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Optalysys’s technology performs a mathematical function called the Fourier transform by encoding data, say a genome sequence, into a laser beam. The data can be manipulated by making light waves in the beam interfere with one another, performing the calculation by exploiting the physics of light, and generating a pattern that encodes the result. The pattern is read by a camera sensor and fed back into a conventional computer’s electronic circuits. The optical approach is faster because it achieves in a single step what would take many operations of an electronic computer.

The technology was enabled by the consumer electronics industry driving down the cost of components called spatial light modulators, which are used to control light inside projectors. The company plans to release its first product next year, aimed at high-performance computers used for processing genomic data. It will take the form of a PCI express card, a standard component used to upgrade PCs or servers usually used for graphics processors. Optalysys is also working on a Pentagon research project investigating technologies that might shrink supercomputers to desktop size, and a European project on improving weather simulations.

In 2015, Optalysis built a prototype that achieves a processing speed equivalent to 320 Gflops and it is incredibly energy efficient as it uses low-powered, cost effective components.

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In Brief:

  • Using an advanced supercomputer, scientists came up with a profile for dark matter, concluding that it may be made of axions of a specific type.
  • With this new information, the race is on to be the first to prove the existence of dark matter particles.

Understanding what dark matter is has proven to be amazingly difficult. Of course, one might expect this from a thing that is, for all intents and purposes, entirely invisible. Scientists have come to the conclusion that dark matter exists by observing the way gravity behaves—either our model of gravity is in need of an update, or dark matter exists. The latter is the most likely conclusion.

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NEWS ANALYSIS: The confluence of big data, massively powerful computing resources and advanced algorithms is bringing new artificial intelligence capabilities to scientific research.

WASHINGTON, DC—Massively parallel supercomputing hardware along with advanced artificial intelligence algorithms are being harnessed to deliver powerful new research tools in science and medicine, according to Dr. France A. Córdova, Director of the National Science Foundation.

Córdova spoke Oct. 26 at GPU Technology Conference organized by Nvidia, a company that got its start making video cards for PCs and gaming systems, that now manufactures advanced graphics processor for high-performance servers and supercomputers.

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When we type in a search query, access our email via the cloud or stream a viral video, chances are we don’t spend any time thinking about the technological plumbing that is behind that instant gratification.

Sitaram Lanka and Derek Chiou are two exceptions. They are engineers who spend their days thinking about ever-better and faster ways to get you all that information with the tap of a finger, as you’ve come to expect.

Now, they have a new superpower to help them out.

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New method for information storage via QC uncovered.

Abstract: Researchers from the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have made a discovery that could lay the foundation for quantum superconducting devices. Their breakthrough solves one the main challenges to quantum computing: how to transmit spin information through superconducting materials.

Every electronic device — from a supercomputer to a dishwasher — works by controlling the flow of charged electrons. But electrons can carry so much more information than just charge; electrons also spin, like a gyroscope on axis.

Harnessing electron spin is really exciting for quantum information processing because not only can an electron spin up or down — one or zero — but it can also spin any direction between the two poles. Because it follows the rules of quantum mechanics, an electron can occupy all of those positions at once. Imagine the power of a computer that could calculate all of those positions simultaneously.

Eurolab HPC tries to assess the future disruptive technology for high performance computing beyond Exascale computers.

They survey the currents state of research and development and its potential for the future of the following hardware technologies:

CMOS scaling
Die stacking and 3D chip technologies
Non-volatile Memory (NVM) technologies
Resistive Computing
Neuromorphic Computing
Quantum Computing
Graphene and
Diamond Transistors

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Machines enrich and enhance our lives, whether it’s the smartphones that allow us to stay connected or the supercomputers that solve our toughest computational problems. Imagine how much more productive and innovative our world will be when computers become infinitely more powerful. Indeed, the growing field of quantum computing may make our current technological capacities look feeble and primitive in comparison. It could even transform the workings of the human brain and revolutionize how we think in ways we can’t begin to imagine.

Today, computers operate at the most basic level by manipulating two states: a zero or a one. In contrast, quantum computers are not limited to two states, but can encode information in multiple states that exist in superposition, also known as quantum bits or qubits.


In other words, this technology takes advantage of one of the most fascinating properties of the quantum world: the ability of subatomic particles to exist in more than one state at any given time. Consequently, a quantum computer can perform many calculations at the same time, whereas a traditional Turing machine can only perform a single calculation at once. Such quantum machines will be millions of times more powerful than our most powerful current computers.

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Scientists all around the world are working towards making the quantum computing a reality for past few years as it will bring another revolution in the world of technology. Quantam computers are thousands of times faster and way smaller than the conventional computing devices as they use photons to do computing and are also compatible with fibre optics.

A team of researchers from the University of Innsbruck in Austria claims that they have invented world’s first scalable quantum computer. Although the device is still several years behind coming to reality but still scientists consider it as a giant leap towards bringing quantum computers into people’s hands.

From hypothetical models in last decade to practical models now is promising. Former Microsoft CEO Bill Gates believes that we will make quantum computers by next decade. This promising, complex technology may soon amplify the capabilities of today’s computers, which will greatly benefit science and business organizations by helping them work faster and more efficiently. Quantum computers are next step of computers and they can solve problems with ease which are nearly impossible for computers and supercomputers of current generation.

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