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In quantum physics, the creation of a state of entanglement in particles any larger and more complex than photons usually requires temperatures close to absolute zero and the application of enormously powerful magnetic fields to achieve. Now scientists working at the University of Chicago (UChicago) and the Argonne National Laboratory claim to have created this entangled state at room temperature on a semiconductor chip, using atomic nuclei and the application of relatively small magnetic fields.

When two particles, such as photons, are entangled – that is, when they interact physically and are then forcibly separated – the spin direction imparted to each is directly opposite to the other. However, when one of the entangled particles has its spin direction measured, the other particle will immediately display the reverse spin direction, no matter how great a distance they are apart. This is the “spooky action at a distance” phenomenon (as Albert Einstein put it) that has already seen the rise of applications once considered science fiction, such as ultra-safe cryptography and a new realm of quantum computing.

Ordinarily, quantum entanglement is a rarely observed occurence in the natural world, as particles coupled in this way first need to be in a highly ordered state before they can be entangled. In essence, this is because thermodynamic entropy dictates that a general chaos of particles is the standard state of things at the atomic level and makes such alignments exceedingly rare. Going up a scale to the macro level, and the sheer number of particles involved makes entanglement an exceptionally difficult state to achieve.

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Wow-glad folks are really beginning to understand the bigger gap that we’re all facing in the near future as we begin our Quantum Technology transformation. Last month I was asked as a futurist & NextGen Technology Disruptor what was my largest concern over the next 5 yrs and I responded the Quantum Gap that we all will be in as the Quantum Transformation begins it’s process among various countries.

Scientists in Finland have made an important breakthrough that brings us a step closer to building a quantum computer.

The team led by quantum physicist Mikko Möttönen succeeded in transporting heat 10,000 times further than ever before, with maximal effectiveness. Science Daily reported on the discovery today, saying that it “may lead to a giant leap in the development of quantum computers.”

The development of quantum computers has been delayed thus far for a number of reasons, one of which is the need to develop technology that cools the computers super-efficiently.

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The 6th annual European Smart Grid Cyber Security conference (7th – 8th March 2016)

Boy! I wish I could attend this meeting. I can imagine all of the conversations now “Quantum” & “Cyber Attacks” with some good old AI thrown in the mix. I am also guess that the 2 articles this week on the NSA maybe brought up too.

SMi Group reports: The MITRE Corporation will be presenting at the SMi’s 6th annual European Smart Grid Cyber Security conference (7th – 8th March 2016)

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These types of movies always come out when society is about to make a huge change in it’s technology that will reshape everything. In the 1950’s we saw movies about alien invasions and run away computers. 60’s & 70’s it was the robots taking over or Dystopia such as West World, Omega Man, Clockwork Orange, then 80’s MadMax and so on. Here we are again with more end of human existance movies because of AI and Quantum. Here is the latest dystopian movie.

This is “The Last Generation to Die — Trailer” by timmaupin on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

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Another article just came out today providing additional content on the Quantum Computing threat and it did reference the article that I had published. Glad that folks are working on this.

The NSA is worried about quantum computers. It warns that it “must act now” to ensure that encryption systems can’t be broken wide open by the new super-fast hardware.

In a document outlining common concerns about the effects that quantum computing may have on national security and encryption of sensitive data, the NSA warns that “public-key algorithms… are all vulnerable to attack by a sufficiently large quantum computer.”

Quantum computers can, theoretically, be so much faster because they take advantage of a quirk in quantum mechanics. While classical computers use bits in 0 or 1, quantum computers use “qubits” that can exist in 0, 1 or a superposition of the two. In turn, that allows it to work through possible solutions more quickly meaning they could crack encryption that normal computers can’t.

NSA states it must act now against the “Quantum Computing Threat” due to hackers can possess the technology. I wrote about this on Jan 10th. Glad someone finally is taking action.

The National Security Agency is worried that quantum computers will neutralize our best encryption – but doesn’t yet know what to do about that problem.

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Q-Dots in your TV in 2016.

Hisense-H10.jpgHisense plans to introduce a total of 22 TVs to the U.S. market in 2016, including 720p, 1080p, and UHD models. All of Hisense’s 2016 UHD TVs (eight models total) will support High Dynamic Range, and screen sizes will range from 43 to 65 inches. The flagship 65-inch H10 (shown here) will feature both HDR and quantum dot technologies and have a full-array LED backlighting with local dimming. The 65H10C will be available in the second half of 2016 for $2,799.99

From Hisense Dedicated to continually pushing the envelope with innovative design, technology and value to the consumer, the number-three TV manufacturer globally is looking to achieve the same position within the U.S. with its groundbreaking, affordable, high-quality televisions.

Since introducing its first 4K model in 2013, Hisense has become the fastest growing 4K TV brand in the U.S., a testament to its dedication to R&D expansion, brand building efforts and nimble operations that ensure consistent value is provided to customers and retailers. In addition, Hisense offers an industry leading warranty program, with more coverage than any other brand.

I don’t claim to be the expert on all things Quantum by no stretch; however, this is an amazing discovery and huge step forward for Quantum.

Quantum gas and liquid/ ferrofluid (quantum fluid made of tiny magnets). Now there’s a concept. Q-Dots as ferrofluid flowing through out your system (which is already comprised of about 72% H2O; think about how liquid Q-Dots can be easily absorb as a liquid and given your brain, heart, etc. run on electro charges and sensors; it could definitely open the discussion why even bother with nuero implants when Q-ferrofluid could actually be absorbed and manipulated to target the right areas for fighting diseases or improving brain functions.

The world of quantum mechanics happens only in small scales around a few nanometers. In this nanoworld, particles can behave like waves, and vice versa and have only some probability to be in a particular region. These effects can be directly observed in ultracold dilute gases. For this purpose thousands or a million atoms are cooled down to a few billionth of a degree above absolute zero. At such low temperatures particles become indistinguishable und unite collecitvely to a single giant matter wave called Bose-Einstein condensate which has astonishing properties. The matter wave flows as quantum fluid practically without inner friction, thus it is namedsuperfluid.

Researchers around Tilman Pfau at the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology IQST in Stuttgart (Germany) created such a quantum fluid made of tiny magnets – that are atoms of the most magnetic element dysprosium. They call it “quantum ferrofluid” since it is superfluid and has magnetic properties similar to classical ferrofluids. Ferrofluids consist of ferromagnetic nanoparticles dissolved in oil or water. When a strong magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the surface of the ferrofluid it undergoes a so-called Rosensweig instability. The surface is no longer smooth like normal fluids, but it generates a regular thorny surface resembling a hedgehog. From the point view of the tiny magnets in a ferrofluid, every south- and northpole attract each other. Therefore, it is energetically favourable to be on top of each other along the field direction, so the fluid grows peaks out of the smooth surface.

For their investigations the researchers from Stuttgart created a quantum ferrofluid with 15,000 atoms and induced a magnetic instability. They observed then the emergence of regular patterns consisting of microscopic droplets, similar to the Rosensweig instability of ferrofluids. Each droplet has a radius smaller than 1 µm and their existence was not expected with the current state of research on these systems. Their observation could thus lead to a new field of research, as the researchers expect quantum fluctuations, related to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle,to play an important role in the droplet existence. These quantum fluctuations allow a unique state of matter that connects opposite properties of gases, crystals and superfluids. This connectioncould be the path to a so-called supersolid, a spatially ordered material with superfluid properties.

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