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That 2 million figure would be twice as many dead as have perished in all our wars from the American Revolution to the Civil War, World War I and II, and Korea and Vietnam.”

“Depend upon it, sir, when a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight, it concentrates his mind wonderfully,” said Samuel Johnson.

And as it is with men, so it is with nations.

Monday, Dr. Deborah Birx, White House coronavirus response coordinator, projected some 100,000 to 200,000 U.S. deaths from the pandemic, “if we do things almost perfectly.” She agreed with Dr. Anthony Fauci’s estimate that, if we do “nothing,” the American dead could reach 2.2 million.

At a time when the world is scrambling to find a cure, a vaccine or some sort of viable treatment for the Novel Coronavirus that is rocking the globe, the Ethiopian Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MoIT) have disclosed that they have an effective treatment in the pipeline that enhances natural immunity in the fight againt the virus.

Although the details of the ingredients as well as the laboratory procedure and testing were not presented in detail, the two ministries said that a treatment drug has been discovered from the traditional medicines in the country.

The statement that the MoIT issued on March 27, 2020, indicated that the medicine has passed the basic research procedures and was successful in the laboratory modeling processes.

The President says we are at war with the coronavirus. It’s a war we should fight to win.

The economy is in the tank, and anywhere from thousands to more than a million American lives are in jeopardy. Most analyses of options and trade-offs assume that both the pandemic and the economic setback must play out over a period of many months for the pandemic and even longer for economic recovery. However, as the economists would say, there is a dominant option, one that simultaneously limits fatalities and gets the economy cranking again in a sustainable way.

That choice begins with a forceful, focused campaign to eradicate Covid-19 in the United States. The aim is not to flatten the curve; the goal is to crush the curve. China did this in Wuhan. We can do it across this country in 10 weeks.




This episode of Debt Nation is sponsored by Thrivous, the human enhancement company ( Thrivous develops and distributes advanced nootropic and geroprotector dietary supplements, to enhance cognition and promote healthy aging. Each nutrient and each dose is based on multiple human studies. And all quality control is completely open source.

Li Wenliang, the doctor in China who raised early awareness of the new coronavirus, died of the virus in February at 34. His death was shocking not only because of his role in publicizing the developing epidemic but also — given that young people do not have a high risk of dying from Covid-19 — because of his age.

Is it possible that Dr. Li died because as a doctor who spent a lot of time around severely ill Covid-19 patients, he was infected with such a high dose? After all, though he was one of the first young health care workers to die after being exposed up close and frequently to the virus, he was unfortunately not the last.

The importance of viral dose is being overlooked in discussions of the coronavirus. As with any other poison, viruses are usually more dangerous in larger amounts. Small initial exposures tend to lead to mild or asymptomatic infections, while larger doses can be lethal.

In a joint press statement, the Ministry of Health (MoH) and the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (MoIT) said: “a domestic treatment drug” is being developed by the traditional medicine experts of the country.

The two ministries said the drug was prepared by integrating indigenous traditional medical knowledge with modern science.

The Country says it is developing a cure for Covid-19.

Big biotech company Amgen Inc. is joining the race to discover new drugs that can treat the novel coronavirus, the latest drugmaker redirecting resources toward the pandemic.

Amgen, which is partnering with Adaptive Biotechnologies Corp. in the effort, is an unlikely hunter of antiviral treatments. The company, a pioneer of biotechnology, is best known for its drugs for cancer, with other products targeting high cholesterol, kidney disease and migraines.

What is Universal Basic Income (UBI) and how could it help us deal with the coronavirus outbreak? What if… we gave people free money?

The idea of a basic income is that everybody would receive a modest amount paid each week or each month without conditions, paid equally to every man and every woman with a smaller amount to pay for every child.

Advocates for Universal Basic such as Guy Standing, co-founder of the Basic Income Earth Network, argue that it would be the ideal response to the crisis, but that it would also bring huge long term benefits, which he explains in this video.

This video was produced as part of Digital Society, a publishing partnership between WIRED and Vontobel where all content is editorially independent. Visit Vontobel Impact for more stories on how technology is shaping the future of society: