

Archive for the ‘robotics/AI’ category: Page 1428

Nov 13, 2020

Scientists Grew Tiny Human Brains and Hooked Them up to Robots

Posted by in categories: cyborgs, robotics/AI

Careful, you may end up with mini cyborgs!

“The closer we come to his goal, the more likely we will get a brain that is capable of sentience and of feeling pain, agony and distress,” Christof Koch, chief scientist and president of the Allen Brain Institute, told the NYT.

The human brain is so complex that scientists are still guessing at many aspects of how it works. That’s the appeal of mini-brains — they’re comparatively simple balls of neurons that simulate some characteristics of full brains but which barely scratch the surface of their capabilities. But this new study, published Thursday in the journal Cell, suggests that the mini-brains could be more complex than previously believed.

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Nov 13, 2020

Las Vegas City Planning Commission approves The Boring Company’s downtown tunnel expansion plans

Posted by in categories: Elon Musk, robotics/AI, sustainability, transportation

Elon Musk founded The Company “to solve the problem of soul-destroying traffic.” He envisions a network of tunnels where Autonomous Electric Vehicles (AEV) can transport passengers at high speeds through an underground transportation system called “Loop”. The Company’s AEVs are made up of modified Tesla Model 3 and Model X. These zero-emission vehicles will shuttle passengers through the tunnels at approximately 150-miles per hour. The first set of underground roads are under construction at Las Vegas Convention Center (LVCC). The tunneling project is almost finished. According to city officials it will be operational by January 2021. The Company plans to expand the LVCC Loop transportation system to other parts in Las Vegas. The Company submitted a proposal this year to the Las Vegas City Planning Commission to expand the tunnel to the downtown area.

On Tuesday, the Las Vegas City Planning Commission held a meeting in which the company received approval to connect the LVCC center set of tunnels to a future tunneling system that will lead downtown. The Commission gave the green light during a meeting, video below. The city council plans to review the proposal to cast a final vote in December. The downtown tunnel will begin at the LVCC, run through Las Vegas Boulevard, connect to Ogden, and lead back into Main Street. The City of Las Vegas shared via Twitter the map of where the tunnel will be built, pictured below.

Nov 13, 2020

Why AI can’t move forward without diversity, equity, and inclusion

Posted by in categories: business, robotics/AI

The need to pursue racial justice is more urgent than ever, especially in the technology industry. The far-reaching scope and power of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) means that any gender and racial bias at the source is multiplied to the n th power in businesses and out in the world. The impact those technology biases have on society as a whole can’t be underestimated.

When decision-makers in tech companies simply don’t reflect the diversity of the general population, it profoundly affects how AI/ML products are conceived, developed, and implemented. Evolve, presented by VentureBeat on December 8th, is a 90-minute event exploring bias, racism, and the lack of diversity across AI product development and management, and why these issues can’t be ignored.

“A lot has been happening in 2020, from working remotely to the Black Lives Matter movement, and that has made everybody realize that diversity, equity, and inclusion is much more important than ever,” says Huma Abidi, senior director of AI software products and engineering at Intel – and one of the speakers at Evolve. “Organizations are engaging in discussions around flexible working, social justice, equity, privilege, and the importance of DEI.”

Nov 13, 2020

Google Brain Paper Demystifies Learned Optimizers

Posted by in categories: information science, robotics/AI

Learned optimizers are algorithms that can be trained to solve optimization problems. Although learned optimizers can outperform baseline optimizers in restricted settings, the ML research community understands remarkably little about their inner workings or why they work as well as they do. In a paper currently under review for ICLR 2021, a Google Brain research team attempts to shed some light on the matter.

The researchers explain that optimization algorithms can be considered the basis of modern machine learning. A popular research area in recent years has focused on learning optimization algorithms by directly parameterizing and training an optimizer on a distribution of tasks.

Research on learned optimizers aims to replace the baseline “hand-designed” optimizers with a parametric optimizer trained on a set of tasks, which can then be applied more generally. In contrast to baseline optimizers that use simple update rules derived from theoretical principles, learned optimizers use flexible, high-dimensional, nonlinear parameterizations.

Nov 13, 2020

Why Google, Amazon, and Nvidia are all building AI notetakers for doctors

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

Automated medical transcription that’s actually accurate could save doctors a huge amount of time, and the tech giants are getting in on the action.

Nov 12, 2020

Japanese Scientists Create Technology to Control Small Gundam Robots With Their Minds

Posted by in categories: mobile phones, robotics/AI

Japanese researchers have created a mind-controllable Gundam robot, turning one of the anime’s most exciting technological concepts into reality.

The model, based on the mobile suit Zaku, has been available through Bandai’s Zeonic Technics package since last year, but that version requires manual programming on a smartphone app.

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Nov 12, 2020

Post-pandemic innovation takes centre stage in Shenzhen tech fair

Posted by in categories: biotech/medical, robotics/AI

The 22nd edition of the China Hi-Tech Fair, with more than 3,300 online and offline exhibitors from the mainland and overseas, has put renewed emphasis on the ways innovative technology could help people better adapt to changes caused by the Covid-19 outbreak.

China Hi-Tech Fair, the country’s biggest technology show, features a range of artificial intelligence, smart city and robotic applications.

Nov 12, 2020

Inside the world’s first AI-powered satellite — and its fight against clouds

Posted by in categories: robotics/AI, satellites

Intel, Ubotica, and the ESA recently launched the first AI-enabled satellite into Earth’s orbit. The team told TNW about their hopes for the mission.

Nov 12, 2020

The robots haven’t just landed in the workplace—

Posted by in categories: futurism, robotics/AI

They’ re expanding skills, moving up the corporate ladder, showing awesome productivity and retention rates, and increasingly shoving aside their human counterparts. One multi-tasker bot, from Momentum Machines, can make (and flip) a gourmet hamburger in 10 seconds and could soon replace an entire McDonalds crew. A manufacturing device from Universal Robots doesn’t just solder, paint, screw, glue, and grasp—it builds new parts for itself on the fly when they wear out or bust.

Its is Obvious that the future is smart and only those who out smart these robots will remain relevant. Although it’s Stated that Artificial Intelligence can be disruptive, there are immense benefits Humanity can derive from them. Join my Boss Kelvin Ogba Dafiaghor as he share with the International community the massive benefits of Artificial Intelligence Robots.

As the CEO and Founder of OEC, it’s his vision to Domesticate AI in Africa and this Vision is shared by all who understand that the Future is now and its smart.

Nov 12, 2020

Day-Trade Market Clustering with Transdimensional Machine Learning

Posted by in category: robotics/AI

The enthusiastic developer of the “GitHub AI Brain-of-Brains” and “GITHUB2VEC” NLP productivity tools. A passionate multi-discipline Aerospace Mechanical Engineer with extensive experience integrating Artificial Intelligence, Hybrid Reinforcement Machine Learning (Hybrid-NEAT), data science and multi-discipline based simulation in Hybrid Reinforcement Learning based Optimization (Hybrid-NEAT), design and analysis of complex air, space and ground-based systems and engineering tool development.