

Archive for the ‘drones’ category: Page 57

Aug 17, 2021

Qualcomm launches world’s first drone platform with both 5G, AI tech

Posted by in categories: drones, internet, mapping, robotics/AI, security

Qualcomm has unveiled the world’s first drone platform and reference design that will tap in both 5G and AI technologies. The chipmaker’s Flight RB5 5G Platform condenses multiple complex technologies into one tightly integrated drone system to support a variety of use cases, including film and entertainment, security and emergency response, delivery, defense, inspection, and mapping.

The Flight RB5 5G Platform is powered by the chipmaker’s QRB5165 processor and builds upon the company’s latest IoT offerings to offer high-performance and heterogeneous computing at ultra-low power consumption.

Aug 17, 2021

Space Medicine, Health and MedTech Innovations, a lecture

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, drones, education, health, robotics/AI

By Susan Ip-Jewell## **Space Medicine, Health and MedTech Innovations, a lecture by Susan Ip-Jewell**

In the frame of the new Space Renaissance Academy Webinar Series programme, chaired by the optimum Sabine Heinz, a quite interesting and rich lecture was given yesterday by Dr. Susan Ip Jewell.

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Aug 16, 2021

How NASA flew a drone on Mars

Posted by in categories: drones, space

In April, NASA’s ‘Ingenuity’ aircraft made history when it became the first drone to take-off, fly, and land in the atmosphere of another planet. Watch Anderson Cooper fly the terrestrial version:

Aug 14, 2021

New Algorithm Trains Drones To Fly Around Obstacles at High Speeds

Posted by in categories: drones, information science, robotics/AI

New algorithm could enable fast, nimble drones for time-critical operations such as search and rescue.

If you follow autonomous drone racing, you likely remember the crashes as much as the wins. In drone racing, teams compete to see which vehicle is better trained to fly fastest through an obstacle course. But the faster drones fly, the more unstable they become, and at high speeds their aerodynamics can be too complicated to predict. Crashes, therefore, are a common and often spectacular occurrence.

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Aug 13, 2021

Wendy’s plans 700 kitchens expressly for food delivery apps

Posted by in categories: drones, food, robotics/AI

I would say this is probably aimed at a few things. It’s a work around to the national fight to raise the minimum wage. These will be out of sight out of mind, so no one, besides the workers, will see as they are gradually automated to 100% by around 2027. And, the delivery is gradually fully automated with long distance drones and self driving vehicles. Also, be sure every other chain is working on the same stuff.

The ‘ghost kitchens’ are coming to the UK, US and Canada.

Aug 10, 2021

System trains drones to fly around obstacles at high speeds

Posted by in categories: drones, information science, robotics/AI

For drone racing enthusiasts. 😃

If you follow autonomous drone racing, you likely remember the crashes as much as the wins. In drone racing, teams compete to see which vehicle is better trained to fly fastest through an obstacle course. But the faster drones fly, the more unstable they become, and at high speeds their aerodynamics can be too complicated to predict. Crashes, therefore, are a common and often spectacular occurrence.

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Aug 6, 2021

Digest | Newest Robots and Technologies of the Future | All July Technology News in One Issue

Posted by in categories: drones, Elon Musk, military, robotics/AI

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You’re on PRO Robotics, and in this video we present the July 2,021 news digest. New robots, drones and drones, artificial intelligence and military robots, news from Elon Musk and Boston Dynamics. All the most interesting high-tech news for July in this Issue. Be sure to watch the video to the end and write in the comments, which news you are most interested in?

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Aug 6, 2021

Window-cleaning drone

Posted by in category: drones

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This drone is cleaning windows 1,100 feet above the ground, so humans don’t have to.

Aug 6, 2021

Warehouse drones take flight

Posted by in categories: drones, food, military, surveillance

Drones are neat and fun and all that good stuff (I should probably add the caveat here that I’m obviously not referring to the big, terrible military variety), but when it comes to quadcopters, there’s always been the looming question of general usefulness. The consumer-facing variety are pretty much the exclusive realm of hobbyists and imaging.

We’ve seen a number of interesting applications for things like agricultural surveillance, real estate and the like, all of which are effectively extensions of that imaging capability. But a lot can be done with a camera and the right processing. One of the more interesting applications I’ve seen cropping up here and there is the warehouse drone — something perhaps a bit counterintuitive, as you likely (and understandably) associate drones with the outdoors.

Looking back, it seems we’ve actually had two separate warehouse drone companies compete in Disrupt Battlefield. There was IFM (Intelligent Flying Machines) in 2016 and Vtrus two years later. That’s really the tip of the iceberg for a big list of startups effectively pushing to bring drones to warehouses and factory floors.

Aug 5, 2021

Air Force Directed Energy Report Argues Defensive Force Fields May Be “Just On The Horizon”

Posted by in categories: drones, energy, military

The Air Force Research Laboratory at Kirtland Air Force Base has released a new analysis of the Department of Defense’s investments into directed energy technologies, or DE. The report, titled “Directed Energy Futures 2060,” makes predictions about what the state of DE weapons and applications will be 40 years from now and offers a range of scenarios in which the United States might find itself either leading the field in DE or lagging behind peer-state adversaries. In examining the current state of the art of this relatively new class of weapons, the authors claim that the world has reached a “tipping point” in which directed energy is now critical to successful military operations.

One of the document’s most eyebrow-raising predictions is that a “force field” could be created by “a sufficiently large fleet or constellation of high-altitude DEW systems” that could provide a “missile defense umbrella, as part of a layered defense system, if such concepts prove affordable and necessary.” The report cites several existing examples of what it calls “force fields,” including the Active Denial System, or “pain ray,” as well as non-kinetic counter-drone systems, and potentially counter-missile systems, that use high-power microwaves to disable or destroy their targets. Most intriguingly, the press release claims that “the concept of a DE weapon creating a localized force field may be just on the horizon.”

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