

Archive for the ‘transhumanism’ category: Page 93

Apr 16, 2017

The Transhumanist Future Has No Pope

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, ethics, transhumanism

Happy Easter…and a reality check: #transhumanism #reason

Modern values, transhumanist technology, and the embrace of reason are making many Catholic rules and rituals absurd.

Everywhere I look, Pope Francis, the 266th pope of the Catholic Church, seems to be in the news—and he is being positively portrayed as a genuinely progressive leader. Frankly, this baffles me. Few major religions have as backwards a philosophical and moral platform as Catholicism. Therefore, no leader of it could actually be genuinely progressive. Yet, no one seems to pay attention to this—no one seems to be discussing that Catholicism remains highly oppressive.

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Apr 15, 2017

Who wants to live forever? Transhumanism’s vision of the future for wealthy white males

Posted by in categories: life extension, transhumanism

It’s tricky to bring transhumanism into sharp focus. As with, say, feminism, the meaning of the word varies hugely between individuals who identify with it, and the level of commitment may vary between an occasional affirmation or a crusading passion. Like feminism, transhumanism has many factions, often at war with one another, or with the broader culture; as with feminism, a lot of people identify as transhumanist without spending much time learning what those who coined the term were actually on about. Transhumanism broadly considers technology as an emancipatory route to individual and/or collective transcendence over the ‘limitations’ of the human condition.

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Apr 14, 2017

Zoltan Istvan — Cybrink Podcast #3

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, singularity, transhumanism

A new 45-min video podcast interview I did with Cybrink on #transhumanism, my #libertarian run for Governor, and the singularity:

Cybrink talks with Zoltan Istvan about transhumanism, artificial intelligence, the singularity and his run for Governor of California in 2018.

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Apr 14, 2017

The best books I read in 2016

Posted by in category: transhumanism

David Wood ‘s list would be a great syllabus for a 2017 Intro to Transhumanism course.

Antidotes to the six horsemen of the Trumpocalypse

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Apr 10, 2017

Artificial Intelligence: Dialogue with Scientists

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, robotics/AI, transhumanism


Up till now, what men know the least about is still themselves, their brains in particular. If men do not understand their brains, there is no way for bionic AI and machine brains. In this dialogue, many scientists discuss the development of.

AI and the positive meaning of AI to today’s society.

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Apr 9, 2017

The Cybernetic Messiah: Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, Elon Musk, ethics, existential risks, robotics/AI, space travel, transhumanism

Some weird religious stories w/ transhumanism Expect the conflict between religion and transhumanism to get worse, as closed-minded conservative viewpoints get challenged by radical science and a future with no need for an afterlife:…elligence/ &…s-explain/ &

By J. Davila Ashcroft

The recent film Ghost in the Shell is a science fiction tale about a young girl (known as Major) used as an experiment in a Transhumanist/Artificial Intelligence experiment, turning her into a weapon. At first, she complies, thinking the company behind the experiment saved her life after her family died. The truth is, however, that the company took her forcefully while she was a runaway. Major finds out that this company has done the same to others as well, and this knowledge causes her to turn on the company. Throughout the story the viewer is confronted with the existential questions behind such an experiment as Major struggles with the trauma of not feeling things like the warmth of human skin, and the sensations of touch and taste, and feels less than human, though she is told many times she is better than human. While this is obviously a science fiction story, what might comes as a surprise to some is that the subject matter of the film is not just fiction. Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence on the level of the things explored in this film are all too real, and seem to be only a few years around the corner.

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Apr 8, 2017

27 — Libertarianism & Transhumanism (with Zoltan Istvan and Tempest McGee)

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, transhumanism

Podcast on transhumanism and libertarianism with Cuddle Pile (their show is also on iTunes, Stitcher, GooglePlay, etc). It’s a fun interview.

Cuddle Pile 27 Libertarianism & Transhumanism (with Zoltan Istvan and Tempest McGee)

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Apr 6, 2017

The future of the Earth through the eyes of futurists. Photo

Posted by in categories: bioengineering, biotech/medical, computing, genetics, neuroscience, transhumanism

Transhumanism stuff out in these stories: &…an-humans/ &…nd-liberty

Futurism, or more precisely, futurology, is the study of possible hypotheses, probable and preferred options for the future. To understand what futurists predict in the improvement of the human condition, consider the progress happening in the field of science, medicine and computing.

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Apr 6, 2017

U.S. Transhumanist Party Discussed

Posted by in categories: geopolitics, governance, transhumanism

New article by Transhumanist Party:

Gennady Stolyarov II

The Spring 2017 issue of the magazine Issues in Science and Technology, published by the National Academy of Sciences, features an article by Professor Steve Fuller, the Auguste Comte Chair in Social Epistemology in the Department of Sociology at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom. This article, entitled “Does this pro-science party deserve our votes?” discusses the Transhumanist Party from the time of Zoltan Istvan’s 2016 run for President.

In this article, which offers both positive discussion and critiques of Istvan’s campaign, Professor Fuller writes:

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Apr 5, 2017

Moogfest 2017: How the Immortality Bus Changed Transhum…

Posted by in categories: life extension, transhumanism

Here’s my speech topic at Moogfest on the Immortality Bus and #transhumanism on May 20 at 4:30PM:

View more about this event at Moogfest 2017.

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