

Archive for the ‘particle physics’ category: Page 39

Apr 18, 2024

Never-Before-Seen Quantum Hybrid State Discovered on Arsenic Surface

Posted by in categories: mathematics, particle physics, quantum physics

Physicists have just found something no one expected, lurking on the surface of an arsenic crystal.

While undertaking a study of quantum topology – the wave-like behavior of particles combined with the mathematics of geometry – a team found a strange hybrid of two quantum states, each describing a different means of current.

“This finding was completely unexpected,” says physicist M. Zahid Hasan of Princeton University. “Nobody predicted it in theory before its observation.”

Apr 18, 2024

This hellish exoplanet’s skies rain iron and create a rainbow-like effect

Posted by in categories: particle physics, space

If the effect is confirmed to be happening over WASP-76b, it could reveal a great deal about this strange and extreme exoplanet — a world unlike anything seen in our stellar domain.

Related: Ultra-hot exoplanet has an atmosphere of vaporized rock

“There’s a reason no glory has been seen before outside our Solar System – it requires very peculiar conditions,” Olivier Demangeon, team leader and an astronomer at the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences in Portugal, said in a statement. “First, you need atmospheric particles that are close-to-perfectly spherical, completely uniform and stable enough to be observed over a long time. The planet’s nearby star needs to shine directly at it, with the observer — here CHEOPS — at just the right orientation.”

Apr 17, 2024

Atom-by-atom: Imaging structural transformations in 2D materials

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics

Silicon-based electronics are approaching their physical limitations and new materials are needed to keep up with current technological demands. Two-dimensional (2D) materials have a rich array of properties, including superconductivity and magnetism, and are promising candidates for use in electronic systems, such as transistors. However, precisely controlling the properties of these materials is extraordinarily difficult.

Apr 17, 2024

Viewing a Quantum Spin Liquid through QED

Posted by in categories: particle physics, quantum physics

A numerical investigation has revealed a surprising correspondence between a lattice spin model and a quantum field theory.

The search for a quantum spin liquid (QSL) in a real magnetic material has been at the forefront of condensed-matter physics since this exotic quantum state was first proposed over half a century ago. Meanwhile, theorists continue to grapple with understanding what rich physics might emerge from this state. Now Alexander Wietek of the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems in Germany and his collaborators have made a significant advance toward that goal. Through numerical simulations, they have presented a compelling numerical case that the spectrum of elementary excitations of a well-studied QSL has a one-to-one correspondence with the spectrum of excitations of a well-studied quantum field theory [1]. If a real QSL is discovered or fabricated, the correspondence opens the prospect of testing theories from particle physics with condensed-matter systems.

Apr 17, 2024

CERN Pays Tribute to Peter Higgs — “God Particle” Physicist Passes Away at 94

Posted by in categories: cosmology, particle physics

Peter Higgs, pivotal in the discovery of the “God Particle,” has died at the age of 94. His groundbreaking work, for which he received a Nobel Prize, laid the foundation for understanding the universe’s fundamental structure and continues to guide current and future research in particle physics.

Peter Higgs has passed away at the age of 94. An iconic figure in modern science, Higgs in 1964 postulated the existence of the eponymous Higgs boson. Its discovery at CERN in 2012 was the crowning achievement of the Standard Model ℠ of particle physics – a remarkable theory that explains the visible universe at the most fundamental level.

Alongside Robert Brout and François Englert, and building on the work of a generation of physicists, Higgs postulated the existence of the Brout-Englert-Higgs (BEH) field. Alone among known fundamental fields, the BEH field is “turned on” throughout the universe, rather than flickering in and out of existence and remaining localized. Its existence allowed matter to form in the early universe some 10-11 s after the Big Bang, thanks to the interactions between elementary particles (such as electrons and quarks) and the ever-present BEH field. Higgs and Englert were awarded the Nobel Prize for physics in 2013 in recognition of these achievements.

Apr 17, 2024

“Neutronic Molecules” — Neutrons Meet Quantum Dots in Groundbreaking MIT Discovery

Posted by in categories: nanotechnology, particle physics, quantum physics

Study shows neutrons can bind to nanoscale atomic clusters known as quantum dots. The finding may provide insights into material properties and quantum effects.

Neutrons are subatomic particles that have no electric charge, unlike protons and electrons. That means that while the electromagnetic force is responsible for most of the interactions between radiation and materials, neutrons are essentially immune to that force.

Neutron interaction through the strong force.

Apr 17, 2024

Quantum electronics: Charge travels like light in bilayer graphene

Posted by in categories: computing, nanotechnology, particle physics, quantum physics

An international research team led by the University of Göttingen has demonstrated experimentally that electrons in naturally occurring double-layer graphene move like particles without any mass, in the same way that light travels. Furthermore, they have shown that the current can be “switched” on and off, which has potential for developing tiny, energy-efficient transistors—like the light switch in your house but at a nanoscale.

Apr 17, 2024

Scientists finally make ‘goldene’, potentially breakthrough new material

Posted by in categories: materials, particle physics

I found this on NewsBreak: Scientists finally make ‘goldene’, potentially breakthrough new material.

Researchers have managed to create “goldene”, an incredibly thin version of gold.

The work follows the successful production of graphene, which is made out of a single layer graphite atoms. That has been hailed as a miracle material: it is astonishingly strong, and much better at conducting heat and electricity than copper.

Continue reading “Scientists finally make ‘goldene’, potentially breakthrough new material” »

Apr 17, 2024

The big idea: are we about to discover a new force of nature?

Posted by in categories: military, nuclear energy, particle physics, satellites

I found this on NewsBreak: The big idea: are we about to discover a new force of nature?

Intriguingly, both disciplines are grappling with unexplained results that could be pointing to the existence of a new force of nature. If such a new force were to be confirmed, the implications for our understanding of the universe, its history and makeup would be profound.

There are four forces that we already know about. Gravity governs the grandest scales, marshalling the planets in their orbits and shaping the evolution of the universe as a whole. Electromagnetic force gives rise to a vast range of phenomena, from the magnetic field of the Earth to radio waves, visible light and X-rays, while also holding atoms, molecules and, by extension, the physical world together. Deep within the atomic nucleus, two further forces emerge: the vice-like “strong force”, which binds atomic nuclei, and the “weak force”, which among other things causes radioactive decay and enables the nuclear reactions that power the sun and the stars.

Continue reading “The big idea: are we about to discover a new force of nature?” »

Apr 17, 2024

Quantum computer creates particle that can remember its past

Posted by in categories: computing, particle physics, quantum physics

It may revolutionize how we approach quantum computing.

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