

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1865

May 2, 2018

NASA sending robotic geologist to Mars to dig super deep

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — NASA is sending a robotic geologist to Mars that will dig deeper than ever before.

The Mars InSight spacecraft is set to launch this weekend from California.

The lander has a slender probe designed to burrow nearly 16 feet into the Martian soil. That’s for taking the planet’s temperature. To take the planet’s pulse, a quake-measuring seismometer will operate directly on the Martian surface.

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May 2, 2018

Elon Musk: Automation Will Force Governments to Introduce Universal Basic Income

Posted by in categories: economics, Elon Musk, government, robotics/AI

Recently, Elon Musk had the chance to share his thoughts on universal basic income (UBI) at the World Government Summit in Dubai. At the Summit, Musk had the opportunity to talk about the future, and the challenges the world will face in the next hundred years – including artificial intelligence (AI), automation, and the job displacement expected to come with it.

When asked about the challenges civilization is set to face in the near future, Musk began by noting the threat of artificial intelligences that surpass humanity.

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May 2, 2018

AI can predict your personality just by how your eyes move

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

By Alice Klein

The eyes really are a window to the soul. The way they move can reveal your personality type – a finding that could help robots better understand and interact with humans.

Psychologists have long believed that personality influences the way we visually take in the world. Curious people tend to look around more and open-minded people gaze longer at abstract images, for example.

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May 2, 2018

Could Artificial Intelligence Solve The Problems Einstein Couldn’t?

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

With huge suites of data, we can extract plenty of signals where we know to look for them. Everything else? That’s where AI comes in.

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May 2, 2018

This Is How to Get Started With AI When the Only Thing You Know Is the Acronym

Posted by in categories: business, robotics/AI

1. Predictive analytics

Imagine being able to project a customer’s worth as soon as he buys your service. Sounds impossible, right? Well, in the course of our AI-as-triage work, we helped a leading online registry predict the lifetime value of its patrons within a few days of sign-up with 90 percent accuracy. Now, the registry can make more informed decisions about its customer service, delivering as much value as possible to its most loyal users.

Of course, creating a predictive solution requires a complete record of your customer interactions. Building this database takes time, but many of the necessary components are available off the shelf. Even if predictive analytics are a way off for your business, start collecting customer data now so you’ll have it when you decide to tap into AI.

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May 1, 2018

Thousands of prominent AI researchers tell Nature they won’t have anything to do with its new paywalled journal

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

It’s 2018, and the Open Access debate has been settled: institutions, researchers, funders and the public all hate paywalled science, and only the journal publishers — whose subscription rates have gone up several thousand percent in recent decades, despite the fact that they don’t pay for research, review, editing, or (increasingly) paper — like locking up scholarship.

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May 1, 2018

Disney’s haptic VR jacket lets you feel snowball impacts and snakes slithering

Posted by in categories: augmented reality, robotics/AI, virtual reality

Virtual reality is a gateway to powerful experiences. Strap on a pair of VR goggles, look around, and the scene you see will adjust, in real time, to match your gaze. But the technology is a visual one. Virtual reality doesn’t include touch, although there are controllers that provide “hand presence,” allowing you to manipulate objects in the virtual world, or shoot a simulated gun. So while VR today could simulate a Westworld -like setting, you’re not going to be actually feeling the hug of a cowboy-robot on your body while using any of the major platforms—at least not for a while.

The Force Jacket, a garment from Disney Research, aims to address that gap. Made out of a converted life jacket, the prototype uses embedded airbags that inflate, deflate, or even vibrate to literally give its wearer a feeling of being touched. When coupled with VR software, the setup can simulate something bizarre—a snake slithering on you—or more pedestrian: getting hit by a snowball. In brief, the sensation of touch you feel on your actual body can match what you see in a virtual one. (The device is the result of a research project, so these lifejacket-garments aren’t exactly on sale on Amazon. It’s also not the first research to focus on incorporating haptics into VR.)

“If you’ve experienced virtual reality or augmented reality, it’s largely based in this immersive visual world,” says Alexandra Delazio, the lead researcher on the jacket project and currently a research engineer at the University of Pittsburgh, where she works on technology for people with disabilities. “The real world is not just visual—it’s full of force and pressure-based interaction.” The goal of the jacket is to bring that sense of touch to the virtual world, or maybe even offer a way for someone far away to give you a hug.

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Apr 30, 2018

The US lags behind 8 other countries in AI and automation readiness

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The United States trails key global players in preparing its workers for the upcoming artificial intelligence takeover. It’s time to get to work.

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Apr 30, 2018

Deepcric – Deep learning and Cricket

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Deepcric is a deep learning system for cricket. It looks at cricket video and does scene segmentation, scene classification, automatic commentary generation, targeted highlights generation, player identification, and player stats extraction.

Deep learning has been applied everywhere. From imagenet [1] to disease identification [2] to large-scale video classification [3] to text classification [4], there are barely any areas where people have not applied deep learning. But interestingly, there has been very little work in applying data science and deep learning to the game of cricket. This post is a detailed overview of my final year project at the FAST National University. We have developed a deep learning based system that is able to do many tasks in cricket in an automated way. Some of these tasks are:

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Apr 30, 2018

Futurist Gray Scott

Posted by in categories: business, quantum physics, robotics/AI, singularity, virtual reality
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