This is one of the most challenging book reviews I have ever written, not because I did not enjoy ‘The Posthuman Child’, quite the contrary: this is one of the most interesting and stimulating books I have read in a long time, thus I am in the position of trying to ensure that I do this book the justice it deserves in this review. For me, Murris is utterly captivating in her writing as she guides the reader through a ‘labyrinth’ (p.23) of challenging philosophical ideas stemming from posthumanism. Ideas which encourage deep and existential questions, particularly in relation to dominant Western figurations of ‘children’ and ‘childhood’. Despite the deep intensity of the philosophical and theoretical content, Murris manages to take the reader through this process of questioning, unpicking and ‘diffracting’ (p.14) in a highly supportive manner.
As I became increasingly engrossed in reading, I found myself trying to fathom how Murris managed to achieve this level of challenge and stimulation in such a supportive way, when it suddenly became clear to me: Murris achieved this seemingly impossible balancing act by remaining entirely committed to the very philosophical ideas she has written about. From a Posthuman perspective, traditional binaries and dualisms do not exist: binaries, such as those that have been constructed to separate: ontology and epistemology; body and mind; theory and practice. It is her embodiment of this completely entangled and relational ‘ontoepitemological’ (p.51) view of the world that provides the level of support I experienced while reading: challenging philosophical ideas and practical examples and insights from her own lived experiences as a teacher, teacher educator and mother are seamlessly woven together.
This week at MIT, academics and industry officials compared notes, studies, and predictions about AI and the future of work. During the discussions, an insurance company executive shared details about one AI program that rolled out at his firm earlier this year. A chatbot the company introduced, the executive said, now handles 150,000 calls per month.
Later in the day, a panelist—David Fanning, founder of PBS’s Frontline—remarked that this statistic is emblematic of broader fears he saw when reporting a new Frontline documentary about AI. “People are scared,” Fanning said of the public’s AI anxiety.
Cancer is a growing worldwide epidemic, with staggering statistics: 20,000 people dying of cancer every day; 1 person out of 3 will be faced with cancer at one point in their life; and 1 million Americans are diagnosed with cancer every year.
We will have a fresh new presentation on Exosomes “The End of Aging” by Harvard Genetics Genius Dr. Duncan Ross, the Founder of Kimera Labs. And Bill Faloon will present the latest in Age Reversal research.
Visit The Church of Perpetual Life this Thursday, November 21st at 7:00 PM. Our Doors open at 6:00 PM Before the service: Enjoy tasty snacks, networking and conversations on Age Reversal, Cryonics, The Singularity and other topics of interest to all for the quest of an Unlimited Life. Stay afterwards as we have a delicious 5 star dinner reception with speakers.
Bring a friend! Someone that you would like to share news of amazing emerging technologies on Health & Extreme Longevity!
“Our task is to make nature, the blind force of nature, into an instrument of universal resuscitation and to become a union of immortal beings.”
Education and bravery are the key to our survival. In this article we dig into the correlation between health and longevity.
With so many supplement salesman and scientists talking about longevity it can get confusing as to exactly what that might mean. Of course we all want to live as long as we can but most would agree to it only if they were able to be healthy and active. After all how would life be worth it if you were confined to a bed or wheelchair in constant pain?
As we improve health we also extend life. One drawback to extending life is that we face health problems we might have avoided by simply not being alive. However as we extend life we will also extend health and find ways to cure all diseases. For most of humanity throughout the ages Cancer or Alzheimer’s was rarely a cause for concern. Cancer and Alzheimer’s was not as prevalent because most people did not live long enough to be stricken with them. Many humans died from infections, starvation, and injury and thus the expected life span was much lower than today. Every time a new advancement is made in healthcare we improve the odds of living longer. Hospitals, handwashing, and vaccines all improved a human beings chance of survival and also their chance of contracting a new or otherwise unusual disease.
We are proud to share with you a new video featuring our friends War & Pierce performing their original song, “I Lived To Tell About It,” live outside in Los Angeles. Turn it up and remember we are stronger than any obstacle or challenge we may face. Together, we will persevere in love and peace.
This 16-year-old high school student from Iloilo went viral after discovering the properties of Aratiles fruit or Sarisa that can cure diabetes.
The young Filipina scientist was identified as Maria Isabel Layson, was one of the winners of the 2019 National Science and Technology Fair (NSTF), that was held last February.
She was also one of the 12 candidates sent to the International Science and Engineering Fair in Phoenix, Arizona USA to represent the Philippines in one of the biggest pre-college science research competition in the world and was the first in her batch to receive Gokongwei Brothers Foundation Young Scientist Award.
Scientists who are trying to save species at the brink of extinction are finding help in an unexpected place.
Heather Farrington, curator of zoology for the Cincinnati Museum Center, is using DNA from specimens collected more than 100 years ago to help understand the evolution and stresses faced by today’s animals.
Farrington runs the museum’s new state-of-the-art genetics laboratory, which helps researchers study populations of animals over time.
TABLE OF CONTENTS ————— 0:00–17:57 : Introduction (Meaning of Life) 17:58–37:45 CHAPTER 1: Longevism and Life Extension —————————————————————————————– WHY DOES AGING HAPPEN? —————————————————————————————– 37:46–54:39 CHAPTER 2 : Gerontonology and Aging a. Free Radical Theory of Aging b. Waste Accumulation Theory of Aging c. Stem Cell Theory of Aging d. DNA Damage Theory of Aging. —————————————————————————————– HOW DO WE CURE AGING? —————————————————————————————– 54:39–1:08:39 : CHAPTER 3 :The Biochemical Solution (#1) a. mitoSENS b. oncoSENS c. lysoSENS d. amyloSENS e. apoptoSENS f. repliSENS g. glycoSENS 1:08:40–2:13:12 CHAPTER 4 : The Physiological Solution (#2) a. Parabiosis and Biovampirism b. Regeneration and Stem Cells c. Lab Grown Organs and Bioprinting d. Head Transplants and Doppleganger Bodies. 2:13:12–2:33:19 CHAPTER 5 : The Genetic Solution (#3) a. TALEN genetic engineering b. Zinc-Finger gene tailoring c. CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing. —————————————————————————————– WILL WE CURE AGING GENETICALLY? —————————————————————————————– 2:33:20–2:49:58 : CHAPTER 6 : Genomics and DNA 2:49:59–3:05:48 : CHAPTER 7 : Transcriptomics and RNA 3:05:49–3:22:08 : CHAPTER 8 : Proteomics and TNA 3:22:09–3:39:38 : CHAPTER 9 : Xenobiology and XNA a. alien proteins b. alien base pairs c. alien DNA 3:39:39–3:54:58 : CHAPTER 10 : Vectors and Gene Therapy (Gene Editing #1) 3:54:59–4:14:57 : CHAPTER 11 : Synthetic Biology (Gene Editing #2) 4:14:58–4:32:14 : CHAPTER 12 : Chimeras, Rianths, and Splices (Gene Editing #3) 4:32:15–4:48:35 : CHAPTER 13 : Ouroborology and Immortal Chimeras (Gene Editing #4) 4:48:36-:5:03:52 : CHAPTER 14 : Kleptoplasty and Photosynthesis (Gene Editing #5) —————————————————————————————- HOW TO SURVIVE UNTIL AGING IS CURED —————————————————————————————- 5:03:53–5:14:27 : CHAPTER 15 : Survive to the Singularity a. the breakeven point b. longevity escape velocity c. the longevity dividend. 5:14:28–5:30:16 : CHAPTER 16 : Centennarians and Blue Zones (Survival Method #0) a. loma linda b. ikaria c. sardinia d. okinawa. 5:30:17–5:42:26 : CHAPTER 17 : Risk Aversion and Micromorts (Survival Method #1) a. micromorts b.microlives 5:42:27–5:58:18 : CHAPTER 18 : Nutraceuticals and Geroprotectors (Survival Method #2) a. rapamycin b. metformin c. selegilene d. nicotinamide riboside e. resverratrol. 5:58:19–6:12:51 : CHAPTER 19 : Caloric Restriction (Survival Method #3) a. endocrine b. epigenetic c. genetic 6:12:52–6:51:57 : CHAPTER 20 : Cryonics & Cryogenics (Survival Method #4) a. the efficacy question b. the cost question c. the resurrection question d. the identity question e. the legal question f. the catastrophe question g. the culture question. —————————————————————————————– CAN WE BE IMMORTAL WITHOUT CURING AGING? —————————————————————————————– _______________________________________________________ 6:51:58–7:04:08 : CHAPTER 21 : Genetic Immortality — Test Tube Babies 7:04:09–7:24:02 : CHAPTER 22 : Genetic Immortality — Designer Babies 7:24:03–7:41:55 : CHAPTER 23 : Genetic Immortality — Clone Babies 7:41:56–7:53:08 : CHAPTER 24 : Genetic Immortality — Artificial Wombs 7:53:08–7:53:09 CHAPTER 25 : Immortalism and Ethics a. the crime argument b. the natural argument c. the boredom argument d. the inequality argument e. the overpopulation argument f. the gerontocracy argument g. the economic argument h. EPILOGUE