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1️⃣ Genomic Instability 2️⃣ Telomere Attrition 3️⃣ Epigenetic Alterations 4️⃣ Loss of Proteostasis 5️⃣ Nutrient Sensing Goes Awry 6️⃣ Mitochondrial Dysfunction 7️⃣ Cellular Senescence 8️⃣ Stem Cell Exhaustion 9️⃣ Altered Intercellular Communication.

Explore these horsemen and the strategies being deployed to defeat this decline in Chapter 10 — The Future of #Longevity ➡️

However, labeling aging itself as a disease is both misleading and detrimental. Pathologizing a universal process makes it seem toxic. In our youth-obsessed society, ageism already runs rampant in Hollywood, the job market, and even presidential races. And calling aging a disease doesn’t address critical questions about why we age in the first place. Instead of calling aging a disease, scientists should aim to identify and treat the underlying processes that cause aging and age-related cellular deterioration.

Aging is associated with heart disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and cancer, but what’s underlying all that?

the photo series by vintner and fletcher illustrates three gradual stages of transhumanism from ‘testing ground’, ‘patient zero’ to ‘humanity 2.0’. at the lowest tier, ‘testing ground’ looks into individuals who have created wearable technology to expand their human abilities, improving everything from concentration to mental health.‘patient zero’ studies those who have taken permanent action to become half human and half robot. in the final chapter, ‘humanity 2.0’, the transhumanist subjects focus on life extension and immortality.

Dr. Frank Sabatino is currently the Health Director of the Balance for Life Health Retreat, a lifestyle education center specializing in plant based nutrition, health rejuvenation, stress management, therapeutic fasting and detoxification.

“Our task is to make nature, the blind force of nature, into an instrument of universal resuscitation and to become a union of immortal beings.“
- Nikolai F. Fedorov

We hold faith in the technologies & discoveries of humanity to END AGING and Defeat involuntary Death within our lifetime.

Working to Save Lives with Age Reversal Education.

O.o um what?

Over the past few years biologists have developed several lines of evidence showing that one particular protein molecule inside cells plays an extraordinary variety of life-protecting roles, so much so that the molecule has been dubbed a “guardian angel.” The findings are leading to greater knowledge of how life works and to a deeper understanding of the root causes of cancer.

So pervasive is the molecule’s role that scientists in four areas of biology were on the trail of it, each field unaware, until recently, of the protein’s importance in the others.

Molecular biologists, for example, were trying to learn more about how cells repair the genetic damage that is routinely inflicted by radiation, chemicals and even body heat. In another area of research, cell biologists were trying to understand how cells govern the timing of when they divide. Other cell biologists wanted to know how cells carry out a natural process called “programmed cell death,” or apoptosis, in which a cell literally commits suicide. And, finally, cancer researchers were puzzled by the fact that at least half of all victims had tumors with mutations in one particular gene — so many that they called the gene a “tumor suppressor” on the grounds that when it was knocked out, a cell was predisposed to become cancerous. A Four-Team Effort.