

Archive for the ‘space travel’ category: Page 337

Jun 6, 2019

Black Hole Drive Could Power Future Starships

Posted by in categories: cosmology, space travel

What would happen if humans could deliberately create a blackhole? Well, for starters we might just unlock the ultimate energy source to create the ultimate spacecraft engine — a potential “black hole-drive” — to propel ships to the stars.

It turns out black holes are not black at all; they give off “Hawking radiation” that causes them to lose energy (and therefore mass) over time. For large black holes, the amount of radiation produced is miniscule, but very small black holes rapidly turn their mass into a huge amount of energy.

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Jun 6, 2019

NASA’s Warp Drive Changes Everything… Including Time And Space

Posted by in category: space travel

Over the years NASA have conducted a huge number of highly ambitious projects with the goal of the perfection of space travel but their latest project may be the most extraordinary yet.

In a seismically isolated room in the Johnson Space Center, researchers from the space agency are working with an electric field that they are trying to manipulate in such a way that it could literally bend the fabric of space and time. The researchers believe that if they are successful then they could theoretically begin work on interstellar space travel that would allow craft to fly faster than the speed of light. But is this really possible?

NASA Enterprise Ixs Johnson Space Center

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Jun 6, 2019

Jeff Bezos wants to build the infrastructure for space startups

Posted by in categories: business, robotics/AI, space travel

At its re: Mars conference, Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos took the stage today to be “interviewed” by Jenny Freshwater, Amazon’s director of forecasting. As any AWS machine learning tool could have forecasted, having an employee interview her boss didn’t lead to any challenging questions or especially illuminating answers, but Bezos did get a chance to talk about a variety of topics, ranging from business advice to his plans for Blue Origin.

We can safely ignore the business advice, given that Amazon’s principle of “disagree and commit” is about as well known as it could be, but his comments about Blue Origin, his plans for moon exploration and its relationship to startups were quite interesting.

He noted that we now know so much more about the moon than ever before, including that it does provide a number of resources that make it a good base for further space exploration. “The reason we need to go to space is to save the Earth,” he said. “We are going to grow this civilization — and I’m talking about something that our grandchildren will work on — and their grandchildren. This isn’t something that this generation is able to accomplish. But we need to move heavy industry off Earth.”

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Jun 6, 2019

Jeff Bezos’ Space Firm Debuts Video of Cushy Space Tourist Capsule

Posted by in category: space travel

Those padded walls will help in low gravity, no doubt, and in the crew capsule, all six people get a window seat. “You’ll listen to the countdown and then feel the engine ignite and rumble under you as you climb through the atmosphere,” reads a description from Blue Origin. The capsule is 530 cubic feet.

The first crewed Blue Origin flight will simply reach the edge of space — a landmark called the Kármán Line — and then return. This the company’s reusable suborbital flight system, will launch the crew capsule to its destination before it descends to Earth, landing softly in the Texas dirt, thanks to parachutes. Blue Origin is also working on a heavy-lift launch vehicle designed to reach Earth orbit, called New Glenn, but that’s unlikely to fly before 2020.

The video — seen above — was shot by an Amazon representative and sent to Inverse. There’s no denying, it looks remarkably comfortable.

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Jun 6, 2019

SpaceX is staking its future on a spaceport in south Texas. The people who live inside it are just one of Elon Musk’s problems

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, space travel

SpaceX, Elon Musk’s rocket company, is building its Starship rocket and launch site in south Texas. The project has proved complicated.

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Jun 4, 2019

His Incredible Journey to the Moon

Posted by in category: space travel


This is the story of SpaceIL — the most amazing private Israeli space project — and the three founders behind it: Yariv Bash, Kfir Damari, and Yonatan Winetraub.

The landing might have not worked, but the spacecraft is ON THE MOON!

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Jun 4, 2019

NASA: Moon to Mars

Posted by in category: space travel

Artemis is the name of NASA’s program to return astronauts to the lunar surface by 2024. We are going forward to the Moon to stay.

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Jun 4, 2019

This Short Film Is Written Entirely By AI

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, space travel

Viva Space Ship Day

For 10% off your first purchase, go to

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Jun 3, 2019

Can The Science and Philosophy of Information Solve The Problem of Time?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, entertainment, science, space travel

In our day and age when the science and philosophy of information start to eclipse traditional disciplines on all fronts, the importance of asking the right kinds of questions in light of a new rhetoric cannot be overestimated. Hereafter you can find three videos with their transcripts related to D-Theory of Time, or Digital Presentism, that I cover extensively in my new book The Syntellect Hypothesis: Five Paradigms of the Mind’s Evolution, as well as in my just-released ebook The Physics of Time: D-Theory of Time & Temporal Mechanics.

Will We Transcend The Temporal Dimension?: If you’re like me who loves thought-provoking sci-fi literature and movies, Interstellar and Arrival are both about transcending temporality, one through physics and the other through language. Arguably, these two outlooks on TIME reflect our current understanding as the most plausible ways to overcome the grips of impermanence.

If we look back at evolutionary emergence on our planet, the simplest organisms like primordial mitochondria, the front-runners at the onset of biological life, were able to perceive and move towards nutrients and away from environmental threats in an essentially one-dimensional existence.

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Jun 2, 2019

Application filed by St Clair John Q

Posted by in category: space travel

A spacecraft having a triangular hull with vertical electrostatic line charges on each corner that produce a horizontal electric field parallel to the sides of the hull. This field, interacting with a plane wave emitted by antennas on the side of the hull, generates a force per volume combining both lift and propulsion.

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