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A theoretical analysis from researchers at Japan’s largest scientific research agency, RIKEN, suggests that intermediate energy heavy-ion collisions can give birth to the strongest electromagnetic fields ever observed.

Heavy ion collisions involve colliding large atomic nuclei at high velocities. Such collisions generate strong electric fields for a brief period, enabling scientists to study behaviors and phenomena that are otherwise remain hidden.

Physicists have observed the Zel’dovich effect in an electromagnetic system – something that was thought to be incredibly difficult to do until now. This observation, in a simplified induction generator, suggests that the effect could in fact be quite fundamental in nature.

In 1971, the Russian physicist Yakov Zel’dovich predicted that electromagnetic waves scattered by a rotating metallic cylinder should be amplified by gaining mechanical rotational energy from the cylinder. The effect, explains Marion Cromb of the University of Southampton, works as follows: waves with angular momentum – or twist – that would usually be absorbed by an object, instead become amplified by that object. However, this amplification only occurs if a specific condition is met: namely, that the object is rotating at an angular velocity that’s higher than the frequency of the incoming waves divided by the wave angular momentum number. In this specific electromagnetic experiment, this number was 1, due to spin angular momentum, but it can be larger.

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A prototype described as the world’s strongest functional structural battery has been unveiled by researchers in Sweden.

By 2023, Asp’s team had improved on this approach with a second-generation structural battery that used the same constituents, but employed an improved manufacturing method. This time, the team used an infusion technique to ensure the resin was distributed more evenly throughout the carbon fibre network.

In this incarnation, the team enhanced the battery’s negative electrode by using ultra-thin spread tow carbon fibre, where the fibres are spread into thin sheets. This approach improved both the mechanical strength and the electrical conductivity of the battery. At that stage, however, the mechanical strength of the battery was still limited by the LFP positive electrode.

Now, the team has addressed this challenge by using a carbon fibre-based positive electrode. Asp says, “This is the third generation, and is the first all-fibre structural battery, as has always been desired. Using carbon fibres in both electrodes, we could boost the battery’s elastic modulus, without suffering from reduced energy density.”

In the age of technology everywhere, we are all too familiar with the inconvenience of a dead battery. But for those relying on a wearable healthcare device to monitor glucose, reduce tremors, or even track heart function, taking time to recharge can pose a big risk.

For the first time, researchers in Carnegie Mellon University have shown that a healthcare device can be powered using body heat alone. By combining a pulse oximetry sensor with a flexible, stretchable, wearable thermoelectric energy generator composed of liquid metal, semiconductors, and 3D printed rubber, the team has introduced a promising way to address battery life concerns.

Yet despite the attraction of OAM monopoles for orbitronics, until this latest study, they have remained a theoretical dream.

Hedgehogs hide between theory and experiment.

To observe them experimentally, hope has lain with a technique known as Circular Dichroism in Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy, or CD-ARPES, using circularly polarised X-rays from a synchrotron light source. Yet a gap between theory and experiment has in the past hindered researchers from interpreting the data. “Researchers may have had the data, but the evidence for OAM monopoles was buried in it,” says Schüler.

As President, Jimmy Carter established several science-related initiatives and policies.

Carter also sought to promote scientific research and development in a number of areas. He increased funding for basic science research in fields such as physics and chemistry, and established the National Commission on Excellence in Education to promote improvements in science and math education in American schools.

On top of that, Carter sought to address environmental issues through science policy. He established the Superfund program, which was created to clean up hazardous waste sites, and signed the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act, which protected millions of acres of land in Alaska.

Anyone familiar with optics labs is familiar with the extremes of light coherence: laser beams are highly coherent, producing clear interference patterns used for precise applications like atomic manipulation or precise sensing. In contrast, light from sources like flashlights is incoherent, typically unable to produce such patterns without considerable effort, or at the cost of considerable optical power losses.

The company said its technology can recover 300% more lithium than conventional methods. Traditional extraction typically yields 30% to 40% of lithium from brine, while EnergyX said its DLE achieves a +90% extraction rate.

The technology has raised over $110 million in total funding, backed by investors including General Motors, Eni and POSCO.

With two Tier 1 projects underway, Black Giant in Chile is estimated to produce 40,000 tonnes of lithium per year, while Project Lonestar in the US is estimated at 25,000 tonnes.

Billions of years ago, Mars is hypothesized to have been a much warmer and wetter planet featuring active volcanoes and vast liquid water oceans. However, something happened that caused the Red Planet to become the cold and dry world we see and explore today, but where did its atmosphere go? This is what a recent study published in Science Advances hopes to address as a team of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) investigated how the large amounts of carbon that once existed in Mars’ atmosphere could now exist in the clay across the planet’s surface. This study holds the potential to help scientists better understand the formation and evolution of Mars and what that means in the search for life on the Red Planet, and beyond Earth.

For the study, the researchers calculated the amount of carbon storage within clays that potentially existed during what’s known as the Noachian Period on Mars, or between approximately 3.6 to 4 billion years ago. Their hypothesis is that when liquid water existed on the Red Planet, this water could have seeped its way into rocks, resulting in carbon dioxide being removed from the atmosphere and being converted into methane. In the end, the researchers calculated that the clays on Mars could potentially be housing up to 1.7 bar of carbon dioxide, or just over one standard atmosphere’s worth of carbon dioxide and approximately 80 percent of Mars’ ancient atmosphere.

“Based on our findings on Earth, we show that similar processes likely operated on Mars, and that copious amounts of atmospheric CO2 could have transformed to methane and been sequestered in clays,” said Dr. Oliver Jagoutz, who is a professor of geology in MIT’s Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences (EAPS) and the sole co-author on the study. “This methane could still be present and maybe even used as an energy source on Mars in the future.”