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It can be done. And it can be done sooner than many realise…even within YOUR lifetime. Imagine… Reaching triple digits with the health, fitness and body of an athletic 30 year old… It is entirely within reach now, it may be even less than a decade away. All we need to do is repair the damage that living and our metabolism create, it is slowly accumulating, which is why it takes 7 or 8 decades to rear its ugly head in most people, so one treatment should keep things under control for many years, and by then science will have advanced immeasurably, improving the treatments to whole new levels… Then you can dream of reaching 4 digits…then 5…then 6… BUT You need to stay in good enough shape to last long enough to see the treatments perfected and available. So watch your diet, your mental and physical health, your weight, and look to use occasional fasting, and time restricted eating, along with saunas and cold showers (or any hot/cold therapy), etc., to keep yourself at your optimum until that days arrives. If you want to know more, then this video breaks it down into even more detail. Have a great day and enjoy your journey into the future…

In a roadmap to end aging — understand the hallmarks to change your direction.

Getting old, grey hair, wrinkles, less strength, fragile bones, slower healing… And these are just the visible obvious factors, a slow continual decline towards your final grave. But if you know what is at fault, you can start to make lifestyle changes to alter their trajectory. Watch this video on Stress to find out more about what you can do and why it works And we do not only know what is happening, we also have some very good ideas of how to reverse, or at least, slow their decline whilst science works on real solutions. So, this will show you what the problems are, and then we shall start looking at what YOU can do to turn back the clock. With an aging population the benefits of more living their extended years in good health and able to lead whatever lifestyle they desire, is taking on ever more importance. Once you understand the mechanisms and follow the processes you will be able to build a better lifestyle aimed at a long and enjoyable existence. What are you actively doing to extend your healthspan?
And these are just the visible obvious factors, a slow continual decline towards your final grave.

But if you know what is at fault, you can start to make lifestyle changes to alter their trajectory.

Watch this video on Stress to find out more about what you can do and why it works.

And we do not only know what is happening, we also have some very good ideas of how to reverse, or at least, slow their decline whilst science works on real solutions.

So, this will show you what the problems are, and then we shall start looking at what YOU can do to turn back the clock.
With an aging population the benefits of more living their extended years in good health and able to lead whatever lifestyle they desire, is taking on ever more importance.

Once you understand the mechanisms and follow the processes you will be able to build a better lifestyle aimed at a long and enjoyable existence.