

Archive for the ‘genetics’ category: Page 393

Apr 20, 2018

Bioquark Inc. — Glowing Skin Podcast — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, chemistry, DNA, genetics, health, innovation, life extension

Apr 19, 2018

PERFECT Official Trailer (2018) Abbie Cornish Sci-Fi Movie HD

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics

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A young man with a violent past enters a mysterious clinic where the patients wildly transform their bodies and minds using genetic engineering.

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Apr 18, 2018

DNA methylation-based biomarkers and the epigenetic clock theory of ageing

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension

Biomarkers of ageing based on DNA methylation data enable accurate age estimates for any tissue across the entire life course. Horvath and Raj review the development of these ‘epigenetic clocks’ and how they link to biological ageing.

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Apr 18, 2018

Bioquark Inc. — Cracking the Entrepreneur Code Podcast — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, biotech/medical, business, disruptive technology, DNA, economics, finance, genetics, health, life extension

Apr 17, 2018

Man’s second face transplant is a world first

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, neuroscience

A man in Paris has become the world’s first to successfully receive two facial transplants.

Jérôme Hamon, 43, underwent his first face transplantation procedure in 2010 to treat neurofibromatosis, a genetic disorder characterized by the growth of tumors along nerves in the skin, brain and other parts of the body. Yet Hamon’s body rejected the original transplant.

In January, a team of surgeons and paramedics at Georges Pompidou European Hospital AP-HP, led by surgeon Dr. Laurent Lantieri, performed Hamon’s second transplant.

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Apr 17, 2018

Bioquark Inc. — Connecting The Resilient — Spinal Cord Injury Podcast

Posted by in categories: aging, bioengineering, biological, biotech/medical, disruptive technology, DNA, genetics, health, life extension, neuroscience

Apr 15, 2018

Bioquark Inc. — Hyperspace Show — Ira Pastor

Posted by in categories: aging, alien life, bioengineering, biotech/medical, business, cosmology, cryonics, disruptive technology, DNA, genetics

Apr 14, 2018

CRISPR plants won’t be regulated

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics

In a big win for the biotech industry, the US Department of Agriculture says once and for all it won’t regulate plants whose genomes have been altered using gene-editing technology.

Why it’s a field day: The decision means that we could see a boom in newfangled plants from firms like Monsanto, universities, and startups like Calyxt, whose oil-altered soybeans featured in our cover story late last year.

Here’s the logic: The USDA says gene editing is just a (much) faster form of breeding. So long as a genetic alteration could have been bred into a plant, it won’t be regulated. That includes changes that create immunity to disease or natural resistance to crop chemicals, as well as edits to make seeds bigger and heavier. It doesn’t include transgenic plants (those with a gene from a distant species)—those will still be regulated.

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Apr 14, 2018

Crispr’d Food, Coming Soon to a Supermarket Near You

Posted by in categories: food, genetics

This week the USDA announced it has no plans to regulate gene-editing technologies like Crispr, opening the door to a boom in designer foods.

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Apr 14, 2018

Breakthrough brings gene-editing medicine one step closer to patient applications

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, genetics

Imagine a future where a guided biomachine put into your body seeks out defective gene sequences in each cell and edits in the correct information with precision accuracy.

It’s called gene editing, and University of Alberta researchers have just published a game-changing study that promises to bring the technology much closer to therapeutic reality.

“We’ve discovered a way to greatly improve the accuracy of gene-editing technology by replacing the natural guide molecule it uses with a synthetic one called a bridged nucleic acid, or BNA,” said Basil Hubbard, Canada Research Chair in Molecular Therapeutics and an assistant professor in the U of A’s Department of Pharmacology, who led the study.

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