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Transhumanism, briefly explained, means the modification of human beings through technology and engineering. It employs a variety of methods used to cure ailments, or upgrading humans just for the sake of it. Creating people that are smarter, stronger, healthier, or more productive.

It comes with plenty of social and ethical implications and challenges. How will we face this future? Let’s find out today.

Notes and References:
[1] Harari, N.Y. (2017). Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow. HarperCollins Publishing: New York, NY
[2] Niller, E. (2018, August 10). Why Gene Editing Is the Next Food Revolution. Time. Retrieved from…ne-editing.
[3] Epstein, L.R., Lee, S.S., Miller, M.F., & Lombardi, H.A. (2021). CRISPR, animals, and FDA oversight: Building a path to success. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(22) e2004831117, doi:10.1073/pnas.2004831117
[4] Park, A. (2019, August 6). CRISPR Gene Editing Is Being Tested in Human Patients, and the Results Could Revolutionize Health Care. Time. Retrieved from
[5][Neuralink]. (2021, April 8). Monkey MindPong[Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from
[6] Ritchie, H., Ortiz-Ospina E. & Roser, M. (2013). Life Expectancy. Retrieved from
[7] Sinclair, D.A. & LaPlante, M.D. (2019). Lifespan: Why We Age and Why We Don’t Have To. Atria Books: New York, NY.
[8] Kharpal, A. (2017, February 13). Elon Musk: Humans must merge with machines or become irrelevant in AI age. CNBC.…obots.html.
[9] Humanity+ —World Transhumanist Association. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Do you want to learn more about Transhumanism? Check out these sources!

A team of researchers affiliated with a host of institutions in China and the U.S. has found that injecting procyanidin C1 (PCC1), a chemical found in grape seed extract, into older mice extended their lifespan. In their paper published in the journal Nature Metabolism, the group describes the link between PCC1 and extended lifespan in mice and the experiments they carried out with the material.

Scientists have been trying for many years to understand the . The hope is that once it is understood, can slow or stop the process to allow people to live longer or to live in a more healthy way as they age. In this new effort, the researchers screened 46 plant extracts looking for anti-aging capabilities. They came across PCC1. Initial tests during screening showed it reduced the number of senescent cells in the human prostate. Such cells are known to contribute to aging. Intrigued with their results, the researchers tested it further. They found that at low doses it prevented senescent cells from contributing to inflammation, and at killed them outright without harming other cells.

The team then injected 171 mice with PCC1, 91 of whom were considered to be old. They found that this increased the overall lifespan of the mice by 9 percent and their remaining lifespans by 60 percent, on average. The researchers also injected younger mice with the extract chemical over a period of four months and found it improved their physical fitness. They then injected mice that had with the chemical and found that doing so helped to shrink tumors when given in conjunction with chemotherapy. They also found it did the same with human tumor cells implanted into mice.

Very technical and it’s from the usually secretive Calico.

Jacob Kimmel of Calico Labs discusses how cells can be reprogrammed to restore youthful expression through transient suppression of cell identity at’s 2021 EARD conference.


As we age, our muscles gradually become smaller, weaker and less able to heal after injury. In a new study, UPMC and University of Pittsburgh researchers pinpoint an important mediator of youthfulness in mouse muscle, a discovery that could advance muscle regeneration therapies for older people.

Published today in Nature Aging, the study demonstrates that circulating shuttles called , or EVs, deliver for the longevity protein known as Klotho to cells. Loss of muscle function and impaired muscle repair in old may be driven by aged EVs, which carry fewer copies of these instructions than those in .

The findings are an important advance in understanding why the capacity for muscles to regenerate dwindles with age.

Combining knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering, scientists from McGill University develop a biomaterial tough enough to repair the heart, muscles, and vocal cords, representing a major advance in regenerative medicine.

“People recovering from heart damage often face a long and tricky journey. Healing is challenging because of the constant movement tissues must withstand as the heart beats. The same is true for vocal cords. Until now there was no injectable material strong enough for the job,” says Guangyu Bao, a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at McGill University.

The team, led by Professor Luc Mongeau and Assistant Professor Jianyu Li, developed a new injectable hydrogel for wound repair. The hydrogel is a type of biomaterial that provides room for cells to live and grow. Once injected into the body, the biomaterial forms a stable, porous structure allowing live cells to grow or pass through to repair the injured organs.

Due to last years success, I am back with an updated list of my 5 most promising anti-aging compounds.

There are more than 200 different geroprotective compounds. Some of these are already available as supplements, some are in clinical trials and some have FDA approval. Which are my top 5 that I think i most promising in terms of their anti-aging effects (so focusing more on healthspan than lifespan). And note the use of “promising” — there is still much work to be done to better investigate the long-term safety, dose and timings of different supplements which you should always bear in mind.

Anyway, I made this video more for a bit of fun and to make a longer summary video to pull ideas together from multiple previous videos with some new info too! So hope you like it! And disclaimer — this is not recommendation or health advise — i am not a medical doctor!!

Do my top 5 match yours?

Combining knowledge of chemistry, physics, biology, and engineering, scientists from McGill University develop a biomaterial tough enough to repair the heart, muscles, and vocal cords, representing a major advance in regenerative medicine.

“People recovering from heart damage often face a long and tricky journey. Healing is challenging because of the constant movement tissues must withstand as the heart beats. The same is true for vocal cords. Until now there was no injectable material strong enough for the job,” says Guangyu Bao, a PhD candidate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at McGill University.