

Archive for the ‘sustainability’ category: Page 209

Jul 16, 2022

Nuclear fusion gets closer to reality with this new reactor

Posted by in categories: nuclear energy, space travel, sustainability

This article is an installment of The Future Explored, a weekly guide to world-changing technology. You can get stories like this one straight to your inbox every Thursday morning by subscribing here.

If nuclear fusion was a viable energy source, everything could be electrified. Electricity would be so cheap that projects that seem impossible now could be within our grasp, like commercial space flights, desalinating sea water, or direct air carbon capture.

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Jul 16, 2022

Solar power costs continued to fall in 2021, despite rising panel prices

Posted by in categories: solar power, sustainability

The average global price of solar kilowatt-hours fell 13% on 2020’s prices, as around two-thirds of the renewables capacity installed last year was cheaper than the lowest-cost fossil fuel alternative.

Jul 15, 2022

U.S. Government’s Office of Science and Technology Issues Call for Cislunar Strategies

Posted by in categories: government, policy, science, space travel, sustainability

White House asks the public for ideas on what to do when we return to the Moon and cislunar space.

The U.S. has plans to return to the moon by the middle of this decade through NASA’s Artemis Program. But going back to the lunar surface and cislunar space isn’t just about putting boots on the ground. That’s why the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy on behalf of the Cislunar Science and Technology Subcommittee of the National Science and Technology Council has issued a request for ideas (RFI) with a deadline of Wednesday, July 20, 2022, for interested parties to make submissions.

The U.S. government has defined cislunar space as the entire region beyond Earth’s geostationary orbit subject to the gravity of both our planet and the Moon. The RFI covers both orbiting and lunar surface activities.

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Jul 14, 2022

Geological activity can rapidly change deep microbial communities

Posted by in categories: biological, chemistry, sustainability

In the deep subsurface that plunges into the Earth for miles, microscopic organisms inhabit vast bedrock pores and veins. Belowground microorganisms, or microbes, comprise up to half of all living material on the planet and support the existence of all life forms up the food chain. They are essential for realizing an environmentally sustainable future and can change the chemical makeup of minerals, break down pollutants, and alter the composition of groundwater.

While the significance of bacteria and archaea is undeniable, the only evidence of their existence in the deep comes from traces of biological material that seep through mine walls, cave streams, and drill holes that tap into aquifers.

Many scientists have assumed that the composition of microbial communities in the deep subsurface is primarily shaped by local environmental pressures on microbial survival such as temperature, acidity, and oxygen concentration. This process, environmental selection, can take years to millennia to cause significant community-level changes in slow-growing communities like the subsurface.

Jul 14, 2022

Scientists create a nearly invisible solar cell with up to 79% transparency

Posted by in categories: solar power, sustainability

Jul 14, 2022

Nikita Michelsen, Founder & CEO, Pearlita Foods — Sustainable Cell Cultured Mollusk Seafood Products

Posted by in categories: biological, food, sustainability

Sustainable cell cultured mollusk seafood products — nikita michelsen, founder & CEO, pearlita foods.

Nikita Michelsen, is Founder & CEO of Pearlita Foods (, the world’s first cell-based mollusk company, which is developing sustainably & ethically grown products, like oysters and abalone, that are contaminant free without compromising flavor or nutrition.

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Jul 13, 2022

Desalination plants, not Mississippi River water, are the solution to West’s water needs

Posted by in categories: engineering, sustainability

Desert Sun readers weigh in on possible engineering solutions to Western drought.

Jul 13, 2022

Mazda revives rotary engine to extend range of electric cars

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transportation

Automaker to release its MX-30 SUV equipped with the iconic motor later this year.

TOKYO — Mazda Motor is planning to revive its iconic rotary engine in a plug-in hybrid car by the end of this year as it attempts to simultaneously please fans and cope with tougher environmental rules in its main markets, such as Europe.

Jul 13, 2022

New perovskite-silicon solar cells smash through the 30 efficiency barrier

Posted by in categories: solar power, sustainability

Jul 12, 2022

Hydrogen Fuel Cell Truck Is Here To Help EV Batteries, Not Harm Them

Posted by in categories: sustainability, transportation

Two heads are better than one: new electric truck from Tevva deploys hydrogen fuel cell and battery technology for maximum efficiency.