

Archive for the ‘computing’ category: Page 389

Aug 15, 2021

Virtual reality boosts brain rhythms crucial for neuroplasticity, learning and memory

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, engineering, neuroscience, virtual reality

This is interesting. 😃

A new discovery in rats shows that the brain responds differently in immersive virtual reality environments versus the real world. The finding could help scientists understand how the brain brings together sensory information from different sources to create a cohesive picture of the world around us. It could also pave the way for “virtual reality therapy” for learning and memory-related disorders ranging including ADHD, Autism, Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy and depression.

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Aug 15, 2021

‘Missing jigsaw piece’: engineers make critical advance in quantum computer design

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

This looks like a really big breakthrough.

A decades-old problem about how to reliably control millions of qubits in a silicon quantum computer chip has now been solved.

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Aug 14, 2021

Brain-Computer Interfaces Aim to Bring New Therapeutical Advances to Treating Neural Conditions, Paralysis, Speech Problems

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

The research aims to bring the brains to a computer interface to solve its problems.

Aug 14, 2021

Brain-computer interfaces are making big progress this year

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

Eight months in, 2,021 has already become a record year in brain-computer interface (BCI) funding, tripling the $97 million raised in 2019.

Aug 14, 2021

Quantum Computing Is Coming. What Can It Do?

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

A guide to the next computer age.

Aug 13, 2021

Engineers make critical advance in quantum computer design

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics

Quantum engineers from UNSW Sydney have removed a major obstacle that has stood in the way of quantum computers becoming a reality. They discovered a new technique they say will be capable of controlling millions of spin qubits—the basic units of information in a silicon quantum processor.

Until now, quantum computer engineers and scientists have worked with a proof-of-concept model of quantum processors by demonstrating the control of only a handful of qubits.

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Aug 13, 2021

Classical variational simulation of the Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

Posted by in categories: computing, information science, quantum physics

In this work, we introduce a classical variational method for simulating QAOA, a hybrid quantum-classical approach for solving combinatorial optimizations with prospects of quantum speedup on near-term devices. We employ a self-contained approximate simulator based on NQS methods borrowed from many-body quantum physics, departing from the traditional exact simulations of this class of quantum circuits.

We successfully explore previously unreachable regions in the QAOA parameter space, owing to good performance of our method near optimal QAOA angles. Model limitations are discussed in terms of lower fidelities in quantum state reproduction away from said optimum. Because of such different area of applicability and relative low computational cost, the method is introduced as complementary to established numerical methods of classical simulation of quantum circuits.

Classical variational simulations of quantum algorithms provide a natural way to both benchmark and understand the limitations of near-future quantum hardware. On the algorithmic side, our approach can help answer a fundamentally open question in the field, namely whether QAOA can outperform classical optimization algorithms or quantum-inspired classical algorithms based on artificial neural networks48,49,50.

Aug 13, 2021

Neural recording and stimulation using wireless networks of microimplants

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

Wirelessly powered microchips, which have an ~1 GHz electromagnetic transcutaneous link to an external telecom hub, can be used for multichannel in vivo neural sensing, stimulation and data acquisition.

Aug 13, 2021

Researchers take step toward next-generation brain-computer interface system

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, neuroscience

A new kind of neural interface system that coordinates the activity of hundreds of tiny brain sensors could one day deepen understanding of the brain and lead to new medical therapies.

Aug 11, 2021

The Amazing Brain: Visualizing Data to Understand Brain Networks

Posted by in categories: computing, neuroscience

The NIH-led Brain Research through Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies¼ (BRAIN) Initiative continues to teach us about the world’s most sophisticated computer: the human brain. This striking image offers a spectacular case in point, thanks to a new tool called Visual Neuronal Dynamics (VND).

VND is not a camera. It is a powerful software program that can display, animate, and analyze models of neurons and their connections, or networks, using 3D graphics. What you’re seeing in this colorful image is a strip of mouse primary visual cortex, the area in the brain where incoming sensory information gets processed into vision.

This strip contains more than 230,000 neurons of 17 different cell types. Long and spindly excitatory neurons that point upward (purple, blue, red, orange) are intermingled with short and stubby inhibitory neurons (green, cyan, magenta). Slicing through the neuronal landscape is a neuropixels probe (silver): a tiny flexible silicon detector that can record brain activity in awake animals [1].