

Archive for the ‘supercomputing’ category: Page 84

Feb 16, 2016

Could a robot run for U.S. president in 2020?

Posted by in categories: governance, robotics/AI, supercomputing

A fun story:

Advances in artificial intelligence have raised the question of a supercomputer running for office.

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Feb 8, 2016

Step aside Trump – Should IBM’s artificially intelligent supercomputer Watson be US president?

Posted by in categories: education, health, robotics/AI, supercomputing

Someday this could happen as well as US congress, Supreme Court, the UN, Nato, IAEA, WTO, World Bank, etc.

IBM’s AI researchers seem to favour recreational drug use, free university education and free healthcare.

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Jan 25, 2016

Big Data And Quantum Computers

Posted by in categories: energy, internet, nanotechnology, neuroscience, quantum physics, robotics/AI, singularity, space travel, supercomputing, wearables

Luv the whole beautiful picture of a Big Data Quantum Computing Cloud. And, we’re definitely going to need it for all of our data demands and performance demands when you layer in the future of AI (including robotics), wearables, our ongoing convergence to singularity with nanobots and other BMI technologies. Why we could easily exceed $4.6 bil by 2021.

From gene mapping to space exploration, humanity continues to generate ever-larger sets of data—far more information than people can actually process, manage, or understand.

Machine learning systems can help researchers deal with this ever-growing flood of information. Some of the most powerful of these analytical tools are based on a strange branch of geometry called topology, which deals with properties that stay the same even when something is bent and stretched every which way.

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Jan 25, 2016

Marvin Minsky, Pioneer in Artificial Intelligence, Dies at 88

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, supercomputing

Sad day for AI & RIP Mr. Minsky — Early AI Pioneer.

His family said the cause was a cerebral hemorrhage.

Well before the advent of the microprocessor and the supercomputer, Professor Minsky, a revered computer science educator at M.I.T., laid the foundation for the field of artificial intelligence by demonstrating the possibilities of imparting common-sense reasoning to computers.

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Jan 23, 2016

Engineers at Yale develop quantum chip, Next step — a programmable quantum processor

Posted by in categories: computing, quantum physics, robotics/AI, supercomputing

Every month, we’re seeing more and more researchers and companies break the Quantum barrier by making their own Quantum Chip. Yale is the latest ones to introduce their own Quantum Chip. Next stop; a programmable Quantum Processor

In what can only be termed as a big step in the manufacture of practical quantum circuits, engineers from the Yale School of Engineering and Applied Science have created a silicon chip embedded with all the required components for a quantum processor.

Quantum computers are often portrayed as the next step in computer technology, and with good reason. Theoretically, a quantum computer would be thousands of times faster than today’s fastest supercomputers. They could also help in the creation of a practically capable AI. Quantum computers would drastically improve humanity’s data processing capabilities, and that is why researchers have been working for years towards their realization.

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Jan 23, 2016

Researchers have achieved the next breakthrough in quantum physics

Posted by in categories: quantum physics, supercomputing

An international team of scientists has managed to create a quantum knot for the first time — a fundamental breakthrough in quantum physics that could one day help power the supercomputers of the future.

These knots aren’t quite the same as the ones you might tie to moor a boat to a jetty — they’ve been made in a superfluid form of quantum matter called Bose-Einstein Condensate, or BEC, and are more like smoke rings than traditional knots.

“For decades, physicists have been theoretically predicting that it should be possible to have knots in quantum fields, but nobody else has been able to make one,” said lead researcher, Mikko Möttönen.

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Jan 22, 2016

DARPA’s to-be built wetware to prove immensely beneficial in medicine field

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, business, computing, electronics, engineering, health, neuroscience, supercomputing, transportation

BMI is an area that will only explode when the first set of successful tests are presented to the public. I suggest investors, technologists, and researchers keep an eye on this one because it’s own impact to the world is truly inmense especially when you realize BMI changes everything in who we view how we process and connect with others, business, our homes, public services, transportation, healthcare, etc.

Implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMI) that will allow their users to control computers with thoughts alone will soon going to be a reality. DARPA has announced its plans to make such wetware. The interface would not be more than two nickels placed one on the other.

These implantable chips as per the DARPA will ‘open the channel between the human brain and modern electronics’. Though DARPA researchers have earlier also made few attempts to come up with a brain-machine interface, previous versions were having limited working.

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Jan 20, 2016

DARPA wants to build wetware so we can mind control computers

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, cyborgs, electronics, engineering, neuroscience, supercomputing

Hot damn, our Ghost in the Shell future is getting closer by the day. DARPA announced on Tuesday that it is interested in developing wetware — implantable brain-machine interfaces (BMI) that will allow their users to control computers with their thoughts. The device, developed as part of the Neural Engineering System Design (NESD) program, would essentially translate the chemical signals in our neurons into digital code. What’s more, DARPA expects this interface to be no larger than two nickels stacked atop one another.

“Today’s best brain-computer interface systems are like two supercomputers trying to talk to each other using an old 300-baud modem,” Phillip Alvelda, the NESD program manager, said in a statement. “Imagine what will become possible when we upgrade our tools to really open the channel between the human brain and modern electronics.”

The advanced research agency hopes the device to make an immediate impact — you know, once it’s actually invented — in the medical field. Since the proposed BMI would connect to as many as a million individual neurons (a few magnitudes more than the 100 or so that current devices can link with), patients suffering from vision or hearing loss would see an unprecedented gain in the fidelity of their assistive devices. Patients who have lost limbs would similarly see a massive boost in the responsiveness and capabilities of their prosthetics.

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Jan 19, 2016

A self-assembling molecular nanoswitch

Posted by in categories: electronics, nanotechnology, neuroscience, supercomputing

Interesting article about nanoswitches and how this technology enables the self-assembly of molecules. This actually does help progress many efforts such as molecular memory devices, photovoltaics, gas sensors, light emission, etc. However, I see the potential use in nanobot technology as it relates to future alignment mappings with the brain.

Molecular nanoswitch: calculated adsorption geometry of porphine adsorbed at copper bridge site (credit: Moritz Müller et al./J. Chem. Phys.)

Technical University of Munich (TUM) researchers have simulated a self-assembling molecular nanoswitch in a supercomputer study.

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Jan 19, 2016

The US Military Wants a Chip to Translate Your Brain Activity Into Binary Code

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, computing, engineering, military, neuroscience, supercomputing

It’s been a weird day for weird science. Not long after researchers claimed victory in performing a head transplant on a monkey, the US military’s blue-sky R&D agency announced a completely insane plan to build a chip that would enable the human brain to communicate directly with computers. What is this weird, surreal future?

It’s all real, believe it or not. Or at least DARPA desperately wants it to be. The first wireless brain-to-computer interface actually popped up a few years ago, and DARPA’s worked on various brain chip projects over the years. But there are shortcomings to existing technology: According to today’s announcement, current brain-computer interfaces are akin to “two supercomputers trying to talk to each other using an old 300-baud modem.” They just aren’t fast enough for truly transformative neurological applications, like restoring vision to a blind person. This would ostensibly involve connect a camera that can transmit visual information directly to the brain, and the implant would translate the data into neural language.

To accomplish this magnificent feat, DARPA is launching a new program called Neural Engineering System Design (NESD) that stands to squeeze some characteristically bonkers innovation out of the science community. In a press release, the agency describes what’s undoubtedly the closest thing to a Johnny Mneumonic plot-line you’ve ever seen in real life. It reads:

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