Walmart groceries use Bossa Nova robots, which roam the aisles and scan shelves, to figure out what’s in stock and what’s selling well.
This is the Freethink Dispatch, our rundown of the stories that mattered from the frontiers of a changing world. This week, engineers created brain-surgery robots that can work inside an MRI, scientists found a way to use coffee to treat diabetes, and a startup is making fresh produce that lasts twice as long. All that and more, plus a new episode of Freethink’s original hit series Superhuman about how doctors are reprogramming the immune system to kill untreatable cancers.
The Tasmanian Tiger could come back from extinction thanks to new technology (yes, really)! 🐅
Einstein’s theory was validated on a galactic scale.
The curvature of empty space caused by an entire galaxy has now been pinned down with unprecedented precision, demonstrating Einstein’s theory of general relativity still rules on a super-sized scale.
Not that anybody is seriously surprised. But on the off chance the results had failed to meet expectations, they might have provided insight into some of the Universe’s biggest mysteries. It can be so boring being right in science.
Astronomers combined data from the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope and NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope to examine how light was warped by a nearby galaxy according to Albert Einstein’s explanation of gravity.
Why Do Our Brains Have Folds?
Posted in neuroscience