds and interpret speech, and to grasp objects of varying size, textures and fragility. Even something as simple as telling the difference between an open door and a window can be devilishly tricky for a robot ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … But researchers are starting to find the answers. One trend that has helped them is the increasing availability of tremendous amounts of computer power. One megahertz of processing power, which cost more than $7,000 in 1970, can now be purchased for just pennies. The access to cheap power has permitted scientists to work on many of the hard problems that are fundamental to making robots practical. Today, for example, voice-recognition programs can identify words quite well, but a far greater challenge will be building machines that can understand what those words mean in context. As computing capacity continues to expand, robot designers will have the processing power they need to tackle issues of ever greater complexity ... Another barrier to the development of robots has been the high cost of hardware, such as sensors that enable a robot to determine to an object as well as motors and servos that allow the robot to manipulate an object with both strength and delicacy. But prices are dropping fast. Laser range finders that are used in robotics to measure distance with precision cost about $10,000 a few years ago; today they can be purchased for about $2,000. And new, more accurate sensors based on ultrawideband radar are available for even less ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Now robot builders can also add Global Positioning System chips, video cameras, array microphones (which are better than conventional microphones at distinguishing a voice from a background noise) and a host of additional sensors for a reasonable expense. The resulting enhancement of capabilities, combined with expanded processing power and storage, allows today’s robots to do things such as vacuum a robot or help to defuse a roadside bomb ─ tasks that would have been impossible for commercially produced machines just a few years ago ... In February 2004 I visited a number of leading universities, including Carnegie Mellon University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Cornell University and the University of Illinois, to talk about the powerful role that computers can play in solving some of society’s most pressing problems. My goal was to help students understand how exciting and important computer science can be, and I hoped to encourage a few of them to think about careers in technology ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ ... At each university, after delivering my speech, I had the opportunity to get a firsthand look at some of the most interesting research projects in the school’s computer science department. Almost without exception, I was shown at least one project that involved robotics ... At that time, my colleagues at Microsoft were also hearing people in academia and at commercial robotics firms who wondered if our company was doing any work in robotics that might help them with their own development efforts. We were not, so we decided to take a closer look. I asked Tandy Trower, a member of my strategic staff and a 25-year Microsoft veteran, to go on an extended fact-finding mission and to speak with people across the robotics community. What he found was universal enthusiasm for the potential of robotics, along with an industry-wide desire for tools that would make development easier. ‘Many see the robotics industry at a technological turning point where a move to PC architecture makes more and more sense,’ Tandy wrote in his report to me after his fact-finding mission. ‘As Red Whitaker, leader of [Carnegie Mellon’s] entry in the DARPA Grand Challenge, recently indicated, the hardware capability is mostly there; now the issue is getting the software right.’ ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Back in the early days of the personal computers, we realized that we needed an ingredient that would allow all of the pioneering work to achieve critical mass, to coalesce into a real industry capable of producing truly useful products on a commercial scale. What was needed, it turned out, was Microsoft BASIC. When we created this programming language in the 1970s, we provided the common foundation that enabled programs developed for one set of hardware to run on another. BASIC also made computer programming much easier, which brought more and more people into the industry. Although a great many individuals made essential contributions to the development of the personal computer, Microsoft BASIC was one of the key catalysts for the software and hardware innovations that made the PC revolution possible ... After reading Tandy’s report, it seemed clear to me that before the robotics industry could make the same kind of quantum leap that the PC industry made 30 years ago, it, too, need to find that missing ingredient. ...”

“ … So I asked him to assemble a small team that would work with people in the robotics field to create a set of programming tools that would provide the essential plumbing so that anybody interested in robots with even the most basic understanding of computer programming could easily write robotic applications that would work with different kinds of hardware. The goal was to see if it was possible to provide the same kind of common, low-level foundation for integrating hardware and software into robot designs that Microsoft BASIC provided for computer programmers ... Tandy’s robotics group has been able to drawn a number of advanced technologies developed by a team working under the direction of Craig Mundie, Microsoft’s chief research and strategy officer. One such technology will help solve one of the most difficult problems facing robot designers: how to simultaneously handle all the data coming in from multiple sensors and send the appropriate commands to the robot’s motors, a challenge known as concurrency ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … A conventional approach is to write a traditional, single-threaded program ─ a long loop that first reads all the data from the sensors, then processes this input and finally delivers output that determines the robot’s behavior, before starting the loop all over again. The shortcomings are obvious: if your robot has fresh sensor data indicating that the machine is at the edge of a precipice, but the program is still at the bottom of the loop calculating trajectory and telling the wheels to turn faster based on previous sensor input, there is a good chance the robot will fall down the stairs before it can process the new information ... Concurrency is a challenge that extends beyond robotics. Today as more and more applications are written for distributed networks of computers, programmers have struggled to figure out how to efficiently orchestrate code running on many servers at the same time. And as computers with a single processor are replaced by machines with multiple processors and ‘multicore’ processors ─ integrated circuits with two or more processors joined together for enhanced performance ─ software designers will need a new way to program desktop applications and operating systems. To fully exploit the power of processors working in parallel, the new software must deal with the problem of concurrency ... One approach to handling concurrency is to write multi-threaded programs that allow data to travel along many paths ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … But as any developer who has written multithreaded code can tell you, this is one of the hardest tasks in programming. The answer that Craig’s team has devised to the concurrency problem is something called the concurrency and coordination runtime (CCR). The CCR is a library of functions ─ that makes it easy to write multithreaded applications that can coordinate a number of simultaneous activities. Designed to help programmers take advantage of the power of multicore and multiprocessor systems, the CCR turns out to be ideal for robotics as well. By drawing on this library to write their programs, robot designers can dramatically reduce the chances that one of their creations will run into a wall because its software is too busy sending output to its wheels to read input from its sensors ... In addition to tackling the problem of concurrency, the work that Craig’s team has done will also simplify the writing of distributed robotic applications through a technology called decentralized software services (DSS) ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … DSS enables developers to create applications in which the services ─ the parts of the program that read a sensor, say, or control a motor ─ operate as separate processes that can be orchestrated in much the same way that text, images and information from several servers are aggregated on a Web page. Because DSS allow software components to run in isolation from one another, if an individual component of a robot fails, it can be shut down and restarted ─ or even replaced ─ without having to reboot the machine. Combine with broadband wireless technology, this architecture makes it easy to monitor and adjust a robot form a remote location using a Web browser ... What is more, a DSS application controlling a robotic device does not have to reside entirely on the robot itself bun can be distributed across more than one computer. As a result, the robot can be a relatively inexpensive device that delegates complex processing tasks to the high-performance hardware found on today’s home PCs. I believe this advance will pave the way for an entirely new class of robots that are essentially mobile, wireless peripheral devices that tap into the power of Mobile, wireless peripheral devices that tap into the power of desktop PCs to handle processing-intensive tasks such as visual recognition and navigation ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … And because these devices can be networked together, we can expect to see the emergence of groups of robots that can work in concert to achieve goals such as mapping the seafloor or planting crops ... These technologies are a key part of Microsoft Robotics Studio, a new software development kit built by Tandy’s team. Microsoft Robotics Studio also includes tools that make it easier to create robotic applications using a wide range of programming language. One example is a simulation tool that lets robots builders test their applications in a three-dimensional virtual environment before trying them out in the real world. Our goal for this release is to create an affordable, open platform that allows robot developers to readily integrate hardware and software into their designs ... How soon will robots become part of our day-to-day lives? According to the International Federation of Robotics, about two million personal robots were in use around the world in 2004, and another seven million will be installed by 2008. In South Korea the Ministry of Information and Communication hopes to put a robot in every home there by 2013 ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … The Japanese Robot Association predicts that by 2025, the personal robot industry will be worth more than $50 billion a year worldwide, compared with about $5 billion today ... As with the PC industry in the 1970s, it is impossible to predict exactly what applications will drive this new industry. It seems quite likely, however, that robots will play an important role in providing physical assistance and even companionship for the elderly. Robotic devices will probably help people with disabilities get around and extend the strengths and endurance of soldiers, construction workers and medical professionals. Robots will maintain dangerous industrial machines, handle hazardous materials and monitor remote oil pipelines. They will enable health care workers to diagnose and treat patients who may be thousands of miles away, and they will be a central feature of security systems and search-and-rescue operations ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Although a few of the robots of tomorrow may resemble the anthropomorphic devices seen in Stars Wars, most likely look nothing like the humanoid C-3PO. In fact, as mobile peripheral devices become more and more common, it may be increasingly difficult to say exactly what a robot is. Because the new machines will be so specialized and ubiquitous ─ and look so little like the two-legged automatons of science fiction ─ we so little like the two-legged automatons of science-fiction ─ we probably will not even call them robots. But as these devices become affordable to consumers, they could have just as profound an impact on the way we work, communicate, learn and entertain ourselves as the PC has had over the past 30 years ...” [211]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #6:

“...Because of the explosive nature of exponential growth, the twenty-first century will be equivalent to twenty thousand years of progress at today’s rate of progress; about one thousand times greater than the 20th century...” (The Singularity Is Near).

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #7:

President John F. Kennedy’s speech ─ on September 12, 1962 at Rice University ─ indicated: “...Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive and working today, despite the fact that this Nation’s own SCIENTIFIC MANPOWER IS DOUBLING EVERY 12 YEARS IN A RATE OF GROWTH MORE THAN THREE TIMES THAT OF OUR POPULATION AS A WHOLE, DESPITE THAT, THE VAST STRETCHES OF THE UNKNOWN AND THE UNANSWERED AND THE UNFINISHED STILL FAR OUTSTRIP OUR COLLECTIVE COMPREHENSION...” [80]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #8:

Max Planck (1858 – 1947) pointed out: “...A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar...” [187]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #9:

To further set the stage for this material, the textbook “...Einstein in the Boardroom...” by Suzanne S. Harrison and Patrick H. Sullivan Sr. may offer some lucid ideas on the “...current...” state of affairs when they claim:


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #10:

H.G. Wells (Herbert George Wells ─ 21 September 1866 ─ 1946) observes: “... An immense and ever-increasing wealth of knowledge is scattered about the world today; knowledge that would probably suffice to solve all the mighty difficulties of our age but it is dispersed and unorganized. We need a sort of mental clearinghouse for the mind: a depot where knowledge and ideas are received, sorted, summarized, clarified and compared ...” [188]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #11:

There are many serious publications, from 2003 to this date, speaking of the entirety of scientific knowledge doubling every five (5) years and sooner. How, then, can one undertake such a gargantuan challenge, through the “...Society of Knowledge...” (that also embraces the “...infotech economy...”), unless it is through the stewardship of the most rigorous and advanced scientific method? [129]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #12:

Human knowledge capability will continue to double every year. “...Human knowledge capability...” is the quantity of available knowledge multiplied by the power of technology to process that knowledge. This capability will increase by two to the power of 100, the equivalent of a thousand billion billion, in the twenty-first century...” — James Martin, “...The 17 Great Challenges of the Twenty-First Century,...” Jan-Feb 2007, p. 24 [The Futurist Magazine’s Top-10 Forecast for 2010]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #13:


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #14:

Is genetics and genomic making landmark progression to solve complicated challenges?


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #15:

What has become of novel knowledge content manufacturing as of now?


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #16:

Is Moore's Law beginning to run out of steam? Does it represent the death of computer power?

Ray Kurzweil expresses: “...MORE THAN THE DOUBLING OF COMPUTATIONAL POWER [IS TAKING PLACE] EVERY YEAR...” [177]. Brackets are mine.

The more the advancement, the less the jobs for biologicals?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #17:

“...Alvin Toffler wrote in Future Shock (1970), “…The work has been cut by 50 percent since the turn of the century. It is not out of the way to predict that it will be slashed in half again by 2000 ..” [192]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #18:

China mulls $1.5 trillion strategic industries boost? How far can China go to pervasively cutting-edge science and technology while the West, seemingly and allegedly, does not get its act together? What does a prominent news agency have to report on it?

Reuters (Dec 03, 2010) noticed: “...China is considering investments of up to $1.5 trillion over five years in seven strategic industries, sources said, a plan aimed at accelerating the country's transition from the world's supplier of cheap goods to a leading purveyor of high-value technologies .... Analysts expressed skepticism at the sheer amount of money ─ it equates to about 5 percent of China's gross domestic product on an annual basis ─ but said that the eye-popping headline figure was an indication of the government's determination to catalyze a structural shift in the economy .... THE TARGETED SECTORS INCLUDE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, NEW-GENERATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HIGH-END EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING, ADVANCED MATERIALS, ALTERNATIVE-FUEL CARS AND ENERGY-SAVING AND ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGIES ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #18 (continues:)

“ … Beijing has said before that it wants to promote the sectors, a policy that it hopes will make the country less dependent on low-end, dirty manufacturing. The value-added output of the seven strategic industries together account for about 2 percent of GDP now. The government has said it wants them to generate 8 percent of GDP in 2015 and 15 percent by 2020...” [176]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #19:

How does Futureketing argue about the linkage between our thoughts, the Multiverse and the forthcoming advent of the Technological Singularity?

“...Bart Simpson: ‘Dad, What is the mind? Is it just a system of impulses or something tangible? [Thinking better my question, Dad, Is the mind a projection of Computronium instilled into our brain? If so, Will my mind be superseded above and beyond by the Strong Artificial Intelligence devices embedded in the transbiologicals’ and robots’ own quantum CPUs?]’...” [187]

Transbiologicals are biologicals who have transcended their own biology.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #20:

Zillion impossible science facts turned into rampant realities today?

Dr. Michio Kaku, Ph.D. points out, “...As a physicist, I have learned that the ‘impossible’ is often a relative term .... IN MY OWN SHORT LIFETIME I HAVE SEEN THE SEEMINGLY IMPOSSIBLE BECOME ESTABLISHED SCIENTIFIC FACT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. So is it impossible to think we might one day be able to teleport ourselves from one place to another, or build a spaceship that will one day take us light-years to the stars? .... If we were to somehow encounter a civilization a million years more advanced than ours, would their everyday technology appear to be ‘magic’ to us? .... Just because something is ‘impossible’ today, will it remain impossible centuries or millions of years into the future? ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #20 (continues:)

“ … Given the remarkable advances in science in the past century, especially the creation of the quantum theory and general relativity, it is now possible to give rough estimates of when, if ever, some of these fantastic technologies may be realized. With the coming of even more advanced theories, such as string theory, even concepts bordering on science fiction, such as time travel and parallel universes, are now becoming re-evaluated by physicists. Think back 150 years to those technological advances that were declared ‘impossible’ by scientists at the time and that have now become part of our everyday lives. Jules Verne wrote a novel in 1863, Paris in the Twentieth Century, which was locked away and forgotten for over a century until it was accidentally discovered by his great-grandson and published for the first time in 1994. In it Verne predicted what Paris might look like in the year 1960. His novel was filled with technology that was clearly considered impossible in the nineteenth century, including fax machines, a world-wide communications network, glass skyscrapers, gas-powered automobiles, and high-speed elevated trains … Not surprisingly, Verne could make such stunningly accurate predictions because he was immersed in the world of science, picking the brains of scientists around him. A deep appreciation for the fundamentals of science allowed him to make such startling predictions ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #20 (continues:)

“ … IRONICALLY, THE SERIOUS STUDY OF THE IMPOSSIBLE HAS FREQUENTLY OPENED UP RICH AND ENTIRELY UNEXPECTED DOMAINS OF SCIENCE. For example, over the centuries the frustrating and futile search for a ‘perpetual motion machine’ led physicists to conclude that such a machine was impossible, forcing them to postulate the conservation of energy and the three laws of thermodynamics. Thus the futile search to build perpetual motion machines helped to open up the entirely new field of thermodynamics, which in part laid the foundation of the steam engine, the machine age, and modern industrial society .... We ignore the impossible at our peril. In the 1920s and 1930s Robert Goddard, the founder of modern rocketry, was the subject of intense criticism by those who thought that rockets could never travel in outer space. They sarcastically called his pursuit Goddard’s Folly. In 1921 the editors of the New York Times railed against Dr. Goddard’s work: ‘…Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools...’ Rockets were impossible; the editors huffed, because there was no air to push against in outer space ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #20 (continues:)

“ … Sadly, one head of state did understand the implications of Goddard’s ‘impossible’ rockets ─ Adolph Hitler. During World War II, Germany’s barrage of impossibly advanced V-2 rockets rained death and destruction on London, almost bringing it to its knees .... Time and again we see that the study of the impossible has opened up entirely new vistas, pushing the boundaries of physics and chemistry and forcing scientists to redefine what they mean by ‘impossible.’ As Sir William Osler once said, ‘THE PHILOSOPHIES OF ONE AGE HAVE BECOME THE ABSURDITIES OF THE NEXT, AND THE FOOLISHNESS OF YESTERDAY HAS BECOME THE WISDOM OF TOMORROW.’ .... Many physicists subscribe to the famous dictum of T. H. White, who wrote in The Once and Future King, ‘Anything that is not forbidden is mandatory!’ In physics we find evidence of this all the time .... For example, cosmologist Stephen Hawking tried to prove that time travel was impossible by finding a new law of physics that would forbid it, which he called the ‘chronology protection conjecture.’ Unfortunately, after many years of hard work he was unable to prove this principle. In fact, to the contrary, physicists have now demonstrated that a law that prevents time travel is beyond our present-day mathematics ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #20 (continues:)

“ ...Today, because there is no law of physics preventing the existence of time machines, physicists have had to take their possibility very seriously .... Already one ‘impossible’ technology is now proving to be possible: the notion of teleportation (at least at the level of atoms). Even a few years ago physicists would have said that sending or beaming an object from one point to another violated the laws of quantum physics. The writers of the original Star Trek television series, in fact, were so stung by the criticism from physicists that they added ‘Heisenberg compensators’ to explain teleporters in order to address this flaw. Today, because of a recent breakthrough, physicists can teleport atoms across a room or photons under the Danube River...” [174] To read more on this citation, go to Amazon at

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #21:

Fruitfully planting towards which tense?

“...The heritage of the past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of the future...” ─ Inscription from statuary pedestal at National Archives in Washington

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #22:

Many forces are not predictable but some others are predictable based on applied omniscience, marshaled articulated on systems approach!

Yogi Berra remarks: “...Prediction is very hard, especially when it's about the future...” [171]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #23:

In dealing with hard science, incidentally, is not right that less is more in the following lapidary axiom by Albert Einstein!

"…The grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms..." [208]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #24:

Who creates the future and who doesn’t?

Michael Anissimov utters: “...One of the biggest flaws in the common conception of the future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #25:

What are the ruthless drivers?

Harold Varmus, NIH Director, remarks: “...There are three great themes in science in the twentieth century ─ the atom, the computer, and the gene...” [171]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #26:

Interacting with the future?

Rainer Maria Rilke concluded: “...The future enters into us in order to transform itself in us long before it happens...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #27:

What to consider about gauging the future?

Wired (1994) pointed: “...The future belongs to neither the conduit or content players, but those who control the filtering, searching and sense-making tools we will rely on to navigate through the expansion of cyberspace...” [145]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #28:

Horses, dogs and robotic dominance of all?

Samuel Butler (1863 letter) indicates: “...Who will be man’s successor? To which the answer is: We are ourselves creating our own successors. Man will become to the machine what the horse and the dog are to man; the conclusion being that machines are, or are becoming, animate...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #29:

Brainy ones hyper-accelerating industries and beyond?

Juan Enriquez verbalizes: “... Meanwhile, lone individuals are birthing not just companies but entire industries that rapidly become bigger than the economies of most countries. But unlike growth industries of the past … cars and aerospace, for example … the industries that will dominate our future depend on just a few smart minds … Not a lot of manpower … So during a period of prosperity and economic growth … Wealth is ever more mobile and concentrated...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #30:

What is the current rate of change? What is the as-of-now rate of technological and scientific knowledge doubling?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #31:

Mark Miller, computer scientist, explains: “...You know, things are going to be really different … No, no, I mean really different...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #32:

What are we morphing into?

Sir Arthur C. Clarke observed: “...It’s also a tour de force of photography: the images reveal a whole new order of creation about to come into existence. No one who has any interest in the future can afford it...” [164]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #33:

The outcomes stemming of the intermixing of the exuberant technologies?

Juan Enriquez posits: “...You and your children are about to face a series of unprecedented moral, ethical, economic, and financial issues. The choices you make [as well as those you’re failing to make because of lack of detailed, advanced and deep awareness] will impact where you live, what you earn, what your grandchildren will look like, how long you live. It all starts because we are mixing apples, oranges, and floppy disks...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #34:

“...The future belongs to neither the conduit or content players, but those who control the filtering, searching and sense-making tools we will rely on to navigate through the expanses of cyberspace ...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #35:

From perennially upgraded knowledge into decisive, ruling empires?

Juan Enriquez claims: “...The knowledge revolution is taking place in small, sharply defined areas. One company generates more U.S. patents than 139 countries do together … This [revolution] generates new EMPIRES and new ghettos .... It slams into existing systems and destroys them while creating new systems. Countries and individuals can either surf new and powerful waves of change ─ or try to stop them and get crushed...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #36:

Shocking times equate to shocking futures?

Jose Ortega y Gasset stated: “...Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be...” [149]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #37:

Why everything changes, beginning with change itself?

Nicola Tesla, 1896, Inventor of Alternative Current, reasoned: “...I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #38:

Which one is the future of computing and science while the so-called present is undergoing mazes at the rhythm of increasing hypes?

Ray Kurzweil points: “...[IN THE NEAR FUTURE] COMPUTERS [WILL BE] DOING HARD SCIENCE...” [177] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #39:

Is the new paradigm changing to so many paradigms simultaneously resulting impossibles to figure out any paradigm correctly?

Juan Enriquez utters: “...Many people, even some of the heads of megacorporations, feel that the world is moving too fast as companies, even industries, disappear...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #40:

What are the brain’s priorities beyond seizing life-support capabilities for its own sustainability?

Michael Polanyi concludes: “...The mind is attracted by beautiful [and advanced] problems, promising beautiful [and useful solutions]...” [160]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #41:

Was the creation of the world explosive? How expansive does an on-going explosion become?

“... The world is seeing a Cambrian explosion of media usage ...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #42:

What has become of fate and destiny in times that neuroscience researchers are coming out with some PRELIMINARY outcomes that seem to suggest: “...The present is a function of the future...”?

Robert Theobald reasons: “...Our future is determined by the actions of all of us alive today. Our choices determine our destiny...” [160] Commentary: Some researchers in speaking of some very preliminary yet indicative findings ask: «...Is the present a function of the future?...»

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #43:

Which destiny is that?

William Jennings Bryan observes: “...Destiny is not a matter of chance ─ it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for ─ it is a thing to be achieved...” [174]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #44:

What are the cosmological traits of this over-fragmented “...society...”? Certainly!

David Brin commented: “...What distinguishes society today is not only the pace of events, but also the nature of the tool kit for facing the future...” [160]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #45:

What are the origins of the future?

“...Do not presume that past success indicates future impregnability...” [154]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #46:

While at digital-driven world, Could one refer to Paradise as Computronium?

“...We all go from anticipation to anticipation. In cyberspace there always is room over the next ridge to build a new perspective of heaven ...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #47:

There is here a point of view about change (as change is partly explored here):

Adam Gordon established: “...We have seen eye-popping developments across society, technology, institutions, and products and services in the last generation; this will surely continue into the future .... if we decide today to launch a product, buy a house, study for a degree, build a new light rail system, or take any similar decision of significance, the environment of tomorrow will be a key factor in the success or failure of that decision .... Our decisions are only as good as the view of the future they rest on [profound understanding of all of the driving forces shaping and re-shaping the environment]. All opportunities and successes and profits are realized in the future. All threats, failures, and losses are realized in the future .... Either way, the earlier and clearer we see future circumstances, the better we will be able to benefit by changing our current recipes for success to keep up with the changes in the world. The better managers’ view of the future, the better their decisions will turn out to be ...” [102]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #48:

How does change and future interrelate?

Alvin Toffler asserts: “...Change is the process by which the future invades our lives...” [147]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #49:

Does the pursuit of progress beget ubiquitous robots?

“...We are hanging ears, ears and sensory organs on our computers and on our networks asking them to observe the physical world on our behalf and to manipulate it. The more you connect computers to the physical world, the more the issue of interaction becomes important ...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #50:

What can we do about the future if we have failed to do the proper and sensible things with the past and present?

“... That it is possible for us to anticipate actions, to predict the future, and, by looking for ways to change incentives, to engineer the future across a stunning range of considerations .... One of particular import is that the future ─ or at least its anticipation ─ can cause the past, perhaps even more often than the past causes the future .... must we change our base thinking to work out any variety of predictions and, especially, to change the future?...” [183]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #51:

How do we calculate the future?

“...In summary, the future is a phenomenon that will be completely real someday even though it does not exist today .... Even if the future is approximately equal to today, it will also differ dramatically from today in many particular ways...” [184]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #52:

We have gone ubiquitously digital and genetic and the consequences are unpronounceable even in orders of magnitude?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #53:

Juan Enriquez indicates: “...Digital code is what drives rapid speed growth today. It allows mergers like AOL Time Warner … It drives the Internet, TV, music, finance, IT, news coverage, research, manufacturing. A few countries and companies understood the change. That is how poor countries like Finland, Singapore, and Taiwan got so wealthy … So quickly … But a lot of folks just did not learn to read and write a new language … And even though they produced more and more goods, particularly commodities … And even though they restructured companies and governments … Cut budgets, raised taxes, built large factories and buildings … They got a lot poorer. (In 1938 the richest country per person in Asia was … the Philippines. In 1954, according to the World Bank, the most promising Asian economy was … Burma. Both remain commodity economies … Both are sidelined from the digital revolution … And you probably would not like to live in either country). Your world changed when you went ‘On Line.’ One day you used a fax or e-mail … And it soon became hard to conceive of living with only snail mail. If you understood this change early …”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #53 (continues:)

“ ... And invested or worked in some of the companies driving the digital revolution … You are probably quite well off … (as a country and/or as an individual). If you came late, as a speculator, without understanding what a digital language does, or does not do … You probably lost a lot of money during the year 2000. Your world … and your language … are about to change again. The two nucleotide base pairs that code all life …A-T, C-G … Have already led some of the world’s largest companies … Monsanto … DuPont … Novartis … IBM … Hoechst … Compaq … GlaxoSmithKline … To declare that their future lies in life science. They have abandoned, sold, spun off core business divisions … And launched themselves into selling completely new products … Which is why so many chemical, seed, cosmetic, food, pharmaceutical companies … Are partnering, Merging, Growing. Some life-science companies will crash spectacularly … Others will get larger than Microsoft and Cisco … (Companies that are already larger than the economies of most of the world’s countries.). The world’s mega-mergers are going to be driven by digital and genetic code. Consider what is about to happen to medicine. You currently spend about nine times as much for doctors and medical interventions...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #53 (continues:)

“... As you do on medicines and prevention. In the measure that we understand how viruses, bacteria, and our bodies are programmed … And how they can be reprogrammed … Treatment will shift from emergency interventions … Toward deliberate and personalized prevention … (Just as dentistry did.). And we may end up spending just as much on pharmaceuticals as we do on doctors. These medicines do not have to be pills or injections … They could be a part of the food you eat every day, your soap or cosmetics … Perhaps you will inhale them or simply put various patches on your skin. (This is why Procter & Gamble is thinking of merging with a pharmaceutical company, why L’Oreal is hiring molecular biologists, and why Campbell’s is selling soups designed for hospital patients with specific diseases.)...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #54:

Connect everything to everything else to further improve and expand an even more pervasive automation? Is automation also a term for increasing replacement of labor by humans?

“...When they really touch our lives, information systems cease to be information systems. They are media...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #55:

Dr. Marshall McLuhan, Ph.D. (1962) asserts: “...Our world tomorrow will be utterly different, in ways we cannot even conceive...” [175]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #56:

What hijacks what?

Dr. Stephen Covey writes: “...Again, yesterday holds tomorrow hostage .... Memory is past. It is finite. Vision is future. It is infinite. Vision is greater than history...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #57:

The consequences of a world going from round to flat?

Thomas Friedman claims: “...The flattening of the world is going to be hugely disruptive to both traditional and developed societies. The weak will fall further behind faster. The traditional will feel the force of modernization much more profoundly. The new will get turned into old quicker. The developed will be challenged by the underdeveloped much more profoundly. I worry, because so much political stability is built on economic stability, and economic stability is not going to be a feature of the flat world. Add it all up and you can see that the disruptions and going to come faster and harder. No one is immune ─ not me, not you, not Microsoft. WE ARE ENTERING AN ERA OF CREATIVE DESTRUCTION ON STEROIDS. Dealing with flatism is going to be a challenge of a whole new dimension even if your country has a strategy. But if you don’t have a strategy at all, well, again, you’ve warned...” [139]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #58:

Perpetually change or die?

Michael Gelb (1996) argues: “...Thirty-five years ago, psychologist and visionary Dr. Abraham Maslow warned, ‘life is moving far more rapidly now than ever before in the rate of growth of facts, knowledge, techniques, and inventions. We need a different kind of human being able to life in a world that changes perpetually, who has been educated to be comfortable with change and situations in which he has absolutely no forewarning. The society that can turn out those people will survive. Societies which do not will die.’...” [216]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #59:

Why this changed change is unprecedented and different? San Francisco futurist James Canton offers insight.

“...CIO Insight: In The Extreme Future, you say the 21st century is going to be lightning-fast, complex and driven by disruptive changes. But aren't we already in this extreme future? [RESPONDING THE QUESTION,] JAMES CANTON [INDICATES]: WE ARE TO A CERTAIN EXTENT. BUT THE POINT OF MY BOOK IS THAT THINGS ARE GOING TO GET EVEN MORE DISRUPTIVE, COMPLEX AND COMPETITIVE; THINGS ARE NOT GOING TO EASE OFF, THEY'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO ACCELERATE...” [138] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #60:

What are the organic properties of change and its impact?

David Schlesinger, global managing director at Reuters, indicates: “...Change is hard. Change is hardest on those caught by surprise. Change is hardest on those who have difficulty changing too. But change is natural; change is not new; change is important...” [139]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #61:

The universe and the morrow?

Isaac Asimov verbalizes: “...Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition...” [141]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #62:

Understanding the universe as we don’t think it is and as many people cannot align it with their belief system?

Dr. Carl Sagan, Ph.D., established: “...It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring...” [157]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #63:

Whose realities and myths are those?

Voltaire (1694 – 1778), French writer and philosopher, posited: “...Everything’s fine today, that is our illusion...” [157]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #64:

Is anyone exaggerating about the dynamics of change?

Ian Pearson observes: “...By mid-century, computers will be linked directly into our nervous systems via nanotechnology, which is so small it could connect every neuron in our brains. By about 2040, there will be a backup of our brains in a computer somewhere, so that when you die it won’t be a major career problem...” [140]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #65:

Question: Allegedly, To what extent is the world changing and what are some of the consequences, sometimes infamously ignored?

Dr. Stephen Covey commented: “...The world has profoundly changed … The challenges and complexity we face in our personal lives and relationships, in our families, in our professional lives, and in our organizations are of a different order of magnitude. In fact, many mark 1989 ─ the year we witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall ─ as the beginning of the Information Age, the birth of a new reality, a sea change of incredible significance ─ truly a new era ─ Being effective as individuals and organizations is no longer merely an option ─ survival in today’s world requires it. But in order to thrive, innovate, excel, and lead in what Covey calls the new Knowledge Worker Age, we must build on and move beyond effectiveness [long-held assumptions, fallacies and flawed beliefs and faulty conventions]…Accessing the higher levels of human genius and motivation in today’s new reality REQUIRES A SEA CHANGE IN THINKING: a new mind-set, a new skill-set, a new tool-set ─ in short, a whole new habit...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #66:

Bringing down a handful of millenarian fallacies in the twentieth-one century?

Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox argued: “...From Conventional Wisdom to Shocking Probability. Maybe someday, sooner or later, truly intelligent machines will be built. Until that time, speculation will abound. Much of that speculation is based on what might be called ‘Conventional Wisdom,’ the underlying assumptions and conventions we collectively share. We can list some of these assumptions as follows: The next century will be an extension of this one, with increasingly smarter machines being run by people and for people … Because the human mind is linked to a soul, cybernetic machines will never be fully self-aware like we are … If intelligent robots can be built, it will be a long time before they can be made to do what humans do, as well as humans do it. Perhaps centuries will be required … Even after intelligent robots are made, multitudes of humans will continue to exist on earth, and maybe even in space … Human minds and personal identities will never be able to merge with an electromechanical system … Even if it were possible, we humans would refuse to download our minds onto hardware, no matter how tempting and intelligent the new surroundings might be. We believe that cyberbeings will be emotionless, soulless, and humorless mechanical zombies ─ rather like ‘Star Trek’s’ Lt. Commander Data, a somewhat sad android pining for a humanity he will never achieve … No matter how smart they are, digital minds will never have the insight, intuition, and smooth savvy of the human mind. They will forever remain mentally inferior, and our faithful, self- maintaining servants...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #66 (continues:)

“ ...The robots will soon prove our mental and physical superiors. Self-generated enhancements will refine them beyond our control. They will enslave us all except, of course, for a renegade band of rebellious, young, good-looking, daring humans armed with battered, recycled surplus weapons, fearlessly following their craggy but wise leader into a fight for truth, justice, and the hominid way … THIS BOOK ARGUES THAT THE NEXT CENTURY WILL PROVE TO BE NOTHING LIKE THIS ONE, NOR ANY FORECAST SO FAR. COMPUTING POWER, NEUROSCIENCE, AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES ARE ADVANCING SO RAPIDLY THAT THEY WILL COMBINE TO PRODUCE THE MOST SIGNIFICANT EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTS SINCE THE ORIGIN OF LIFE ITSELF … WE MAINTAIN THAT THE HUMAN MIND AND CONSCIOUS THOUGHT ARE EXCLUSIVELY NATURAL AND PHYSICAL IN ORIGIN AND NATURE. ULTIMATELY, THEIR NATURES AND FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES ARE KNOWABLE AND CAN BE REPLICATED FOR THE PURPOSES OF PERSONAL IMMORTALITY...” [169]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #67:

Pervasive genetics, pervasive medicine, pervasive diagnostics and pervasive monitoring?

Juan Enriquez explains: “...If it seems like your world has been topsy-turvy over the past few years … Consider what’s coming. Your genetic code will be imprinted on and ID card … For better and worse. Medicines will be tailored to your genes and will help prevent specific diseases for which you may be at risk. (But … your insurance company and your prospective employer may also find out that you are genetically disposed to, say, heart disease, or breast cancer, or Alzheimer’s.)...” [163]

Whatever the lethal consequences, Are you still doggedly insisting on not understanding the rates of hyper-geometrical exponential growth and hence not have a sense of proportions in alignment with the driving forces of the twentieth-one century?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #68:

James John Bell argues, “...We won’t just experience 100 years of progress in the twenty-first century ─ it will be more like 20,000 years of progress...” [161]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #69:

How can we get to a new terra incognita with an old map?

Rowan Gibson postulates: “...The lesson of the last three decades is that nobody can drive to the future on cruise control...” [161]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #70:

Where and how do we live?

Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox observed: “...We live in strange times, in case you have not noticed. Here we are with our home computers and other high-tech appliances, living what we regard as a normal life … The world we are living in ─ a world that couples Homo sapiens with fast-paced hypertechnology ─ is strange to us because sometimes it feels like what it is, a transient dream .... We are dreaming a strange, waking dream; an inevitably brief interlude sandwiched between the long age of low-tech humanity on the one hand, and the age of human beings transcended on the other. We are living in the latter days of humanity; cybertechnologies will quickly replace us. Just inches of time away exists a speedy reality bearing down on us that we may sense, but do not show on our faces .... While one may be made uncomfortable by the thought of a truly strange 21st century, there is around us an impending sense of arrival ─ a strangeness in the air, an uneasiness, a feeling that deep down, things are starting to cchange in swift, fundamental ways too fuzzy to put a finger on. More than just the onset of the third millennium, it is the quiet before the storm. The products of technology are becoming more curious ─ a little too smart, a little too fast. It’s downright unsettling. And, hey, people aren’t dumb. They know that we have just begun to build smart dumb machines; soon it will be dumb smart machines. Where will it stop? If we continue to build machines smarter than the last ones, and then one that is smarter than that and so on ─ well, you do not have to be a particle physicist to see that the machines cannot keep getting smarter and smarter, yet forever remain dumber than us. Garry ‘John Henry’ Kasparov, chess Grand Master, lost a championship game to a machine for the first time in history this year. Perhaps someday, we’ll hear the battle cry of humanity rallying in desperation: ‘Remember Deep Blue’...” [165]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #71:

Technologies, societies and possibilities?

Freeman Dyson claimed: “...There is nothing so big nor so crazy that one out of a million technological societies may not feel itself driven to do, provided it is physically possible...” [174]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #72:

Minds vs. computational algorithms, man-made computational algorithms?

“...Funny thing, our mind. The moment our software catches up, the mind seems to travel beyond the capability of the software .... [However,] Our minds focus on renditions, darling, not the underlying algorithm. Your analysts and programmers have to deal with algorithm that produces new renditions...” [161] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #73:

Dr. Covey’s lucid perspective becomes greatly supported and refined by Peter Drucker.

Peter Drucker asserted: “...In a few hundred years, when the story of our [current] time is written from a long-term perspective, it is likely that the most important event those historians will see is not technology, not the Internet, not e-commerce [not ‘social media’ ─ so-called]. IT IS AN UNPRECEDENTED CHANGE IN THE HUMAN CONDITION. FOR THE FIRST TIME ─ LITERALLY ─ SUBSTANTIAL AND GROWING NUMBERS OF PEOPLE HAVE CHOICES. FOR THE FIRST TIME, THEY WILL HAVE TO MANAGE THEMSELVES. AND SOCIETY IS TOTALLY UNPREPARED FOR IT...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #74:

And the political angle of the future? By The Honorable Tom Ridge, First Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Former Governor of Pennsylvania:

“...The political world promises change and the digital world delivers it. And when that change potentially affects our privacy and freedom, we should all pay attention. This is a fascinating, provocative and thoroughly readable look into an uncertain future...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #75:
Internet and yesterday?

Scout Bradner writes: “...We have the Internet that we have today because the Internet of yesterday did not focus on the today of yesterday...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #76:

The rights and the future?

“...Legal scholars can debate whether copyright law mandates a future of ‘authorized use only’ for digital information. The answer may not matter much, because that future is coming to pass through the technologies of digital rights management and trusted systems...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #77:

Future and forces embedded?

“...The forces shaping your future are digital, and you need to understand them...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #78:

Can we picture the future?

“...Will the vast amounts of information now available because of the advances in storage and communication technology actually be usable a hundred or a thousand years in the future, or WILL THE SHIFT FROM PAPER TO DIGITAL MEDIA MEAN THE LOSS OF HISTORY?...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #79:

Regarding the Cyberspace, a primer to Computronium?

John Perry Barlow: “...Governments of the Industrial World, your weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You have no so sovereignty where we gather .... We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth. We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity … In our world, all the sentiments and expressions of humanity, from debasing to the angelic, are parts of a seamless whole, the global conversation of bits .... [Y]ou are trying to ward off the virus of liberty by erecting guard posts at the frontiers of Cyberspace...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #80:

Can we use a chain to represent a metaphor about the future?

“...You can’t understand the knot without understanding the strands, but in the future, the strands need not remain tied up in the same way as they are today...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #81:

Are there others angles to be added to the compounded perspective under discernment about changed changes?

Ray Kurzweil: “...Supercomputers will achieve one human brain capacity by 2010, and personal computers will do so by about 2020 .... We appear to be programmed with the idea that there are 'things' outside of our self, and some are conscious, and some are not .... We are beginning to see intimations of this in the implantation of computer devices into the human body...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #82:
The world is not analogue anymore. Its quality is only digital and hence emphatically over-mathematical. Ergo, if you don’t attach the future, the future will attack you and outsmart you without a fail.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #83:

Supporting the motions of all of the above in this digital universe of ours, check out the take by the author of “...The World is Flat...”

Thomas Friedman indicates: “...People are always [and wrongfully] assuming that everything that is going to be invented must have been invented already. But it hasn’t...” [139] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #84:

What happens to your vision when you don’t understand that the world is not analog but pervasively ─ increasingly so ─ over-digital?

Muhamad Yunus: “...There eyes were blinded by the knowledge they had...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #85:

Brainy discoveries and the IT revolution?

J. G. Taylor, B. Horowitz, K. J. Friston: “...Now, for the first time, we are observing the brain at work in a global manner with such clarity that we should be able to discover the overall programs behind its magnificent powers...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #86:

From Darwin and well into the present twentieth-one century?

Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox: “...When Queen Victoria was in her prime, an Englishman, Charles Darwin, discovered a fundamental truth that shook mankind so severely that it remains today a matter of extreme distress and massive denial. Darwin realized that life on our planet is not the recent and fixed product of deity-mediated special creation, but has been constantly changing over a long span of time … The paleontologist who followed Darwin have taught us that time has no respect for species. Whole dynasties of life have been swept away and replaced with new ones. More than 65 million years ago, the world was filled with swift, deadly meat-eaters, including huge tyrannosaurs stalking elephant-sized horned dinosaurs and duck-billed herbivores. Flying pterosaurs were as big and heavy as sailplanes. Small, graceful, predaceous dinosaurs had binocular vision, big brains, and grasping hands. After 170 million years of successful evolution, they achieved the height of variation and power. Resplendent and numerous on the fertile Cretaceous plains, how could it be that within a few years they all would be gone forever? ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #86 (continues:)

“ ...This chilling story suggests a ticking clock for humanity, as well; dare we think of our own extinction? There is ticking clock for humanity, and it may be mere seconds before midnight. TOMORROW IS UPON US, AND WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN IN THE NEW DAY IS FAR, FAR STRANGER THAN MOST PEOPLE DARE TO THINK … Even Darwin did not realize how right he was, or how far evolution will take us. We should not fault Darwin for his lack of vision. Darwin lived in a time when the modern scientific revolution was just beginning. It was also a time of steam engines, gas lamps, and phrenology. Science, in our late 20th century sense, was still a few years away. Yet even today, few nonscientists have more than an inkling of how life evolved or how technologies such as the automobile, the light switch, or the airplane actually work … WE LIVE IN A HIGH-TECHNOLOGY WORLD, WITH LITTLE APPRECIATION FOR HOW THINGS GOT THE WAY THEY ARE...” [169]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #87:

What is the personal cosmology in the orbit of a person seeking foresight? You capture foresight to construe a cohesive vision, Do you not?

Antonio Machado: “...Man, incurable futurist, is the only traditionalist animal...” [130]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #88:

The name of the game and the point-of-inflection change of game-changers?

“...Which way will the future go? Science fiction authors seem to favor dystopian futures over utopian ones, probably because they make for more interesting plots. BUT SO FAR, AI SEEMS TO FIT IN WITH OTHER REVOLUTIONARY TECHNOLOGIES (PRINTING, PLUMBING, AIR TRAVEL, TELEPHONY) WHOSE NEGATIVE REPERCUSSIONS ARE OUTWEIGHED BY THEIR POSITIVE ASPECTS...” [192]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #89:

A technological and academic institution outsmarting cutting-edge science and technology to a point to generate more wealth than the combination of many countries?

Juan Enriquez: “...Wealth is concentrated and portable. MIT faculty and alumni produce as much wealth as all but Twenty-Two Countries In The World...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #90:

Before we proceed any further, please always remember the following maxim.

“...Everything is somewhat somewhat interrelated to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat connected to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat interconnected to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat intricate to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat involved in everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat inter-associated to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat interlocked to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat inter-coupled to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat inter-joined to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat conjoint to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat inter-tied to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat interdependent to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat correlated to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat intertwined with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat inter-meshed with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat implicated in everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat entangled with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat entwined with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat tangled with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat knotted with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat interwoven into everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat engaged with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat parenthetical to everything else....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #91:

Einstein has an appropriate thought to share: “... [The human being] experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of our consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty...” [108] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #92:

Preterit notions to secure being strategically devastated?

Peter Drucker expressed: “...The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic...” [146]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #93:

What do Alvin and Heidi Toffler can tell us about the 2025’s outlook through Toffler Associates’ assessing?

Toffler Associates posit: “...Yet the opportunities and challenges do not pause. The forces of change are in fact accelerating as technology, communications, and mobility link us in a blurring and buzzing globalizing world.... The image of this future became clearer when we and 40 executives and thought leaders closely examined five specific technology areas and explored their implications for society, business, and government. We examined biotechnology, cyber-technology, nanotechnology, ubiquitous sensing, and wild cards from science and technology. We asked the thought leaders to apply their projections in five crosscutting areas to identify the key technology convergences that would most affect or disrupt society in 2025: economy and wealth, energy and the environment, health and demographics, infrastructure, and governance ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #93 (continues:)

“... We learned that the technologies were changing in ways that made traditional distinctions between disciplines and areas of science decreasingly relevant. Biotechnologists regularly describe nano-scale developments. Nanotechnologists apply insights from genome sequencing. Research is spread, enhanced, and stolen with cyber tools. Research will lead to carbon-free or carbon-neutral technologies that disrupt industries and policies. The blurring of boundaries between sciences are creating convergences. Breakthroughs across disciplines are stimulating accelerating insights and applications...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #94:

As concluding this important report, Toffler Associates argue:

“...Knowledge is being created at such a rate that much of what we know will soon be obsolete .... The technological developments maturing between now and 2025 and the innovative ways they may be applied reflect an acceleration and shift that can seem both promising and challenging to decision makers. In the Industrial Age, developments in steam power, combustion engines, automobiles, aerospace, and telephony seemed slow to mature – their development and spread required large industrial infrastructures. In the Information Age, developments in bio, nano, cyber, and sensors are possible with a smaller and more differentiated infrastructure, and they are occurring simultaneously around the globe. Global information networks are increasing the pace of this technological innovation. This deeper, more widely spread development of knowledge is different from our recent past and portends further changes...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #94 (continues:)

“ ...The convergences of bio, nano, cyber, sensors and wild card technologies are causing even greater acceleration of change. But at the same time, knowledge is being created at such a rate that much of what we know about these technologies and their application rapidly becomes obsolete as it is overtaken by newer discoveries. Our institutions will be challenged to respond to the combination of these technological changes and the many other drivers of change simultaneously. We expect many systems and institutions to be desynchronized by these changes and efforts to resynchronize them will add to the sense of disruption that many people feel .... Many thought leaders we worked with in this effort are highly optimistic. Nearly all who contributed to these findings see technological developments as promising, and as stimuli for new opportunities. At the same time, some cautioned about vulnerabilities and called for leadership and action to address these vulnerabilities before we feel their impact. This report serves as one input to decision makers who can aid us in adapting with the changes and creating our future...” [150]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #95:

The Perpetual Innovation Imperative and Enterprises Impacted by Continuous Change?

“... In the mid-1980s a study by Shell suggested that the average corporate survival rate for large company was about half as long as that of a human being. Since then the pressures on firms have increased enormously from all directions ─ with the inevitable result that business life expectancy is reduced still further. Many studies look at the changing composition of key indices and draw attention to the demise of what were often major firms and in their time key innovators. For example, Foster and Kaplan point out that of the 500 companies originally making up the Standard & Poor 500 list in 1957, only 74 remained on the list through to 1977. Of the top 12 companies which make up the Dow Jones Index in 1900 only one ─ General Electric ─ survives today. Even apparently robust giants like IBM, GM or Kodak can suddenly display worrying sings of mortality, whilst for small firms the picture is often considerably worse since they lack the protection of a large resource base ... Some firms have had to change dramatically to stay in business. For example, a company founded in the early nineteenth century, which had Wellington boots and toilet paper amongst its product range, is now one of the largest and most successful in the world of telecommunications business. Nokia began life as a lumber company, making the equipment and supplies needed to cut down forests in Finland...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #95 (continues:)

“...It moved through into paper and from there into the ‘paperless office’ world of IT ─ and from there into mobile telephones ... Another mobile phone player ─ Vodafone Airtouch ─ grew to its huge size by merging with a firm called Mannesmann which, since its birth in 1870s, has been more commonly associated with the invention and production of steel tubes! TUI owns Thomsom (the travel group) in the UK, and is the largest European travel and tourism services company. Its origins, however, lie in the mines of old Prussia where it was established as a public sector state lead mining and smelting company!...” [197]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #96:

How does a global corporation spell out century 21st-century leadership to the world?

J. W. Marriott, Jr., Chairman and CEO, Marriott International, Inc.: “...Great leaders know and appreciate the value of people. They don’t just listen to the opinions of others, they seek them out. They make sure every member of their team has the opportunity to make a meaningful, lasting contribution. They recognize that their most important responsibility as a leader is to develop their people, give them room to grow and inspire them to realize their full potential. This has long been our philosophy at Marriott, where we believe that if we take great care of our associates, they will take care of our customers...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #97:

Becoming acculturated in mind preparedness by a supreme statesman!

Winston Churchill: “...To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #98:

The Intelligence Community on Trends?

National Intelligence Council (NIC): “...If you like where events seem to be headed, you may want to take timely action to preserve their positive trajectory. If you do not like where they appear to be going, you will have to develop and implement policies to change their trajectory...” [144]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #99:

The rosy facts about life?

Alvin Toffler claims: “...Change is not merely necessary to life ─ it is life...” [148]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #100:

To further illustrate the impact of downside change, What was The World Trade Center Disaster and Recovery Planning about?

“...On September 11, 2001, two airplanes flew into the World Trade Center (WTC), killing more than 2000 people. All WTC offices were destroyed and many nearby buildings were badly damaged and immediately evacuated. Beyond the loss of human lives, major jammed due to the obvious increased phone activity. In addition, major telecommunication providers such as AT&T and Verizon lost major portion of services because their major switching centers and computer systems were located in areas near the WTC. This impacted several major clients, including Lufthansa Airlines which lost telephone services for its sales offices in downtown Manhattan. Lufthansa had chosen AT&T as its primary and Verizon as a backup provider. With both facilities impacted, Lufthansa was left without a telephone service for almost a week...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #99 (continues:)

“....Many companies that relied on the Internet to conduct business were not severely impacted. In fact, the Internet became a viable alternate vehicle for communications in that disastrous week. In my own office in New Jersey that afternoon, we could not get the news from TVs (no TVs were available in the offices), so we all visited the news sites from CNN, FOX and others to understand what was going on. Internet telephony and email became the primary source of communicating with family and friends to let them know that we were OK .... Merrill Lynch had over 9,000 employees at the WTC and the nearby World Financial Center. Most were unharmed and were relocated to other places of work quickly and successfully. Merrill resumed its business later in the same day and did not suffer as much as others. The main reason was that it had redundant telecommunications capabilities and a good disaster recovery plan. Merrill had rehearsed the plan four months earlier, so it was better prepared for a disaster than others. The plan included priorities for business activities, so that high priorities activities could be brought online quicker. It also included detailed procedures for restoring critical applications with procedures that included necessary technologies, personnel, and facilities for a quick restoration in case of a disaster. Logistics were also in place for transportation of personnel and equipment, with provisions for housing and feeding employees for up to 8 weeks. This disaster recovery plan went into action within minutes after the incident and Merrill was operational later that day...” [189]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #100:

Never predicting, just formulating endless, savvy scenarios?

Dr. James A. Ogilvy, Ph.D.: “...Because time is real, and the future unpredictable, the challenge of carving a path into the future calls for a different way of thinking than the old, mechanical methods of strategic planning. In order to anticipate wholly new industries like the personal computer industry, it’s not enough to make predictions based on old assumptions. You need to imagine alternative scenarios based on new assumptions. You need to imagine alternative scenarios based on new assumptions. Those new assumptions need more than new numbers...” [162]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #101:

Can one make technological growth for good?

Gordon E. Moore: “...No exponential is forever … but we can delay ‘forever’...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #102:

Which come preeminently first?

The undersigned and the present material’s author indicated:‭ “...If the PRESENT is a function of the FUTURE, Does the FUTURE, accordingly, elicit in the PRESENT?...” [129]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #103:

In a world of counter-intuitiveness, What does it take to advance your enterprise to a forward position?

“...‘A slow sort of country’ said the Red Queen. ‘Now where, you see, it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place. IF YOU WANT TO GET SOMEWHERE ELSE, YOU MUST RUN AT LEAST TWICE AS FAST AS THAT!...” (Lewis Carroll, Alice through the Looking Glass) [197]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #104:

How does time elapse?

[Dame (Cicely) Veronica Wedgwood] C.V. Wedgwood (July/20/1910 – March/09/1997) observed:

“...History is lived forwards but it is written in retrospect. We know the end before we consider the beginning and we can never wholly recapture what it was to know the beginning only...” [217]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #105:

The clever problem-solving pathway?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky indicated: “...Our sole responsibility is to produce something smarter than we are; any problems beyond that are not ours to solve ... [T]here are not hard problems, only problems that are hard to a certain level of intelligence. Move the bit upwards [in level of intelligence], and some problems will suddenly move from ‘impossible’ to ‘obvious.’ Move a substantial degree upwards, and all of them will become obvious...” [142] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #106:

From transgenic crops into vital vaccines?

Juan Enriquez: “...The skin and pulp of the orange that sits on your desk … Is just packing … What matters is the code contained in the seeds. Each seed has a long string of gene data that looks like … The seed guides growth, how a tree and its leaves develop … The size, flavor, color, shape of fruits. If you can read the code … And rewrite it … You can turn an orange into a vaccine, a contraceptive, a polyester. Each of these things has already been done in corn. Today, bananas and potatoes can vaccinate you against things like cholera, hepatitis, [and] diarrhea. You can harvest bulletproof fibers … Grow medicines in tobacco. And it’s not just apples, oranges, and corn that are rapidly becoming different organisms .... Mosquitoes are flying hypodermic needles. They can infect you with malaria, dengue, and other awful things. They do so by transferring a little bit of genetic code through their saliva … Into your bloodstream … Which then reprograms part of the way your cells operate … By changing your genetic code ever so slightly … In ways that can make you very sick. So why not engineer mosquito genes so that they have the opposite effect? If mosquito saliva contained antibodies .... Or if you made it hard for malaria to mutate inside a mosquito’s body … You could immunize people and animals … By making sure they were bitten. Because the language of genes (A, T, C, G) is the same for all creatures … You can mix species. If you are an artist, the genes that make jellyfish fluoresce at night … Can be used to make a bunny glow under black light. If you are an M.D., the same genes can be placed in monkeys to serve as markers … Which help identify cures for diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #107:

In speaking of sense of direction, Frank Kafka argues: “...There are some things one can only achieve by a deliberate leap in the opposite direction. One has to go abroad in order to find the home one has lost...” [126]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #108:

Can we get a hindsight in reversal, please, now?

Walter Adolf Gropius (1883 – 1969) stated, “...Let’s wish, let’s imagine, let’s build together the new construction of the future...” [130]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #109:

Success via being well-informed and even-though information is not knowledge?

Peter L. Bernstein: “...The information you have is not the information you want. The information you want is not the information you need. The information you need is not the information you can obtain. The information you can obtain costs more than you want to pay...” [127]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #110:

In speaking of Chinese spiritual leaders in times of antiquity, a sage told his disciples, “...Attempt not to live in difficult times; those are the interesting ones indeed...” [129]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #111:

In China of antiquity there used to be some wise words — as per some spiritual leaders — along these lines: “...The first fifty years are to learn. The next fifty years are to labor...” [129]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #112:

The undersigned and the present material’s author indicated: “...Declare the past, recover yesterday, analyze the present, enjoy today, and conceive and reinvent tomorrow...” [129]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #113:

What about how we construe our thinking? Let’s see Ambrose Bierce’s take on it: “...[Brain is,] an apparatus with which we think that we think...” [130] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #114:

R. Buckminster Fuller established: “...If humanity does not opt for integrity we are through completely. It is absolutely touch and go. Each one of us could make the difference...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #115:

Recalling that this material is about the impact and the points of inflections fostered by many modes of change and to the utter end of spoken-of change, John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid make the following claim:

“...Technological and social systems shape each other … technologies — such as gunpowder, the printing press, the railroad, the telegraph and the Internet — can shape society in profound ways. But on the other hand, social systems — in the form of governments, the courts and informal organizations, social movements, professional networks, local communities, market institutions and so forth — shape, moderate and redirect the raw power of technologies...” [56]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #116:

For this rate of change, What else are you going to need?

George Horace Lorimer (attributed to): “...You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #117:

Mind, Evolution and Universe?

As Princeton physicist Freeman Dyson put it: “...Mind, through the long course of biological evolution, has established itself a moving force in our little corner of the universe. Here on this small planet, mind has infiltrated matter and has taken control. It appears to me the tendency of mind to infiltrate and control matter is a law of nature...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #118:

Evolution and change?

Carl Sagan: “...Two billion years ago, our ancestors were microbes; a half-billion years ago, fish; a hundred million years ago, something like mice; ten million years ago, arboreal apes; and a million years ago, proto-humans puzzling the taming of fire. Our evolutionary lineage is marked by mastery of change. IN OUR TIME, THE PACE IS QUICKENING...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #119:

Machines and humans playing the mice-cats hunting game?

Rodney Brooks: “...Our machines will become much more like us, and we will become much more like our machines...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #120:

Is the Economy under what pressures?

“...Since 1995, the year in which the new economy based on information technology began to boom, the revenues have not been proportional to productivity and, during the last five years, the gap between income and productivity has been dramatic. Between 1995 and 2006 the productivity growth per employee superseded employees’ actual wages in 340%. Between 2001 and 2006, the first six years of George H. Bush’s presidency, this gap further deepened in an alarming 779%....” [58]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #121:

How Do We Behave In Front Of Inflicting-Points Change?

“...'...Our surroundings (the context in which we live) define the ease we conduct our daily lives. As human beings, we look for normalcy in our lives. We try to extrapolate the future by looking at the immediate past. We don't like when the rules of the game change...'...Unfortunately for those who don't like change, the context of our lives is in a state of constant rearrangement .... Diane suggests that all of us have something to learn about our interrelationships around the globe: '...If one theme should resonate from September 11th, it is that the lives of our children are desperately dependent upon how children around the world view their own fates...'....” [204]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #122:

The Ever-Quickening Pace!

Dr. James Canton, Ph.D. argues: “...If you were to disappear and come back after 90 days, the Net would have doubled, bandwidth would have increased by a third, and there would be a half a dozen innovations you have missed...” [205]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #123:

On the pace and mode of contemporary change, Peter Cochrane, BT’s former visionary head of research (subsequently cofounder of The Concept Lab), observes:

“...When we move toward the world of the bit we encounter a new world of multiple dimensions. This world is a network of n-dimensional space, of multiple copies, existence, connectivity, locations and form. Information can be simultaneously distributed or clustered, singular or plural, static or dynamical, living or dead, past or present, real-time or warped, accelerate or delayed...” [201]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #124:

What precludes you from being lucid as per Twentieth-One Century ?

Arthur Scopenhaur: “...Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #125:

Fuzzy-logic discernment and counter-intuitiveness must take into consideration many pathways among many others, including those by Buddhism.

For instance, Kalu Rinpoche establishes:

“...We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When we understand this, we see that we are nothing. And being nothing, we are everything. That is all...” [68]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #126:

What is dynamical and what is permanent indeed?

Heraclitus — Greek Philosopher (c.540 — c. 480 BC) stated: “...No man ever steps into the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same men...” [105]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #127:

And a westerner’s view on wisdom. Theodore Roosevelt: “...Nine-tenths of our wisdom consists in being wise timely...” [119]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #128:

Reality, Mind and Buddhism by a Westerner’s View!

A citation on Gary Hamel’s Leading The Revolution book: “...Alan Kay tells a wonderful little story about how he came to recognize this deep truth: On the third day of a conference at a Buddhist center, I asked people why they put their palms together several times a day. The Buddhists believe that the world is an illusion, but we have to go along with the illusion for efficiency reasons. When they put their hands together it is a semicolon, an acknowledgment that whatever they may think is going on right now is largely a fabrication of their own mind...” [88]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #129:

World and vision?

“...When the world and the mind are both transparent, this is true vision that which doesn’t exist doesn’t exist in relation to that which exists. This is true vision. By means of such vision nothing is seen and nothing is not seen .... The mind and the world are opposites, and vision arises when they meet. When your mind doesn’t stir inside, the world doesn’t arise outside. When the world and mind are both transparent, this is true vision. And such understanding is true understanding...” By Bodhidharma, Indian Zen Buddhist monk who brought Zen from India to China (circa 520 A.D.) [89]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #130:

Courage and success by the prominent British premier.

Winston Churchill argued, “...Courage is the capacity to go from failure to failure with increased enthusiasm!...” [111] If we really wish to make a substantial difference, we’re going to need this personal cosmological trait lavishly I am not afraid to assert.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #131:

Succeeding in reversal?

Piet Hein: “...The road to wisdom? Well, it’s plain and simple to express. Err and err and err again but less and less and less...” [89]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #132:

A distant past and also a distant future, right here?

Edward Fredkin (born 1934): “...A third implication of the concept is that because the vast preponderance of the lifetime of the universe lies in the distant future rather than in the past, the historical achievements of life and mind are meager foreshadowings of the starring role that intelligent life is likely to play in shaping the future of the cosmos. Indeed, this new way of looking at the intimate linkage of life, mind, and the cosmos suggests a novel way of thinking about the ultimate destiny of our destiny of our universe...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #133:

How does a psychologist conceive the past-present-future interrelationship?

Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D., “...Consider any decision you had to make recently: Do I keep working or go out to play; take one more drink before driving home; take a chance and cheat on my taxes or an exam; practice safe sex or just do it; resistor gives into temptation? As you contemplate what you will do, you are influenced by a number of factors. For some people, the world is limited to all the forces they perceive in their immediately present situation, their biological urges, their social setting and that which others are doing or urging them to do, and the sensuous appeal of the stimulus itself. Those folks who usually limit their decision-making be referring only to the current circumstances are Present-oriented. Other people making a decision in the same setting downplay the present and search their memories for similar past situations; they recall what they did in the past and how these decisions turned out. These folks are Past-oriented. Finally, a third type of person makes up her or his mind entirely based on imagined future consequences — the costs and benefits — of an action. If anticipated costs outweigh anticipated benefits or gains, they won’t go forward. They only go forward when they expect gains to predominance…”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #133 (continues:)

“....The ideal time profile is a balance of being high on the past-positive, moderately high on the present-hedonistic and future, and low on the past-negative and present-fatalistic times perspectives .... In other words, conscientious people regularly think about future consequences before making a decision … I believe present transcendence and future hopefulness are essential components of a successful therapeutic intervention .... Our goal is to help you reclaim yesterday, enjoy today, and master tomorrow. To do so, we’ll give you new ways of seeing and working with your past, present, and future ...” [105]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #134:

Rowan Gibson in Rethinking the Future observes:

“...For a long time we have known deep down that the future will be different from the past. Every science fiction writer, from Jules Verne to William Gibson, has reminded us of that. But we have stubbornly refused to believe is that the future will be different than we expect it to be. Most of us anticipate ... But why? ... This is a simple question, that has been asked since man first began to ponder. The good news is that we now have answers to this question, thanks to emergence of the complexity science. In fact, we not only gain insights for the why, but also, on how we can gain leverage on such unreliable change...” [201]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #135:

Complexity growing more complex in an ever-faster paced world?

Chris Harris contends, “...Yet, it is with these new possibilities that come equally great challenges; and it is important to understand what these new challenges mean ... To begin with, it means greater complexity in terms of the design work and diversity of technologies and skills needed to realize such composite invention. It also means effectively managing this new magnitude of complexity at a faster pace ... It means that the linear business world we have come to know so well, that unfolds in a fairly predictable manner, quickly falls to new markets that form in discontinuities, sometimes unrecognizable patterns; where technologies that appear overnight bleed into unknown applications, then become obsolete as abruptly as they came; where competitors from remote industries that you thought unlikely to enter your market, totally redefine and take over your most valuable sector...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #135 (continues:)

“ … It means that today's events move along so fast they have little bearing on the outcomes of tomorrow; where cumulative and hard-earned experience accounts for less, and where new, quite radical ways of thinking provide for the future ... It means a time in which best practice and procedure have not yet been set or written, where rapid learning and expansive knowledge oversee the rules of the game, and where foresight and imagination become the predominant forces for competition ... And most significant of all, it means that the kinds of interconnection we make between known and unknown ideas become the engine for economic growth, whether for an individual, local enterprise or global institution ... All told, this new era brings with it the utmost sweeping threats, yet the most wide-based opportunities the business world has yet seen...” [201]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #136:

DNA, complexity and digital information system?

Edward Fredkin (bio at described his theory in an interview with science writer Robert Wright: “...What I’m saying is that at the most basic level of complexity an information process runs what we think of as physics. At the much higher level of complexity life, DNA — you know, the biochemical functions — are controlled by a digital information system. Then, at another level, our thought processes are basically information processing...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #137:

Universe with a purpose?

Robert Wright (bio at, in response to Fredkin, puts it: “...Fredkin believes that the universe is very literally a computer and that it is being used by someone, or something, to solve a problem. It sounds like a good news/bad joke: the good news is that our lives have purpose; the bad news is that their purpose is to help some remote hacker pi to nine jillion decimal places...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #138:

The artificial man?

The philosopher Thomas Hobbes (bio at offered an uncanny preview of the science of artificial intelligence in his masterpiece Leviathan [description viewable at] published in 1651: “...Nature (the Art whereby God hath made and governs the World) is by the Art of man, as in many other things, so in this also imitated, that it can make an Artificial Animal. For seeing life is but a motion of Limbs, the beginning whereof is in the principal part within; why we not say that all Automata (Engines that move themselves by springs and wheels as doth a watch) have an artificial life?...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #139:

Is there some sort of highest-order entity regulating us?

David Jay Brown asked a medic, “...What is your perspective on the concept of God and how spirituality played a role in your view of medicine?...” Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. responded: “...If everything is God, Goddess, Spirit — whether you want to call it — it’s all one. It’s all connected, and that means that all that’s going on is God looking at God’s self. So it’s all simply different perspectives, and that’s a fascinating thing. That means nobody is cut off from God, whether they are atheists or whatever. You don’t have to believe in God for Spirit to love you and be present, so it means that nobody is right and nobody is wrong. It’s all simply different perspectives, which is very freeing, because you don’t have to battle anybody. You just have to do your own thing .... This also allows us to recognize our own connection to spirit, which is very healing, because it allows that energy to flow into us, and allows us to stay whole and connected. So that’s a very powerful thing. I mean, my whole life is about Spirit and about God, or Goddess. To think of God as only a man sounds like an insult to God. It’s pretty limiting because God is everything. It also means that nothing and no one is better or worse than anybody else. And there’s this critical thing that happens, because that’s the touchstone through much of my life — to recognize I am equal of all beings, and no one is lesser than me. That means there’s nobody that I meet that’s better than I am, or that I’m better than them. We’re all different perspectives of God. We’re all equal, and we’re all divine, everybody...” [107]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #140:

Taking care of oneself to make the difference?

Descartes: “...I think therefore I am...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #141:

Space, evolution and universe?

Cosmologist Frank Tipler (bio at has bluntly stated: “...Almost all of space and time lies in the future. By focusing attention only on the past and present, science has ignored almost all of reality, it is about time science decided to study the future evolution of the universe...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #142:

History and approaching a singularity?

Information theorist John von Nuemann (bio at in the 1950s: “...The ever accelerating progress of technology … gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we known them, could not continue...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #143:

Locating the Technological Singularity’s domicile?

Michael Anissimov: “...When the first transhuman intelligence is created and launches itself into recursive self-improvement, a fundamental discontinuity is likely to occur, the likes of which I can’t even begin to predict...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #144:

Ray Kurzweil and the Staggering Secret? (2010)

“...That was Kurzweil's real secret, and back in 1965 nobody guessed it. Maybe not even him, not yet. But now, 46 years later, Kurzweil believes that we're approaching a moment when COMPUTERS WILL BECOME INTELLIGENT, AND NOT JUST INTELLIGENT BUT MORE INTELLIGENT THAN HUMANS. WHEN THAT HAPPENS, HUMANITY — OUR BODIES, OUR MINDS, OUR CIVILIZATION — WILL BE COMPLETELY AND IRREVERSIBLY TRANSFORMED. He (Ray Kurzweil) believes that THIS MOMENT IS NOT ONLY INEVITABLE BUT IMMINENT. ACCORDING TO HIS CALCULATIONS, THE END OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW IT IS ABOUT 35 YEARS AWAY...” [213] Parentheses are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #145:

What should we find out — with maximum rigor — in history?

William Churchill: “...The further backward you look, the further forward you can see...” [104]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #146:

The geometrically non-linear human progress!

Ray Kurzweil indicates, “...Von Neumann makes two important observations here: acceleration and singularity. The first idea is that human progress is exponential … rather than linear .... The second is that exponential growth is seductive, starting out slowly and virtually in-noticeably, but beyond the knee of the curve it turns explosive and profoundly transformative. The intelligence that will emerge [post-Singularity] will continue to represent the human civilization. In other words, future machines will be human, even if they are not biological. This will be the next step in evolution, the next high-level paradigm shift .... Most of the intelligence of our civilization will ultimately be nonbiological. By the end of this century, it will be trillions of trillions of times more powerful than [un-enhanced] human intelligence...” [86] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #147:

If we fail to commit to development and research of proper science and technology are we enslaving ourselves?

“...A bitter controversy concerning whether humanity should build godlike massively intelligent machines .... [Dr. Kevin Warwick, Ph.D. literally argues:] humanity will have to confront the prospect of being replaced by a new dominant species, namely, ultra intelligent robots controlled by ultra intelligent artificial brains … ‘Cyborgians’ are people who look to technically upgrade their bodies to become ‘cyborgs,’ i.e. part machine, part human … I hope that by enhancing ourselves, we humans can have our cake and eat it too by achieving the dream of attaining the godlike abilities that Hugo [de Garis, Ph.D.] talks about by converting ourselves … without having to pay the cost of a major war. In a sense I am looking at a sort of compromise ─ rather than having ultra intelligent artificial brains acting against humanity, we join with them .... I sincerely hope it will not come to this sort of end game in the real world. Hugo’s scenario of a major war late this century, in which billions of people die, due to the use of advanced 21st century weaponry, is extremely depressing, and I firmly hope he is wrong, dead wrong, for the sake of humanity’s (and cyborgian) survival .... Hugo’s reasoning is frighteningly persuasive, even though my viscera reject what he is saying. The fact that he is pioneering the new field of ‘artificial brains’ only increases the credibility of his vision. If anyone in the world is in a good position to predict the future impact of advanced artificial brains on humanity, it must be Hugo .... If many decades into the future, Hugo is proven to be correct in saying that ‘the species dominance issue will dominate our global politics this century,’ then he will have become one of the major thinkers of the 21st century. With no offense to Hugo, I hope that he will be shown to have been wrong, to be shown to have exaggerated, and overreacted; because if not, the fate that he is suggesting will befall our grandchildren, is too horrible to grasp fully for all humanity, what he would call ‘gigadeath!’...” [179] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #148:

What about the Technology 25 Years Hence?

New York Times, as of December 28, 2010, pertaining to Ray Kurzweil’s arguments:

“...If you plot the basic measures of the price to performance and capacity of information technologies (for example, computer instructions per second per constant dollar, bits of memory per dollar, or the total number of bits being moved around over the Internet), they follow remarkably smooth — and foreseeable — trajectories. This observation goes well beyond Moore’s Law (which says you can place twice as many transistors on an integrated circuit every two years); in the case of computation, it goes back to the 1890 American census, long before Gordon Moore was even born .... What’s predictable is that these measures grow exponentially, not linearly, though our intuition about the future is linear, which is hard-wired in our brains. This makes a remarkable difference. Thirty steps linearly gets you to 30, whereas 30 steps exponentially (2, 4, 8, 16. . .) gets you to a billion .... And it’s not just electronics and communications that follow this exponential course. It applies as well to health, medicine and its related field of biology. The Human Genome Project, for instance, saw the amount of genetic sequencing double and the cost of sequencing per base pair come down by half each year .... A computer that fit inside a building when I was a student now fits in my pocket, and is a thousand times more powerful despite being a million times less expensive .... In another quarter century, that capability will fit inside a red blood cell and will again be a billion times more powerful per dollar...” [185]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #149:

Cambrian explosion and the future?

James N. Gardner: “...It should never be clear that the future will differ radically from the past; it will be at least different as the radically new world of biological complexity and diversity ushered in the Cambrian Explosion was from the preceding era .... The central point is that collateral advances in sciences seemingly far removed from cosmology can help dissipate the intellectual limitations imposed by common sense and naïve human intuition. And, in an uncanny reprise of the Lyell/Darwin intellectual synergy, it is a realization of the vastness of time and history that gives rise to the crucial insight. Only in this instance, the vastness of which I speak is the vastness of future time and future history...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #150:

Which common sense is that? Does it have the gold seal by Einstein?

Marvin Minsky: “...Common sense is not a simple thing [given that is not a definition but a truth-seeking process]. Instead, it is an immense society of hard-earned practical ideas ─ of multitudes of life-learned rules and exceptions, dispositions and tendencies, balances and checks...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #151:

Past, future, and baby universes?

University of Chicago cosmologist Sean Carroll: “...The [observed] arrow of time in our [observed] universe is puzzling because the fundamental laws of physics themselves are symmetric and don’t seem to discriminate between the past and future .... In our patch of the cosmos, time just so happens to be moving forward because of its initial low entropy, but there are others where this is not the case. The far past and the far future are filled with these other baby universes, and they would each think that the other had its arrow of time backwards. Time’s arrow isn’t a basic aspect of the universe as a whole, just a hallmark of the little bit we see...” [86] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #151:

The Largest Book! Which one is it? Is it the largest book or one of the sub-largest books?

Galileo ascertained, “...Philosophy is written in this grand book — I mean the Universe — which stands continually open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the characters in which it is written...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #152:

Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize-winning physicist: “...The opposite of a false statement is a correct statement. The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth...” [89]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #153:

Counter-seeing in order to discover?

Andre Gide (1869 – 1951) signaled, “...Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #154:

The influence to bias understanding?

Upton Sinclair: “...It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #155:

How does history relate to consciousness?

Jacob Burckhardt, attributed to, (1818 – 1897): “...History is nature’s disruption caused by the awakening of consciousness...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #156:

Who is your teacher that is not outside of your own self?

Brian Tracy: “...No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #157:

Relatives and absolutes?

Sir Winston Churchill: “...The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences ...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #158:

What is the fundamental practical methodology towards root motivations under systemic and systematic yet empirical approach as it was observed by William Hazlitt?

“...Science is the desire to know the causes...” [210]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #159:

It's impossible to run enterprises without the grounds and basis to apply in action!

Einstein: “...Our theories determine what we measure...” [116]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #160:

Improbabilities working on behalf of the learned?

Louis Pasteur: “...Chance favors the prepared mind ...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #161:

Science and spirituality?

Albert Einstein proclaimed, “...I hold that the cosmic religious feeling is the strongest motive in fostering scientific research...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #162:

You’re your own leader?

Mother Teresa: “... Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person ...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #163:

From happiness to useful service?

Henry Ford (1863 – 1947), “...Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #164:

Is that a reasonable optimistic person?

Dr. Kathleen Jennison Goonan, M.D. established: “...Yesterday’s options are gone...” [91]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #165:

A Wealth Of Future, Whether You Board It Or Not?

Alvin Toffler points out, “...The future is being colonized all the time by people who have the resources, who do spend time thinking about it, planning for it and trying to shape it in their direction...” [206]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #166:

Dimensional minds?

Oliver Wendell Holmes offers perspective: “...A mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #167:

Credit and predictions?

Louis V Gerstner, Jr. Former CEO, IBM observed, “... No credit can be given for predicting rain — only for building arks ...” [143]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #168:

Knowing Not Knowing?

Donald Rumsfeld established, “...As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #169:

Building a bridge?

Author Unknown, “.....If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door [you create pre-conditions for and by you]...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #170:

Perpetually upping the mind?

Albert Einstein sentenced, “...The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #171:

How do you distribute modernity?

William Gibson, “...The FUTURE is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #172:

Orders misunderstood?

Henry Miller declared: “...Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not [yet] understood...” [111] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #173:

Progress and crime?

Albert Einstein commented, “...Technological progress is like an ax in the hands of a pathological criminal...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #174:

What stays in place?

Christian Bovee: “...When all else is lost, the future still remains...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #175:

Fearing what?

Thomas Fuller reasons, “...He that fears the future may enjoy the present...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #176:

Calling the Future what?

Tennessee Williams, “...The future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. And the important thing is not to allow that to scare you...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #177:

Having or not having a tempo?

James Petersen: “...If you afraid for your future, you don’t have a present...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #178:

Which evil is the least worst?

Francesco Guicciardini: “...To relinquish a present good through apprehension of a future evil is in most instances unwise … from a fear which may afterward turn out groundless, you lost the good that lay within your grasp....” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #179:

Handy futures?

Thomas E. Dewey, “...We need not be afraid of the future, for the future will be in our hands...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #180:

Fearing change?

E. H. Harriman, “...It is never safe to look into the future with eyes of fear...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #181:

Anxious and miserable?

Marcus Annaes Seneca argues, “...The mind that is anxious about the future is miserable...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #182:

A heart and a fear?

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: “...Go forth to meet the shadowy Future without fear and with a manly heart...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #183:

Is the mind wrongly operated?

John Locke, “...Fear is an uneasiness of the mind, upon the thought of a future evil likely to befall us...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #184:

Uncertainties over certainty?

William Sloane Coffin: “...I’m deglitched that the future is unsure. That’s the way it should be...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #185:

What is the objective?

Clinical leader Dr. Kathleen Jennison Goonan, M.D., “...The goal here [in the beginning of the third millennium] is to understand the enablers [the driving forces out of which some futurists comfortably depict ‘trends’ — so-called —] for change [potential upsides] as well as the barriers [imminent downsides]...” [91] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #186:

Is the future meant to be bold?

Alfred North Whitehead, “...It is the business of the future to be dangerous...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #187:

What purpose to set out for?

Robert M. Pirsig, “...To live only for some future goal is shallow. It’s the sides of the mountain that sustain life, not the top...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #188:

The advantageous mind?

Samuel Johnson, “...Present opportunities are neglected, and attainable good is slighted, by minds busied in extensive ranges and intent upon future advantages...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #189:

The mind-hand connection?

B. C. Forbes, “...Our future and our fate lie in our wills more than in our hands, for our hands are but the instruments of our wills...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #190:

Determining the future?

Gerald Jampolsky, “...No way exists in the present to accurately determine the future effect of the least of our actions...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #191:

Are you recalling the future?

Corrie ten Boom, “...Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #192:

Aching lessons to learn?

Hugh White: “.....When you make a mistake, don’t look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind, and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #193:

Imaginary Present and a Fabricated Future?

“...The part of Eternity with some small fraction of which we have a slight and regrettable acquaintance. A moving line called the Present parts it from an imaginary period known as the Future. These two grand divisions of Eternity, of which the one is continually effacing the other, are entirely unlike. The one is dark with sorrow and disappointment, the other bright with prosperity and joy .... Yet the Past is the Future of yesterday, the Future is the Past of to-morrow. They are one — the knowledge and the dream...” [72]

A fightable time?

William E. Gladstone (1809 — 1898), “...You cannot fight against the future. Time is on our side...” [72]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #194:

What are you inventing?

Alan Kay designates (1940 - ), “...The best way to predict the future is to invent it...” [72]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #195:

How far can ever-progressing and ever-diverting changed changes take us?

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881, Russian novelist) describes, “...But dost thou know what will be tomorrow?...” [168]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #196:

Change to change what or not to be changed into which?

Milan Kundera (1929 - ) pronounces, “...The only reason people want to be masters of the future is to change the past...” [72]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #197:

Dreaming progress and modernity?

Eleanor Roosevelt utters, “...The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams...” [73]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #198:

De-learning and un-learning for Life?

Alvin Toffler indicates, “...In the world of the future, the new illiterate will be the person who has not learned to learn...” [73]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #199:

Guiding to which place?

Albert Einstein established, “... Teachers are messengers from the past and an escort to the future ...” [73]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 200:

Geography allocated by times?

Alison Lurie (1926 - ) stated, “...As one went to Europe to see the living past, so one must visit Southern California to see the future...” [74]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 201:

History and the train?

Dwight David Eisenhower (1890 — 1969), “...Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him...” [75]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 202:


Tacitus observed, “...Light-minded men are improvident of the future ... ...” [76]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 203:

Youth and future?

Franklyn Delano Roosevelt: “...We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future....” [77]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 204:

Forgiveness and future?

Paul Boese, “...Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future....” [77]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 205:

Pencil your map?

Jon Bon Jovi, “...Map out your future, but do it in pencil...” [77]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 206:

Even with the advent of Big Data, Is everyone ready for quantitative analysis and for the beloved algorithms?

“...The desirable use for numbers is long. Yet very few on that list are feasible. ANYTHING INVOLVING HUMAN BEHAVIOR IS SUFFICIENTLY COMPLEX THAT A DISCRETE NUMBER CANNOT BE TIED TO IT...” [99] (ISBN-13: 978-0135511107).

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 207:

Future and responsibility?

George Bernard Shaw, “...We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future...” [77]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 208:

Future and humankind?

Richard P. Feynman, “...We are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not unreasonable that we grapple with problems. But there are tens of thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on...” [121]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 209:

Time and definitions?

Charles Caleb Colton, “...Time is the most indefinable yet paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not to come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, and, like the flash of lightning, at once exists and expires...” [77]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 210:

One of the most important French-Canadian premiers, to this end, makes an awesome quotation. Canadian Premier Pierre Trudeau (1919 — 2000):

“...The twentieth century really belongs to those who will build it ... The future can be promised to no one...” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 211:

Albert Einstein hence indicates, “...It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer...” [61]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 212:

What are we?

William Shakespeare, “...We know what we are, but know not what we may be [in the future]...” [142] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 213:

As it was communicated to TIME in 2010, What is the time-line predicted for a maximum technological convergence, emergence, and technological singularity?

“... At 2045, in that year, he (Kurzweil) estimates, given the vast increases in computing power and the vast reductions in the cost of same, the quantity of artificial intelligence created will be about a billion times the sum of all the human intelligence that exists today...” [213] Parentheses are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 214:

Machines harnessing the monopoly of pervasive intelligence?

Irving John Good: “...Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an ‘intelligence explosion,’ and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 215:

Will humans be subjects to monarchical bots?

Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio, “...Around the world, scientists and engineers are participating in a high-stakes race to build the first intelligent robot. Many robots already exist ─ automobile factories are full of them. But the new generation of robots will be something else: smart machines that act ever more like living creatures .... What will happen then? With our prosthetic limbs, titanium hips, and artificial eyes, we are already beginning to resemble our machines. And when we implant chips in our bodies to connect ourselves directly to computers, the likeness will become only more pronounced. Science fiction will have become science fact ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 215 (continues):

“ … Meanwhile ─ and equally important ─ our machines are beginning to resemble us. Robotic spiders, crabs, geckos, and dogs are already spilling from the laboratories. The next steps are to re-create Homo sapiens itself and then go beyond. Robots can already walk, talk, and dance; they can react to human facial expressions and obey verbal commands. When scientists go on to create fully autonomous robots with greater intelligence than human beings, will they be our partners or our rivals? Will it be a simply a robotic revolution or a true extension of evolution? Could machines and humankind meld into a single species─Robo sapiens?...” [164]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 216:

Either through flesh or silicon intelligence will be immensely augmented, surpassing human intelligence?

"...Take the question of whether computers can replicate the biochemical complexity of an organic brain. Kurzweil yields no ground there whatsoever. HE DOES NOT SEE ANY FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FLESH AND SILICON THAT WOULD PREVENT THE LATTER FROM THINKING. He defies biologists to come up with a neurological mechanism that could not be modeled or at least matched in power and flexibility by software running on a computer. He refuses to fall on his knees before the mystery of the human brain. 'Generally speaking,' he says, 'the core of a disagreement I'll have with a critic is, they'll say, Oh, Kurzweil is underestimating the complexity of reverse-engineering of the human brain or the complexity of biology. But I don't believe I'm underestimating the challenge. I THINK THEY'RE UNDERESTIMATING THE POWER OF EXPONENTIAL GROWTH.'..." [213]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 217:

For those seeking that — regardless of complexity — linking points between machines and humans, an English mathematician has a word of reflection.

Alan Turing postulates, “...A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human...” [100]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 218:

Has the fluid impact of change been understood by the establishment (so-called)?

“... There was a new complex future emerging ─ an extreme future of disruptions, risks, threats, and perhaps, new opportunities ─ that no one, not even our leaders, fully understood ...” [182]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 219:

What are we going to do with our customary system of belief, ethos and Weltanschauung?

Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865, 16th President of the U.S.) pointed out, “...The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 220:

Alvin Toffler offers some insight, “.....The FUTURE always comes too fast and in the wrong order [expected by the great majority of mindful or absent/minded ‘incumbents’]...” [17] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 221:

In a continuous dialogue about massive change, Toffler adds:

Alvin Toffler (1928 - ): “...‘Future Shock’ … the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time … The dizzying disorientation brought on by premature arrival of the future ...” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 222:

Must we subject ourselves to the most heterodox conventions in order to prevail?

Alexis de Tocqueville, “...Events can move from the impossible to the inevitable without ever stopping at the probable...” [181]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 223:

Albert Einstein indicates, “...If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it...” [167]

“...Clouds are not spheres, mountains are no cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line...” [214]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 224:

Dr. Aubrey de Grey Ph.D., a leading-edge scientist at the University of Cambridge in England, states it, “...We'll be solving problems before they arrive...” [59] Quite a future-ready declaration, Is it not?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 225:

What are the ultimate choices of us?

Juan Enriquez: “...We are the beginning to acquire … direct and deliberate control … over the evolution of all life forms … ON THE PLANET … Including ourselves....” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 226:

Are we out-smarting ourselves?

Stephen M. R. Covey: “...And capabilities are particularly essential in today’s changing economy, where technology and globalization are outdating skill-sets faster than ever before. The half-life of our current knowledge and skills is much shorter that it has ever been, and suddenly someone who was very competent and even had a great track record in yesterday’s world may no longer be competent in today’s world ...” [196]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 227:

From Nation States To Networks!

John Naisbitt observes: “...For many years the mindset has been that the global economy will be dominated by huge multinational companies. And that's turned out not to be the case. In fact, we have to re-examine our vocabulary and our definition of what multinational means .... I have a company called Megatrends Ltd., and we have 57 joint ventures in 42 countries, and we have only four employees including myself. We outsource everything. Well, almost everything. So I'm a multinational company. I must be, obviously, because I'm in 42 countries. But I'm not big. I'm small .... In other words, the world multinational has a new meaning. And if we say that the global economy will be dominated by multinationals in the new sense, then there is some truth to it. But if we mean it in the old way, that these huge global companies will control everything, that couldn't be more wrong .... What I think is really important is that there's a new kind of bigness. And that's big networks, rather than big mainframes. This is the metaphor I use .... I remember in my kitchen in Telluride, Colorado and watching CNN. It was the G7 were meeting in Naples for the economic summit. And I saw the leaders of these seven great industrial nations talking to each other, it struck me that this is a bunch of mainframes talking to each other in a PC world. It's part of the whole irrelevance of the G7, and by the twenty-first century I think I will be totally out the window ─ it just doesn't make sense any more .... We no longer live in a world of big mainframes. We live in a world where the real power is in big networks. By big networks, I mean a lot of individuals networked together. And, by definition, a network doesn't have any headquarters. For a network to work, everyone has to feel that they are in the center. That's when it's really powerful .... The only huge company that I know of that's really done this is Asea Brown Boveri. If you listen to Percy Barnevick, he says: '…We grow all the time, but we also shrink all the time...' The network gets larger but the nodes get smaller...” [203]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 228:

Among other concurrent methodologies, one can see the future early on via Churchillian prescription!

Winston Churchill: “...The further backward you look, the further forward you can see...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 229:

Reinforcing this position had been Confucius for centuries: “...If a man gives not thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand...” [103]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 230:

“...Einstein was once asked what the difference was between him and the average person. He said that if you asked the average person to find a needle in a haystack, the person would stop when he or she found a needle. He, on other hand, would tear through the entire haystack looking for all the possible needles ...” [134]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 231:

Why should we manage problems way in advance before and thoroughly they get out control?

Dwight D. Eisenhower: “...All plans fall at first contact with the enemy [competing situations, including and beginning those of and by change, as well as those unplanned for] ...” [123] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 232:

Dr. Vernon Grose, D.Sc. argues: “...It would be hard to find anyone who believes that losses occur without any cause. Yet many managers, acting as though an accident is a random stroke of fate, have to be reminded to seek and remove causes prior to a loss. Less obvious to the layman is the idea that nearly all accidental losses have a multiple causes: virtually no accident has a single cause .... Identifying causes, especially those that are subtle or unseen, requires tenacity, imagination, and a systematic method. However, since almost every accident or loss has a known precedent, you never have to start your search for causes empty-handed...” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 233:

And Dr. Grose further indicates: “...A primer on the development, application, and requirement of ‘systems thinking’ to obtain an ordered, global management perspective — a critical need if historical risk management is to be translated [in advance] from reaction into prevention of risk [many call risks “...problems...”] .... The systems approach is godlike — at least in perspective. It aims to look at any situation with OMNISCIENCE — TOTALITY OF KNOWLEDGE .... Of course, it never succeeds because of human limitations. But the goal remains. And such goal is essential if risk is to be managed effectively. Every possible risk must be considered before systematic management of risk can occur. If this seems grandiose, it isn’t meant to be. In failing to take such a lofty and all-encompassing view, managers are vulnerable to being blind-sided by an overlooked risk while believing that they have everything under control....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 234:

Adding insights in line with the theme treated and emergency preparedness and business continuity before and after extreme hazards, there are valuable reflections by Dr. Collins.

Dr. Robert A. Collins, Ph.D. : “...Disasters are a natural and predictable part of the human condition. This includes both natural disasters and human-made disasters. In spite of this, whenever a disaster strikes, most people are unprepared. The inevitable result is the loss of life and property. It does not have to be this way .... SINCE DISASTERS ARE AN INEVITABLE PART OF LIFE, THE WISEST COURSE OF ACTION IS TO UNDERSTAND THEM, PREPARE FOR THEM, AND CAPITALIZE ON THE OPPORTUNITIES THAT THEY PRESENT. The first and most important step in disaster planning is, obviously, to have a plan. Without a specific plan, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to implement the other steps in disaster preparation. Most organizations deal with disasters by first hoping that they don’t happen. Then when they do happen, they respond to them and try to recover from them. MOST ORGANIZATIONS DO NOT TRY TO MITIGATE THEM IN ADVANCE. THIS IS AN IRRATIONAL AND EXPENSIVE STRATEGY .... It is impossible to plan for things that you cannot imagine. Therefore, the first step in forging the resilient organization is to conduct ‘scenario planning’ .... It is necessary for the organization to be honest with itself when completing the scenario planning step in disaster preparation. THE TASK HERE IS NOT TO IMAGINE THE WORST DISASTER THAT THE ORGANIZATION THINKS THAT IT CAN HANDLE. THE TASK IS TO IMAGINE THE WORST DISASTER THAT COULD POSSIBLE STRIKE THE COMPANY, GIVEN ITS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION AND INDIVIDUAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Lee Clarke, a disaster planning expert and professor at Rutgers University argues, ‘IT’S NOT CRAZY TO THINK ABOUT THE WORST CASES [IN ADVANCE]’ ...” [124]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 235:

An example of disruption-potential and post-‘risk management’?

“...You may remember the situation in 1982 when seven people in the U.S. died from ingesting Tylenol that had been laced with cyanide. The nation panicked. Some predicted that Johnson & Johnson would never be able to sell another product under that name. But Johnson & Johnson took responsibility for the situation. They immediately alerted consumers to stop using Tylenol until they could determine the extent of the tampering. They recalled approximately 31 million bottles of Tylenol, retailing at more than $100 million. They offered to exchange all Tylenol capsules that had already been purchased for Tylenol tablets, which cost them millions more. They established relations with law enforcement officers on every level to help search for the person who laced the medication and to help prevent further tampering. They put up a reward of $100,000 for the person who committed the crime. When they reintroduced the product back in the market, it had new triple-seal, tamper-resistant packaging. As a result of their actions, they turned what could have been a disaster into a victory in credibility and public trust ...” [196]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 236:

Can we take advantage of risk and benefit management with immense forethought and never in expensive hindsight?

“...Journalist Geoffrey Colvin (2005) argues: '…The events that do the worst damage are the one no even conceived of … The idea that a passenger jet might crash into the World Trade Center had been thought of; it was a fairly obvious possibility, especially since a plane once crashed into the Empire State Building. What no one imagined was the combination of large planes with nearly full fuel tanks plus the impact of the crashes jarring fireproofing from the girders, and how this could bring the towers down. In retrospect, it obviously could have been imagined. I’ just wasn’t'...” [124]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 237:

If we based our decision-making on intuitiveness and hunches, we will never get it right. We can just admit we are inundated with complexity, identify it, establish countermeasures against it and strategy to finally get our benefits in a sustained and rational way.

How are these speedy and somewhat dramatic times shaping and re-shaping us?

“...Journalist Amy Bernstein (2006) point out: ‘…Few issues have morphed as dramatically in the last five year as corporate resilience. That phrase once refereed to managing risks that were fairly predictable and relatively easy to insure against: fires, strikes, and economic recessions for example. But all that has changed. A string of catastrophes — beginning with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and continuing through the bombing of the Madrid railway and the Asian Tsunami in 2004, the blast on the London Underground in July 2005, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in August and September, and the earthquake that devastated Pakistan in October 2005 — has rearranged our concept of disaster preparedness. It’s no longer enough for companies to devise a business continuity plan and file it away somewhere. THEY NOW HAVE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO BOUNCE BACK FROM THE UNTHINKABLE.’...” [124]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 238:

What are the relevant considerations that we insist on ignoring beyond any irresponsibility?

“...Yossi Sheffi, Professor of Systems Engineering at MIT, conducted a three year study of resilient organizations from Toyota to UPS to the US Navy, and drew a simple conclusion: A COMPANY’S ABILITY TO RETURN TO BUSINESS DEPENDS MORE ON THE DECISIONS IT MAKES BEFORE A SHOCK HITS THAN THOSE IT MAKES DURING OR AFTER THE EVENT… According to Sheffi, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 forced him and his colleagues to see a more comprehensive view of risk. He states: ‘Before that, I thought about it mostly in financial terms — buying insurance against various business risks, buying commodity futures such as oil to hedge against price fluctuations, the use of financial derivatives, etc. In the wake of the attacks, I starred looking at all kinds of disruptions, and it became clear that there’s a lot more to consider than contingency planning or financial hedging. THERE ARE LOW-PROBABILITY/HIGH IMPACT EVENTS like terrorist attacks that may cause unplanned exists from important markets or even the demise of the unprepared business’ .... During MIT’s three year study on resilient companies and interviews with dozens of companies, found that a culture of resilience was a common element. He argues: ‘The essence of resilience is the containment of disruption and recovery from it. Culture contributes to resilience by endowing employees with a set of principles regarding the proper response when the unexpected does occur, and when the formal organization’s policy does not cover the situation at hand or is too slow to react, it suggests the course of action to take’ ...” [124]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 239:

In speaking of contingency planning, it's worth noting the ensuing.

Murphy's law states: “...If anything can go wrong, it ultimately will....” [96] Nonetheless, I insist that in many instances this “” is universally used not to get “...preparedness...” in advance and in place. So planning and preparation becomes lax. Subsequently, the loss disruption ─ once crystallized ─ is congruently blamed on Murphy's law. This is rampant mediocrity.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 240:

“...After-the-fact no longer works .... Bring it back if you have any trouble with it, and I’ll fix it somehow,’ was the standard comment when you used to pick up a bicycle, automobile, food mixer, or lawn mower from the repair shop. And the repairman meant what he said. He was confident that if he had overlooked anything or made a mistake of any kind, he would get a second shot at fixing .... The ‘second shot’ is a luxury that no longer exists in many businesses. You get only one chance — after that, you’ll be talking only with attorneys, insurance agents, or bankers .... Life used to be simple. You knew your customers on a first-name basis. Your product or service was a relatively simple one — understood by both you and your customer. Your name and reputation were sufficient to cover any error or oversight .... But the world has become complex, too complex to allow such comfortable relationships. Consumer expectations are matching the complexities. Instantaneous news coverage of accidents and losses virtually precludes the private, out-of-sight settlement of risk effects that had previously allowed the after-the-fact resolution of risk to succeed. The breadth in that old idea is rapidly being squeezed out — like the inevitable tightening of a boa constrictor around its victim .... The price for public exposure of loss is high. Managers have begun to realize that risk must be examined formally and resolved beforehand rather than being settled after-the-fact. And they learn from others. It was the 1982 sinking of the offshore drilling rig Ocean Ranger that spurred EXXON top management to order a systematic evaluation of their offshore drilling risks … Even though EXXON does not own such rigs, it recognized that even conducting operations aboard them created risks that demanded before-the-fact identification, evaluation, and control....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 241:

Prof. Hamel, along those lines by de Grey and Grose, states: “...From Nostradamus to Alvin Toffler, individuals and organizations have long been obsessed with trying to see the future. The goal is to somehow get advanced warning of ‘what will be’...” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 242:

Furthering the motions by Hamel, de Grey, my beloved father and my own self (that is, seeking to further the quest and findings about diverse perspectives on knowledge), Dr. Hauerwas has some invaluable words of wisdom about “...Universal Knowledges....” Ensuing:

Stanley Hauerwas, B.D. M.A. M.Phil and Ph.D.: “ support of the liberal notion that the knowledges that constitute the university have no ‘use’ fail to ask what [John Henry] Newman mean by ‘universal knowledge.’ By ‘universal’ Newman did not mean that the knowledges that constitute liberal learning cannot be justified by their utility, but rather that all knowledge was interconnected because the ‘universe in its length and breadth is so intimately knit together.’ To be educated is not to be well read or to know a great deal about this or that subject. Rather, it is the only true enlargement of mind which is the power of viewing many things at once as one whole, of referring them severally to their true place in the universal system, or understanding their respective values, and determining their mutual dependence...” [95]

And Hauerwas continues:

“... Thus is that form of Universal Knowledges sets up in the individual intellect, and constitutes its perfection. Possessed of this real illumination, the mind never views any part of the extended subject-matter of Knowledge without recollecting that it is but a part, or without the associations which spring from this recollection. It makes every thing in some sort lead to every thing else; it would communicate the image of the whole to every separate portion, till that whole becomes in imagination like a spirit, everywhere pervading and penetrating its component parts, and giving them one definite meaning .... Philosophy, not theology, Newman believes to be the discipline that is distinct from all the sciences, that is, ‘in some sense’ philosophy is ‘a science of sciences.’ ...” [95] I must communicate that this wisdom is “...hyperbolically...” optimum.

Notwithstanding, said “...Universal Knowledges,...” an indeed appreciated and practicable notion is a sub-system (or only as a function of) what I have here defined as “...applied omniscience....” There is no incongruousness, but an absolute synergistic supplementary. My applied omniscience definition at « » I strongly believe in one KNOWLEDGE stemming from applied omniscience.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 243:

In the mean time, there is an Arab adage to share with you: “...That who foretells the truth lies even if he is telling the truth....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 244:

Sir Karl Popper, to that end, argues: “...We may become the makers of our fate when we have ceased to pose as its prophets .... Because of strictly logical reasons, it is impossible for us to predict the future course of history....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 245:

Consequences of attempting to predict the future?

John Smart: “...’The future can’t be predicted,’ is a common refrain … But … when [this perspective] is wrong, it is profoundly wrong....” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 246:

And, along those same lines, Jean Cocteau (1989 – 1963) points out: “...The future doesn’t belong to anyone. There are no harbingers; there are only but debtors...” [130] [130] [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 247:

Further insight along these lines:

By Gary Hamel, Ph.D. : “...The future belongs not to those who possess a crystal ball, but those willing to challenge the biases and prejudices of the ‘establishment.’ The future belongs more to the unorthodox than it does to the prognosticators [ … and/or predictioneers ...], more to the movement than to the starry-eyed....” [87] (Leading the Revolution - ISBN-13: 978-0452283244). Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 248:

From the Institute for the Future, Paul Saffo and Roy Amara make a point regarding change:

“...I think about it as ‘orders of impact.’ First order, second order, etc. When an earthquake happens you have a whole series of waves that follow. The first order of the auto was the horseless carriage. The second order was the traffic jam. The third-order impact was the move toward the suburbs. This led in turn to the creation of huge metropolitan areas....” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 249:

To this end John Lienhard comments: “...We live in a technology-dense world .... We are terrifyingly naked without knowing elementary things about [how technologies] work...” [104] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 250:

Addressing Kurzweil, Grossman and de Grey, a clever and prominent physician makes his point. Dr. Joseph Knoll, M.D. who effected an extraordinary reflection:

“...We shall never forget that humans obviously cannot change natural laws, but by discovering their mechanisms of action they learn to make use of this knowledge. By conquering gravitation man stepped across his naturally given limit and ultimately landed on the moon....” [59]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 251:

Impossibilities rendered fully feasible?

Sir Arthur C. Clarke’s Three Laws: “...(1) When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. (2) The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. (3) Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic....” [166]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 252:

There is a valuable thought about the future and its arrival, attributed to Gary Hamel, “...The problem with the future is that is different [since is profound, its scientific properties are being dramatically changed in real time and all of the time]. If you are unable to think differently, the Future will always arrive as a surprise...” [28]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 253:

In addition and as it is believed to be proclaimed by Samuel Goldwyn, “...Only a fool would make predictions, especially about the future....” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 254:

Applicable womb-to-tomb, epidemiological vista will be beyond vital.

I will include a remarkable quotation by Strategos Institute Founder and London Business School Professor. Prof. Gary Hamel, Ph.D.:

“...Each revolution in art was based on a re-conception of reality. It wasn’t the canvas, the pigments, or the brushes that changed, but how the artist perceived the world. In the same sense, it’s not the tools that distinguish industry revolutionaries from hummed. rum incumbents — not the information technology they harness, not the process they use, not their facilities. Instead, is their ability to escape the stranglehold of the familiar...” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 255:

I strongly support JFK’s ensuing take as well.

President John F. Kennedy’s speech on September 12, 1962 at Race University: “...If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space .... Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked...” [80]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 256:

In aligning the idea of understanding the nature of change and the impacts stemming from said change, former GE’s CEO Jack Welch indicated:

“...Seeing the world the way it is, not the way we hope it will be or wish it to be...” [42]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 257:

To further enlighten the present material, Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) stated: “...Jeff Immelt realizes that the world changes every day and that his job is to keep GE competitive in that changing world. But his ability to take the company where it needs to go is greatly facilitated by the fact that he has a clear understanding of where he is starting...” [42]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 258:

By Thomas Edison indicates: “...If we all did the things we are capable of doing well we would literally astound ourselves...” [44]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 259:

Otto Herman Khan (RAND Corporation's Dr. Strangelove). He veritably stated: “...I'm against fashionable thinking ... I'm against ignorance ... I am against the whole cliche of the moment ... I'm against sloppy, emotional thinking…[I am against incomplete, linear thinking.. And ..I am against inexpensive thinking....”]....” [43]. Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 260:

Salvador Dali in seconding the motion by Khan offers us a thought: “...Get real; dream the impossible....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 261:

In case, you just yet don't have it unambiguously clear, this is Valéry's take in the beginning of the last century.

(by Paul Valéry, 1932)

“...All the notions we thought solid, all the values of civilized life, all that made for stability in international relations, all that made for regularity in the economy … in a word, all that tended happily to limit the uncertainty of the morrow, all that gave nations and individuals some confidence in the morrow … all this seems badly compromised. I have consulted all augurs I could find, of every species, and I have heard only vague words, contradictory prophecies, curiously feeble assurances. Never has humanity combined so much power with so much disorder, so much anxiety with so many playthings, so much knowledge with so much uncertainty...” [56]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 262:

There is great American scientist offering cautious optimism!

Dr. Robert H. Goddard, Ph.D. : “...It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow....” [117] Biography of Dr. Goddard at

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 263:


Andres: “...Charles, How does your mind envision in general? And what about you, Isaac?...”

Charles Darwin: “...My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collections of facts....” [131]

Isaac Newton: “...If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants....” [131]

Andres: “...How do you visualize or do you not visualize, Immanuel? Can you offer us a suggestion?...”

Immanuel Kant: “...Seek not the favor of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not voices, but weigh them....” [131]

Andres: “...How does your vision and thought relate, Charles? And what about in your case Immanuel?...”

Charles Darwin: “...The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts....” [131]

Immanuel Kant: “...All thought must, directly or indirectly, by way of certain characters, relate ultimately to intuitions, and therefore, with us, to sensibility, because in no other way can an object be given to us. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind....” [131]

Andres: “...Johann, in addition to the views of Kant, Darwin and Newton, How — in your view — one should see? Can you give us some hints?...”

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: “...Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words. In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it. The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes....” [131]

Andres: “...Johann, How does your mind envision?...”

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: “...All intelligent thoughts have already been thought; what is necessary is only to try to think them again....” [131]

Andres: “...Francis, What is your take about the operation of one's mind and / or perhaps a personal trait?...”

Francis Bacon: “...Of all virtues and dignities of the mind, goodness is the greatest, being the character of the Deity; and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing....” [131]

Andres: “...How do people exercise thinking, Francis?...”

Francis Bacon: “...People usually think according to their inclinations, speak according to their learning and ingrained opinions, but generally act according to custom....” [131]

Andres: “...What truth holds intact regardless, Charles?...”

Charles Darwin: “...False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for every one takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your POV concerning science, Imamnuel?...”

Immanuel Kant: “...Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your POV concerning science, Johann?...”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “...He who possesses art and science has religion; he who does not possess them, needs religion. The credit of advancing science has always been due to individuals and never to the age....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your POV concerning science, Isaac?...”

Isaac Newton: “...To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or distinction than that connected with advances in science....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your POV concerning science, Charles?...”

Charles Darwin: “...A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, — a mere heart of stone. False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for every one takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness....” [131]

Andres: “...What topic is for one to really learn about it, Johann?...”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “...No one has ever learned fully to know themselves. Only by joy and sorrow does a person know anything about themselves and their destiny. They learn what to do and what to avoid....” [131]

Andres: “...In learning, What is important for one to bear in mind, Charles?...”

Charles Darwin: “...In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed....” [131]

Andres: In seeing, “...How does one make a decision, Leonardo?...”

Leonardo da Vinci: “...There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see. Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake?...” [131]

Andres: “...Leonardo, I have heard an appalling notion from some management mogul. This person indicates that if an individual does not get ‘mad,’ she and he won't solve a significant problem? What fosters knowledge and what precludes it?...”

Leonardo da Vinci: “...Where there is shouting, there is no true knowledge....” [131]

Andres: “...Francis, I have heard an appalling notion from some management mogul. This person indicates that if an individual does not get “...mad,...” she and he won't solve a significant problem? What fosters knowledge and what precludes it?...”

Francis Bacon: “...Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor....” [131]

Andres: “...Knowledge to be bestowed upon ourselves and others to achieve what, Francis?...”

Francis Bacon: “...For also knowledge itself is power....” [131]

Andres: “...What is philosophy good for in your view, Francis?...”

Francis Bacon: “...A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion....”

Andres: “...How valuable to you is prudence, Francis?...”

Francis Bacon: “...A prudent question is one-half of wisdom....” [131]

Andres: “...Where does opportunities com from, Francis?...”

Francis Bacon: “...A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds....” [131]

Andres: “...Where do you get knowledge from, Leonardo?...”

Leonardo da Vinci: “...All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions....” [131]

Andres: “...Why is so important to conceive the right future, Herman?...”

Herman Kahn: “...Projecting a persuasive image of a desirable and practical future is extremely important to high morale, to dynamism, to consensus, and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly....” [131]

Andres: “...What is changing the most in your view and what are the “...downside...” implications of said changes, Herman?...”

Herman Kahn: “...A total nuclear freeze is counterproductive — especially now, when technology is rapidly changing and the Soviets have some important strategic advantages....” [131]

Andres: “...What have you done with your thinking capacity, Herman?...”

Herman Kahn: “...For some years I have spent my time on exactly these questions — both in thinking about ways to prevent war, and in thinking about how to fight, survive, and terminate a war, should it occur....” [131]

Andres: “...What relevance do you give — as a specific value type of thing — you give to morality and ethics, Herman?...”

Herman Kahn: “...Human and moral factors must always be considered. They must never be missing from policies and from public discussion....” [131]

Andres: “...Why must we advance science? Can you be a bit specific, Galileo? ...”

Galileo Galilei: “...By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox....” [131]

Andres: “...What is mathematics to you, Albert?...”

Albert Einstein: “...Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas....” [131]

Andres: “...What is imagination good for, Albert?...”

Albert Einstein: “...Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. Imagination will take you everywhere....” [131]

Andres: “...What is education?...”

Albert Einstein: “...Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school....” [131]

Andres: “...How does one should live life wisely in your opinion, Albert?...”

Albert Einstein: “...Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning....” [131]

Andres: “...What are your thoughts lately?...”

Albert Einstein: “...I want to know all Gods thoughts; all the rest are just details....” [131]

Andres: “...What are the connections among every discipline of knowledge?...”

Albert Einstein: “...All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree....” [131]

Andres: “...What is science good for, Albert?...”

Albert Einstein: “...It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man's insecurity before himself and before nature....” [131]

Andres: “...Is it learning important, Ben?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one....” [131]

Andres: “...What is the problem with self-made ignoramuses?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn....” [131]

Andres: “...Who has taught you the most, Ben?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other....” [131]

Andres: “...How do you forge an educated mind?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn....” [131]

Andres: “...What is the opposite of Reason?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason....” [131]

Andres: “...Where will you trust your most treasured funds?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...An investment in knowledge pays the best interest....”

Andres: “...How does one succeed?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out....” [131]

Andres: “...In the West wisdom seems to be a fashion while in the Far East this is a matter of great attention, is it not?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...Wise men don't need advice. FOOLS WON'T TAKE IT....” [131]

Andres: “...What is the methodical sequence to success?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing....” [131]

Andres: “...How do you get to prevailing in seizing success?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...I find my greatest pleasure, and so my reward, in the work that precedes what the world calls success....” [131]

Andres: “...How important is winning?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your take about complexity?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence. Everything that surrounds us — everything that exists — proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision....” [131]

Andres: “...Do you trust serendipities or do you prefer pseudo-serendipities?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...I never did anything by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work....” [131]

Andres: “...How do you gauge success?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless....” [131]

Andres: “...What is that long-ignored flank?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work....” [131]

Andres: “...Richard, How do you like the world's technological advances?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons....” [131]

Andres: “...How do you capture success in your daily practice?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...Most of my advances were by mistake. You uncover what is when you get rid of what isn't....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your view on conventional [‘out-of-the-box’ ‭ — so-called ‭ — ] discernment?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...People should think things out fresh and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things....” [131]

Andres: “...Richard, do you believe in becoming strategically surprised?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly....” [131]

Andres: “...Give me a hint! How involved are you with futures study?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims....” [131]

Andres: “...In your own words, What is your own significance towards education?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...You can never learn less, you can only learn more....” [131]

Andres: “...Nikola, Are you future-ready?...”

Nikola Tesla: “...Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine....” [131]

Andres: “...What is the thinking-process failing these days?...”

Nikola Tesla: “...The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane....” [131]

Andres: “...Having lived through so much history, Has life been a struggle for you?...”

Winston Churchill: “...A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty....” [131]

Andres: “...How does a manager prevail?...”

Winston Churchill: “...Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your take on the quality-assurance movement?...”

Winston Churchill: “...Great and good are seldom the same man....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your mind-expansion pathway?...”

Winston Churchill: “...I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught....” [131]

Andres: “...Can there be anti-leadership? Offer an instance?...”

Winston Churchill: “...If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons....” [131]

Andres: “...How supportive of the 'PRESENT' are you?...”

Winston Churchill: “...If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future....” [131]

Forewarning: The answers by the dialogue parties with the undersigned are fully accurate and supported by the facts. Verify, to trust, at

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 264:

Actionable knowledge creation and utilization, Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) points out some interesting reflections too often ignored by many private, public, NGO, supranational, and even academia incumbents:

“...The leadership job of the twenty-first century is to enhance brainpower of an organization by having leaders at all levels engaged in Virtuous Teaching Cycles. The case has been made that we now live in a knowledge era where the value of intellectual capital has supplemental physical assets. In this world, leaders must make everyone smarter while simultaneously aligning the energy and commitment of the people in their organizations … Thomas Stewart, a Fortune Editor and a leading thinker in the field, outlined the foundations for them knowledge economy with powerful simplicity in his most recent book, The Wealth of Knowledge: ‘The knowledge economy stands on three pillars. The first: Knowledge has become what we buy, sell, and do. It is the most important factor of production. The second pillar is a mate, a corollary to the first: Knowledge assets — that is, intellectual capital — have become more important to companies than financial and physical assets. The third pillar is this: To prosper in this new economy and exploit these newly vital assets, we need new vocabularies, new management techniques, new technologies, and new strategies. On three pillars rest all the new economy’s laws and its profits’...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 265:

Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) supplements:

“...Stewart’s ranking reflects a massive movement underway to actually measure intellectual capital … The concept is correct and we put Stewart’s work right at the front … to reinforce the importance for companies to continue defining, measuring and improving ways of generating new intellectual capital … Teaching Organizations are the needed response to today’s emphasis on knowledge creation. Today, intellectual assets trump physical assets in nearly every industry....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 266:

Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) asserts:

“...Despite the boom and bust of the recent dot-bomb era, there is no question that we are in the early stages of an era in which technology and biotechnology will have inescapable consequences for how businesses are run and organized. The practices, systems, policies and mind-sets that prevailed in the old industrial economy will not do the job. The foregone conclusion of the late 1990s that the old industrial behemoths would be agile start-ups is equally wrong for the times....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 267:

And he also indicates:

“...Rather, we now know that the winners of the future will adapt and innovate to exploit emerging technological and social changes. They will be big, fast, and smart. The winners will create value by having a workforce that is more aligned, energized and smarter than their competitors. They will leverage size and act with speed across internal and external organizational boundaries....” [42]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 268

A fast-paced world as of 1960?

“...As of 1960, computer chips have been built upon lithography, screen-printing that has allowed us to imprint forms as small as 100 nanometers (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter). One-hundredth of a cell. One-thousandth of a human hair. One-ten millionth the diameter of an elusive celluloid...” [194]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 269

I believe in simplicity stemming from a profound understanding of complexity only!

Stephen Jay Gould ( ): “...Once you build a complex machine, it can perform so many unanticipated tasks. Build a computer ‘for’ processing checks at the plant, and it can also … whip anyone’s ass (or at least then them perpetually) in tic-tac-toe....” [187]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 270

“...We’ll infect you with the same orthodoxies we’ve infected everyone else in your industry...” [64]

Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox: “...The power and complexity of computers are growing exponentially. Computers are becoming more like brains. Sometime during the next century, we will assert in the fashion of our made-up Future Flight authors that cyberdevices will become conscious and eventually will match the power of the human mind. The power of these cyberminds will extend beyond human levels in ways we cannot even imagine. These cyberbeings will proliferate in vast numbers. They will design and build a robotic supercivilization destined for outer space … The new cyberbeings will ‘mount up’ in polymorphic enclosures, intricately designed bodies able to assume any multisensory form. Their minds will be as emotional and intuitive as ours. They will be immortal. And they will be us, if we choose … We certainly will not be able to control the smart robot the way we control the car. Robots will have their own agendas and may have no use for mortals. Do not despair. It is probable that humans may be able to transfer their minds into the new cybersystems and join the cybercivilization. Not for the elite alone, anymore wishing to go robotic will be able to do so as cybercivilization spreads out into the universe. Intelligent cybertechnologies will become as cheap as small computers are today. Eventually, cybercivilization may adjust the structure of the universe itself when galaxies are networked … Do theologians have it all wrong? Whether God made humankind or not, we could create for ourselves those we could call gods. And, as it is now, it will be our willed choice to be with them or not. Scientists who understand the scale of geologic time agree; eventually, it will become as if mankind never existed. Our belief is that in some way, after we are gone forever, we will still be able to remember what, and who, we once were....” [169]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 271


“...Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you discover you’re on a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. Of course, there are other strategies. You can change riders. You can get a committee to study the dead horse. You can benchmark how other companies ride dead horses. You can declare that it’s cheaper to feed a dead horse. You can harness several dead horses together. But after you’ve tried all these things, you’re still going to have to dismount...” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 272

“...Government policies are influential in the macroscopic risks that threaten our lives. As a society has been transferred from simple agrarianism to a complex technologically-driven living standard, competing special interests force the government to make compromises that inevitably create risks — even the risk of war....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 273

“...The law is recognizing the trend toward complexity of life and the inability of the average person to recognize and overcome risks associated with it … Whereas our forefathers could knowingly inspect the horseshoes a blacksmith nailed on their horses’ hoofs, the average person today cannot knowledgeably inspect a microwave oven or a car’s automatic transmission....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 274

“...A primary theme in Alvin Toffler’s best selling book Future Shock is that society’s rate of change is increasing. Everything around us ─ including ourselves ─ is rapidly changing. Nothing is stable, permanent, constant, or fixed. Neither is risk. It is an indigenous element in the volatility of life. If anything, risk expands at a greater rate than the societal rate of change ─ due to its roots in uncertainty and ignorance of consequences, which multiply during mercurial instability....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 275

Napoleon wrote to his general the ensuing:

“...Your letter tells me nothing. You will however have to be able to interrogate in order to know the names of the regiments and the commanding general and a hundred things, all very important — the morale of the troops, the way in which they are fed, the strength of the different units, and what is known from conservations with the colonels and officers of the corps .... I expected several pages and I get only two lines. Redeem all that by writing me in great detail....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 276

Attributed to Robert Kennedy. “...The future is not a privilege but a perpetual conquest...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 277


On geology Napoleon generally reflects:

“...It is very important … to have good maps of all the country between the Adige, the Po, and the Adda … which will probably be the theater of new wars on the same scale as the large map of Italy. It is necessary to have all reconnaissances made at the Topographical Bureau of War in order that we could, if necessary, send the generals all suitable instructions. Then, from the commencement of war, they would know the defensive campaign field-works that will have to be prepared in the various positions in case of unfortunate developments .... I believe that the topographical engineers work, but I am not sure that they work according to good fundamental principles. We have them produce registers of the survey of lands and not military maps, which means that in twenty years, and I don’t know how many engineers and how much money, to map only a portion of the departments of Rhine and Moselle and Mont-Tonnerre, which are truly important. To make twenty years to finish maps and plans is to work too much posterity .... How many circumstances could occur over the next twenty years that we would regret? If one of them had been on the scale of a Cassini map we could already have had all of the Rhine frontier. How many circumstances could occur over the next twenty years where we will regret them? ...” [113]

And Bonaparte adds:

“...What events can occur, even for this accumulation of paper, before we can reap any advantage from all this work? I don’t know why war is waged with this type of map … The fact is, I have not had, on my visit to the Rhine, any map where I could gain knowledge of the country. We have to draw maps of Mont-Blanc … and the Piedmont the same progress that we followed for the departments of the Rhine, nothing will be finished in our lifetime .... Engineers are too much masters of what they wish to do. I have not asked for anything other than the completion of the Cassini map. Rest assured that the operations are not directed on projects that are too vast. Experience proves that the greatest defect in general administration is to want to do too much: that results in not having what is needed … Order them especially to mark clearly the nature of the different roads, in order to distinguish those which are practicable or impracticable for artillery. If all the debouches of the Black Mountains are accurately located, this map will be one of the most essential that we could have for....” [113]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 278


By Gary Hamel, Ph.D. : “...We believe that the goal is not to predict the future, but to imagine a future made possible by changes in technology, life style, work style, regulation, global geopolitics, and the like. And there are as many viable futures as there as imaginative firms that can understand deeply the dynamics at work right now which hold opportunities to become the author of the new. For the future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening. The present and the future don’t about each other, neatly divided between the five-year plan and the great unknown beyond. Rather they are intertwined. Every company is in the process of becoming — of becoming an anachronism irrelevant to the future, or of becoming the harbinger of the future. The long-term is not something that happens someday; it is what every company is building or forfeiting .... Only those who can imagine and preemptively create the future will be around to enjoy it … Creating a compelling view of tomorrow’s opportunities and moving preemptively to secure the future are tasks for neither dilettantes nor the merely intellectual curious … Other companies, the laggards, were more interested in protecting the past than in creating the future … We believe, and will argue strongly, that a company must not only get to the future first, it must get there for less .... And re-engineering charge is simply the penalty that a company must pay for not having anticipated the future .... If senior executives don’t have reasonably detailed answers to the ‘future’ set of questions, and if the answers they do have are not substantially different from the ‘today’ answers, there is little chance their companies will remain market leaders .... For much of the 1980s, IBM had been driving toward the future while looking out the rear-view mirror .... Too often, profound thinking about the future and how to shape it occurs only when present success has been substantially eroded .... Creating the future is more challenging than playing catch up, in that you have to create your own road map .... The goal is not simply to benchmark a competitor’s products and processes and imitate its methods, but to develop an independent point of view about tomorrow’s opportunities and how to exploit them. Pathbreaking is a lot more rewarding than benchmarking. One doesn’t get to the future first by letting someone else blaze the trail .... Passengers will get to the future, but their fate will not be in their own hands. Theirs profits from the future will be modest at best. Those who drive industry revolution — companies that have a clear, permeated view of where they want tom take their industry and are capable of orchestrating resources inside and outside the company to get there first — will be handsomely rewarded… The future is not an extrapolation of the past. New industrial structures will supersede old industrial structures .... Opportunities that at first blush seem evolutionary will prove to be revolutionary .... A commitment substantial enough to beget the perseverance required to create the future must be based on something more than a hunch .... But to create the future, a company must first be able to forget some of its past … ‘The future was predictable, but hardly anyone predicted it’ ...” [87]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 279

Sir Francis Bacon: “... He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils, for time is the greatest innovator ...” [2]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 280

Understanding the future?

“... Past or future, was a succession of violent breaks or waves, with no base at all....” [135]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 281

How to prevail?

James Thomson (1700 - 1749) ─ a Scots poet and playwright ─ argues: “...Great trials seem to be a necessary preparation for great duties ...” [137]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 282

Spiritual author and leadership?

John C. Maxwell (born 1947) ─ an evangelical Christian author, speaker, and pastor who has written more than 50 books ─ stated: “...A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 283

What do humans wish to do with their life and universe?

Simon Conway Morris, Ph.D, verbalizes: “...Barring a daring technology in the future, human civilization will be hard-pressed to destroy or deflect incoming bolides [meteoric fireballs] and so avoid impact-driven catastrophes .... enmeshed in medieval cruelty, unwilling to face the boundlessly happy future; a future that, strange to say, is always just around the corner .... Western culture's penchant for regarding science and technology as the guarantors of indefinite progress toward some hazy but glorious future paradise ...” [118]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 284

In 1990 Brad Leithauser, New Yorker made a lucid comment pertaining to the rate of change at that time: “...It reminds us that, in our accelerating, headlong era, the future presses so close upon us that those who ignore it inhabit not the present but the past ...” [106]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 285

How really empowered and dis-empowered are we?

Stewart Brand (1968): “... ...We are as gods and might as well get good at it ...” [104]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 286

Forty years without public education reforms in the West and the prevalent sequel going unpaid until when?

Carl Sagan: “...We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows about science and technology ...” [104]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 287

Prof. Gary Hamel, Ph.D. : “...Denial is tragic. Delay is deadly ...” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 288

What can knowledge do for progress and modernity?

Edward Teller: “...The science of today is the technology of tomorrow ...” [83]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 289

Are you emotionally stable before the future?

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus: “...Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present ...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 290

Edward Teller: “...Two paradoxes are better than one; they may even suggest a solution ...” [93]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 291

Patrick Dixon: “...Take hold of the future or the future will take hold of you — be futurewise ...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 292

GBN’s CEO Eamonn Nelly: “...We have globalized the economy and culture, but we have not yet globalized our sense of ourselves ...” [89]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 293

Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D. : “...Hope is a memory of the future ...” [59]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 294

In search of those that are instituting a search?

T. S. Elliot: “...We must never cease from exploring. At the end of all of our exploring will be to arrive at where we began and know the place for the first time ...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 295

CEO Emeritus of Visa International, Dee Hock: “...The problem is never how to get new innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out ...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 296

Do we respect time and its passage solemnly?

William Shakespeare (Macbeth): “...To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time; and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing ...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 297

What can we do about time passage?

W. E. Gladstone — British Prime Minister — (1809 — 1898): “...You cannot fight against the future...” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 298

Future and the genius?

Ernest Dimnet: “...Too often we forget that genius, too, depends upon the data within its reach, that even Archimedes could not have devised Edison's inventions....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 299

Future-liable if you don’t pay attention?

John Galsworthy: “...If you don't think about the future, you cannot have one....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 300

Malcolm X: ...”...The future belongs to those who prepare for it today...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 301

Either or what?

Anthony J. D'Angelo: “...Run to meet the future or it's going to run you down...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 302

How do we sign up by phenomenal lots of tons of smart work?

Leonard I. Sweet: “...The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 303

Is too much history studying dangerous?

Michael Cibenko: “...One problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 304

Perpetual learning for Afterlife?

John Wayne: “...Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 305

In Shock, Awe and Bewilderment for not Understanding?

Alvin Toffler: “...Man has a limited biological capacity for change. When this capacity is overwhelmed, the capacity is in future shock....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 306

Do people have an innate “ affair...” with speed?

Henry Ford: “...If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 307

Andrew Hiles argues about the “...future...” (2007):

“...In many senses the future will be more of the same. There will still be cross-cultural issues to deal with, different political systems, currency problems, different calendar systems, different values, completely different social structures, etc., both within Asia and between Asia and the other trading blocs. Fires will still occur, petty crime will still go on, economics will boom and dust, corruption will stay, illegal economic activities will continue, workplace problems will not go away ─ and so on. The basic ‘stuff’ of business and BCP [Business Continuity Planning] will continue to provide the challenges that all organizations and businesses face. BUT THERE WILL BE NEW OR ESCALATED CHALLENGES THAT HAVE TO BE FACED...” [135]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 308

Recalling not to fail into what?

George Santayana: “...Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 309

The larger historic perspective is good for which purpose?

Unknown author: “...Those who stare at the past have their backs turned to the future...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 310

Grave implications of contrarians to fostering change?

Max Planck: “...An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: What does happen is that the opponents gradually die out....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 311

Who gets the practical and useful merit?

Thomas Edison: “...I have more respect for the fellow with a single idea who gets there than for the fellow with a thousand ideas who does nothing....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 312

Learning from the past in reversal?

Dillon Wardian: “...Those who know their past are tempted to repeat it but on the winning side....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 313

Buying your membership to the future?

Mehmet Ildan: “...Future is an unknown country which requires tough visas for anyone to enter. Not all of us will get the chance to visit it....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 314

How does one discipline the mind?

Honoré de Balzac: “...The mind is enabled by rigid deduction to link it with the past; and to man, the past is singularly like the future; tell him what has been, and you seldom fail to show him what will be....” [82]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 315

Is it about inspiration, is it about knowledge or is it about both jointly?

To this end Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D. : “...I’m always saying that knowledge isn’t power if you don’t have inspiration....” [59]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 316

How can one unleash the energies of creation?

The Yoga Sutras of Pantajali: “...When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in ever direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world....” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 317

What can we do instead of what can we stomach and mind?

Dandridge M. Cole: “...We cannot predict the future, but we can invent it....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 318

How does one connect today with the future?

“...My Colleagues at the Long Foundation have helped me see the surprising connections between today and the deep future....” [78]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 319

The Chairman and CEO of the Juran Institute, A. Blantow Godfrey, in 1995 indicated to this end:

“...What we know today is far greater than what we knew a few years ago....” [91]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 320

What kind of a keel does a vessel need to explore the unexplored with the unthinkable thinking perspective?

“...At the beginning of this book I used river rafting as an analogy for the future. But perhaps sailing is a better metaphor....” [78]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 321

How early your punctuality must be?

M.El Banna: “...The only way you can see the future is if you're ahead of your own time....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 322

Are we lacking what type of understanding?

Unknown thinker, “...We are walking toward the edge of a cliff—blindfolded … Our ability to understand the potential for future abrupt changes in climate is limited by our lack of understanding of the processes that control them....” [78]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 323

Europe has a vested interest in retrospection while California's vested interest is in prospection – By Andres

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 324

Where is our Nordic domicile?

Jean-Marie Guyau: “...The future is not what is coming at us, but what we are headed for...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 325

Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi (1828 — 1910): “...I am convinced that the history of so-called scientific work in our famous centuries of European civilization will, in a couple of hundred years, represent an inexhaustible source of laughter and sorrow for future generations. The learned men of the small western part of our European continent lived for several centuries under the illusion that the eternal blessed life was the West’s future. They were interested in the problem of when and where this blessed life would come. But they never thought of how they were going to make their life better...” [69]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 326

A perspective that might prove helpful somewhat now:

Horace Mann (1796 — 1859) — American educationist: “...Lost, yesterday, somewhere between Sunrise and Sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever....” [2]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 327

Success comes along with tons and tons of smart and smarter work!

Gifford Pinchot: “...The vast possibilities of our great future will become realities only if we make ourselves responsible for that future....” [93]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 328

When evolution gets radicalized in applied science, a so-called breakthrough takes place. Hence, Einstein makes the case now.

Albert Einstein: “...It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity … We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive....” [4]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 329

In understanding at least the complexities embedded in the Universe, there is an Englishman with a great perspective. His quote ensues:

G.K. Chesterton (1874 — 1936), Essayist, Novelist, and Poet: “...The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreasonable world, nor that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality; yet is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and regular than it is; its exactitude is obvious, but its inexactitude is hidden, its wildness lies in wait....” At

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 330

What are intelligence and the brain’ and genome’s projected mind good for?

R. W. Young: “...Intelligence is that faculty of mind by which order is perceived in a situation previously considered disordered....” [78]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 331

In one instance, Dr. Albert Einstein points out: “...The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them....” [153] [60] In supporting this motion further, Dr. Aubrey de Grey establishes: “...To solve a very complicated problem, you generally need a fairly complicated solution [in advance]....” [59]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 332

Dr. Bertrand Russell will be gravely forewarning them of his famous sentence: “...I know of more people who'd rather die than think...”

Regarding people into imprudence, ignorance and not making reasonable decisions, Where can we get additional underpinnings?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 333

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (30 March 1746 — 16 April 1828): “...The sleep of reason produces monsters....” [98]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 334

Does age indeed become a liability in showing the futuristic lights of modernity and TRUE justice?

Mae Wets: “...You’re never too old to become younger...” [78]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 335

Technological platform termed the Internet. Look at the following take by Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572):

“...We have made the case throughout this book, and most people agree, that in the new ‘knowledge economy’ the key to winning is maximizing human capital. Ideas and knowledge have replaced physical goods as the most valued commodities in the global marketplace. Consequently, brains, energy and talent — human capital — are the primary source of value creation. But while many people and organizations grasp the concept, few have figured out how to really utilize the talents and knowledge of everyone in the company, especially the younger members of the company....” [42]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 336

From mysticism to science, the future and an interesting quotation.

Rosario M. Levins: “...Mythical thought is not pre-scientific; rather it anticipates the future state of being a science in that its past movement and its present direction are always in the same sense....” At

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 337

The quotation on analytics, science and future. Ensuing:

Charles Babbage (1792 — 1871): “...The whole of the developments and operations of analysis are now capable of being executed by machinery … As soon as an Analytical Engine exists, it will necessary guide the future course of science....” [69]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 338

Stuart A. Copans: “...Study the past if you would divine the future...” [69]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 339

The quotation abut foretelling: Unknown: “...Declare the past, diagnose the present, [and] foretell the future....” [69] Brackets are mine.

By unknown author: “...The future belongs to science and to those who make friends with science...” [69]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 340

The Prometheus-Bound quotation.

Aeschylus (453 BC):

“...Prometheus: My mother …
foretold me, that not brute strength
Not violence, but cunning must give victory
To the rulers of the future....” [69]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 341

Elliot on the present and the past.

T. S. Elliot (1888 — 1965):

“...Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past....” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 342

The past, the future and the interlude that connects both.

Eugene O’Neill (1888 — 1953): “...The only living life is in the past and future … the present is an interlude … strange interlude in which we call on past and future to bear witness we are living....” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 343

Bismarck and his lack of faith on the future.

A. J. P. Taylor (1906 — 1990): “...Bismarck was a political genius of the highest rank, but he lacked one essential quality of the constructive statesman: he had no faith in the future...” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 344

God, the nineteenth and twenty centuries, as well as the future.

Max Frisch (1911 — 1991): “...In the nineteenth century the problem was that God is dead; in the twentieth century the problem is that man is dead. In the nineteenth century inhumanity meant cruelty; in the twentieth century it means schizoid self-alienation. The danger of the future is that men may become robots...” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 345

Who does the future belong to?

Canadian Premier Pierre Trudeau (1919 — 2000): “...The twentieth century really belongs to those who will build it. The future can be promised to no one...” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 346

Foreseeing the Future out of the Fossilized Past?

Edmund Burke (1729 – 1797, an Irish statesman, author, orator, political theorist, and philosopher): “...You can never plan the future by the past...” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 347

In speaking of change and social systems’ reactions, it is wise to listen to Ralph Waldo Emerson: “...There are always two parties — the party of the past and the party of the future, the establishment and the movement....” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 348

As per the Oxford Dictionary, The Establishment refers to:

“ group exercising authority or influence, and generally seeking to resist change...” [65]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 349

Theodore Roosevelt: “...All the resources we need are in the mind....” [7]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 350

A take regarding time progression and retrogression, Sir James Jeans establishes:

Sir James Jeans — English Astronomer, physicist, and mathematician — (1877 — 1946) :

“...Taking a very gloomy view of the future of the human race, let us suppose that it can only expect to survive for two thousand million years longer, a period about equal to the past age of the earth. Then, regarded as a being destined to live for three score-years and then humanity, although it has been born in a house seventy years old, is itself three days old....” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 351

Dr. Malcolm Knowles Ph.D. addresses ignoramuses (also known as simpletons into outright fallacy) of supine ignorance:

“...The greatest danger for the survival of the present civilization is neither atomic war, nor environmental pollution, nor the exploitation of natural resources, and nor present crises. The underlying cause to all of the above is the acceleration of man’s obsolescence … The only hope seems to be an electroshock program to re-instill to the present adults the competencies required to function adequately under a mode of perpetual change. This is a profound need — the immeasurable challenge — that is presented by the modern society to adult education....” At

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 352

The Disraeli’s wise take:

Benjamin Disraeli — British Prime Minister — (1804 — 1881): “...Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future...” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 353

On education and to this end, Dr. Skinner made an important point.

Dr. Burrhus Frederic Skinner Ph.D. , “...Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten....” [9]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 354

Is there a path to prevailing?

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “...That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is increased....” [156]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 355

What is the inner-workings of time as per Orwell? Ensuing:

George Orwell (1903 — 1950): “...Who controls the future; who controls the present controls the past … If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever...” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 356

How can we state the bond between the future and past:

Eugene O’Neill (1888 — 1953): “...The only living life is in the past and future … the present is an interlude … strange interlude in which we call on past and future to bear witness we are living....” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 357

Was Thomas Jefferson America’s first futurist? He proclaimed:

Thomas Jefferson: “...I am captivated more by dreams of the future than by history of the past....” [11]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 358

Bernard d'Espagnat: “...Even if the Universe is a little myopic is true that, more than others, MEN OF SCIENCE ARE ITS EYES....” [16]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 359

How do you operate the sensors of the sight?

Mark Twain: “...You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus....” [172]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 360

Drucker was blamed often of self-praising himself about his capability of foretelling the future. This is his take on it:

Peter Drucker: “...Things that have already happened but whose consequences have not been realized [because they were not imagined, considered, scrutinized or envisioned by disciplined foresight and far-sight extending and expanding both sides of the human brain] … Don’t confuse movement with progress....” [17] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 361

Reinforcing the motion by Dr. Watson, Edmund Burke (1729 — 1797) argues “...Education is the cheap defense of nations....” [152]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 362

Arthur C. Clarke: “...We have to abandon the idea that schooling is something restricted to youth. How can it be, in a world where half the things a man knows at 20 are no longer true at 40 — and half of the things he knows at 40 hadn’t been discovered when he was 20?...” [19]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 363

How do freedom, security, safety, reliability, reason coalesce and intertwine?

Sir Karl Popper argued: “...We must plan for freedom, and not only for security [and safety and reliability], if for no other reason than that only [exceedingly educated] freedom can make security secure [and safety safe and reliability reliable]...” [51] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 364

Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) made a relevant contribution to understanding the nature of swirling changes. I quote some of his excerpts:

“...Speed and constant motion are the hallmark characteristics of life in the twenty-first century. The driving / enabling force behind them is the technology that allows almost instant access to information, and with each advance in technology the concept of ‘fast’ is only going to get faster...”

And Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) added:

“...This access comes not only in the form of the ability to move data around the world in nanosecond (one billionth,10— 9, of a second), but also in the ability to sift through and manipulate it. Patterns and trends that were impossible to see in the days when information [based on throughput-ed numerical and narrative data] was housed in mainframe computers that required IT professionals to access, are now readily visible to anyone with a PC and a hookup who cares to apply a few screens...”

Subsequently, he continues:

“...Moreover, as technology shrinks the cycle between an action, a reaction and a re-reaction, it becomes possible for people who might otherwise never be in direct contact to engage in a nearly constant flow of dialogue. The result is not only that technicians in Bangalore, India, and Waukesha, Wisconsin, can seamlessly work on the same project, passing it off as the day ends in one hemisphere and begins in the other, but also that a newly hired consultant at EDS can have a meaningful dialogue via videos and e-mails with CEO Dick Brown about what he sees in his territory....”

And Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) observes:

“...Meanwhile, markets for goods and services and the capital markets change directions with astounding speed. Consumer trends [because of the multitude of driving forces that propels said forces] are in a state of constant flux as a flood of new products [and services] appears every day to supplant older ones that often have been around only a few months themselves....” Brackets are mine.

And he carries on:

“...Market expansions morph into contractions seemingly overnight. It isn’t that the cycles are getting closer together. The economic expansion of the 1990s was one of the longest in U.S. history. Rather, it is the momentum when they turn that has accelerated. On March 13, 2000, the NASDAQ composite index peak at 5132. By April 14, it slumped into 3265, a loss of nearly 40% in one month. In such a volatile environment, the ability to grow, shrink and redeploy assets quickly and intelligently is a critical competence for survival...”

And Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) asserts:

“...What has happened so far is just a preview. We have only scratched the surface in using the capabilities of the current technology, not to mention the new technologies and capabilities that are coming on stream every day...”

Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) points out as well:

“...The earliest uses of most new technologies are at making old processes work better. Once computers came out of the science labs, their first mainstream uses were for such things as automating accounting and inventory controls. These applications were valuable in that they got the bills out faster and let a company make better purchasing and scheduling decisions. But once you consider the activities required for entry and retrieval, some weren’t much more effective in terms of cost or time consumption than doing things the old way....”

In understanding scales and accurate senses of proportions and depth, Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) asserted in 2004:

“...The GDP of the developed world — the United States, European Community and Japan with a total population of about 750 million — is more than $23 trillion. The rest of the world, including China with 1.2 billion people and India with about 1.2 billion people and India with about 1 billion people, lives on less than $3 trillion in GDP. Take the world’s five largest companies, GE, Exxon/Mobil, Microsoft, Pfizer and Wal-Mart — their market capitalization is bigger than the GDP of India...”

As Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) concluded making his case. [42]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 365

To further set the stage for this material’s comprehension, the textbook “...Einstein in the Boardroom...” by Suzanne S. Harrison and Patrick H. Sullivan Sr. may offer some lucid ideas on the “...current...” state of affairs when they claim:


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 366

In a treatise concerning the “...Principles of Human Knowledge,...” George Berkeley (1865 – 1753) sustains,

“...We have first raised a dust [science, technology and progress] and then complain [because our most determined decision of not taking our own education and acculturation further] we cannot see [understand the world upon which we dare to stand upon]...” [130] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 367

The American Heritage Dictionary’s Introduction (fourth edition, 2000) by Joseph P. Pickett, Executive Director, literally indicates, to further illustrate the reader, [54]:

“...This Fourth Edition of The American Heritage Dictionary combines the best of traditional making with key innovations that afford new ways of looking at our language… This edition has nearly 10,000 new words and senses that reflect the rapid pace of change in the English language today. Technological innovations in computing and communications along with advances in the sciences have been especially rich sources of development in the lexicon (for example, bit map, domain name, and raster in computing; dark matter, photonics, and yoctosecond in science). Medicine and medical research continue to produce an astonishing array of new terms for chemicals and substances (endostatin, leptin, transfatty acid), for disorders and infectious agents (Asperger’s syndrome, erectile dysfunction, hantavirus), for treatment (cocktail, molecular knife, xenotransplant), and for a variety of creations and discoveries (designer gene, enteric nervous system, microsleep) .... In addition, continuing social change in postindustrial society has given rise to expressions that describe new business practices (buyback, microcredit, reverse mortgage), a changing workplace (face time, job-share, mommy track), and evolving political positions and governmental policies (family leave, term limit, workfare). New sports terms have arisen (clap skate, five hole, skyboard), as have words for new educational practices (charter school, distance learning, homeschool). The names of foods from other cultures continue to be adopted (baba gannouj, garam masala, quesadilla). A host of new cultural developments has produced a host of new compound cords (assisted living, poetry slam, shock jock). And English speakers continue to be an exuberance force in creative coinage (bloviate, newbie, wannabe) .... To ensure accuracy in the coverage of our rapidly changing vocabulary, we have worked closely with distinguished consultants in a wide variety of specialized fields, including anthropology, astronomy, genetics, immunology, philosophy, and physics, to name but a few. We have also gone to great lengths to make our biological and geographic entries as timely as possible. Many new biographical entries have been added, especially in the areas of sports, music, film-making, and literature. To the geographic entries we have added new country names, such as Myanmar and the Republic of Congo, and newly prominent places such as Kosovo ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 368

Learning about the futures?

Virginia Postrel, “...the future is alive. Like the present, the future is not a single, uniform state but an ongoing process that reflects the plenitude of human life. There is in fact no single future; ‘the’ future encompasses the many microfutures of individuals and their associations. It includes all the things we learn about ourselves and the world, all the incremental improvements we discover, all our new ideas, and all the new ways we express and recombine them. As a system, the future is natural, out of anyone’s control, though is driven by the artificial: by individual attempts … This open-ended future can’t be contained in the vision of a single person or organization. And … it is something we can never be caught up with .... HOW WE FEEL ABOUT THE EVOLVING FUTURE TELLS US WHO WE ARE AS INDIVIDUALS AND AS A CIVILIZATION: DO WE SEARCH FOR STASIS ─A REGULATED, ENGINEERED WORLD? OR DO WE EMBRACE DYNAMISM─A WORLD OF CONSTANT CREATION, DISCOVERY, AND COMPETITION? DO WE VALUE STABILITY AND CONTROL, OR EVOLUTION AND LEARNING? … OR DO WE SEE TECHNOLOGY AS AN EXPRESSION OF HUMAN CREATIVITY AND THE FUTURE AS INVITING? DO WE THINK THAT PROGRESS REQUIRES A CENTRAL BLUEPRINT, OR DO WE SEE IT AS A DECENTRALIZED, EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS? DO WE CONSIDER MISTAKES PERMANENT DISASTERS, OR THE CORRECTABLE BY-PRODUCTS OF EXPERIMENTATION? DO WE CRAVE PREDICTABILITY, OR RELISH SURPRISE? THE TWO POLES, STASIS AND DYNAMISM, INCREASINGLY DEFINE OUR POLITICAL, INTELLECTUAL, AND CULTURAL LAND.Sc.APE. THE CENTRAL QUESTION OF OUR TIME IS WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE FUTURE. AND THAT QUESTION CREATES A DEEP DIVIDE....” [170]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 369

In speaking about science progression, new benefits and new hazards, here it is a summation by the English Crown’s top scientist, Sir Martin Rees.

Sir Martin Rees, Ph.D. : “...Science is emphatically not, as some have claimed, approaching its end; it is surging ahead at an accelerating rate. We are still flummoxed about the bedrock nature of physical reality, and the complexities of life, the brain, and the cosmos. New discoveries, illuminating all these mysteries, will engender benign applications; but will also pose new ethical dilemmas and bring new hazards. How will we balance the multifarious prospective benefits from genetics, robotics, or nanotechnology against the risk (albeit smaller) of triggering utter disaster? .... Science is advancing faster than ever, and on a broader front: bio-, cyber- and nanotechnology all offer exhilarating prospects; so does the exploration of space. But there is a dark side: new science can have unintended consequences; it empowers individuals to perpetrate acts of megaterror; even innocent errors could be catastrophic. The ‘downside’ from twenty-first century technology could be graver and more intractable than the threat of nuclear devastation that we have faced for decades. And human-induced pressures on the global environment may engender higher risks that the age-old hazards of earthquakes, eruptions, and asteroid impacts...” [120]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 370

Why seek ultimate truths under the underlying unturned rocks?

“...From knowledge of the rules each molecule obeys, we can predict the emergence of the structure and function of a material ─ a molecular society and, ultimately, a material culture. Beating heart muscle. Pollutant-filtering molecular sponges. Energy-harvesting solar cells .... Let us embark upon a journey into the world of nanotechnology. Let us see how far we have come in persuading Nature to fashion matter after our needs, in using refined control over atoms, electrons, and photons to better human existence. Let us examine how the latest breakthroughs are revolutionizing human health, environment, and information. Humbled before Nature’s achievements, let us inquire as to our limitations, and contemplate what responsibilities arise in the face of our new found abilities...” [194]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 371

Size, speed, dynamics, and novel realities?

“...Like Moore’s Law for silicon electronics, which says that computers are growing exponentially smaller and more powerful every year, molecular systems developed with DNA nanotechnology have been doubling in size roughly every three years,...” says Professor Erik Winfree at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). [197]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 372

Stephen M.R. Covey observes, “...the world’s fund of information now doubles every two to two and a half years...” [196]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 373

What is an example of one instituting resiliency?

Dr. Robert Collins, Ph.D. and his “...Ten Commandments of Resilience....” It here ensues the literal citation:

I.- Thou Shalt Have a Written Disaster Plan
II.- Thou Shalt Do Cost Benefit Analysis
III.- Thou Shalt Be Fully Insured
IV.- Thou Shalt Search Out and Repair Vulnerable Systems
V.- Thou Shalt Have Redundant Systems
VI.- Thou Shalt Be Mobile
VII.- Thou Shalt Set and Follow Priorities
VIII.- Thou Shalt Not Depend on Others
IX.- Thou Shalt Keep Lines of Communication Open
X.- Thou Shalt Capitalize on Opportunities

End of citation of the “...Ten Commandments of Resilience....” [125]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 374

Professor Vinge indicated it in 1993: “...Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended …Is such progress avoidable? If not to be avoided, can events be guided so that we may survive? These questions are investigated. Some possible answers [and some further dangers] are presented...” Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 375

Is there some evidence about managing intelligence at the microbiological level?

“...In August of 2000, a Japanese scientist named Toshiyuki Nakagaki announce that he had trained an amoebalike organism called slim mold to find the shortest route through a maze. Nakagaki had placed the mold in a small maze comprising four possible routes and planted pieces of food at two of the exits. Despite its being an incredibly primitive organism (a close relative of ordinary fungi) with no centralized brain whatsoever, the slime mold managed to plot the most efficient route to the food, stretching its body through the maze so that it connected directly to the two food sources. Without any apparent cognitive resources, the slime mold had 'solved' the maze puzzle ... For such a simple organism, the slime mold has an impressive intellectual pedigree. Nakagaki's announcement was only the latest in a long chain of investigations into the subtleties of slime mold behavior. For scientists trying to understand systems that use relatively simple components to build higher-level intelligence, the slime mold may someday be seen as the equivalent of the finches and tortoises that Darwin observed on the Galáagos Islands ...” [212]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 376

A misbehaved future?

Virginia Postrel: “...The future we face at the dawn of the twenty-first century is, like all futures left to themselves, ‘emergent, complex messiness.’ Its ‘messiness’ lies not in disorder, but in an order that is unpredictable, spontaneous, and ever shifting, a pattern created by millions of uncoordinated, independent decisions. The pattern contains not just a few high-tech gizmos, but all the variegated aspects of life. As people create and sell products or services, adopt new fashions of speech or dress, form families and choose home towns, make medical decisions and seek spiritual insight, investigate the universe and invent new forms of art, these actions shape a future no one can see, A FUTURE THAT IS DYNAMICAL AND INHERENTLY UNSTABLE....” [170]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 377

“...I never discovered anything with my rational mind....” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 378

Where is the strategic surprise ignored?

John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (1892 — 1964): “...I have no doubt that in reality the future will be vastly more surprising than anything I can imagine. Now my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose....”

Earned in his own intellectual right, Thomas Jefferson most cogently stated:

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 379

They insist that the DNA molecule has been with us through billions of years. Ray Kurzweil proclaims that

“ the 2030s, the nonbiological portion of our intelligence will predominate...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 380

What is the world to be, under scenarios, looking like towards 2025?

On the trends to 2025, speaking of “...What Kind of Future?,...”

NIC argues, “...The above trends suggest major discontinuities, shocks, and surprises, which we highlight throughout the text. Examples include nuclear weapons use or a pandemic. In some cases, the surprise element is only a matter of timing: an energy transition, for example is inevitable; the only questions are when and how abruptly or smoothly such a transition occurs. An energy transition from one type of fuel (fossil fuels) to another (alternative) is an event that historically has only happened once a century at most with momentous consequences. The transition from wood to coal helped trigger industrialization. In this case, a transition—particularly an abrupt one—out of fossil fuels would have major repercussions for energy producers in the Middle East and Eurasia, potentially causing permanent decline of some states as global and regional powers .... Other discontinuities are less predictable. They are likely to result from an interaction of several trends and depend on the quality of leadership. We put uncertainties such as whether China or Russia becomes a democracy in this category. China’s growing middle class increases the chances but does not make such a development inevitable. Political pluralism seems less likely in Russia in the absence of economic diversification. Pressure from below may force the issue, or a leader might begin or enhance the democratization process to sustain the economy or spur economic growth. A sustained plunge in the price of oil and gas would alter the outlook and increase prospects for greater political and economic liberalization in Russia. If either country were to democratize, it would represent another wave of democratization with wide significance for many other developing states .... Also uncertain are the outcomes of demographic challenges facing Europe, Japan, and even Russia. In none of these cases does demography have to spell destiny with less regional and global power an inevitable outcome. Technology, the role of immigration, public health improvements, and laws encouraging greater female participation in the economy are some of the measures that could change the trajectory of current trends pointing toward less economic growth, increased social tensions, and possible decline .... Whether global institutions adapt and revive—another key uncertainty—also is a function of leadership. Current trends suggest a dispersion of power and authority will create a global governance deficit. Reversing those trend lines would require strong leadership in the international community by a number of powers, including the emerging ones .... Some uncertainties would have greater consequences—should they occur—than would others. In this work, we emphasize the overall potential for greater conflict—some forms of which could threaten globalization. We put WM.D. terrorism and a Middle East nuclear arms race in this category. The key uncertainties and possible impacts are discussed in the text and summarized in the textbox on page vii. In the four fictionalized scenarios, we have highlighted new challenges that could emerge as a result of the ongoing global transformation. They present new situations, dilemmas, or predicaments that represent departures from recent developments. As a set, they do not cover all possible futures. None of these is inevitable or even necessarily likely; but, as with many other uncertainties, the scenarios are potential game-changers...” [144]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 381

Subsequently, John Naisbitt puts it: “...You just have to hang out with the paradoxes, hang out with the contradictions until you understand them. When there is a perceived contradiction, I like to look for something that helps to resolve the contradiction. A lot of people have an either/or mentality. We get the Internet and everyone says, ‘Well newspapers are going to go away.’ It’s not either/or. There will be a change in the mix, that’s all....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 382

In the same order of ideas, Hamel indicates: “...Look for dis-confirming evidence, for things that don’t fit, for things that don’t ajar....” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 383

DARPA’s adage: “...If you’re not failing frequently, you’re not succeeding enough....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 384

Diplomacy and peace?

What does Ambrose Bierce have to say about peace?: “...[Peace is,] in international affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of fighting...” [130] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 385

Winston Churchill argues in this regard: “...If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 386


St. Ignatius Loyola (1491 — 1556) — founder of the Jesuits — :

“...Teach us, good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest;

To give and not to count the cost;

To fight and not to heed the wounds;

To toil and not to seek for rest;

To labour and not to ask for any reward

Save that of knowing that we do Thy will....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 387

“...Predictions tend to be linear extrapolations; technological advances tend to throw curves. Predicting poorly one curved is already impossible enough without adding three more curves, to say nothing of the seven others neither of us considered, but which will actually play a more central role...” By Dr. Michael Fossel, Ph.D. , M.D.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 388

“...We are hanging eyes, ears and sensory organs on our computers and on our networks asking them to observe the physical world on our behalf and to manipulate it. The more you connect computers to the physical world the more the issue of interaction becomes important...” (Attributed to Corporate Design Foundation: May 1991). [195]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 389


[1 of 24] “...Some people say that computers can never show true intelligence, whatever that may be. But it seems to me that if very complicated chemical molecules can operate in humans to make them intelligent, then equally complicated electronic circuits can also make computers act in an intelligent way. And if they are intelligent, they can presumably design computers that have even greater complexity and intelligence...” ─ By Dr. Stephen Hawking (Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, University of Cambridge).

[2 of 24] “...One consideration that should be taken into account when deciding whether to promote the development of superintelligence is that if superintelligence is feasible, it will likely be developed sooner or later. Therefore, we will probably one day have to take the gamble of superintelligence no matter what. But once in existence, a superintelligence could help us reduce or eliminate other existential risks, such as the risk that advanced nanotechnology will be used by humans in warfare or terrorism, a serious threat to the long-term survival of intelligent life on earth. If we get to superintelligence first, we may avoid this risk from nanotechnology and many others. If, on the other hand, we get nanotechnology first, we will have to face both the risks from nanotechnology and, if these risks are survived, also the risks from superintelligence. The overall risk seems to be minimized by implementing superintelligence, with great care, as soon as possible...” ─ By Dr. Nick Bostrom (Director, Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University).

[3 of 24] “...We have a hard time motivating people to do stuff in the service of abstract nouns like 'liberty,' but 'singularity' is so abstract as to make 'liberty' seem as concrete as 'imminent car-wreck.' The singularity needs to be the mere abstract cherry on the concrete cake: the funny curiosity to consider as the end-point of a bunch of imminent, relevant, concrete changes in our lives that we need to prepare for and prepare the way for...” ─ By Cory Doctorow (Science Fiction Author, Boing Boing Co-Editor).

[4 of 24] “...To any thoughtful person, the singularity idea, even if it seems wild, raises a gigantic, swirling cloud of profound and vital questions about humanity and the powerful technologies it is producing. Given this mysterious and rapidly approaching cloud, there can be no doubt that the time has come for the scientific and technological community to seriously try to figure out what is on humanity's collective horizon. Not to do so would be hugely irresponsible...” ─ By Dr. Douglas R. Hofstadter (College Professor Of Cognitive and Computer Science, Indiana University, Bloomington).

[5 of 24] “...What, then, is the Singularity? It's a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed. Although neither utopian or dystopian, this epoch will transform the concepts that we rely on to give meaning to our lives, from our business models to the cycle of human life, including death itself. Understanding the Singularity will alter our perspective on the significance of our past and the ramifications for our future. To truly understand it inherently changes one's view of life in general and one's own particular life. I regard someone who understands the Singularity and who has reflected on its implications for his or her own life as a '…singularitarian…'...” ─ By Ray Kurzweil (CEO, Kurzweil Technologies).

[6 of 24] “...The Singularity is a frightening prospect for humanity. I assume that we will somehow dodge it or finesse it in reality, and one way to do that is to warn about it early and begin to build in correctives...” ─ By Stewart Brand (Founder and Chairman, The Long Now Foundation).

[7 of 24] “...It is clear from my work that to tell a truly compelling story, a machine would need to understand the 'inner lives' of his or her characters. And to do that, it would need not only to think mechanically in the sense of swift calculation (the forte of supercomputers like Deep Blue), it would also need to think experientially in the sense of having subjective or phenomenal awareness. For example, a person can think experientially about a trip to Europe as a kid, remember what it was like to be in Paris on a sunny day with an older brother, smash a drive down a fairway, feel a lover's touch, ski on the edge, or need a good night's sleep. But any such example, I claim, will demand capabilities no machine will ever have. Renowned human storytellers understand this concept. For example, playwright Henrik Ibsen said: ' … I have to have the character in mind through and through, I must penetrate into the last wrinkle of his soul ...' Such a modus operandi is forever closed off to a machine...” ─ By Dr. Selmer Bringsjord (Director, Rensselaer AI & Reasoning Laboratory).

[8 of 24] “...There's this stupid myth out there that AI has failed, but AI is everywhere around you every second of the day. People just don't notice it. You've got AI systems in cars, tuning the parameters of the fuel injection systems. When you land in an airplane, your gate gets chosen by an AI scheduling system. Every time you use a piece of Microsoft software, you've got an AI system trying to figure out what you're doing, like writing a letter, and it does a pretty damned good job. Every time you see a movie with computer–generated characters, they're all little AI characters behaving as a group. Every time you play a video game, you're playing against an AI system...” ─ By Dr. Rodney Brooks (Director, MIT Computer Science and AI Laboratory, Chief Technical Officer, IROBOT CORPORATION).

[9 of 24] “...If there is a key driving force pushing towards a singularity, it's international competition for power. This ongoing struggle for power and security is why, in my view, attempts to prevent a singularity simply by international fiat are doomed. The potential capabilities of transformative technologies are simply staggering. No nation will risk falling behind its competitors, regardless of treaties or UN resolutions banning intelligent machines or molecular–scale tools. The uncontrolled global transformation these technologies may spark is, in strategic terms, far less of a threat than an opponent having a decided advantage in their development ─ a 'singularity gap,' if you will. The 'missile gap' that drove the early days of the nuclear arms race would pale in comparison...” ─ By Jamais Cascio (Senior Contributing Editor, WORLDCHANGING).

[10 of 24] “...The world is Organized by embodied beings like us to be coped with by beings like us. The computer would be totally lost in our world. It would have to have in it a model of the world and a model of the body, which AI researchers have tried, but it's certainly hopeless. Without that, the world is just utterly un-graspable by computers .... The truth is that human intelligence can never be replaced with machine intelligence simply because we are not ourselves thinking machines. Each of us has, and uses every day, a power of intuitive intelligence that enables us to understand, to speak, and to cope skillfully with our everyday environment...” ─ By Dr. Hubert Dreyfus (Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley).

[11 of 24] “...If you invent a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, so machines can learn, that is worth 10 Microsofts...” ─ By Bill Gates (Chairman and Chief Software Architect, Microsoft Corporation).

[12 of 24] “...There is no good reason to believe that the emergence of the modern human mind is the end state of the evolution of psyche. Indeed, the rub is this: While evolution might take millions of years to generate another psychological sea change as dramatic as the emergence of modern humanity, technology may do the job much more expediently. The Singularity can be expected to induce rapid and dramatic change in the nature of life, mind and experience...” ─ By Dr. Ben Goertzel (CEO, Novamente LLC).

[13 of 24] “...It's haughty of us to think we're the end product of evolution. All of us are a part of producing whatever is coming next. We're at an exciting time. We're close to the singularity. Go back to that litany of chemistry leading to single–celled organisms, leading to intelligence. The first step took a billion years, the next step took a hundred million, and so on. We're at a stage where things change on the order of decades, and it seems to be speeding up. Technology has the autocatalytic effect of fast computers, which let us design better and faster computers faster. We're heading toward something which is going to happen very soon – in our lifetimes – and which is fundamentally different from anything that's happened in human history before...” ─ By Dr. W. Daniel Hillis (Chairman and Chief Technology Officer, Applied Minds).

[14 of 24] “...The 21st–century technologies — genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR) – are so powerful that they can spawn whole new classes of accidents and abuses. Most dangerously, for the first time, these accidents and abuses are widely within the reach of individuals or small groups. They will not require large facilities or rare raw materials. Knowledge alone will enable the use of them. Thus we have the possibility not just of weapons of mass destruction but of knowledge–enabled mass destruction (KM.D. ), this destructiveness hugely amplified by the power of self–replication. I think it is no exaggeration to say we are on the cusp of the further perfection of extreme evil, an evil whose possibility spreads well beyond that which weapons of mass destruction bequeathed to the nation–states, on to a surprising and terrible empowerment of extreme individuals...” ─ By Bill Joy (Managing Partner, Kleiner, Perkins, Caufields & Byers).

[15 of 24] “...Every cybernetic totalist fantasy relies on artificial intelligence. It might not immediately be apparent why such fantasies are essential to those who have them. If computers are to become smart enough to design their own successors, initiating a process that will lead to God-like omniscience after a number of ever-swifter passages from one generation of computers to the next, someone is going to have to write the software that gets the process going, and humans have given absolutely no evidence of being able to write such software. So the idea is that the computers will somehow become smart on their own and write their own software ... My primary objection to this way of thinking is pragmatic: It results in the creation of poor-quality real-world software in the present. Cybernetic totalists live with their heads in the future and are willing to accept obvious flaws in present software in support of a fantasy world that might never appear ... The whole enterprise of artificial intelligence is based on an intellectual mistake, and continues to expensively turn out poorly designed software as it is remarketed under a new name for every new generation of programmers...” ─ By Jaron Lanier (Computer Scientist, Composer, Visual Artist, and Author).

[16 of 24] “... ... Two quite detailed scenarios have emerged, one the Moravec/Kurzweil scenario, which we might call the 'Out to Pasture in the Elysian Fields,' that foresees machines as intelligent as humans, maybe more so, in 50 years and on the whole, a good thing. This leads to questions both Moravec and Kurzweil, to their credit, raise about whether those machines will take over for us (or from us), the basis of the second scenario, Bill Joy's quite opposite and dark vision, which posits the same improvement in machine intelligence, but with a horrifying outcome, the '…NanoGenRoboNightmare ... ' Some believers in the Elysian fields scenario have been arguing about 'the singularity,' borrowed from science fiction writer Vernor Vinge, the moment AI becomes powerful and ubiquitous enough so that all of the rules change and there's no going back. [...] I don't consider either of these scenarios implausible...” Pamela McCorduck (Author of Machines Who Think).

[17 of 24] “...We need to do an unlikely thing: we need to survey the world we now inhabit and proclaim it good. Good enough. Not in every detail; there are a thousand improvements, technological and cultural, that we can and should still make. But good enough in its outlines, in its essentials. We need to decide that we live, most of us in the West, long enough. We need to declare that, in the West, where few of us work ourselves to the bone, we have ease enough. In societies where most of us need storage lockers more than we need nanotech miracle boxes, we need to declare that we have enough stuff. Enough intelligence. Enough capability. Enough...” ─ By Bill McKibben (Author, Enough: Staying Human In An Engineered Age.)

[18 of 24] “...Only a small community has concentrated on general intelligence. No one has tried to make a thinking machine and then teach it chess — or the very sophisticated oriental board game Go. [...] The bottom line is that we really haven't progressed too far toward a truly intelligent machine. We have collections of dumb specialists in small domains; the true majesty of general intelligence still awaits our attack. [...] We have got to get back to the deepest questions of AI and general intelligence and quit wasting time on little projects that don't contribute to the main goal...” ─ By Dr. Marvin Minsky (Toshiba Professor, Media Arts and Sciences, MIT).

[19 of 24] “...It may seem rash to expect fully intelligent machines in a few decades, when the computers have barely matched insect mentality in a half–century of development. Indeed, for that reason, many long–time artificial intelligence researchers scoff at the suggestion, and offer a few centuries as a more believable period. But there are very good reasons why things will go much faster in the next fifty years than they have in the last fifty... Since 1990, the power available to individual AI and robotics programs has doubled yearly, to 30 MIPS (machine instructions per second) by 1994 and 500 MIPS by 1998. Seeds long ago alleged barren are suddenly sprouting. Machines read text, recognize speech, even translate languages. Robots drive cross–country, crawl across Mars, and trundle down office corridors. In 1996 a theorem–proving program called EQP running five weeks on a 50 MIPS computer at Argonne National Laboratory found a proof of a Boolean algebra conjecture by Herbert Robbins that had eluded mathematicians for sixty years. And it is still only Spring. Wait until Summer...” ─ By Dr. Hans Moravec (Chief Scientist, Seegrid Corporation).

[20 of 24] “...In the end, this search for ways to enhance ourselves is a natural part of being human. The urge to transform ourselves has been a force in history as far back as we can see. It's been selected for by millions of years of evolution. It's wired deep in our genes — a natural outgrowth of our human intelligence, curiosity, and drive. To turn our backs on this power would be to turn our backs on our true nature. Embracing our quest to understand and improve on ourselves doesn't call into question our humanity — it reaffirms it...” ─ By Ramez Naam (Author of More Than Human: Embracing The Promise of Biological Enhancement, Software Developer, Microsoft).

[21 of 24] “...I want to focus on a different aspect of Ken MacLeod's 'Rapture of the Nerds' comment, because I actually think it cuts both ways. Yes, it's possible to draw parallels between the Christian idea of The Rapture — and, even more generally, between religious ideas of transcendence generally — and the notion that, once human technology passes a certain threshold, roughly that described by Vinge and other singularity enthusiasts, human beings will potentially enjoy the kind of powers and pleasures traditionally assigned to gods or beings in heaven: Limitless lifespans, if not immortality, superhuman powers, virtually limitless wealth, fleshly pleasures on demand, etc. .... These do sound like the sorts of things that religions have promised their followers throughout human history. That leads some who invoke MacLeod's comment to contend that because singularity enthusiasts hope for the same kinds of things that religious believers have hoped for, singularity enthusiasts are merely adherents to a new sort of religion, the religion of science ... But as Isaac Asimov has noted, the religion of science is distinguished by one chief characteristic: 'that it works.' I express no opinion on whether science will actually deliver on these hopes. But I note that people once looked to supernatural sources for such now-mundane things as cures for baldness or impotence, only to find those desires satisfied, instead, by modern pharmacology. Yet that hardly makes those who place their faith in pharmacology members of a religion — or, if it does, it makes them members of a religion that is distinguishable from those dependent on the supernatural...” ─ By Glenn Harland Reynolds (Professor of Law, University of Tennessee)

[22 of 24] “...'…Could a machine think?...' My own view is that only a machine could think, and indeed only very special kinds of machines, namely brains and machines that had the same causal powers as brains. And that is the main reason strong AI has had little to tell us about thinking, since it has nothing to tell us about machines. By its own definition, it is about programs, and programs are not machines. Whatever else intentionality is, it is a biological phenomenon, and it is as likely to be as causally dependent on the specific biochemistry of its origins as lactation, photosynthesis, or any other biological phenomena. No one would suppose that we could produce milk and sugar by running a computer simulation of the formal sequences in lactation and photosynthesis, but where the mind is concerned many people are willing to believe in such a miracle because of a deep and abiding dualism: the mind they suppose is a matter of formal processes and is independent of quite specific material causes in the way that milk and sugar are not.....” ─ By Dr. John Searle (Slusser Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley).

[23 of 24] “...Before the invention of writing, almost every insight was happening for the first time (at least to the knowledge of the small groups of humans involved). When you are at the beginning, everything is new. In our era, almost everything we do in the arts is done with awareness of what has been done before. In the early post–human era, things will be new again because anything that requires greater than human ability has not already been done by Homer or da Vinci or Shakespeare...” ─ By Dr. Vernor Vinge (Mathematician, Computer Scientists, and Science Fiction Author).

[24 of 24] “...I certainly think that humans are not the limit of evolutionary complexity. There may indeed be post–human entities, either organic or silicon–based, which can in some respects surpass what a human can do. I think it would be rather surprising if our mental capacities were matched to understanding all the keys levels of reality. The chimpanzees certainly aren't, so why should ours be either? So there may be levels that will have to await some post-human emergence...” ─ By Sir Martin Rees (Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics, Trinity College). [200]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 390

Incidentally, Every Scientific and Technological Progression available and that is into a '' ...doubling ...” magnitude is synthesized her:

Doubling A:

“... HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY TEN YEARS [AS PER THE 1998 STANDARDS]. In the past decade, more scientific knowledge has been created than in all of human history ...” ( ). Brackets are mine.

Doubling B:


Doubling C:


Doubling D:


Doubling E:


Doubling F:


Doubling G:


Doubling I:


Doubling J:


Doubling K:

“...Like Moore’s Law for silicon electronics, which says that computers are growing exponentially smaller and more powerful every year, molecular systems developed with DNA nanotechnology have been doubling in size roughly every three years,...” says Professor Erik Winfree at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). [197] (


Mr. Andres Agostini

The Future of Scientific Management, Today! At or

The Future of Space-Age Risk Management: Transformative and Integrative Risk Management!
By Mr. Andres Agostini. At


► Toyota,
► Mitsubishi,
► World Bank,
► Shell,
► Statoil,
► Total,
► Exxon,
► Mobil,
► PDVSA, Citgo,
► GE,
► TNT Express,
► AT&T
► GTE,
► Amoco,
► BP,
► Abbot Laboratories,
► World Health Organization,
► Ernst Young Consulting,
► SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation),
► Pak Mail,
► Wilpro Energy Services,
► Phillips Petroleum Company,
► Dupont,
► Conoco,
► ENI (Italy’s petroleum state-owned firm),
► Chevron,
► LDG Management (HCC Benefits).
Annotated Bibliography.

NB: All links and web addresses were checked and verified to be correct at the time of publication. Because of the dynamical nature of the web, some addresses and links may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.

[1] Every quotation and/or citation is attributed to the mentioned author of said quotation.
[2] Sir Francis Bacon (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1
[3] Dr. Bertrand Russell (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1)
[4] Dr. Albert Einstein (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1)
[5] Dr. Buckminster Fuller (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1) and at ‹›
[6] Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1) and at ‹›
[7] Theodore Roosevelt at ‹›
[8] Ralph Waldo Emerson at ‹›
[9] Dr. Malcolm Knowles at ‹›
[10] Dr. Albert Einstein at ‹›
[11] Thomas Jefferson at ‹›
[12] Dr. Henry Kissinger at ‹›
[13] Sir Winston Churchill at ‹›
[14] Antonio Machado from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[15] The Panchatantra (body of Eastern philosophical knowledge) from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1. And at << >>
[16] Bernard d'Espagnat from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[17] Peter Drucker from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[18] Dr. James D. Watson, Ph.D. as he was interviewed by Charlie Rose most recently in year 2009.
[19] Arthur C. Clarke at ‹›
[20] Otto Herman Khan at ‹›
[21] General Francisco de Miranda from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[22] James Canton, “...Technofutures: How Leading-Edge Innovations Will Transform Business in the 21st Century...” by James Canton ( )
[23] “...Revolutionary Wealth: How it will be created and how it will change our lives...” by Alvin Toffler and Heidi Toffler (ISBN-10: 038552207X)
[24] Ella Wheeler Wilcox at ‹›
[25] “...Future Shock...” by Alvin Toffler (ISBN-10: 0553277375)
[26] “...Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever...” by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman ( ISBN-10: 0140282025 )
[27] “...Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever...” by Ray Kurzweil Ph.D. and Terry Grossman M.D. (ISBN-10: 1605299561)
[28] “...Leading the Revolution...” by Gary Hamel (ISBN-10: 1591391466)
[29] “...Emotional Intelligence...” by Daniel Goleman (ISBN-10:055309503X )
[30] Criss-cross at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[31] Crinkum-crankum at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[32] Terzetto at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[33] Thé dansant at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[34] Tertium quid at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[35] Computronium at
[36] Futureketing at
[37] “...Einstein in the Boardroom...” by Suzanne S. Harrison and Patrick H. Sullivan Sr. (ISBN-10: 0-471-70332-X
[38] Tête-à-tête at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[39] Dilettantes and poseurs at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[40] “...Why Mars and Venus Collide: Improving Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress...” by John Gray.
[41] Multiverse at
[42] “...The Cycle of Leadership...” by Noel M. Tichy (ISBN0-06-662056-2)
[43] Herman Kahn’s quotations at
[44] “...Innovate Like Edison: The Five-Step System for Breakthrough Business Success...” By Michael J. Gelb (ISBN-10: 0452289823)
[45] Déclassé at Oxford Dictionary (ISBN 0-19-861122-6)
[46] Démodé at Oxford Dictionary (ISBN 0-19-861122-6)
[47] Richard Buckminster Fuller at
[48] Yoctosecond, definition of, at
[49] Dr. Pangloss at
[50] “...Monster of omniscience...” at page V, first paragraph, Concise Oxford Dictionary (ISBN 0-19-861122-6). Also viewable online at
[51] Quotations by Karl Popper at
[52] “...Radical Evolution...” by Joel Garreau (ISBN0-385-50965-0).
[53] Definition of “...throughput....” Throughput: Output or production, as of a computer program, over a period of time. The quantity or amount of raw material processed within a given time, esp. the work done by an electronic computer in a given period of time. An amount of work, etc. done in a particular period of time. Volume of data or material handled: the amount of something such as data or raw material that is processed over a given period.
[54] The American Heritage Dictionary’s (fourth edition, 2000)— ISBN 0-395-82517-2
[55] By John F. Kennedy, Address at Rice University on the Nation's Space Effort Delivered in Houston, Texas, September 12, 1962. SOURCE: (seen on June 12, 2007).
[56] “...The Art of The Long View...” ─ ISBN 0-385-26731-2
[57] “...The New Religion of Risk Management...” by Peter L. Bernstein, Harvard Business Review, March-April 1996.
[58] As quoted in title ─ ISBN 978-980-293-503-1
[59] As cited by David Jay's 2006 textbook, “...Mavericks of Medicine...” (ISBN: 1-890572-19-5)
[61] Einstein “...on being smart...” at
[62] “...A Devil’s Dictionary of Business...” (2005) — ISBN 1-56025-712-1 by Nicholas von Hoffman
[63] Original source:
[64] Textbook: “...Leading The Revolution...” (ISBN 1-57851-189-5), year 2000, by Gary Hamel
[65] Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[66] Textbook known as “...A Dictionary of Scientific Quotations...” by Alan L. Mackay (ISBN-10: 075031066) in 1991.
[67] Dr. Stephen Hawking was interviewed by CNN's journalist Becky Anderson in year 2009.
[69] “...A Dictionary of scientific quotations...” By Alan Lindsay Mackay - ISBN-10: 0750301066
[70] The Oxford dictionary of quotations - ISBN-10: 0199237174
[71] “...The Book of Positive Quotations,...” 2nd Edition (2007) — ISBN-10: 1577491696
[72] “...The Yale Book Of Quotations...” by Fred R. Shapiro (2006) — ISBN-10: 0300107986
[73] Well said, well spoken: 736 quotable quotes for educators by Robert D. Ramsey (1999) — ISBN-10: 0060194111
[74] Compelling conversations: questions and quotations on timeless topics by Erin Hermann Roth (2007) — ISBN-10: 141965828X
[75] Wit and Wisdom of the American Presidents: A Book of Quotations by Joslyn T. Pine (2000) - ISN-10: 0486414272
[76] The Routledge Dictionary Of Latin Quotations by Jon R. Stone (2004) ISBN-10: 0415969085
[77] Quote Unquote by M.P. Singh (2004) — ISBN: 1557099405
[78] “...Inevitable Surprises: Thinking Ahead in a Time of Turbulence...” by Peter Schwartz (2004) — ISBN-10: 1592400698
[79] “...Mind Set...” by John Naisbitt (2008) — ISBN-10: 0061136891
[81] As per David Jay Brown’s text book “...Mavericks of Medicine...” (2006) — ISBN 1-890572-19-5
[82] Singularity: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases By Inc Icon Group International.
[84] Cumputronium at Wikipedia at
[85] Multiverse at Wikipedia at
[86] James N. Gardner’s “...The Intelligent Universe...” (2007) — ISBN-13: 978-1564149190
[87] Gary Hamel’s textbook “...Competing for the Future...” (1996) — ISBN-10: 0875847161
[88] Gary Hamel’s “...Leading The Revolution...” book — ISBN-10: 1591391466
[89] Eamonn kelly’s book “...Powerful Times...” (2006) — ISBN 0-131-85520-4
[90] (bibliography to Fuzzy Logic and Quantum Mechanics)
[91] As cited on “...The Juran Prescription...” by Kathleen Jennison Goonan, M.D. — ISBN 0—7879-0096
[92] Http://
[95] The State Of The University: Academic Knowledges And The Knowledge Of God (2007) By Stanley Hauerwas, B.D. M.A. M.Phil and Ph.D. — ISBN-10: 0300057253
[98] In the Book “...How We Decide...” (2009) by Jonah Lehrer — ISBN 978-0-618-62011-1
[99] “...Managing Risk: Systematic Loss Prevention for Executives...” (1987) — ISBN 0-13-551110-0 by Dr. Vernon Grose, D.Sc.
[102] Adam Gordon in Book “...Future Savvy ...” ( 2008 ) — ISBN-10: 0814409121
[103] J. Scott Armstrong in book “...Principles of Forecasting...” — ISBN: 0792379306
[104] Bob Seidensticker's book "Future Hype..." (2006) — ISBN-10: 1576753700
[105] Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D. ’s book “...The Time Paradox...” (2009) — ISBN-10: 1416541993
[106] Hans Moravec’s “...Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence...” (1990) — ISBN-10: 06745761187
[107] David Jay Brown’s “...Mavericks of Medicine...” (2006) — ISBN: 1-890572-19-5
[108] Quotations under this number either has been sent to me via e-mail or have emerged as a result of private interviews.
[111] Quotations at ‹›
[112] The Adult Learner, Sixth Edition: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development by Malcolm S. Knowles Ph.D. (2005) — ISBN-10: 0750678372
[113] Napoleon Bonaparte: A Life By Alan Schom (1998) — ISBN-10: 0060929588
[114] “...Science But Not Scientists...” By Vernon Grose (2006) — ISBN-10: 1425969917
[115] Http://
[116] Http://
[117] Gerard K. O’Neill’s “...The High Frontier...” (2000) — ISBN-10: 189652267x
[118] "Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe" by Simon Conway Morris, Ph.D. — ( 2004) — ISBN-10: 0521603250
[119] “...Frases Celebres Para Toda Ocasión...” (In Spanish, “...Famous Sentences For Every Occasion) ─ (1993) By Rafael Escandon — ISBN 968-13-1285-6
[120] “...Our Final Hour...” (2003) By Sir Martin Rees — ISBN 0-465-0682-6
[123] “...A Risk Management Approach to Business Continuity: Aligning Business Continuity with Corporate Governance...” (2006) — ISBN: 1931332363
[124] Dr. Robert A. Collins, Ph.D. ’s “...Resilience: Protecting your Business from Disasters in a Dangerous World...” (2007) — ISBN-10: 0595409245
[125] “...Thinking in Technical Analysis...” (2000) By Rick Bensignor— ISBN-10: 1576600491
[127] Source: “...Against The Gods...” (1998 ) ‭— By Peter L. Bernstein ‭— ISBN: 0-471-29563-9
[129] Quotations and citations that are solely under the own and utter discernment and intellectual faculties of the present author. Among many amenities that are described in my biography, I am a perpetual and ruthless researcher.
[130] “...Diccionario de Citas...” (Spanish, “...Dictionary of Quotations...”) by Castañares y Quiroz ─ ISBN 84-87462-03-0
[131] Respondent’s answers are in actuality own quotations of those authors, whose citations are accurate and available at <<>>.
[133] “...Principles of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Learning the Essential Domains and Nonlinear Thinking of Master Practitioner...” (2009) ─ Gerald J. Mozdziers, Paul R. Peluso, Joseph Lisiecki ─ ISBN-10: 0415997518
[134] “...Cracking Creativity...” by Michael Michalko ─ ISBN 1-58008-311-0
[135] “...The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management...” (2007) By Andrew Hiles ─ ISBN 0470516380
[136] Ray Kurzweil’s quotations at ‹›
[139] “...The World is Flat...” By Thomas L. Friedman (2006) ─ ISBN-10: 0-374-29279-5
[140] “...Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative...” (2001) By Ken Robinson – ISBN-10: 1841121258
[142] The Singularity is Near (2005) by Ray Kurzweil ─ ISBN 0-670-03384-7
[153] The 8th Habit (2004) By Dr. Stephen R. Covey ─ ISBN 0-684-84665-9
[154] Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy (1999) ─ ISBN-10: 087584877X By Thomas S. Wurster
[155] Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness (2008) ─ ISBN-10: 0137135599 By Hal Abelson
[157] “...The Failure of Risk Management...” (2009) ─ ISBN-10: 0470387955 By Douglas W. Hubbard
[160] “...Futuristics: Looking Ahead...” ( 2005 ) By Dr. Arthur B. Shostak, Ph.D. ─ ISBN-10: 0791084019
[161] “...Moving Along: Far Ahead...” (2005) By Dr. Arthur B. Shostak ─ ISBN-10: 0791084043
[162] “...Creating Better Futures: Scenario Planning As a Tool for A Better Tomorrow...” (2002 ) By James A. Ogilvy ─ ISBN-10: 0195146115
[163] “...As the Futures Catches You: How Genomics & Other Forces Are Changing Your Life, Work, Health and Wealth...” (2005) By Juan Enriquez ─ ISBN-10: 1400047749
[164] “...Robo sapiens: Evolution of a New Species...” (2001) By Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio ─ ISBN-10: 0262632454
[165]...”...Beyond Humanity: Cyberevolution and Future Minds...” (1996) By Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox ─ ISBN-10: 1886801215
[167] “...Managing Product and Service Development...” (2006) By Stefan Thomke ─ ISBN-10: 0073023019
[168] “...The Art of Asking: Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers...” (2008) By Terry J. Fadem ─ ISBN-10: 0137144245
[169] “...Beyond Humanity: Cyberevolution and Future Minds...” (1996) By Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox ─ ISBN-10: 1886801215
[170] “...The Future and Its Enemies: The Growing Conflict Over Creativity, Enterprise, and Progress...” (1999) By Virginia Postrel ─ ISBN-10: 0684862697
[171] “...Visions: How Science Hill Revolutionize the 21st Century...” (1998) By Dr. Michio Kaku, Ph.D. ─ ISBN-10: 0385484992
[174] “...Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel...” (2009) ─ ISBN-10: 0307278824 By Dr. Michio Kaku
[175] “...The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man...” (1962) By Dr. Marshall McLuhan, Ph.D. ─ ISBN-10: 0802060412
[178] Massive Change (2004) ─ ISBN-10: 0714844012 By Bruce Mau
[179] The Artilect War: Cosmists Vs. Terrans: A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines (2005) ─ ISBN-10: 0882801546 by Hugo de Garis
[180] “...Creating Tomorrow’s Schools Today: Education – Our Children – Their Futures...” (2010) ─ ISBN-10: 1855393948 by Richard Gerver
[182] “...The Extreme Future: The Top Trends That Will Reshape the World in the Next 20 Years...” (2007) ─ ISBN-10: 0452288665 By James Canton
[183] “...The Predictioneer’s Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest to See and Shape the Future...” (2010) ─ ISBN-10: 081297977X By Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
[184] “...Crucial Questions About the Future...” (2002) ─ ISBN-10: 0819182753 By Allen Tough
[187] Synaptic Self: Our Brains Become Who We Are (2002) ─ ISBN 0-670-03028-7
[188] The Political economy of information (1988) By Vincent Mosco and Janet Wasko ─ ISBN 0-299-11570-4
[189] Management Information Systems (2009) ISBN-10: 013607846X By Ken Laudon (Author), Jane Laudon (Author)
[191] Wilson's Ghost: Reducing The Risk Of Conflict, Killing, And Catastrophe In The 21st Century by Robert S. McNamara (2003) ─ ISBN-10: 1586481436
[192] Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (Dec 11, 2009) ─ ISBN-10: 0136042597
[194] “...The Dance of Molecules: How Nanotechnology is Changing Our Lives...” (2006) – ISBN-10: 1-56025-895-0 by Ted Sargent
[196] The Speed of Trust (2006) ─ ISBN-10: 0-7432-9730-X ─ By Stephen M. R. Covey
[197] Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change (2009) ─ISBN-10: 0470998105 ─By Joe Tidd, John Bessant
[200] Source:
[201] Hyperinnovation: Multidimensional Enterprise in the Connected Economy (2002) ─ ISBN-10: 0333994388 by Chris Harris
[202] “...Learning from the Future: Competitive Foresight Scenarios...” (1997) ─ ISBN-10: 0471303526 By Liam Fahey, Robert M. Randall
[203] “...Rethinking the Future: Rethinking Business, Principles, Competition, Control & Complexity, Leadership, Markets, and the World...” (1998) ─ ISBN-10: 9781857881080 By Rowan Gibson
[204] “...Connect the Dots... To Become An Impact Plyer...” (2003) ─ ISBN-10: 0595294928 By Dick Lynch
[205] Source:
[206] “...The Leader Manager...” (1986) ─ ISBN-10: 0471836931 by John N. Williansom
[207] ISBN 978-0-309-11660-2
[209] Inscription in Washington National Archives’ building.
[210] Found via search engine query as it was earlier mentioned in REDES, the scientific television program from the Spanish state-owned television network. (As it was seen in August 2011).
[212] Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software ─ ISBN-10: 0684868768 by Steven Johnson
[214] The (Mis)behavior of Markets (2004) ─ ISBN-13 978-0-465-04355-2 By Benoit Mandelbrot
[215] The Lights in the Tunnel (2009) ─ ISBN-13: 978-1448659814 by Martin Ford
[216] Thinking for a Change: Discovering the Power to Create, Communicate and Lead (1996) by Michael Gelb ─ ISBN-10: 1854104209
[217] No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington ─ (2011) ─ ISBN-13: 978-0307587862 by Condoleezza Rice

The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil (

Lessons from the Future: Making Sense of a Blurred World from the World's Leading Futurist by Stanley M. Davis ( )

It's Alive: The Coming Convergence of Information, Biology, and Business by Christopher Meyer and Stan Davis (

Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy by Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer ( )

Future Wealth by Stanley M. Davis and Christopher Meyer ( )

The Intelligent Universe: AI, ET, and the Emerging Mind of the Cosmos by James N. Gardner and Ray Kurzweil (

Seeing What's Next: Using Theories of Innovation to Predict Industry Change by Clayton M. Christensen, Erik A. Roth, and Scott D. Anthony ( )

Our Final Hour: A Scientist's Warning by Martin J. Rees ( )

Technofutures: How Leading-Edge Innovations Will Transform Business in the 21st Century by James Canton ( )

The Extreme Future: The Top Trends That Will Reshape the World in the Next 20 Years by James Canton ( )

Futuring: The Exploration of the Future by Edward Cornish ( )
Futureketing: How to Systematically Understand a World of Frantically Accelerating Pace of Change!
─ An Omnimode Exploration.

By © Copyright 2014 Andres Agostini
─ All Rights Reserved Worldwide ─

(This Proprietary Book may be reproduced for noncommercial purposes if it is copied in its entirety, including this notice. Please recall that “...if it is copied in its entirety, including this notice....”)

PRECAUTION: By any measure, the present work is an of-all-functions consideration.

Futureketing is about the rate of change. Not only change accelerated by new scientific discoveries and technological breakthroughs. Change is now poising new challenges, but also novel opportunities and benefits for those with a preparation and a will to make the most of twentieth-one century.

#1 FUTUREKETING® and the administration and application of the scientific method without innuendos and in crescendo as fluid points of inflections ascertain that the morrow is a thing of the past.

#2 FUTUREKETING®, subsequently, there is now and here available the unabridged, authoritative elicitation and elucidation of actionable knowledge from and for the incessantly arrhythmic, abrupt, antagonistic and anarchistic future, as well as the contentious interrelationship between such future and the present.

#3 FUTUREKETING®, a radical yet rigorous strong-sense and critico-creative womb-to-tomb «futures thinking», systems approach to quintessential understanding of the complexities, subtleties, and intricacies, as well as the opportunities to be exploited out of the driving forces instilling and inflicting perpetual change into twenty-first century.

#4 FUTUREKETING®, the ultimate way to understand the rate of change stemming from the so-called “...present....” What do you wish to understand the future for? You must understand the future in order to understand the most impermanent present.

You must interrelate or correlate connect the dots of every aspect that is included in this independent work.

Dr. Stephen Hawking argues that not to study more rigorously the outer space is “...foolish....” likewise, it’s beyond foolish not to comprehend the dynamic driving forces universally besieging our lives in the as-of-now present.

What is really the future? How can it be defined? All I have seen does not suffice to me. I would like the reader to amplify his or her mind by reading a creative yet accurate definition about the future! So, I have researched and assembled the world’s most breathtaking definition you can have in one locus. Ensuing now is a 7% of said researcher:

“ … The Future is 1) What is yet to come, 2) What can happen or not, 3) The future is a tranquil country, 4) The indefinite time yet to come, 5) Something that will happen in time to come, 6) A prospective or expected condition, 7) Undetermined events that will occur in that time,

Time that is to be or come hereafter, 9) Something that will exist or happen in time to come, 9) The period of time following the present moment and continuing on indefinitely, 10) The situation or condition of someone or something in the future,

11) One of a plurality of possible future conditions or situations, 12) The time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come,
13) The future is what will happen in the time period after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the apparent nature of reality and the unavoidability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist can be categorized as either permanent, meaning that it will exist for the whole of the future, or temporary, meaning that it won't and thus will come to an end. The future and the concept of eternity have been major subjects of philosophy, religion, and science, and defining them non-controversially has consistently eluded the greatest of minds. In the Occidental view, which uses a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the projected time line that is anticipated to occur. In special relativity, the future is considered absolute future, or the future light cone.

14) The only way you can see the future is if you're ahead of your own time, 15) Learning how to be ahead of your time, today!, 16) The future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create,

17) Our future is determined by the actions of all of us alive today. our choices determine our destiny, 18) The future is a phenomenon that will be completely real someday even though it does not exist today,

19) Future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition, 20) Our intuition about the future is linear, which is hard-wired in our brains, 21) The future is being colonized all the time by people who have the resources, who do spend time thinking about it, planning for it and trying to shape it in their direction,

22) The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed, 23) the future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. and the important thing is not to allow that to scare you, 24) The future is unsure. that’s the way it should be,

25) The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power, 26) The future is the past of to-morrow, 27) The best way to predict the future is to invent it, 28) To be masters of the future is to change the past,

29) The future is extremely important to high morale, to dynamism, to consensus, and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly, 30) The past is gone, the future is not to come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, 31) The future is not for the fainthearted, 32) The future is not an echo of the past,

33) The future is not a privilege but a perpetual conquest, 34) The future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening, 35) The future is more challenging than playing catch up, 36) The future is not an extrapolation of the past, 37) The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create,

38) The future is an unknown country which requires tough visas for anyone to enter. Not all of us will get the chance to visit it, 39) The future is not what is coming at us, but what we are headed for, 40) The future is where I expect to spend the rest of my life, 41) The danger of the future is that men may become robots,

42) The future is the creation of millions of independent economic actors, 43) The future is independent of the past, 44) The future is alive. Like the present, the future is not a single, uniform state but an ongoing process that reflects the plenitude of human life, 45) The future is natural, out of anyone’s control,

46) The future is continually stalking on the present, 47) The future is technocracy in perpetuity, 48) The future is eternally clashing the present, 49) The future is absolute hard science dominance,

50) The future is going to get invented, with you or without you, 51) The future is S-H-A-Z-A-M ('...The wisdom of Solomon, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury....') and

52) The future is not something that happens to us, but something we create ...”


“ ...Driving forces are forces outside the firm (external factors) that trigger the change of strategy in an organization. Industry conditions change because important forces (the most dominant ones that have the biggest influence on what kinds of changes will take place in the industry’s structure and competitive environment) are driving industry participants (competitors, customers, or suppliers) to alter their actions, and thus the driving forces in an industry are the major underlying causes of changing industry and competitive conditions. Driving forces analysis has two steps: identifying what the driving forces are and assessing the impact they will have on the industry ...”


“... Sound analysis of an industry’s driving forces is a prerequisite to sound strategy making. Without keen awareness of what external factors will produce the biggest potential changes in the company’s business over the next one to three years, managers will ill prepare to craft (pay attention to the usage of this word—why not use MAKE) a strategy tightly matched to emerging conditions. Similarly, if managers are uncertain about the implications of each driving force or if their views are incomplete or off-base, it’s difficult for them to craft a strategy that is responsive to the driving forces and their consequences for the industry. So driving forces is not something to take lightly; it has practical strategy-making value and is basic to the task of thinking strategically about where the industry is headed and how to prepare for the changes ….Other dynamic driving forces include geologic, climatologist, political, geopolitical, demographic, social, ethical, economic, technological, financial, legal and environmental, among others ...”


Incidentally, I want to share a quotation that was also given to me in business luncheon promoted by the Swiss Embassy. It is attributed to Dr. Henry Kissinger and it says: “...An ignored issue is an invite to a problem...”

By way of example, Winston Churchill accordingly argues, “...The goal of forecasting is not to predict the future but TO TELL YOU WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW TO TAKE MEANINGFUL ACTION IN THE PRESENT...” [207]

To contrast Churchill’s motion, it is important to observe that Peter Drucker indicated that hominids are not prepared to make choices and decisions.

In accordance with Drucker, there is the great thought by Dr. Carl Sagan. He frustratedly indicated, “...We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows about science and technology...”

Greatly considering and agreeing with Drucker and Sagan, I strongly argue that there is a sort of first-order existential risk directly made by men that, both in public and private office, rampantly violate ethics, beginning with politicians.

Considering the preceding paragraph, I have a question to ask: With the advent of, for lack of a better term, a worldwide Sodom and Gomorrah (, Is it possible to make the practical case for ethics and integrity? I am sorry to say: I don't think so. Ted Tuner says that humans are “...dumb...” while NASA scientists and Dr. Henry Mintzberg PhD. argue that hominids are “...unstable ...” and “...flawed...”, respectively.
Furthermore, present dynamic driving forces (science, technology, society, politics, and economy) are churning insurmountable amounts of unprecedented change with increasing energy and scope. Some people understand this notion to some extent.

I will share the definition I like about change now:

“... Change is to transfer from (one conveyance) to another and/or to undergo transformation or transition and/or to go from one phase to another and/or the act, process, or result of altering or modifying and/or the replacing of one thing for another; substitution and/or a transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another and/or to make or become different and/or a variation, deviation, or modification and/or anything that is or may be substituted for something else and/or to transform and/or to transfer from one (conveyance) to another and/or to pass gradually into and/or to pass from one phase to another and/or the act of changing or the result of being changed and/or a transformation or modification and/or the substitution of one thing for another and/or the process of becoming different and/or impermanence and/or biological metamorphosis ...”

Many people believe themselves to consume news through a variety of outlets while sustaining a belief system rooted in wrong assumptions and a flawed belief system.

As a result, their cosmosvision foster superficiality and over simplification in this multi-eon era that ruthlessly demands gargantuan attention, fluidly and forever.

Some are upset and angry, without having the slightest idea of what motivates such appalling bewilderment.

Conversely, What are the Voices of the Twenty-First Century reflecting on forthcoming future, in contemporary times?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #1:

“... The ongoing changes in both the nature of work and the structure of employment foreshadow not just change but a seismic quake; a quantum shift in our very understanding of what it means to work, learn, and live .... THE AMERICAN ECONOMY —AND SOCIETY — ARE ABOUT TO EXPERIENCE A WAVE OF CHANGE THAT WILL CRASH UPON US WITH A FORCE WE HAVE NEVER KNOWN BEFORE. For higher education, this will mean dramatic changes in the requirements that graduates will be expected to meet, and in the makeup and needs of the postsecondary student population. It will also mean revolutionary innovations in the ways that colleges and universities deliver their services and how they organize themselves to develop products to meet new marketplace demands. Many who read this article will see this wave of change as frightening. But it does not have to be viewed that way .... In fact, for all the loss and risk our collective future portends, it also offers unparalleled opportunity. In a very real sense, for higher education, for America, and for humankind, the light at the end of the twentieth century is the limitless promise of the twenty-first century...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #2: (… The quickening of scientific and technological innovation under an illustriously big-picture panorama as of 2002! ...)

“...The gap between the recent past and the immediate future has never been so gaping, because the future now arrives at a rate and a magnitude like never before. By my estimate, the pace of technological innovation is accelerating arithmetically, and the number of meaningful new possibilities is expanding geometrically. Which says something about our most immediate future. Research into both pure and application-specific science, ranging from the most complex, such as genetic engineering, to the most exotic, such as nuclear fusion reactors, has reached a stage where no government or independent institute can measure it fiscally, or in terms of volume and yield. Not because of the enormous amount of capital invested, but as a consequence of its diverse and spontaneous nature, And since we cannot measure it, we do not know what will emerge .... In 1800, the state of the art was the stationary steam engine, the size of a house. It was only 90 years ago when Orville and Wilbur Wright's primitive wooden plane made its short, but mammoth, breakthrough glide. In the Middle Ages, both these contraptions would have been perceived as witchcraft. A mere 25 years ago the entire U.S. ...”

And Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #2 (continues:)

“ … Strategic early warning system was based on the Q7 mainframe computer; it took an area the size of a football pitch to house it. Today we can store 10,000 times the computational power in an area of a postage stamp. And think of this: the first draft of the infamous human genome mapping project was completed on 26 June 2000. When first planned, the entire genetic map of human biology was set to be completed around 2020. The project came in 20 years before time .... To underline all of this, the great Buckminster Fuller once estimated that about 5,000 years ago a notable invention occurred every few hundred years or so. By A.D. 0 there was one every 50 or so years. By A.D. 1000 the time has shrunk to 30 years. With the advent of the industrial revolution it was down to a significant invention every six months; and 100 years later, down to only three months. By the middle of the twentieth century the time has shortened further, and a major breakthrough occurred at the rate of one per month. ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #2 (continues:)

“ ... And today [2002], the rate of innovation is just too vast, and too fast, to measure with any meaningful accuracy .... Change quickening, and its slipstream is the first reason why we cannot predict even the most immediate future. The sheer speed and magnitude of change going on, drown out any possibility of getting a grip on what comes next, and what comes after what comes next .... The tempo of technological innovation depends also on the interconnection of ideas. In fact, this may be the root feed for the acceleration of change. As we have explored, ideas interconnect in nonlinear, acausal ways, giving up both novel and unexpected innovations. Science and technology in one field can bring about tremendous, sudden changes in other sciences or technology. What will we discover in molecular biology or synthetic chemistry, or discover in high-energy physics in the next 10 or 20 years? What will be the interconnected and enabling effects of biotechnology or nanotechnology over the next 25 or so years? Professor John Marie Lehn of the University of Strasbourg says that one area that is limitless is chemistry. It is not like physics, which behave within certain laws and is there to be discovered, chemistry is a creative process and only limited by the imagination. And when one considers the volume and speed of scientific and technological innovation going on today, the vast and increasing interconnection between minds and our ideas, it is not so unrealistic to speculate changes in the very way we live, to exceed anything we can now imagine ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #2 (continues:)

“ … The fact is, change is not only accelerating, it is also multidimensional. For every innovation, there is an unexpected string of related and unrelated events and outcomes impossible to predict until they arrive. The transistor enabled the microprocessor and software code, with this came leaps in productivity, empowering more creative work, giving more opportunities, expanding possibilities. Microcomputing brought with it new forms of communications and media, which further improved productivity, with new possibilities in leisure and entertainment, home automation and domestic appliances. None of this remarkable enterprise could have been assumed logically from the primeval conditions around the humble transistor. The nonlinearity of change sees that sooner, rather than later, events will diverge from all rational projections, and often in counterintuitive ways. So when we naturally ask what changes nanotechnology will evoke, or what artificial intelligence will bequeath, the inquiry is met with a cold retort: we cannot know in all its detail what will happen until events actually occur. As only history is frozen in time, so it is only history that is certain...” [201]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #3:

Dr. Michio Kaku, Ph.D. indicates, “... By the end of the twentieth century, science had reached the end of an era, unlocking the secrets of the atom, unraveling the molecule of life, and creating the electronic computer. With these three fundamental discoveries, triggered by the quantum revolution, the DNA revolution, and the computer revolution, the basic laws of matter, life, and computation were, in the main, finally solved .... That epic phase of science is now drawing to a close; one era is ending and another is only beginning .... The next era of science promises to be an even deeper, more thoroughgoing, more penetrating one than the last .... Clearly, we are on the threshold of yet another revolution. HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY TEN YEARS [AS PER THE 1998 STANDARDS]. In the past decade, more scientific knowledge has been created than in all of human history. COMPUTER POWER IS DOUBLING EVERY EIGHTEEN MONTHS. THE INTERNET IS DOUBLING EVERY YEAR. THE NUMBER OF DNA SEQUENCES WE CAN ANALYZE IS DOUBLING EVERY TWO YEARS. Almost daily, the headlines herald new advances in computers, telecommunications, biotechnology, and space exploration. In the wake of this technological upheaval, entire industries and lifestyles are being overturned, only to give rise to entirely new ones. But these rapid, bewildering changes are not just quantitative. They mark the birth pangs of a new era ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #3 (continues:)


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #4:


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #4 (continues:)

“ ...The true promise of nanotechnology is that ultimately we’ll be able to create devices that are manufactured at the molecular level by putting together, molecular fragments in new combinations so, I can send you an information file and a desktop nanofactory will assemble molecules according to the definition in the file and create a physical objects so I can e-mail you a pair of trousers or a module to build housing or a solar panel and WE’LL BE ABLE TO CREATE JUST ABOUT ANYTHING WE NEED IN THE PHYSICAL WORLD FROM INFORMATION FILES WITH VERY INEXPENSIVE INPUT MATERIALS. You can… I mean, just a few years ago if I wanted to send you a movie or a book or a recorded album, I would send you a FedEx package, now I can e-mail you an attachment and you can create a movie or a book from that. On the future, I’ll be able to e-mail you a blouse or a meal. So, that’s the promise of nanotechnology. Another promise is to be able to create devices that are size of blood cells and by the way biology is an example of nanotechnology, the key features of biology are at the molecular level ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #4 (continues:)

“ … SO, THAT’S ACTUALLY THE EXISTENCE PROOF THAT NANOTECHNOLOGY IS FEASIBLE BUT BIOLOGY IS BASED ON LIMITED SIDE OF MATERIALS. EVERYTHING IS BUILT OUT OF PROTEINS AND THAT’S A LIMITED CLASS OF SUBSTANCES. WITH NANOTECHNOLOGY WE CAN CREATE THINGS THAT ARE FAR MORE DURABLE AND FAR MORE POWERFUL. One scientist designed a robotic red blood cell it’s a thousand times more powerful than the biological version so, if you were to replace a portion of your biological red blood cells with this respirocytes the robotic versions. You could do an Olympic sprint for 15 minutes without taking a breath or sit at the bottom of your pool for 4 hours. If I were to say someday you’ll have millions or even billions of these nanobots, nano-robots, blood cell size devices going through your body and keeping you healthy from inside, I might think well, that sounds awfully futuristic ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #4 (continues:)

“ … I’d point out this already in 50 experiments in animals of doing exactly that with the first generation of nano engineered blood cell size devices. One scientist cured type 1 diabetes in rats with the blood cell size device. Seven nanometer pores let’s insulin out in the controlled fashion. At MIT, there’s a blood cell size device that can detect and destroy cancer cells in the bloodstream. These are early experiments but KEEP IN MIND THAT BECAUSE OF THE EXPONENTIAL PROGRESSION OF THIS TECHNOLOGY, THESE TECHNOLOGIES WILL BE A BILLION TIMES MORE POWERFUL IN 25 YEARS AND YOU GET SOME IDEA WHAT WILL BE FEASIBLE ...” [199]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5:

“...We may end up in a FUTURE where employment is high, but even the unemployed serve as managers of their own cadre of ROBOT WORKERS...” [192]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (Bill Gates tells Scientific American about “...A Robot in Every Home: The leader of the PC revolution predicts that the next hot field will be robotics...” ). Ensuing:

“...Imagine being present at the birth of a new industry. It is an industry based on groundbreaking new technologies, wherein a handful of well-established corporations sell highly specialized devices for business use and a fast-growing number of start-up companies produce innovative toys, gadgets for hobbyist and other interesting niche products. But it is also a highly fragmented industry with few common standards or platforms. Projects are complex, progress is slow, and practical applications are relatively rare. In fact, for all the excitement and promise, no one can say with any certainty when ─ or even if ─ this industry will achieve critical mass. If it does, though, it may change the world ... Of course, that paragraph above could be a description of the computer industry during the mid-1970s, around the time that Paul Allen and I launched Microsoft. Back then, big, expensive mainframe computers ran the back-office operations for major companies, governmental departments and other institutions ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Researchers at leading universities and industrial laboratories were creating the basic building blocks that would make the information age possible. Intel has just introduced the 8080 microprocessor, and Atari was selling the popular electronic game Pong. At home ground computer clubs, enthusiast to figure out exactly what this new technology was good for ... But what I really have in mind is something much more contemporary: the emergence of the robotic industry, which is developing in much the same way the computer business did 30 years ago. Think of the manufacturing robots currently used on automobile assembly lines as the equivalent of yesterday’s mainframes. The industry’s niche products include robotic arms that perform surgery, surveillance robots deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan that dispose of roadside bombs, and domestic robots vacuum the floor. Electronic companies have made robotic toys that can imitate people or dogs or dinosaurs, and hobbyists are anxious to get their hands on the latest version of the Lego robotic system ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ ...Meanwhile some of the world’s best minds are trying to solve the toughest problems of robotics, such as visual recognition, navigation and machine learning. And they are succeeding. At the 2004 Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Grand Challenge, a completion to produce the first robotic vehicle capable of navigating autonomously over a rugged 142-mile course though the Mojave Desert, the top competitor managed to travel just 7.4 miles before breaking down. In 2005, though, five vehicles covered the complete distance, and the race’s winner did it at an average speed of 19.1 miles an hour. (In another intriguing parallel between the robotics and computer industries, DARPA also funded the work that led to the creation of Arpanet, the precursor to the Internet) ... What is more, the challenges facing the robotic industry are similar to those we tackled in computing three decades ago. Robotic companies have no standard operating software that could allow popular application programs to run in a variety of devices. The standardization of robotic processors and other hardware is limited, and very little of the programming code used in one machine can be applied to another. Whenever somebody wants to build a new robot, they usually have to start from square one ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Despite these difficulties, when I talk to people involved in robotics ─ from university researchers to entrepreneurs, hobbyists and high school students ─ the level of excitement and expectation reminds me so much of that time when Paul Allen and I looked at the convergence of new technologies and dreamed of the day when a computer would be on every desk and in every home. And as I look at the trends that are now starting to converge, I can envision a future in which robotic devices will become a nearly ubiquitous part of our day-to-day lives. I believe that technologies such as distributed computing voice and visual recognition, and wireless broadband connectivity will open the door to a new generation of autonomous devices that enable computers to perform tasks in the physical world on our behalf. We may be on the verge of a new era, when the PC will get up off the desktop and allow us to see, hear, touch and manipulate objects in places where we are not physically present ... The word ‘ROBOT’ was popularized in 1921 by Czech playwright Karel Capek, but people have envisioned creating robotlike devices for thousands of years. In Greek and Roman mythology, the gods of metalwork built mechanical servants made from gold. In the first century A.D., Heron of Alexandria ─ the great engineer credited with inventing the first steam engine ─ designed intriguing automatons, including one said to have the ability to talk. Leonardo da Vinci’s 1495 sketch of a mechanical knight, which could sit up and move its arms and legs, is considered to be the first plan for a humanoid robot ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Over the past century, anthropomorphic machines have become familiar figures in popular culture through books such as Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot, movies such as Star Wars and television shows such as Star Trek. The popularity of robots in fiction indicates that people are receptive to the idea that these machines will one day way among us as helpers and even as companions. Nevertheless, although robots play a vital role in industries such as automobile manufacturing ─ where there is about one robot for every 10 workers ─ the fact is that we have a long way to go before real robots catch up with their science-fiction counterparts ... One reason for this gap is that it has been much harder than expected to enable computers and robots to sense their surrounding environment and to react quickly and accurately. It has provoked difficult to give robots the capabilities that humans take for granted ─ for example, the abilities to orient themselves with respect to the objects in room, to respond to sounds and interpret speech, and to grasp objects of varying size, textures and fragility. Even something as simple as telling the difference between an open door and a window can be devilishly tricky for a robot ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … But researchers are starting to find the answers. One trend that has helped them is the increasing availability of tremendous amounts of computer power. One megahertz of processing power, which cost more than $7,000 in 1970, can now be purchased for just pennies. The access to cheap power has permitted scientists to work on many of the hard problems that are fundamental to making robots practical. Today, for example, voice-recognition programs can identify words quite well, but a far greater challenge will be building machines that can understand what those words mean in context. As computing capacity continues to expand, robot designers will have the processing power they need to tackle issues of ever greater complexity ... Another barrier to the development of robots has been the high cost of hardware, such as sensors that enable a robot to determine to an object as well as motors and servos that allow the robot to manipulate an object with both strength and delicacy. But prices are dropping fast. Laser range finders that are used in robotics to measure distance with precision cost about $10,000 a few years ago; today they can be purchased for about $2,000. And new, more accurate sensors based on ultrawideband radar are available for even less ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Now robot builders can also add Global Positioning System chips, video cameras, array microphones (which are better than conventional microphones at distinguishing a voice from a background noise) and a host of additional sensors for a reasonable expense. The resulting enhancement of capabilities, combined with expanded processing power and storage, allows today’s robots to do things such as vacuum a robot or help to defuse a roadside bomb ─ tasks that would have been impossible for commercially produced machines just a few years ago ... In February 2004 I visited a number of leading universities, including Carnegie Mellon University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, Cornell University and the University of Illinois, to talk about the powerful role that computers can play in solving some of society’s most pressing problems. My goal was to help students understand how exciting and important computer science can be, and I hoped to encourage a few of them to think about careers in technology ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ ... At each university, after delivering my speech, I had the opportunity to get a firsthand look at some of the most interesting research projects in the school’s computer science department. Almost without exception, I was shown at least one project that involved robotics ... At that time, my colleagues at Microsoft were also hearing people in academia and at commercial robotics firms who wondered if our company was doing any work in robotics that might help them with their own development efforts. We were not, so we decided to take a closer look. I asked Tandy Trower, a member of my strategic staff and a 25-year Microsoft veteran, to go on an extended fact-finding mission and to speak with people across the robotics community. What he found was universal enthusiasm for the potential of robotics, along with an industry-wide desire for tools that would make development easier. ‘Many see the robotics industry at a technological turning point where a move to PC architecture makes more and more sense,’ Tandy wrote in his report to me after his fact-finding mission. ‘As Red Whitaker, leader of [Carnegie Mellon’s] entry in the DARPA Grand Challenge, recently indicated, the hardware capability is mostly there; now the issue is getting the software right.’ ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Back in the early days of the personal computers, we realized that we needed an ingredient that would allow all of the pioneering work to achieve critical mass, to coalesce into a real industry capable of producing truly useful products on a commercial scale. What was needed, it turned out, was Microsoft BASIC. When we created this programming language in the 1970s, we provided the common foundation that enabled programs developed for one set of hardware to run on another. BASIC also made computer programming much easier, which brought more and more people into the industry. Although a great many individuals made essential contributions to the development of the personal computer, Microsoft BASIC was one of the key catalysts for the software and hardware innovations that made the PC revolution possible ... After reading Tandy’s report, it seemed clear to me that before the robotics industry could make the same kind of quantum leap that the PC industry made 30 years ago, it, too, need to find that missing ingredient. ...”

“ … So I asked him to assemble a small team that would work with people in the robotics field to create a set of programming tools that would provide the essential plumbing so that anybody interested in robots with even the most basic understanding of computer programming could easily write robotic applications that would work with different kinds of hardware. The goal was to see if it was possible to provide the same kind of common, low-level foundation for integrating hardware and software into robot designs that Microsoft BASIC provided for computer programmers ... Tandy’s robotics group has been able to drawn a number of advanced technologies developed by a team working under the direction of Craig Mundie, Microsoft’s chief research and strategy officer. One such technology will help solve one of the most difficult problems facing robot designers: how to simultaneously handle all the data coming in from multiple sensors and send the appropriate commands to the robot’s motors, a challenge known as concurrency ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … A conventional approach is to write a traditional, single-threaded program ─ a long loop that first reads all the data from the sensors, then processes this input and finally delivers output that determines the robot’s behavior, before starting the loop all over again. The shortcomings are obvious: if your robot has fresh sensor data indicating that the machine is at the edge of a precipice, but the program is still at the bottom of the loop calculating trajectory and telling the wheels to turn faster based on previous sensor input, there is a good chance the robot will fall down the stairs before it can process the new information ... Concurrency is a challenge that extends beyond robotics. Today as more and more applications are written for distributed networks of computers, programmers have struggled to figure out how to efficiently orchestrate code running on many servers at the same time. And as computers with a single processor are replaced by machines with multiple processors and ‘multicore’ processors ─ integrated circuits with two or more processors joined together for enhanced performance ─ software designers will need a new way to program desktop applications and operating systems. To fully exploit the power of processors working in parallel, the new software must deal with the problem of concurrency ... One approach to handling concurrency is to write multi-threaded programs that allow data to travel along many paths ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … But as any developer who has written multithreaded code can tell you, this is one of the hardest tasks in programming. The answer that Craig’s team has devised to the concurrency problem is something called the concurrency and coordination runtime (CCR). The CCR is a library of functions ─ that makes it easy to write multithreaded applications that can coordinate a number of simultaneous activities. Designed to help programmers take advantage of the power of multicore and multiprocessor systems, the CCR turns out to be ideal for robotics as well. By drawing on this library to write their programs, robot designers can dramatically reduce the chances that one of their creations will run into a wall because its software is too busy sending output to its wheels to read input from its sensors ... In addition to tackling the problem of concurrency, the work that Craig’s team has done will also simplify the writing of distributed robotic applications through a technology called decentralized software services (DSS) ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … DSS enables developers to create applications in which the services ─ the parts of the program that read a sensor, say, or control a motor ─ operate as separate processes that can be orchestrated in much the same way that text, images and information from several servers are aggregated on a Web page. Because DSS allow software components to run in isolation from one another, if an individual component of a robot fails, it can be shut down and restarted ─ or even replaced ─ without having to reboot the machine. Combine with broadband wireless technology, this architecture makes it easy to monitor and adjust a robot form a remote location using a Web browser ... What is more, a DSS application controlling a robotic device does not have to reside entirely on the robot itself bun can be distributed across more than one computer. As a result, the robot can be a relatively inexpensive device that delegates complex processing tasks to the high-performance hardware found on today’s home PCs. I believe this advance will pave the way for an entirely new class of robots that are essentially mobile, wireless peripheral devices that tap into the power of Mobile, wireless peripheral devices that tap into the power of desktop PCs to handle processing-intensive tasks such as visual recognition and navigation ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … And because these devices can be networked together, we can expect to see the emergence of groups of robots that can work in concert to achieve goals such as mapping the seafloor or planting crops ... These technologies are a key part of Microsoft Robotics Studio, a new software development kit built by Tandy’s team. Microsoft Robotics Studio also includes tools that make it easier to create robotic applications using a wide range of programming language. One example is a simulation tool that lets robots builders test their applications in a three-dimensional virtual environment before trying them out in the real world. Our goal for this release is to create an affordable, open platform that allows robot developers to readily integrate hardware and software into their designs ... How soon will robots become part of our day-to-day lives? According to the International Federation of Robotics, about two million personal robots were in use around the world in 2004, and another seven million will be installed by 2008. In South Korea the Ministry of Information and Communication hopes to put a robot in every home there by 2013 ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … The Japanese Robot Association predicts that by 2025, the personal robot industry will be worth more than $50 billion a year worldwide, compared with about $5 billion today ... As with the PC industry in the 1970s, it is impossible to predict exactly what applications will drive this new industry. It seems quite likely, however, that robots will play an important role in providing physical assistance and even companionship for the elderly. Robotic devices will probably help people with disabilities get around and extend the strengths and endurance of soldiers, construction workers and medical professionals. Robots will maintain dangerous industrial machines, handle hazardous materials and monitor remote oil pipelines. They will enable health care workers to diagnose and treat patients who may be thousands of miles away, and they will be a central feature of security systems and search-and-rescue operations ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #5 (continues:)

“ … Although a few of the robots of tomorrow may resemble the anthropomorphic devices seen in Stars Wars, most likely look nothing like the humanoid C-3PO. In fact, as mobile peripheral devices become more and more common, it may be increasingly difficult to say exactly what a robot is. Because the new machines will be so specialized and ubiquitous ─ and look so little like the two-legged automatons of science fiction ─ we so little like the two-legged automatons of science-fiction ─ we probably will not even call them robots. But as these devices become affordable to consumers, they could have just as profound an impact on the way we work, communicate, learn and entertain ourselves as the PC has had over the past 30 years ...” [211]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #6:

“...Because of the explosive nature of exponential growth, the twenty-first century will be equivalent to twenty thousand years of progress at today’s rate of progress; about one thousand times greater than the 20th century...” (The Singularity Is Near).

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #7:

President John F. Kennedy’s speech ─ on September 12, 1962 at Rice University ─ indicated: “...Despite the striking fact that most of the scientists that the world has ever known are alive and working today, despite the fact that this Nation’s own SCIENTIFIC MANPOWER IS DOUBLING EVERY 12 YEARS IN A RATE OF GROWTH MORE THAN THREE TIMES THAT OF OUR POPULATION AS A WHOLE, DESPITE THAT, THE VAST STRETCHES OF THE UNKNOWN AND THE UNANSWERED AND THE UNFINISHED STILL FAR OUTSTRIP OUR COLLECTIVE COMPREHENSION...” [80]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #8:

Max Planck (1858 – 1947) pointed out: “...A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar...” [187]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #9:

To further set the stage for this material, the textbook “...Einstein in the Boardroom...” by Suzanne S. Harrison and Patrick H. Sullivan Sr. may offer some lucid ideas on the “...current...” state of affairs when they claim:


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #10:

H.G. Wells (Herbert George Wells ─ 21 September 1866 ─ 1946) observes: “... An immense and ever-increasing wealth of knowledge is scattered about the world today; knowledge that would probably suffice to solve all the mighty difficulties of our age but it is dispersed and unorganized. We need a sort of mental clearinghouse for the mind: a depot where knowledge and ideas are received, sorted, summarized, clarified and compared ...” [188]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #11:

There are many serious publications, from 2003 to this date, speaking of the entirety of scientific knowledge doubling every five (5) years and sooner. How, then, can one undertake such a gargantuan challenge, through the “...Society of Knowledge...” (that also embraces the “...infotech economy...”), unless it is through the stewardship of the most rigorous and advanced scientific method? [129]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #12:

Human knowledge capability will continue to double every year. “...Human knowledge capability...” is the quantity of available knowledge multiplied by the power of technology to process that knowledge. This capability will increase by two to the power of 100, the equivalent of a thousand billion billion, in the twenty-first century...” — James Martin, “...The 17 Great Challenges of the Twenty-First Century,...” Jan-Feb 2007, p. 24 [The Futurist Magazine’s Top-10 Forecast for 2010]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #13:


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #14:

Is genetics and genomic making landmark progression to solve complicated challenges?


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #15:

What has become of novel knowledge content manufacturing as of now?


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #16:

Is Moore's Law beginning to run out of steam? Does it represent the death of computer power?

Ray Kurzweil expresses: “...MORE THAN THE DOUBLING OF COMPUTATIONAL POWER [IS TAKING PLACE] EVERY YEAR...” [177]. Brackets are mine.

The more the advancement, the less the jobs for biologicals?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #17:

“...Alvin Toffler wrote in Future Shock (1970), “…The work has been cut by 50 percent since the turn of the century. It is not out of the way to predict that it will be slashed in half again by 2000 ..” [192]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #18:

China mulls $1.5 trillion strategic industries boost? How far can China go to pervasively cutting-edge science and technology while the West, seemingly and allegedly, does not get its act together? What does a prominent news agency have to report on it?

Reuters (Dec 03, 2010) noticed: “...China is considering investments of up to $1.5 trillion over five years in seven strategic industries, sources said, a plan aimed at accelerating the country's transition from the world's supplier of cheap goods to a leading purveyor of high-value technologies .... Analysts expressed skepticism at the sheer amount of money ─ it equates to about 5 percent of China's gross domestic product on an annual basis ─ but said that the eye-popping headline figure was an indication of the government's determination to catalyze a structural shift in the economy .... THE TARGETED SECTORS INCLUDE ALTERNATIVE ENERGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY, NEW-GENERATION INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, HIGH-END EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURING, ADVANCED MATERIALS, ALTERNATIVE-FUEL CARS AND ENERGY-SAVING AND ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY TECHNOLOGIES ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #18 (continues:)

“ … Beijing has said before that it wants to promote the sectors, a policy that it hopes will make the country less dependent on low-end, dirty manufacturing. The value-added output of the seven strategic industries together account for about 2 percent of GDP now. The government has said it wants them to generate 8 percent of GDP in 2015 and 15 percent by 2020...” [176]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #19:

How does Futureketing argue about the linkage between our thoughts, the Multiverse and the forthcoming advent of the Technological Singularity?

“...Bart Simpson: ‘Dad, What is the mind? Is it just a system of impulses or something tangible? [Thinking better my question, Dad, Is the mind a projection of Computronium instilled into our brain? If so, Will my mind be superseded above and beyond by the Strong Artificial Intelligence devices embedded in the transbiologicals’ and robots’ own quantum CPUs?]’...” [187]

Transbiologicals are biologicals who have transcended their own biology.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #20:

Zillion impossible science facts turned into rampant realities today?

Dr. Michio Kaku, Ph.D. points out, “...As a physicist, I have learned that the ‘impossible’ is often a relative term .... IN MY OWN SHORT LIFETIME I HAVE SEEN THE SEEMINGLY IMPOSSIBLE BECOME ESTABLISHED SCIENTIFIC FACT OVER AND OVER AGAIN. So is it impossible to think we might one day be able to teleport ourselves from one place to another, or build a spaceship that will one day take us light-years to the stars? .... If we were to somehow encounter a civilization a million years more advanced than ours, would their everyday technology appear to be ‘magic’ to us? .... Just because something is ‘impossible’ today, will it remain impossible centuries or millions of years into the future? ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #20 (continues:)

“ … Given the remarkable advances in science in the past century, especially the creation of the quantum theory and general relativity, it is now possible to give rough estimates of when, if ever, some of these fantastic technologies may be realized. With the coming of even more advanced theories, such as string theory, even concepts bordering on science fiction, such as time travel and parallel universes, are now becoming re-evaluated by physicists. Think back 150 years to those technological advances that were declared ‘impossible’ by scientists at the time and that have now become part of our everyday lives. Jules Verne wrote a novel in 1863, Paris in the Twentieth Century, which was locked away and forgotten for over a century until it was accidentally discovered by his great-grandson and published for the first time in 1994. In it Verne predicted what Paris might look like in the year 1960. His novel was filled with technology that was clearly considered impossible in the nineteenth century, including fax machines, a world-wide communications network, glass skyscrapers, gas-powered automobiles, and high-speed elevated trains … Not surprisingly, Verne could make such stunningly accurate predictions because he was immersed in the world of science, picking the brains of scientists around him. A deep appreciation for the fundamentals of science allowed him to make such startling predictions ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #20 (continues:)

“ … IRONICALLY, THE SERIOUS STUDY OF THE IMPOSSIBLE HAS FREQUENTLY OPENED UP RICH AND ENTIRELY UNEXPECTED DOMAINS OF SCIENCE. For example, over the centuries the frustrating and futile search for a ‘perpetual motion machine’ led physicists to conclude that such a machine was impossible, forcing them to postulate the conservation of energy and the three laws of thermodynamics. Thus the futile search to build perpetual motion machines helped to open up the entirely new field of thermodynamics, which in part laid the foundation of the steam engine, the machine age, and modern industrial society .... We ignore the impossible at our peril. In the 1920s and 1930s Robert Goddard, the founder of modern rocketry, was the subject of intense criticism by those who thought that rockets could never travel in outer space. They sarcastically called his pursuit Goddard’s Folly. In 1921 the editors of the New York Times railed against Dr. Goddard’s work: ‘…Professor Goddard does not know the relation between action and reaction and the need to have something better than a vacuum against which to react. He seems to lack the basic knowledge ladled out daily in high schools...’ Rockets were impossible; the editors huffed, because there was no air to push against in outer space ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #20 (continues:)

“ … Sadly, one head of state did understand the implications of Goddard’s ‘impossible’ rockets ─ Adolph Hitler. During World War II, Germany’s barrage of impossibly advanced V-2 rockets rained death and destruction on London, almost bringing it to its knees .... Time and again we see that the study of the impossible has opened up entirely new vistas, pushing the boundaries of physics and chemistry and forcing scientists to redefine what they mean by ‘impossible.’ As Sir William Osler once said, ‘THE PHILOSOPHIES OF ONE AGE HAVE BECOME THE ABSURDITIES OF THE NEXT, AND THE FOOLISHNESS OF YESTERDAY HAS BECOME THE WISDOM OF TOMORROW.’ .... Many physicists subscribe to the famous dictum of T. H. White, who wrote in The Once and Future King, ‘Anything that is not forbidden is mandatory!’ In physics we find evidence of this all the time .... For example, cosmologist Stephen Hawking tried to prove that time travel was impossible by finding a new law of physics that would forbid it, which he called the ‘chronology protection conjecture.’ Unfortunately, after many years of hard work he was unable to prove this principle. In fact, to the contrary, physicists have now demonstrated that a law that prevents time travel is beyond our present-day mathematics ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #20 (continues:)

“ ...Today, because there is no law of physics preventing the existence of time machines, physicists have had to take their possibility very seriously .... Already one ‘impossible’ technology is now proving to be possible: the notion of teleportation (at least at the level of atoms). Even a few years ago physicists would have said that sending or beaming an object from one point to another violated the laws of quantum physics. The writers of the original Star Trek television series, in fact, were so stung by the criticism from physicists that they added ‘Heisenberg compensators’ to explain teleporters in order to address this flaw. Today, because of a recent breakthrough, physicists can teleport atoms across a room or photons under the Danube River...” [174] To read more on this citation, go to Amazon at

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #21:

Fruitfully planting towards which tense?

“...The heritage of the past is the seed that brings forth the harvest of the future...” ─ Inscription from statuary pedestal at National Archives in Washington

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #22:

Many forces are not predictable but some others are predictable based on applied omniscience, marshaled articulated on systems approach!

Yogi Berra remarks: “...Prediction is very hard, especially when it's about the future...” [171]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #23:

In dealing with hard science, incidentally, is not right that less is more in the following lapidary axiom by Albert Einstein!

"…The grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms..." [208]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #24:

Who creates the future and who doesn’t?

Michael Anissimov utters: “...One of the biggest flaws in the common conception of the future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #25:

What are the ruthless drivers?

Harold Varmus, NIH Director, remarks: “...There are three great themes in science in the twentieth century ─ the atom, the computer, and the gene...” [171]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #26:

Interacting with the future?

Rainer Maria Rilke concluded: “...The future enters into us in order to transform itself in us long before it happens...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #27:

What to consider about gauging the future?

Wired (1994) pointed: “...The future belongs to neither the conduit or content players, but those who control the filtering, searching and sense-making tools we will rely on to navigate through the expansion of cyberspace...” [145]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #28:

Horses, dogs and robotic dominance of all?

Samuel Butler (1863 letter) indicates: “...Who will be man’s successor? To which the answer is: We are ourselves creating our own successors. Man will become to the machine what the horse and the dog are to man; the conclusion being that machines are, or are becoming, animate...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #29:

Brainy ones hyper-accelerating industries and beyond?

Juan Enriquez verbalizes: “... Meanwhile, lone individuals are birthing not just companies but entire industries that rapidly become bigger than the economies of most countries. But unlike growth industries of the past … cars and aerospace, for example … the industries that will dominate our future depend on just a few smart minds … Not a lot of manpower … So during a period of prosperity and economic growth … Wealth is ever more mobile and concentrated...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #30:

What is the current rate of change? What is the as-of-now rate of technological and scientific knowledge doubling?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #31:

Mark Miller, computer scientist, explains: “...You know, things are going to be really different … No, no, I mean really different...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #32:

What are we morphing into?

Sir Arthur C. Clarke observed: “...It’s also a tour de force of photography: the images reveal a whole new order of creation about to come into existence. No one who has any interest in the future can afford it...” [164]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #33:

The outcomes stemming of the intermixing of the exuberant technologies?

Juan Enriquez posits: “...You and your children are about to face a series of unprecedented moral, ethical, economic, and financial issues. The choices you make [as well as those you’re failing to make because of lack of detailed, advanced and deep awareness] will impact where you live, what you earn, what your grandchildren will look like, how long you live. It all starts because we are mixing apples, oranges, and floppy disks...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #34:

“...The future belongs to neither the conduit or content players, but those who control the filtering, searching and sense-making tools we will rely on to navigate through the expanses of cyberspace ...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #35:

From perennially upgraded knowledge into decisive, ruling empires?

Juan Enriquez claims: “...The knowledge revolution is taking place in small, sharply defined areas. One company generates more U.S. patents than 139 countries do together … This [revolution] generates new EMPIRES and new ghettos .... It slams into existing systems and destroys them while creating new systems. Countries and individuals can either surf new and powerful waves of change ─ or try to stop them and get crushed...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #36:

Shocking times equate to shocking futures?

Jose Ortega y Gasset stated: “...Life is a series of collisions with the future; it is not the sum of what we have been, but what we yearn to be...” [149]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #37:

Why everything changes, beginning with change itself?

Nicola Tesla, 1896, Inventor of Alternative Current, reasoned: “...I do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that felt by the inventor as he sees some creation of the brain unfolding to success...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #38:

Which one is the future of computing and science while the so-called present is undergoing mazes at the rhythm of increasing hypes?

Ray Kurzweil points: “...[IN THE NEAR FUTURE] COMPUTERS [WILL BE] DOING HARD SCIENCE...” [177] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #39:

Is the new paradigm changing to so many paradigms simultaneously resulting impossibles to figure out any paradigm correctly?

Juan Enriquez utters: “...Many people, even some of the heads of megacorporations, feel that the world is moving too fast as companies, even industries, disappear...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #40:

What are the brain’s priorities beyond seizing life-support capabilities for its own sustainability?

Michael Polanyi concludes: “...The mind is attracted by beautiful [and advanced] problems, promising beautiful [and useful solutions]...” [160]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #41:

Was the creation of the world explosive? How expansive does an on-going explosion become?

“... The world is seeing a Cambrian explosion of media usage ...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #42:

What has become of fate and destiny in times that neuroscience researchers are coming out with some PRELIMINARY outcomes that seem to suggest: “...The present is a function of the future...”?

Robert Theobald reasons: “...Our future is determined by the actions of all of us alive today. Our choices determine our destiny...” [160] Commentary: Some researchers in speaking of some very preliminary yet indicative findings ask: «...Is the present a function of the future?...»

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #43:

Which destiny is that?

William Jennings Bryan observes: “...Destiny is not a matter of chance ─ it is a matter of choice. It is not a thing to be waited for ─ it is a thing to be achieved...” [174]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #44:

What are the cosmological traits of this over-fragmented “...society...”? Certainly!

David Brin commented: “...What distinguishes society today is not only the pace of events, but also the nature of the tool kit for facing the future...” [160]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #45:

What are the origins of the future?

“...Do not presume that past success indicates future impregnability...” [154]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #46:

While at digital-driven world, Could one refer to Paradise as Computronium?

“...We all go from anticipation to anticipation. In cyberspace there always is room over the next ridge to build a new perspective of heaven ...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #47:

There is here a point of view about change (as change is partly explored here):

Adam Gordon established: “...We have seen eye-popping developments across society, technology, institutions, and products and services in the last generation; this will surely continue into the future .... if we decide today to launch a product, buy a house, study for a degree, build a new light rail system, or take any similar decision of significance, the environment of tomorrow will be a key factor in the success or failure of that decision .... Our decisions are only as good as the view of the future they rest on [profound understanding of all of the driving forces shaping and re-shaping the environment]. All opportunities and successes and profits are realized in the future. All threats, failures, and losses are realized in the future .... Either way, the earlier and clearer we see future circumstances, the better we will be able to benefit by changing our current recipes for success to keep up with the changes in the world. The better managers’ view of the future, the better their decisions will turn out to be ...” [102]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #48:

How does change and future interrelate?

Alvin Toffler asserts: “...Change is the process by which the future invades our lives...” [147]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #49:

Does the pursuit of progress beget ubiquitous robots?

“...We are hanging ears, ears and sensory organs on our computers and on our networks asking them to observe the physical world on our behalf and to manipulate it. The more you connect computers to the physical world, the more the issue of interaction becomes important ...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #50:

What can we do about the future if we have failed to do the proper and sensible things with the past and present?

“... That it is possible for us to anticipate actions, to predict the future, and, by looking for ways to change incentives, to engineer the future across a stunning range of considerations .... One of particular import is that the future ─ or at least its anticipation ─ can cause the past, perhaps even more often than the past causes the future .... must we change our base thinking to work out any variety of predictions and, especially, to change the future?...” [183]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #51:

How do we calculate the future?

“...In summary, the future is a phenomenon that will be completely real someday even though it does not exist today .... Even if the future is approximately equal to today, it will also differ dramatically from today in many particular ways...” [184]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #52:

We have gone ubiquitously digital and genetic and the consequences are unpronounceable even in orders of magnitude?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #53:

Juan Enriquez indicates: “...Digital code is what drives rapid speed growth today. It allows mergers like AOL Time Warner … It drives the Internet, TV, music, finance, IT, news coverage, research, manufacturing. A few countries and companies understood the change. That is how poor countries like Finland, Singapore, and Taiwan got so wealthy … So quickly … But a lot of folks just did not learn to read and write a new language … And even though they produced more and more goods, particularly commodities … And even though they restructured companies and governments … Cut budgets, raised taxes, built large factories and buildings … They got a lot poorer. (In 1938 the richest country per person in Asia was … the Philippines. In 1954, according to the World Bank, the most promising Asian economy was … Burma. Both remain commodity economies … Both are sidelined from the digital revolution … And you probably would not like to live in either country). Your world changed when you went ‘On Line.’ One day you used a fax or e-mail … And it soon became hard to conceive of living with only snail mail. If you understood this change early …”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #53 (continues:)

“ ... And invested or worked in some of the companies driving the digital revolution … You are probably quite well off … (as a country and/or as an individual). If you came late, as a speculator, without understanding what a digital language does, or does not do … You probably lost a lot of money during the year 2000. Your world … and your language … are about to change again. The two nucleotide base pairs that code all life …A-T, C-G … Have already led some of the world’s largest companies … Monsanto … DuPont … Novartis … IBM … Hoechst … Compaq … GlaxoSmithKline … To declare that their future lies in life science. They have abandoned, sold, spun off core business divisions … And launched themselves into selling completely new products … Which is why so many chemical, seed, cosmetic, food, pharmaceutical companies … Are partnering, Merging, Growing. Some life-science companies will crash spectacularly … Others will get larger than Microsoft and Cisco … (Companies that are already larger than the economies of most of the world’s countries.). The world’s mega-mergers are going to be driven by digital and genetic code. Consider what is about to happen to medicine. You currently spend about nine times as much for doctors and medical interventions...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #53 (continues:)

“... As you do on medicines and prevention. In the measure that we understand how viruses, bacteria, and our bodies are programmed … And how they can be reprogrammed … Treatment will shift from emergency interventions … Toward deliberate and personalized prevention … (Just as dentistry did.). And we may end up spending just as much on pharmaceuticals as we do on doctors. These medicines do not have to be pills or injections … They could be a part of the food you eat every day, your soap or cosmetics … Perhaps you will inhale them or simply put various patches on your skin. (This is why Procter & Gamble is thinking of merging with a pharmaceutical company, why L’Oreal is hiring molecular biologists, and why Campbell’s is selling soups designed for hospital patients with specific diseases.)...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #54:

Connect everything to everything else to further improve and expand an even more pervasive automation? Is automation also a term for increasing replacement of labor by humans?

“...When they really touch our lives, information systems cease to be information systems. They are media...” [198]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #55:

Dr. Marshall McLuhan, Ph.D. (1962) asserts: “...Our world tomorrow will be utterly different, in ways we cannot even conceive...” [175]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #56:

What hijacks what?

Dr. Stephen Covey writes: “...Again, yesterday holds tomorrow hostage .... Memory is past. It is finite. Vision is future. It is infinite. Vision is greater than history...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #57:

The consequences of a world going from round to flat?

Thomas Friedman claims: “...The flattening of the world is going to be hugely disruptive to both traditional and developed societies. The weak will fall further behind faster. The traditional will feel the force of modernization much more profoundly. The new will get turned into old quicker. The developed will be challenged by the underdeveloped much more profoundly. I worry, because so much political stability is built on economic stability, and economic stability is not going to be a feature of the flat world. Add it all up and you can see that the disruptions and going to come faster and harder. No one is immune ─ not me, not you, not Microsoft. WE ARE ENTERING AN ERA OF CREATIVE DESTRUCTION ON STEROIDS. Dealing with flatism is going to be a challenge of a whole new dimension even if your country has a strategy. But if you don’t have a strategy at all, well, again, you’ve warned...” [139]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #58:

Perpetually change or die?

Michael Gelb (1996) argues: “...Thirty-five years ago, psychologist and visionary Dr. Abraham Maslow warned, ‘life is moving far more rapidly now than ever before in the rate of growth of facts, knowledge, techniques, and inventions. We need a different kind of human being able to life in a world that changes perpetually, who has been educated to be comfortable with change and situations in which he has absolutely no forewarning. The society that can turn out those people will survive. Societies which do not will die.’...” [216]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #59:

Why this changed change is unprecedented and different? San Francisco futurist James Canton offers insight.

“...CIO Insight: In The Extreme Future, you say the 21st century is going to be lightning-fast, complex and driven by disruptive changes. But aren't we already in this extreme future? [RESPONDING THE QUESTION,] JAMES CANTON [INDICATES]: WE ARE TO A CERTAIN EXTENT. BUT THE POINT OF MY BOOK IS THAT THINGS ARE GOING TO GET EVEN MORE DISRUPTIVE, COMPLEX AND COMPETITIVE; THINGS ARE NOT GOING TO EASE OFF, THEY'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO ACCELERATE...” [138] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #60:

What are the organic properties of change and its impact?

David Schlesinger, global managing director at Reuters, indicates: “...Change is hard. Change is hardest on those caught by surprise. Change is hardest on those who have difficulty changing too. But change is natural; change is not new; change is important...” [139]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #61:

The universe and the morrow?

Isaac Asimov verbalizes: “...Humanity has the stars in its future, and that future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition...” [141]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #62:

Understanding the universe as we don’t think it is and as many people cannot align it with their belief system?

Dr. Carl Sagan, Ph.D., established: “...It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring...” [157]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #63:

Whose realities and myths are those?

Voltaire (1694 – 1778), French writer and philosopher, posited: “...Everything’s fine today, that is our illusion...” [157]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #64:

Is anyone exaggerating about the dynamics of change?

Ian Pearson observes: “...By mid-century, computers will be linked directly into our nervous systems via nanotechnology, which is so small it could connect every neuron in our brains. By about 2040, there will be a backup of our brains in a computer somewhere, so that when you die it won’t be a major career problem...” [140]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #65:

Question: Allegedly, To what extent is the world changing and what are some of the consequences, sometimes infamously ignored?

Dr. Stephen Covey commented: “...The world has profoundly changed … The challenges and complexity we face in our personal lives and relationships, in our families, in our professional lives, and in our organizations are of a different order of magnitude. In fact, many mark 1989 ─ the year we witnessed the fall of the Berlin Wall ─ as the beginning of the Information Age, the birth of a new reality, a sea change of incredible significance ─ truly a new era ─ Being effective as individuals and organizations is no longer merely an option ─ survival in today’s world requires it. But in order to thrive, innovate, excel, and lead in what Covey calls the new Knowledge Worker Age, we must build on and move beyond effectiveness [long-held assumptions, fallacies and flawed beliefs and faulty conventions]…Accessing the higher levels of human genius and motivation in today’s new reality REQUIRES A SEA CHANGE IN THINKING: a new mind-set, a new skill-set, a new tool-set ─ in short, a whole new habit...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #66:

Bringing down a handful of millenarian fallacies in the twentieth-one century?

Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox argued: “...From Conventional Wisdom to Shocking Probability. Maybe someday, sooner or later, truly intelligent machines will be built. Until that time, speculation will abound. Much of that speculation is based on what might be called ‘Conventional Wisdom,’ the underlying assumptions and conventions we collectively share. We can list some of these assumptions as follows: The next century will be an extension of this one, with increasingly smarter machines being run by people and for people … Because the human mind is linked to a soul, cybernetic machines will never be fully self-aware like we are … If intelligent robots can be built, it will be a long time before they can be made to do what humans do, as well as humans do it. Perhaps centuries will be required … Even after intelligent robots are made, multitudes of humans will continue to exist on earth, and maybe even in space … Human minds and personal identities will never be able to merge with an electromechanical system … Even if it were possible, we humans would refuse to download our minds onto hardware, no matter how tempting and intelligent the new surroundings might be. We believe that cyberbeings will be emotionless, soulless, and humorless mechanical zombies ─ rather like ‘Star Trek’s’ Lt. Commander Data, a somewhat sad android pining for a humanity he will never achieve … No matter how smart they are, digital minds will never have the insight, intuition, and smooth savvy of the human mind. They will forever remain mentally inferior, and our faithful, self- maintaining servants...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #66 (continues:)

“ ...The robots will soon prove our mental and physical superiors. Self-generated enhancements will refine them beyond our control. They will enslave us all except, of course, for a renegade band of rebellious, young, good-looking, daring humans armed with battered, recycled surplus weapons, fearlessly following their craggy but wise leader into a fight for truth, justice, and the hominid way … THIS BOOK ARGUES THAT THE NEXT CENTURY WILL PROVE TO BE NOTHING LIKE THIS ONE, NOR ANY FORECAST SO FAR. COMPUTING POWER, NEUROSCIENCE, AND NANOTECHNOLOGIES ARE ADVANCING SO RAPIDLY THAT THEY WILL COMBINE TO PRODUCE THE MOST SIGNIFICANT EVOLUTIONARY DEVELOPMENTS SINCE THE ORIGIN OF LIFE ITSELF … WE MAINTAIN THAT THE HUMAN MIND AND CONSCIOUS THOUGHT ARE EXCLUSIVELY NATURAL AND PHYSICAL IN ORIGIN AND NATURE. ULTIMATELY, THEIR NATURES AND FUNDAMENTAL PROCESSES ARE KNOWABLE AND CAN BE REPLICATED FOR THE PURPOSES OF PERSONAL IMMORTALITY...” [169]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #67:

Pervasive genetics, pervasive medicine, pervasive diagnostics and pervasive monitoring?

Juan Enriquez explains: “...If it seems like your world has been topsy-turvy over the past few years … Consider what’s coming. Your genetic code will be imprinted on and ID card … For better and worse. Medicines will be tailored to your genes and will help prevent specific diseases for which you may be at risk. (But … your insurance company and your prospective employer may also find out that you are genetically disposed to, say, heart disease, or breast cancer, or Alzheimer’s.)...” [163]

Whatever the lethal consequences, Are you still doggedly insisting on not understanding the rates of hyper-geometrical exponential growth and hence not have a sense of proportions in alignment with the driving forces of the twentieth-one century?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #68:

James John Bell argues, “...We won’t just experience 100 years of progress in the twenty-first century ─ it will be more like 20,000 years of progress...” [161]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #69:

How can we get to a new terra incognita with an old map?

Rowan Gibson postulates: “...The lesson of the last three decades is that nobody can drive to the future on cruise control...” [161]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #70:

Where and how do we live?

Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox observed: “...We live in strange times, in case you have not noticed. Here we are with our home computers and other high-tech appliances, living what we regard as a normal life … The world we are living in ─ a world that couples Homo sapiens with fast-paced hypertechnology ─ is strange to us because sometimes it feels like what it is, a transient dream .... We are dreaming a strange, waking dream; an inevitably brief interlude sandwiched between the long age of low-tech humanity on the one hand, and the age of human beings transcended on the other. We are living in the latter days of humanity; cybertechnologies will quickly replace us. Just inches of time away exists a speedy reality bearing down on us that we may sense, but do not show on our faces .... While one may be made uncomfortable by the thought of a truly strange 21st century, there is around us an impending sense of arrival ─ a strangeness in the air, an uneasiness, a feeling that deep down, things are starting to cchange in swift, fundamental ways too fuzzy to put a finger on. More than just the onset of the third millennium, it is the quiet before the storm. The products of technology are becoming more curious ─ a little too smart, a little too fast. It’s downright unsettling. And, hey, people aren’t dumb. They know that we have just begun to build smart dumb machines; soon it will be dumb smart machines. Where will it stop? If we continue to build machines smarter than the last ones, and then one that is smarter than that and so on ─ well, you do not have to be a particle physicist to see that the machines cannot keep getting smarter and smarter, yet forever remain dumber than us. Garry ‘John Henry’ Kasparov, chess Grand Master, lost a championship game to a machine for the first time in history this year. Perhaps someday, we’ll hear the battle cry of humanity rallying in desperation: ‘Remember Deep Blue’...” [165]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #71:

Technologies, societies and possibilities?

Freeman Dyson claimed: “...There is nothing so big nor so crazy that one out of a million technological societies may not feel itself driven to do, provided it is physically possible...” [174]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #72:

Minds vs. computational algorithms, man-made computational algorithms?

“...Funny thing, our mind. The moment our software catches up, the mind seems to travel beyond the capability of the software .... [However,] Our minds focus on renditions, darling, not the underlying algorithm. Your analysts and programmers have to deal with algorithm that produces new renditions...” [161] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #73:

Dr. Covey’s lucid perspective becomes greatly supported and refined by Peter Drucker.

Peter Drucker asserted: “...In a few hundred years, when the story of our [current] time is written from a long-term perspective, it is likely that the most important event those historians will see is not technology, not the Internet, not e-commerce [not ‘social media’ ─ so-called]. IT IS AN UNPRECEDENTED CHANGE IN THE HUMAN CONDITION. FOR THE FIRST TIME ─ LITERALLY ─ SUBSTANTIAL AND GROWING NUMBERS OF PEOPLE HAVE CHOICES. FOR THE FIRST TIME, THEY WILL HAVE TO MANAGE THEMSELVES. AND SOCIETY IS TOTALLY UNPREPARED FOR IT...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #74:

And the political angle of the future? By The Honorable Tom Ridge, First Secretary of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and Former Governor of Pennsylvania:

“...The political world promises change and the digital world delivers it. And when that change potentially affects our privacy and freedom, we should all pay attention. This is a fascinating, provocative and thoroughly readable look into an uncertain future...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #75:
Internet and yesterday?

Scout Bradner writes: “...We have the Internet that we have today because the Internet of yesterday did not focus on the today of yesterday...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #76:

The rights and the future?

“...Legal scholars can debate whether copyright law mandates a future of ‘authorized use only’ for digital information. The answer may not matter much, because that future is coming to pass through the technologies of digital rights management and trusted systems...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #77:

Future and forces embedded?

“...The forces shaping your future are digital, and you need to understand them...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #78:

Can we picture the future?

“...Will the vast amounts of information now available because of the advances in storage and communication technology actually be usable a hundred or a thousand years in the future, or WILL THE SHIFT FROM PAPER TO DIGITAL MEDIA MEAN THE LOSS OF HISTORY?...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #79:

Regarding the Cyberspace, a primer to Computronium?

John Perry Barlow: “...Governments of the Industrial World, your weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone. You have no so sovereignty where we gather .... We are creating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economic power, military force, or station of birth. We are creating a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity … In our world, all the sentiments and expressions of humanity, from debasing to the angelic, are parts of a seamless whole, the global conversation of bits .... [Y]ou are trying to ward off the virus of liberty by erecting guard posts at the frontiers of Cyberspace...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #80:

Can we use a chain to represent a metaphor about the future?

“...You can’t understand the knot without understanding the strands, but in the future, the strands need not remain tied up in the same way as they are today...” [155]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #81:

Are there others angles to be added to the compounded perspective under discernment about changed changes?

Ray Kurzweil: “...Supercomputers will achieve one human brain capacity by 2010, and personal computers will do so by about 2020 .... We appear to be programmed with the idea that there are 'things' outside of our self, and some are conscious, and some are not .... We are beginning to see intimations of this in the implantation of computer devices into the human body...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #82:
The world is not analogue anymore. Its quality is only digital and hence emphatically over-mathematical. Ergo, if you don’t attach the future, the future will attack you and outsmart you without a fail.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #83:

Supporting the motions of all of the above in this digital universe of ours, check out the take by the author of “...The World is Flat...”

Thomas Friedman indicates: “...People are always [and wrongfully] assuming that everything that is going to be invented must have been invented already. But it hasn’t...” [139] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #84:

What happens to your vision when you don’t understand that the world is not analog but pervasively ─ increasingly so ─ over-digital?

Muhamad Yunus: “...There eyes were blinded by the knowledge they had...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #85:

Brainy discoveries and the IT revolution?

J. G. Taylor, B. Horowitz, K. J. Friston: “...Now, for the first time, we are observing the brain at work in a global manner with such clarity that we should be able to discover the overall programs behind its magnificent powers...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #86:

From Darwin and well into the present twentieth-one century?

Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox: “...When Queen Victoria was in her prime, an Englishman, Charles Darwin, discovered a fundamental truth that shook mankind so severely that it remains today a matter of extreme distress and massive denial. Darwin realized that life on our planet is not the recent and fixed product of deity-mediated special creation, but has been constantly changing over a long span of time … The paleontologist who followed Darwin have taught us that time has no respect for species. Whole dynasties of life have been swept away and replaced with new ones. More than 65 million years ago, the world was filled with swift, deadly meat-eaters, including huge tyrannosaurs stalking elephant-sized horned dinosaurs and duck-billed herbivores. Flying pterosaurs were as big and heavy as sailplanes. Small, graceful, predaceous dinosaurs had binocular vision, big brains, and grasping hands. After 170 million years of successful evolution, they achieved the height of variation and power. Resplendent and numerous on the fertile Cretaceous plains, how could it be that within a few years they all would be gone forever? ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #86 (continues:)

“ ...This chilling story suggests a ticking clock for humanity, as well; dare we think of our own extinction? There is ticking clock for humanity, and it may be mere seconds before midnight. TOMORROW IS UPON US, AND WHAT IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN IN THE NEW DAY IS FAR, FAR STRANGER THAN MOST PEOPLE DARE TO THINK … Even Darwin did not realize how right he was, or how far evolution will take us. We should not fault Darwin for his lack of vision. Darwin lived in a time when the modern scientific revolution was just beginning. It was also a time of steam engines, gas lamps, and phrenology. Science, in our late 20th century sense, was still a few years away. Yet even today, few nonscientists have more than an inkling of how life evolved or how technologies such as the automobile, the light switch, or the airplane actually work … WE LIVE IN A HIGH-TECHNOLOGY WORLD, WITH LITTLE APPRECIATION FOR HOW THINGS GOT THE WAY THEY ARE...” [169]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #87:

What is the personal cosmology in the orbit of a person seeking foresight? You capture foresight to construe a cohesive vision, Do you not?

Antonio Machado: “...Man, incurable futurist, is the only traditionalist animal...” [130]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #88:

The name of the game and the point-of-inflection change of game-changers?

“...Which way will the future go? Science fiction authors seem to favor dystopian futures over utopian ones, probably because they make for more interesting plots. BUT SO FAR, AI SEEMS TO FIT IN WITH OTHER REVOLUTIONARY TECHNOLOGIES (PRINTING, PLUMBING, AIR TRAVEL, TELEPHONY) WHOSE NEGATIVE REPERCUSSIONS ARE OUTWEIGHED BY THEIR POSITIVE ASPECTS...” [192]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #89:

A technological and academic institution outsmarting cutting-edge science and technology to a point to generate more wealth than the combination of many countries?

Juan Enriquez: “...Wealth is concentrated and portable. MIT faculty and alumni produce as much wealth as all but Twenty-Two Countries In The World...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #90:

Before we proceed any further, please always remember the following maxim.

“...Everything is somewhat somewhat interrelated to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat connected to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat interconnected to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat intricate to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat involved in everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat inter-associated to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat interlocked to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat inter-coupled to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat inter-joined to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat conjoint to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat inter-tied to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat interdependent to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat correlated to everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat intertwined with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat inter-meshed with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat implicated in everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat entangled with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat entwined with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat tangled with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat knotted with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat interwoven into everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat engaged with everything else....”

“...Everything is somewhat parenthetical to everything else....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #91:

Einstein has an appropriate thought to share: “... [The human being] experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of our consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty...” [108] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #92:

Preterit notions to secure being strategically devastated?

Peter Drucker expressed: “...The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday’s logic...” [146]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #93:

What do Alvin and Heidi Toffler can tell us about the 2025’s outlook through Toffler Associates’ assessing?

Toffler Associates posit: “...Yet the opportunities and challenges do not pause. The forces of change are in fact accelerating as technology, communications, and mobility link us in a blurring and buzzing globalizing world.... The image of this future became clearer when we and 40 executives and thought leaders closely examined five specific technology areas and explored their implications for society, business, and government. We examined biotechnology, cyber-technology, nanotechnology, ubiquitous sensing, and wild cards from science and technology. We asked the thought leaders to apply their projections in five crosscutting areas to identify the key technology convergences that would most affect or disrupt society in 2025: economy and wealth, energy and the environment, health and demographics, infrastructure, and governance ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #93 (continues:)

“... We learned that the technologies were changing in ways that made traditional distinctions between disciplines and areas of science decreasingly relevant. Biotechnologists regularly describe nano-scale developments. Nanotechnologists apply insights from genome sequencing. Research is spread, enhanced, and stolen with cyber tools. Research will lead to carbon-free or carbon-neutral technologies that disrupt industries and policies. The blurring of boundaries between sciences are creating convergences. Breakthroughs across disciplines are stimulating accelerating insights and applications...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #94:

As concluding this important report, Toffler Associates argue:

“...Knowledge is being created at such a rate that much of what we know will soon be obsolete .... The technological developments maturing between now and 2025 and the innovative ways they may be applied reflect an acceleration and shift that can seem both promising and challenging to decision makers. In the Industrial Age, developments in steam power, combustion engines, automobiles, aerospace, and telephony seemed slow to mature – their development and spread required large industrial infrastructures. In the Information Age, developments in bio, nano, cyber, and sensors are possible with a smaller and more differentiated infrastructure, and they are occurring simultaneously around the globe. Global information networks are increasing the pace of this technological innovation. This deeper, more widely spread development of knowledge is different from our recent past and portends further changes...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #94 (continues:)

“ ...The convergences of bio, nano, cyber, sensors and wild card technologies are causing even greater acceleration of change. But at the same time, knowledge is being created at such a rate that much of what we know about these technologies and their application rapidly becomes obsolete as it is overtaken by newer discoveries. Our institutions will be challenged to respond to the combination of these technological changes and the many other drivers of change simultaneously. We expect many systems and institutions to be desynchronized by these changes and efforts to resynchronize them will add to the sense of disruption that many people feel .... Many thought leaders we worked with in this effort are highly optimistic. Nearly all who contributed to these findings see technological developments as promising, and as stimuli for new opportunities. At the same time, some cautioned about vulnerabilities and called for leadership and action to address these vulnerabilities before we feel their impact. This report serves as one input to decision makers who can aid us in adapting with the changes and creating our future...” [150]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #95:

The Perpetual Innovation Imperative and Enterprises Impacted by Continuous Change?

“... In the mid-1980s a study by Shell suggested that the average corporate survival rate for large company was about half as long as that of a human being. Since then the pressures on firms have increased enormously from all directions ─ with the inevitable result that business life expectancy is reduced still further. Many studies look at the changing composition of key indices and draw attention to the demise of what were often major firms and in their time key innovators. For example, Foster and Kaplan point out that of the 500 companies originally making up the Standard & Poor 500 list in 1957, only 74 remained on the list through to 1977. Of the top 12 companies which make up the Dow Jones Index in 1900 only one ─ General Electric ─ survives today. Even apparently robust giants like IBM, GM or Kodak can suddenly display worrying sings of mortality, whilst for small firms the picture is often considerably worse since they lack the protection of a large resource base ... Some firms have had to change dramatically to stay in business. For example, a company founded in the early nineteenth century, which had Wellington boots and toilet paper amongst its product range, is now one of the largest and most successful in the world of telecommunications business. Nokia began life as a lumber company, making the equipment and supplies needed to cut down forests in Finland...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #95 (continues:)

“...It moved through into paper and from there into the ‘paperless office’ world of IT ─ and from there into mobile telephones ... Another mobile phone player ─ Vodafone Airtouch ─ grew to its huge size by merging with a firm called Mannesmann which, since its birth in 1870s, has been more commonly associated with the invention and production of steel tubes! TUI owns Thomsom (the travel group) in the UK, and is the largest European travel and tourism services company. Its origins, however, lie in the mines of old Prussia where it was established as a public sector state lead mining and smelting company!...” [197]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #96:

How does a global corporation spell out century 21st-century leadership to the world?

J. W. Marriott, Jr., Chairman and CEO, Marriott International, Inc.: “...Great leaders know and appreciate the value of people. They don’t just listen to the opinions of others, they seek them out. They make sure every member of their team has the opportunity to make a meaningful, lasting contribution. They recognize that their most important responsibility as a leader is to develop their people, give them room to grow and inspire them to realize their full potential. This has long been our philosophy at Marriott, where we believe that if we take great care of our associates, they will take care of our customers...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #97:

Becoming acculturated in mind preparedness by a supreme statesman!

Winston Churchill: “...To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #98:

The Intelligence Community on Trends?

National Intelligence Council (NIC): “...If you like where events seem to be headed, you may want to take timely action to preserve their positive trajectory. If you do not like where they appear to be going, you will have to develop and implement policies to change their trajectory...” [144]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #99:

The rosy facts about life?

Alvin Toffler claims: “...Change is not merely necessary to life ─ it is life...” [148]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #100:

To further illustrate the impact of downside change, What was The World Trade Center Disaster and Recovery Planning about?

“...On September 11, 2001, two airplanes flew into the World Trade Center (WTC), killing more than 2000 people. All WTC offices were destroyed and many nearby buildings were badly damaged and immediately evacuated. Beyond the loss of human lives, major jammed due to the obvious increased phone activity. In addition, major telecommunication providers such as AT&T and Verizon lost major portion of services because their major switching centers and computer systems were located in areas near the WTC. This impacted several major clients, including Lufthansa Airlines which lost telephone services for its sales offices in downtown Manhattan. Lufthansa had chosen AT&T as its primary and Verizon as a backup provider. With both facilities impacted, Lufthansa was left without a telephone service for almost a week...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #99 (continues:)

“....Many companies that relied on the Internet to conduct business were not severely impacted. In fact, the Internet became a viable alternate vehicle for communications in that disastrous week. In my own office in New Jersey that afternoon, we could not get the news from TVs (no TVs were available in the offices), so we all visited the news sites from CNN, FOX and others to understand what was going on. Internet telephony and email became the primary source of communicating with family and friends to let them know that we were OK .... Merrill Lynch had over 9,000 employees at the WTC and the nearby World Financial Center. Most were unharmed and were relocated to other places of work quickly and successfully. Merrill resumed its business later in the same day and did not suffer as much as others. The main reason was that it had redundant telecommunications capabilities and a good disaster recovery plan. Merrill had rehearsed the plan four months earlier, so it was better prepared for a disaster than others. The plan included priorities for business activities, so that high priorities activities could be brought online quicker. It also included detailed procedures for restoring critical applications with procedures that included necessary technologies, personnel, and facilities for a quick restoration in case of a disaster. Logistics were also in place for transportation of personnel and equipment, with provisions for housing and feeding employees for up to 8 weeks. This disaster recovery plan went into action within minutes after the incident and Merrill was operational later that day...” [189]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #100:

Never predicting, just formulating endless, savvy scenarios?

Dr. James A. Ogilvy, Ph.D.: “...Because time is real, and the future unpredictable, the challenge of carving a path into the future calls for a different way of thinking than the old, mechanical methods of strategic planning. In order to anticipate wholly new industries like the personal computer industry, it’s not enough to make predictions based on old assumptions. You need to imagine alternative scenarios based on new assumptions. You need to imagine alternative scenarios based on new assumptions. Those new assumptions need more than new numbers...” [162]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #101:

Can one make technological growth for good?

Gordon E. Moore: “...No exponential is forever … but we can delay ‘forever’...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #102:

Which come preeminently first?

The undersigned and the present material’s author indicated:‭ “...If the PRESENT is a function of the FUTURE, Does the FUTURE, accordingly, elicit in the PRESENT?...” [129]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #103:

In a world of counter-intuitiveness, What does it take to advance your enterprise to a forward position?

“...‘A slow sort of country’ said the Red Queen. ‘Now where, you see, it takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place. IF YOU WANT TO GET SOMEWHERE ELSE, YOU MUST RUN AT LEAST TWICE AS FAST AS THAT!...” (Lewis Carroll, Alice through the Looking Glass) [197]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #104:

How does time elapse?

[Dame (Cicely) Veronica Wedgwood] C.V. Wedgwood (July/20/1910 – March/09/1997) observed:

“...History is lived forwards but it is written in retrospect. We know the end before we consider the beginning and we can never wholly recapture what it was to know the beginning only...” [217]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #105:

The clever problem-solving pathway?

Eliezer S. Yudkowsky indicated: “...Our sole responsibility is to produce something smarter than we are; any problems beyond that are not ours to solve ... [T]here are not hard problems, only problems that are hard to a certain level of intelligence. Move the bit upwards [in level of intelligence], and some problems will suddenly move from ‘impossible’ to ‘obvious.’ Move a substantial degree upwards, and all of them will become obvious...” [142] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #106:

From transgenic crops into vital vaccines?

Juan Enriquez: “...The skin and pulp of the orange that sits on your desk … Is just packing … What matters is the code contained in the seeds. Each seed has a long string of gene data that looks like … The seed guides growth, how a tree and its leaves develop … The size, flavor, color, shape of fruits. If you can read the code … And rewrite it … You can turn an orange into a vaccine, a contraceptive, a polyester. Each of these things has already been done in corn. Today, bananas and potatoes can vaccinate you against things like cholera, hepatitis, [and] diarrhea. You can harvest bulletproof fibers … Grow medicines in tobacco. And it’s not just apples, oranges, and corn that are rapidly becoming different organisms .... Mosquitoes are flying hypodermic needles. They can infect you with malaria, dengue, and other awful things. They do so by transferring a little bit of genetic code through their saliva … Into your bloodstream … Which then reprograms part of the way your cells operate … By changing your genetic code ever so slightly … In ways that can make you very sick. So why not engineer mosquito genes so that they have the opposite effect? If mosquito saliva contained antibodies .... Or if you made it hard for malaria to mutate inside a mosquito’s body … You could immunize people and animals … By making sure they were bitten. Because the language of genes (A, T, C, G) is the same for all creatures … You can mix species. If you are an artist, the genes that make jellyfish fluoresce at night … Can be used to make a bunny glow under black light. If you are an M.D., the same genes can be placed in monkeys to serve as markers … Which help identify cures for diseases like Alzheimer’s and cancer...” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #107:

In speaking of sense of direction, Frank Kafka argues: “...There are some things one can only achieve by a deliberate leap in the opposite direction. One has to go abroad in order to find the home one has lost...” [126]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #108:

Can we get a hindsight in reversal, please, now?

Walter Adolf Gropius (1883 – 1969) stated, “...Let’s wish, let’s imagine, let’s build together the new construction of the future...” [130]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #109:

Success via being well-informed and even-though information is not knowledge?

Peter L. Bernstein: “...The information you have is not the information you want. The information you want is not the information you need. The information you need is not the information you can obtain. The information you can obtain costs more than you want to pay...” [127]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #110:

In speaking of Chinese spiritual leaders in times of antiquity, a sage told his disciples, “...Attempt not to live in difficult times; those are the interesting ones indeed...” [129]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #111:

In China of antiquity there used to be some wise words — as per some spiritual leaders — along these lines: “...The first fifty years are to learn. The next fifty years are to labor...” [129]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #112:

The undersigned and the present material’s author indicated: “...Declare the past, recover yesterday, analyze the present, enjoy today, and conceive and reinvent tomorrow...” [129]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #113:

What about how we construe our thinking? Let’s see Ambrose Bierce’s take on it: “...[Brain is,] an apparatus with which we think that we think...” [130] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #114:

R. Buckminster Fuller established: “...If humanity does not opt for integrity we are through completely. It is absolutely touch and go. Each one of us could make the difference...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #115:

Recalling that this material is about the impact and the points of inflections fostered by many modes of change and to the utter end of spoken-of change, John Seely Brown and Paul Duguid make the following claim:

“...Technological and social systems shape each other … technologies — such as gunpowder, the printing press, the railroad, the telegraph and the Internet — can shape society in profound ways. But on the other hand, social systems — in the form of governments, the courts and informal organizations, social movements, professional networks, local communities, market institutions and so forth — shape, moderate and redirect the raw power of technologies...” [56]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #116:

For this rate of change, What else are you going to need?

George Horace Lorimer (attributed to): “...You've got to get up every morning with determination if you're going to go to bed with satisfaction...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #117:

Mind, Evolution and Universe?

As Princeton physicist Freeman Dyson put it: “...Mind, through the long course of biological evolution, has established itself a moving force in our little corner of the universe. Here on this small planet, mind has infiltrated matter and has taken control. It appears to me the tendency of mind to infiltrate and control matter is a law of nature...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #118:

Evolution and change?

Carl Sagan: “...Two billion years ago, our ancestors were microbes; a half-billion years ago, fish; a hundred million years ago, something like mice; ten million years ago, arboreal apes; and a million years ago, proto-humans puzzling the taming of fire. Our evolutionary lineage is marked by mastery of change. IN OUR TIME, THE PACE IS QUICKENING...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #119:

Machines and humans playing the mice-cats hunting game?

Rodney Brooks: “...Our machines will become much more like us, and we will become much more like our machines...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #120:

Is the Economy under what pressures?

“...Since 1995, the year in which the new economy based on information technology began to boom, the revenues have not been proportional to productivity and, during the last five years, the gap between income and productivity has been dramatic. Between 1995 and 2006 the productivity growth per employee superseded employees’ actual wages in 340%. Between 2001 and 2006, the first six years of George H. Bush’s presidency, this gap further deepened in an alarming 779%....” [58]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #121:

How Do We Behave In Front Of Inflicting-Points Change?

“...'...Our surroundings (the context in which we live) define the ease we conduct our daily lives. As human beings, we look for normalcy in our lives. We try to extrapolate the future by looking at the immediate past. We don't like when the rules of the game change...'...Unfortunately for those who don't like change, the context of our lives is in a state of constant rearrangement .... Diane suggests that all of us have something to learn about our interrelationships around the globe: '...If one theme should resonate from September 11th, it is that the lives of our children are desperately dependent upon how children around the world view their own fates...'....” [204]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #122:

The Ever-Quickening Pace!

Dr. James Canton, Ph.D. argues: “...If you were to disappear and come back after 90 days, the Net would have doubled, bandwidth would have increased by a third, and there would be a half a dozen innovations you have missed...” [205]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #123:

On the pace and mode of contemporary change, Peter Cochrane, BT’s former visionary head of research (subsequently cofounder of The Concept Lab), observes:

“...When we move toward the world of the bit we encounter a new world of multiple dimensions. This world is a network of n-dimensional space, of multiple copies, existence, connectivity, locations and form. Information can be simultaneously distributed or clustered, singular or plural, static or dynamical, living or dead, past or present, real-time or warped, accelerate or delayed...” [201]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #124:

What precludes you from being lucid as per Twentieth-One Century ?

Arthur Scopenhaur: “...Everyone takes the limits of his own vision for the limits of the world...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #125:

Fuzzy-logic discernment and counter-intuitiveness must take into consideration many pathways among many others, including those by Buddhism.

For instance, Kalu Rinpoche establishes:

“...We live in illusion and the appearance of things. There is a reality. We are that reality. When we understand this, we see that we are nothing. And being nothing, we are everything. That is all...” [68]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #126:

What is dynamical and what is permanent indeed?

Heraclitus — Greek Philosopher (c.540 — c. 480 BC) stated: “...No man ever steps into the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same men...” [105]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #127:

And a westerner’s view on wisdom. Theodore Roosevelt: “...Nine-tenths of our wisdom consists in being wise timely...” [119]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #128:

Reality, Mind and Buddhism by a Westerner’s View!

A citation on Gary Hamel’s Leading The Revolution book: “...Alan Kay tells a wonderful little story about how he came to recognize this deep truth: On the third day of a conference at a Buddhist center, I asked people why they put their palms together several times a day. The Buddhists believe that the world is an illusion, but we have to go along with the illusion for efficiency reasons. When they put their hands together it is a semicolon, an acknowledgment that whatever they may think is going on right now is largely a fabrication of their own mind...” [88]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #129:

World and vision?

“...When the world and the mind are both transparent, this is true vision that which doesn’t exist doesn’t exist in relation to that which exists. This is true vision. By means of such vision nothing is seen and nothing is not seen .... The mind and the world are opposites, and vision arises when they meet. When your mind doesn’t stir inside, the world doesn’t arise outside. When the world and mind are both transparent, this is true vision. And such understanding is true understanding...” By Bodhidharma, Indian Zen Buddhist monk who brought Zen from India to China (circa 520 A.D.) [89]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #130:

Courage and success by the prominent British premier.

Winston Churchill argued, “...Courage is the capacity to go from failure to failure with increased enthusiasm!...” [111] If we really wish to make a substantial difference, we’re going to need this personal cosmological trait lavishly I am not afraid to assert.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #131:

Succeeding in reversal?

Piet Hein: “...The road to wisdom? Well, it’s plain and simple to express. Err and err and err again but less and less and less...” [89]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #132:

A distant past and also a distant future, right here?

Edward Fredkin (born 1934): “...A third implication of the concept is that because the vast preponderance of the lifetime of the universe lies in the distant future rather than in the past, the historical achievements of life and mind are meager foreshadowings of the starring role that intelligent life is likely to play in shaping the future of the cosmos. Indeed, this new way of looking at the intimate linkage of life, mind, and the cosmos suggests a novel way of thinking about the ultimate destiny of our destiny of our universe...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #133:

How does a psychologist conceive the past-present-future interrelationship?

Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D., “...Consider any decision you had to make recently: Do I keep working or go out to play; take one more drink before driving home; take a chance and cheat on my taxes or an exam; practice safe sex or just do it; resistor gives into temptation? As you contemplate what you will do, you are influenced by a number of factors. For some people, the world is limited to all the forces they perceive in their immediately present situation, their biological urges, their social setting and that which others are doing or urging them to do, and the sensuous appeal of the stimulus itself. Those folks who usually limit their decision-making be referring only to the current circumstances are Present-oriented. Other people making a decision in the same setting downplay the present and search their memories for similar past situations; they recall what they did in the past and how these decisions turned out. These folks are Past-oriented. Finally, a third type of person makes up her or his mind entirely based on imagined future consequences — the costs and benefits — of an action. If anticipated costs outweigh anticipated benefits or gains, they won’t go forward. They only go forward when they expect gains to predominance…”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #133 (continues:)

“....The ideal time profile is a balance of being high on the past-positive, moderately high on the present-hedonistic and future, and low on the past-negative and present-fatalistic times perspectives .... In other words, conscientious people regularly think about future consequences before making a decision … I believe present transcendence and future hopefulness are essential components of a successful therapeutic intervention .... Our goal is to help you reclaim yesterday, enjoy today, and master tomorrow. To do so, we’ll give you new ways of seeing and working with your past, present, and future ...” [105]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #134:

Rowan Gibson in Rethinking the Future observes:

“...For a long time we have known deep down that the future will be different from the past. Every science fiction writer, from Jules Verne to William Gibson, has reminded us of that. But we have stubbornly refused to believe is that the future will be different than we expect it to be. Most of us anticipate ... But why? ... This is a simple question, that has been asked since man first began to ponder. The good news is that we now have answers to this question, thanks to emergence of the complexity science. In fact, we not only gain insights for the why, but also, on how we can gain leverage on such unreliable change...” [201]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #135:

Complexity growing more complex in an ever-faster paced world?

Chris Harris contends, “...Yet, it is with these new possibilities that come equally great challenges; and it is important to understand what these new challenges mean ... To begin with, it means greater complexity in terms of the design work and diversity of technologies and skills needed to realize such composite invention. It also means effectively managing this new magnitude of complexity at a faster pace ... It means that the linear business world we have come to know so well, that unfolds in a fairly predictable manner, quickly falls to new markets that form in discontinuities, sometimes unrecognizable patterns; where technologies that appear overnight bleed into unknown applications, then become obsolete as abruptly as they came; where competitors from remote industries that you thought unlikely to enter your market, totally redefine and take over your most valuable sector...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #135 (continues:)

“ … It means that today's events move along so fast they have little bearing on the outcomes of tomorrow; where cumulative and hard-earned experience accounts for less, and where new, quite radical ways of thinking provide for the future ... It means a time in which best practice and procedure have not yet been set or written, where rapid learning and expansive knowledge oversee the rules of the game, and where foresight and imagination become the predominant forces for competition ... And most significant of all, it means that the kinds of interconnection we make between known and unknown ideas become the engine for economic growth, whether for an individual, local enterprise or global institution ... All told, this new era brings with it the utmost sweeping threats, yet the most wide-based opportunities the business world has yet seen...” [201]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #136:

DNA, complexity and digital information system?

Edward Fredkin (bio at described his theory in an interview with science writer Robert Wright: “...What I’m saying is that at the most basic level of complexity an information process runs what we think of as physics. At the much higher level of complexity life, DNA — you know, the biochemical functions — are controlled by a digital information system. Then, at another level, our thought processes are basically information processing...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #137:

Universe with a purpose?

Robert Wright (bio at, in response to Fredkin, puts it: “...Fredkin believes that the universe is very literally a computer and that it is being used by someone, or something, to solve a problem. It sounds like a good news/bad joke: the good news is that our lives have purpose; the bad news is that their purpose is to help some remote hacker pi to nine jillion decimal places...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #138:

The artificial man?

The philosopher Thomas Hobbes (bio at offered an uncanny preview of the science of artificial intelligence in his masterpiece Leviathan [description viewable at] published in 1651: “...Nature (the Art whereby God hath made and governs the World) is by the Art of man, as in many other things, so in this also imitated, that it can make an Artificial Animal. For seeing life is but a motion of Limbs, the beginning whereof is in the principal part within; why we not say that all Automata (Engines that move themselves by springs and wheels as doth a watch) have an artificial life?...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #139:

Is there some sort of highest-order entity regulating us?

David Jay Brown asked a medic, “...What is your perspective on the concept of God and how spirituality played a role in your view of medicine?...” Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. responded: “...If everything is God, Goddess, Spirit — whether you want to call it — it’s all one. It’s all connected, and that means that all that’s going on is God looking at God’s self. So it’s all simply different perspectives, and that’s a fascinating thing. That means nobody is cut off from God, whether they are atheists or whatever. You don’t have to believe in God for Spirit to love you and be present, so it means that nobody is right and nobody is wrong. It’s all simply different perspectives, which is very freeing, because you don’t have to battle anybody. You just have to do your own thing .... This also allows us to recognize our own connection to spirit, which is very healing, because it allows that energy to flow into us, and allows us to stay whole and connected. So that’s a very powerful thing. I mean, my whole life is about Spirit and about God, or Goddess. To think of God as only a man sounds like an insult to God. It’s pretty limiting because God is everything. It also means that nothing and no one is better or worse than anybody else. And there’s this critical thing that happens, because that’s the touchstone through much of my life — to recognize I am equal of all beings, and no one is lesser than me. That means there’s nobody that I meet that’s better than I am, or that I’m better than them. We’re all different perspectives of God. We’re all equal, and we’re all divine, everybody...” [107]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #140:

Taking care of oneself to make the difference?

Descartes: “...I think therefore I am...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #141:

Space, evolution and universe?

Cosmologist Frank Tipler (bio at has bluntly stated: “...Almost all of space and time lies in the future. By focusing attention only on the past and present, science has ignored almost all of reality, it is about time science decided to study the future evolution of the universe...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #142:

History and approaching a singularity?

Information theorist John von Nuemann (bio at in the 1950s: “...The ever accelerating progress of technology … gives the appearance of approaching some essential singularity in the history of the race beyond which human affairs, as we known them, could not continue...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #143:

Locating the Technological Singularity’s domicile?

Michael Anissimov: “...When the first transhuman intelligence is created and launches itself into recursive self-improvement, a fundamental discontinuity is likely to occur, the likes of which I can’t even begin to predict...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #144:

Ray Kurzweil and the Staggering Secret? (2010)

“...That was Kurzweil's real secret, and back in 1965 nobody guessed it. Maybe not even him, not yet. But now, 46 years later, Kurzweil believes that we're approaching a moment when COMPUTERS WILL BECOME INTELLIGENT, AND NOT JUST INTELLIGENT BUT MORE INTELLIGENT THAN HUMANS. WHEN THAT HAPPENS, HUMANITY — OUR BODIES, OUR MINDS, OUR CIVILIZATION — WILL BE COMPLETELY AND IRREVERSIBLY TRANSFORMED. He (Ray Kurzweil) believes that THIS MOMENT IS NOT ONLY INEVITABLE BUT IMMINENT. ACCORDING TO HIS CALCULATIONS, THE END OF HUMAN CIVILIZATION AS WE KNOW IT IS ABOUT 35 YEARS AWAY...” [213] Parentheses are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #145:

What should we find out — with maximum rigor — in history?

William Churchill: “...The further backward you look, the further forward you can see...” [104]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #146:

The geometrically non-linear human progress!

Ray Kurzweil indicates, “...Von Neumann makes two important observations here: acceleration and singularity. The first idea is that human progress is exponential … rather than linear .... The second is that exponential growth is seductive, starting out slowly and virtually in-noticeably, but beyond the knee of the curve it turns explosive and profoundly transformative. The intelligence that will emerge [post-Singularity] will continue to represent the human civilization. In other words, future machines will be human, even if they are not biological. This will be the next step in evolution, the next high-level paradigm shift .... Most of the intelligence of our civilization will ultimately be nonbiological. By the end of this century, it will be trillions of trillions of times more powerful than [un-enhanced] human intelligence...” [86] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #147:

If we fail to commit to development and research of proper science and technology are we enslaving ourselves?

“...A bitter controversy concerning whether humanity should build godlike massively intelligent machines .... [Dr. Kevin Warwick, Ph.D. literally argues:] humanity will have to confront the prospect of being replaced by a new dominant species, namely, ultra intelligent robots controlled by ultra intelligent artificial brains … ‘Cyborgians’ are people who look to technically upgrade their bodies to become ‘cyborgs,’ i.e. part machine, part human … I hope that by enhancing ourselves, we humans can have our cake and eat it too by achieving the dream of attaining the godlike abilities that Hugo [de Garis, Ph.D.] talks about by converting ourselves … without having to pay the cost of a major war. In a sense I am looking at a sort of compromise ─ rather than having ultra intelligent artificial brains acting against humanity, we join with them .... I sincerely hope it will not come to this sort of end game in the real world. Hugo’s scenario of a major war late this century, in which billions of people die, due to the use of advanced 21st century weaponry, is extremely depressing, and I firmly hope he is wrong, dead wrong, for the sake of humanity’s (and cyborgian) survival .... Hugo’s reasoning is frighteningly persuasive, even though my viscera reject what he is saying. The fact that he is pioneering the new field of ‘artificial brains’ only increases the credibility of his vision. If anyone in the world is in a good position to predict the future impact of advanced artificial brains on humanity, it must be Hugo .... If many decades into the future, Hugo is proven to be correct in saying that ‘the species dominance issue will dominate our global politics this century,’ then he will have become one of the major thinkers of the 21st century. With no offense to Hugo, I hope that he will be shown to have been wrong, to be shown to have exaggerated, and overreacted; because if not, the fate that he is suggesting will befall our grandchildren, is too horrible to grasp fully for all humanity, what he would call ‘gigadeath!’...” [179] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #148:

What about the Technology 25 Years Hence?

New York Times, as of December 28, 2010, pertaining to Ray Kurzweil’s arguments:

“...If you plot the basic measures of the price to performance and capacity of information technologies (for example, computer instructions per second per constant dollar, bits of memory per dollar, or the total number of bits being moved around over the Internet), they follow remarkably smooth — and foreseeable — trajectories. This observation goes well beyond Moore’s Law (which says you can place twice as many transistors on an integrated circuit every two years); in the case of computation, it goes back to the 1890 American census, long before Gordon Moore was even born .... What’s predictable is that these measures grow exponentially, not linearly, though our intuition about the future is linear, which is hard-wired in our brains. This makes a remarkable difference. Thirty steps linearly gets you to 30, whereas 30 steps exponentially (2, 4, 8, 16. . .) gets you to a billion .... And it’s not just electronics and communications that follow this exponential course. It applies as well to health, medicine and its related field of biology. The Human Genome Project, for instance, saw the amount of genetic sequencing double and the cost of sequencing per base pair come down by half each year .... A computer that fit inside a building when I was a student now fits in my pocket, and is a thousand times more powerful despite being a million times less expensive .... In another quarter century, that capability will fit inside a red blood cell and will again be a billion times more powerful per dollar...” [185]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #149:

Cambrian explosion and the future?

James N. Gardner: “...It should never be clear that the future will differ radically from the past; it will be at least different as the radically new world of biological complexity and diversity ushered in the Cambrian Explosion was from the preceding era .... The central point is that collateral advances in sciences seemingly far removed from cosmology can help dissipate the intellectual limitations imposed by common sense and naïve human intuition. And, in an uncanny reprise of the Lyell/Darwin intellectual synergy, it is a realization of the vastness of time and history that gives rise to the crucial insight. Only in this instance, the vastness of which I speak is the vastness of future time and future history...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #150:

Which common sense is that? Does it have the gold seal by Einstein?

Marvin Minsky: “...Common sense is not a simple thing [given that is not a definition but a truth-seeking process]. Instead, it is an immense society of hard-earned practical ideas ─ of multitudes of life-learned rules and exceptions, dispositions and tendencies, balances and checks...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #151:

Past, future, and baby universes?

University of Chicago cosmologist Sean Carroll: “...The [observed] arrow of time in our [observed] universe is puzzling because the fundamental laws of physics themselves are symmetric and don’t seem to discriminate between the past and future .... In our patch of the cosmos, time just so happens to be moving forward because of its initial low entropy, but there are others where this is not the case. The far past and the far future are filled with these other baby universes, and they would each think that the other had its arrow of time backwards. Time’s arrow isn’t a basic aspect of the universe as a whole, just a hallmark of the little bit we see...” [86] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #151:

The Largest Book! Which one is it? Is it the largest book or one of the sub-largest books?

Galileo ascertained, “...Philosophy is written in this grand book — I mean the Universe — which stands continually open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the characters in which it is written...” [86]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #152:

Niels Bohr, Nobel Prize-winning physicist: “...The opposite of a false statement is a correct statement. The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth...” [89]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #153:

Counter-seeing in order to discover?

Andre Gide (1869 – 1951) signaled, “...Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #154:

The influence to bias understanding?

Upton Sinclair: “...It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #155:

How does history relate to consciousness?

Jacob Burckhardt, attributed to, (1818 – 1897): “...History is nature’s disruption caused by the awakening of consciousness...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #156:

Who is your teacher that is not outside of your own self?

Brian Tracy: “...No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we absolutely, positively have to find people who have already paid the price to learn the things that we need to learn to achieve our goals...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #157:

Relatives and absolutes?

Sir Winston Churchill: “...The era of procrastination, of half-measures, of soothing and baffling expedients, of delays, is coming to a close. In its place, we are entering a period of consequences ...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #158:

What is the fundamental practical methodology towards root motivations under systemic and systematic yet empirical approach as it was observed by William Hazlitt?

“...Science is the desire to know the causes...” [210]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #159:

It's impossible to run enterprises without the grounds and basis to apply in action!

Einstein: “...Our theories determine what we measure...” [116]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #160:

Improbabilities working on behalf of the learned?

Louis Pasteur: “...Chance favors the prepared mind ...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #161:

Science and spirituality?

Albert Einstein proclaimed, “...I hold that the cosmic religious feeling is the strongest motive in fostering scientific research...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #162:

You’re your own leader?

Mother Teresa: “... Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person ...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #163:

From happiness to useful service?

Henry Ford (1863 – 1947), “...Wealth, like happiness, is never attained when sought after directly. It comes as a by-product of providing a useful service...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #164:

Is that a reasonable optimistic person?

Dr. Kathleen Jennison Goonan, M.D. established: “...Yesterday’s options are gone...” [91]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #165:

A Wealth Of Future, Whether You Board It Or Not?

Alvin Toffler points out, “...The future is being colonized all the time by people who have the resources, who do spend time thinking about it, planning for it and trying to shape it in their direction...” [206]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #166:

Dimensional minds?

Oliver Wendell Holmes offers perspective: “...A mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #167:

Credit and predictions?

Louis V Gerstner, Jr. Former CEO, IBM observed, “... No credit can be given for predicting rain — only for building arks ...” [143]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #168:

Knowing Not Knowing?

Donald Rumsfeld established, “...As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #169:

Building a bridge?

Author Unknown, “.....If opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door [you create pre-conditions for and by you]...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #170:

Perpetually upping the mind?

Albert Einstein sentenced, “...The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #171:

How do you distribute modernity?

William Gibson, “...The FUTURE is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #172:

Orders misunderstood?

Henry Miller declared: “...Confusion is a word we have invented for an order which is not [yet] understood...” [111] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #173:

Progress and crime?

Albert Einstein commented, “...Technological progress is like an ax in the hands of a pathological criminal...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #174:

What stays in place?

Christian Bovee: “...When all else is lost, the future still remains...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #175:

Fearing what?

Thomas Fuller reasons, “...He that fears the future may enjoy the present...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #176:

Calling the Future what?

Tennessee Williams, “...The future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. And the important thing is not to allow that to scare you...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #177:

Having or not having a tempo?

James Petersen: “...If you afraid for your future, you don’t have a present...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #178:

Which evil is the least worst?

Francesco Guicciardini: “...To relinquish a present good through apprehension of a future evil is in most instances unwise … from a fear which may afterward turn out groundless, you lost the good that lay within your grasp....” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #179:

Handy futures?

Thomas E. Dewey, “...We need not be afraid of the future, for the future will be in our hands...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #180:

Fearing change?

E. H. Harriman, “...It is never safe to look into the future with eyes of fear...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #181:

Anxious and miserable?

Marcus Annaes Seneca argues, “...The mind that is anxious about the future is miserable...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #182:

A heart and a fear?

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: “...Go forth to meet the shadowy Future without fear and with a manly heart...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #183:

Is the mind wrongly operated?

John Locke, “...Fear is an uneasiness of the mind, upon the thought of a future evil likely to befall us...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #184:

Uncertainties over certainty?

William Sloane Coffin: “...I’m deglitched that the future is unsure. That’s the way it should be...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #185:

What is the objective?

Clinical leader Dr. Kathleen Jennison Goonan, M.D., “...The goal here [in the beginning of the third millennium] is to understand the enablers [the driving forces out of which some futurists comfortably depict ‘trends’ — so-called —] for change [potential upsides] as well as the barriers [imminent downsides]...” [91] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #186:

Is the future meant to be bold?

Alfred North Whitehead, “...It is the business of the future to be dangerous...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #187:

What purpose to set out for?

Robert M. Pirsig, “...To live only for some future goal is shallow. It’s the sides of the mountain that sustain life, not the top...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #188:

The advantageous mind?

Samuel Johnson, “...Present opportunities are neglected, and attainable good is slighted, by minds busied in extensive ranges and intent upon future advantages...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #189:

The mind-hand connection?

B. C. Forbes, “...Our future and our fate lie in our wills more than in our hands, for our hands are but the instruments of our wills...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #190:

Determining the future?

Gerald Jampolsky, “...No way exists in the present to accurately determine the future effect of the least of our actions...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #191:

Are you recalling the future?

Corrie ten Boom, “...Memories are the key not to the past, but to the future...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #192:

Aching lessons to learn?

Hugh White: “.....When you make a mistake, don’t look back at it long. Take the reason of the thing into your mind, and then look forward. Mistakes are lessons of wisdom. The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power...” [71]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #193:

Imaginary Present and a Fabricated Future?

“...The part of Eternity with some small fraction of which we have a slight and regrettable acquaintance. A moving line called the Present parts it from an imaginary period known as the Future. These two grand divisions of Eternity, of which the one is continually effacing the other, are entirely unlike. The one is dark with sorrow and disappointment, the other bright with prosperity and joy .... Yet the Past is the Future of yesterday, the Future is the Past of to-morrow. They are one — the knowledge and the dream...” [72]

A fightable time?

William E. Gladstone (1809 — 1898), “...You cannot fight against the future. Time is on our side...” [72]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #194:

What are you inventing?

Alan Kay designates (1940 - ), “...The best way to predict the future is to invent it...” [72]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #195:

How far can ever-progressing and ever-diverting changed changes take us?

Fyodor Dostoevsky (1821-1881, Russian novelist) describes, “...But dost thou know what will be tomorrow?...” [168]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #196:

Change to change what or not to be changed into which?

Milan Kundera (1929 - ) pronounces, “...The only reason people want to be masters of the future is to change the past...” [72]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #197:

Dreaming progress and modernity?

Eleanor Roosevelt utters, “...The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams...” [73]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #198:

De-learning and un-learning for Life?

Alvin Toffler indicates, “...In the world of the future, the new illiterate will be the person who has not learned to learn...” [73]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation #199:

Guiding to which place?

Albert Einstein established, “... Teachers are messengers from the past and an escort to the future ...” [73]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 200:

Geography allocated by times?

Alison Lurie (1926 - ) stated, “...As one went to Europe to see the living past, so one must visit Southern California to see the future...” [74]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 201:

History and the train?

Dwight David Eisenhower (1890 — 1969), “...Neither a wise man nor a brave man lies down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over him...” [75]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 202:


Tacitus observed, “...Light-minded men are improvident of the future ... ...” [76]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 203:

Youth and future?

Franklyn Delano Roosevelt: “...We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future....” [77]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 204:

Forgiveness and future?

Paul Boese, “...Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future....” [77]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 205:

Pencil your map?

Jon Bon Jovi, “...Map out your future, but do it in pencil...” [77]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 206:

Even with the advent of Big Data, Is everyone ready for quantitative analysis and for the beloved algorithms?

“...The desirable use for numbers is long. Yet very few on that list are feasible. ANYTHING INVOLVING HUMAN BEHAVIOR IS SUFFICIENTLY COMPLEX THAT A DISCRETE NUMBER CANNOT BE TIED TO IT...” [99] (ISBN-13: 978-0135511107).

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 207:

Future and responsibility?

George Bernard Shaw, “...We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future...” [77]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 208:

Future and humankind?

Richard P. Feynman, “...We are at the very beginning of time for the human race. It is not unreasonable that we grapple with problems. But there are tens of thousands of years in the future. Our responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can, improve the solutions, and pass them on...” [121]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 209:

Time and definitions?

Charles Caleb Colton, “...Time is the most indefinable yet paradoxical of things; the past is gone, the future is not to come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, and, like the flash of lightning, at once exists and expires...” [77]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 210:

One of the most important French-Canadian premiers, to this end, makes an awesome quotation. Canadian Premier Pierre Trudeau (1919 — 2000):

“...The twentieth century really belongs to those who will build it ... The future can be promised to no one...” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 211:

Albert Einstein hence indicates, “...It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer...” [61]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 212:

What are we?

William Shakespeare, “...We know what we are, but know not what we may be [in the future]...” [142] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 213:

As it was communicated to TIME in 2010, What is the time-line predicted for a maximum technological convergence, emergence, and technological singularity?

“... At 2045, in that year, he (Kurzweil) estimates, given the vast increases in computing power and the vast reductions in the cost of same, the quantity of artificial intelligence created will be about a billion times the sum of all the human intelligence that exists today...” [213] Parentheses are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 214:

Machines harnessing the monopoly of pervasive intelligence?

Irving John Good: “...Let an ultraintelligent machine be defined as a machine that can surpass all the intellectual activities of any man however clever. Since the design of machines is one of these intellectual activities, an ultraintelligent machine could design even better machines; there would then unquestionably be an ‘intelligence explosion,’ and the intelligence of man would be left far behind. Thus the first ultraintelligent machine is the last invention that man need ever make...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 215:

Will humans be subjects to monarchical bots?

Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio, “...Around the world, scientists and engineers are participating in a high-stakes race to build the first intelligent robot. Many robots already exist ─ automobile factories are full of them. But the new generation of robots will be something else: smart machines that act ever more like living creatures .... What will happen then? With our prosthetic limbs, titanium hips, and artificial eyes, we are already beginning to resemble our machines. And when we implant chips in our bodies to connect ourselves directly to computers, the likeness will become only more pronounced. Science fiction will have become science fact ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 215 (continues):

“ … Meanwhile ─ and equally important ─ our machines are beginning to resemble us. Robotic spiders, crabs, geckos, and dogs are already spilling from the laboratories. The next steps are to re-create Homo sapiens itself and then go beyond. Robots can already walk, talk, and dance; they can react to human facial expressions and obey verbal commands. When scientists go on to create fully autonomous robots with greater intelligence than human beings, will they be our partners or our rivals? Will it be a simply a robotic revolution or a true extension of evolution? Could machines and humankind meld into a single species─Robo sapiens?...” [164]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 216:

Either through flesh or silicon intelligence will be immensely augmented, surpassing human intelligence?

"...Take the question of whether computers can replicate the biochemical complexity of an organic brain. Kurzweil yields no ground there whatsoever. HE DOES NOT SEE ANY FUNDAMENTAL DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FLESH AND SILICON THAT WOULD PREVENT THE LATTER FROM THINKING. He defies biologists to come up with a neurological mechanism that could not be modeled or at least matched in power and flexibility by software running on a computer. He refuses to fall on his knees before the mystery of the human brain. 'Generally speaking,' he says, 'the core of a disagreement I'll have with a critic is, they'll say, Oh, Kurzweil is underestimating the complexity of reverse-engineering of the human brain or the complexity of biology. But I don't believe I'm underestimating the challenge. I THINK THEY'RE UNDERESTIMATING THE POWER OF EXPONENTIAL GROWTH.'..." [213]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 217:

For those seeking that — regardless of complexity — linking points between machines and humans, an English mathematician has a word of reflection.

Alan Turing postulates, “...A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human...” [100]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 218:

Has the fluid impact of change been understood by the establishment (so-called)?

“... There was a new complex future emerging ─ an extreme future of disruptions, risks, threats, and perhaps, new opportunities ─ that no one, not even our leaders, fully understood ...” [182]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 219:

What are we going to do with our customary system of belief, ethos and Weltanschauung?

Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865, 16th President of the U.S.) pointed out, “...The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 220:

Alvin Toffler offers some insight, “.....The FUTURE always comes too fast and in the wrong order [expected by the great majority of mindful or absent/minded ‘incumbents’]...” [17] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 221:

In a continuous dialogue about massive change, Toffler adds:

Alvin Toffler (1928 - ): “...‘Future Shock’ … the shattering stress and disorientation that we induce in individuals by subjecting them to too much change in too short a time … The dizzying disorientation brought on by premature arrival of the future ...” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 222:

Must we subject ourselves to the most heterodox conventions in order to prevail?

Alexis de Tocqueville, “...Events can move from the impossible to the inevitable without ever stopping at the probable...” [181]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 223:

Albert Einstein indicates, “...If at first an idea does not sound absurd, then there is no hope for it...” [167]

“...Clouds are not spheres, mountains are no cones, coastlines are not circles, and bark is not smooth, nor does lightning travel in a straight line...” [214]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 224:

Dr. Aubrey de Grey Ph.D., a leading-edge scientist at the University of Cambridge in England, states it, “...We'll be solving problems before they arrive...” [59] Quite a future-ready declaration, Is it not?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 225:

What are the ultimate choices of us?

Juan Enriquez: “...We are the beginning to acquire … direct and deliberate control … over the evolution of all life forms … ON THE PLANET … Including ourselves....” [163]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 226:

Are we out-smarting ourselves?

Stephen M. R. Covey: “...And capabilities are particularly essential in today’s changing economy, where technology and globalization are outdating skill-sets faster than ever before. The half-life of our current knowledge and skills is much shorter that it has ever been, and suddenly someone who was very competent and even had a great track record in yesterday’s world may no longer be competent in today’s world ...” [196]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 227:

From Nation States To Networks!

John Naisbitt observes: “...For many years the mindset has been that the global economy will be dominated by huge multinational companies. And that's turned out not to be the case. In fact, we have to re-examine our vocabulary and our definition of what multinational means .... I have a company called Megatrends Ltd., and we have 57 joint ventures in 42 countries, and we have only four employees including myself. We outsource everything. Well, almost everything. So I'm a multinational company. I must be, obviously, because I'm in 42 countries. But I'm not big. I'm small .... In other words, the world multinational has a new meaning. And if we say that the global economy will be dominated by multinationals in the new sense, then there is some truth to it. But if we mean it in the old way, that these huge global companies will control everything, that couldn't be more wrong .... What I think is really important is that there's a new kind of bigness. And that's big networks, rather than big mainframes. This is the metaphor I use .... I remember in my kitchen in Telluride, Colorado and watching CNN. It was the G7 were meeting in Naples for the economic summit. And I saw the leaders of these seven great industrial nations talking to each other, it struck me that this is a bunch of mainframes talking to each other in a PC world. It's part of the whole irrelevance of the G7, and by the twenty-first century I think I will be totally out the window ─ it just doesn't make sense any more .... We no longer live in a world of big mainframes. We live in a world where the real power is in big networks. By big networks, I mean a lot of individuals networked together. And, by definition, a network doesn't have any headquarters. For a network to work, everyone has to feel that they are in the center. That's when it's really powerful .... The only huge company that I know of that's really done this is Asea Brown Boveri. If you listen to Percy Barnevick, he says: '…We grow all the time, but we also shrink all the time...' The network gets larger but the nodes get smaller...” [203]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 228:

Among other concurrent methodologies, one can see the future early on via Churchillian prescription!

Winston Churchill: “...The further backward you look, the further forward you can see...” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 229:

Reinforcing this position had been Confucius for centuries: “...If a man gives not thought about what is distant, he will find sorrow near at hand...” [103]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 230:

“...Einstein was once asked what the difference was between him and the average person. He said that if you asked the average person to find a needle in a haystack, the person would stop when he or she found a needle. He, on other hand, would tear through the entire haystack looking for all the possible needles ...” [134]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 231:

Why should we manage problems way in advance before and thoroughly they get out control?

Dwight D. Eisenhower: “...All plans fall at first contact with the enemy [competing situations, including and beginning those of and by change, as well as those unplanned for] ...” [123] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 232:

Dr. Vernon Grose, D.Sc. argues: “...It would be hard to find anyone who believes that losses occur without any cause. Yet many managers, acting as though an accident is a random stroke of fate, have to be reminded to seek and remove causes prior to a loss. Less obvious to the layman is the idea that nearly all accidental losses have a multiple causes: virtually no accident has a single cause .... Identifying causes, especially those that are subtle or unseen, requires tenacity, imagination, and a systematic method. However, since almost every accident or loss has a known precedent, you never have to start your search for causes empty-handed...” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 233:

And Dr. Grose further indicates: “...A primer on the development, application, and requirement of ‘systems thinking’ to obtain an ordered, global management perspective — a critical need if historical risk management is to be translated [in advance] from reaction into prevention of risk [many call risks “...problems...”] .... The systems approach is godlike — at least in perspective. It aims to look at any situation with OMNISCIENCE — TOTALITY OF KNOWLEDGE .... Of course, it never succeeds because of human limitations. But the goal remains. And such goal is essential if risk is to be managed effectively. Every possible risk must be considered before systematic management of risk can occur. If this seems grandiose, it isn’t meant to be. In failing to take such a lofty and all-encompassing view, managers are vulnerable to being blind-sided by an overlooked risk while believing that they have everything under control....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 234:

Adding insights in line with the theme treated and emergency preparedness and business continuity before and after extreme hazards, there are valuable reflections by Dr. Collins.

Dr. Robert A. Collins, Ph.D. : “...Disasters are a natural and predictable part of the human condition. This includes both natural disasters and human-made disasters. In spite of this, whenever a disaster strikes, most people are unprepared. The inevitable result is the loss of life and property. It does not have to be this way .... SINCE DISASTERS ARE AN INEVITABLE PART OF LIFE, THE WISEST COURSE OF ACTION IS TO UNDERSTAND THEM, PREPARE FOR THEM, AND CAPITALIZE ON THE OPPORTUNITIES THAT THEY PRESENT. The first and most important step in disaster planning is, obviously, to have a plan. Without a specific plan, it will be very difficult, if not impossible, to implement the other steps in disaster preparation. Most organizations deal with disasters by first hoping that they don’t happen. Then when they do happen, they respond to them and try to recover from them. MOST ORGANIZATIONS DO NOT TRY TO MITIGATE THEM IN ADVANCE. THIS IS AN IRRATIONAL AND EXPENSIVE STRATEGY .... It is impossible to plan for things that you cannot imagine. Therefore, the first step in forging the resilient organization is to conduct ‘scenario planning’ .... It is necessary for the organization to be honest with itself when completing the scenario planning step in disaster preparation. THE TASK HERE IS NOT TO IMAGINE THE WORST DISASTER THAT THE ORGANIZATION THINKS THAT IT CAN HANDLE. THE TASK IS TO IMAGINE THE WORST DISASTER THAT COULD POSSIBLE STRIKE THE COMPANY, GIVEN ITS GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION AND INDIVIDUAL CIRCUMSTANCES. Lee Clarke, a disaster planning expert and professor at Rutgers University argues, ‘IT’S NOT CRAZY TO THINK ABOUT THE WORST CASES [IN ADVANCE]’ ...” [124]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 235:

An example of disruption-potential and post-‘risk management’?

“...You may remember the situation in 1982 when seven people in the U.S. died from ingesting Tylenol that had been laced with cyanide. The nation panicked. Some predicted that Johnson & Johnson would never be able to sell another product under that name. But Johnson & Johnson took responsibility for the situation. They immediately alerted consumers to stop using Tylenol until they could determine the extent of the tampering. They recalled approximately 31 million bottles of Tylenol, retailing at more than $100 million. They offered to exchange all Tylenol capsules that had already been purchased for Tylenol tablets, which cost them millions more. They established relations with law enforcement officers on every level to help search for the person who laced the medication and to help prevent further tampering. They put up a reward of $100,000 for the person who committed the crime. When they reintroduced the product back in the market, it had new triple-seal, tamper-resistant packaging. As a result of their actions, they turned what could have been a disaster into a victory in credibility and public trust ...” [196]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 236:

Can we take advantage of risk and benefit management with immense forethought and never in expensive hindsight?

“...Journalist Geoffrey Colvin (2005) argues: '…The events that do the worst damage are the one no even conceived of … The idea that a passenger jet might crash into the World Trade Center had been thought of; it was a fairly obvious possibility, especially since a plane once crashed into the Empire State Building. What no one imagined was the combination of large planes with nearly full fuel tanks plus the impact of the crashes jarring fireproofing from the girders, and how this could bring the towers down. In retrospect, it obviously could have been imagined. I’ just wasn’t'...” [124]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 237:

If we based our decision-making on intuitiveness and hunches, we will never get it right. We can just admit we are inundated with complexity, identify it, establish countermeasures against it and strategy to finally get our benefits in a sustained and rational way.

How are these speedy and somewhat dramatic times shaping and re-shaping us?

“...Journalist Amy Bernstein (2006) point out: ‘…Few issues have morphed as dramatically in the last five year as corporate resilience. That phrase once refereed to managing risks that were fairly predictable and relatively easy to insure against: fires, strikes, and economic recessions for example. But all that has changed. A string of catastrophes — beginning with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, and continuing through the bombing of the Madrid railway and the Asian Tsunami in 2004, the blast on the London Underground in July 2005, Hurricanes Katrina and Rita in August and September, and the earthquake that devastated Pakistan in October 2005 — has rearranged our concept of disaster preparedness. It’s no longer enough for companies to devise a business continuity plan and file it away somewhere. THEY NOW HAVE TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO BOUNCE BACK FROM THE UNTHINKABLE.’...” [124]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 238:

What are the relevant considerations that we insist on ignoring beyond any irresponsibility?

“...Yossi Sheffi, Professor of Systems Engineering at MIT, conducted a three year study of resilient organizations from Toyota to UPS to the US Navy, and drew a simple conclusion: A COMPANY’S ABILITY TO RETURN TO BUSINESS DEPENDS MORE ON THE DECISIONS IT MAKES BEFORE A SHOCK HITS THAN THOSE IT MAKES DURING OR AFTER THE EVENT… According to Sheffi, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 forced him and his colleagues to see a more comprehensive view of risk. He states: ‘Before that, I thought about it mostly in financial terms — buying insurance against various business risks, buying commodity futures such as oil to hedge against price fluctuations, the use of financial derivatives, etc. In the wake of the attacks, I starred looking at all kinds of disruptions, and it became clear that there’s a lot more to consider than contingency planning or financial hedging. THERE ARE LOW-PROBABILITY/HIGH IMPACT EVENTS like terrorist attacks that may cause unplanned exists from important markets or even the demise of the unprepared business’ .... During MIT’s three year study on resilient companies and interviews with dozens of companies, found that a culture of resilience was a common element. He argues: ‘The essence of resilience is the containment of disruption and recovery from it. Culture contributes to resilience by endowing employees with a set of principles regarding the proper response when the unexpected does occur, and when the formal organization’s policy does not cover the situation at hand or is too slow to react, it suggests the course of action to take’ ...” [124]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 239:

In speaking of contingency planning, it's worth noting the ensuing.

Murphy's law states: “...If anything can go wrong, it ultimately will....” [96] Nonetheless, I insist that in many instances this “” is universally used not to get “...preparedness...” in advance and in place. So planning and preparation becomes lax. Subsequently, the loss disruption ─ once crystallized ─ is congruently blamed on Murphy's law. This is rampant mediocrity.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 240:

“...After-the-fact no longer works .... Bring it back if you have any trouble with it, and I’ll fix it somehow,’ was the standard comment when you used to pick up a bicycle, automobile, food mixer, or lawn mower from the repair shop. And the repairman meant what he said. He was confident that if he had overlooked anything or made a mistake of any kind, he would get a second shot at fixing .... The ‘second shot’ is a luxury that no longer exists in many businesses. You get only one chance — after that, you’ll be talking only with attorneys, insurance agents, or bankers .... Life used to be simple. You knew your customers on a first-name basis. Your product or service was a relatively simple one — understood by both you and your customer. Your name and reputation were sufficient to cover any error or oversight .... But the world has become complex, too complex to allow such comfortable relationships. Consumer expectations are matching the complexities. Instantaneous news coverage of accidents and losses virtually precludes the private, out-of-sight settlement of risk effects that had previously allowed the after-the-fact resolution of risk to succeed. The breadth in that old idea is rapidly being squeezed out — like the inevitable tightening of a boa constrictor around its victim .... The price for public exposure of loss is high. Managers have begun to realize that risk must be examined formally and resolved beforehand rather than being settled after-the-fact. And they learn from others. It was the 1982 sinking of the offshore drilling rig Ocean Ranger that spurred EXXON top management to order a systematic evaluation of their offshore drilling risks … Even though EXXON does not own such rigs, it recognized that even conducting operations aboard them created risks that demanded before-the-fact identification, evaluation, and control....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 241:

Prof. Hamel, along those lines by de Grey and Grose, states: “...From Nostradamus to Alvin Toffler, individuals and organizations have long been obsessed with trying to see the future. The goal is to somehow get advanced warning of ‘what will be’...” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 242:

Furthering the motions by Hamel, de Grey, my beloved father and my own self (that is, seeking to further the quest and findings about diverse perspectives on knowledge), Dr. Hauerwas has some invaluable words of wisdom about “...Universal Knowledges....” Ensuing:

Stanley Hauerwas, B.D. M.A. M.Phil and Ph.D.: “ support of the liberal notion that the knowledges that constitute the university have no ‘use’ fail to ask what [John Henry] Newman mean by ‘universal knowledge.’ By ‘universal’ Newman did not mean that the knowledges that constitute liberal learning cannot be justified by their utility, but rather that all knowledge was interconnected because the ‘universe in its length and breadth is so intimately knit together.’ To be educated is not to be well read or to know a great deal about this or that subject. Rather, it is the only true enlargement of mind which is the power of viewing many things at once as one whole, of referring them severally to their true place in the universal system, or understanding their respective values, and determining their mutual dependence...” [95]

And Hauerwas continues:

“... Thus is that form of Universal Knowledges sets up in the individual intellect, and constitutes its perfection. Possessed of this real illumination, the mind never views any part of the extended subject-matter of Knowledge without recollecting that it is but a part, or without the associations which spring from this recollection. It makes every thing in some sort lead to every thing else; it would communicate the image of the whole to every separate portion, till that whole becomes in imagination like a spirit, everywhere pervading and penetrating its component parts, and giving them one definite meaning .... Philosophy, not theology, Newman believes to be the discipline that is distinct from all the sciences, that is, ‘in some sense’ philosophy is ‘a science of sciences.’ ...” [95] I must communicate that this wisdom is “...hyperbolically...” optimum.

Notwithstanding, said “...Universal Knowledges,...” an indeed appreciated and practicable notion is a sub-system (or only as a function of) what I have here defined as “...applied omniscience....” There is no incongruousness, but an absolute synergistic supplementary. My applied omniscience definition at « » I strongly believe in one KNOWLEDGE stemming from applied omniscience.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 243:

In the mean time, there is an Arab adage to share with you: “...That who foretells the truth lies even if he is telling the truth....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 244:

Sir Karl Popper, to that end, argues: “...We may become the makers of our fate when we have ceased to pose as its prophets .... Because of strictly logical reasons, it is impossible for us to predict the future course of history....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 245:

Consequences of attempting to predict the future?

John Smart: “...’The future can’t be predicted,’ is a common refrain … But … when [this perspective] is wrong, it is profoundly wrong....” [142]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 246:

And, along those same lines, Jean Cocteau (1989 – 1963) points out: “...The future doesn’t belong to anyone. There are no harbingers; there are only but debtors...” [130] [130] [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 247:

Further insight along these lines:

By Gary Hamel, Ph.D. : “...The future belongs not to those who possess a crystal ball, but those willing to challenge the biases and prejudices of the ‘establishment.’ The future belongs more to the unorthodox than it does to the prognosticators [ … and/or predictioneers ...], more to the movement than to the starry-eyed....” [87] (Leading the Revolution - ISBN-13: 978-0452283244). Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 248:

From the Institute for the Future, Paul Saffo and Roy Amara make a point regarding change:

“...I think about it as ‘orders of impact.’ First order, second order, etc. When an earthquake happens you have a whole series of waves that follow. The first order of the auto was the horseless carriage. The second order was the traffic jam. The third-order impact was the move toward the suburbs. This led in turn to the creation of huge metropolitan areas....” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 249:

To this end John Lienhard comments: “...We live in a technology-dense world .... We are terrifyingly naked without knowing elementary things about [how technologies] work...” [104] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 250:

Addressing Kurzweil, Grossman and de Grey, a clever and prominent physician makes his point. Dr. Joseph Knoll, M.D. who effected an extraordinary reflection:

“...We shall never forget that humans obviously cannot change natural laws, but by discovering their mechanisms of action they learn to make use of this knowledge. By conquering gravitation man stepped across his naturally given limit and ultimately landed on the moon....” [59]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 251:

Impossibilities rendered fully feasible?

Sir Arthur C. Clarke’s Three Laws: “...(1) When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, he is almost certainly right. When he states that something is impossible, he is very probably wrong. (2) The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. (3) Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic....” [166]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 252:

There is a valuable thought about the future and its arrival, attributed to Gary Hamel, “...The problem with the future is that is different [since is profound, its scientific properties are being dramatically changed in real time and all of the time]. If you are unable to think differently, the Future will always arrive as a surprise...” [28]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 253:

In addition and as it is believed to be proclaimed by Samuel Goldwyn, “...Only a fool would make predictions, especially about the future....” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 254:

Applicable womb-to-tomb, epidemiological vista will be beyond vital.

I will include a remarkable quotation by Strategos Institute Founder and London Business School Professor. Prof. Gary Hamel, Ph.D.:

“...Each revolution in art was based on a re-conception of reality. It wasn’t the canvas, the pigments, or the brushes that changed, but how the artist perceived the world. In the same sense, it’s not the tools that distinguish industry revolutionaries from hummed. rum incumbents — not the information technology they harness, not the process they use, not their facilities. Instead, is their ability to escape the stranglehold of the familiar...” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 255:

I strongly support JFK’s ensuing take as well.

President John F. Kennedy’s speech on September 12, 1962 at Race University: “...If this capsule history of our progress teaches us anything, it is that man, in his quest for knowledge and progress, is determined and cannot be deterred. The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join in it or not, and it is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space .... Well, space is there, and we're going to climb it, and the moon and the planets are there, and new hopes for knowledge and peace are there. And, therefore, as we set sail we ask God's blessing on the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked...” [80]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 256:

In aligning the idea of understanding the nature of change and the impacts stemming from said change, former GE’s CEO Jack Welch indicated:

“...Seeing the world the way it is, not the way we hope it will be or wish it to be...” [42]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 257:

To further enlighten the present material, Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) stated: “...Jeff Immelt realizes that the world changes every day and that his job is to keep GE competitive in that changing world. But his ability to take the company where it needs to go is greatly facilitated by the fact that he has a clear understanding of where he is starting...” [42]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 258:

By Thomas Edison indicates: “...If we all did the things we are capable of doing well we would literally astound ourselves...” [44]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 259:

Otto Herman Khan (RAND Corporation's Dr. Strangelove). He veritably stated: “...I'm against fashionable thinking ... I'm against ignorance ... I am against the whole cliche of the moment ... I'm against sloppy, emotional thinking…[I am against incomplete, linear thinking.. And ..I am against inexpensive thinking....”]....” [43]. Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 260:

Salvador Dali in seconding the motion by Khan offers us a thought: “...Get real; dream the impossible....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 261:

In case, you just yet don't have it unambiguously clear, this is Valéry's take in the beginning of the last century.

(by Paul Valéry, 1932)

“...All the notions we thought solid, all the values of civilized life, all that made for stability in international relations, all that made for regularity in the economy … in a word, all that tended happily to limit the uncertainty of the morrow, all that gave nations and individuals some confidence in the morrow … all this seems badly compromised. I have consulted all augurs I could find, of every species, and I have heard only vague words, contradictory prophecies, curiously feeble assurances. Never has humanity combined so much power with so much disorder, so much anxiety with so many playthings, so much knowledge with so much uncertainty...” [56]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 262:

There is great American scientist offering cautious optimism!

Dr. Robert H. Goddard, Ph.D. : “...It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow....” [117] Biography of Dr. Goddard at

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 263:


Andres: “...Charles, How does your mind envision in general? And what about you, Isaac?...”

Charles Darwin: “...My mind seems to have become a kind of machine for grinding general laws out of large collections of facts....” [131]

Isaac Newton: “...If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants....” [131]

Andres: “...How do you visualize or do you not visualize, Immanuel? Can you offer us a suggestion?...”

Immanuel Kant: “...Seek not the favor of the multitude; it is seldom got by honest and lawful means. But seek the testimony of few; and number not voices, but weigh them....” [131]

Andres: “...How does your vision and thought relate, Charles? And what about in your case Immanuel?...”

Charles Darwin: “...The highest possible stage in moral culture is when we recognize that we ought to control our thoughts....” [131]

Immanuel Kant: “...All thought must, directly or indirectly, by way of certain characters, relate ultimately to intuitions, and therefore, with us, to sensibility, because in no other way can an object be given to us. Thoughts without content are empty, intuitions without concepts are blind....” [131]

Andres: “...Johann, in addition to the views of Kant, Darwin and Newton, How — in your view — one should see? Can you give us some hints?...”

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: “...Every day we should hear at least one little song, read one good poem, see one exquisite picture, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words. In nature we never see anything isolated, but everything in connection with something else which is before it, beside it, under it and over it. The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes....” [131]

Andres: “...Johann, How does your mind envision?...”

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe: “...All intelligent thoughts have already been thought; what is necessary is only to try to think them again....” [131]

Andres: “...Francis, What is your take about the operation of one's mind and / or perhaps a personal trait?...”

Francis Bacon: “...Of all virtues and dignities of the mind, goodness is the greatest, being the character of the Deity; and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing....” [131]

Andres: “...How do people exercise thinking, Francis?...”

Francis Bacon: “...People usually think according to their inclinations, speak according to their learning and ingrained opinions, but generally act according to custom....” [131]

Andres: “...What truth holds intact regardless, Charles?...”

Charles Darwin: “...False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for every one takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your POV concerning science, Imamnuel?...”

Immanuel Kant: “...Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your POV concerning science, Johann?...”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “...He who possesses art and science has religion; he who does not possess them, needs religion. The credit of advancing science has always been due to individuals and never to the age....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your POV concerning science, Isaac?...”

Isaac Newton: “...To me there has never been a higher source of earthly honor or distinction than that connected with advances in science....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your POV concerning science, Charles?...”

Charles Darwin: “...A scientific man ought to have no wishes, no affections, — a mere heart of stone. False facts are highly injurious to the progress of science, for they often endure long; but false views, if supported by some evidence, do little harm, for every one takes a salutary pleasure in proving their falseness....” [131]

Andres: “...What topic is for one to really learn about it, Johann?...”

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “...No one has ever learned fully to know themselves. Only by joy and sorrow does a person know anything about themselves and their destiny. They learn what to do and what to avoid....” [131]

Andres: “...In learning, What is important for one to bear in mind, Charles?...”

Charles Darwin: “...In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed....” [131]

Andres: In seeing, “...How does one make a decision, Leonardo?...”

Leonardo da Vinci: “...There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see. Why does the eye see a thing more clearly in dreams than the imagination when awake?...” [131]

Andres: “...Leonardo, I have heard an appalling notion from some management mogul. This person indicates that if an individual does not get ‘mad,’ she and he won't solve a significant problem? What fosters knowledge and what precludes it?...”

Leonardo da Vinci: “...Where there is shouting, there is no true knowledge....” [131]

Andres: “...Francis, I have heard an appalling notion from some management mogul. This person indicates that if an individual does not get “...mad,...” she and he won't solve a significant problem? What fosters knowledge and what precludes it?...”

Francis Bacon: “...Anger makes dull men witty, but it keeps them poor....” [131]

Andres: “...Knowledge to be bestowed upon ourselves and others to achieve what, Francis?...”

Francis Bacon: “...For also knowledge itself is power....” [131]

Andres: “...What is philosophy good for in your view, Francis?...”

Francis Bacon: “...A little philosophy inclineth man's mind to atheism, but depth in philosophy bringeth men's minds about to religion....”

Andres: “...How valuable to you is prudence, Francis?...”

Francis Bacon: “...A prudent question is one-half of wisdom....” [131]

Andres: “...Where does opportunities com from, Francis?...”

Francis Bacon: “...A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds....” [131]

Andres: “...Where do you get knowledge from, Leonardo?...”

Leonardo da Vinci: “...All our knowledge has its origins in our perceptions....” [131]

Andres: “...Why is so important to conceive the right future, Herman?...”

Herman Kahn: “...Projecting a persuasive image of a desirable and practical future is extremely important to high morale, to dynamism, to consensus, and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly....” [131]

Andres: “...What is changing the most in your view and what are the “...downside...” implications of said changes, Herman?...”

Herman Kahn: “...A total nuclear freeze is counterproductive — especially now, when technology is rapidly changing and the Soviets have some important strategic advantages....” [131]

Andres: “...What have you done with your thinking capacity, Herman?...”

Herman Kahn: “...For some years I have spent my time on exactly these questions — both in thinking about ways to prevent war, and in thinking about how to fight, survive, and terminate a war, should it occur....” [131]

Andres: “...What relevance do you give — as a specific value type of thing — you give to morality and ethics, Herman?...”

Herman Kahn: “...Human and moral factors must always be considered. They must never be missing from policies and from public discussion....” [131]

Andres: “...Why must we advance science? Can you be a bit specific, Galileo? ...”

Galileo Galilei: “...By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox....” [131]

Andres: “...What is mathematics to you, Albert?...”

Albert Einstein: “...Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas....” [131]

Andres: “...What is imagination good for, Albert?...”

Albert Einstein: “...Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions. Imagination will take you everywhere....” [131]

Andres: “...What is education?...”

Albert Einstein: “...Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school....” [131]

Andres: “...How does one should live life wisely in your opinion, Albert?...”

Albert Einstein: “...Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning....” [131]

Andres: “...What are your thoughts lately?...”

Albert Einstein: “...I want to know all Gods thoughts; all the rest are just details....” [131]

Andres: “...What are the connections among every discipline of knowledge?...”

Albert Einstein: “...All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree....” [131]

Andres: “...What is science good for, Albert?...”

Albert Einstein: “...It stands to the everlasting credit of science that by acting on the human mind it has overcome man's insecurity before himself and before nature....” [131]

Andres: “...Is it learning important, Ben?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...A learned blockhead is a greater blockhead than an ignorant one....” [131]

Andres: “...What is the problem with self-made ignoramuses?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...Being ignorant is not so much a shame, as being unwilling to learn....” [131]

Andres: “...Who has taught you the most, Ben?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...Experience is a dear teacher, but fools will learn at no other....” [131]

Andres: “...How do you forge an educated mind?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn....” [131]

Andres: “...What is the opposite of Reason?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason....” [131]

Andres: “...Where will you trust your most treasured funds?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...An investment in knowledge pays the best interest....”

Andres: “...How does one succeed?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...Do not fear mistakes. You will know failure. Continue to reach out....” [131]

Andres: “...In the West wisdom seems to be a fashion while in the Far East this is a matter of great attention, is it not?...”

Benjamin Franklin: “...Wise men don't need advice. FOOLS WON'T TAKE IT....” [131]

Andres: “...What is the methodical sequence to success?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...Being busy does not always mean real work. The object of all work is production or accomplishment and to either of these ends there must be forethought, system, planning, intelligence, and honest purpose, as well as perspiration. Seeming to do is not doing....” [131]

Andres: “...How do you get to prevailing in seizing success?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...I find my greatest pleasure, and so my reward, in the work that precedes what the world calls success....” [131]

Andres: “...How important is winning?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your take about complexity?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...I know this world is ruled by infinite intelligence. Everything that surrounds us — everything that exists — proves that there are infinite laws behind it. There can be no denying this fact. It is mathematical in its precision....” [131]

Andres: “...Do you trust serendipities or do you prefer pseudo-serendipities?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...I never did anything by accident, nor did any of my inventions come by accident; they came by work....” [131]

Andres: “...How do you gauge success?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...Just because something doesn't do what you planned it to do doesn't mean it's useless....” [131]

Andres: “...What is that long-ignored flank?...”

Thomas A. Edison: “...Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work....” [131]

Andres: “...Richard, How do you like the world's technological advances?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...Humanity is acquiring all the right technology for all the wrong reasons....” [131]

Andres: “...How do you capture success in your daily practice?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...Most of my advances were by mistake. You uncover what is when you get rid of what isn't....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your view on conventional [‘out-of-the-box’ ‭ — so-called ‭ — ] discernment?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...People should think things out fresh and not just accept conventional terms and the conventional way of doing things....” [131]

Andres: “...Richard, do you believe in becoming strategically surprised?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly....” [131]

Andres: “...Give me a hint! How involved are you with futures study?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims....” [131]

Andres: “...In your own words, What is your own significance towards education?...”

R. Buckminster Fuller: “...You can never learn less, you can only learn more....” [131]

Andres: “...Nikola, Are you future-ready?...”

Nikola Tesla: “...Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine....” [131]

Andres: “...What is the thinking-process failing these days?...”

Nikola Tesla: “...The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite insane....” [131]

Andres: “...Having lived through so much history, Has life been a struggle for you?...”

Winston Churchill: “...A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty....” [131]

Andres: “...How does a manager prevail?...”

Winston Churchill: “...Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your take on the quality-assurance movement?...”

Winston Churchill: “...Great and good are seldom the same man....” [131]

Andres: “...What is your mind-expansion pathway?...”

Winston Churchill: “...I am always ready to learn although I do not always like being taught....” [131]

Andres: “...Can there be anti-leadership? Offer an instance?...”

Winston Churchill: “...If Hitler invaded hell I would make at least a favorable reference to the devil in the House of Commons....” [131]

Andres: “...How supportive of the 'PRESENT' are you?...”

Winston Churchill: “...If we open a quarrel between past and present, we shall find that we have lost the future....” [131]

Forewarning: The answers by the dialogue parties with the undersigned are fully accurate and supported by the facts. Verify, to trust, at

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 264:

Actionable knowledge creation and utilization, Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) points out some interesting reflections too often ignored by many private, public, NGO, supranational, and even academia incumbents:

“...The leadership job of the twenty-first century is to enhance brainpower of an organization by having leaders at all levels engaged in Virtuous Teaching Cycles. The case has been made that we now live in a knowledge era where the value of intellectual capital has supplemental physical assets. In this world, leaders must make everyone smarter while simultaneously aligning the energy and commitment of the people in their organizations … Thomas Stewart, a Fortune Editor and a leading thinker in the field, outlined the foundations for them knowledge economy with powerful simplicity in his most recent book, The Wealth of Knowledge: ‘The knowledge economy stands on three pillars. The first: Knowledge has become what we buy, sell, and do. It is the most important factor of production. The second pillar is a mate, a corollary to the first: Knowledge assets — that is, intellectual capital — have become more important to companies than financial and physical assets. The third pillar is this: To prosper in this new economy and exploit these newly vital assets, we need new vocabularies, new management techniques, new technologies, and new strategies. On three pillars rest all the new economy’s laws and its profits’...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 265:

Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) supplements:

“...Stewart’s ranking reflects a massive movement underway to actually measure intellectual capital … The concept is correct and we put Stewart’s work right at the front … to reinforce the importance for companies to continue defining, measuring and improving ways of generating new intellectual capital … Teaching Organizations are the needed response to today’s emphasis on knowledge creation. Today, intellectual assets trump physical assets in nearly every industry....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 266:

Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) asserts:

“...Despite the boom and bust of the recent dot-bomb era, there is no question that we are in the early stages of an era in which technology and biotechnology will have inescapable consequences for how businesses are run and organized. The practices, systems, policies and mind-sets that prevailed in the old industrial economy will not do the job. The foregone conclusion of the late 1990s that the old industrial behemoths would be agile start-ups is equally wrong for the times....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 267:

And he also indicates:

“...Rather, we now know that the winners of the future will adapt and innovate to exploit emerging technological and social changes. They will be big, fast, and smart. The winners will create value by having a workforce that is more aligned, energized and smarter than their competitors. They will leverage size and act with speed across internal and external organizational boundaries....” [42]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 268

A fast-paced world as of 1960?

“...As of 1960, computer chips have been built upon lithography, screen-printing that has allowed us to imprint forms as small as 100 nanometers (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter). One-hundredth of a cell. One-thousandth of a human hair. One-ten millionth the diameter of an elusive celluloid...” [194]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 269

I believe in simplicity stemming from a profound understanding of complexity only!

Stephen Jay Gould ( ): “...Once you build a complex machine, it can perform so many unanticipated tasks. Build a computer ‘for’ processing checks at the plant, and it can also … whip anyone’s ass (or at least then them perpetually) in tic-tac-toe....” [187]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 270

“...We’ll infect you with the same orthodoxies we’ve infected everyone else in your industry...” [64]

Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox: “...The power and complexity of computers are growing exponentially. Computers are becoming more like brains. Sometime during the next century, we will assert in the fashion of our made-up Future Flight authors that cyberdevices will become conscious and eventually will match the power of the human mind. The power of these cyberminds will extend beyond human levels in ways we cannot even imagine. These cyberbeings will proliferate in vast numbers. They will design and build a robotic supercivilization destined for outer space … The new cyberbeings will ‘mount up’ in polymorphic enclosures, intricately designed bodies able to assume any multisensory form. Their minds will be as emotional and intuitive as ours. They will be immortal. And they will be us, if we choose … We certainly will not be able to control the smart robot the way we control the car. Robots will have their own agendas and may have no use for mortals. Do not despair. It is probable that humans may be able to transfer their minds into the new cybersystems and join the cybercivilization. Not for the elite alone, anymore wishing to go robotic will be able to do so as cybercivilization spreads out into the universe. Intelligent cybertechnologies will become as cheap as small computers are today. Eventually, cybercivilization may adjust the structure of the universe itself when galaxies are networked … Do theologians have it all wrong? Whether God made humankind or not, we could create for ourselves those we could call gods. And, as it is now, it will be our willed choice to be with them or not. Scientists who understand the scale of geologic time agree; eventually, it will become as if mankind never existed. Our belief is that in some way, after we are gone forever, we will still be able to remember what, and who, we once were....” [169]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 271


“...Dakota tribal wisdom says that when you discover you’re on a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount. Of course, there are other strategies. You can change riders. You can get a committee to study the dead horse. You can benchmark how other companies ride dead horses. You can declare that it’s cheaper to feed a dead horse. You can harness several dead horses together. But after you’ve tried all these things, you’re still going to have to dismount...” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 272

“...Government policies are influential in the macroscopic risks that threaten our lives. As a society has been transferred from simple agrarianism to a complex technologically-driven living standard, competing special interests force the government to make compromises that inevitably create risks — even the risk of war....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 273

“...The law is recognizing the trend toward complexity of life and the inability of the average person to recognize and overcome risks associated with it … Whereas our forefathers could knowingly inspect the horseshoes a blacksmith nailed on their horses’ hoofs, the average person today cannot knowledgeably inspect a microwave oven or a car’s automatic transmission....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 274

“...A primary theme in Alvin Toffler’s best selling book Future Shock is that society’s rate of change is increasing. Everything around us ─ including ourselves ─ is rapidly changing. Nothing is stable, permanent, constant, or fixed. Neither is risk. It is an indigenous element in the volatility of life. If anything, risk expands at a greater rate than the societal rate of change ─ due to its roots in uncertainty and ignorance of consequences, which multiply during mercurial instability....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 275

Napoleon wrote to his general the ensuing:

“...Your letter tells me nothing. You will however have to be able to interrogate in order to know the names of the regiments and the commanding general and a hundred things, all very important — the morale of the troops, the way in which they are fed, the strength of the different units, and what is known from conservations with the colonels and officers of the corps .... I expected several pages and I get only two lines. Redeem all that by writing me in great detail....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 276

Attributed to Robert Kennedy. “...The future is not a privilege but a perpetual conquest...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 277


On geology Napoleon generally reflects:

“...It is very important … to have good maps of all the country between the Adige, the Po, and the Adda … which will probably be the theater of new wars on the same scale as the large map of Italy. It is necessary to have all reconnaissances made at the Topographical Bureau of War in order that we could, if necessary, send the generals all suitable instructions. Then, from the commencement of war, they would know the defensive campaign field-works that will have to be prepared in the various positions in case of unfortunate developments .... I believe that the topographical engineers work, but I am not sure that they work according to good fundamental principles. We have them produce registers of the survey of lands and not military maps, which means that in twenty years, and I don’t know how many engineers and how much money, to map only a portion of the departments of Rhine and Moselle and Mont-Tonnerre, which are truly important. To make twenty years to finish maps and plans is to work too much posterity .... How many circumstances could occur over the next twenty years that we would regret? If one of them had been on the scale of a Cassini map we could already have had all of the Rhine frontier. How many circumstances could occur over the next twenty years where we will regret them? ...” [113]

And Bonaparte adds:

“...What events can occur, even for this accumulation of paper, before we can reap any advantage from all this work? I don’t know why war is waged with this type of map … The fact is, I have not had, on my visit to the Rhine, any map where I could gain knowledge of the country. We have to draw maps of Mont-Blanc … and the Piedmont the same progress that we followed for the departments of the Rhine, nothing will be finished in our lifetime .... Engineers are too much masters of what they wish to do. I have not asked for anything other than the completion of the Cassini map. Rest assured that the operations are not directed on projects that are too vast. Experience proves that the greatest defect in general administration is to want to do too much: that results in not having what is needed … Order them especially to mark clearly the nature of the different roads, in order to distinguish those which are practicable or impracticable for artillery. If all the debouches of the Black Mountains are accurately located, this map will be one of the most essential that we could have for....” [113]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 278


By Gary Hamel, Ph.D. : “...We believe that the goal is not to predict the future, but to imagine a future made possible by changes in technology, life style, work style, regulation, global geopolitics, and the like. And there are as many viable futures as there as imaginative firms that can understand deeply the dynamics at work right now which hold opportunities to become the author of the new. For the future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening. The present and the future don’t about each other, neatly divided between the five-year plan and the great unknown beyond. Rather they are intertwined. Every company is in the process of becoming — of becoming an anachronism irrelevant to the future, or of becoming the harbinger of the future. The long-term is not something that happens someday; it is what every company is building or forfeiting .... Only those who can imagine and preemptively create the future will be around to enjoy it … Creating a compelling view of tomorrow’s opportunities and moving preemptively to secure the future are tasks for neither dilettantes nor the merely intellectual curious … Other companies, the laggards, were more interested in protecting the past than in creating the future … We believe, and will argue strongly, that a company must not only get to the future first, it must get there for less .... And re-engineering charge is simply the penalty that a company must pay for not having anticipated the future .... If senior executives don’t have reasonably detailed answers to the ‘future’ set of questions, and if the answers they do have are not substantially different from the ‘today’ answers, there is little chance their companies will remain market leaders .... For much of the 1980s, IBM had been driving toward the future while looking out the rear-view mirror .... Too often, profound thinking about the future and how to shape it occurs only when present success has been substantially eroded .... Creating the future is more challenging than playing catch up, in that you have to create your own road map .... The goal is not simply to benchmark a competitor’s products and processes and imitate its methods, but to develop an independent point of view about tomorrow’s opportunities and how to exploit them. Pathbreaking is a lot more rewarding than benchmarking. One doesn’t get to the future first by letting someone else blaze the trail .... Passengers will get to the future, but their fate will not be in their own hands. Theirs profits from the future will be modest at best. Those who drive industry revolution — companies that have a clear, permeated view of where they want tom take their industry and are capable of orchestrating resources inside and outside the company to get there first — will be handsomely rewarded… The future is not an extrapolation of the past. New industrial structures will supersede old industrial structures .... Opportunities that at first blush seem evolutionary will prove to be revolutionary .... A commitment substantial enough to beget the perseverance required to create the future must be based on something more than a hunch .... But to create the future, a company must first be able to forget some of its past … ‘The future was predictable, but hardly anyone predicted it’ ...” [87]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 279

Sir Francis Bacon: “... He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils, for time is the greatest innovator ...” [2]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 280

Understanding the future?

“... Past or future, was a succession of violent breaks or waves, with no base at all....” [135]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 281

How to prevail?

James Thomson (1700 - 1749) ─ a Scots poet and playwright ─ argues: “...Great trials seem to be a necessary preparation for great duties ...” [137]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 282

Spiritual author and leadership?

John C. Maxwell (born 1947) ─ an evangelical Christian author, speaker, and pastor who has written more than 50 books ─ stated: “...A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 283

What do humans wish to do with their life and universe?

Simon Conway Morris, Ph.D, verbalizes: “...Barring a daring technology in the future, human civilization will be hard-pressed to destroy or deflect incoming bolides [meteoric fireballs] and so avoid impact-driven catastrophes .... enmeshed in medieval cruelty, unwilling to face the boundlessly happy future; a future that, strange to say, is always just around the corner .... Western culture's penchant for regarding science and technology as the guarantors of indefinite progress toward some hazy but glorious future paradise ...” [118]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 284

In 1990 Brad Leithauser, New Yorker made a lucid comment pertaining to the rate of change at that time: “...It reminds us that, in our accelerating, headlong era, the future presses so close upon us that those who ignore it inhabit not the present but the past ...” [106]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 285

How really empowered and dis-empowered are we?

Stewart Brand (1968): “... ...We are as gods and might as well get good at it ...” [104]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 286

Forty years without public education reforms in the West and the prevalent sequel going unpaid until when?

Carl Sagan: “...We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows about science and technology ...” [104]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 287

Prof. Gary Hamel, Ph.D. : “...Denial is tragic. Delay is deadly ...” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 288

What can knowledge do for progress and modernity?

Edward Teller: “...The science of today is the technology of tomorrow ...” [83]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 289

Are you emotionally stable before the future?

Marcus Aurelius Antoninus: “...Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present ...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 290

Edward Teller: “...Two paradoxes are better than one; they may even suggest a solution ...” [93]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 291

Patrick Dixon: “...Take hold of the future or the future will take hold of you — be futurewise ...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 292

GBN’s CEO Eamonn Nelly: “...We have globalized the economy and culture, but we have not yet globalized our sense of ourselves ...” [89]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 293

Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D. : “...Hope is a memory of the future ...” [59]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 294

In search of those that are instituting a search?

T. S. Elliot: “...We must never cease from exploring. At the end of all of our exploring will be to arrive at where we began and know the place for the first time ...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 295

CEO Emeritus of Visa International, Dee Hock: “...The problem is never how to get new innovative thoughts into your mind, but how to get old ones out ...” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 296

Do we respect time and its passage solemnly?

William Shakespeare (Macbeth): “...To-morrow, and to-morrow, and to-morrow, creeps in this petty pace from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time; and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle! Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage, and then is heard no more; it is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing ...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 297

What can we do about time passage?

W. E. Gladstone — British Prime Minister — (1809 — 1898): “...You cannot fight against the future...” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 298

Future and the genius?

Ernest Dimnet: “...Too often we forget that genius, too, depends upon the data within its reach, that even Archimedes could not have devised Edison's inventions....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 299

Future-liable if you don’t pay attention?

John Galsworthy: “...If you don't think about the future, you cannot have one....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 300

Malcolm X: ...”...The future belongs to those who prepare for it today...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 301

Either or what?

Anthony J. D'Angelo: “...Run to meet the future or it's going to run you down...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 302

How do we sign up by phenomenal lots of tons of smart work?

Leonard I. Sweet: “...The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 303

Is too much history studying dangerous?

Michael Cibenko: “...One problem with gazing too frequently into the past is that we may turn around to find the future has run out on us....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 304

Perpetual learning for Afterlife?

John Wayne: “...Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean. It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 305

In Shock, Awe and Bewilderment for not Understanding?

Alvin Toffler: “...Man has a limited biological capacity for change. When this capacity is overwhelmed, the capacity is in future shock....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 306

Do people have an innate “ affair...” with speed?

Henry Ford: “...If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 307

Andrew Hiles argues about the “...future...” (2007):

“...In many senses the future will be more of the same. There will still be cross-cultural issues to deal with, different political systems, currency problems, different calendar systems, different values, completely different social structures, etc., both within Asia and between Asia and the other trading blocs. Fires will still occur, petty crime will still go on, economics will boom and dust, corruption will stay, illegal economic activities will continue, workplace problems will not go away ─ and so on. The basic ‘stuff’ of business and BCP [Business Continuity Planning] will continue to provide the challenges that all organizations and businesses face. BUT THERE WILL BE NEW OR ESCALATED CHALLENGES THAT HAVE TO BE FACED...” [135]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 308

Recalling not to fail into what?

George Santayana: “...Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it....” [99]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 309

The larger historic perspective is good for which purpose?

Unknown author: “...Those who stare at the past have their backs turned to the future...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 310

Grave implications of contrarians to fostering change?

Max Planck: “...An important scientific innovation rarely makes its way by gradually winning over and converting its opponents: What does happen is that the opponents gradually die out....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 311

Who gets the practical and useful merit?

Thomas Edison: “...I have more respect for the fellow with a single idea who gets there than for the fellow with a thousand ideas who does nothing....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 312

Learning from the past in reversal?

Dillon Wardian: “...Those who know their past are tempted to repeat it but on the winning side....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 313

Buying your membership to the future?

Mehmet Ildan: “...Future is an unknown country which requires tough visas for anyone to enter. Not all of us will get the chance to visit it....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 314

How does one discipline the mind?

Honoré de Balzac: “...The mind is enabled by rigid deduction to link it with the past; and to man, the past is singularly like the future; tell him what has been, and you seldom fail to show him what will be....” [82]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 315

Is it about inspiration, is it about knowledge or is it about both jointly?

To this end Dr. Bernie Siegel, M.D. : “...I’m always saying that knowledge isn’t power if you don’t have inspiration....” [59]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 316

How can one unleash the energies of creation?

The Yoga Sutras of Pantajali: “...When you are inspired by some great purpose, some extraordinary project, all your thoughts break their bounds. Your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in ever direction, and you find yourself in a new, great and wonderful world....” [153]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 317

What can we do instead of what can we stomach and mind?

Dandridge M. Cole: “...We cannot predict the future, but we can invent it....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 318

How does one connect today with the future?

“...My Colleagues at the Long Foundation have helped me see the surprising connections between today and the deep future....” [78]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 319

The Chairman and CEO of the Juran Institute, A. Blantow Godfrey, in 1995 indicated to this end:

“...What we know today is far greater than what we knew a few years ago....” [91]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 320

What kind of a keel does a vessel need to explore the unexplored with the unthinkable thinking perspective?

“...At the beginning of this book I used river rafting as an analogy for the future. But perhaps sailing is a better metaphor....” [78]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 321

How early your punctuality must be?

M.El Banna: “...The only way you can see the future is if you're ahead of your own time....” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 322

Are we lacking what type of understanding?

Unknown thinker, “...We are walking toward the edge of a cliff—blindfolded … Our ability to understand the potential for future abrupt changes in climate is limited by our lack of understanding of the processes that control them....” [78]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 323

Europe has a vested interest in retrospection while California's vested interest is in prospection – By Andres

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 324

Where is our Nordic domicile?

Jean-Marie Guyau: “...The future is not what is coming at us, but what we are headed for...” [96]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 325

Count Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoi (1828 — 1910): “...I am convinced that the history of so-called scientific work in our famous centuries of European civilization will, in a couple of hundred years, represent an inexhaustible source of laughter and sorrow for future generations. The learned men of the small western part of our European continent lived for several centuries under the illusion that the eternal blessed life was the West’s future. They were interested in the problem of when and where this blessed life would come. But they never thought of how they were going to make their life better...” [69]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 326

A perspective that might prove helpful somewhat now:

Horace Mann (1796 — 1859) — American educationist: “...Lost, yesterday, somewhere between Sunrise and Sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered, for they are gone forever....” [2]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 327

Success comes along with tons and tons of smart and smarter work!

Gifford Pinchot: “...The vast possibilities of our great future will become realities only if we make ourselves responsible for that future....” [93]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 328

When evolution gets radicalized in applied science, a so-called breakthrough takes place. Hence, Einstein makes the case now.

Albert Einstein: “...It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity … We shall require a substantially new manner of thinking if mankind is to survive....” [4]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 329

In understanding at least the complexities embedded in the Universe, there is an Englishman with a great perspective. His quote ensues:

G.K. Chesterton (1874 — 1936), Essayist, Novelist, and Poet: “...The real trouble with this world of ours is not that it is an unreasonable world, nor that it is a reasonable one. The commonest kind of trouble is that it is nearly reasonable, but not quite. Life is not an illogicality; yet is a trap for logicians. It looks just a little more mathematical and regular than it is; its exactitude is obvious, but its inexactitude is hidden, its wildness lies in wait....” At

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 330

What are intelligence and the brain’ and genome’s projected mind good for?

R. W. Young: “...Intelligence is that faculty of mind by which order is perceived in a situation previously considered disordered....” [78]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 331

In one instance, Dr. Albert Einstein points out: “...The significant problems we face cannot be solved at the same level of thinking we were at when we created them....” [153] [60] In supporting this motion further, Dr. Aubrey de Grey establishes: “...To solve a very complicated problem, you generally need a fairly complicated solution [in advance]....” [59]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 332

Dr. Bertrand Russell will be gravely forewarning them of his famous sentence: “...I know of more people who'd rather die than think...”

Regarding people into imprudence, ignorance and not making reasonable decisions, Where can we get additional underpinnings?

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 333

Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes (30 March 1746 — 16 April 1828): “...The sleep of reason produces monsters....” [98]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 334

Does age indeed become a liability in showing the futuristic lights of modernity and TRUE justice?

Mae Wets: “...You’re never too old to become younger...” [78]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 335

Technological platform termed the Internet. Look at the following take by Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572):

“...We have made the case throughout this book, and most people agree, that in the new ‘knowledge economy’ the key to winning is maximizing human capital. Ideas and knowledge have replaced physical goods as the most valued commodities in the global marketplace. Consequently, brains, energy and talent — human capital — are the primary source of value creation. But while many people and organizations grasp the concept, few have figured out how to really utilize the talents and knowledge of everyone in the company, especially the younger members of the company....” [42]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 336

From mysticism to science, the future and an interesting quotation.

Rosario M. Levins: “...Mythical thought is not pre-scientific; rather it anticipates the future state of being a science in that its past movement and its present direction are always in the same sense....” At

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 337

The quotation on analytics, science and future. Ensuing:

Charles Babbage (1792 — 1871): “...The whole of the developments and operations of analysis are now capable of being executed by machinery … As soon as an Analytical Engine exists, it will necessary guide the future course of science....” [69]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 338

Stuart A. Copans: “...Study the past if you would divine the future...” [69]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 339

The quotation abut foretelling: Unknown: “...Declare the past, diagnose the present, [and] foretell the future....” [69] Brackets are mine.

By unknown author: “...The future belongs to science and to those who make friends with science...” [69]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 340

The Prometheus-Bound quotation.

Aeschylus (453 BC):

“...Prometheus: My mother …
foretold me, that not brute strength
Not violence, but cunning must give victory
To the rulers of the future....” [69]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 341

Elliot on the present and the past.

T. S. Elliot (1888 — 1965):

“...Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future,
And time future contained in time past....” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 342

The past, the future and the interlude that connects both.

Eugene O’Neill (1888 — 1953): “...The only living life is in the past and future … the present is an interlude … strange interlude in which we call on past and future to bear witness we are living....” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 343

Bismarck and his lack of faith on the future.

A. J. P. Taylor (1906 — 1990): “...Bismarck was a political genius of the highest rank, but he lacked one essential quality of the constructive statesman: he had no faith in the future...” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 344

God, the nineteenth and twenty centuries, as well as the future.

Max Frisch (1911 — 1991): “...In the nineteenth century the problem was that God is dead; in the twentieth century the problem is that man is dead. In the nineteenth century inhumanity meant cruelty; in the twentieth century it means schizoid self-alienation. The danger of the future is that men may become robots...” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 345

Who does the future belong to?

Canadian Premier Pierre Trudeau (1919 — 2000): “...The twentieth century really belongs to those who will build it. The future can be promised to no one...” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 346

Foreseeing the Future out of the Fossilized Past?

Edmund Burke (1729 – 1797, an Irish statesman, author, orator, political theorist, and philosopher): “...You can never plan the future by the past...” [70]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 347

In speaking of change and social systems’ reactions, it is wise to listen to Ralph Waldo Emerson: “...There are always two parties — the party of the past and the party of the future, the establishment and the movement....” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 348

As per the Oxford Dictionary, The Establishment refers to:

“ group exercising authority or influence, and generally seeking to resist change...” [65]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 349

Theodore Roosevelt: “...All the resources we need are in the mind....” [7]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 350

A take regarding time progression and retrogression, Sir James Jeans establishes:

Sir James Jeans — English Astronomer, physicist, and mathematician — (1877 — 1946) :

“...Taking a very gloomy view of the future of the human race, let us suppose that it can only expect to survive for two thousand million years longer, a period about equal to the past age of the earth. Then, regarded as a being destined to live for three score-years and then humanity, although it has been born in a house seventy years old, is itself three days old....” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 351

Dr. Malcolm Knowles Ph.D. addresses ignoramuses (also known as simpletons into outright fallacy) of supine ignorance:

“...The greatest danger for the survival of the present civilization is neither atomic war, nor environmental pollution, nor the exploitation of natural resources, and nor present crises. The underlying cause to all of the above is the acceleration of man’s obsolescence … The only hope seems to be an electroshock program to re-instill to the present adults the competencies required to function adequately under a mode of perpetual change. This is a profound need — the immeasurable challenge — that is presented by the modern society to adult education....” At

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 352

The Disraeli’s wise take:

Benjamin Disraeli — British Prime Minister — (1804 — 1881): “...Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future...” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 353

On education and to this end, Dr. Skinner made an important point.

Dr. Burrhus Frederic Skinner Ph.D. , “...Education is what survives when what has been learned has been forgotten....” [9]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 354

Is there a path to prevailing?

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “...That which we persist in doing becomes easier for us to do; not that the nature of the thing itself is changed, but that our power to do is increased....” [156]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 355

What is the inner-workings of time as per Orwell? Ensuing:

George Orwell (1903 — 1950): “...Who controls the future; who controls the present controls the past … If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever...” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 356

How can we state the bond between the future and past:

Eugene O’Neill (1888 — 1953): “...The only living life is in the past and future … the present is an interlude … strange interlude in which we call on past and future to bear witness we are living....” [17]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 357

Was Thomas Jefferson America’s first futurist? He proclaimed:

Thomas Jefferson: “...I am captivated more by dreams of the future than by history of the past....” [11]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 358

Bernard d'Espagnat: “...Even if the Universe is a little myopic is true that, more than others, MEN OF SCIENCE ARE ITS EYES....” [16]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 359

How do you operate the sensors of the sight?

Mark Twain: “...You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus....” [172]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 360

Drucker was blamed often of self-praising himself about his capability of foretelling the future. This is his take on it:

Peter Drucker: “...Things that have already happened but whose consequences have not been realized [because they were not imagined, considered, scrutinized or envisioned by disciplined foresight and far-sight extending and expanding both sides of the human brain] … Don’t confuse movement with progress....” [17] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 361

Reinforcing the motion by Dr. Watson, Edmund Burke (1729 — 1797) argues “...Education is the cheap defense of nations....” [152]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 362

Arthur C. Clarke: “...We have to abandon the idea that schooling is something restricted to youth. How can it be, in a world where half the things a man knows at 20 are no longer true at 40 — and half of the things he knows at 40 hadn’t been discovered when he was 20?...” [19]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 363

How do freedom, security, safety, reliability, reason coalesce and intertwine?

Sir Karl Popper argued: “...We must plan for freedom, and not only for security [and safety and reliability], if for no other reason than that only [exceedingly educated] freedom can make security secure [and safety safe and reliability reliable]...” [51] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 364

Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) made a relevant contribution to understanding the nature of swirling changes. I quote some of his excerpts:

“...Speed and constant motion are the hallmark characteristics of life in the twenty-first century. The driving / enabling force behind them is the technology that allows almost instant access to information, and with each advance in technology the concept of ‘fast’ is only going to get faster...”

And Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) added:

“...This access comes not only in the form of the ability to move data around the world in nanosecond (one billionth,10— 9, of a second), but also in the ability to sift through and manipulate it. Patterns and trends that were impossible to see in the days when information [based on throughput-ed numerical and narrative data] was housed in mainframe computers that required IT professionals to access, are now readily visible to anyone with a PC and a hookup who cares to apply a few screens...”

Subsequently, he continues:

“...Moreover, as technology shrinks the cycle between an action, a reaction and a re-reaction, it becomes possible for people who might otherwise never be in direct contact to engage in a nearly constant flow of dialogue. The result is not only that technicians in Bangalore, India, and Waukesha, Wisconsin, can seamlessly work on the same project, passing it off as the day ends in one hemisphere and begins in the other, but also that a newly hired consultant at EDS can have a meaningful dialogue via videos and e-mails with CEO Dick Brown about what he sees in his territory....”

And Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) observes:

“...Meanwhile, markets for goods and services and the capital markets change directions with astounding speed. Consumer trends [because of the multitude of driving forces that propels said forces] are in a state of constant flux as a flood of new products [and services] appears every day to supplant older ones that often have been around only a few months themselves....” Brackets are mine.

And he carries on:

“...Market expansions morph into contractions seemingly overnight. It isn’t that the cycles are getting closer together. The economic expansion of the 1990s was one of the longest in U.S. history. Rather, it is the momentum when they turn that has accelerated. On March 13, 2000, the NASDAQ composite index peak at 5132. By April 14, it slumped into 3265, a loss of nearly 40% in one month. In such a volatile environment, the ability to grow, shrink and redeploy assets quickly and intelligently is a critical competence for survival...”

And Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) asserts:

“...What has happened so far is just a preview. We have only scratched the surface in using the capabilities of the current technology, not to mention the new technologies and capabilities that are coming on stream every day...”

Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) points out as well:

“...The earliest uses of most new technologies are at making old processes work better. Once computers came out of the science labs, their first mainstream uses were for such things as automating accounting and inventory controls. These applications were valuable in that they got the bills out faster and let a company make better purchasing and scheduling decisions. But once you consider the activities required for entry and retrieval, some weren’t much more effective in terms of cost or time consumption than doing things the old way....”

In understanding scales and accurate senses of proportions and depth, Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) asserted in 2004:

“...The GDP of the developed world — the United States, European Community and Japan with a total population of about 750 million — is more than $23 trillion. The rest of the world, including China with 1.2 billion people and India with about 1.2 billion people and India with about 1 billion people, lives on less than $3 trillion in GDP. Take the world’s five largest companies, GE, Exxon/Mobil, Microsoft, Pfizer and Wal-Mart — their market capitalization is bigger than the GDP of India...”

As Dr. Noel Tichy, PhD. (ISBN-13: 978-0066620572) concluded making his case. [42]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 365

To further set the stage for this material’s comprehension, the textbook “...Einstein in the Boardroom...” by Suzanne S. Harrison and Patrick H. Sullivan Sr. may offer some lucid ideas on the “...current...” state of affairs when they claim:


Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 366

In a treatise concerning the “...Principles of Human Knowledge,...” George Berkeley (1865 – 1753) sustains,

“...We have first raised a dust [science, technology and progress] and then complain [because our most determined decision of not taking our own education and acculturation further] we cannot see [understand the world upon which we dare to stand upon]...” [130] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 367

The American Heritage Dictionary’s Introduction (fourth edition, 2000) by Joseph P. Pickett, Executive Director, literally indicates, to further illustrate the reader, [54]:

“...This Fourth Edition of The American Heritage Dictionary combines the best of traditional making with key innovations that afford new ways of looking at our language… This edition has nearly 10,000 new words and senses that reflect the rapid pace of change in the English language today. Technological innovations in computing and communications along with advances in the sciences have been especially rich sources of development in the lexicon (for example, bit map, domain name, and raster in computing; dark matter, photonics, and yoctosecond in science). Medicine and medical research continue to produce an astonishing array of new terms for chemicals and substances (endostatin, leptin, transfatty acid), for disorders and infectious agents (Asperger’s syndrome, erectile dysfunction, hantavirus), for treatment (cocktail, molecular knife, xenotransplant), and for a variety of creations and discoveries (designer gene, enteric nervous system, microsleep) .... In addition, continuing social change in postindustrial society has given rise to expressions that describe new business practices (buyback, microcredit, reverse mortgage), a changing workplace (face time, job-share, mommy track), and evolving political positions and governmental policies (family leave, term limit, workfare). New sports terms have arisen (clap skate, five hole, skyboard), as have words for new educational practices (charter school, distance learning, homeschool). The names of foods from other cultures continue to be adopted (baba gannouj, garam masala, quesadilla). A host of new cultural developments has produced a host of new compound cords (assisted living, poetry slam, shock jock). And English speakers continue to be an exuberance force in creative coinage (bloviate, newbie, wannabe) .... To ensure accuracy in the coverage of our rapidly changing vocabulary, we have worked closely with distinguished consultants in a wide variety of specialized fields, including anthropology, astronomy, genetics, immunology, philosophy, and physics, to name but a few. We have also gone to great lengths to make our biological and geographic entries as timely as possible. Many new biographical entries have been added, especially in the areas of sports, music, film-making, and literature. To the geographic entries we have added new country names, such as Myanmar and the Republic of Congo, and newly prominent places such as Kosovo ...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 368

Learning about the futures?

Virginia Postrel, “...the future is alive. Like the present, the future is not a single, uniform state but an ongoing process that reflects the plenitude of human life. There is in fact no single future; ‘the’ future encompasses the many microfutures of individuals and their associations. It includes all the things we learn about ourselves and the world, all the incremental improvements we discover, all our new ideas, and all the new ways we express and recombine them. As a system, the future is natural, out of anyone’s control, though is driven by the artificial: by individual attempts … This open-ended future can’t be contained in the vision of a single person or organization. And … it is something we can never be caught up with .... HOW WE FEEL ABOUT THE EVOLVING FUTURE TELLS US WHO WE ARE AS INDIVIDUALS AND AS A CIVILIZATION: DO WE SEARCH FOR STASIS ─A REGULATED, ENGINEERED WORLD? OR DO WE EMBRACE DYNAMISM─A WORLD OF CONSTANT CREATION, DISCOVERY, AND COMPETITION? DO WE VALUE STABILITY AND CONTROL, OR EVOLUTION AND LEARNING? … OR DO WE SEE TECHNOLOGY AS AN EXPRESSION OF HUMAN CREATIVITY AND THE FUTURE AS INVITING? DO WE THINK THAT PROGRESS REQUIRES A CENTRAL BLUEPRINT, OR DO WE SEE IT AS A DECENTRALIZED, EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS? DO WE CONSIDER MISTAKES PERMANENT DISASTERS, OR THE CORRECTABLE BY-PRODUCTS OF EXPERIMENTATION? DO WE CRAVE PREDICTABILITY, OR RELISH SURPRISE? THE TWO POLES, STASIS AND DYNAMISM, INCREASINGLY DEFINE OUR POLITICAL, INTELLECTUAL, AND CULTURAL LAND.Sc.APE. THE CENTRAL QUESTION OF OUR TIME IS WHAT TO DO ABOUT THE FUTURE. AND THAT QUESTION CREATES A DEEP DIVIDE....” [170]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 369

In speaking about science progression, new benefits and new hazards, here it is a summation by the English Crown’s top scientist, Sir Martin Rees.

Sir Martin Rees, Ph.D. : “...Science is emphatically not, as some have claimed, approaching its end; it is surging ahead at an accelerating rate. We are still flummoxed about the bedrock nature of physical reality, and the complexities of life, the brain, and the cosmos. New discoveries, illuminating all these mysteries, will engender benign applications; but will also pose new ethical dilemmas and bring new hazards. How will we balance the multifarious prospective benefits from genetics, robotics, or nanotechnology against the risk (albeit smaller) of triggering utter disaster? .... Science is advancing faster than ever, and on a broader front: bio-, cyber- and nanotechnology all offer exhilarating prospects; so does the exploration of space. But there is a dark side: new science can have unintended consequences; it empowers individuals to perpetrate acts of megaterror; even innocent errors could be catastrophic. The ‘downside’ from twenty-first century technology could be graver and more intractable than the threat of nuclear devastation that we have faced for decades. And human-induced pressures on the global environment may engender higher risks that the age-old hazards of earthquakes, eruptions, and asteroid impacts...” [120]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 370

Why seek ultimate truths under the underlying unturned rocks?

“...From knowledge of the rules each molecule obeys, we can predict the emergence of the structure and function of a material ─ a molecular society and, ultimately, a material culture. Beating heart muscle. Pollutant-filtering molecular sponges. Energy-harvesting solar cells .... Let us embark upon a journey into the world of nanotechnology. Let us see how far we have come in persuading Nature to fashion matter after our needs, in using refined control over atoms, electrons, and photons to better human existence. Let us examine how the latest breakthroughs are revolutionizing human health, environment, and information. Humbled before Nature’s achievements, let us inquire as to our limitations, and contemplate what responsibilities arise in the face of our new found abilities...” [194]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 371

Size, speed, dynamics, and novel realities?

“...Like Moore’s Law for silicon electronics, which says that computers are growing exponentially smaller and more powerful every year, molecular systems developed with DNA nanotechnology have been doubling in size roughly every three years,...” says Professor Erik Winfree at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). [197]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 372

Stephen M.R. Covey observes, “...the world’s fund of information now doubles every two to two and a half years...” [196]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 373

What is an example of one instituting resiliency?

Dr. Robert Collins, Ph.D. and his “...Ten Commandments of Resilience....” It here ensues the literal citation:

I.- Thou Shalt Have a Written Disaster Plan
II.- Thou Shalt Do Cost Benefit Analysis
III.- Thou Shalt Be Fully Insured
IV.- Thou Shalt Search Out and Repair Vulnerable Systems
V.- Thou Shalt Have Redundant Systems
VI.- Thou Shalt Be Mobile
VII.- Thou Shalt Set and Follow Priorities
VIII.- Thou Shalt Not Depend on Others
IX.- Thou Shalt Keep Lines of Communication Open
X.- Thou Shalt Capitalize on Opportunities

End of citation of the “...Ten Commandments of Resilience....” [125]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 374

Professor Vinge indicated it in 1993: “...Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended …Is such progress avoidable? If not to be avoided, can events be guided so that we may survive? These questions are investigated. Some possible answers [and some further dangers] are presented...” Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 375

Is there some evidence about managing intelligence at the microbiological level?

“...In August of 2000, a Japanese scientist named Toshiyuki Nakagaki announce that he had trained an amoebalike organism called slim mold to find the shortest route through a maze. Nakagaki had placed the mold in a small maze comprising four possible routes and planted pieces of food at two of the exits. Despite its being an incredibly primitive organism (a close relative of ordinary fungi) with no centralized brain whatsoever, the slime mold managed to plot the most efficient route to the food, stretching its body through the maze so that it connected directly to the two food sources. Without any apparent cognitive resources, the slime mold had 'solved' the maze puzzle ... For such a simple organism, the slime mold has an impressive intellectual pedigree. Nakagaki's announcement was only the latest in a long chain of investigations into the subtleties of slime mold behavior. For scientists trying to understand systems that use relatively simple components to build higher-level intelligence, the slime mold may someday be seen as the equivalent of the finches and tortoises that Darwin observed on the Galáagos Islands ...” [212]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 376

A misbehaved future?

Virginia Postrel: “...The future we face at the dawn of the twenty-first century is, like all futures left to themselves, ‘emergent, complex messiness.’ Its ‘messiness’ lies not in disorder, but in an order that is unpredictable, spontaneous, and ever shifting, a pattern created by millions of uncoordinated, independent decisions. The pattern contains not just a few high-tech gizmos, but all the variegated aspects of life. As people create and sell products or services, adopt new fashions of speech or dress, form families and choose home towns, make medical decisions and seek spiritual insight, investigate the universe and invent new forms of art, these actions shape a future no one can see, A FUTURE THAT IS DYNAMICAL AND INHERENTLY UNSTABLE....” [170]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 377

“...I never discovered anything with my rational mind....” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 378

Where is the strategic surprise ignored?

John Burdon Sanderson Haldane (1892 — 1964): “...I have no doubt that in reality the future will be vastly more surprising than anything I can imagine. Now my own suspicion is that the universe is not only queerer than we suppose, but queerer than we can suppose....”

Earned in his own intellectual right, Thomas Jefferson most cogently stated:

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 379

They insist that the DNA molecule has been with us through billions of years. Ray Kurzweil proclaims that

“ the 2030s, the nonbiological portion of our intelligence will predominate...”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 380

What is the world to be, under scenarios, looking like towards 2025?

On the trends to 2025, speaking of “...What Kind of Future?,...”

NIC argues, “...The above trends suggest major discontinuities, shocks, and surprises, which we highlight throughout the text. Examples include nuclear weapons use or a pandemic. In some cases, the surprise element is only a matter of timing: an energy transition, for example is inevitable; the only questions are when and how abruptly or smoothly such a transition occurs. An energy transition from one type of fuel (fossil fuels) to another (alternative) is an event that historically has only happened once a century at most with momentous consequences. The transition from wood to coal helped trigger industrialization. In this case, a transition—particularly an abrupt one—out of fossil fuels would have major repercussions for energy producers in the Middle East and Eurasia, potentially causing permanent decline of some states as global and regional powers .... Other discontinuities are less predictable. They are likely to result from an interaction of several trends and depend on the quality of leadership. We put uncertainties such as whether China or Russia becomes a democracy in this category. China’s growing middle class increases the chances but does not make such a development inevitable. Political pluralism seems less likely in Russia in the absence of economic diversification. Pressure from below may force the issue, or a leader might begin or enhance the democratization process to sustain the economy or spur economic growth. A sustained plunge in the price of oil and gas would alter the outlook and increase prospects for greater political and economic liberalization in Russia. If either country were to democratize, it would represent another wave of democratization with wide significance for many other developing states .... Also uncertain are the outcomes of demographic challenges facing Europe, Japan, and even Russia. In none of these cases does demography have to spell destiny with less regional and global power an inevitable outcome. Technology, the role of immigration, public health improvements, and laws encouraging greater female participation in the economy are some of the measures that could change the trajectory of current trends pointing toward less economic growth, increased social tensions, and possible decline .... Whether global institutions adapt and revive—another key uncertainty—also is a function of leadership. Current trends suggest a dispersion of power and authority will create a global governance deficit. Reversing those trend lines would require strong leadership in the international community by a number of powers, including the emerging ones .... Some uncertainties would have greater consequences—should they occur—than would others. In this work, we emphasize the overall potential for greater conflict—some forms of which could threaten globalization. We put WM.D. terrorism and a Middle East nuclear arms race in this category. The key uncertainties and possible impacts are discussed in the text and summarized in the textbox on page vii. In the four fictionalized scenarios, we have highlighted new challenges that could emerge as a result of the ongoing global transformation. They present new situations, dilemmas, or predicaments that represent departures from recent developments. As a set, they do not cover all possible futures. None of these is inevitable or even necessarily likely; but, as with many other uncertainties, the scenarios are potential game-changers...” [144]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 381

Subsequently, John Naisbitt puts it: “...You just have to hang out with the paradoxes, hang out with the contradictions until you understand them. When there is a perceived contradiction, I like to look for something that helps to resolve the contradiction. A lot of people have an either/or mentality. We get the Internet and everyone says, ‘Well newspapers are going to go away.’ It’s not either/or. There will be a change in the mix, that’s all....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 382

In the same order of ideas, Hamel indicates: “...Look for dis-confirming evidence, for things that don’t fit, for things that don’t ajar....” [64]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 383

DARPA’s adage: “...If you’re not failing frequently, you’re not succeeding enough....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 384

Diplomacy and peace?

What does Ambrose Bierce have to say about peace?: “...[Peace is,] in international affairs, a period of cheating between two periods of fighting...” [130] Brackets are mine.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 385

Winston Churchill argues in this regard: “...If the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another...” [111]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 386


St. Ignatius Loyola (1491 — 1556) — founder of the Jesuits — :

“...Teach us, good Lord, to serve Thee as Thou deservest;

To give and not to count the cost;

To fight and not to heed the wounds;

To toil and not to seek for rest;

To labour and not to ask for any reward

Save that of knowing that we do Thy will....”

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 387

“...Predictions tend to be linear extrapolations; technological advances tend to throw curves. Predicting poorly one curved is already impossible enough without adding three more curves, to say nothing of the seven others neither of us considered, but which will actually play a more central role...” By Dr. Michael Fossel, Ph.D. , M.D.

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 388

“...We are hanging eyes, ears and sensory organs on our computers and on our networks asking them to observe the physical world on our behalf and to manipulate it. The more you connect computers to the physical world the more the issue of interaction becomes important...” (Attributed to Corporate Design Foundation: May 1991). [195]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 389


[1 of 24] “...Some people say that computers can never show true intelligence, whatever that may be. But it seems to me that if very complicated chemical molecules can operate in humans to make them intelligent, then equally complicated electronic circuits can also make computers act in an intelligent way. And if they are intelligent, they can presumably design computers that have even greater complexity and intelligence...” ─ By Dr. Stephen Hawking (Lucasian Professor of Mathematics, University of Cambridge).

[2 of 24] “...One consideration that should be taken into account when deciding whether to promote the development of superintelligence is that if superintelligence is feasible, it will likely be developed sooner or later. Therefore, we will probably one day have to take the gamble of superintelligence no matter what. But once in existence, a superintelligence could help us reduce or eliminate other existential risks, such as the risk that advanced nanotechnology will be used by humans in warfare or terrorism, a serious threat to the long-term survival of intelligent life on earth. If we get to superintelligence first, we may avoid this risk from nanotechnology and many others. If, on the other hand, we get nanotechnology first, we will have to face both the risks from nanotechnology and, if these risks are survived, also the risks from superintelligence. The overall risk seems to be minimized by implementing superintelligence, with great care, as soon as possible...” ─ By Dr. Nick Bostrom (Director, Future of Humanity Institute, Oxford University).

[3 of 24] “...We have a hard time motivating people to do stuff in the service of abstract nouns like 'liberty,' but 'singularity' is so abstract as to make 'liberty' seem as concrete as 'imminent car-wreck.' The singularity needs to be the mere abstract cherry on the concrete cake: the funny curiosity to consider as the end-point of a bunch of imminent, relevant, concrete changes in our lives that we need to prepare for and prepare the way for...” ─ By Cory Doctorow (Science Fiction Author, Boing Boing Co-Editor).

[4 of 24] “...To any thoughtful person, the singularity idea, even if it seems wild, raises a gigantic, swirling cloud of profound and vital questions about humanity and the powerful technologies it is producing. Given this mysterious and rapidly approaching cloud, there can be no doubt that the time has come for the scientific and technological community to seriously try to figure out what is on humanity's collective horizon. Not to do so would be hugely irresponsible...” ─ By Dr. Douglas R. Hofstadter (College Professor Of Cognitive and Computer Science, Indiana University, Bloomington).

[5 of 24] “...What, then, is the Singularity? It's a future period during which the pace of technological change will be so rapid, its impact so deep, that human life will be irreversibly transformed. Although neither utopian or dystopian, this epoch will transform the concepts that we rely on to give meaning to our lives, from our business models to the cycle of human life, including death itself. Understanding the Singularity will alter our perspective on the significance of our past and the ramifications for our future. To truly understand it inherently changes one's view of life in general and one's own particular life. I regard someone who understands the Singularity and who has reflected on its implications for his or her own life as a '…singularitarian…'...” ─ By Ray Kurzweil (CEO, Kurzweil Technologies).

[6 of 24] “...The Singularity is a frightening prospect for humanity. I assume that we will somehow dodge it or finesse it in reality, and one way to do that is to warn about it early and begin to build in correctives...” ─ By Stewart Brand (Founder and Chairman, The Long Now Foundation).

[7 of 24] “...It is clear from my work that to tell a truly compelling story, a machine would need to understand the 'inner lives' of his or her characters. And to do that, it would need not only to think mechanically in the sense of swift calculation (the forte of supercomputers like Deep Blue), it would also need to think experientially in the sense of having subjective or phenomenal awareness. For example, a person can think experientially about a trip to Europe as a kid, remember what it was like to be in Paris on a sunny day with an older brother, smash a drive down a fairway, feel a lover's touch, ski on the edge, or need a good night's sleep. But any such example, I claim, will demand capabilities no machine will ever have. Renowned human storytellers understand this concept. For example, playwright Henrik Ibsen said: ' … I have to have the character in mind through and through, I must penetrate into the last wrinkle of his soul ...' Such a modus operandi is forever closed off to a machine...” ─ By Dr. Selmer Bringsjord (Director, Rensselaer AI & Reasoning Laboratory).

[8 of 24] “...There's this stupid myth out there that AI has failed, but AI is everywhere around you every second of the day. People just don't notice it. You've got AI systems in cars, tuning the parameters of the fuel injection systems. When you land in an airplane, your gate gets chosen by an AI scheduling system. Every time you use a piece of Microsoft software, you've got an AI system trying to figure out what you're doing, like writing a letter, and it does a pretty damned good job. Every time you see a movie with computer–generated characters, they're all little AI characters behaving as a group. Every time you play a video game, you're playing against an AI system...” ─ By Dr. Rodney Brooks (Director, MIT Computer Science and AI Laboratory, Chief Technical Officer, IROBOT CORPORATION).

[9 of 24] “...If there is a key driving force pushing towards a singularity, it's international competition for power. This ongoing struggle for power and security is why, in my view, attempts to prevent a singularity simply by international fiat are doomed. The potential capabilities of transformative technologies are simply staggering. No nation will risk falling behind its competitors, regardless of treaties or UN resolutions banning intelligent machines or molecular–scale tools. The uncontrolled global transformation these technologies may spark is, in strategic terms, far less of a threat than an opponent having a decided advantage in their development ─ a 'singularity gap,' if you will. The 'missile gap' that drove the early days of the nuclear arms race would pale in comparison...” ─ By Jamais Cascio (Senior Contributing Editor, WORLDCHANGING).

[10 of 24] “...The world is Organized by embodied beings like us to be coped with by beings like us. The computer would be totally lost in our world. It would have to have in it a model of the world and a model of the body, which AI researchers have tried, but it's certainly hopeless. Without that, the world is just utterly un-graspable by computers .... The truth is that human intelligence can never be replaced with machine intelligence simply because we are not ourselves thinking machines. Each of us has, and uses every day, a power of intuitive intelligence that enables us to understand, to speak, and to cope skillfully with our everyday environment...” ─ By Dr. Hubert Dreyfus (Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley).

[11 of 24] “...If you invent a breakthrough in artificial intelligence, so machines can learn, that is worth 10 Microsofts...” ─ By Bill Gates (Chairman and Chief Software Architect, Microsoft Corporation).

[12 of 24] “...There is no good reason to believe that the emergence of the modern human mind is the end state of the evolution of psyche. Indeed, the rub is this: While evolution might take millions of years to generate another psychological sea change as dramatic as the emergence of modern humanity, technology may do the job much more expediently. The Singularity can be expected to induce rapid and dramatic change in the nature of life, mind and experience...” ─ By Dr. Ben Goertzel (CEO, Novamente LLC).

[13 of 24] “...It's haughty of us to think we're the end product of evolution. All of us are a part of producing whatever is coming next. We're at an exciting time. We're close to the singularity. Go back to that litany of chemistry leading to single–celled organisms, leading to intelligence. The first step took a billion years, the next step took a hundred million, and so on. We're at a stage where things change on the order of decades, and it seems to be speeding up. Technology has the autocatalytic effect of fast computers, which let us design better and faster computers faster. We're heading toward something which is going to happen very soon – in our lifetimes – and which is fundamentally different from anything that's happened in human history before...” ─ By Dr. W. Daniel Hillis (Chairman and Chief Technology Officer, Applied Minds).

[14 of 24] “...The 21st–century technologies — genetics, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR) – are so powerful that they can spawn whole new classes of accidents and abuses. Most dangerously, for the first time, these accidents and abuses are widely within the reach of individuals or small groups. They will not require large facilities or rare raw materials. Knowledge alone will enable the use of them. Thus we have the possibility not just of weapons of mass destruction but of knowledge–enabled mass destruction (KM.D. ), this destructiveness hugely amplified by the power of self–replication. I think it is no exaggeration to say we are on the cusp of the further perfection of extreme evil, an evil whose possibility spreads well beyond that which weapons of mass destruction bequeathed to the nation–states, on to a surprising and terrible empowerment of extreme individuals...” ─ By Bill Joy (Managing Partner, Kleiner, Perkins, Caufields & Byers).

[15 of 24] “...Every cybernetic totalist fantasy relies on artificial intelligence. It might not immediately be apparent why such fantasies are essential to those who have them. If computers are to become smart enough to design their own successors, initiating a process that will lead to God-like omniscience after a number of ever-swifter passages from one generation of computers to the next, someone is going to have to write the software that gets the process going, and humans have given absolutely no evidence of being able to write such software. So the idea is that the computers will somehow become smart on their own and write their own software ... My primary objection to this way of thinking is pragmatic: It results in the creation of poor-quality real-world software in the present. Cybernetic totalists live with their heads in the future and are willing to accept obvious flaws in present software in support of a fantasy world that might never appear ... The whole enterprise of artificial intelligence is based on an intellectual mistake, and continues to expensively turn out poorly designed software as it is remarketed under a new name for every new generation of programmers...” ─ By Jaron Lanier (Computer Scientist, Composer, Visual Artist, and Author).

[16 of 24] “... ... Two quite detailed scenarios have emerged, one the Moravec/Kurzweil scenario, which we might call the 'Out to Pasture in the Elysian Fields,' that foresees machines as intelligent as humans, maybe more so, in 50 years and on the whole, a good thing. This leads to questions both Moravec and Kurzweil, to their credit, raise about whether those machines will take over for us (or from us), the basis of the second scenario, Bill Joy's quite opposite and dark vision, which posits the same improvement in machine intelligence, but with a horrifying outcome, the '…NanoGenRoboNightmare ... ' Some believers in the Elysian fields scenario have been arguing about 'the singularity,' borrowed from science fiction writer Vernor Vinge, the moment AI becomes powerful and ubiquitous enough so that all of the rules change and there's no going back. [...] I don't consider either of these scenarios implausible...” Pamela McCorduck (Author of Machines Who Think).

[17 of 24] “...We need to do an unlikely thing: we need to survey the world we now inhabit and proclaim it good. Good enough. Not in every detail; there are a thousand improvements, technological and cultural, that we can and should still make. But good enough in its outlines, in its essentials. We need to decide that we live, most of us in the West, long enough. We need to declare that, in the West, where few of us work ourselves to the bone, we have ease enough. In societies where most of us need storage lockers more than we need nanotech miracle boxes, we need to declare that we have enough stuff. Enough intelligence. Enough capability. Enough...” ─ By Bill McKibben (Author, Enough: Staying Human In An Engineered Age.)

[18 of 24] “...Only a small community has concentrated on general intelligence. No one has tried to make a thinking machine and then teach it chess — or the very sophisticated oriental board game Go. [...] The bottom line is that we really haven't progressed too far toward a truly intelligent machine. We have collections of dumb specialists in small domains; the true majesty of general intelligence still awaits our attack. [...] We have got to get back to the deepest questions of AI and general intelligence and quit wasting time on little projects that don't contribute to the main goal...” ─ By Dr. Marvin Minsky (Toshiba Professor, Media Arts and Sciences, MIT).

[19 of 24] “...It may seem rash to expect fully intelligent machines in a few decades, when the computers have barely matched insect mentality in a half–century of development. Indeed, for that reason, many long–time artificial intelligence researchers scoff at the suggestion, and offer a few centuries as a more believable period. But there are very good reasons why things will go much faster in the next fifty years than they have in the last fifty... Since 1990, the power available to individual AI and robotics programs has doubled yearly, to 30 MIPS (machine instructions per second) by 1994 and 500 MIPS by 1998. Seeds long ago alleged barren are suddenly sprouting. Machines read text, recognize speech, even translate languages. Robots drive cross–country, crawl across Mars, and trundle down office corridors. In 1996 a theorem–proving program called EQP running five weeks on a 50 MIPS computer at Argonne National Laboratory found a proof of a Boolean algebra conjecture by Herbert Robbins that had eluded mathematicians for sixty years. And it is still only Spring. Wait until Summer...” ─ By Dr. Hans Moravec (Chief Scientist, Seegrid Corporation).

[20 of 24] “...In the end, this search for ways to enhance ourselves is a natural part of being human. The urge to transform ourselves has been a force in history as far back as we can see. It's been selected for by millions of years of evolution. It's wired deep in our genes — a natural outgrowth of our human intelligence, curiosity, and drive. To turn our backs on this power would be to turn our backs on our true nature. Embracing our quest to understand and improve on ourselves doesn't call into question our humanity — it reaffirms it...” ─ By Ramez Naam (Author of More Than Human: Embracing The Promise of Biological Enhancement, Software Developer, Microsoft).

[21 of 24] “...I want to focus on a different aspect of Ken MacLeod's 'Rapture of the Nerds' comment, because I actually think it cuts both ways. Yes, it's possible to draw parallels between the Christian idea of The Rapture — and, even more generally, between religious ideas of transcendence generally — and the notion that, once human technology passes a certain threshold, roughly that described by Vinge and other singularity enthusiasts, human beings will potentially enjoy the kind of powers and pleasures traditionally assigned to gods or beings in heaven: Limitless lifespans, if not immortality, superhuman powers, virtually limitless wealth, fleshly pleasures on demand, etc. .... These do sound like the sorts of things that religions have promised their followers throughout human history. That leads some who invoke MacLeod's comment to contend that because singularity enthusiasts hope for the same kinds of things that religious believers have hoped for, singularity enthusiasts are merely adherents to a new sort of religion, the religion of science ... But as Isaac Asimov has noted, the religion of science is distinguished by one chief characteristic: 'that it works.' I express no opinion on whether science will actually deliver on these hopes. But I note that people once looked to supernatural sources for such now-mundane things as cures for baldness or impotence, only to find those desires satisfied, instead, by modern pharmacology. Yet that hardly makes those who place their faith in pharmacology members of a religion — or, if it does, it makes them members of a religion that is distinguishable from those dependent on the supernatural...” ─ By Glenn Harland Reynolds (Professor of Law, University of Tennessee)

[22 of 24] “...'…Could a machine think?...' My own view is that only a machine could think, and indeed only very special kinds of machines, namely brains and machines that had the same causal powers as brains. And that is the main reason strong AI has had little to tell us about thinking, since it has nothing to tell us about machines. By its own definition, it is about programs, and programs are not machines. Whatever else intentionality is, it is a biological phenomenon, and it is as likely to be as causally dependent on the specific biochemistry of its origins as lactation, photosynthesis, or any other biological phenomena. No one would suppose that we could produce milk and sugar by running a computer simulation of the formal sequences in lactation and photosynthesis, but where the mind is concerned many people are willing to believe in such a miracle because of a deep and abiding dualism: the mind they suppose is a matter of formal processes and is independent of quite specific material causes in the way that milk and sugar are not.....” ─ By Dr. John Searle (Slusser Professor of Philosophy, University of California, Berkeley).

[23 of 24] “...Before the invention of writing, almost every insight was happening for the first time (at least to the knowledge of the small groups of humans involved). When you are at the beginning, everything is new. In our era, almost everything we do in the arts is done with awareness of what has been done before. In the early post–human era, things will be new again because anything that requires greater than human ability has not already been done by Homer or da Vinci or Shakespeare...” ─ By Dr. Vernor Vinge (Mathematician, Computer Scientists, and Science Fiction Author).

[24 of 24] “...I certainly think that humans are not the limit of evolutionary complexity. There may indeed be post–human entities, either organic or silicon–based, which can in some respects surpass what a human can do. I think it would be rather surprising if our mental capacities were matched to understanding all the keys levels of reality. The chimpanzees certainly aren't, so why should ours be either? So there may be levels that will have to await some post-human emergence...” ─ By Sir Martin Rees (Professor of Cosmology and Astrophysics, Trinity College). [200]

Sample of Dynamic Driving Force and/or Quotation # 390

Incidentally, Every Scientific and Technological Progression available and that is into a '' ...doubling ...” magnitude is synthesized her:

Doubling A:

“... HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS DOUBLING EVERY TEN YEARS [AS PER THE 1998 STANDARDS]. In the past decade, more scientific knowledge has been created than in all of human history ...” ( ). Brackets are mine.

Doubling B:


Doubling C:


Doubling D:


Doubling E:


Doubling F:


Doubling G:


Doubling I:


Doubling J:


Doubling K:

“...Like Moore’s Law for silicon electronics, which says that computers are growing exponentially smaller and more powerful every year, molecular systems developed with DNA nanotechnology have been doubling in size roughly every three years,...” says Professor Erik Winfree at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech). [197] (


Mr. Andres Agostini

The Future of Scientific Management, Today! At or

The Future of Space-Age Risk Management: Transformative and Integrative Risk Management!
By Mr. Andres Agostini. At


► Toyota,
► Mitsubishi,
► World Bank,
► Shell,
► Statoil,
► Total,
► Exxon,
► Mobil,
► PDVSA, Citgo,
► GE,
► TNT Express,
► AT&T
► GTE,
► Amoco,
► BP,
► Abbot Laboratories,
► World Health Organization,
► Ernst Young Consulting,
► SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation),
► Pak Mail,
► Wilpro Energy Services,
► Phillips Petroleum Company,
► Dupont,
► Conoco,
► ENI (Italy’s petroleum state-owned firm),
► Chevron,
► LDG Management (HCC Benefits).
Annotated Bibliography.

NB: All links and web addresses were checked and verified to be correct at the time of publication. Because of the dynamical nature of the web, some addresses and links may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid.

[1] Every quotation and/or citation is attributed to the mentioned author of said quotation.
[2] Sir Francis Bacon (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1
[3] Dr. Bertrand Russell (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1)
[4] Dr. Albert Einstein (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1)
[5] Dr. Buckminster Fuller (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1) and at ‹›
[6] Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1) and at ‹›
[7] Theodore Roosevelt at ‹›
[8] Ralph Waldo Emerson at ‹›
[9] Dr. Malcolm Knowles at ‹›
[10] Dr. Albert Einstein at ‹›
[11] Thomas Jefferson at ‹›
[12] Dr. Henry Kissinger at ‹›
[13] Sir Winston Churchill at ‹›
[14] Antonio Machado from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[15] The Panchatantra (body of Eastern philosophical knowledge) from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1. And at << >>
[16] Bernard d'Espagnat from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[17] Peter Drucker from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[18] Dr. James D. Watson, Ph.D. as he was interviewed by Charlie Rose most recently in year 2009.
[19] Arthur C. Clarke at ‹›
[20] Otto Herman Khan at ‹›
[21] General Francisco de Miranda from Oxford Dictionary of Quotations, ISBN: 0-19-866185-1.
[22] James Canton, “...Technofutures: How Leading-Edge Innovations Will Transform Business in the 21st Century...” by James Canton ( )
[23] “...Revolutionary Wealth: How it will be created and how it will change our lives...” by Alvin Toffler and Heidi Toffler (ISBN-10: 038552207X)
[24] Ella Wheeler Wilcox at ‹›
[25] “...Future Shock...” by Alvin Toffler (ISBN-10: 0553277375)
[26] “...Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever...” by Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman ( ISBN-10: 0140282025 )
[27] “...Transcend: Nine Steps to Living Well Forever...” by Ray Kurzweil Ph.D. and Terry Grossman M.D. (ISBN-10: 1605299561)
[28] “...Leading the Revolution...” by Gary Hamel (ISBN-10: 1591391466)
[29] “...Emotional Intelligence...” by Daniel Goleman (ISBN-10:055309503X )
[30] Criss-cross at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[31] Crinkum-crankum at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[32] Terzetto at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[33] Thé dansant at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[34] Tertium quid at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[35] Computronium at
[36] Futureketing at
[37] “...Einstein in the Boardroom...” by Suzanne S. Harrison and Patrick H. Sullivan Sr. (ISBN-10: 0-471-70332-X
[38] Tête-à-tête at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[39] Dilettantes and poseurs at Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[40] “...Why Mars and Venus Collide: Improving Relationships by Understanding How Men and Women Cope Differently with Stress...” by John Gray.
[41] Multiverse at
[42] “...The Cycle of Leadership...” by Noel M. Tichy (ISBN0-06-662056-2)
[43] Herman Kahn’s quotations at
[44] “...Innovate Like Edison: The Five-Step System for Breakthrough Business Success...” By Michael J. Gelb (ISBN-10: 0452289823)
[45] Déclassé at Oxford Dictionary (ISBN 0-19-861122-6)
[46] Démodé at Oxford Dictionary (ISBN 0-19-861122-6)
[47] Richard Buckminster Fuller at
[48] Yoctosecond, definition of, at
[49] Dr. Pangloss at
[50] “...Monster of omniscience...” at page V, first paragraph, Concise Oxford Dictionary (ISBN 0-19-861122-6). Also viewable online at
[51] Quotations by Karl Popper at
[52] “...Radical Evolution...” by Joel Garreau (ISBN0-385-50965-0).
[53] Definition of “...throughput....” Throughput: Output or production, as of a computer program, over a period of time. The quantity or amount of raw material processed within a given time, esp. the work done by an electronic computer in a given period of time. An amount of work, etc. done in a particular period of time. Volume of data or material handled: the amount of something such as data or raw material that is processed over a given period.
[54] The American Heritage Dictionary’s (fourth edition, 2000)— ISBN 0-395-82517-2
[55] By John F. Kennedy, Address at Rice University on the Nation's Space Effort Delivered in Houston, Texas, September 12, 1962. SOURCE: (seen on June 12, 2007).
[56] “...The Art of The Long View...” ─ ISBN 0-385-26731-2
[57] “...The New Religion of Risk Management...” by Peter L. Bernstein, Harvard Business Review, March-April 1996.
[58] As quoted in title ─ ISBN 978-980-293-503-1
[59] As cited by David Jay's 2006 textbook, “...Mavericks of Medicine...” (ISBN: 1-890572-19-5)
[61] Einstein “...on being smart...” at
[62] “...A Devil’s Dictionary of Business...” (2005) — ISBN 1-56025-712-1 by Nicholas von Hoffman
[63] Original source:
[64] Textbook: “...Leading The Revolution...” (ISBN 1-57851-189-5), year 2000, by Gary Hamel
[65] Oxford Dictionary ISBN 0-19-861122-6
[66] Textbook known as “...A Dictionary of Scientific Quotations...” by Alan L. Mackay (ISBN-10: 075031066) in 1991.
[67] Dr. Stephen Hawking was interviewed by CNN's journalist Becky Anderson in year 2009.
[69] “...A Dictionary of scientific quotations...” By Alan Lindsay Mackay - ISBN-10: 0750301066
[70] The Oxford dictionary of quotations - ISBN-10: 0199237174
[71] “...The Book of Positive Quotations,...” 2nd Edition (2007) — ISBN-10: 1577491696
[72] “...The Yale Book Of Quotations...” by Fred R. Shapiro (2006) — ISBN-10: 0300107986
[73] Well said, well spoken: 736 quotable quotes for educators by Robert D. Ramsey (1999) — ISBN-10: 0060194111
[74] Compelling conversations: questions and quotations on timeless topics by Erin Hermann Roth (2007) — ISBN-10: 141965828X
[75] Wit and Wisdom of the American Presidents: A Book of Quotations by Joslyn T. Pine (2000) - ISN-10: 0486414272
[76] The Routledge Dictionary Of Latin Quotations by Jon R. Stone (2004) ISBN-10: 0415969085
[77] Quote Unquote by M.P. Singh (2004) — ISBN: 1557099405
[78] “...Inevitable Surprises: Thinking Ahead in a Time of Turbulence...” by Peter Schwartz (2004) — ISBN-10: 1592400698
[79] “...Mind Set...” by John Naisbitt (2008) — ISBN-10: 0061136891
[81] As per David Jay Brown’s text book “...Mavericks of Medicine...” (2006) — ISBN 1-890572-19-5
[82] Singularity: Webster's Quotations, Facts and Phrases By Inc Icon Group International.
[84] Cumputronium at Wikipedia at
[85] Multiverse at Wikipedia at
[86] James N. Gardner’s “...The Intelligent Universe...” (2007) — ISBN-13: 978-1564149190
[87] Gary Hamel’s textbook “...Competing for the Future...” (1996) — ISBN-10: 0875847161
[88] Gary Hamel’s “...Leading The Revolution...” book — ISBN-10: 1591391466
[89] Eamonn kelly’s book “...Powerful Times...” (2006) — ISBN 0-131-85520-4
[90] (bibliography to Fuzzy Logic and Quantum Mechanics)
[91] As cited on “...The Juran Prescription...” by Kathleen Jennison Goonan, M.D. — ISBN 0—7879-0096
[92] Http://
[95] The State Of The University: Academic Knowledges And The Knowledge Of God (2007) By Stanley Hauerwas, B.D. M.A. M.Phil and Ph.D. — ISBN-10: 0300057253
[98] In the Book “...How We Decide...” (2009) by Jonah Lehrer — ISBN 978-0-618-62011-1
[99] “...Managing Risk: Systematic Loss Prevention for Executives...” (1987) — ISBN 0-13-551110-0 by Dr. Vernon Grose, D.Sc.
[102] Adam Gordon in Book “...Future Savvy ...” ( 2008 ) — ISBN-10: 0814409121
[103] J. Scott Armstrong in book “...Principles of Forecasting...” — ISBN: 0792379306
[104] Bob Seidensticker's book "Future Hype..." (2006) — ISBN-10: 1576753700
[105] Dr. Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D. ’s book “...The Time Paradox...” (2009) — ISBN-10: 1416541993
[106] Hans Moravec’s “...Mind Children: The Future of Robot and Human Intelligence...” (1990) — ISBN-10: 06745761187
[107] David Jay Brown’s “...Mavericks of Medicine...” (2006) — ISBN: 1-890572-19-5
[108] Quotations under this number either has been sent to me via e-mail or have emerged as a result of private interviews.
[111] Quotations at ‹›
[112] The Adult Learner, Sixth Edition: The Definitive Classic in Adult Education and Human Resource Development by Malcolm S. Knowles Ph.D. (2005) — ISBN-10: 0750678372
[113] Napoleon Bonaparte: A Life By Alan Schom (1998) — ISBN-10: 0060929588
[114] “...Science But Not Scientists...” By Vernon Grose (2006) — ISBN-10: 1425969917
[115] Http://
[116] Http://
[117] Gerard K. O’Neill’s “...The High Frontier...” (2000) — ISBN-10: 189652267x
[118] "Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe" by Simon Conway Morris, Ph.D. — ( 2004) — ISBN-10: 0521603250
[119] “...Frases Celebres Para Toda Ocasión...” (In Spanish, “...Famous Sentences For Every Occasion) ─ (1993) By Rafael Escandon — ISBN 968-13-1285-6
[120] “...Our Final Hour...” (2003) By Sir Martin Rees — ISBN 0-465-0682-6
[123] “...A Risk Management Approach to Business Continuity: Aligning Business Continuity with Corporate Governance...” (2006) — ISBN: 1931332363
[124] Dr. Robert A. Collins, Ph.D. ’s “...Resilience: Protecting your Business from Disasters in a Dangerous World...” (2007) — ISBN-10: 0595409245
[125] “...Thinking in Technical Analysis...” (2000) By Rick Bensignor— ISBN-10: 1576600491
[127] Source: “...Against The Gods...” (1998 ) ‭— By Peter L. Bernstein ‭— ISBN: 0-471-29563-9
[129] Quotations and citations that are solely under the own and utter discernment and intellectual faculties of the present author. Among many amenities that are described in my biography, I am a perpetual and ruthless researcher.
[130] “...Diccionario de Citas...” (Spanish, “...Dictionary of Quotations...”) by Castañares y Quiroz ─ ISBN 84-87462-03-0
[131] Respondent’s answers are in actuality own quotations of those authors, whose citations are accurate and available at <<>>.
[133] “...Principles of Counseling and Psychotherapy: Learning the Essential Domains and Nonlinear Thinking of Master Practitioner...” (2009) ─ Gerald J. Mozdziers, Paul R. Peluso, Joseph Lisiecki ─ ISBN-10: 0415997518
[134] “...Cracking Creativity...” by Michael Michalko ─ ISBN 1-58008-311-0
[135] “...The Definitive Handbook of Business Continuity Management...” (2007) By Andrew Hiles ─ ISBN 0470516380
[136] Ray Kurzweil’s quotations at ‹›
[139] “...The World is Flat...” By Thomas L. Friedman (2006) ─ ISBN-10: 0-374-29279-5
[140] “...Out of Our Minds: Learning to be Creative...” (2001) By Ken Robinson – ISBN-10: 1841121258
[142] The Singularity is Near (2005) by Ray Kurzweil ─ ISBN 0-670-03384-7
[153] The 8th Habit (2004) By Dr. Stephen R. Covey ─ ISBN 0-684-84665-9
[154] Blown to Bits: How the New Economics of Information Transforms Strategy (1999) ─ ISBN-10: 087584877X By Thomas S. Wurster
[155] Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness (2008) ─ ISBN-10: 0137135599 By Hal Abelson
[157] “...The Failure of Risk Management...” (2009) ─ ISBN-10: 0470387955 By Douglas W. Hubbard
[160] “...Futuristics: Looking Ahead...” ( 2005 ) By Dr. Arthur B. Shostak, Ph.D. ─ ISBN-10: 0791084019
[161] “...Moving Along: Far Ahead...” (2005) By Dr. Arthur B. Shostak ─ ISBN-10: 0791084043
[162] “...Creating Better Futures: Scenario Planning As a Tool for A Better Tomorrow...” (2002 ) By James A. Ogilvy ─ ISBN-10: 0195146115
[163] “...As the Futures Catches You: How Genomics & Other Forces Are Changing Your Life, Work, Health and Wealth...” (2005) By Juan Enriquez ─ ISBN-10: 1400047749
[164] “...Robo sapiens: Evolution of a New Species...” (2001) By Peter Menzel and Faith D’Aluisio ─ ISBN-10: 0262632454
[165]...”...Beyond Humanity: Cyberevolution and Future Minds...” (1996) By Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox ─ ISBN-10: 1886801215
[167] “...Managing Product and Service Development...” (2006) By Stefan Thomke ─ ISBN-10: 0073023019
[168] “...The Art of Asking: Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers...” (2008) By Terry J. Fadem ─ ISBN-10: 0137144245
[169] “...Beyond Humanity: Cyberevolution and Future Minds...” (1996) By Gregory S. Paul and Earl Cox ─ ISBN-10: 1886801215
[170] “...The Future and Its Enemies: The Growing Conflict Over Creativity, Enterprise, and Progress...” (1999) By Virginia Postrel ─ ISBN-10: 0684862697
[171] “...Visions: How Science Hill Revolutionize the 21st Century...” (1998) By Dr. Michio Kaku, Ph.D. ─ ISBN-10: 0385484992
[174] “...Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel...” (2009) ─ ISBN-10: 0307278824 By Dr. Michio Kaku
[175] “...The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man...” (1962) By Dr. Marshall McLuhan, Ph.D. ─ ISBN-10: 0802060412
[178] Massive Change (2004) ─ ISBN-10: 0714844012 By Bruce Mau
[179] The Artilect War: Cosmists Vs. Terrans: A Bitter Controversy Concerning Whether Humanity Should Build Godlike Massively Intelligent Machines (2005) ─ ISBN-10: 0882801546 by Hugo de Garis
[180] “...Creating Tomorrow’s Schools Today: Education – Our Children – Their Futures...” (2010) ─ ISBN-10: 1855393948 by Richard Gerver
[182] “...The Extreme Future: The Top Trends That Will Reshape the World in the Next 20 Years...” (2007) ─ ISBN-10: 0452288665 By James Canton
[183] “...The Predictioneer’s Game: Using the Logic of Brazen Self-Interest to See and Shape the Future...” (2010) ─ ISBN-10: 081297977X By Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
[184] “...Crucial Questions About the Future...” (2002) ─ ISBN-10: 0819182753 By Allen Tough
[187] Synaptic Self: Our Brains Become Who We Are (2002) ─ ISBN 0-670-03028-7
[188] The Political economy of information (1988) By Vincent Mosco and Janet Wasko ─ ISBN 0-299-11570-4
[189] Management Information Systems (2009) ISBN-10: 013607846X By Ken Laudon (Author), Jane Laudon (Author)
[191] Wilson's Ghost: Reducing The Risk Of Conflict, Killing, And Catastrophe In The 21st Century by Robert S. McNamara (2003) ─ ISBN-10: 1586481436
[192] Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (3rd Edition) by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig (Dec 11, 2009) ─ ISBN-10: 0136042597
[194] “...The Dance of Molecules: How Nanotechnology is Changing Our Lives...” (2006) – ISBN-10: 1-56025-895-0 by Ted Sargent
[196] The Speed of Trust (2006) ─ ISBN-10: 0-7432-9730-X ─ By Stephen M. R. Covey
[197] Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change (2009) ─ISBN-10: 0470998105 ─By Joe Tidd, John Bessant
[200] Source:
[201] Hyperinnovation: Multidimensional Enterprise in the Connected Economy (2002) ─ ISBN-10: 0333994388 by Chris Harris
[202] “...Learning from the Future: Competitive Foresight Scenarios...” (1997) ─ ISBN-10: 0471303526 By Liam Fahey, Robert M. Randall
[203] “...Rethinking the Future: Rethinking Business, Principles, Competition, Control & Complexity, Leadership, Markets, and the World...” (1998) ─ ISBN-10: 9781857881080 By Rowan Gibson
[204] “...Connect the Dots... To Become An Impact Plyer...” (2003) ─ ISBN-10: 0595294928 By Dick Lynch
[205] Source:
[206] “...The Leader Manager...” (1986) ─ ISBN-10: 0471836931 by John N. Williansom
[207] ISBN 978-0-309-11660-2
[209] Inscription in Washington National Archives’ building.
[210] Found via search engine query as it was earlier mentioned in REDES, the scientific television program from the Spanish state-owned television network. (As it was seen in August 2011).
[212] Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software ─ ISBN-10: 0684868768 by Steven Johnson
[214] The (Mis)behavior of Markets (2004) ─ ISBN-13 978-0-465-04355-2 By Benoit Mandelbrot
[215] The Lights in the Tunnel (2009) ─ ISBN-13: 978-1448659814 by Martin Ford
[216] Thinking for a Change: Discovering the Power to Create, Communicate and Lead (1996) by Michael Gelb ─ ISBN-10: 1854104209
[217] No Higher Honor: A Memoir of My Years in Washington ─ (2011) ─ ISBN-13: 978-0307587862 by Condoleezza Rice

The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology by Ray Kurzweil (

Lessons from the Future: Making Sense of a Blurred World from the World's Leading Futurist by Stanley M. Davis ( )

It's Alive: The Coming Convergence of Information, Biology, and Business by Christopher Meyer and Stan Davis (

Blur: The Speed of Change in the Connected Economy by Stan Davis and Christopher Meyer ( )

Future Wealth by Stanley M. Davis and Christopher Meyer ( )

The Intelligent Universe: AI, ET, and the Emerging Mind of the Cosmos by James N. Gardner and Ray Kurzweil (

Seeing What's Next: Using Theories of Innovation to Predict Industry Change by Clayton M. Christensen, Erik A. Roth, and Scott D. Anthony ( )

Our Final Hour: A Scientist's Warning by Martin J. Rees ( )

Technofutures: How Leading-Edge Innovations Will Transform Business in the 21st Century by James Canton ( )

The Extreme Future: The Top Trends That Will Reshape the World in the Next 20 Years by James Canton ( )


Originally published at h+ Magazine

Ray Kurzweil’s well-received book, The Singularity is Near, is perhaps the best known book related to transhumanism and presents a view of inevitable technological evolution that closely resembles the claim in the later (2010) book What Technology Wants by Wired co-founder Kevin Kelly.

Kurzweil describes six epochs in the history of information. Each significant form of information is superseded by another in a series of stepping stones, exposing a universal will at work within technology towards extropy (this is seen by Kevin Kelly as intelligence and complexity attaining their maximum state possible). The first epoch is physics and chemistry, and is succeeded by biology, brains, technology, the merger of technology and human intelligence and finally the epoch in which the universe “wakes up”. The final epoch achieves what could be called godhood for the universe’s surviving intelligences (p. 15).

Artificial intelligence, which Kurzweil predicts to compete with and soon after overtake the human brain, will mean reverse-engineering the human brain as a direct offshoot of developing higher resolution when scanning the brain (much as genome synthesis was the offshoot of being able to sequence a complete genome) (p. 25–29, 111–198). This is a source of particular excitement to many, because of Kurzweil and Google’s genuine efforts to make it a reality.

An interest in abundance and a read of J. Craig Venter’s Life at the Speed of Light will make Chapter 5 of Kurzweil’s book of particular interest, as it discusses genetics and its relationship to the singularity. Genetics, nanotechnology and robotics are seen as overlapping revolutions that are set to characterize the first half of the Twenty-First Century (p.205). Kurzweil addresses the full understanding of genetics, e.g. knowing exactly how to program and hack our DNA as in J. Craig Venter’s synthetic biology revolution (p. 205–212).

Kurzweil predicts “radical life-extension” on top of the elimination of disease and expansion of human potential through the genetics advancements of teams like J. Craig Venter’s. J. Craig Venter covered life extension and human enhancement in his 2013 book, but also drew special attention to the ongoing engineering of beneficial microbes for purposes of making renewable resources and cleaning the environment. Another prospect for abundance noted by Kurzweil is the idea of cloning meat and other protein sources in a factory (this being an offshoot of medical cloning advances). Far from simply offering life extension to the privileged few, Kurzweil notes that such a development may have the potential to solve world hunger.

To cover the nanotechnology revolution, Kurzweil visits nanotechnology father K. Eric Drexler’s assessments of the pros and cons in this field. In some ways, Kurzweil could be faulted for expecting too much from nanotechnology, since his treatment of the subject contrasts sharply with Drexler’s characterization of it as simply being “atomically precise manufacturing” (APM) and primarily having industrial ramifications. In Radical Abundance, Drexler specifically discourages the view echoed by Kurzweil of “nanobots” swimming in our body in the near future and delivering miracle cures, seeing such expectations as the product of sci-fi stories and media hype.

On the subject of artificial intelligence, there can be no doubt that Kurzweil is ahead of all of us because of his personal background. In his estimate, artificial intelligence reverse-engineered from the human brain will immediately “exceed human intelligence” for a number of reasons even if we only design it to be on par with our intelligence. For example, computers are able to “pool their resources in ways that humans cannot” (p. 259–298). In addition, Kurzweil forecasts:

The advent of strong AI is the most important transformation this century will see. Indeed, it is comparable in importance to the advent of biology itself. It will mean the creation of biology that has finally mastered its own intelligence and discovered means to overcome its limitations. (p. 296)

From our viewpoint in 2014, some of Kurzweil’s predictions could be criticized for being too optimistic. For example, “computers arriving at the beginning of the next decade will become essentially invisible, woven into our clothing, embedded in our furniture and environment”, as well as providing unlimited Wi-Fi everywhere (p. 312). While no doubt some places and instruments exist that might fit this description, they are certainly not in widespread use at this time, nor is there any particular need among society for this to become widespread (except perhaps the Wi-Fi).

Another likely over-optimistic prediction is the view that “full-immersion virtual reality” will be ready for our use by the late 2020s and it will be “indistinguishable from reality” (p. 341). In Kurzweil’s prediction, by 2029 nanobots in our bodies will be able to hack our nervous systems and trick us into believing a false reality every bit as convincing as the life we knew. We are in 2014. There is no full-immersion virtual reality system based on nanotechnology set to be on the market in 2020. A few dedicated gamers have the Oculus Rift (of which there will no doubt be a constant stream of successors ever reducing weight, trying to look “sexier”, and expanding the resolution and frame-rate over at least one decade), while there is no sign whatsoever of the nanotechnology-based neural interface technology predicted by Kurzweil. If nanotech-based full-immersion virtual reality is going to be possible in the 2020s at all, there ought to at least be some rudimentary prototype already in development, but (unless it is a secret military project) time is running out for the prediction to come true.

Part of the book addresses the exciting possibilities of advanced, futuristic warfare. The idea of soldiers who operate robotic platforms, aided by swarms of drones and focused on disrupting the enemy ability to communicate is truly compelling – all the more so because of the unique inside view that Kurzweil had of DARPA. Kurzweil sees a form of warfare in which commanders engage one another in virtual and physical battlefields from opposite sides of the globe, experiencing conflicts in which cyber-attack and communication disruption are every bit as crippling to armies as physical destruction (p. 330–335). Then again, this trend (like the idea of building missile-defense shields) may ultimately lead to complacency and false assumptions that our security is “complete”, while that foreign suppliers like Russia and China are also modernizing and have many systems that are thought to be on par with the US. A lot of US military success may be down to picking on vulnerable countries, rather than perfecting a safe and clean form of warfare (most of Saddam’s deadliest weapons were destroyed or used up in the First Gulf War, which alone could account for the US having so few casualties in the 2003 war.)

Although saying that the singularity will eliminate the distinction between work and play by making information so easily accessible in our lives, Kurzweil predicts that information will gain more value, making intellectual property more important to protect (p. 339–340). This sentiment is hard to agree with at a time when piracy and (illegally) streaming video without paying is already increasingly a fact of everyone’s life. If all thought and play is going to qualify as a creative act as a result of our eventual integration with machines, it only becomes ever harder to believe that such creative acts are going to need monetary incentives.

The book discusses at length how to balance the risks and benefits of emerging technologies. Of particular resilience is Kurzweil’s view that relinquishing or restraining developments can itself expose us to existential risks (e.g. asteroids). I myself would take this argument further. Failing to create abundance when one has the ability to do so is negligent, and even more morally questionable than triggering a nanotech or biotech disaster that must be overcome in the course of helping people.

Kurzweil goes through what seems like an exhaustive list of criticisms, arming singularitarians with an effective defense of their position. Of interest to me, as a result of penning a response to it myself, was how Kurzweil rebuts the “Criticism from the Rich-Poor Divide” by arguing that poverty is overwhelmingly being reduced and benefits of digital technology for the poor are undeniable. Indeed, among the world’s poor, there is no doubt that digital technology is good and that it empowers people. Anyone who argues this revolution is bad for the poor are just plainly ignoring the opinions of the actual poor people they claim to be defending. There has been no credible connection between digital technology and the supply of disproportionate benefits to wealthy elites. If anything, digital technology has made the world more equal and can even be regarded as part of a global liberation struggle.

Unfortunately, there is a major argument absent from the book. Kurzweil’s book precedes the revelations of mass surveillance by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. As a result, it fails to answer the most important criticism of an imminent singularity I can think of. I would have to call this the “Argument from Civil and Political Rights”. It takes into account the fact that greedy and cruel nation-states (the US being the most dangerous) tend to seek the monopoly of power in the current world order, including technological power. By bridging the gap between ourselves and computers before we create a more benevolent political and social order with less hegemony and less cruelty, we will simply be turning every fiber of our existence over to state agencies and giving up our liberty.

Suppose PRISM or some program like it exists, and my mind can be read by it. In that case, my uploaded existence would be no different from a Gitmo detainee. In fact, just interfacing with such a system for a moment would be equivalent to being sent to Gitmo, if the US government and its agencies exist. It does not matter how benevolent the operators even are. The fact that I am vulnerable to the operators means I am being subjected to a constant and ongoing violation of my civil rights. I could be subjected to any form of cruelty or oppression, and the perpetrator would never be stopped or held accountable.

It gets worse. With reality and virtual reality becoming indistinguishable (as predicted in this book), a new sort of sadist may even emerge that does not know the difference between the two or does not care. History has shown that such sadists are most likely to be the ones who have had more experience with and thus have obtained more power over the system. It is this political or social concern that should be deterring people from uploading themselves right now. If we were uploaded, what followed could never evolve beyond being a constant reflection of the flawed social order at the time when the upload occurred. Do we want to immortalize an abusive and cruel superpower, corporate lobbyists, secret police, or a prison? Are these things actually worth saving for all eternity and disseminating across the universe when we reach the singularity?

Despite the questions I have tried to raise in this review, I am still convinced by the broad idea of the singularity, and Kurzweil articulates it well. The idea, as promoted by Max More and quoted by Kurzweil (p. 373) that our view of our role in the universe should be like Nietzche’s “rope over an abyss” trying to reach for a greater existence, with technology playing a key role, helps encourage us to take noble risks. However, I believe the noble risks are not risks taken out of desperation to extend our lives and escape death, or risks taken to make ourselves look nice or something else petty. Noble risks are taken to ensure our future or the future of humanity, often at the expense of the present.

I would discourage people from trying to hasten the singularity because of a personal fear of their own death, as this would probably lead to irrational behavior (as occurs with the traditions that promote transcending death by supernatural means). Complications from society and unforeseen abuses, especially by our deeply paranoid and controlling states that are far too primitive to react responsibly to the singularity, are likely to slow everything down.


Editors note: concerns about virtual imprisonment or torture are not entirely unfounded, see for example this older article as well as this recent development.

LIST OF UPDATES (FEBRUARY 24 THROUGH MARCH 02/2014). By Mr. Andres Agostini at The Future of Scientific Management, Today! At

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QUOTATION(S): “…To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour…”


“…Change is not merely necessary to life ─ it is life…”


“…The mind is a terrible thing to waste…”

CITATION(S): “…If you like where events seem to be headed, you may want to take timely action to preserve their positive trajectory. If you do not like where they appear to be going, you will have to develop and implement policies to change their trajectory…”


“…Because time is real, and the future unpredictable, the challenge of carving a path into the future calls for a different way of thinking than the old, mechanical methods of strategic planning. In order to anticipate wholly new industries like the personal computer industry, it’s not enough to make predictions based on old assumptions. You need to imagine alternative scenarios based on new assumptions. You need to imagine alternative scenarios based on new assumptions. Those new assumptions need more than new numbers…”


BOOK(S): The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable: With a new section: “On Robustness and Fragility… by Nassim Nicholas Taleb (ISBN-13: 978–0812973815).

N.B.: Quotations, Citations and Success Tenets are by the Futuretronium Book.


Mr. Andres Agostini
Risk-Management Futurist and Success Consultant



I have the glory to have read every book by Dr. Raymond Kurzweil with the sole exception of “Transcend.”

Dr. Kurzweil is an engineer graduate from grandiose M.I.T. (the technological avant-garde within the Ivy League universities).

Beyond his many inventions, patents, and scientific breakthroughs and discoveries, please remember that Ray holds 19 doctoral degrees among many other amenities.

I exactly relish the way he exercises his mind. And instead of fighting sourly against his contrarians, he kindly and respectfully invites them to lavishly publish the opposing views on books and blogs.

Ray is a pervasive sage by any known or unknown measure. He is now the Chief Engineer Officer at Google and the Chairman of the Singularity University (founded by him with the institutional backing of NASA and Google).

We all like the Founding Fathers, especially Jefferson and Franklin. But tons of Americans and others seem to frequently and prevalently ignore this Hi-Tech Founding Father.

Within his duties at Google, he is embarked into the greatest scientific advancement in order to transform any illness or biological cause of death (natural death) into a superseded cure (outright state of well-being), radically.


I also argue that he will be auspiciously fighting against challenges and problems in order to systemically and systematically reverse-engineer biology and the human brain with the utter purpose of seizing the correct software templates for Strongest Quantum Supercomputing.

In “The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology” (ISBN-13: 978–0143037880) book, Ray argues that most extraterrestrial beings might, just might, exhibit a grayish look because they are the trans-exobiologicals stemming from [outer-space and infinitely beyond] advanced exobiological civilizations.

Trans-exobiologicals are exobiologicals who have transcended their own exobiology.

Having said that and since the advent of his landmark book (I wish all fact-driven books were written like this canonical marvel), he has given many interviews and speeches about The Technological Singularity.

As a process of that, one day Ray ended up giving a seminal keynote to the upper management and scientists at SETI Institute. SETI, an American Organization, stands for Search For Extraterrestrial Intelligence.

Conversely, the about one-hour talk was about the Technological Singularity and the Law of Accelerating Returns as it posited by Ray himself.

Towards the end of the keynote, one or two SETI scientists told Ray that, as per their own research, they were considering as a probable and plausible scenario to be that extraterrestrials’ domicile was within the immeasurable limits of Dark Matter and Dark Energy.

The original and official YouTube video published by SETI is at

In the mean time, kindly please have a lot of educational and propitious fun in ignored flanks both in Computronium and the Omniverse.

Mr. Andres Agostini

The Future of Space-Age Risk Management: Transformative and Integrative Risk Management!.


► Toyota,

► Mitsubishi,

► World Bank,

► Shell,

► Statoil,

► Total,

► Exxon,

► Mobil,

► PDVSA, Citgo,

► GE,


► TNT Express,

► AT&T

► GTE,

► Amoco,

► BP,

► Abbot Laboratories,

► World Health Organization,

► Ernst Young Consulting,

► SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation),

► Pak Mail,

► Wilpro Energy Services,

► Phillips Petroleum Company,

► Dupont,

► Conoco,

► ENI (Italy’s petroleum state-owned firm),

► Chevron,

► LDG Management (HCC Benefits).