

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1430

Aug 23, 2020

GPT-3, Bloviator: OpenAI’s language generator has no idea what it’s talking about

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Since OpenAI first described its new AI language-generating system called GPT-3 in May, hundreds of media outlets (including MIT Technology Review) have written about the system and its capabilities. Twitter has been abuzz about its power and potential. The New York Times published an op-ed about it. Later this year, OpenAI will begin charging companies for access to GPT-3, hoping that its system can soon power a wide variety of AI products and services.

Is GPT-3 an important step toward artificial general intelligence—the kind that would allow a machine to reason broadly in a manner similar to humans without having to train for every specific task it encounters? OpenAI’s technical paper is fairly reserved on this larger question, but to many, the sheer fluency of the system feels as though it might be a significant advance.

We doubt it. At first glance, GPT-3 seems to have an impressive ability to produce human-like text. And we don’t doubt that it can used to produce entertaining surrealist fiction; other commercial applications may emerge as well. But accuracy is not its strong point. If you dig deeper, you discover that something’s amiss: although its output is grammatical, and even impressively idiomatic, its comprehension of the world is often seriously off, which means you can never really trust what it says.

Aug 23, 2020

Artificial intelligence wins over man in simulated aerial dogfight

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

An artificial intelligence algorithm by Heron Systems defeated an F-16 pilot in a simulated dogfight competition Thursday. Photo by SSgt. Christine Groening/U.S. Air force.

Aug 23, 2020

Pentagon approves five US drone makers ahead of likely ban on China’s DJI

Posted by in categories: drones, government, military, robotics/AI

Ahead of a likely ban on the US federal government’s use of Chinese-made quadcopters, including popular DJI drones, the Department of Defense has approved the products of five US-based unmanned air vehicle (UAV) makers for government use.

Those companies are Altavian, Parrot, Skydio, Teal and Vantage Robotics.

Small UAVs from these manufacturers have been deemed cyber-secure by the Pentagon – not vulnerable to backdoor spying that some suspect might be possible from the video cameras and other sensors attached to Chinese-made DJI drones. The US Congress is considering banning the US federal government from using foreign-made drones as part of its 2021 National Defense Authorization Act.

Aug 23, 2020

Robots That Can Deliver Parcels

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Click on photo to start video.

Digit is a semi-autonomous delivery robot that can also double up as a workout buddy! 💪🤖

Agility Robotics

Aug 23, 2020

These photorealistic portraits of ancient Roman emperors were created using old statues and AI

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

Designer Daniel Voshart has created photorealistic portraits of ancient Roman emperors by transforming old statues using AI. With the help of Photoshop and a tool named ArtBreeder, Voshart’s work brings these long-dead figures back to life. Uncanny and realistic all at the same time.

Aug 23, 2020

An AI Breaks the Writing Barrier

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

A new system called GPT-3 is shocking experts with its ability to use and understand language as well as human beings do.

Aug 23, 2020

Facebook is training robot assistants to hear as well as see

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI, virtual reality

In June 2019, Facebook’s AI lab, FAIR, released AI Habitat, a new simulation platform for training AI agents. It allowed agents to explore various realistic virtual environments, like a furnished apartment or cubicle-filled office. The AI could then be ported into a robot, which would gain the smarts to navigate through the real world without crashing.

In the year since, FAIR has rapidly pushed the boundaries of its work on “embodied AI.” In a blog post today, the lab has announced three additional milestones reached: two new algorithms that allow an agent to quickly create and remember a map of the spaces it navigates, and the addition of sound on the platform to train the agents to hear.

Aug 23, 2020

Deep Learning on MCUs is the Future of Edge Computing

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

Deep learning on MCUs, also known as TinyML, is perfectly possible today but TOPS ratings don’t always tell the full story.

Aug 22, 2020

Meet the Xenobot, the World’s First-Ever “Living” Robot

Posted by in categories: biological, robotics/AI

These researchers paired biology with AI to create the world’s first “living” robots 🤯.

Aug 22, 2020

Will Artificial Intelligence Replace Pathologists, Radiologists, Microbiologists?

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

If artificial intelligence can replace some highly specialized medical doctors, is any job safe? It appears the biomedical profession is ripe for an overhaul.