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We all found our coping strategies for riding out the pandemic in 2020. Biomedical engineer Gough Lui likes to tinker with tech—particularly vintage tech—and decided he’d try to recreate what it was like to connect to the Internet via dialup back in the late 1990s. He recorded the entire process in agonizing real time, dotted with occasional commentary.

Those of a certain age (ahem) well remember what it used to be like: even just booting up the computer required patience, particularly in the earlier part of the decade, when one could shower and make coffee in the time it took to boot up one’s computer from a floppy disk. One needed a dedicated phone line for the Internet connection, because otherwise an incoming call could disrupt the connection, forcing one to repeat the whole dialup process.

Matthew Cobb is a zoologist and author whose background is in insect genetics and the history of science. Over the past decade or so, as CRISPR was discovered and applied to genetic remodeling, he started to get concerned—afraid, actually—about three potential applications of the technology. He’s in good company: Jennifer Doudna, who won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2020 for discovering and harnessing CRISPR, is afraid of the same things. So he decided to delve into these topics, and As Gods: A Moral History of the Genetic Age is the result.

Summing up fears

The first of his worries is the notion of introducing heritable mutations into the human genome. He Jianqui did this to three human female embryos in China in 2018, so the three girls with the engineered mutations that they will pass on to their kids (if they’re allowed to have any) are about four now. Their identities are classified for their protection, but presumably their health is being monitored, and the poor girls have probably already been poked and prodded incessantly by every type of medical specialist there is.

Chinese researchers have created the world’s first cloned Arctic wolf — an achievement that could help save other species from extinction and ensure the biodiversity of our planet.

Why it matters: Scottish scientists proved back in 1996 that it was possible to clone a mammal using a cell from an adult animal. Possible — but not easy. Dolly the sheep was the only successful clone in their 277 attempts.

Cloning is still a challenging process — fewer than 25 animal species have been cloned to date, so the first successful cloning of a species is still newsworthy 25+ years after Dolly’s birth.

Newswise — LOS ANGELES (Oct. 28, 2022) — Cedars-Sinai has been awarded a five-year, $8 million grant from California’s stem cell agency to launch an innovative new clinic that will expand patients’ access to stem cell and gene therapies, increase research and training in regenerative medicine, foster greater collaboration with eight similar clinics across the state and help educate the public about stem cell and related therapies.

The California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) approved Cedars-Sinai’s plan to establish an Alpha Stem Cell Clinic, bringing Cedars-Sinai into a network of Alpha sites throughout California. The Cedars-Sinai clinic will develop preclinical studies into early and later phase clinical trials with the goal of establishing advanced regenerative medicine treatments that are FDA-approved for patients with debilitating diseases.

The Cedars-Sinai initiative is being led by the Cedars-Sinai Board of Governors Regenerative Medicine Institute and the Smidt Heart Institute. They are modeling the new Alpha Clinic on a jointly run Regenerative Medicine Clinic established at Cedars-Sinai in 2014—expanding scientific discovery and clinical trials for neurological, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal and autoimmune diseases.

It was in 1975 when scientists from Ayerst (now Pfizer) discovered a novel compound called rapamycin (also known as Sirolimus) in bacteria on Rapa Nui(Easter Island) in Chile. In 1999 rapamycin obtained FDA approval for the prevention of acute rejection of renal transplant. Unknown at the time, rapamycin would become the most potent anti-aging drug that humans currently hold.

This is the first article of a two-part series on rapamycin.

The profound effect rapamycin has on lifespan was first observed in yeast cells, and later confirmed in every model organism tested, including the nematode C. elegans, fruit flies, and mice.

To test the interaction between senolytic removal of senescent cells and cellular reprograming, we designed a model combining these two interventions in an inducible overexpression system in Drosophila. First, we used the four Yamanaka factor based OKSM approach as this had been previously shown to induce pluripotent stem cells in mice [7], humans [29 31] and non-mammalian vertebrate and invertebrate species [32]. To make a senolytic factor for Drosophila, we took advantage of the mouse sequence (FOXO4-DRI [22]) to design an orthologous peptide based on the Drosophila foxo (forkhead box, sub-group O) gene [33]. We then characterized effects of these two interventions independently as well as in combination.

We began by looking at the effect of OKSM and Sen on stem cells in an intestinal stem cell (ISC) model [34, 35]. We chose to investigate phenotypic effects specifically in the digestive system of Drosophila (Supplementary Figure 1). As in mammals, the Drosophila gastric lining has a high turnover of cells which is enabled by stem cell pools that replenish the epithelia [34]. Age-dependent loss of stem cells and degradation of barrier function has been shown to contribute to age-dependent functional decline and mortality in Drosophila [36]. The Drosophila gut is composed of four cell types: enterocytes (ECs or absorptive cells), enteroendocrine (EEs or secretory cells), enteroblasts (EBs or transit amplifying cells) and intestinal stem cells (ISCs).

Biotech company Mogling Bio has successfully has completed its first seed investment round with a sole investor, Kizoo Technology Capital.

Mogling Bio is developing new pharmacological approaches to rejuvenate old stem cells of the hematopoietic (blood cell formation) system.

Ageing causes stem cells to lose their normal structure by increased activity of the protein CDC42. Normalising CDC42 activity can restore structure, order and functionality in those aged stem cells.

The Aging and Drug Discovery Conference (ARDD) 2022 is pleased to present Alex Zhavoronkov from Insilico, with the talk A case study of the application of Pharma. AI platform for discovery and development of dual-purpose therapeutics targeting aging and disease.

Held in Copenhagen at the glorious Ceremonial Hall, this meeting gathers the most prominent figures of the aging and longevity research field, from scientists to clinicians, investors, developers, and everything in between. The fast growth of the conference is evidence of its great quality of it. In 2022 we had around 400 people on-site, and many others joined through the web.

To find out more check #ARDD #ARDD2022 #Longevity

A compound that both inhibits the MRSA superbug and renders it more vulnerable to antibiotics in lab experiments has been discovered by researchers at the University of Bath in the UK.

Antibiotic resistance poses a major threat to human health around the world, and Staphylococcus aureus has become one of the most notorious multidrug-resistant pathogens. Led by Dr. Maisem Laabei and Dr. Ian Blagbrough at the University of Bath, scientists have discovered a compound that both inhibits the Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) superbug and renders it more vulnerable to antibiotics.

Staphylococcus aureus (staph) is a type of bacteria found on people’s skin. Staph bacteria are usually harmless, but they can cause serious infections that can lead to sepsis or death. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a cause of staph infection that is difficult to treat because of resistance to some antibiotics.

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