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Summary: Cancer immunotherapy treatments and other approaches to cure nearly all cancers within 8 years says Dr. Gilliland, a prominent cancer research head. [This article first appeared on LongevityFacts. Author: Brady Hartman. ]

Gary Gilliland, M.D., Ph.D. is the President and Director, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center and in an opinion piece published at the beginning of this month, writes.

“I’ve gone on record to say that by 2025, cancer researchers will have developed curative therapeutic approaches for most if not all cancers.”

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Team paves the way for cancer immunotherapy demonstrating a novel technique that attacked tumors and inhibited cancers from spreading.

Summary: Team paves the way for cancer immunotherapy with a novel technique that attacked tumors and inhibited cancers from spreading. [This article first appeared on LongevityFacts. Author: Brady Hartman. ]

While cancer immunotherapy is a powerful treatment for some types of tumors, up until now, it hasn’t worked well on colon cancer.

However, a team of researchers in Barcelona just showed a new technique that allows the immune system to recognize and begin fighting the tumor in mice. The treatment was so successful that it inhibited the tumors from spreading, or metastasizing to other parts of the body – as cancer is prone to do. Moreover, for those cancers that had already spread, the treatment enabled the immune system to eliminate them quickly.

Longevity become hottest object for investments;

Startup founded 5 moths ago just raised $250 million.

The start-up, which launched in September and is headquartered in Warren, N.J., announced Thursday it has raised $250 million in venture capital from global biopharmaceutical company Celgene, biotechnology company United Therapeutics Corporation, biopharmaceutical company Sorrento Therapeutics, DNA sequencing and machine learning company Human Longevity, Inc.

Its biological “Band-Aids” are used to accelerate the treatment of wounds and burns resulting from injury or any manner of reconstructive surgery, and its injectable stem cell products can accelerate the repair of a tissue or organ. These restorative products cost from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars per unit, according to Hariri. Celularity bought its stem cell bandage business earlier in January when it acquired Alliqua BioMedical for $29 million.

Summary: A new treatment that uses extracellular vesicles filled with exosomes derived from human stem cells could help repair brain damage following stroke, researchers report.

Source: University of Georgia.

A team of researchers at the University of Georgia’s Regenerative Bioscience Center and ArunA Biomedical, a UGA startup company, have developed a new treatment for stroke that reduces brain damage and accelerates the brain’s natural healing tendencies in animal models. They published their findings in the journal Translational Stroke Research.

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Artificial Intelligence has come a long way in the last decade and still, you have to ask; Where Are We Today? In reviewing the Brief History of AI or Artificial Intelligence we see such things as Humans VS Machines Chess Champions, but the current research goes way beyond that.

The applications and uses for artificially intelligent machines are endless. Prediction software can help us in medicine, environmental monitoring, weather warnings and even streamlining our transport systems, monetary economic flows and assist us in protecting our nation. The road ahead for artificial intelligence is more like the runway ahead and you can expect us to blast off into the future within the next five years.

For instance, if you are concerned that your CEO is making too much money in your corporation, you need not worry much longer because very soon they will be replaced with an artificial business tool; that’s right, meet your new CEO.

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A new ultrathin elastic display that fits snugly on the skin can show the moving waveform of an electrocardiogram recorded by a breathable, on-skin electrode sensor. Combined with a wireless communication module, this integrated biomedical sensor system, called “skin electronics,” can transmit biometric data to the cloud.

This latest research by a Japanese academic-industrial collaboration, led by Professor Takao Someya at the University of Tokyo’s Graduate School of Engineering, is slated for a news briefing and talk at the AAAS Annual Meeting in Austin, Texas on February 17th.

Thanks to advances in semiconductor technology, wearable devices can now monitor health by measuring vital signs or taking an electrocardiogram, and then transmitting the data wirelessly to a smartphone. The readings or electrocardiogram waveforms can be displayed on the screen in real time, or sent to the cloud or a memory device where the information is stored.

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