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Come and spend an evening in the company of Dr. Aubrey de Grey when he visits Monaco on November 29th.

World-renowned biogerontologist Dr. Aubrey de Grey was the first person to awaken me to the idea that aging could be seen as something repairable, not just to be accepted as inevitable, and that such an approach would inevitably lead to much longer healthy lifespans, with more time to fulfill our dreams and potential, more time to learn, more time to give something to the world and just more time to enjoy being alive.

I first met Aubrey in 2009 when I helped to interpret a talk for him in Narbonne, France, as I had recently moved to the south of France, and there I also met healthy longevity activist Didier Coeurnelle from Belgium, who was just founding his association, Heales, with Sven Bulterijs. Didier became a good friend and has since been almost as tireless as Aubrey in his efforts to promote healthy longevity.

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The latest podcast with Liz Parrish with Elite Man Magazine. Her story, how she intends to tackle disease, and how she views the future. Once we have cured all diseases, we can color our skin green and our eyes purple. Wow!

Check out this incredible interview with BioViva CEO Liz Parrish as she talks about how to stop aging, grow taller, build incredible muscle mass, and reverse disease using gene therapy!

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Julie K. Andersen at the Buck Institute for Research on Aging in Novato as a speaker for the 2019 Undoing Aging Conference.

“Julie has been associated with SENS since its earliest days: she participated in the first workshop that I organised to discuss it, in 2000, and she was a co-author on the first SENS paper in 2002. We’re delighted to be funding her laboratory at the Buck Institute to explore new ways of eliminating neurofibrillary tangles from neurons of Alzheimer’s sufferers, and at UA2019 we will hear about their initial progress.” says Aubrey de Grey.…Qq6fZbArkM #

#undoingaging #sens #foreverhealthy

Desiccants kill more than plants. Herbicides like glyphosate also kill bacteria. You could just as easily call them “antibiotics.” Our gut bacteria are sensitive to antibiotics, which is why we should avoid eating herbicides. When our microbes are healthy, our immune system is stable. But when microbes are disturbed, diseases like obesity, Alzheimer’s, or celiac disease can result.

Driving down a grid road in central Saskatchewan, a machine that looks like a giant insect approaches me in a cloud of dust. The cab, hanging 8 feet above the road, is suspended by tires at least 6 feet tall, with wing-like appendages folded along each side. Should I drive around it or under it?

It is harvest season, and the high-clearance sprayer is on its way to desiccate a field. Desiccation may be the most widespread farming practice you’ve never heard of. Farmers desiccate by applying herbicide to their crops; this kills all the plants at the same time, making them uniformly dry and easier to cut. In essence, desiccation speeds up plant aging. Before desiccation, crops would have to dry out naturally at the end of the season. Today, almost all conventional crops are desiccated in Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Chances are that most of what you ate today was harvested using a desiccant, but you’d never know.

Mike Shewchuk jumps down from his swather as I pull into his farmyard. He is a young farmer whose blond brush cut and a robust stride would have not been out of place 50 years ago. Along with his dad, uncles, and brother, he farms 15,000 acres an hour outside of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. They recently received a century farm award, for having continuously farmed the land since the early 1900s.

We wanted to bring your attention to a recent publication that discusses the topic of cellular senescence and the contributions of senescent cells to aging and disease [1].

What is perhaps the most interesting part of this paper is the section covering the potential future directions that researchers may take in managing senescent cell populations in order to mitigate age-related disease.

The author writes not only about the direct destruction of senescent cells via senolytic drugs but also about the modulation of the harmful secretions these cells produce, which are called the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP).

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On January 29–31, 2019, the Longevity Therapeutics Summit is happening at the Argonaut Hotel in San Francisco, California. The conference is a great networking opportunity with some leading names in aging research giving talks during the event.

This will be a two-day conference plus a pre-conference workshop hosted by our good friend Kelsey Moody from Ichor Therapeutics. During the workshop, Kelsey will be giving his personal insights into launching and developing a successful biotech company, particularly the challenges faced in the field of rejuvenation biotechnology. This is sure to be a highly informative workshop and well worth your time, especially if you are interested in launching your own company in this field, but even if you are not, it may still prove interesting to learn about this challenging industry.

This conference aims at bringing together leading figures in biology, biotechnology, omics, investment, and other fields in order to discuss how to further accelerate progress in aging research so that the time between basic research and clinical use is as short as possible.

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! A new review on the positive effects on lifespan and health of fasting and calorie restriction.

Nutrient composition and caloric intake have traditionally been used to devise optimized diets for various phases of life. Adjustment of meal size and frequency have emerged as powerful tools to ameliorate and postpone the onset of disease and delay aging, whereas periods of fasting, with or without reduced energy intake, can have profound health benefits. The underlying physiological processes involve periodic shifts of metabolic fuel sources, promotion of repair mechanisms, and the optimization of energy utilization for cellular and organismal health. Future research endeavors should be directed to the integration of a balanced nutritious diet with controlled meal size and patterns and periods of fasting to develop better strategies to prevent, postpone, and treat the socioeconomical burden of chronic diseases associated with aging.

The worldwide increase in life expectancy has not been paralleled by an equivalent increase in healthy aging. Developed and developing countries are facing social and economic challenges caused by disproportional increases in their elderly populations and the accompanying burden of chronic diseases. Geriatricians and gerontologists have contributed greatly to our understanding of the consequences and processes that underlie aging from clinical, social, mental, physical, and biological perspectives. The primary goal of aging research is to improve the health of older persons and to design and test interventions that may prevent or delay age-related diseases. Besides socioeconomic status, energy, environmental quality, and genetics are the most powerful determinants of health and longevity. Although environmental quality and genetics are not under our direct control, energy intake is.

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At the Eurosymposium on Healthy Ageing, we had the opportunity to interview Sven Butlerijs of the Healthy Life Extension Society (HEALES). Some of our regular readers may recall seeing Sven join us for some of the monthly episodes of the Journal Club and he is an active figure in the rejuvenation biotechnology field.

During the interview with Nicola Bagalà, Sven discusses the extracellular matrix, its role in human biomechanics, what happens when it ages and stiffens, the role of cross-linking in collagen, and the possibility of interventions.

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