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Australia should go “Big Science” on addressing Cyber Security. I believe Australia is already making strides in Cyber Security with their own advancements in Quantum.

Australia’s Cyber Security Strategy, to be released this Thursday, will include an emphasis on research and development, as well as education. How might that unfold?

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Regulation is not the immediate problem with autonomous cars. Example, is Google car has been deemed approved by existing regs. However, the issue is the broader public’s trust due to the various reports of hacking of connected cars such as the Nissan Leaf, etc. Until we put in place a more resilient net infrastructure such as Quantum; slow down will happen. I suggest GM to read the news more because everything that I stated has been well communicated in the news and research for the past 4 months.

GM Ventures president Lauckner believes regulation will not halt the advance of the autonomous car.

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Large Hadron Collider (LHC) Could Detect Extra Dimensions.

A recent paper published in Physics Letters B has raised the prospect that the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) could mark a discovery that would put its earlier achievements with the #HiggsBoson in the shade. The authors of the recent published paper propose it could spot mini black holes. Such a discovery would be a matter of massive importance on its own, but might be a sign of even more significant things. Few notions from theoretical physics capture the public imagination as much as the “many-worlds theory,” which suggests an infinite number of universes that vary from our own in ways large and small. The notion has delivered great fodder for science fiction novelists and comedians. Nevertheless, according to Professor Mir Faizal from the University of Waterloo, “Normally, when people think of the multiverse, they think of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics, where every possibility is actualized,” he told “This cannot be tested and so it is philosophy and not science.” Nonetheless, Faizal reflects the test for a different type of parallel universes nearly within our reach. Faizal says “What we mean is real universes in extra dimensions. As gravity can flow out of our universe into the extra dimensions, such a model can be tested by the detection of mini black holes at the LHC.”

#ParticlePhysics #Extradimensions #LHC #CERN #TheoreticalPhysics #BlackHoles

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Fine tuning QC.

HANOVER, N.H. — Dartmouth College and Griffith University researchers have devised a new way to “sense” and control external noise in quantum computing.

Quantum computing may revolutionize information processing by providing a means to solve problems too complex for traditional computers, with applications in code breaking, materials science and physics, but figuring out how to engineer such a machine remains elusive.

The findings appear in the journal Physical Review Letters. A PDF is available on request.

AI is hackable as long as it’s underpinning technology is still supported on legacy platform technology and connected to a legacy infrastructure. Only when the underpinning technology & net infrastructure is updated to Quantum will we see a secured AI environment.

At MIT, machine learning specialists are training deep learning algorithms to spot cyber attacks. It may be AI’s ultimate test.

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AI has been around for over 50 years. So, no it is not new technology. However, what is new is the various breeds of AI. Online bot technology is where folks can expect a larger immediate return. physical Robotics is still not going to deliver at the level that the consumers and various businesses require for adoption on a massive scale. Again, quantum and bio-computing will improve robotics as well as other areas of AI.

The history of technology, whether of the last five or five hundred years, is often told as a series of pivotal events or the actions of larger-than-life individuals, of endless “revolutions” and “disruptive” innovations that “change everything.” It is history as hype, offering a distorted view of the past, sometimes through the tinted lenses of contemporary fads and preoccupations.

In contrast, ENIAC in Action: Making and Remaking the Modern Computer, is a nuanced, engaging and thoroughly researched account of the early days of computers, the people who built and operated them, and their old and new applications. Say the authors, Thomas Haigh, Mark Priestley and Crispin Rope:

The titles of dozens of books have tried to lure a broad audience to an obscure topic by touting an idea, a fish, a dog, a map, a condiment, or a machine as having “changed the world”… One of the luxuries of writing an obscure academic book is that one is not required to embrace such simplistic conceptions of history.