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After a devastating year of life on Earth, here’s your chance to get far, far away from it all.

Space flight company Space Perspective has debuted a $125000 package that brings travelers to the edge of our atmosphere on a space-age hot air balloon.

The Florida-based firm aims to usher in a “new era in luxury travel experiences” with their groundbreaking — or air-breaking, if you will — tour aboard the Spaceship Neptune, a massive, hydrogen-supported balloon with a passenger capsule in tow that can float atop Earth’s atmosphere. There, amateur astronauts can soak up the splendor of our home planet, thanks to panoramic windows and reclining seats.

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The SLS moon rocket for Artemis 1 is all stacked up.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — NASA is one step closer to the moon. The space agency’s next megarocket, the Space Launch System (SLS) is coming together ahead of its first planned launch later this year.

The behemoth’s core stage arrived at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, via barge on April 27, before rolling into the massive Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB), its home until launch.

China’s homegrown Long March rocket will send the Shenzhou-12 manned spacecraft, carrying astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo, to the Chinese Space Station’s core module Tianhe at 9:22 a.m. BJT, or 1:22 a.m. GMT, on Thursday from Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. It will be China’s seventh crewed space mission, since the country’s first successful manned launch in 2003.

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SAN BENITO — Willie Rosales Jr. grew up in San Benito, and he never imagined the Valley would become a hub for space travel.

Inspired by all the SpaceX rocket activity near Boca Chica Beach, along with Elon Musk’s vision for the area, Rosales decided to turn his home into a tribute.

“My intentions are for travelers to visit San Benito, and I wanted to pay homage to Elon Musk,” he said.

One of my favorite science fiction authors is/was Isaac Asimov (should we use the past tense since he is no longer with us, or the present tense because we still enjoy his writings?). In many ways Asimov was a futurist, but — like all who attempt to foretell what is to come — he occasionally managed to miss the mark.

Take his classic Foundation Trilogy, for example (before he added the two prequels and two sequels). On the one hand we have a Galactic Empire that spans the Milky Way with millions of inhabited worlds and quadrillions of people. Also, we have mighty space vessels equipped with hyperdrives that can convey people from one side of the galaxy to the other while they are still young enough to enjoy the experience.

On the other hand, in Foundation and Empire, when a message arrives at a spaceship via hyperwave for the attention of General Bel Riose, it’s transcribed onto a metal spool that’s placed in a message capsule that will open only to his thumbprint. Asimov simply never conceived of things like today’s wireless networks and tablet computers and suchlike.

For more:…index.html.

A roadmap for the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) was jointly released by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) and Russia’s space agency Roscosmos on Wednesday.

Titled “International Lunar Research Station Roadmap (V1.0),” the roadmap and the “Guide for Partnership (V1.0)” were presented by the two organizations at a forum of the Global Space Exploration Conference 2021 held in Russia from June 14 to 18. The two documents provide information about the concept, research field and cooperation opportunity of the ILRS.

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