

Archive for the ‘neuroscience’ category: Page 631

Nov 19, 2019

Brent Nally interviews Dr. Michael Fossel about Telocyte and telomerase gene therapy on 11/16/2019

Posted by in categories: bitcoin, ethics, finance, life extension, media & arts, neuroscience, transhumanism

Haven’t heard from Fossel in awhile. This is long but well indexed in the notes.

My mission is to drastically improve your life by helping you break bad habits, build and keep new healthy habits to make you the best version of yourself.

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Nov 18, 2019

Exosomes May Hold Key to Brain Circuit Development

Posted by in category: neuroscience

New discovery suggests cellular ‘cargo’ transporters play a profound role in creating brain cells and circuits.

Nov 18, 2019

“Surprising” new insights into link between gut microbiome and aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, life extension, neuroscience

A new study is suggesting a metabolite produced by gut microbes could increase neuron production in the brain, improve intestinal function, and ultimately slow the aging process. Across several compelling mouse experiments the research found the negative effects of aging could be counteracted by enhanced microbial production of a molecule called butyrate.

Investigating the effect of the gut microbiome on aging, the new research first performed gut microbiome transplants between old and young mice. Using fecal transplants, young germ-free mice were colonized with the gut microbiota of older mice. The results were somewhat unexpected as the younger mice colonized with the older microbiomes displayed increased neurogenesis, a process whereby new neurons are produced in the brain.

“We’ve found that microbes collected from an old mouse have the capacity to support neural growth in a younger mouse,” explains Sven Pettersson, lead on the research team from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. “This is a surprising and very interesting observation…”

Nov 18, 2019

Life-long epigenetic programming of cortical architecture

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, evolution, food, genetics, life extension, neuroscience

The evolution of human diets led to preferences toward polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content with ‘Western’ diets enriched in ω-6 PUFAs. Mounting evidence points to ω-6 PUFA excess limiting metabolic and cognitive processes that define longevity in humans. When chosen during pregnancy, ω-6 PUFA-enriched ‘Western’ diets can reprogram maternal bodily metabolism with maternal nutrient supply precipitating the body-wide imprinting of molecular and cellular adaptations at the level of long-range intercellular signaling networks in the unborn fetus. Even though unfavorable neurological outcomes are amongst the most common complications of intrauterine ω-6 PUFA excess, cellular underpinnings of life-long modifications to brain architecture remain unknown. Here, we show that nutritional ω-6 PUFA-derived endocannabinoids desensitize CB1 cannabinoid receptors, thus inducing epigenetic repression of transcriptional regulatory networks controlling neuronal differentiation. We found that cortical neurons lose their positional identity and axonal selectivity when mouse fetuses are exposed to excess ω-6 PUFAs in utero. Conversion of ω-6 PUFAs into endocannabinoids disrupted the temporal precision of signaling at neuronal CB1 cannabinoid receptors, chiefly deregulating Stat3-dependent transcriptional cascades otherwise required to execute neuronal differentiation programs. Global proteomics identified the immunoglobulin family of cell adhesion molecules (IgCAMs) as direct substrates, with DNA methylation and chromatin accessibility profiling uncovering epigenetic reprogramming at 1400 sites in neurons after prolonged cannabinoid exposure. We found anxiety and depression-like behavioral traits to manifest in adult offspring, which is consistent with genetic models of reduced IgCAM expression, to suggest causality for cortical wiring defects. Overall, our data uncover a regulatory mechanism whose disruption by maternal food choices could limit an offspring’s brain function for life.

  • Immediate Communication
  • Published: 18 November 2019
    <li class=”” itemprop=“author” itemscope=“itemscope” itemtype=“http://schema.[/ul>

Nov 17, 2019

New Body Structure Might Explain How Cancer Spreads

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

It seems incredible that scientists have discovered a new human organ. I mean, they cut people open right and left (living and dead). How could they miss anything?

Well, they did. A new organ has been identified. Actually, two. Plus a new “structure” that is not quite an organ.

First, the “structure”: In 2017, an elaborate system of drainage vessels was seen in the brain for the first time. Until then their existence was suspected, but not certain.

Nov 16, 2019

New cell therapy improves memory and stops seizures following TBI

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Transplanting embryonic progenitor interneurons into the hippocampus of mouse models of TBI, researchers noticed the neurons migrated to the injury site and made new connections. Following treatment, memory improved and seizures were reduced.

Nov 16, 2019

[FREE] Watch the Groundbreaking 8-Part Docu-series, ‘The Gut Solution’ (Starts July 1st)

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, neuroscience

Did you know that obesity, autoimmune disease, diabetes, arthritis, depression, anxiety and eczema all have one thing in common? It’s the gut.

Nov 16, 2019

Sleep deprivation makes you crave sugar

Posted by in category: neuroscience

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Nov 16, 2019

Discovered: the brain’s map pins

Posted by in category: neuroscience

New finding sheds new light on how the brain processes spatial memory.

Nov 16, 2019

Link between inflammation and mental sluggishness shown

Posted by in category: neuroscience

Summary: Inflammation appears to have a negative impact on attention and cognition. Source: University of BirminghamScientists at the University of Birmingham in collaboration with the Universi.