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The Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award is annually bestowed upon a respected scientist or public figure who has warned of a future fraught with dangers and encouraged measures to prevent them.

The 2014 Lifeboat Foundation Guardian Award has been given to Elon Musk in recognition of his warnings about artificial intelligence, his promotion of space exploration including the creation of self-sustaining space colonies, and his efforts to improve our environment with electric cars and to expand solar energy generation.

Elon is often likened to a real-life Tony Stark from Marvel’s Iron Man comics for his role in cutting-edge companies including SpaceX, a private space exploration company that holds the first private contracts from NASA for resupply of the International Space Station, and the electric car company Tesla Motors. Watch Elon in Iron Man 2!

Artificial Intelligence

Elon recently described his investments in AI research as “keeping an eye on what’s going on” rather than aiming for a viable return on capital. He said, “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence. If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. So we need to be very careful.”

Considering that oversight of AI development by governmental and nongovernmental agencies is about zero, it is helpful for Elon to bring attention to this matter. For example, thanks to warnings like his, Google now has an AI Ethics Board. (This matters since Google is putting a lot of resources into creating smarter and smarter AIs.)

Self-Sustaining Space Colonies

There are many existential risks that could be survived if we had self-sustaining colonies outside of the Earth. Elon said, “What matters is being able to establish a self-sustaining civilization on Mars, and I don’t see anything being done but SpaceX. I don’t see anyone else even trying.” He also said, “Sooner or later, we must expand life beyond this green and blue ball — or go extinct.”

Elon is CEO and CTO of SpaceX. Historic achievements by SpaceX, among others, include the first privately funded, liquid-fueled rocket (Falcon 1) to reach orbit in September 2008; the first privately funded company to successfully launch (Falcon 9), orbit, and recover a spacecraft (Dragon) in December 2010; and the first private company to send a spacecraft (Dragon) to the International Space Station in May 2012. The launch of SES-8 in December 2013 was the first SpaceX delivery into geosynchronous orbit.

Sustainable Energy

Elon is CEO, Chairman, and Product Architect of Tesla Motors. Tesla first gained widespread attention following their production of the Tesla Roadster, the first fully electric sports car. The company’s second vehicle is the Model S, a fully electric luxury sedan, and its next two vehicles are the Models X and 3 respectively.

Tesla also markets electric powertrain components, including lithium-ion battery packs to automakers including Daimler and Toyota. Elon has said that he envisions Tesla as an independent automaker, aimed at eventually offering electric cars at prices affordable to the average consumer.

Elon is Chairman of SolarCity, the second largest provider of solar power systems in the United States. Continuing its strong growth, the United States installed 1,354 megawatts of solar photovoltaics in Q3 2014, up 41 percent over the same period last year. Only 440 megawatts had been installed in all of 2009 to show how fast this market is growing.

Terra Forming Venus & Mars by leveraging Asteroids
Inspired by: Lifeboat Foundation

Both Mars and Venus can be terra-formed to provide Earth-like gravity and atmospheres; Venus with an effort of about 100 years to terra-form the atmosphere, and Mars with an effort of about 2,000 years to terra-form the atmosphere. These are both potentially realized through the use of systems of solar sails. Asteroids provide many of the resources needed to seed related development.

Business model for interplanetary transport without fuel
Conceptual Space Elevator

Mars is not the closest match to Earth within reach, Venus is. Venus is 90% of the mass of Earth and can hold an atmospheric pressure that can support human life after terra-forming the atmosphere.

Mars has 38% of the gravity of Earth and will never be able to support the atmospheric pressure needed to sustain human life without pressurized suits. The current atmosphere on Mars is like living at 125,000 feet above sea level here on Earth and has very limited resources in the atmosphere. The Sun continues to whisk away the atmosphere, and there is no protection from ionizing radiation. On Mars we will be required to live in pressurized caverns and bio-spheres to sustain life.

Mars Atmosphere to be test environment before deploying on Earth
Mining and Processing on Mars needs Space Elevator

So why not just live in ventilated caverns here on Earth?

Mars is needed as an absolute necessity to test Space Elevator deployment before deploying a space elevator from space. The following details a potential deployment methodology that is ecosystem friendly, provides for recycling precious resources, and provides low-cost interplanetary transport.

The on-going Venus missions can remain in space and use the space-built harvesting of resources to provide sustainable life-long enterprise in space for hundreds of thousands of people. People who provide services and resource processing over the 100 years of terra-forming Venus, and the 2,000 years needed for terra-forming Mars. Provided the total system proposed, billions of people will support diverse industries related to the terra-forming of Venus, then Mars, then … the building of other planets.

There are methods that can be developed to fraction larger planets into smaller planets, so that our solar system can potentially sustain 10 or more Earth-like planets in our Solar system. All without using fossil fuels for propulsion. Hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, methane, and other hydrocarbons used and converted to support diversity of life instead of wasted dilution as fuel byproducts lost and polluting space. Pollutants that cause frictional drag when a spacecraft impacts the pollutants and causing a change in course of spacecraft and asteroids and the needed extra fuel to compensate, and more fuel pollutants causing more expenditure of fuel.

Terra-forming Venus from Space

Venus can have its’ atmosphere terra-formed from space. The same technology to terra-form the Venus atmosphere creates both active Weather Control for Venus and Earth. The same structures can be used for solar sails to transfer people and resources between the inner planets and provide maintenance transport. The same systems can help provide for terra-watts of solar energy based utilities. All without fossil fuels.

Currently the atmosphere of Venus is very hot at the surface (molten lead temperatures), is poisonous to humans, and has a surface pressure about 90 times that of Earth. This can ALL feasibly be terra-formed to Earth-like conditions from space.

Can be cooled by Solar Sails

By creating large systems of solar sails, these solar energy based transports use large rotating sails that can also be used as “shade structures”. By positioning the shade structures between the Sun and Venus in elliptical orbits, this cools the atmosphere. As cooling continues, condensing vapors rain down upon the planet surface and related chemical interactions create systems of molecules on the surface.

These systems of molecules if strategically manipulated, provide the eventual materials to support vegetation and microbial life. Through pervasive influence, an Earth-like ecosystem is produced.

Being able to terra-form from space is desirable because of the costs and dangers related to transport to and from the surface.

Catalysts and energy differentials of the Venus atmosphere at different phases while cooling can convert the CO2 to oxygen and hydrocarbons. The atmospheres of both Mars and Venus are 97% CO2, but Venus has more atmospheric components to sustain catalyst based conversions.

The conversion and cooling processes lower the atmosphere pressures to designed final pressures and related atmospheric chemical distributions.

Systems related to Terra-Forming Venus…Approaches

Sources of water:

Moving Water Asteroids to Venus

Identifying and Seeding broad enterprise related to space-based initiatives

Pulverizing hydrogen rich asteroids and seeding cooled Venus atmosphere

Seeding H2O catalysts…Converters

Recurrent catalytic processes

Creating fuels from CO2

There are better systems, but these just support an example.

Space elevator Deployed from Space

Terra-forming Venus does not mean that Mars is not an important initial pathway to start terra-forming planetoids. Mars is critical for testing the viability of deploying Space Elevators. Mars has an atmosphere (thin) and significant gravity (but much less than Earth) that can be used to test the stresses and predicted nature of all parts to attain a stable space deployed space elevator. Until the Space Elevator deployed from space is tested on Mars, absolutely no one on Earth should want an asteroid steered anywhere near close to Earth.

Mars has the potential of having rich ore deposits and mineral compounds that do not exist here on Earth. For processing that needs gravity to facilitate processes, Mars may provide a unique environment in that region of space to support processing and manufacturing. But as yet, there are no fuels available on Mars to get off the planet. The depletion of Earth’s resources are presently necessary to be able to escape the Mars gravity to return to Earth.

The mining of the Moons of Saturn and Jupiter during the process of merging them with Mars is facilitated by producing space deployed Space Elevators. Nano-tube cables produced in space that are attached between two shaped and sized asteroids. The system is precisely rotated on a controlled trajectory so that one asteroid is controllably lowered to anchor the space elevator tether. A cable climbing tractor then controllably raises and lowers materials to and from planetoids.

The building of space elevators using this process may become the initial main industry for early missions. The combination of a planet that has numerous space elevators (every country; or shared by several small countries) and the low-cost solar sail structures described, provides an inexpensive means for almost any country to carry-on interplanetary space-based commerce.

To prevent contributing to, or otherwise disturbing the natural wobble of the Earth over long periods, the positioning of space elevators needs to be logically determined in advance. As economic systems change, small countries not previously thought to have the potential to engage in a space-based economy may purchase a space elevator. To prevent global ecological destruction of micro-ecosystems (diversity of life that contributes to overall resistance to pervasive pathogens), a balancing in support of our stable wobble must consider potentially positioning space elevators in locations not intended to be used, to position a space elevator where it is desired.

Delivering rich ore asteroids to the surface of the Earth

A slightly different version of the space elevator provides a means of delivering and extracting large masses from Earth’s gravity. In largely the same manner that a space elevator is created using the Bola method of deploying space elevators, large amounts of mass can both be deposited and extracted without the use of fossil fuels.

A heavier built carbon nano-tube cable delivers an ore-rich asteroid to Earth as an anchor. The tether is transferred from the anchor to the payload to be extracted from Earth. The near-orbit tethered mass in space has a latching/hinge mechanism where another carbon nano-tube cable that extends out into space at some angle from tangent to the Earth’s atmosphere to a far-orbit mass with twice the total mass of both the near-orbit tethered mass and anchor. At the mid-point between the far-orbit and near-orbit tethered masses, is a latch/hinge structure that a larger asteroid attaches to and pulls with increasing velocity (not sudden stresses) both the anchor payload and far-orbit masses along a trajectory out toward a delivery destination. The mid-point attached acceleration method is necessary to prevent catastrophic failure forces from building up during the extraction process.

This method of using asteroids and solar sail structures provides for low-cost interplanetary commerce.

Extending commerce to the resources of the Kuiper Belt.

The Kuiper Belt has significant volitile gas resources. Volitile elements are frozen. There are vast resources of water and hydrocarbons to use for terra-forming Venus, Mars and other planets that we build. There is presently 20 to 200 times as much known mass in the Kuiper Belt as there is in the Asteroid Belt. These resources provide elements needed to support biological life.

Another reason for providing a presence in the Kuiper Belt is to detect masses on a trajectory toward Earth. We want masses to be on a trajectory that spirals into Earth’s orbit around the Sun so we can harvest resources, not tangent to Earth’s orbit where an impact causes potential global extinction from impact on Earth. The Kuiper Belt is expansive. By having a presence we can not just detect impending events, we can cultivate them into beneficial mining outcomes.

Automated systems of solar sails can systematically guide thousands of objects on trajectories that will eventually form an orbit around the Sun between Venus and Earth. However, because of the reduced photon pressures from the Sun the time needed is much longer. But, tend to stop the orbit of anything around the Sun and it will start moving toward the Sun. The timing and trajectory within the complex gravitational fields of the solar system scheduled so that the trajectory and orbit entered never intersects Earth’s orbit around the Sun.

Materials stored in its own orbit around the Sun between Venus and Earth. Accelerate the orbit to deliver it to Earth, slow the orbit to deliver it to Venus.

Ethics related to the deployment of Space Elevators

Space Elevator strands are quite small for human eye detection at a distance. The extreme hazards for flight safety and related economic upheaval related to space-based trade, must be taken into account and planned for in advance. Terrorists, either from intellectually deprived puppets of economic aggressors (undeclared economic coalitions that instigate destruction for self-serving purposes), or countries at war in dispute of access to natural resources, the danger is that a single person has the capacity to disrupt an entire nations primary source of economic sovereignty.

See to see how global society can both Maximize Freedoms and at the same time Maximize Security, not having to sacrifice one to have the other. To include providing an environment to maximize economic development globally.

Realize that all science and technology based products are transitory; they only exist until something better comes along. Doors based upon latches and hinges have largely gone unchanged for many thousands of years. But with the potential tools of space-time manipulation at our near-future door step, the potential is that housing and doors may take on a form that is an entirely different form of technology; will producing living environments where doors and housing are not like anything we can presently reference physically. Perhaps a living space directly accessible without having to physically travel from anywhere. Transportation similarly may become unnecessary as physical movements evolve with other technological capabilities.

These changes in technology largely motivate the directions we choose to socially participate with others (money) to support development of related technologies.

Money is a social tool that provides the ability to efficiently connect resources and opportunities to act toward diverse pathways of development.
Evolving along a broadly sustainable pathway toward a set of desirable outcomes, the social processes incrementally change and use technology to generate the related economic processes; i.e. interconnected loops of cash flows.

For most, this is the primary importance of ethics, to broadly promote a sharing of resources and opportunities that overall deliver vast systems of mutually beneficial outcomes; global economic and time pervasive prosperity. This is the common short-sighted purpose of ethical consideration.

The longer-sighted purpose is to “Broadly promote the diversity of life”; only through diversity does plague-like conditions meet local barriers to prevent broad destruction (extinction events).

Space Elevators provide the opportunities to both create sustainable environments for humans, but also other species. If we focus upon creating environments just for human habitats, then a plague in the form of economic depression, biological virus, genetically evolved sterility .… will eventually cause the extinction of humans; in the not so distant future. If we ourselves desire to survive, and/or evolve, then required is that the environments we create are also broadly diverse to include every known form of life that has its’ boundaries limited by resources and synergy with other diverse forms of life.

Mining the Asteroids between Mars and Jupiter

The total mass of the asteroid belt is about 1/35th the size of our Moon. About 1/2 the total mass of the asteroid belt are in the four largest asteroids called Ceres, Vesta, Pallas, and Hygiea. Most asteroids are one of three groups in composition: carbonaceous (C-type), silicate (S-type), and metal-rich (M-type). These are the primary purpose of

Terra-forming Mars from Space

Mars can be terra-formed to become an Earth-like eco-system, but it takes a more involved effort. With Earth’s present atmospheric components, the pressure on Mars would be too sparse to both prevent ionized losses of water introduced, and provide the pressures needed by humans to survive without a pressurized suit. By maneuvering three of the largest Moons of Jupiter (Ganymede, Europa, and Calisto) to merge with Mars on specific trajectories that incrementally bring Mars to a new sustainable orbit around the Sun, enough mass can be added to Mars to provide an atmospheric pressure needed to sustainably support human life and the related ecosystems. Moving Moons sounds far fetched, but the continuous force applied by solar sails to precisely cause a track through the gravity distributions imposed on the Moons, and not just the dominant influences (a form of finite element analysis), provides a practical method by which the Moons can be accelerated along intentional trajectories over long periods of time.

The Moons due to the gravitational fluctuations of Jupiter have sufficient friction to produce heat; and water is present. Therefore it is possible that life may be present. If so than this form of terra-forming is not ethically plausible because the evolution of those life forms and their potential future will be extinguished by the act of merging the Moon with Mars. There are other related ethical issues to consider.

Planetary bodies are considered sacred by many cultures, and the ethics related to inhabiting those planetary bodies is an ethical issue. Merging them becomes an even greater social issue.

But given a finding that life does not exist on the Moons, then as mass is merged with Mars and the orbit is changed to reflect a stable new orbit, then the crushing of those large masses together creates heat that must dissipate before providing a habitable environment for life. The act of crushing the last of three Moons, the water-rich Moon, with Mars is to produce an atmosphere. The crushing exposes core materials of all three Moons and Mars.

This process will produce a jagged landscape that will produce planetary quakes for millions of years. By reversing the process the non-uniform gravity of Jupiter can be used to accelerate the process of annealing the planetary structures. By moving Mars to orbit Jupiter, as Moons are merged in with Mars the gravitational forces can anneal the merged structures to largely stabilize them before the intentionally unstable orbit casts Mars out toward a new orbit around the Sun. The solar sail systems guiding the path of the now larger Mars to seek a stable orbit. The now larger Mars that is about the same size as Venus will have far less quakes and terra-forming the atmosphere provides the components needed for using catalysts to produce the needed balances in atmospheric and soil components.

Needed calculation will need to be done to determine the losses in atmosphere and chemical make-up due to the processes involved and the interaction with Jupiter’s annealing gravity influences. All of the incremental gravitational interactions of all solar system gravitational and electromagnetic influences will need to be modeled for millions of years so that long term stability is supported during all translations in mass.

The total process has continuous opportunities to harvest unique resources to use in support of the business systems needed to support a 2,000 year effort. Sixty generations of people continuously supporting a long term business initiative. Not as attractive as terra-forming Venus, but providing a third largely independent ecosystem within our solar system.

Maximizing the Diversity of Life in Independent Ecosystems

With three largely independent ecosystems, three forms of evolution can be promoted to provide diverse outcomes. For example, Mars can evolve technology based evolutionary systems that promote a diversity of life that is uniquely technology interconnected and dependent; technological evolution. Earth can largely remove its technology and dominantly provide support or the evolving of already established ecosystems and related animal and vegetation life; natural evolution. While Venus can support human-centric evolution; building Venus as the resources and imagination provide for the most interesting place for humans to live. While distributed out in space on asteroids, other planets, space stations… is a mix of all parts of the three independent ecosystems. The purpose of which is to sustainably support a maximized diversity of life.

Deploying Space Elevators from Space

The most expensive part of producing products for space based efforts, is the transport between the ground of planetary bodies and space. To deploy space elevators from Earth requires transporting large amounts of materials, and related burning of fossil fuels.

To deploy space elevators from space requires a source of carbon (atmosphere of Venus), a heat source (Sun), processing system (relatively small from Earth), and two small asteroids. By shaping and sizing two asteroids and connecting a fully developed nano-tube space elevator tractor cable between them, the two asteroids can incrementally be rotated around one another connected together by the nano-tube cable. The resulting rotating masses are carefully guiding in trajectory and rotation such that the counter rotation of one asteroid end entering the atmosphere slows rotation and gently transitions to the total system into geosynchronous orbit with the planetary body.

This business of creating space elevators can deploy space elevators throughout the solar system.

Care must be made to deploy mating space elevators balanced across the same hemisphere such that noticeable increasing planet wobble does not occur over long periods of time.

Synergy with Native American Robotics Mars Yard

NASA is funding an educational initiative to encourage students to engage STEM education. Employment opportunities in rural areas are very sparse. To prepare students for engaging in opportunities accessible through use of the internet, STEM programs are being taught. STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. More recently the effort has been to produce STEEM, or Science, Technology, Enterprise, Engineering, and Mathematics.

The Robotics Mars Yard is in a building with dimensions of 50 feet by 60 feet that intends to house automated system of robots and self-configuring landscape to be used by native American students throughout the United States. Simulators are to be built to allow most students, anywhere globally, to participate in related activities. Coursework already in use by teachers are intended to be modified to provide greater contact time with each student, and at the same time free instructor time so that they have more time to thoughtfully interact with the unique needs of each student.

The broad use of the Mars Yard is centered in its user interface, that matches form and function of most programming user interfaces. Students are able to engage programming beginning as early as Elementary School, and use the system throughout Post-Doctoral industry and related research efforts. Developing the ability to engage diverse related technologies, followed by developing the ability to produce market driven enterprise.

Contributors include Dr. Nader Vadiee (, Dr. Larry Crumple (NM Museum Curator), Dr. Zhang (transportation science) … and a host of others.

Synergy with Lifeboat Foundation

Lifeboat Foundation (LF) at is a non-profit organization dedicated to identifying and developing resources for mitigating mass extinction events. Those in review are currently considered to be existential because of low probability, but more often because of no current practical method of mitigation.

NASA recently selected Lifeboat Foundation as a contributor in an upcoming event to help provide insights related to asteroid centered enterprise in space.

ALL development requires sustainable business support or the effort never gets off the ground (pun intended), or the effort dies without significant useful outcomes. “Not” listed below are the concepts for business systems of development submitted to Lifeboat Foundation for review and potential inclusion in their managed effort with NASA.

Jacque Fresco’s futurist book, Designing the Future which serves as something of an introduction the revolutionary Venus Project, is a manifesto for redesigning civilization itself.
Jacque makes a call for a renewed modernism: “The application of scientific principles, for better or worse, accounts for every single advance that has improved people’s lives.” However, the real aim of the Venus Project is the abolition of money, which is described by Jacque as nothing but a source of debt, servitude and other injustice.
The book elaborates an anti-war and one-world vision that is very difficult to oppose. Indeed, its statements reflect some of the most enlightened views in the world today, with its staunch opposition to nationalism. Conflict, Fresco states, “is now totally unacceptable and dangerous because of war’s extreme human and environmental costs.” Even more appealing is Fresco’s encouragement that we treat the world as an “interrelated system with all its people as one family.” This amounts to an open-borders and anti-militarist position that I think reflects the aspirations of some of the most desperate and mistreated people on Earth and could lead to a profound reduction of hostility for all (p. 4–5).
Jacque writes that we need “new outlooks and approaches” and we should “direct the future”. This is a call for everyone to get involved – not just the elite. He challenges us to think how we might organize the world, if it were up to us. Personally, I do not feel qualified to organize the world, although I do think we can all say what we don’t think should happen. The solution, Jacque writes, must be “free of bias and nationalism”, which translates to an acknowledgment that Nineteenth Century nation-states are well beyond their best-before date.
In recognizing that nation-states are obsolete, Jacque warns we should still avoid generating “bad feelings” (p. 6–7). Jacque forewarns that what he is advocating is a “difficult project requiring input from many disciplines”. This recognition of the academic side of what he is advocating makes me bring in another respected theorist, Immanuel Wallerstein, whose work has focused on “reconceptualizing” the world to understand things like nation-states and vast global inequalities as production relations.
In a way, I am fully onboard with what Jacque is advocating already. If we could reconceptualize global society at a more popular level, rather than purely at an academic level, our task would be somewhat similar to the popularization of science attempted by such people as Carl Sagan. Nations, within the global social system, are only fleeting entities. If we could get people to accept that interpretation of society, we would accomplish what Jacque Fresco is talking about, but it is hard. I consider my own anti-statist essays as a contribution in that direction, and I would encourage other commentators to do their part, using whatever rhetoric or teaching methods they think best.
Jacque puts forward the idea that the scientific method should be rigorously applied to avert some of the biggest killers in modern life, e.g. car crashes (p. 15–17). This is a fairly convincing case, and one that I think has not been advocated yet by any other theorist, so Jacque deserves a lot of credit for it. The way to achieve it would probably involve integrating the local authorities with scientific advisory boards and ethics committees. This would have the added benefit of creating nice jobs for a lot of the students who tend to be thrown into positions that do not let them fulfil their true potential. One could argue that there are already plenty of science committees influencing governments, but it is not unreasonable to advocate there should be more, and at more local levels.
Matching what many intellectuals have pointed out, Jacque says “technology is moving forward but our societies are still based on concepts and methods devised centuries ago”, calling out the “obsolete values” that still shape many countries (the US not least of all) (p. 9). Another grievance mentioned is the corporate takeover of government, as protested against by the #Occupy movements. There are, today, “common threats that transcend national boundaries”, e.g. hunger, natural disasters of the kind that UN agencies are already attempting to combat (p. 10).
One of Jacque’s ideas resembles extropy, as articulated by Kevin Kelly. He states, “The history of civilization is the story of change from the simple to the more complex” (p. 13–14). Change is the “only constant”, the biggest enemy of which is the people in power who have trade advantages over others and strong reasons to maintain the status quo.
The best side of Jacque’s book is found in the compelling images of future architecture and design solutions that would reflect an economy geared towards human needs rather than profit. At least some of these principles will almost certainly become a reality in the future (p. 29–44, 48–52). However, Jacque’s ideas can be attacked from many angles, and these make it hard to accept the abolition of money that is really the core of his thesis:

“A much higher standard of living for everyone all over the world can be achieved when the entire Earth’s resources are connected, organized, monitored, and used efficiently for everyone’s benefit as a total global system – not just for a relatively small number of people.”

The problem with the above is that it is advocating globalization as it already exists, but neglecting a very fundamental element of that globalization: financial globalization. It is harder to believe that we can connect the entire world together solely in terms of resources than that we can connect it together financially. It is likely that going back to resource-based disparity rather than money disparity would lead to a more localized and therefore tribal existence with states becoming more possessive over natural resources. This would not be consistent with globalization as we have seen it thus far.
Jacque expresses the view that rather than laws and ethical people (as envisaged since as far back as Aristotle), we only need “a way of intelligently managing the Earth’s resources for everyone’s wellbeing” (p. 18–21). He is of the school of thought that “when we look at things scientifically, there is more than enough food and material goods on Earth to take care of all people’s needs – if managed correctly” (p. 19). This is also a view articulated by Ramez Naam in The Infinite Resource (2013), and that I have responded to in the past. The only problem is, it isn’t true. There are almost no distinguished scientists and scientific bodies who have stated that there are enough resources as we currently understand them to support the expanding population. There are even some prominent scientific bodies like the Club of Rome and various committees warning about our dwindling resources, constantly stating the exact opposite of what Jacque and Ramez have stated.
As much as I agree with what Jacque is trying to accomplish, it is patently false to say that looking “at things scientifically” is the same as using the scientific method, or that the scientific methods leads to redistributing resources to support everyone. Most scientists would disagree with what Jacque is saying. However, I am not arguing that they are right. I am arguing that we need to learn to tolerate how radical the idea of supporting everyone on the planet through the intelligent application of emerging technologies is, and how hazardous it could actually be. If we take the leap, we must wholeheartedly take any burdens and possible hazards into account as we do so. Humanity must know the risks, and not be persuaded to walk blithely towards something that still has so many unknowns.
Jacque lays out his case for abolishing all money. He gives 14 succinct grievances against the monetary economy that has been the norm for quite a few centuries. Most of these 14 points reiterate the same basic grievance that money enables people to be super-rich and others laden with debt, because… the rich people control it. However, in repeating these grievances against money and giving each of them more credit than they deserve, Jacque neglects the good points about money. It is still the only thing a lot of poor people have, and is the only way they can get their next meal.
It is not the unfair distribution of money, but the unfair distribution of resources, which keeps people and states poor or powerless. The rich are not rich because they have more money in their pockets, but because they physically control the resources that make money. They own keys to the factories and stockpiles. Rich states physically possess and control the world’s mineral wealth, and the labs where high-tech products are designed and tested. They use money merely as a way of throwing scraps to poor people where it would have been too inconvenient to give shares of their resources. So, if anything, money exists as a tool of remuneration to poor people, and would actually be a necessary component in any scheme to create more equality.
I, unlike Jacque, am what most people would call poor. If my money became worthless tomorrow, I would not be grateful. In fact, I would have few means of survival, and would wander the world begging for actual food and other resources from people and providers who are fortunate to possess a stockpile of resources. These providers in turn would wander the world begging for supplies, and other essentials they require to stay active. Therefore, the vacuum left by abolishing money would be more oppressive than any amount of debt, and it would also consume a lot more time and energy for everyone.
Not only would the abolition advocated by Jacque make life a lot more difficult for most poor people and businesses, but it would lead to the loss of a very basic source of dignity for the poor – the only medium with which they could actually buy and share resources. No matter how detrimental monetary greed can be, a poor man or business will always be grateful he can carry a wad of money around. He can’t pick up and carry a resource. One would hope that Jacque would at least try to overcome this terrible paradox of what is going to take the place of that money in a poor person’s hand, but he doesn’t. What is advocated instead is idealistic at best, and leaves one feeling hungry for the pizza that is probably never going to be delivered to your door by a drone if we really do get rid of money.
In fact, the form of remuneration posited by Jacque relies on “distribution centers” from which anyone can order an unlimited quantity of anything to their very door due to the unlimited capacity of the technology of the future (p. 76–78). If such a thing is inevitable from existing engineering trends, then we should be in awe of that technology, and not the Venus Project.
Something similar to the above occurs when Jacque states “Machines of the future are capable of self-replication and improvement, and can repair themselves and update their own circuitry.” Once again, this makes me ask, why then advocate Resource-Based Economy, if in the end we are always going to stand in awe of the machines and get unlimited free pizzas delivered to our doors anyway?
In a Resource-Based Economy, it is established there is no money, no credits, no debt, and no servitude. Here, “all of the world’s resources are held as the common heritage of all of Earth’s people” (p. 21). Unfortunately, the thing getting in the way of declaring our resources as a common heritage isn’t money, but the resources themselves. Just look how some states and firms have better resources than others, be it in the form of more high-tech facilities or more qualified personnel. One can’t just declare these people and things to be equally owned by all, or change their status in any significant way, by abolishing money, because they are still physically located in certain more advanced states (usually the US).
When it comes to how the RBE would manifest in practice, Jacque argues that all wealth and wellbeing should be based on immediate resources, such as water and fertile land. Unfortunately, this means areas with more resources would be better-off than those without, which takes us back to the problem already highlighted above.
Jacque says that increasing automation and peak oil are signs of “collapse” (p. 22), and that this collapse will provoke people to “lose confidence” in monetary economics. People will then turn to a global Resource-Based Economy as the solution. Unfortunately, this is not what usually happens in a collapse. In a collapse, people do not actually grasp at the most ideal solutions, never mind solutions prematurely based on future technologies. Just look at Iraq and Syria, where the failures of the state did not lead to a utopia but to a vacuum filled by pseudo-religious terrorist authorities.
The prediction that removing capitalistic competition by getting rid of money would result in the hippie-like outcome of peace and harmony (p. 69–76) is not convincing. If Christianity got one thing right, it is that humans are prone to sin. Even in a system with unlimited resources, there would be factionalism, security concerns, hoarding, vanity, greed, jealousy, power-mania, sex offenses, plain insanity and a plethora of other reasons for people to do evil. In sum, law enforcement and compliance would still be necessary.
Rethinking society is important, but the catalyst should be technology itself and the results spontaneous, rather than someone’s grand design. People should be in awe of the amazing things being made possible by nanotechnology and biotechnology, but they should be advocating that people invest in these technologies. Abundance is almost certainly going to rely on biotechnology, but there are many grievances against this field and promoting it might involve tolerating the directions taken by some large and rather controversial corporations.
Transhumanism differs from social design in that transhumanism is advocating the redesign of the human individual; a departure from our biological limits themselves as a way of escaping scarcity. Transhumanism is about maximizing the available choices and chances of survival of every human individual. We could go even further, and biologically re-engineer the world to access more resources, as I argued in my outlandish “terra-enhancement” article.

By Harry J. Bentham - More articles by Harry J. Bentham

Originally published at h+ Magazine on 19 August 2014

Oil and Gas Tankers (maritime vessels) that has continuously benefited from Mr. Andres Agostini’s White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management. The White Swan Idea is at

Through five and half years, the White Swan Book Author Andres Agostini concurrently managed the risks of ten (10) oil and gas tankers (maritime vessels). There is a sample of five (5) vessels here.






The White Swan Idea is at

The Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador Mr. Andres Agostini’s own White Swan Dictionary, Countermeassuring Every Unthinkable Black Swan, at



Altogetherness.— Altogetherness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate with all or everything included.

A Posteriori.— “ … A Posteriori indicates the demonstration that entails the ascendance of the effect to the cause, or the properties of the essence of something [….] After examining the matter that is dealt with [….] Derived by or designating the process of reasoning from facts or particulars to general principles or from effects to causes; inductive; empirical [….] Knowable from experience [….] relating to or involving inductive reasoning from particular facts or effects to a general principle [….] derived from or requiring evidence for its validation or support; empirical; open to revision [….] from particular instances to a general principle or law; based on observation or experiment [….] not existing in the mind prior to or apart from experience [….] the process of reasoning from effect to cause, based upon observation …”

A Priori.— “ … A Priori comprises that proceeds from a known or assumed cause to a necessarily related effect; deductive [….] Derived by or designating the process of reasoning without reference to particular facts or experience [….] Knowable without appeal to particular experience [….] Made before or without examination; not supported by factual study [….] relating to or involving deductive reasoning from a general principle to the expected facts or effects [….] to be true independently of or in advance of experience of the subject matter; requiring no evidence for its validation or support [….] existing in the mind independent of experience [….] conceived beforehand …”

Blitzkrieg.— “ … Blitzkrieg is a German MEME for war-waging White Swan Corporate Strategy conducted against competitors and with great speed and force; specifically: a violent techno-surprise offensive by massed brick-and-mortar forces and through digitized ground and World-Wide Web forces in close beyond-perfection coordination …”

Change .— “… Change is to transfer from (one conveyance) to another and/or to undergo transformation or transition and/or to go from one phase to another and/or the act, process, or result of altering or modifying and/or the replacing of one thing for another; substitution and/or a transformation or transition from one state, condition, or phase to another and/or to make or become different and/or a variation, deviation, or modification and/or anything that is or may be substituted for something else and/or to transform and/or to transfer from one (conveyance) to another and/or to pass gradually into and/or to pass from one phase to another and/or the act of changing or the result of being changed and/or a transformation or modification and/or the substitution of one thing for another and/or the process of becoming different and/or impermanence and/or biological metamorphosis …”

Closenessfulness.— (Closenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see immediate and near-term foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Complexity Science .— “ … Complexity Science is the systematic study of the nature and behavior of the material and physical universe, based on observation, experiment, and measurement, and the formulation of laws to describe these facts in general terms with the utter purpose of instituting the perusal of the phenomena which emerge from a collection of interacting objects [….] Complexity expresses a condition of numerous elements in a system and numerous forms of relationships among the elements [….] The use of the term complex is often confused with the term complicated. In today’s systems, this is the difference between myriad connecting ‘stovepipes’ and effective ‘integrated’ solutions. This means that complex is the opposite of independent, while complicated is the opposite of simple [….] While this has led some fields to come up with specific definitions of complexity, there is a more recent movement to regroup observations from different fields to study complexity in itself, whether it appears in anthills, human brains, or stock markets. One such interdisciplinary group of fields is relational order theories …”

Counter-closenessfulness.— (Counter-closenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see alternate immediate and near-term foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Counter-DoctorStangelovesness.— (Counter-DoctorStangelovesness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate, through alternate military strategy and practical systems theory as they are instituted in corporate theater of operations, as claims of management phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as ‘remote viewing’ through scenario-planning methodology ‘unthinkables’, the purported ability to physically ‘see’ unknown events, sites, or information from a great temporal distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors to said corporations. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Savvy Corporation by and beyond the prescription of the RAND Corporation and the Hudson Institute).

Counter-farsightfulness.— (Counter-farsightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see alternate foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Counter-foresightfulness.— (Counter-foresightfulness is the quality of conforming to the alternate perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred).

Counter-hindsightfulness.— (Counter-hindsightfulness is the quality of conforming to an alternate perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred).

Counter-insightfulness.— (Counter-insightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to engage the alternate acute observation and deduction, penetration, discernment, perception and understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context).

Counter-intuitvenessfulness.— (Counter-intuitvenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to perceiving alternate intuitive knowledge).

Counter-Stargatenessfulness.— (Counter-Stargatenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate alternate claims of psychic phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as ‘remote viewing’, the purported ability to psychically ‘see’ events, sites, or information from a great distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Visionary Corporation by the U.S. Federal Government’ and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency’s Stargate Project).

DoctorStangelovesness.— (DoctorStangelovesness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate, through military strategy and practical systems theory as they are instituted in corporate theater of operations, as claims of management phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as ‘remote viewing’ through scenario-planning methodology ‘unthinkables’, the purported ability to physically ‘see’ unknown events, sites, or information from a great temporal distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors to said corporations. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Savvy Corporation by and beyond the prescription of the RAND Corporation and the Hudson Institute).

Dynamic Driving Forces .— “…Dynamic Driving Forces are forces outside the firm (external factors) that trigger the change of strategy in an organization. Industry conditions change because important forces (the most dominant ones that have the biggest influence on what kinds of changes will take place in the industry’s structure and competitive environment) are driving industry participants (competitors, customers, or suppliers) to alter their actions, and thus the driving forces in an industry are the major underlying causes of changing industry and competitive conditions. Driving forces analysis has two steps: identifying what the driving forces are and assessing the impact they will have on the industry .… The Most Common Dynamic Driving Forces include: 1. The Internet and new e-commerce opportunities and threats it breeds in the industry; 2. Increasing globalization of the industry; 3. Changes in the long-run industry growth rate; 4. Changes in who buys the products and how they use it. 5. Product innovation; 6. Technological change; 7. Market innovation; 8. Entry or exit of major firms; 9. Diffusion of technical know-how across more companies and more countries; 10. Changes in cost and efficiency. 11. Growing buyer for preferences for differentiated products instead of a commodity product (or for a more standardized product instead of strongly differentiated products); 12. Regulatory influences and government policy changes; 13. Changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles; 14. Reductions in uncertainty and business risk … Other dynamic driving forces include geologic, climatological, political, geopolitical, demographic, social, ethical, economic, technological, financial, legal and environmental forces, among others …”

Dynamics.— “…Dynamics is a branch of mechanics that deals with forces and their relation primarily to the motion but sometimes also to the equilibrium of bodies …. an underlying cause of change or growth …. a pattern or process of change, growth, or activity *population dynamics* …”

Far-fetched.— “ … Far-fetched is improbable in nature; unlikely. But given the emergent as-of-now nature of the Omniverse, far-fetched is omniverseral nature’s most probable and so probable to tectonically reform our cosmovisions, in front and beyond our smartest observations, and other constellations believed indisputable by our folly human assumptions …”

Farsightfulness.— (Farsightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to see the foreseeable futures and likely prospects).

Flawness.— (Flawness is the quality of conforming to maximum error and failure).

Foresightfulness.— (Foresightfulness is the quality of conforming to perception of the significance and nature of events before they have occurred).

Fortuitousness.— (Unexpected and casually happening[s], as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Futilitifulness Thinking.— (Futilitifulness is the quality of conforming to maximum futility).

Future (the ‚) .— “ … The Future is 1) What is yet to come, 2) What can happen or not, 3) The future is a tranquil country, 4) The indefinite time yet to come, 5) Something that will happen in time to come, 6) A prospective or expected condition, 7) Undetermined events that will occur in that time, 8) time that is to be or come hereafter, 9) Something that will exist or happen in time to come, 9) The period of time following the present moment and continuing on indefinitely, 10) The situation or condition of someone or something in the future, 11) One of a plurality of possible future conditions or situations, 12) The time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come, 13) The future is what will happen in the time period after the present. Its arrival is considered inevitable due to the existence of time and the laws of physics. Due to the apparent nature of reality and the inevitability of the future, everything that currently exists and will exist can be categorized as either permanent, meaning that it will exist for the whole of the future, or temporary, meaning that it won’t and thus will come to an end. The future and the concept of eternity have been major subjects of philosophy, religion, and science, and defining them non-controversially has consistently eluded the greatest of minds. In the Occidental view, which uses a linear conception of time, the future is the portion of the projected time line that is anticipated to occur. In special relativity, the future is considered absolute future, or the future light cone. 14) The only way you can see the future is if you’re ahead of your own time, 15) Learning how to be ahead of your time, today!, 16) The future is that the future is something that happens to us, not something we create, 17) Our future is determined by the actions of all of us alive today. our choices determine our destiny, 18) The future is a phenomenon that will be completely real someday even though it does not exist today, 19) Future is too important to be lost under the burden of juvenile folly and ignorant superstition, 20) Our intuition about the future is linear, which is hard-wired in our brains, 21) The future is being colonized all the time by people who have the resources, who do spend time thinking about it, planning for it and trying to shape it in their direction, 22) The future is already here; it’s just not evenly distributed, 23) the future is called ‘perhaps,’ which is the only possible thing to call the future. and the important thing is not to allow that to scare you, 24) The future is unsure. that’s the way it should be, 25) The past cannot be changed. The future is yet in your power, 26) The future is the past of to-morrow, 27) The best way to predict the future is to invent it, 28) To be masters of the future is to change the past, 29) The future is extremely important to high morale, to dynamism, to consensus, and in general to help the wheels of society turn smoothly, 30) The past is gone, the future is not to come, and the present becomes the past even while we attempt to define it, 31) The future is not for the fainthearted, 32) The future is not an echo of the past, 33) The future is not a privilege but a perpetual conquest, 34) The future is not what will happen; the future is what is happening, 35) The future is more challenging than playing catch up, 36) The future is not an extrapolation of the past, 37) The future is not something we enter. The future is something we create, 38) The future is an unknown country which requires tough visas for anyone to enter. not all of us will get the chance to visit it, 39) The future is not what is coming at us, but what we are headed for, 40) The future is where I expect to spend the rest of my life, 41) The danger of the future is that men may become robots, 42) The future is the creation of millions of independent economic actors, 43) The future is independent of the past, 44) The future is alive. Like the present, the future is not a single, uniform state but an ongoing process that reflects the plenitude of human life, 45) The future is natural, out of anyone’s control, 46) The future is continually stalking on the present, 47) The future is technocracy in perpetuity, 48) The future is eternally clashing the present, 49) The future is absolute hard science dominance, 50) The future is going to get invented, with you or without you, 51) The future is S-H-A-Z-A-M (“…The wisdom of Solomon, the stamina of Atlas, the power of Zeus, the courage of Achilles, and the speed of Mercury.…” and 52) The future is not something that happens to us, but something we create.

Fuzzy Logic.— (A form of algebra employing a range of values from “true” to “false” that is used in decision-making with imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Haphazardness.— (the quality of lacking any predictable order or plan, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Hindsightfulness.— (Hindsightfulness is the quality of conforming to perception of the significance and nature of events after they have occurred).

Inflection point .— “…Inflection point is a moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market … And/or a time of significant change in a situation; a turning point … A moment of dramatic change, especially in the development of a company, industry, or market … A point on a chart that marks the beginning of a significant move, either up or down … An event that results in a significant change in the progress of a company, industry, sector, economy or geopolitical situation. An inflection point can be considered a turning point after which a dramatic change, with either positive or negative results, is expected to result. Companies, industries, sectors and economies are dynamic and constantly evolving. Inflection points are more significant than the small day-to-day progress that is made and the effects of the change are often well-known and widespread … Andy Grove, Intel’s co-founder, described a strategic inflection point as ‘…an event that changes the way we think and act …’ … What Intel’s Grove calls ‘…strategic inflection point …, Andres terms « … Sputnik Moment inflection point … » … Inflection points can be a result of action taken by a company, or through actions taken by another entity, that has a direct impact on the company. Regulatory changes, for instance, could lead to an inflection point for a corporation that was previously held back by regulatory compliance issues. Inflection points in technology include the advent of the Internet and smart phones. Politically, an inflection point can be illustrated by the fall of the Berlin Wall or the fall of Communism in Poland and other Eastern Bloc countries …”

Insightfulness.— (Insightfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to engage the acute observation and deduction, penetration, discernment, perception and understanding of a specific cause and effect in a specific context).

Intuitvenessfulness.— (Intuitvenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to perceiving intuitive knowledge).

Litmus Test.— “… Litmus Test is a critical indication of future success or failure …”

Minimax.— “… Minimax is a decision rule used in decision theory, game theory, statistics and philosophy for minimizing the possible loss for a worst case (maximum loss) scenario. Alternatively, it can be thought of as maximizing the minimum gain (maximin or MaxMin). Originally formulated for two-player zero-sum game theory, covering both the cases where players take alternate moves and those where they make simultaneous moves, it has also been extended to more complex games and to general decision making in the presence of uncertainty …. In the theory of simultaneous games, a minimax strategy is a mixed strategy which is part of the solution to a zero-sum game. In zero-sum games, the minimax solution is the same as the Nash equilibrium …”

Mishaps.— (an unknown and unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Mistakenness .— (Mistakenness is the quality of conforming to maximum mistake and an unintentional act, omission).

Narrow-mindedness.— (Narrow-mindedness is the quality of conforming to unresponsive to new ideas).

Normalness.— (Normalness is the quality of conforming to maximum normal quality or normal condition).

Omniscience .— “… Applied non-theological omniscience consists of having total knowledge; knowing everything, having infinite knowledge, the current state of knowledge, the ability to know anything that one chooses to know and can be known and actually knowing everything that can be known. Synonyms to omniscience include panshopy, polyhistory and all-knowingness.…”

Open-mindedness.— (Open-mindedness is the quality of conforming to receptiveness to new ideas).

Prospective.— “ … Prospective comprises something that is likely or expected to happen [….] that looks forward to the future [….] that it is anticipated or likely to happen [….] of or in the future [….] potential, likely, or expected [….] yet to be or coming [….] of or concerned with or related to the future Set of analyzes and studies developed with the utter end of exploring or foretelling the future, regarding a determined subject matter …”.

Pseudo-fortuitousness.— (quasi-unexpected and quasi-casually happening[s], as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Fuzzy Logic.— (A form of algebra employing a range of values from quasi-“true” to quasi-“false” that is used in decision-making with quasi-imprecise data, as in artificial intelligence systems, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Haphazardness.— (the quality of quasi-lacking any predictable order or plan, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-Mishaps.— (a quasi-unknown and quasi-unpredictable phenomenon that causes an event to result one way rather than another, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudoserendipity.— Pseudoserendipity means PURPOSEFULLY CREATING the constant preconditions and conditions to seize “fortuitous happenstance” and/or “pleasant surprise” and/or “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. And also entails unexpected positive and beneficial accident(s) [….] the art of finding something unintended [….] the common experience of observing unexpected, anomalous and strategic data and events, which are transformed into the instance and context to develop a new theory or to complement an existing theory [….] And the faculty of making fortunate Technological Breakthroughs and Scientific Discoveries And Innovation Developments by accident, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles and tangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits and planes [….] Somewhat Expected Accidental Beneficial Discoveries in Science, Technology, Strategy, Business and Management …”

Pseudo-Randomness.— (Pseudo-Randomness means quasi-lacking of pattern or quasi-predictability in events. Pseudo-Randomness suggests a quasi-non-order or quasi-non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Pseudo-recusriveness.— (quasi-pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Qualitative Analysis.— “…Qualitative Analysis refers to the skills, technologies, applications and practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business, risk and futures planning. Qualitative Analysis focuses on developing new insights and understanding of sustainable business performance based on narrative data …”

Qualt.— “…A qualt is brand of systems engineering who applies mathematical and ESPECIALLY non-mathematical models of uncertainty to financial and ESPECIALLY non-financial data and complex industrial operations. And a person who also studies the errors, the flaws and the limits of these qualitative models, understanding that there is a point of (i) inflection and (ii) Event horizon, in anything pursued by the for-lucre corporations …. A qualt has a combined background of advanced management, extreme project management (Agile) and systems engineering. A qualt spreads the usage of most-advanced business analytics and transformative and integrative risk management …. Whether he or she acknowledges it or not, the qualt is extremely AWARE of the many critical short-comings of many quantitative strategies and works hard at it advance to eliminate every form of downside through qualitative strategies …. For instance, qualts know that “…systemic risks …” are direct brainchildren of (a) Ignorance, (b) Manipulation, © Greed and (d) Corruption [….] Systems engineering, hugely embraced by Qualts, is an interdisciplinary field of engineering that focuses on how to design and manage complex engineering projects over their life cycles. Issues such as reliability, logistics, coordination of different teams (requirements management), evaluation measurements, and other disciplines become more difficult when dealing with large or complex projects. Systems engineering deals with work-processes, optimization methods, and risk management tools in such projects. It overlaps technical and human-centered disciplines such as control engineering, industrial engineering, organizational studies, and project management. Systems Engineering ensures that all likely aspects of a project or system are considered, and integrated into a whole. White Swans are the brainchildren of Qualts …”

Quantitative Analysis.— “ … Quantitative Analysis refers to the skills, technologies, applications and practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business, risk and futures planning. Quantitative Analysis focuses on developing new insights and understanding of sustainable business performance based on numerical data, narrative data, alphanumerical data and statistical methods …”

Quant.— “ … A quant is brand of industrial scientist and engineers who applies mathematical model of uncertainty to financial and/or socioeconomic data and complex financial instruments. And a person who also studies the flaws and the limits of these models, understanding that there is a point of breakdown …. A quant has a combined background of applied mathematics, engineering and statistics. A quant spreads the usage of artificial intelligence in today’s markets …. Whether he or she acknowledges it or not, the quant is extremely AWARE of the many critical short-comings of many quantitative strategies (as he is never interested in qualitative analytics), such as their tendency to lead to crowded trades and their underestimation of the likelihood of chaotic, volatile moves in the markets …. Along with Central Bank chairpersons and world’s finance ministers, quants are the first ones to “…elicit…” that the global economy is being “ …affected…” by “ …systemic risks…”, that systemic risk turbo-charged by several corrupted politicians, manipulative economists and beautiful quants that never understand what the tangible corporate theater of operations is [….] Industrial engineering, partly used by so-called Quants, is a branch of engineering dealing with the optimization of complex processes or systems. It is concerned with the development, improvement, implementation and evaluation of integrated systems of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials, analysis and synthesis, as well as the mathematical, physical and social sciences together with the principles and methods of engineering design to specify, predict, and evaluate the results to be obtained from such systems or processes. Its underlying concepts overlap considerably with certain business-oriented disciplines such as operations management. Black Swans are the brainchildren of quants …”

Randomness.— (Randomness means lack of pattern or predictability in events. Randomness suggests a non-order or non-coherence in a sequence of symbols or steps, such that there is no intelligible pattern or combination, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Recursiveness.— (pertaining to or using a rule or procedure that can be applied repeatedly, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits.

Retrospective.— “ … Retrospective comprises something that is looking back on, contemplating, or directed to the past [….] looking or directed backward [….] Applying to or influencing the past; retroactive [….] looking or directed backwards, esp in time; characterized by retrospection …. applying to the past; retroactive [….] directed to the past; contemplative of past situations, events, etc. [….] looking or directed backward [….] review, revision, another look, reassessment, fresh look, second look, reconsideration, re-evaluation, re-examination [….] Considering a past event or development [….] Something that is chronologically presented pertaining to business tasks, with the utter object to show the trajectory of said business tasks …”

Risk .— “… The quantitative or qualitative expression of possible loss that considers both the probability that an event will occur and the consequences of that event … and/or the likeliness of injury, harm, damage, disruption or loss multiplied by its potential magnitude …”

Serendipity.— Serendipity means a “fortuitous happenstance” and/or “pleasant surprise” and/or “always making discoveries, by accidents and sagacity, of things which they were not in quest of”. And also entails unexpected positive and beneficial accident(s) [….] And the art of finding something unintended [….] the common experience of observing unexpected, anomalous and strategic data and events, which are transformed into the instance and context to develop a new theory or to complement an existing theory [….] And the faculty of making fortunate Technological Breakthroughs and Scientific Discoveries And Innovation Developments by accident, as a result of corporate manager’s perpetual MOST-RECURSIVE search for lucrative intangibles and tangibles in omniverseral: (a) hidden quadrants and (b) ignored flanks and © forgotten angles, and (d) recondite spheres and (e) hermetic theater of operations and (e) unrealized orbits and planes [….] Unexpected Accidental Beneficial Discoveries in Science, Technology, Strategy, Business and Management …”

Scientific Futuring.— “…Scientific Futuring is in place to develop a scientific method for studying the future. Scientific Futuring comprises: 1) an inductive process consisting of a number of accurate observations which have been consolidated, or generalized, into empirical laws or statements of underlying relationships between key variables and 2) A deductive, intuitive process by which the scientific “investigator” places his observations into a larger system of thought, or theory based on fundamental axioms. Scientific Futuring is instituted with the purpose of seizing knowledge of effects through causes. This method of Scientific Futuring, made up of a process employing the classical scientific steps of induction and deduction, and reinforced by additional steps of contextualization and evolutionization, is a battle-plan for study of tomorrow’s evolving world…”

Stargatenessfulness.— (Stargatenessfulness is the quality of conforming to the ability to investigate claims of psychic phenomena with potential corporate for-lucre application, such as ‘remote viewing’, the purported ability to psychically ‘see’ events, sites, or information from a great distance, including those of the environment, industries and specially those of direct and indirect competitors. Taken by Applied Thinkers and Visionary Corporation by the U.S. Federal Government’ and the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency’s Stargate Project).

System .— “…System comprises the whole compounded of several parts, members elements, components and subsystems, a group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole, an organized set of interrelated ideas or principles, a naturally occurring group of objects or phenomena, a condition of harmonious and orderly interaction, and an organized and coordinated method; a procedure. System is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a set of elements (often called ‘components’) and dynamic relationships which are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets. Systems unite and put together elements, components and subsystems toward the entire whole…”

Technology.— “… Technology is instituted in order to solve practical problems (both mild and complex ones) ─ especially in industry, commerce, economy, science, technology, society, and politics (including geopolitics) ─, the methodical practical application of the scientific method, mathematical principles, practical sciences and material used to achieve a commercial or industrial objective and beyond, as well as to achieve practical ends such as the design, manufacture, and operation of efficient and economical structures, machines, processes, and systems …. The profession of and/or the work performed by any engineer …” If you want a briefer definition, please see this: ” … the methodical and systematic application of science in order to solve practical problems …”

Theater of Operation.— “… Theater of Operation is hereby included to mean the four-dimensional coordinate system and beyond it, in which organization’s physical (tangible) and non-physical (intangible) events are located …”

The Eureka Moment.— “ … The Eureka Moment, also known as the ‘…Aha! Moment …’, refers to the common human experience of suddenly understanding a previously incomprehensible problem or concept. The Eureka effect is named after the myth that the Greek polymath Archimedes, having discovered how to measure the volume of an irregular object, leaped out of a public bath, and ran home naked shouting ‘eureka’ (I found it) …”

The Sputnik Moment.— “ … The Sputnik Moment is a point in time in which a country or a society or even a corporation, realizes that it needs to catch up with the apparent technological and scientific gap that exists between it and some other superpower and/or global competitors, increasing its investment efforts into education and innovative R&D&I …”

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.— “…Transformative and Integrative Risk Management comprises of all activities and initiatives required to seize the optimum degree of risk elimination, mitigation, modulation or control within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time, and cost, attained through the specific application of management, scientific, engineering and mathematical principles throughout all phases of system operation.”

Transformative and Integrative Risk Management.— “Transformative and Integrative Risk Management comprises of all activities and initiatives required to seize the optimum degree of risk elimination, mitigation, modulation or control within the constraints of operational effectiveness, time, and cost, attained through the specific application of management, scientific, engineering and mathematical principles throughout all phases of system operation.”

Troublesomeness.— Troublesomeness is the quality of conforming to the ability to cause trouble, annoyance, or difficulty; vexation.

Un-reconnoiterable Cues.— (Un-reconnoiterable cues refers to un-explorable cues).

Wild Card.— “ … A wild card is a future development or event with a relatively low probability of occurrence but a likely high impact on the conduct of business …”

Tosten Burks — GOOD

You’ve seen the pictures — dolphins, fish, and turtles lie trapped, writhing and dying in abandoned fishing nets, permanently wrecking the fragile balance of our ocean ecosystems. These “ghost nets,” as they’re called, are a particular problem on the vast coastline of Chile, where landfills are privatized, and where fishermen have to dispose of old nets on their own. Even if the infrastructure was in place to do so effectively, many can’t afford to cover the price.

But three American mechanical engineers are rolling in with a solution: they’ve spent the last year and a half designing a skateboard that offers an ingenious and affordable way for fishermen to recycle plastic waste. After raising more than twice the project’s original funding goal of $25,000, “The Minnow” is set to start its first full production run later this year.

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001a  from Profitable Challenges


Mr. Andres Agostini

Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador:

The White Swan Treatise at

The « … The Human Race to the Future … » Worldwide Ambassador at POINT OF CONTACT AND QUERY: PROFESSIONAL SERVICE:

How has your work, your life, your humanity, been improved by the promise of Big Data?

What apps and online media do you use to upload personal and other info?

Singularity has flopped – that is to say, this week Johnny Depp’s new film Transcendence did not bring in as much as Pirates of the Caribbean. Though there may not have been big box office heat, there is heat behind the film’s subject: Big Data! Sure we miss seeing our affable pirate chasing treasure, but hats off to Mr. Depp who removed his Keith Richards make-up to risk chasing what might be the mightiest challenge of our century.

Singularity, coined by mathematician John von Neumann, is a heady mathematical concept tested by biotech predictions. Made popular by math and music wunderkindt turned gray hair guru of an AI movement Ray Kurzweil, Singularity is said to signify the increasing rate at which artificial intelligence will supersede human intelligence like a jealous sibling. Followers of the Singularity movement (yes, with guru comes followers) envision the time of override in the not to distant future with projections set early as 2017 and 2030. At these times, the dynamics of technology are said to set about a change in our biology, our civilization and “perhaps” nature itself. Within our current reach, we see signs of empowered tech acting out in the current human brain mapping quest and brain-computer interface systems. More to the point, there is an ever increasing onslaught of Google Alerts annoucing biotech enhancements with wearable tech. Yes indeed, here comes the age of smart prosthetics and our own AI upload of medical and personal data to the internet. Suddenly all those Selfies seem more than mere narcissistic postings against the imposing backdrop of Big Data.

Johnny Depp’s face says it all in Transcendence where Big Data determines our AI future wherein life as we know it, can and will exist online. Think beyond a 24/7 teenage plug into a smart phone or flash- driving Facebook entries. Think Neuromancer, VALIS, and Star Trek’s Borg — sci fi predecessors predicting memory transformations amounting to an existential reboot. Translated into the everyday, we’re talking more than just uploading your genetic code to 23andme. This is an imagined future where what we call “Me” will be psychologically and legally recognized as living online.

As a contemporary sci fi, Transcendence is filled with pentimento film tributes to Zombie and X-Men TakeOvers, Westerns and Romantic Tragedies. Pitting AI critics against AI visionaries, the film is a bioethics drama, where the prospect of creating online Selves will constitute a direct social threat with thoroughgoing eco consequences. At the center of the bioethics contest, we encounter the marriage and business partnership of Will and Eleanor Castor — the heroic scientist and the eco-activist whose death do us part vows are broken to unleash a future so thoroughly transformed by AI as to render biological existence “hacked” by internet code.

The romantic hubris of Transcendence is jolting with a Shakespearean twist: Dare to Upload yourself to the internet and threaten genealogy, global power. Wait, this is no Romeo and Juliet. Love and Death, Eros and Thanatos, as Herr Freud called it, stands at the center of this science fiction pivoting on Will Castor’s heroic martyrdom (played astutely by Johnny Depp). By the end of the film, we are forced to face the movie’s existential questions as moral and medical ones. With new sentient life living online, collective imagination for our biohumanity and ecosystem is left unhinged.

Transcendence Soundtrack
Image Credit: Transcendence, 2014 Original Soundtrack

While the film lifts common AI themes of transformed “self-awareness” and “identity,” the real AI deal breaker in Transcendence, and in our own lives, is Time – biological, ecological and geologic. Described as a sequential and cyclical process, Time frames our present experience, shaping both memory and imagination of that present experience. As my Buddhist philosophy professor use to say: “When you are waiting for your lover, 10 minutes feels like 1 hour; but when your lover arrives, 1 hour feels like 10 minutes.” Cognitive neuroscientists tell us that episodic memory is at once measurable and elusive of metrics — researchers can study the sequence of what we remember (like learning our ABC’s) but they struggle to discover how it feels to remember the alphabet.

Time after Will Castor’s AI is not waiting for cognitive neuroscience to catch up with a hacker’s race to design new codes, new systems, and new products for regenerating uberhuman biosystems. After all, AI Time presumes the speed of downloads to the Internet and programming APPs as if to emulate the speed of light.

Before Einstein, Neuroscience, the Internet and Apps, Time was once thought of in mythic, primal terms of genesis. In Indian cosmology, Siva, the God of Time, dances on the back of mother earth, moving us through karmic cycles of birth, life, death and rebirth. In the ancient Greco-Roman cosmos, Time is born from Chronos the three headed serpent that gives us earth, sky and the underworld. Through the ages, Time / Chronos became associated with the cycle of seasons, assigning to the process of change in light and life, the name Father Time in contrast to quiet, deep Mother Earth, which seems to absorb the underworld into her womb.

Conceived as such, Father Time has given way to our current understanding of RAM and neural memory codes leaving Mother Earth to stand in for blood, bones and stem cells. Today as we couple with technology and look to Big Data for knowledge and insight, we lose sight of when, and how, we capitulate to a fundamental misperception: That we are one and the same with the technology we create. Blinded by the light and speed of computer gazing, we mistake ourselves for our creations. We forget difference and our humanity — even if coupled with technology. For the sake of a popular drama, Transcendence pushes on the consequences of this misperception by entertaining a bioethics war over regenerating biological tissue. Like I said, this is a flick with a nod to X-Men.

With computational neuroscience sitting at the center of this passion play, it is neurobiologist and bioethicist Max, the Castor’s closest friend and film’s narrator who reminds us that we are Time emergent and memories alone are not us. Memory may be coded for upload but it cannot fully account for the what and who we are as neuroplastic creatures with uncertain futures. Yes, we are more than just code. As the father of American psychology William James once wrote, we draw from a world of “blooming buzzing confusion,” perceptions enriched with a variety of associated thoughts, sensations and reactions. That piece of wisdom may be more than a century old, but even if our behaviors might fit a statistical profile for behavioral economics, we are reminded: statistical profiles are not Us.


Looking back to the late 1990’s, the call for the human-machine interface was met by both excitement and trepidation by frontier technologists and skeptical intellectuals. In my own backyard, I curated a 2003 symposium at Art Center College of Design with NASA scientists and a world famous cyborg, STELARC to discuss: What kind of science and technologies would push the design futures forward and would our imagined futures require the inevitable coupling of human and technology? Now more than 10 years later with advances in the Cloud, wearable tech and neuro-marketing, students have no greater skills for managing their union with the Borg. To paraphrase the thinking of my business partner, Gaynor Strachan Chun, ‘the problem is not with technology, but the way people behave with technology.’

Future Forward? Let’s skill up with the brain in mind to face the behavioral challenges with Big Data.

M. A. Greenstein, Ph.D., Lifeboat Advisor — Neuroscience / Diplomacy / Futures; Founder / Chairman, The George Greenstein Institute (GGI); Founder / Chief Innovation Officer, SM+ART

Book Review: The Human Race to the Future by Daniel Berleant (2013) (A Lifeboat Foundation publication)

Posted in alien life, asteroid/comet impacts, biotech/medical, business, climatology, disruptive technology, driverless cars, drones, economics, education, energy, engineering, ethics, evolution, existential risks, food, futurism, genetics, government, habitats, hardware, health, homo sapiens, human trajectories, information science, innovation, life extension, lifeboat, nanotechnology, neuroscience, nuclear weapons, philosophy, policy, posthumanism, robotics/AI, science, scientific freedom, security, singularity, space, space travel, sustainability, transhumanismTagged , , , , , ,


The Human Race to the Future (2014 Edition) is the scientific Lifeboat Foundation think tank’s publication first made available in 2013, covering a number of dilemmas fundamental to the human future and of great interest to all readers. Daniel Berleant’s approach to popularizing science is more entertaining than a lot of other science writers, and this book contains many surprises and useful knowledge.

Some of the science covered in The Human Race to the Future, such as future ice ages and predictions of where natural evolution will take us next, is not immediately relevant in our lives and politics, but it is still presented to make fascinating reading. The rest of the science in the book is very linked to society’s immediate future, and deserves great consideration by commentators, activists and policymakers because it is only going to get more important as the world moves forward.

The book makes many warnings and calls for caution, but also makes an optimistic forecast about how society might look in the future. For example, It is “economically possible” to have a society where all the basics are free and all work is essentially optional (a way for people to turn their hobbies into a way of earning more possessions) (p. 6–7).

A transhumanist possibility of interest in The Human Race to the Future is the change in how people communicate, including closing the gap between thought and action to create instruments (maybe even mechanical bodies) that respond to thought alone. The world may be projected to move away from keyboards and touchscreens towards mind-reading interfaces (p. 13–18). This would be necessary for people suffering from physical disabilities, and for soldiers in the arms race to improve response times in lethal situations.

To critique the above point made in the book, it is likely that drone operators and power-armor wearers in future armies would be very keen to link their brains directly to their hardware, and the emerging mind-reading technology would make it possible. However, there is reason to doubt the possibility of effective teamwork while relying on such interfaces. Verbal or visual interfaces are actually more attuned to people as a social animal, letting us hear or see our colleagues’ thoughts and review their actions as they happen, which allows for better teamwork. A soldier, for example, may be happy with his own improved reaction times when controlling equipment directly with his brain, but his fellow soldiers and officers may only be irritated by the lack of an intermediate phase to see his intent and rescind his actions before he completes them. Some helicopter and vehicle accidents are averted only by one crewman seeing another’s error, and correcting him in time. If vehicles were controlled by mind-reading, these errors would increasingly start to become fatal.

Reading and research is also an area that could develop in a radical new direction unlike anything before in the history of communication. The Human Race to the Future speculates that beyond articles as they exist now (e.g. Wikipedia articles) there could be custom-generated articles specific to the user’s research goal or browsing. One’s own query could shape the layout and content of each article, as it is generated. This way, reams of irrelevant information will not need to be waded through to answer a very specific query (p. 19–24).

Greatly similar to the same view I have written works expressing, the book sees industrial civilization as being burdened above all by too much centralization, e.g. oil refineries. This endangers civilization, and threatens collapse if something should later go wrong (p. 32, 33). For example, an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) resulting from a solar storm could cause serious damage as a result of the centralization of electrical infrastructure. Digital sabotage could also threaten such infrastructure (p. 34, 35).

The solution to this problem is decentralization, as “where centralization creates vulnerability, decentralization alleviates it” (p. 37). Solar cells are one example of decentralized power production (p. 37–40), but there is also much promise in home fuel production using such things as ethanol and biogas (p. 40–42). Beyond fuel, there is also much benefit that could come from decentralized, highly localized food production, even “labor-free”, and “using robots” (p. 42–45). These possibilities deserve maximum attention for the sake of world welfare, considering the increasing UN concerns about getting adequate food and energy supplies to the growing global population. There should not need to be a food vs. fuel debate, as the only acceptable solution can be to engineer solutions to both problems. An additional option for increasing food production is artificial meat, which should aim to replace the reliance on livestock. Reliance on livestock has an “intrinsic wastefulness” that artificial meat does not have, so it makes sense for artificial meat to become the cheapest option in the long run (p. 62–65). Perhaps stranger and more profound is the option of genetically enhancing humans to make better use of food and other resources (p. 271–274).

On a related topic, sequencing our own genome may be able to have “major impacts, from medicine to self-knowledge” (p. 46–51). However, the book does not contain mention of synthetic biology and the potential impacts of J. Craig Venter’s work, as explained in such works as Life at the Speed of Light. This could certainly be something worth adding to the story, if future editions of the book aim to include some additional detail.

At least related to synthetic biology is the book’s discussion of genetic engineering of plants to produce healthier or more abundant food. Alternatively, plants could be genetically programmed to extract metal compounds from the soil (p. 213–215). However, we must be aware that this could similarly lead to threats, such as “superweeds that overrun the world” similar to the flora in John Wyndam’s Day of the Triffids (p. 197–219). Synthetic biology products could also accidentally expose civilization to microorganisms with unknown consequences, perhaps even as dangerous as alien contagions depicted in fiction. On the other hand, they could lead to potentially unlimited resources, with strange vats of bacteria capable of manufacturing oil from simple chemical feedstocks. Indeed, “genetic engineering could be used to create organic prairies that are useful to humans” (p. 265), literally redesigning and upgrading our own environment to give us more resources.

The book advocates that politics should focus on long-term thinking, e.g. to deal with global warming, and should involve “synergistic cooperation” rather than “narrow national self-interest” (p. 66–75). This is a very important point, and may coincide with the complex prediction that nation states in their present form are flawed and too slow-moving. Nation-states may be increasingly incapable of meeting the challenges of an interconnected world in which national narratives produce less and less legitimate security thinking and transnational identities become more important.

Close to issues of security, The Human Race to the Future considers nuclear proliferation, and sees that the reasons for nuclear proliferation need to be investigated in more depth for the sake of simply by reducing incentives. To avoid further research, due to thinking that it has already been sufficiently completed, is “downright dangerous” (p. 89–94). Such a call is certainly necessary at a time when there is still hostility against developing countries with nuclear programs, and this hostility is simply inflammatory and making the world more dangerous. To a large extent, nuclear proliferation is inevitable in a world where countries are permitted to bomb one another because of little more than suspicions and fears.

Another area covered in this book that is worth celebrating is the AI singularity, which is described here as meaning the point at which a computer is sophisticated enough to design a more powerful computer than itself. While it could mean unlimited engineering and innovation without the need for human imagination, there are also great risks. For example, a “corporbot” or “robosoldier,” determined to promote the interests of an organization or defeat enemies, respectively. These, as repeatedly warned through science fiction, could become runaway entities that no longer listen to human orders (p. 83–88, 122–127).

A more distant possibility explored in Berleant’s book is the colonization of other planets in the solar system (p. 97–121, 169–174). There is the well-taken point that technological pioneers should already be trying to settle remote and inhospitable locations on Earth, to perfect the technology and society of self-sustaining settlements (Antarctica?) (p.106). Disaster scenarios considered in the book that may necessitate us moving off-world in the long term include a hydrogen sulfide poisoning apocalypse (p. 142–146) and a giant asteroid impact (p. 231–236)

The Human Race to the Future is a realistic and practical guide to the dilemmas fundamental to the human future. Of particular interest to general readers, policymakers and activists should be the issues that concern the near future, such as genetic engineering aimed at conservation of resources and the achievement of abundance.

By Harry J. Bentham - More articles by Harry J. Bentham

Originally published on April 22 in h+ Magazine

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Mr. Andres Agostini is the Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador’s Professional at and

CORS Risk Management Turnkey Services Founder and CEO at

Mr. Agostini, with 33-plus years of management experience, operates in the U.S. and globally and is accustomed to fundamentally solved most complex problems for Large and Small for-lucre Firms.

Premium-class Turnkey Professional Servicing from Toyota Motors, Mitsubishi Motors, Shell, AT&T, ExxonMobil, GTE, TNT Delivery Express and to the World Bank and World Health Organization!

Inventor, Methodology Conceiver and Developer and Owner, Visionary Technologist, Risk Manager, Professional Futurologist, Management Consultant, Business Adviser, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Founder, CEO and Chairman, Deep Thinker, Keynote Speaker, Scientific-Futuring and Organizational Strategist, Scenario-Method Practitioner (Scenarist), CEO and C-Level Coach, Ambassador, Executive Trainer and Lecturer, Concurrent-Convergent-Systems-Thinking Savant (Innovist), Published Author, Technical and Creative Writer, Lexicographer, Multilingual, Translator, Interpreter, and Transliterator.

Mr. Agostini is into Turnkey Consulting on:

→ Success

→ Strategy

→ Risk Management

→ Technology Foresight and Warning Analysis and Strategic Coping

→ Scientific Futuring

→ Scenario and Simulation Methods

→ Anticipating Strategic Surprise

→ Black Swans, Gray Swans and White Swans

→ Strategic Anticipation Forecasting Techniques

→ Strategic Execution

→ Innovation

→ Fundamental: Problem Solving, Decision Making and Action Taking


1) Anticipatory processes
2) Business Development
3) Business Process Improvement
4) Business Process Outsourcing
5) Change Management
6) Complex Negotiations
7) Conflict Resolution
8) Continuous Improvement
9) Consulting to policy-makers and decision-makers
10) Corporate Training
11) Co-Sourcing
12) Cross-functional Teams
13) Customer Satisfaction
14) Decision-analysis Planning and Execution
15) Entrepreneurship
16) Executive and Technical Instruction
17) Government Relations
18) Hard Science (Advanced Knowledge: Dissemination and Propagation)
19) Healthcare Solutions
20) In-sourcing
21) Insurance and Reinsurance
22) Intercultural Counseling
23) Interpretive Translations
24) Marketing Strategy
25) Marketing/Sales for Corporations and Governments
26) Master Classes
27) Organizational Culture Diagnosis and Development
28) Outsourcing
29) Organizational Effectiveness
30) Personal and Professional Development
31) Public Outreach
32) Quality Assurance
33) Risk Management (Advanced and Beyond Insurance)
34) Sales and Business Development
35) Senior Executive Management
36) Social Media Marketing
37) Strategic Communications
38) Strategic Foresight and Scenario Planning (Lecturer, Researcher, Developer, Strategist)
39) Strategic Partnering
40) Strategy (Corporate, Organizations)
41) Strategy and Management and Leadership Consulting
42) Systems Integration
43) Technologies
44) Technology Foresight
45) Technology Transfer
46) Workshop Facilitation
47) Writing (technical)

Mr. Andres Agostini
Lifeboat Foundation Worldwide Ambassador:
The White Swan Treatise at
The « … The Human Race to the Future … » Worldwide Ambassa-dor at

Mr. Andres Agostini is CEO at White Swan Initiative , Future Observatory and of CORS, Professional Risk Management Services . He is the Author and Founder of the White Swan Treatise. and Futuretronium Book and Initiative .

Andres is the Author of: The Future of Scientific Management, Today! , The Future of Space-Age Risk Management: Transformative and Integrative Risk Management! , Futureketing: How to Systematically Understand and Succeed in a World of Frantically Accelerating Pace of Change! , The Future of Skunkworks Management, Now! , The Omniscient Truth About Outer-Space Intelligent Life And What The Official Establishment Has To Declare About It! , Beyond and Above Dr. Strangelove and Royal Dutch Shell: The Future of Omniscient Scenario-Planning Methodology, Today! , Information Technology Vis-à-vis Technology Per Se! Is all “…Technology…” and “…Information Technology…” ? , Agostini Success Tenets! and Preter-Natural Leadership In Century 21! .

He is the CEO of Becoming Aware of the Futures , Future Awareness , Futuring , Singularity Network of Technologists , Strong Quantum Supercomputing , Outer-Space Intelligence and Scientific Aging-Transcendence .

Andres is also a Lifeboat Foundation’s Advisory Member.

With over 30 years of most-instrumental and all-encompassing practical, empirical and factual experience with most-gargantuan Corporations, Andres operates as (i) Entrepreneurial Success Consultant, (ii) Transformative and Integrative Risk Management Adviser, (iii) Professional Futurologist «Scientific Futuring, Futures Studies, Foresight Research, Scenario Planning and other Scientific-Futuring methodologies», and (iv) Senior Consultant in practical and theoretical matters of thoroughly advanced Strategic Management.

Andres institutes such turnkey solutions in the tradition of non-partisan think tanks, in order to enhance the corporate decision-making process and with the utter purpose of solving complex corporate, managerial, organizational, business and technical problems.

Andres is prolifically concentrated on many man-made and otherwise-induced risks, including global existential risks. For man-made existential risks unrelated to the geometric progression of science and technology, Andres writes and speaks about the “…Disruptional Singularity…,” hoping that a responsible and positive Technological Singularity takes precedence.

Andres implements his fundamental, thorough and complete solutions regarding the framework, context and theater of operations of think tanks, multilaterals, supranationals, NGOs, as well as to for-profit enterprises and governmental institutions, whose core business is into: oil-and-energy, telecommunications, maritime, health-care, insurance, automotive, employee benefits, logistics, transport, consultancy and government.

Andres’ proprietary methodology is White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management , a beyond-insurance risk management methodology developed by him.

He observes that his own approach ascertains, at all times, the practical and lucrative application of womb-to-tomb actionable systems thinking and pragmatic execution with the applied omniscience perspective as it is understood, conceived and instituted by NASA, DARPA and the Industrial-Military Complex.

Other organizations that institute beyond-insurance methodologies include: OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration), FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), IBM and Manitoba Government Air Services.

He advises world-class corporate institutions on dynamic driving forces (and how to beforehand cope with them and their counter-forces successfully and sustainably) in innovation, computing, financial services, health care, population (and demography), life sciences, energy, security, workforce, climate change, globalization and exponential technologies.

He is deeply and publically proactive with and through many publications and prestigious forums, into the pervasive advancement of rampant science and technologies, thus disseminating differentiated state-of-the-art and hi-tech ideas worldwide.

The subject matter of the participating Forums in which Andres is a Lifeboat Foundation Advisory Board Member comprises: Business Board, Complex Systems Board, Diplomacy Board, Economics Board, Education Board, Ethics Board, Finance Board, Futurists Board, Human-Nonhuman Relationship Board, Philosophy Board, Scientific Freedom Board, Space Settlement Board, Supercomputing Board and Sustainability Board.

Andres’ institutional global clients include worldwide:

He works with or has worked with:

► Toyota,
► Mitsubishi,
► World Bank,
► Shell,
► Statoil,
► Total,
► Exxon,
► Mobil,
► PDVSA, Citgo,
► GE,
► TNT Express,
► AT&T
► GTE,
► Amoco,
► BP,
► Abbot Laboratories,
► World Health Organization,
► Ernst Young Consulting,
► SAIC (Science Applications International Corporation),
► Pak Mail,
► Wilpro Energy Services,
► Phillips Petroleum Company,
► Dupont,
► Conoco,
► ENI (Italy’s petroleum state-owned firm),
► Chevron,
► LDG Management (HCC Benefits).
► Liberty Mutual (via its own Seguros Caracas)
► Lafarge
► MAPFRE (via its own Seguros La Seguridad)
► AES Corporation (via its own Electricidad de Caracas)

Version:1.0 StartHTML:0000000168 EndHTML:0000002908 StartFragment:0000000469 EndFragment:0000002891


→ The White Swan’s Beyond Eureka and Sputnik Moments.: How To Fundamentally Cope

With Corporate Litmus Tests at

→ White Swan Transformative and Integrative Risk Management Graphics at

→ Serendipity Versus Pseudoserendipity at

→ Concurrent Coordinated Convergent Systems Thinking (CCCST) at

→ Futureketing!: How to Systematically Understand a World of Frantically

Accelerating Pace of Change! at

→ The Space-Age Risk Management: Transformative and Integrative Risk Management at

→ Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language of Terms in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics at

→ Specialties at

→ Professional Services at

→ Personal Website at

→ Point of Contact via LinkedIn at

→ Point of Contact via Twitter at

→ Message the Author via LinkedIn InMail at

Watch his YouTube channel . View his Facebook page . Read his Google+ profile and his LinkedIn profile . Follow his Twitter feed . Study his BigThink profile .

You are welcome here to accede to Andres’ Professional Services.




Worldwide │ Arlington │ NYC │ Miami │ London │ Caracas

On Twitter at

On LinkedIn at


Let’s contact via Linkedin’s InMail system. Please make certain that your subject line is clear and self-explanatory. «Andres’ Intellectual Manifesto» «LIFEBOAT FOUNDATION» «Full Bio» «Full Bio, Spanish»

As well: «Website» «Collaboration»
@SciCzar «Twitter»

Please also note: «Success» «Success II» «Book» «Method» «Future Observatory» «Linkedin Forum» «Leadership» «Pervasive Futurists» «What» «Biography» «Institutions Andres has worked with»

Andres’ References at «Testimonials»

Mr. Andres Agostini is a Success Consultant, Beyond-Insurance Risk Management Adviser, Researcher, Strategist & Manager with futures studies perspective and with over 30 years of stern experience.

Operates as a:

► Entrepreneurial Success Consultant,

► Transformative and Integrative Risk Management Adviser,

► Professional Futurist «Futures Studies, Foresight Research & Scenario Planning», &

► Consultant, in practical and theoretical matters of Strategic Management.

He implements his fundamental solutions to think tanks, multilaterals, supranationals, NGOs, as well as to for-profit enterprises & governmental institutions, whose core business is into: oil-&-energy, maritime, health-care, insurance, automotive, employee benefits, logistics, transport, consultancy & government.

His own methodology is «Transformative & Integrative Risk Management».

He works with:

► Toyota,
► Mitsubishi,
► World Bank,
► Shell,
► Statoil,
► Total,
► Exxon,
► Mobil,
► PDVSA, Citgo,
► GE,
► TNT Express,
► AT&T
► GTE,
► Amoco,
► BP,
► Abbot Laboratories,
► World Health Organization,
► Ernst Young Consulting,
► SAIC «Science Applications International Corporation»,
► Pak Mail,
► Wilpro Energy Services,
► Phillips Petroleum Company,
► Dupont,
► Conoco,
► ENI «Italy’s petroleum state-owned firm»,
► Chevron,
► LDG Management «HCC Benefits».

The Future of Scientific Management, Today! At

Futuretronium Book. At

The Future of Skunkworks Management, Now! At

The Omniscient Truth About Outer-Space Intelligent Life And What The Official Establishment Has To Declare About It! At

The Future of Omniscient Scenario-Planning Methodology, Today! At

Agostini Success Tenets! At

Preter-Natural Leadership In Century 21! At

N.B._1: The reader is greatly forewarned that Andres is accustomed to render his professional services to gargantuan organizations such as Toyota and the World Bank in most critical-mission frameworks. Andres has, also, worked successfully with small and middle-size organizations coping with complicated and complex challenges.

N.B._2: Andres works with business owner«s» only.

N.B._3: Andres has proprietary ideas that for obvious reasons he doesn’t reveal.

Full Bio at

Arlington │ NYC │ Miami │ Londres │ Caracas │ Worldwide


El Sr. Andrés Agostini es el CEO de Future Observatory « », Autor y Fundador del Libro e Iniciativa Futuretronium « » y The Future of Scientific Management, Today! « ».

Andrés también escribió The Future of Skunkworks Management, Now! « » , The Omniscient Truth About Outer-Space Intelligent Life And What The Official Establishment Has To Declare About It! « » , Beyond and Above Dr. Strangelove and Royal Dutch Shell: The Future of Omniscient Scenario-Planning Methodology, Today! « » , Agostini Success Tenets! «…-22202-usa » y Preter-Natural Leadership In Century 21! «…logspotcom »

Él es el Director Ejecutivo de Becoming Aware of the Futures « », Future Awareness « » , Futuring « » y Singularity Network of Technologists « »

Andrés también es Miembro de la Junta Consultiva de Lifeboat Foundation.

Con 30 años de experiencia profesional práctica, Andrés opera como «i» Consultor en Éxito Empresarial, «ii» Asesor Técnico en Gerencia de Riesgos Transformativa e Integrativa, «iii» Futurista Profesional «Estudios de Futuros, Investigación Futurista y Metodología de Planificación de Escenarios» y «iv» Consultor Mayor en temas teóricos y prácticos de gerencia estratégica.

Andrés implanta soluciones totales y globales en la tradición de “…think tanks…” no partidarios, a fin de optimizar el proceso de toma de decisiones ante problemas complejos de la gerencia, organización y el negocio. Andrés está prolíficamente concentrando en riesgos del factor humano y la naturaleza, incluyendo los riesgos existenciales.

Andrés implementa soluciones fundamentales para think tanks, multilaterales, supranacionales, ONGs, así como para empresas con fines de lucro «incluyendo PYMES» y organismos gubernamentales, cuya actividad medular es: petróleo y energía, telecomunicaciones, embarcaciones marítimas, salud, seguros, sector automotriz, beneficios colectivos de trabajadores «activos y jubilados», logística, transporte, consultoría y gobierno.

La metodología propia y propietaria de Andrés “Gerencia Transformativa e Integrativa de Riesgos” permite administrar riesgos sin precedentes. Andrés observa que su metodología asegura, en todo momento, la aplicación del pensamiento y el desempeño sistémico y sistemático de acuerdo a la concepción de NASA, DARPA y el Complejo Industrial Militar.

El asesora a instituciones de clase mundial sobre las fuerzas dinámicas y conductoras que impactan al presente y al futuro en innovación, computación, servicios financieros, salud, población «demografía», ciencia, energía, seguridad, fuerza laboral, cambio climático y globalización.

Los clientes institucionales globales de Andrés incluyen a Toyota, Mitsubishi, Banco Mundial, Shell, Statoil, Total, Exxon, Mobil, PDVSA/Citgo, GE, GMAC, TNT Delivery Express, AT&T, GTE, Amoco, BP, Chevron, Phillips Petroleum Company, Dupont, Conoco, Abbot Laboratories, Organización Mundial de la Salud, Ernst Young Consulting, SAIC «Science Applications International Corporation», Pak Mail, Wilpro Energy Services, ENI «Estatal petrolera de Italia» y LDG Management «HCC Benefits».

Andrés es profundamente proactivo en la publicación en diversos foros y blogs, referidos al avance exponencial de la ciencia y la tecnología.

Su canal en YouTube « ». Ver su página en Facebook « ». Lea su perfil en Google Plus « » y su perfil en LinkedIn « » Siga su Twitter feed « ». Léalo en BigThink « »

Los Servicios Profesionales de Andrés « »




His Professional Bio in English «Perfil Profesional en Inglés».

Arlington │ NYC │ Miami │ Londres │ Caracas │ Worldwide


“…Andres is an inspiration for me. The scope of the knowledge he puts forward is very broad, diverse, and profound. I learned of so many different things and angles from his writing and his work towards a better future for us all. I believe major deciders should acquaint themselves with Andres’ vision of the future and of his work in finding and fostering positive sustainable outcomes for the whole of humankind. His vast knowledge, acquired through a lot of research and sharing with an important network of collaborators, is a treasure for everyone to whom he gives advise. He is also a very kind, warm person whom I am very happy to have met on my own journey towards a sustainable future…” By Mr. Claude Émond at

“…Andres Agostini has been a strategic consultant and adviser to my Berlin-based businesses since 2000. He is a clear-eyed erudite on a variety of subjects. He explains his positions unambiguously and backs them up with astounding facts and outcomes, early on. He is fair-minded and honest in his dealings with people. Andres is one of the most creative, innovative and dynamic c-level executives and business owner I have met ever.…Andres has the remarkable cognition to see what everyone else has seen or not but nobody else has understood. He has the prodigious endowment to challenge orthodox wisdom and break new ground. Andres is an entrepreneur, strategist and manager extraordinaire!.…Andres’ interdisciplinary perspective on risk management and visionary futuring is based on over 30-plus years of personal involvement – having served as a consultant and mentor to such institutions as WorldBank, Toyota, Mitsubishi, PDVSA/Citgo, GE, GMAC, GTE, Abbot Laboratories, SAIC «Science Applications International Corporation», LDG Management «HCC Benefits» and Ernst Young Consulting, among others.…A strategic futurist and deep thinker, Andres has a rare talent for unearthing the people risks that can hinder organizational performance delivery, helping business leaders determine solutions. Andres does this not just looking at the present day situation, but uses long-range thinking to help organizations develop sustainable solutions enabling competitive edge.…Andres is a dedicated and highly respected leader in many Futurist communities and works tirelessly to help create better futures for us all, neither dystopian nor utopian.…Andres is a serious enigma. His vast career experience, professional expertise and accomplishments are unique and his passion for his practice as Futuristic Risk-Management Success Consultant is changing every industry.…There is nothing about business, management, engineering, digital firms, information technology services, advanced computing, science or technology foreign to Andres’ mind-boggling understanding.…Whatever Andres declares he can achieve he will preemptively accomplish, one by one. Andres enables the people he works with to do their best thereby removing failure as an option and inspiring excellence and solemnity without having to ask for it…” By Mr. Steffen Bieser at

“…I know Andres Agostini to be one of the most astute and informed advisors to government and private sector businesses and NGO’s working today. He has a huge knowledge base and an impressive number of contacts and sources.…His positive outlook, energetic enthusiasm and unfailing courtesy and respect for others is inspirational and motivational. His forecasting skills and advice are wisely sought by many in high places and appreciated by all those who benefit from his generosity.…Andres is a rare example of a true polymath in this day of specialization. His incisive intellect is well balanced by his social skills and personal integrity. I can recommend him without reservation for any organization that is in need of expert counsel at the highest level…” By Dr. David Burkart, PhD. at

“…It is a great pleasure to have this opportunity to give the highest possible recommendation for Mr. Agostini’s wide range of ability and talents. His integrity and drive also mark him out as a major figure.…He is second to none with his knowledge and experience in several areas of management including Risk Management and Business Optimisation. Mr. Agostini is a fine, clear communicator and multi-linguist.…My recommendation is for any appropriate role at the VERY top levels of both Corporate and Governmental organisation, so much so that my company, have appointed him as Special Business Consul…” By Dr. Ian C. Hale, PhD. at

“…Andres, Is a World leader as an Analytical Manager and Consultant who has worked in various sectors consisting of applying his vast knowledge, and skills. This includes Fortune 500 Companies who have hired him as an Adviser, Planner and Futurist who can shed his foresight to help determine where a Company should be driven to become Successful in the marketplace. As a Professional he is highly valuable when researching and using strategic plans to Educate Corporations how to become prosperous…” By Mrs. Peggy Leyva Conley. At

“…I am in awe of Andy for many reasons. Not only am I impressed with his business and management practical approach, vast knowledge and professionalism in current high-tech and concerning future technologies, but as a unique and very valuable human being…With extensive work based on 20 years of corporate experience, Andy has completed his current book, ‘Futuretronium’ «». He has managed to incorporate his wealth of knowledge and experience to address the threats and opportunities and benefits so that incumbents gain augmented insight about what greatly impacts the practices by change managers, leaders, educators, researchers, scholars, entrepreneurs, advanced students and responsible citizens, aiming to make a difference for a better yet challenging world…With minuteness, he explores deep reflections, initiatives, notions and ideas that may have been long ignored, under-estimated and misunderstood. ‘Futuretronium’ is an interesting, deep and comprehensive exploration that allows the reader to freely come to his/her own conclusions. He has a dynamic and deep mind, and is gifted with a true art of expression for all he feels…” By Dr. Ann Shaw

“…Mr. Andres Agostini is a versatile consultant who can successfully inject refreshingly very innovative ideas to enable the organization scale higher productivity with in-built system of online product / service improvement…” By Dr. Narasimha Bhashyam «Space and Defense» at

“…Mr. Andres Agostini possesses a clarity and complexity of thought that is rarely encountered. He is without a doubt one of the most brilliant persons I have had the pleasure to interact with. He is capable of understanding, and describing the forest, the trees, the leaves, the cells, and beyond «and with equal exactitude in several languages»…” By Mr. Daryl Oster

“…It is rare that one encounters a Subject Matter Expert «SME» who so adeptly transcends disciplines and defies traditional definition. Through highly intellectually and stimulating exchanges with Andy, I have found him to be an SME in virtually, and practically, many areas including business management, global commerce, technology, innovation and forward-thinking initiatives… With his insightful views, thoughtful approach and genuine interest in others, Andy has served as an inspiring mentor and coach. He has caused me to pause for deep reflection and ask a truly meaningful ‘What if?’. I have no doubt his subtle, yet effective style, will propel me to the next level of professional development and stellar delivery of my ‘personal best’…For any organization seeking an exceptional and truly remarkable resource, I highly recommend Andy. For anyone wishing a glimpse into ‘what may be’, I recommend exploration of Andy’s theorem about future studies and strategic planning…” By Mrs. Sherry Hall

“…Andy Agostini is extraordinarily accomplished as a Thinker, Executive and Project Strategist…His energy and passion come through in everything he does and his natural language skills generate optimism and an overall sense of possibility. He is articulate, a clear and concise communicator, a forward thinking individual and a sincere performer…Andy brings his experience, host of accomplishments and assignments to everything he does and can be relied upon to do what it takes to make things happen in ways that serve the project as well as the overall enterprise…You will find him highly educated, seasoned, of great poise and manners, clearly a gentleman in all regards. He is savvy in the ways of doing business in multiple cultures and understands the idiosyncrasies and complexity of dealing with multiple interests toward a common goal…I believe you will always be glad that you did business with Andy in any context within which you engage. I offer my heartiest recommendation of him and continue to seek projects upon which we can collaborate resources and efforts…” By Mr. Bob Smith

“…Much like his knowledge-seeking forebears, Andres maintains an unconventional view of the conventional world around him. The combination of his intellect and perspective serve him well as an engaging commentator, coach and consultant. His writings are completely fascinating, as he is able to connect vast amounts of information into something truly meaningful…Andres is not at all an intellectual snob, though by all rights he could be. On the contrary, he is very giving through sharing his ideas and knowledge, and in helping his fellow men «and women» working to better themselves. I find Andres to be a kind and warm human being while maintaining his strong professional leadership and mentoring style. He offers a unique blend of qualities and attributes that are rare indeed, and I highly recommend him…” By Mr. Dana Hall

“…Andres Agostini is a remarkable man, a scholar well versed in a huge variety of areas and expertise. He has published many publication and is an expert in managerial leadership and organizational transformation. It is a delight to speak with him, listen to him and to his smart presentations. His organizational insights are unique and helpful, extremely resourceful and determined… He is very well documented, exact and a ‘follow-through’ man, one that always keeps his promises and follows up in an exact and very prompt manner, a man of word. THIS IS EXTREMELY EXTRAORDINARY FROM A MAN AS BUSY AS ANDRES…” By Mr. Nachum Katz

“…I know Mr. Andres Agostini for several years and had numerous privileged opportunities to exchange intelligently charged views on vast number of subjects ranging from advancement of physics and human resource science and technology management, to sophisticated nuances of advanced photochemistry… In contradistinction to interactions I experienced with a wide and highly qualified team of world class scientists, consultants, engineers and management specialists in wide myriad of complementing fields and diversified disciplines, Mr. Andres Agostini is indeed a diamond in a heap of pearls…” By Mr. Zamir Tribelsky

“…From my experience he is an extraordinary person / human being doing everything he can to make a difference. «A good example of this is his book Futuretronium Book» The passion with which he addresses moral, ethical and goodness issues are the things that moves me…If you want someone who understands, cares and is genuine in both execution and intent – this is your man…I recommend both Andy and his book «Futuretronium Book» to everybody that is willing to listen, learn and grow…” By Mr. Anton van den Berg

“…Andres Agostini is nothing short of remarkable in intellect, in wisdom, and in putting ideas into action in an integrated, humane-centered fashion… Andy is a man whom you can trust with your life and business. His word or promise is set in stone…” By Mr. Richard Posner. At

“…The unconventional way of thinking and hard work through research and experiment seem to become extremely soon a common way of life. When I met Mr. Andres Agostini my deja vu was that we travel endlessly in a multiverse changing a lot of causes of unwanted effects. Having natural qualities like knowledge, intuition, altruism, patience, kindness, selfless commitment to wipe the wounds of an agonizing society of the challenge, Mr. Agostini is a modern apologist of the of Golden Age of Athens…” By Mr. Tzarul Nocolai

“…Andres Agostini is very skilled as an author, strategist, futurist, scenario planner and has worked with many leading businesses to help them navigate to greater growth. He has a clarity, acumen and professionalism that is exceptional; he is a greatly talented individual…” By Mr. Terry Tucker

“…I have had the distinct pleasure of working with Andres in his capacity as an advisor, consultant, strategist, professional futurologist and project leader. He is truly a polymath with an uncanny ability to think both creatively and strategically while solving complex managerial problems. Andres brings a high degree of elegance and robustness to his business acumen. He has helped me understand the impact of megatrends and forces on my core business and has aided me in building my capacity take ‘the long view.’ Without a doubt, his ability to forecast the upsides/downsides of business opportunities rests on his mastery of trends in seemingly disparate fields of science, technology, medicine, economics and business. His engagements are of a consistently high quality. And his ability to lead projects and teams has been both meticulous and visionary. He is the consummate professional. I recommend his work, vision, and leadership without reservation…” By Mr. Robert Bonner

“…I have met Andres Agostini through his extensive activities as a Futurist. Andres is one of those rare thinkers who naturally serves as an inspiring mentor for the field. With an impressive background as a Business innovator, a Tech-Analyst and a Consultant in Foresight Research, Andres Agostini exhibits strong visionary skills and a great sense of network building. These qualities most notably translate in his ability to inspire others, to nurture an impressive field of personal competencies and to develop groundbreaking innovative projects. His holistic approach makes Mr. Agostini a highly valuable individual I warmly recommend…” By Dr. Valérie Morignat PhD

“…Mr. Andres Agostini is a singularly persistent proactive think tank futurist, and a multidimensional polymath genius with an unbridled whirlwind enthusiasm for rich deep complex savant visionary thought! He is acutely perceptive of an individual’s overall strengths, with an avid shrewdness for quickly encapsulating this into wondrous eloquent words!…” By Mr. Michael Pastien at

“…For me, words fall short in their ability to convey Andres Agostini’s massive intellectual capacities, productive visionary output and perhaps most importantly — his integrity as a compassionate individual.…It is in Andres’ positive actions, which illuminates what he represents — a tireless creative problem-solver with practical solutions to complex issues, that is supported by his solid commitment to see projects all the way through.…Andres Agostini is a total dynamo for inspiring others with his generous content of knowledge and ideas, which he regularly shares through multiple communication channels «the Futuretronium Book». Not only does Andres share critical information on a full spectrum of visionary technologies, but he shares the most valuable assets of them all — his time and compassion in helping others to make the World a better place.…I consider myself very fortunate to have Andres share his compassionate wisdom with me, which further motivates my efforts to share knowledge and solutions to help inspire positive action.…Without any reservations, I enthusiastically recommend Andres Agostini’s creative solutions, leadership and compassionate positive actions towards any current or future challenging endeavors…” By Mr. David Anthony Johanson at

“…Mr. Andres Agostini is proactive partner is all his endeavors. Andres is a hard-driving individual determined to see a project brought to a successful conclusion.…Andres demands perfection of himself and leads by example. It is his ‘Do not take «no» for an answer’ attitude that propels him to higher and higher levels of success. Andres may be a conservative business man; however, he knows that there are times to be a risk averter or a risk avoider.…In his field, Andres harnesses change to drive challenge through an organization. As a trend setter, Andres knows how to handle business as it becomes more risk mature and can take an enterprise-wide view at times.…I have full confidence that if there is a problem, Andres will know how to address it…” By Ms. Harmony Collins at

“…Andres is a multi-disciplined professional with incredible energy and enthusiasm. We’ve communicated through the INTJ Masterminds LinkedIn group and his insights into a wide range of issues is very thought provoking.…His work into what the future holds is broad and deep and I keep an eye on the wide range of articles that he produces…” By Mr. David Shaw at

“…Hereby, I strongly recommend Mr. Andres Agostini – INTJ who is an enthusiastic and original thinker on Futuristic Matters, including Futures Studies, Foresight Research and Scenario Planning.…Mr. Andres Agostini has passion for and understanding of the links among technology trends and historical facts, human behaviors, sustainability management and decision making are wonderful examples of the characteristics that are needed to accelerate smart decision making in global corporations, businesses and government…” By Mr. Alejandro Core at

“…I know Mr. Andres Agostini, as a mentor and I am grateful for his efforts in helping me out to be a better person. I got an opportunity to interact and discuss with him about various intuitive topics and he always amazes me each and every time. His knowledge in different fields often awestruck me.…Personally he has helped me out in various methodologies in improving my adaption over the cultural differences and understanding my weakness and strengths of my personality. He is been such a wonderful open minded person to whom you can discuss any kind of topics at any point of time. I am indebted for getting a advisor like him…” By Mr. Prabhu Krishna at

“…I have enthusiastically written this recommendation for Andres. Andres is a professional, theoretical researcher, scholar, and a connoisseur and practitioner of practical management consulting with a combination of mind-boggling skills and ample lines of practices who one can truly depend on. He brings thorough rigor to all aspects of risk analyzes and strategy projects, as a researcher, consultant, manager and strategist. Andres is also into advanced futurism, foresight research and scenario planning. In his career, he has worked with more than two «2» dozen global institutions, spanning multiple industries to make impeccable business impact in the final results. Andres’ solid and diverse competencies in strategy development and his personal integrity make him a trusted ‘go to’ person to get things done, and I recommend him highly. Last but not the least, I am glad to be connected with him offline and with his professional network in LinkedIn…” By Dr. Ram Tripathi, Ph.D., PMP at

“…Andres is near perfect in his on-point, relentless drive to be a solution provider. He sees what most cannot. He anticipates scenarios light-years ahead of others, in turn ensuring clients are turbo boosted ahead of their nearest competitors. He combines a kindred spirit with a laser point intellect, interacting with people of all backgrounds and education levels. He’s a rare find in forecasting, adapting, and implementing concepts at a level most can only imagine to reach in their lifetime. Andres will take your business from average to superb in a flash…” By Ms. Brenda Hume, RN, BSN Solutions Provider at

“…Mr. Andres Agostini is a profound thinker and famous strategist. His ability to synthesize global challenges with deep passions for the future of mankind makes him a unique source to address global problems. Besides, through his sharp and broad vision, he is a trustworthy partner to solve your Risk Management problem. Anyway, I enjoyed working with him and recommend him to everyone who seeks a reliable and thoughtful foresight adviser or a strategic management coach…” By Mr. Farzad Khandan at

“…Mr. Andres Agostini is a Professional of Great Value. Mr. Andres is a certainty. Andres is a great person, serious, reliable, competent and very capable…” By Dr. Claudio Mantovani at


” … Andrés es una inspiración para mí. El alcance del conocimiento que propone es muy amplia , diversa y profunda . Me enteré de muchas cosas y ángulos diferentes de su escritura y su trabajo hacia un futuro mejor para todos nosotros . creo principales decisores deben familiarizarse con la visión de Andrés del futuro y de su trabajo en la búsqueda y promoción de los resultados sostenibles positivos para el conjunto de la humanidad. su vasto conocimiento , adquirido a través de un gran trabajo de investigación y de compartir con una importante red de colaboradores , es un tesoro para todo el mundo a quien le da consejos. él también es una persona muy amable , cálido que me siento muy feliz de haber conocido en mi propio viaje hacia un futuro sostenible … ” por el Sr. Claude Émond en http:/ /

” … Andrés Agostini ha sido consultor estratégico y asesor de mis empresas con sede en Berlín desde 2000. Él es un erudito de ojos claros en una variedad de temas. Él explica sus posiciones sin ambigüedades y los respalda con hechos y resultados sorprendentes , desde el principio. Él es imparcial y honesto en su trato con la gente . Andrés es uno de los ejecutivos de nivel C y más creativas , innovadoras y dinámicas dueño del negocio que he conocido en mi vida .… Andrés tiene la notable conocimiento para ver qué todo el mundo ha visto o no, pero nadie más lo ha entendido . Él tiene la dotación prodigiosa para desafiar la sabiduría ortodoxa y abrir nuevos caminos. Andrés es un empresario, estratega y gestor extraordinario ! .… perspectiva interdisciplinar Andrés ’ en la gestión de riesgos y futuring visionario se basa en más de más de 30 años de implicación personal — después de haber servido como consultor y mentor de instituciones como Worldbank , Toyota , Mitsubishi, PDVSA / Citgo , GE, GMAC , GTE , Abbot Laboratories, SAIC « Science Applications International Corporation» , Gestión LDG « Beneficios HCC » y Ernst Young Consulting , entre otros .… un futurista estratégica y pensador profundo, Andrés tiene un talento poco común para desenterrar las personas los riesgos que pueden obstaculizar la entrega desempeño de la organización , ayudando a los líderes empresariales a determinar soluciones. Andrés hace esto no sólo mirar a la situación actual , sino que utiliza el pensamiento a largo plazo para ayudar a las organizaciones a desarrollar soluciones sostenibles que permitan la competitividad .… Andrés es un líder dedicado y altamente respetado en muchas comunidades futuristas y trabaja incansablemente para ayudar a crear un mejor Los futuros para todos nosotros , ni distópica ni utópico .… Andrés es un enigma grave. Su vasta experiencia profesional, experiencia profesional y logros son únicos y su pasión por su práctica como futurista Consultor Gestión de Riesgos El éxito está cambiando todas las industrias .… No hay nada acerca de los negocios , la gestión , la ingeniería , las firmas digitales , servicios de tecnología de información , avanzado la informática , la ciencia o la tecnología extranjera para comprender alucinante Andrés .… Cualquiera que sea Andrés declara que puede lograr que preventivamente logrará , uno por uno. Andres permite a las personas con las que trabaja para dar lo mejor eliminando de este modo el fracaso como una opción y excelencia inspirador y solemnidad , sin tener que pedir que … “Al Sr. Steffen Bieser en

” … Sé Andrés Agostini para ser uno de los asesores más astutos e informados a las empresas gubernamentales y del sector privado y organizaciones no gubernamentales que trabajan hoy . Él tiene una enorme base de conocimientos y un impresionante número de contactos y fuentes .… Su actitud positiva , entusiasmo enérgico y cortesía y respeto hacia los demás es fuente de inspiración y de motivación. sus técnicas de predicción y asesoramiento están sabiamente buscados por muchos en lugares altos y apreciado por todos aquellos que se benefician de su generosidad .… Andrés es un raro ejemplo de una verdadera erudito en este día de la especialización . Su intelecto incisivo está bien equilibrado por sus habilidades sociales y la integridad personal. puedo recomendar sin reservas para cualquier organización que está en la necesidad de un abogado experto en el nivel más alto … ” por el Dr. David Burkart , PhD. en

” … Es un gran placer tener esta oportunidad para dar la más alta recomendación posible para una amplia gama de habilidades y talentos del señor Agostini . Su integridad y la unidad también lo marcan como una figura importante .… Él está en segundo lugar a ninguna con su conocimiento y experiencia en diversos ámbitos de la gestión , incluyendo gestión de Riesgos y de negocios de Optimización . Sr. Agostini es un comunicador claro fino y multi- lingüista .… Mi recomendación es para cualquier papel que le corresponde en lo más alto niveles de ambos Corporativa y la organización gubernamental , tanto es así que mi empresa, haberle nombrado Cónsul Especial Business … ” Por el Dr. Ian C. Hale , PhD. en

” … Andrés, es un líder mundial como Gerente de Analítica y consultor que ha trabajado en diversos sectores que consisten en la aplicación de sus vastos conocimientos y habilidades. Esto incluye compañías Fortune 500 que lo han contratado como asesor , planificador y futurista que pueda arrojar su previsión para ayudar a determinar cuando una empresa debe ser impulsada para tener éxito en el mercado. Como profesional que es de gran valor cuando la investigación y el uso de los planes estratégicos para Educar Corporaciones cómo convertirse en próspero … ” Por la Sra. Peggy Leyva Conley. en

” … Yo estoy en el temor de Andrés por muchas razones. No sólo estoy impresionado con su negocio y la gestión de enfoque práctico , amplio conocimiento y profesionalidad en la corriente de alta tecnología y en relación con las tecnologías del futuro , sino como un ser humano único y muy valioso … Con extenso trabajo basado en 20 años de experiencia corporativa , Andy ha terminado su libro actual , ’ Futuretronium ’ « » . Él ha logrado incorporar a su acervo de conocimientos y experiencia para hacer frente a las amenazas y oportunidades y beneficios para que los titulares obtener una perspectiva aumentada de lo que afecta en gran medida las prácticas de los gestores del cambio , líderes , educadores , investigadores , académicos , empresarios , estudiantes avanzados y ciudadanos responsables , con el objetivo de hacer una diferencia para un mundo mejor pero desafiante … con minuciosidad , explora profundas reflexiones , iniciativas, nociones e ideas que pueden haber sido largamente ignoradas , ’ Futuretronium ’ subestimada e incomprendida . es una exploración interesante , profundo y completo que permite al lector por venir libremente a su / sus propias conclusiones. Tiene una mente dinámica y profunda, y está dotado de un verdadero arte de la expresión por todo lo que se siente … ” Por la Dra. Ann Shaw

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini es un consultor versátil que puede inyectar con éxito las ideas refrescante muy innovadores para permitir la escala de la organización una mayor productividad con un sistema incorporado en el desarrollo de los productos en línea / servicio … ” Por el Dr. Narasimha Bhashyam « Espacio y Defensa » en

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini posee una claridad y complejidad del pensamiento que rara vez se encuentra . Él es , sin duda, una de las personas más brillantes que he tenido el placer de interactuar con él. Él es capaz de comprender y describir el bosque , los árboles, las hojas, las células, y más allá «y con la misma exactitud en varios idiomas » … ” Por el Sr. Daryl Oster

” … Es raro que uno se encuentra con un experto en la materia «SME » que así lo adeptly trasciende las disciplinas y desafía la definición tradicional. Mediante altamente intelectual y estimular los intercambios con Andy , he descubierto que es una PYME en forma virtual, y prácticamente , muchas áreas, como la gestión empresarial , el comercio global, la tecnología , la innovación y las iniciativas con visión de futuro … con sus puntos de vista interesantes , enfoque reflexivo y genuino interés por los demás , Andy ha servido como mentor inspirador y entrenador. Él me ha hecho una pausa para la reflexión profunda y pedir un verdaderamente significativo ’ ¿Qué pasa si ? ’ . he sin duda su estilo sutil , pero eficaz , a impulsarme al siguiente nivel de desarrollo profesional y la entrega estelar de mi ” marca personal ” … para cualquier organización que desee excepcional y verdaderamente recurso extraordinario , le recomiendo Andy. Para cualquiera que desee echar un vistazo a ’ lo que puede ser ” , le recomiendo la exploración del teorema de Andy sobre futuros estudios y la planificación estratégica … ” Por la señora Sherry Salón

” … Andy Agostini es extraordinariamente logra como pensador , Ejecutivo y el Proyecto de Estrategia … Su energía y pasión vienen a través de todo lo que hace y sus habilidades de lenguaje natural genera optimismo y un sentido general de la posibilidad. Él es articulado, de forma clara y concisa comunicador, una persona con visión de futuro y un artista sincero … Andy trae su experiencia, gran cantidad de logros y tareas a todo lo que hace y se puede confiar para hacer lo que se necesita para hacer que las cosas sucedan de manera que sirva al proyecto , así como el conjunto la empresa … lo encontrarás muy educada , sazonada , de gran porte y modales , claramente un caballero en todos los aspectos. él es experto en las formas de hacer negocios en múltiples culturas y entiende la idiosincrasia y complejidad de tratar con múltiples intereses hacia un común objetivo … creo que siempre le alegra que usted lo hizo negocios con Andy en cualquier contexto en el que se involucra . ofrezco mi recomendación más cordial de él y continúo buscando proyectos en los que podemos colaborar recursos y esfuerzos … ” Por el Sr. Bob Smith

” … Al igual que sus antecesores en el conocimiento que busca , Andrés mantiene una visión no convencional del mundo convencional en torno a él . La combinación de su intelecto y la perspectiva le sirven bien como un comentarista de la participación, entrenador y consultor. Sus escritos son completamente fascinante , ya que es capaz de conectar grandes cantidades de información en algo verdaderamente significativo … Andres no es en absoluto una snob intelectual, aunque por todos los derechos de que pudiera ser. Por el contrario , él es muy generoso al compartir sus ideas y conocimientos , y para ayudar a sus compañeros de los hombres «y mujeres» de trabajo para mejorar su situación . Encuentro Andrés para ser una clase y ser humano cálido , manteniendo su fuerte liderazgo profesional y la tutoría estilo. Él ofrece una mezcla única de cualidades y atributos que son raros por cierto, y yo lo recomiendo … ” Por el Sr. Dana Salón

” … Andrés Agostini es un hombre extraordinario , un erudito versado en una amplia variedad de áreas y competencias. Él ha publicado muchos publicación y es un experto en liderazgo directivo y la transformación organizacional. Es una delicia para hablar con él , escuchar a él ya sus presentaciones inteligentes. Sus puntos de vista de la organización son únicos y servicial, muy ingenioso y determinado … Él está muy bien documentado , exacta y un hombre ’ de seguimiento a través de ” , que siempre cumple sus promesas y da seguimiento de manera exacta y muy rápido , un hombre de palabra . ESTO ES EXTREMADAMENTE EXTRAORDINARIA DE UN HOMBRE tan ocupado como ANDRES … “Al Sr. Nachum Katz

” … Sé que el Sr. Andrés Agostini durante varios años y tuvo numerosas oportunidades privilegiadas para intercambiar opiniones de forma inteligente con carga sobre gran cantidad de temas que van desde el avance de la física y la ciencia de los recursos humanos y la gestión de la tecnología, a los matices sofisticados de la fotoquímica avanzada … A diferencia de las interacciones he experimentado con un equipo amplio y altamente cualificado de clase mundial de científicos, consultores , ingenieros y especialistas en gestión de amplia miríada de campos y disciplinas que complementan diversificadas , el Sr. Andrés Agostini es sin duda un diamante en un montón de perlas … “Al Sr. Zamir Tribelsky

” … A partir de mi experiencia que es un extraordinario ser persona / humana haciendo todo lo posible para hacer una diferencia . « Un buen ejemplo de ello es su libro Futuretronium Book» La pasión con la que se ocupa de cuestiones morales , éticas y bondad son las cosas que me mueve … Si quieres a alguien que entiende , se preocupa y es genuina , tanto de ejecución y la intención — es tu hombre … recomiendo tanto Andy y su libro « Futuretronium Book» a todo el mundo que esté dispuesto a escuchar , aprender y crecer … ” Por el Sr. Anton van den Berg

” … Andrés Agostini es muy notable en el intelecto , en sabiduría , y en poner las ideas en acción de una manera integrada , humana — centrada … Andy es un hombre a quien usted puede confiar con su vida y negocio . Su palabra o promesa está escrito en piedra … “Al Sr. Richard Posner. en

” … La forma convencional de pensar y trabajar duro a través de la investigación y la experimentación parece llegar a ser muy pronto una forma de vida común . Cuando me encontré con el Sr. Andrés Agostini mi deja vu fue que viajamos sin cesar en un multiverso de cambiar un montón de causas de efectos no deseados . Tener cualidades naturales como el conocimiento , la intuición , el altruismo , la paciencia , la bondad , el compromiso desinteresado para limpiar las heridas de una sociedad agonizante del desafío , el Sr. Agostini es un apologista moderno de la del Siglo de Oro de Atenas … ” Por el Sr. . Tzarul Nocolai

” … Andrés Agostini es muy hábil como autor, estratega , futurista, planificador de escenario y ha trabajado con muchas empresas líderes para ayudarles a navegar a un mayor crecimiento Él tiene una claridad , visión y profesionalismo que es excepcional ; . Él es un gran talentoso individuo … ” Por el Sr. Terry Tucker

” … He tenido el gran placer de trabajar con Andrés en su calidad de asesor , consultor , estratega , futurólogo profesional y líder del proyecto. Él es verdaderamente un gran pensador con una extraña habilidad para pensar de manera creativa y estratégicamente , mientras que la resolución de problemas de gestión complejos. Andrés aporta un alto grado de elegancia y robustez a su visión para los negocios. Él ha ayudado a entender el impacto de las grandes tendencias y fuerzas en mi negocio y me ha ayudado en la construcción de mi capacidad de absorción ” de la visión a largo plazo . ’ Sin lugar a dudas , su capacidad de pronosticar El upsides / desventajas de las oportunidades de negocio se basa en su dominio de las tendencias en campos aparentemente dispares de la ciencia, la tecnología, la medicina, la economía y los negocios. Sus compromisos son de un alto nivel de calidad . Y su capacidad para liderar proyectos y equipos ha sido a la vez meticuloso y visionario. Él es un profesional consumado . Recomiendo su trabajo , visión y liderazgo sin reserva … ” Por el Sr. Robert Bonner

” … He conocido a Andrés Agostini a través de sus amplias actividades como un futurista. Andrés es uno de esos raros pensadores que, naturalmente, sirve como un mentor de inspiración para el campo. Con un impresionante historial como un innovador de negocios, un Tech- Analista y un Consultor en Prospectiva de Investigación , Andrés Agostini exhibe fuertes habilidades visionarias y un gran sentido de la construcción de redes. Estas cualidades se traducen sobre todo en su capacidad de inspirar a los demás, para nutrir un impresionante campo de las competencias personales y desarrollar proyectos pioneros innovadores . su enfoque holístico hace Sr. Agostini un individuo altamente valiosa recomiendo encarecidamente … ” Por la Dra. Valérie Morignat PhD

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini es un singular persistente futurista grupo de reflexión proactiva , y un genio polifacético multidimensional con un entusiasmo desenfrenado torbellino de rico y profundo pensamiento visionario savant complejo ! Él es sumamente perceptiva de las fortalezas globales de un individuo, con una astucia ávido de encapsulando rápidamente esto en palabras elocuentes maravillosas ! … ” Por el Sr. Michael Pastien en

” … Para mí, las palabras se quedan cortas en su capacidad para transmitir las capacidades intelectuales masivas de Andrés Agostini , salida visionario productivo y quizás lo más importante — su integridad como persona compasiva .… Es en acciones positivas de Andrés , que ilumina lo él representa — un solucionador de problemas creativo incansable con soluciones prácticas a problemas complejos , que es apoyado por su sólido compromiso para ver los proyectos hasta el final .… Andrés Agostini es un dínamo total para inspirar a otros con su generoso contenido de conocimiento y . ideas, que comparte regularmente a través de múltiples canales de comunicación «el libro Futuretronium » No sólo Andrés comparten información crítica sobre un amplio espectro de tecnologías visionarias , pero comparte los activos más valiosos de todos ellos — su tiempo y compasión para ayudar a otros a hacer del mundo un lugar mejor .… me considero muy afortunado de tener Andrés comparte su sabiduría compasiva conmigo, lo que motiva aún más mis esfuerzos para compartir conocimientos y soluciones para ayudar a inspirar la acción positiva .… Sin ninguna reserva, con entusiasmo recomendar soluciones de Andrés Agostini creativas , liderazgo y acciones positivas de compasión hacia cualquier emprendimientos desafiantes actuales o futuros … ” por el Sr. David Anthony Johanson en

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini es un socio proactivo es todos sus esfuerzos . Andrés es un duro- conducir individuo decidido a ver un proyecto llevado a una conclusión exitosa .… Andrés exige la perfección de sí mismo y predica con el ejemplo . Es su “No tome « no » por respuesta ” actitud que le impulsa a niveles más y más altos de éxito Andrés puede ser un hombre de negocios conservador , . sin embargo, él sabe que hay momentos para ser un averter riesgo o que evita el riesgo .. .. en su campo, arneses Andrés cambian para conducir desafío a través de una organización. como pionero de la moda , Andrés sabe cómo manejar los negocios , ya que se vuelve más maduro y el riesgo puede tener una visión de toda la empresa , a veces .… tengo plena confianza de que si hay un problema , Andrés sabrá cómo enfrentarlo … ” Por la Sra. Armonía Collins en

” … Andrés es un profesional multidisciplinar con increíble energía y entusiasmo. Nos hemos comunicado a través del grupo INTJ Masterminds LinkedIn y sus conocimientos sobre una amplia gama de temas es muy Provoca pensamientos .… Su trabajo en lo que el futuro sostiene es ancho y profundo y me mantener un ojo en la amplia gama de artículos que produce … “Al Sr. David Shaw en

” … Por la presente, le recomiendo al Sr. Andrés Agostini — INTJ que es un pensador entusiasta y original en Asuntos futuristas , incluyendo Estudios del Futuro , Prospectiva de Investigación y Planificación de escenarios .… Sr. Andrés Agostini tiene pasión por y comprensión de la vínculos entre las tendencias tecnológicas y los hechos históricos , los comportamientos humanos, la gestión de la sostenibilidad y la toma de decisiones son maravillosos ejemplos de las características que se necesitan para acelerar la toma de decisiones inteligentes en las corporaciones globales , empresas y gobierno … ” Por el Sr. Alejandro Core en http:/ /

” … Sé que el señor Andrés Agostini , como mentor y estoy agradecido por sus esfuerzos en ayudarme a ser una mejor persona. Me dieron una oportunidad para interactuar y discutir con él sobre diversos temas intuitivos y siempre me asombra cada uno y cada una. Sus conocimientos en diferentes campos a menudo me asombrado .… Personalmente me ha ayudado en diversas metodologías para mejorar mi adaptación sobre las diferencias culturales y la comprensión de mis debilidades y fortalezas de mi personalidad. él ha sido un maravilloso ejemplo persona de mente abierta a las que puede tratar cualquier tipo de temas en cualquier punto del tiempo. estoy en deuda para conseguir un asesor como él … ” por el Sr. Prabhu Krishna en

” … Con entusiasmo que he escrito esta recomendación para Andrés es un investigador profesional teórico , erudito y un gran conocedor y practicante de la consultoría de gestión de práctica con una combinación de habilidades alucinantes y amplias líneas de prácticas que uno puede depender verdaderamente Andrés. en . él trae rigor exhaustivo para todos los aspectos de los análisis de riesgo y la estrategia de los proyectos , como investigador , consultor, gerente y estratega. Andrés es también en futurismo avanzada, la investigación y el escenario de planificación prospectiva . en su carrera, ha trabajado con más de dos « 2 » docenas de instituciones globales, que abarcan múltiples industrias para hacer impacto en el negocio impecable en los resultados finales. Andres competencias sólidas y diversas en el desarrollo de estrategias y su integridad personal hacen de él una confianza “Ir a” persona para hacer las cosas , y yo recomiendo lo altamente . Por último, pero no menos importante, me alegro de estar conectados con él fuera de línea y con su red profesional en LinkedIn … ” Por el Dr. Ram Tripathi , Ph.D. , PMP en bJ9ftWE

” … Andrés es casi perfecto en su en — punto , implacable campaña para ser un proveedor de soluciones. Él ve lo que la mayoría no puede. Él anticipa escenarios de años luz por delante de los demás, a su vez, asegurar clientes son turbo potenciado por delante de sus competidores más cercanos . combina un alma gemela con un intelecto punto láser, interactuar con la gente de todos los orígenes y niveles de educación . Él es un hallazgo raro en la previsión, la adaptación y la aplicación de conceptos a un nivel más sólo puede imaginarse para alcanzar en su vida. Andrés se llevará a su negocio de medio a excelente en un instante … ” Por la Sra. Brenda Hume , RN , BSN Proveedor de Soluciones en

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini es un pensador profundo y famoso estratega . Su capacidad para sintetizar los retos globales con las pasiones profundas para el futuro de la humanidad él una fuente única para hacer frente a los problemas globales hace . Además , a través de su visión aguda y amplia , que es un socio de confianza para resolver su problema de Gestión de Riesgos . de todos modos , me gustó mucho trabajar con él y lo recomiendo a todos los que buscan un asesor previsión fiable y reflexivo o un entrenador de la gestión estratégica … ” Por el Sr. Farzad Khandan en http://

” … El Sr. Andrés Agostini es un profesional de gran valor. Sr. Andrés es una certeza. Andrés es una gran persona , serio, confiable , competente y muy capaz … ” Por el Dr. Claudio Mantovani en http:// / bADrwQz

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