Dr Michael Fossel is a PhD and MD heading up telomerase research and therapy and has kindly written a blog article for Bioviva detailing the work both they and his company Telocyte are doing to fight back against Alzheimer’s.
How Alzheimer’s Can Be Prevented and Cured…
Michael Fossel, MD, PhD
As I said in my medical textbook on aging, “If age is a thief, then the greatest treasure we lose is ourselves.” We fear Alzheimer’s not simply because it takes away our health, but because it steals our souls.
Once, we thought it was simply “old age” that gradually killed the cells that carry information and memory. These are brain cells that make us who we are and define our consciousness.
Only in the past two decades, have we gradually come to realize that it’s not the neurons, which are merely the innocent bystanders in the tragedy,
but the microglial cells that cause the disease. It’s our microglia, not our neurons that steal our very souls.
Alzheimer’s disease begins in our glial cells. These cells together form.
90% of our brains, while neurons are only a small minority in the nervous system.