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How will NASA conduct its Mars Sample Return (MSR) Program? This is what the renowned space agency recently discussed as it unveiled two potential landing options for MSR with the goal of determining a final option during the second half of 2026. This comes after NASA tasked a Mars Sample Return Strategic Review team to evaluate 11 proposals in September 2024 for returning samples from Mars to Earth while achieving cost-effectiveness while maximizing mission success.

Both options still call for loading the 30 sample tubes that have been collected and dropped across the Martian surface by NASA’s Perseverance rover during its trek on Mars. However, the Mars Ascent Vehicle, which will lift off from the Martian surface and deliver the samples to the orbiting capsule, will be smaller than previous designs. Additionally, past designs of the landed platform called for solar panels for energy, whereas new designs will incorporate a radioisotope power system for energy needs.

“Pursuing two potential paths forward will ensure that NASA is able to bring these samples back from Mars with significant cost and schedule saving compared to the previous plan,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said in a statement. “These samples have the potential to change the way we understand Mars, our universe, and – ultimately – ourselves. I’d like to thank the team at NASA and the strategic review team, led by Dr. Maria Zuber, for their work.”

A team of physicists led by The City College of New York’s Lia Krusin-Elbaum has developed a novel technique that uses hydrogen cations (H+) to manipulate relativistic electronic bandstructures in a magnetic Weyl semimetal—a topological material where electrons mimic massless particles called Weyl fermions. These particles are distinguished by their chirality or “handedness” linked to their spin and momentum.

In the magnetic material MnSb₂Te₄, researchers unveiled a fascinating ability to “tune” and enhance the chirality of electronic transport by introducing , reshaping on-demand the energy landscapes—called Weyl nodes—within the material. This finding could open a breadth of new quantum device platforms for harnessing emergent topological states for novel chiral nano-spintronics and fault-tolerant quantum computing. Entitled “Transport chirality generated by a tunable tilt of Weyl nodes in a van der Waals topological magnet,” the study appears in the journal Nature Communications.

The tuning of Weyl nodes with H+ heals the system’s (Mn-Te) bond disorder and lowers the internode scattering. In this process—which The City College team tests in the Krusin Lab using angularly-resolved electrical transport—electrical charges move differently when the in-plane is rotated clockwise or counterclockwise, generating desirable low-dissipation currents. The reshaped Weyl states feature a doubled Curie temperature and a strong angular transport chirality synchronous with a rare field-antisymmetric longitudinal resistance—a low-field tunable ‘chiral switch’ that is rooted in the interplay of topological Berry curvature, chiral anomaly and a hydrogen-mediated form of Weyl nodes.

The air we breathe can have profound effects on our physical and mental health. Is there any way of protecting yourself from this pervasive problem?

All but 1% of the world’s population is exposed to unhealthy air that exceeds World Health Organization (WHO) limits for pollutants. In parts of the world, air quality has rapidly improved through policies that aim to limit pollution. But elsewhere, gains in air quality are at risk of being lost.

More than 25% of the US population is exposed to air considered “unhealthy” by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), according to a report by the climate non-profit First Street Foundation. By 2050, the number of people exposed to “unhealthy” days is set to increase by more than half. The worst days of air pollution (“hazardous” or maroon, under the EPA’s system) are expected to rise by 27%.

In a significant step toward creating a sustainable and circular economy, Rice University researchers have published a study in the journal Carbon demonstrating that carbon nanotube (CNT) fibers can be fully recycled without any loss in their structure or properties. This discovery positions CNT fibers as a sustainable alternative to traditional materials like metals, polymers and the much larger carbon fibers, which are notoriously difficult to recycle.

“Recycling has long been a challenge in the materials industry—metals recycling is often inefficient and energy-intensive, polymers tend to lose their properties after reprocessing and carbon fibers cannot be recycled at all, only downcycled by chopping them up into short pieces,” said corresponding author Matteo Pasquali, director of Rice’s Carbon Hub and the A.J. Hartsook Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Materials Science and NanoEngineering and Chemistry.

“As CNT fibers are being scaled up, we asked whether and how these new materials could be recycled in the future so as to proactively avoid waste management problems that emerged as other engineered materials reached large-scale use. We expected that recycling would be difficult and would lead to significant loss of properties. Surprisingly, we found that fibers far exceed the recyclability potential of existing engineered materials, offering a solution to a major environmental issue.”

A research team developed electrokinetic mining (EKM), an eco-friendly method for extracting rare earth elements. EKM reduces environmental harm, lowers resource use, and achieved over 95% recovery in industrial tests, marking a breakthrough in sustainable mining.

On-adsorption rare earth deposits (IADs) are the primary source of heavy rare earth elements (HREE), meeting over 90% of global demand. However, the widely used ammonium-salt-based in-situ mining method has caused significant environmental damage.

To promote sustainable rare earth element (REE) extraction, Professors Jianxi Zhu and Hongping He from the Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) have developed an environmentally friendly and efficient electrokinetic mining (EKM) technology.

The past year, 2024, witnessed an array of groundbreaking technological advancements that fundamentally reshaped industries and influenced the global economy. Technology trends like the development of Industry LLMs, Sustainable Computing, and the Augmented Workforce drove innovation, fostered efficiency, and accelerated the pace of Digital Transformation across sectors such as Healthcare, Finance, and Manufacturing. These developments set the stage for even more disruptive Technology Trends in 2025.

This year is set to bring transformative changes to the business landscape, driven by emerging trends that require enterprises to adopt the right technologies, reskill their workforce, and prioritize sustainability. By embracing these Technology Trends, businesses can shape their objectives, remain competitive, and build resilience. However, Success in this rapidly evolving landscape depends not just on adopting these technologies but also on strategically leveraging them to drive innovation and growth.