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Mar 2, 2016

Never Say Die – SELF/LESS from Science-Fiction to –Fact

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, ethics, health, life extension, neuroscience, robotics/AI, transhumanism

In SELF/LESS, a dying old man (Academy Award winner Ben Kingsley) transfers his consciousness to the body of a healthy young man (Ryan Reynolds). If you’re into immortality, that’s pretty good product packaging, no?

But this thought-provoking psychological thriller also raises fundamental and felicitous ethical questions about extending life beyond its natural boundaries. Postulating the moral and ethical issues that surround mortality have long been defining characteristics of many notable stories within the sci-fi genre. In fact, the Mary Shelley’s age-old novel, Frankenstein, while having little to no direct plot overlaps [with SELF/LESS], it is considered by many to be among the first examples of the science fiction genre.

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Mar 2, 2016

Australia’s Water Curtain Stop Signs Are A Great Idea

Posted by in category: transportation

Sydney has been having a big problem with oversized trucks driving into tunnels that are too low. So Sydney needed a stop sign that is absolutely impossible to miss. Here it is and it’s amazing.

It’s a curtain of water with a stop sign projected onto it. You can have as many overhead stop signs as you want, but as this 10 News video report shows, truck drivers still crash their trucks into these low-overhead tunnels. Sydney was tired of the delays, the costs of the damages, and the threat that a truck crash would get someone killed.

That’s why in 2007 they put in this water curtain sign on its harbor tunnel, designed by light show company Laservision. They work brilliantly.

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Mar 2, 2016

NASA’s designing a passenger jet that’ll break the sound barrier WITHOUT the boom

Posted by in categories: engineering, transportation

NASA has commissioned engineers to design a new kind of jet that can travel faster than the speed of sound, but without the telltale sonic boom. Instead, the aircraft will produce a soft thump as it breaks the sound barrier, which the researchers are adorably calling a “supersonic heartbeat”.

It’s hoped that the new jet could eventually fill the commercial gap left by the retirement of the Concorde — which travelled at twice the speed of sound (Mach 2) and could get passengers from London to New York in just 3.5 hours — but without all the noise complaints.

From an engineering point of view, we’ve long had the ability to travel at supersonic speeds — which is generally anything over 1,234 km/h — but when we do, it triggers a sound explosion that can travel thousands of metres in a jet’s wake, rattling houses and cars as it goes. As you can imagine, not exactly ideal for heavily trafficked flight paths.

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Mar 2, 2016

Former Fermilab Physicist Aims To Build A ‘Star Trek’-Style Antimatter Engine

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Gerald Jackson and his partner are starting a Kickstarter to raise funds.

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Mar 2, 2016

MIT creates solar cell from grass clippings

Posted by in categories: solar power, sustainability

A researcher at MIT has created solar panels from agricultural waste such as cut grass and dead leaves. In a few years, it’ll be possible to stir some grass clippings into a bag of cheap chemicals, paint the mixture on your roof, and immediately start producing electricity.

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Mar 1, 2016

IARPA Wants Smarter Algorithms — Not More of Them

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

“Notice for all Mathmaticians” — Are you a mathmatician who loves complex algorithems? If you do, IARPA wants to speak with you.

Last month, the intelligence community’s research arm requested information about training resources that could help artificially intelligent systems get smarter.

It’s more than an effort to build new, more sophisticated algorithms. The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity could actually save money by refining existing algorithms that have been previously discarded by subjecting them to more rigorous training.

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Mar 1, 2016

Revolutionizing Intelligence

Posted by in categories: military, neuroscience

US Military likes Google Earth for training missions.

Closed off from all non-essential personnel in a secured, vault-like work environment known as a Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility, the 204th Intelligence Squadron is a mystery to those outside the squadron.

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Mar 1, 2016

Scientists aim to harness power of body’s electrical impulses to treat patients

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, chemistry

I am so glad to see this finally. Researchers aim to turn our electrical impulses into a mainstay of medical treatment through bioelectronics, or electroceuticals. I have study the neurological sensory patterns for over a decade as side research to help myself understand sensory patterns of the brain as well as how the brain repairs cells, injuries, and other conditions as well as it’s involvement with cancer, etc. I do love this.

We finally may see a day when chemical/ artificial meds are no longer needed to treat many conditions.

Until now the pharmaceutical industry has been based on chemistry and biology. Patients are treated with drugs that work through biochemical interactions with the body’s molecular pathways. Now GlaxoSmithKline, the UK pharmaceutical company, is.

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Mar 1, 2016

Atlas The Robot Can Enlist in the US Military Anytime She Wants

Posted by in categories: government, internet, military, robotics/AI

I hear this author; however, can it pass military basic training/ boot camp? Think not.

Back when Alphabet was known as Google, the company bought Boston Dynamics, makers of the amazingly advanced robot named Atlas. At the time, Google promised that Boston Dynamics would stop taking military contracts, as it often did. But here’s the open secret about Atlas: She can enlist in the US military anytime she wants.

Technology transfer is a two-way street. Traditionally we think of technology being transferred from the public to the private sector, with the internet as just one example. The US government invests in and develops all kinds of important technologies for war and espionage, and many of those technologies eventually make their way to American consumers in one way or another. When the government does so consciously with both military and civilian capabilities in mind, it’s called dual-use tech.

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Mar 1, 2016

‘Very Close’: Pentagon’s Death Laser Right Around the Corner

Posted by in categories: energy, military

A new laser tag coming our way; however, this time when you’re tagged, you really are dead.

US officials tout the ‘unprecedented power’ of killing lasers to be released by 2023.

The US Army will deploy its first laser weapons by 2023, according to a recently released report.

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