

Archive for the ‘genetics’ category: Page 345

Jun 17, 2019

Do-it-yourself CRISPR genome editing kits bring genetic engineering to your kitchen bench

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, food, genetics, habitats

CRISPR genome editing is one of the most significant, world-changing technologies of our era, allowing scientists to make incredibly precise cut n’ paste edits to the DNA of living organisms. Now, one synthetic biologist from NASA plans to make it as accessible as a home science kit, so you can bio-hack yeast and bacteria on your kitchen bench.

Jun 17, 2019

Harvard Scientist Reveals List Of Genes And Their Corresponding Superhuman Abilities

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics

George Church is a Harvard scientist that is famed for his plan to bring the woolly mammoth back to life. This genius scientist has also been involved in another project and has been assembling a list of genetic mutations and alterations that could give people longer lives and superhuman powers. We could be on the brink of real-life superheroes!

While some people may think this is just a passing thought, it really isn’t. In fact, Church has even created a spreadsheet which lists the known pros and cons of each gene and what “superpower” they would give. One example would be a specific mutation to the LRP5 gene, which would give the patient extra-strong bones. However, such a power would also decrease buoyancy in water. Other weird and wonderful changes could offer patients resistance to radiation or incredible skills at holding their breath underwater.

Jun 17, 2019

A genetic mutation could help us understand how to stop pain

Posted by in category: genetics

People like Jo Cameron, who can’t feel any pain, could help us find the on-off switch for suffering.

Jun 16, 2019

GSK partners with CRISPR pioneer Doudna to find new drugs

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, robotics/AI

GSK forms CRISPR alliance with UC Berkeley and UCSF to create functional genomics insitute. The main one, technologywise, is this about using CRISPR as a gene function screen. One can do a gazillion experiments at once, fleshing out connections, sketching the biology, finding drug targets.

S AN FRANCISCO — The drug maker GlaxoSmithKline announced Thursday that it would team up with some of the nation’s most prominent CRISPR researchers to use the gene-editing technology in a search for new medicines, establishing a new lab in San Francisco and spending up to $67 million over five years.

Jennifer Doudna, the University of California, Berkeley, researcher who co-invented the CRISPR enzyme technology, will help lead the effort, along with Jonathan Weissman, a UC San Francisco researcher who has been using CRISPR to understand the function of individual human genes and how they work together. Both are Howard Hughes Medical Institute investigators.

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Jun 16, 2019

CRISPR used to build dual-core computers inside human cells

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, computing, genetics

The CRISPR gene-editing system is usually known for helping scientists treat genetic diseases, but the technology has a whole range of possible uses in synthetic biology too. Now researchers at ETH Zurich have used CRISPR to build functional biocomputers inside human cells.

Jun 15, 2019

Genetic Brain-Mapping of Autism Photo

Posted by in categories: genetics, mapping, neuroscience

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Jun 14, 2019

Microsoft Is Building an All-In-One DNA Data Storage Device

Posted by in categories: computing, genetics

The modern world is facing a tsunami of data. DNA is emerging as an ultra-compact way of storing it all, and now researchers supported by Microsoft have created the first system that can automatically translate digital information into genetic code and retrieve it again.

In 2018 we created 33 zettabytes (ZB)—33 trillion gigabytes—of data, according to analysts at IDC, and they predict that by 2025 that figure will rise to 175 ZB. It’s been estimated that if we were to store all our information in flash drives, by 2040 it would require 10 to 100 times the global supply of chip-grade silicon.

DNA, on the other hand, is so compact it could shrink a data center to the size of a few dice. But for that to become practical we need a DNA-based equivalent of a hard drive that lets you upload and download data in a simple and intuitive way.

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Jun 13, 2019

Rare Genetic Mutation Raises Pain Tolerance To Superhuman Levels

Posted by in category: genetics

Scientists have found a genetic mutation that cranks up someone’s pain tolerance to the superhuman level.

New research describes an Italian family with a rare gene that turns down their pain sensitivity and might offer clues in the development of pain treatments, particularly those who experience chronic pain. The six members of this family, who are from three different generations, have “a distinctive pain response that has not been identified in any other people,” University College London explained. The low-pain condition is called congenital analgesia and has been connected to a couple of other genetic mutations as well, but the studied family has a unique set of symptoms.

“The members of this family can burn themselves or experience … bone fractures without feeling any pain,” lead study author James Cox said in the university statement. “Their nerves are all there, they’re just not working how they should be. We’re working to gain a better understanding of exactly why they don’t feel much pain.”

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Jun 13, 2019

CRISPR-Cas9 Therapy May Suppress Aging

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, genetics, life extension, neuroscience

Age is a leading risk factor for a number of conditions such as heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease among others, such conditions make a real need for development of anti-aging therapies urgent. Salk Institute researchers may have developed a new gene therapy to help decelerate the aging process, as published in the journal Nature Medicine.

CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing therapy has been shown by the Salk Institute team to suppress the accelerated aging observed in mice with Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome; and provided insight into the molecular pathways involved in accelerated aging, and how to reduce toxic proteins via gene therapy.

Having an early onset and fast progression progeria is a severe form of degenerative disorder caused by LMNA gene mutations; signs of accelerated aging include DNA damage, cardiac dysfunction, and dramatically shortened lifespan. LMNA genes produce lamin A and lamin C inside a cell, progeria shifts production of lamin A to progerin which is a toxic shortened form of lamin A that accumulates with age and becomes exacerbated with the condition.

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Jun 13, 2019

Research decodes plant defense system, with an eye on improving farming and medicine

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, food, genetics

UMBC’s Hua Lu, professor of biological sciences, and colleagues have found new genetic links between a plant’s circadian rhythm (essentially, an internal clock) and its ability to fend off diseases and pests. The findings were 10 years in the making and published in Nature Communications this week. The results could eventually lead to plants that are more resistant to disease-causing pathogens and better treatment for human diseases.

“It’s quite cool,” Lu says, “because, in both and animals, people are beginning to study the crosstalk between the clock and the immunity system.”

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