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Computer-aided calculations have played a crucial part in producing the proofs of several high-profile results. And more recently, some mathematicians have made progress towards AI that doesn’t just perform repetitive calculations, but develops its own proofs. Another growing area has been software that can go over a mathematical proof written by humans and check that it is correct.

Algorithm named after mathematician Srinivasa Ramanujan suggests interesting formulae, some of which are difficult to prove true.

At the heart of the development of AI appears to be a search for perfection. And it could be just as dangerous to humanity as the one that came from philosophical and pseudoscientific ideas of the 19th and early 20th centuries and led to the horrors of colonialism, world war and the Holocaust. Instead of a human ruling “master race”, we could end up with a machine one.

Is a postdoctoral scholar at Tufts University, where she conducts research in their Human Robot Interaction Lab (

With a background in psychology and the social sciences, Dr. Chita-Tegmark is interested in topics at the intersection of technology and psychology, such as using artificial social agents in healthcare and the impact of such emerging technologies on human social interactions and well-being.

Dr. Chita-Tegmark has her Ph.D from Boston University in Psychology and Developmental Sciences, and she is an alumna of the Harvard Graduate School of Education, where she spent time studying role of social information in children’s lives, how social information influences the way children cooperate and engage in strategic decision-making, as well as on projects related to the development of social attention and language skills in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

Dr. Chita-Tegmark is also a Co-Founder of the Future of Life Institute (, a non-profit research institute and outreach organization that works to mitigate existential risks facing humanity, including those from advanced artificial intelligence (AI), to bio-engineering, to autonomous weapons, and to help promote positive uses of technology.

Recent advances in the field of robotics have enabled the fabrication of increasingly sophisticated robotic limbs and exoskeletons. Robotic exoskeletons are essentially wearable ‘shells’ made of different robotic parts. Exoskeletons can improve the strength, capabilities and stability of users, helping them to tackle heavy physical tasks with less effort or aiding their rehabilitation after accidents.