

Archive for the ‘neuroscience’ category: Page 857

Feb 25, 2017

Exponential Growth Will Transform Humanity in the Next 30 Years

Posted by in categories: futurism, neuroscience

Today’s extraordinary rate of exponential growth may do much more than just disrupt industries. It may actually give birth to a new species, reinventing humanity over the next 30 years.

I believe we’re rapidly heading towards a human-scale transformation, the next evolutionary step into what I call a “Meta-Intelligence,” a future in which we are all highly connected—brain to brain via the cloud—sharing thoughts, knowledge and actions. In this post, I’m investigating the driving forces behind such an evolutionary step, the historical pattern we are about to repeat, and the implications thereof. Again, I acknowledge that this topic seems far-out, but the forces at play are huge and the implications are vast. Let’s dive in…

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Feb 25, 2017

Creative people have better-connected brains

Posted by in category: neuroscience

For those scientists that know creativity is important.

Seemingly countless self-help books and seminars tell you to tap into the right side of your brain to stimulate creativity. But forget the “right-brain” myth — a new study suggests it’s how well the two brain hemispheres communicate that sets highly creative people apart.

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Feb 23, 2017

Recent Harvard Study Reveals Old People Retain Youthful Brain Functions

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Ha! Take that Mark Zuckerberg! (the CEO who said anyone older than 29 years old is not sharp enough for FB)

A recent research revealed that some old people have brain functions fifty years younger than their physical age.

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Feb 23, 2017

Creativity linked by study to left brain and right brain connections

Posted by in categories: innovation, neuroscience

Alright my neuro research & deep-mind learning friends out their; you may wish to read this find; especially as we continue our mapping and mimicking brain functions in systems as well as look at brain enhancement technologies as this is good to know as we try to boost innovation via technologies.

The most creative individuals have more nerve connections between the right and left sides of their brains, reveal researchers in the United States who analyzed connections in 68 different brain regions.

Long believed to be key in fostering imagination and intuition, as well as artistic awareness, and visual and auditive approaches, the right hemisphere isn’t the only part of the brain with a role to play in determining creativity, according to new research from Duke University.

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Feb 23, 2017

Sleeping for 9+ Hours May Be Early Sign of Dementia

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Are you over sleeping? If yes, be careful.

Sleeping for extended amounts of time may be an early indicator of cognitive decline in older people, especially among those with lower education levels, researchers report.

Elderly participants who consistently slept more than 9 hours a night had double the dementia risk over a decade of follow-up in an analysis of data from the Framingham Heart Study.

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Feb 23, 2017

Playing favorites: Brain cells prefer one parent’s gene over the other’s

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, mathematics, neuroscience

Well, in my immediate family; we get science, math, and futurists talents from my dad. And, there does seem to be a pattern in my immediate family with this; not sure about others. Would love to know though.

SALT LAKE CITY — Most kids say they love their mom and dad equally, but there are times when even the best prefers one parent over the other. The same can be said for how the body’s cells treat our DNA instructions. It has long been thought that each copy — one inherited from mom and one from dad — is treated the same. A new study from scientists at the University of Utah School of Medicine shows that it is not uncommon for cells in the brain to preferentially activate one copy over the other. The finding breaks basic tenants of classic genetics and suggests new ways in which genetic mutations might cause brain disorders.

In at least one region of the newborn mouse brain, the new research shows, inequality seems to be the norm. About 85 percent of genes in the dorsal raphe nucleus, known for secreting the mood-controlling chemical serotonin, differentially activate their maternal and paternal gene copies. Ten days later in the juvenile brain, the landscape shifts, with both copies being activated equally for all but 10 percent of genes.

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Feb 23, 2017

Deep brain stimulation for patients with chronic anorexia is safe and might improve symptoms

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, health, information science, neuroscience, quantum physics, security, singularity

BMI is coming fast and will replace many devices we have today. Advances we making in deep brain development are huge markers that pushes the BMI needle forward for the day when IoT, Security, and big data analytics is a human brain’s and a secured Quantum Infrastructure and people (not servers sitting somewhere) owns and manages their most private of information. I love calling it the age of people empowerment as well as singularity.

Small study in 16 people suggests technique is safe and might help improve mood, anxiety and wellbeing, while increasing weight.

Deep brain stimulation might alter the brain circuits that drive anorexia nervosa symptoms and help improve patients’ mental and physical health, according to a small study published in The Lancet Psychiatry.

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Feb 23, 2017

Nano Thread Enables Scientists to Extend Length of Brain Implant Efficacy

Posted by in categories: materials, neuroscience

There is way more coming in BMI.

Researcher Dr. Luan and his interdisciplinary team from the University of Texas at Austin have developed an ultra flexible nanoelectronic thread (NET) that has the potential to offer a new type of the long-term neural implants. Neural probes are used to directly measure or even stimulate electrical activity in specific regions of the brain. However, despite the many advances in the field, issues with biocompatibility have limited the prospects and usefulness of the technology. Conventional probes induce scarring around the implant over time, which in turn increasingly impairs the devices’ ability to measure electrical impulses. This scarring is a result of conventional probes’ width, material, and lack of flexibility.

Due to the micrometer dimensions of the NET and its insulation, the implant doesn’t trigger the development of scar tissue and continues working for months at a time. Publishing in the journal Science Advances, the researchers describe the NET from 7 nm nanoprobes layered together and two to three layers of insulation. The layers together total to about 1 µm in thickness, which grants the probe flexibility that is almost 1000 times greater than conventional probes. This flexibility allows the device to remain in place without hindering the movement of or displacing surrounding tissue.

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Feb 23, 2017

New Tech Makes Brain Implants Safer and Super Precise

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience, robotics/AI

When Jan Scheuermann volunteered for an experimental brain implant, she had no idea she was making neuroscience history.

Scheuermann, 54 at the time of surgery, had been paralyzed for 14 years due to a neurological disease that severed the neural connections between her brain and muscles. She could still feel her body, but couldn’t move her limbs.

Unwilling to give up, Scheuermann had two button-sized electrical implants inserted into her motor cortex. The implants tethered her brain to a robotic arm through two bunches of cables that protruded out from her skull.

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Feb 22, 2017

Group develops deep, non-invasive imaging of mouse brain

Posted by in categories: engineering, neuroscience, physics

A three-photon microscopic video of neurons in a mouse brain. The imaging depth is approximately 1 millimeter below the surface of the brain. The firing of the neurons is captured by an indicator that is based on green fluorescent protein GFP, which glows brighter as the neuron sends a signal.

Nearly four years ago, then-President Obama launched the BRAIN (Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies) Initiative, to “accelerate the development and application of new technologies that will enable researchers to produce dynamic pictures of the brain.”

Several of the program’s initial funding awards went to Cornell’s Chris Xu, the Mong Family Foundation Director of Cornell Neurotech – Engineering, and professor and director of undergraduate studies in applied and engineering physics. Xu’s projects aimed to develop new imaging techniques to achieve large scale, noninvasive imaging of neuronal activity.

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